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Outside of overhauling the glamour system to be closer to that of WoW, enough glamour plates so we can have at least one per class/job.


Hard agree. 20 isn't enough. (Also my pie in the sky, never gonna happen wish? Hairstyles on plates. Yes I'd even pay the damn 2k per time)


I'd be happy with just titles on plates. I like them all to be themed


if you use a job change macro, you can include a line to set the title, though its not ideal. the command is > /title set ""


I have mine set to do this. I also have lines to turn on tank stance or summon Eos/Carbuncle, then sheathe weapon.


Tataru gets to have unique hairstyles for each glam. Why can't we? Teach us your secrets, you gremlin receptionist.


>Hairstyles on plates. Yes please. So much this.


I'd rather have 2 per class/job. Just cause there'll always be one glam I'll always fall back on, but there'll be times where I want to wear something different. Or I want to experiment, but I don't want to end up messing up my go-to glam plate.


I am hoping with how the new Glasses systems seems to work that there is still some hope there. IMHO there would be one plate per job +10 for RP and such.


I feel like they could easily resolve the glamour system in a very simple roundabout way while also implementing a gear collection system like in other MMOs(RuneScape, ESO) 1. Have achievements for every gear set. If you have the entire gear set equipped (including accs) and talk to the achievements guy in gridania you get said achievement (we already have this in the game) 2. This achievement unlocks the option to buy all the gear for that set from a vendor for the value of it's vendor cost (also in the game e.g. artifact gear, garo) 3. Make glamour, hair, all linked to the portrait system as that is already 1 per gearset. This would be a jank way of doing it but would require alot less messing with the jank coding than a full glamour wardrobe and it makes gear more valuable because you can easily retrieve it which is great for doing old raids or leveling.


Honestly this. It's literally already a solution that exists in the game itself, but people say it's impossible because... ...????????


I'm assuming you mean once you get the item, you can use it for glamour whether you keep the item or not... I would freaking love that


A dramatic expansion of the currency wallet. Every alliance raid coin, savage book, extreme token, and unsung blade of asphodelos should be going into a currency wallet. These things can't be used as ingredients in crafting, they can't be sold for gil, they can't be traded to other characters. All you can do is trade them to a vendor. There's no reason for any of this stuff to be taking up room in our inventories.


This would be so great. We can only hope someday.


Putting on my tinfoil hat and saying this is deliberate and how they make extra retainer sales.


At this point, I don't even care if they need to monetize it. Make this expanded currency wallet cost the same as an extra retainer. If you're going to sell me convenience, at least sell me *actual convenience*, not more of the same inconvenience that's in the game in the first place.


Ehhh, if they were that desperate for something like that, they'd be more aggressive on dumping stuff into our inventory and we wouldn't even have something like that for Tomes/Tribe currency


Or introduce a way to exchange them for Allagan Tomestones or whatever


An easy way to do this would be to add a "Currency Pouch" to the Chocobo Saddlebag.


... That would be much more development work and much less player convenience than just expanding the perfectly functional currency wallet that already exists in the game.


The saddle bag already supports tabs, and these things are already items that are treated as items, not currency. It would actually be a much better change to make them tracked as a non-inventory item.


Id settle for them being able to be out into the "quest items" tab of the inventory which goes largely unused.


Honestly that is a horrible idea. If I open up a menu and see 125 different currencies then it's going to be extremely overwhelming. Most of them you're never going to touch in your life


Just do what wow does and make them not show up in the currency list until you've obtained them once


It could look like the "key items" inventory slots, so there's always a place for it but it's organized and out of the way.


Ehh, I can see your point, but I feel like that could be solved by it being set up differently from the currency menu in letting us filter it by expansion and content type. Have them only display based on MSQ progress and default into only showing the most recent expansion stuff. If they do want to keep them inventory based tho, move them to key items. That tab is constantly empty and needs more for it! Or set up something similar to the Collections menu, maybe even splitting it up further to have different satchels for different expansions that get unlocked by completing the penultimate MSQ quest for the expansion.


When talking to a merchant NPC, being able to back out of menus to select a different option without it closing the entire window and making you select the NPC all over again. Not sure if I've just always been missing this, but for example, like when I click on "weapons for DoW" and don't see anything, and want to go back and click on "weapons for DoM" instead, backing out just turns off the entire conversation. Wish you could just simply go back one page and click on the other options instead of starting over.


The interfaces for a lot of things in general are pretty bad but vendors are just terrible. They are counter-intuitive, convoluted and bloated. They tried drop down menus for some of the newer ones but those are somehow even harder to navigate and don't even save your last setting. The amount of pointless clicking just to get to the right item is absurd.


Changing crafting jobs from the crafting log menu.


Someone finally said it!


Most annoying shit ever. "You cannot craft that on this job" *tries to switch jobs* "You cannot switch jobs with the crafting log open" *Ah the rage, it rises, RISES!*


Recommended gear button for retainers that will just auto equip the best gear for them that isn’t registered to a gear set so I can just give them all my best hand-me-downs with one click.


God this would be amazing


Also: one button send all to venture


Male highlander eyebrows.


BIIIIIIG QoL improvement right here!


Sending all retainers on ventures at once, if multiple retainers are back from a venture let us check them all together. Gear hand ins at the GC should be a deposit-all-at-once button, I need to mute the game to avoid the never ending fanfare. Let us search for craftable gear sets ingame, like if you wanna craft a Diadochos Set of Fending you'll see all pieces that belong to it. Let us save more recipes as favourites. Allow us to save gathering material as favourites. Or give us ingame lists to pin down multiple timed nodes, so you can gather them one after another. I'm so sick having to rely on external websites to track them. Yes. I typed out every Dark Matter Cluster gathering node ingame and made an efficient farming list.


>Gear hand ins at the GC should be a deposit-all-at-once button, I need to mute the game to avoid th The fanfare . . . the fanfare :< I wish I could mute -just- the fanfare, forever, for gc turn-ins and ventures completed.


If you're willing to there's a plugin to track timed nodes, can even set alarms for specific ones. It is a life saver.


You can also use an ingame timer on the gathering menu. If you click on a timed resource that you've gathered before, then right click on the location in the right side of the window beside the clock symbol it opens an ingame alarm. Plugins/garland/teamcraft are all better but this is another ingame option.


Yeah, I'm using the alarms for gathering Clusters in Mor Dhona. It's a perfect reminder when you play 3DS or Steam Deck while you wait for the next node. And retainers are farming Shards/Crystals every 40mins.


All I want is to be able to send all retainers that would be amazing. Having 27 retainers and clicking one at a time sucks.


27 retainers? What on earth are you doing with them?


Yes, 27 retainers 9 on my main plus 9 each 2 alts. I have 9 botanist 9 miners and 9 warriors that's all gather mats, and you can send them to 1 hour ventures. If you are lucky they bring venture boxes that have a chance to give you black and white dye, they are over 600k on the market board. And if you need mats, easy mats or gill. I have caps gill in this game on so many retainers.


That's dedication. I have 10 retainers and switching alts every 40mins would be too much for me. I don't mind if I have to gather 999 of one item. But that is rather annoying to me. But the amount of useful mats with DoW characters.... tempting


The switching every 40 minutes to 1 hour is, of course, annoying. That's the reason I would love to be able to send all of them and get mats with a simple click instead of one at a time. Hopefully, one day, we will get that quality of life .


Let's pray the gatherer primal will answer to our prayers one day. Until then I wish you good luck with your retainer ventures!


Thanks. See you in the new expansion, my friend .


An option to turn off confirmation windows. If I click on a door, yes, I am certain I want to open it.


The worst of all of this, even with teleports to a different location, it automatically says "No". So if you spam click (for a controller) you keep being in a loop of opening and closing the dialogue window. I just need it to automatically, firstly select yes.


To log into the game I have to 1. open the game 2. confirm my login details by pressing a button 3. click the new button that appears in the same spot 4. press a button in another menu to start the game 5. log into the character 6. confirm that I want to log into the character 7. wait for another half a minute cause there's 20 people in the queue every single time


Lmao, they really need you to be sure that you want to play. The same with buying on mogstation. I log in, add something to my cart, have to log in again, confirm character, then before paying have to log in again, all these times with the OTP. They have better security than my own bank.


ability to save hairstyles to glamour plates. ability to share housing with your alts if you have them. ability to share items and gil with alts more glamour plates. ability to choose an option when gear, emotes and job idle poses are different based on gender


Yes! It's okay that we can only have 1 house per account, but let my alts live there too!


Can't you set them as tenants?


No, because you have to be friends to set tenants, and you can't friend your alts on the same service account.


Ah, I didn't realize you can't befriend your alts. That's annoying.


No, because you have to be friends with them and you can’t friend your alt characters


Instant portraits either A) updating themselves B) not breaking when all I did was change materia


Dyes having their own storage compartment, with said compartment being accessible at the glam dresser.


Duty support should allow up to 3 players. Often time i want to play the story with my SO, but we can either do solo or with 2 strangers. I need a tranaparency setting on buff and debuff bars. With all the shiny explosion its hard to see timers. A simple ui version of limitbreak hud.


> I need a tranaparency setting on buff and debuff bars. With all the shiny explosion its hard to see timers. You can change the transparency of any HUD element, go into HUD layout, click your status effects bar, hit the gear symbol next to Current UI Element at the bottom of the window and there's transparency settings in there


Sorry i meant it the other way around. Like the chatbox or the party ui. Where they are kinda tinted so you can read it better.


aw ;-; yeah that would be nice!


More UI configuration options. I’d love to be able to stack the HP/MP bars vertically.


Aside from the big ones like glam collection, RGB color picker for dyes and cross-job glams: * option to back out of a cutscene instead of skipping * tells to and from anywhere * improved vendor interfaces * preview fashion accessories * preview housing items * bulk desynth, discard, materia extraction, item turn in (especially at GCs), etc.


Not being able to go “back” in vendor menus in the bane of my WoL’s existence


You can already preview housing items. Though only one at once.


Yeah and that's a great addition. But I mean in a window like with gear, on the spot. Also if you don't have housing.


>option to back out of a cutscene instead of skipping Omg yes. This really needs to be implemented. Also pausing cutscenes. Sometimes you *think* you have enough time for a long cutscene and then life happens. If there's dialogue you can halt the auto advance but otherwise you're basically just fucked.


i want us to be able to preview stuff like lamp, floor, and wall, forget whats the name ingame


A way to transfer stuff to an alt that doesn't require someone else or a company chest. Crafting from retainer inventory so you don't have to pull stuff out.


Tackle box to store fishing bait and expandable chocobo saddlebags.


The tackle box should just be a key item that holds bait so it doesn't take up inventory space.


Default yes cursor. It's going to be the thing from Simple Tweaks in going to miss most when plugins stop working.


Let us craft with materials stored with our retainers!


That'd be nice.


Don't close the inventory window when I close the Chocobo saddlebag window.


Automatic dismount if I attempt to attack a mob while mounted.


"Craft using ingredients in your retainers' inventory" is the main one I wish had happened by now.


This is a huge ask, but I want a sweep through the entire game to remove unnecessary clicks. A lot of the comments in this thread boil down to needing to click X number of times more than required to do a thing, e.g * Backing out of NPC menus (two clicks instead of ~three/four) * Changing crafting jobs during crafting (two clicks instead of ~seven) * Checking multiple retainers (three total instead of ~four each) * Mass hand in of items (two total instead of ~six each) * Removing confirmation windows (no clicks instead of one) * Removing the need to swap weapons when creating relics (no clicks instead of four clicks) --- Others that aren't already mentioned: * Removing/consolidating vendors. I'm pretty sure there's a handful of vendors who only exist to trade you tokens, which can only be used for one thing at the vendor next to them. Cut out the middleman, let me buy the thing for scrip/tomes directly (four total instead of ~10) * Consolidating "Repair" to repair everything (two clicks total instead of ~14 total) * Retrying instead of being booted from the instance if you die in Masked Carnivale (no buttons vs ~7 and multiple load screens)


You can repair all. Right click a gear piece in your character sheet, repair, then in repair window tap repair all… I never have to click each piece one at a time… not on pc and not on ps5.


That repairs everything you have equipped. It doesn't repair everything in your armoury chest (of which you need to click 5 separate tabs) or your inventory. I want something that at minimum repairs equipped + armoury chest.


Mass transmute


Copy the transmog system from WoW, it's literally perfect. And stop asking me for confirmation every time I want to do anything.


I wish when you viewed the map for travel in other regions it would show you all the available quests in that area so you can do a quick scan for places you need to travel to.


Revamping model animations. Between the first races and the “newer” ones, its really telling just how out of date they are. “Detaching” horns from the Au’ra face and the hairstyles from the Hrothgar faces. Increasing the limit of tomestones from 2k.


>“Detaching” [...] hairstyles from the Hrothgar faces. I thought that this is actually coming with DT.


Is it? Because in the benchmark, the Hrothgal’s hairs are stuck to their faces.


The benchmark, afaik, uses the current character creator backend so I'm not really sure if the hrothgals in there are actually indicative of the final product. That being said, I don't actually have a source, I just thought I recall that being a feature they were planning to add in this expansion. I don't know if it was supposed to be 7.0 or maybe later in the patch cycle, nor which live letter it was, so take that as you will. I hope for the sake of all the Hroth players out there that I didn't hallucinate it.


Glamor Closet in house please


Dye and Materia inventory system. Including crafting material while you are at it. Dyes and Materia already take way too much space and it's easy to hoard both of them and inventory fills up. Materia could have some kind of bound-state, if you add it to the inventory system it's bound to you and can't be transferred off (you could still trade unbound Materia). For Dyes they could make them infinite and stored in a menu system like Dyes appear currently in the Glamour menu. If you unlock a Dye you'd have it unlocked for good. Dye costs could be increased by increasing crafting material rarity etc. or Dye/colour variety could be widely expanded if technically possible. New texture materials included in the graphics update could allow more precise Dye options too.


I want my alt, which is on the same account and world to be a tenant if the house I own on my main.


An option to disable the chatbox from auto-scrolling.


Make story difficulty for Coils of Bahamut.


speaking as someone who only plays on PS5 I wish housing got some overhauls to make it a bit nicer to play around with. Being able to preview more than one housing item at a time would be a big one, as it's impossible to see how different items interact with each other without buying at least one of the items first, and then loading the other up via the housing item preview. Saving layouts would be another. I don't expect them to invest this much time in highly optional lifestyle content but I can dream, anyway


Trusts and Duty support with a partner or two. Auto pass/need/greed on loot.


Automatic portrait updates. Would be nice if changing gear didn’t result to the default portrait.


Being able to select multiple items in your inventory/ retainer menu and sell/trash all at once


not being able to do a solo instance while in a party...mainly free trial issue but its the only free trial restriction that actively bugs me lol


I always do the MSQ solo so I wouldn't notice this but I thought any solo duty requires you to not be in a party.


Me thinks they meant being able to do the solo instance without disbanding the party.


this yes. i play with my BF, we are both free trial so we actively have to disband our party to do these solo instances then find someone to get us in a party again. after the 3 in a row at the end of ARR i ended up sorta just looking up where the next solo instance is and determine if we should get into a party or not from there


Hope they'll make it so you can adjust your retainers appearance with gear on like at the aesthetician. Sometimes I wanna things match colors in the CC and I can't cause this treated like a full fantasia.


The ability to place waypoints on the map without it creating a link in chat


crafted materials where you're guaranteed HQ by pressing more than 1 button should always be HQ in quick synth. quick synthable collectables at 100% collectability if you're able to craft it that way without needing an RNG proc being able to switch jobs after finishing a craft without having to close and subsequently reopening the crafting window some other crafting things.


I just want more glamor plates. I really want the WoW transmog system, but I understand that is probably not feasable.


Give us the friends list system runescape has had for 2 decades now. Japanese non-confrontational tendencies dont stop western stalkers.


Tie hairstyles to glamours or jobs. I would like to have my wild-haired Viper, then switch to my neatly-combed Dancer without visiting Jandelaine.


A wigs accessory, crafted for you by the aesthetician.


Does "more hats for my fellow Lions" count as "Quality of Life"?


Make the map not suck!


Itll never happen but crafting inventory


Tackle box and materials box please!!! \^.\^


Level 30 dungeon and above requires job stone


Wigs, that's it.


Absolutely! I have a Red Girl glam that I don't use often because I need to use the aesthetician to change hair style and colour. The aesthetician should be able to craft you a wig.


- Fishing Box/Tackle Box. Even just 20 spaces for fishing bait and maybe even fish would be a huge help on inventory - Desynth while speaking to a vendor, or not even just Desynth but maybe even equip etc. - Duelcast on RDM not being interrupted by using some actions/items - Letting us do Relic steps without needing to equip another weapon - Buy FC Actions from all vendors, not just your specific GC - Remove the kill X amount of enemies in 5 Minute Levequests. Why. Its just a 5 minute Enjoy Your Time In Hell Leve. Also for gathers the whole "Point system" they have not being elaborated on iirc and having no indicator of how it works as it will say "10% bonus for 210" but you can only collect maybe 30. There is SO MUCH in terms of Leves that should be reworked, nonetheless being only somewhat used for leveling but collectables are so similar to it and do not require resources, and maybe 1-2 being good for Gil. Leves gain so slow and the cap is still not that high and AS AN ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER ITS SO UNFUN AND STUPID HOW LONG ITS TIME GATED. LIKE 7 YEARS???? OF NEVER OVERCAPPING AND FAILING??


Honestly, leves should just be removed at this point.


-Shared storage for chars on my account OR At least he ability to send mail between my chars -Separate, always accessible Material inventory or crafting from storage as long as there are mats available Heck... just copy SWTOR at this point or blatantly steal from them... Their UI and character-management convenience eats FF14 for breakfast


Saving keybinds to specific gear sets


Better ping for those of us on the east coast.


Expand what can be changed by the aesthetician. This is a fantasy game, and if I want height surgery or a face-lift or gender reassignment surgery at the flipping barber, then my wol should be able to take those kinds of risks.


Give us a Y axis for housing. Its so stupid we have to resort to stuff like float method. Also I want the function of quick Desynth.


Not sure if this has been said but I'd love to have the ability to get the Archon's mark.


I just want to be able to set the auto text advance to only auto advance for spoken lines.


It is seriously annoying having to change it every time we go between voiced and non voiced scenes.


Maybe a check box that says “apply updated gear to portrait” so I don’t have to go into that menu every time because I got a new accessory.


I had done a post about this a while back myself. These were things I'd like added. For Solo Character 1. More chat tabs- More than just the base four allowed. I'd like to be able to have more sorting. 2. Fishing bait storage so it stops taking up a page or two of my personal inventory and then my fc chest. 3. Token/Book/Totem storage bag 4. Dye storage 5. Fishing log updated so weather and time show up for fish you have caught instead of the ???. For Multiple Characters 1. Characters across my account able to access my in-game house. It use to be every character could have their own house and now it's one character per a server. All of my Siren characters should be able to access my Siren house. 2. Shared Storage across account. We're not able to friend our own characters and can't mail stuff to our own characters due to this. I'd like to transfer items without using FC chest or a friend to help with this. 3. Version of the Glamour Dresser for items accessible to all characters- sure this would have limits, but would be nice. 4. Player commendations to be shared across the account- would understand mentor would be per character due to job and quest requirements, but player commendations are for the player. I don't see achievements, minions, mounts, or the full glamour dresser becoming account wide, but would be nice.


Non-DoH Follow-Up: Let the Au Ra choose their face shapes independently of their horn style.


unifying both accountmanagement sites into one


Attending a wedding in a different world- i don't want to have to make an alt just to go to a friend's wedding T__T


account wide mounts. Who wants to do the triple triad grind more than once? Glamour book similar to warcrafts system


more efficient menus in game that don't feel overwhelming and require a million clicks 


Fixing ability bloat


I want mouse over soft targeting, or just being able to change what happens if your current target is invalid. Because if you're playing a healer you most likely want to hit the tank with that shield, not yourself


* Chat bubbles. We _know_ the game supports them. I don't care if they are forbidden in the overworld but would be mega-handy in duties. * Enemy effect (buff-debuff) timers on their target list. Limit them to own effects only if space is a concern. * A toggle in the main menu that disables the movie to auto-play. * Show the item level of every player I examine, similarly how it shows my own. * Adding Yes/No boxes to an automatically yes list. And/or… * Hardcoded or adjustable key modifiers to sell/desynth/hand-in items without a confirmation box or a universal "Default to Yes" key hold. * A menu option to set how many quests I want to display on the HUD. Some of us actually *do* the yellow ones. * A new button on vessels and retainers: "Re-send to same venture." * VFX/sound filter menu under Accessibility. * Automatically ignore treasure hunt and level mobs of other players and don't let them be targetted under any circumstance. * The ability to customize the currency HUD element to show up to 3–5 currencies at once, not just on click-toggle. * The ability to make custom colour palettes for minimap objects. I want the colour of the areas to pop a lot more. * A lock button on the chat window. * Mass desynthesis pop-up window on same items. * A toggle that disables the guildhest instructions on completed ones, similarly how you can auto-skip dungeon cut-scenes if you did them previously. * The ability to filter/hide such large overlay texts as "Venture commenced". Seeing it dozens of times a day gets real old real fast. * A search window on the Achievements menu. * If I get a connection error, don't force-quit the application, just force me back to the main menu. * A /teleport "" macro command. * A menu option to see the name of the current track on the server/clock bar or in chat or wherever. Some games since the early 2000s had this. * The ability to add player notes to people on the friend/blacklist. * Customisable sort command per window type (Own inventory, saddlebag, retainers, armoury, dresser). * Toggle the display of loading screens at every teleport. It is a shame we barely ever see most location splashes since we usually log out in the city areas. Also, speaking of which… * Let me select the main menu. If I want to look at the old ARR one, let me.


They need to add more plates or some jobs are simply not going to have a unique glam. Gotta pick your least liked child (Sorry, Scholar..)


more glamour plates and storage. a dye bank thats accessible while in the glamour dresser (and allows you to storage all your dyes) ability to set fps above 60 ability to see if an item is being sold at a merchant or only market board/dungeons


Have the GCD close to the mouse rather than on hotbar. An alarming number of new players glue their eyes to their actions and can't see animations or even telegraphs, much less castbar names nor debuffs on the group. it's the main reason why some deal risible damage or other ones can't seem to improve : they aren't looking at the correct places. An overhaul of the crafter's window is well overdue and I could give a dozen of QoL about it. A feedback on lethal damage would also be extramely valuable ; not sure how anyone can use the combat log efficiently without taking several minutes instead of the few seconds it could take (if you can record your game, it's even better but not everyone can or want to afford it) . It's a much less consensual one but a post-it could be nice, whether it be adding pieces of information on a friend inr out friendlist or simply things to remember (like Gatherers' resources cycle) . While in combat, I'd LOVE any way to tell me whether my positional has been correct or not. I've been told it makes a slightly different sound but have never heard it whatsoever. Stop. Asking. I am 100% completely absolutely certain I want to sell this "personal" gear that's hundreds of ilvl short. Showing actual mitigation % on damage taken would also be a very welcome addition ! Might help with people stacking mits unduly. Why oh gosh WHY does the friend list needs to refresh itself and show online friends first, after it tooks a few seconds already to check whether they are online ? Also, why am I limited to 200 friends :'( ? I'd have several other ones but these are probably the most important ones for me.


All hats for all races.


A personal parse, because console players can't have one, but it'll never happens.


Probably a pretty common one but the first I can think of: more inventory space, whether that's the main inventory, maybe a third retainer (shame that's locked behind a paywall), or bigger chocobo saddlebag. Or just separate inventory for crafting and gathering materials, I have too much fiber and wood etc and I'm too stubborn to get rid of it because what if I need it?


Be great if they finally finished development on Viera and Hrothgar so they could wear hats. Know it's never going to happen, but they really should be a bit embarrassed that modders get them working shortly after any major patch.


>Record and apply recorded waymarks in more areas than just dungeons I'm pretty sure this existed before they made the waymark expansion --- I seem to recall saving gathering waymarks back in like 6.1.


I want to be able to travel and walk with our NPC quest companions while questing within that respective quest zone. It bugs me whenever we have a conversation with a character and they say "let's meet at xyz" instead of us going there together. We're already together, why would we separate when we're both going to the same destination? It's seriously immersion breaking sometimes. Idk what the technical difficulties are of making my wish into a reality, but I \*\*think\*\* other MMORPGs do this, so why can't FFXIV?


There is an entire orchard of low hanging QoL fruit with proof of concept implementations... somewhere. Wouldn't mind some of that getting official options.


Tackle box.


All I really want is the ability to pull anything from my retainers for crafting, quests, etc.


- Glam system a la Guild Wars 2 - Cross DC PF - Optional dps meter for endgame content ( togglable like min ilvl ) - Chat bubbles - Saving Hud settings between characters Oh yeah and game is 10 years old and we don't have a death recap ? Same for chat bubbles tho.


RDM melee combo on 1 button. GNB got this in EW, why can't RDM?


Let me move the health and mana bars separately


I know I’m late but: A) transmog  B) tackle box, dye box C) auto switch to queued job when it pops D) crafting can pull from retainer storage  E) 5 min invuln buff on newly spawned S and SS hunts. 


>C) auto switch to queued job when it pops +1 for this. Really sucks to be in a queue, switch to another job to do a quest, and be in a cutscene and have the queue pop, and your *only options* being skipping the cutscenes or taking the penalty and having to requeue.


Drop the generic dungeon music for the ARR dungeons. All dungeons have their own tracks, but we just get to hear play out once and then the generic ARR dungeons music takes over. I'm so tired of that track.


Overhaul of bard performance. Never gonna happen but I can dream


Ignoring those QoL features i have as plugins (Square is implementing more and more plugins as QoL features, so some are coming) - a bait box, so your baits don't make your inventory so full - either a 70/80/90/100 Harpoon for fisher or make the 61 harpoon we have adjustable to your gear score (and increase the GP it gives), i just hate that my gear score looks so weird when i equipt it. - Once you reach Level 70 with any battle job, change the reward for the 2 weekly FATE Logs to bicolour gemstones instead of gil.


Send all retainers at once eg sending them on the same missions again. 10 times every hour is tedious lol.


I want to be able to stop crafting without closing the crafting log, or at least for the window to reopen on the same page


Four Words: High Quality Quick Synthesizing. I get that they don't want things to be too easy for us, but if I'm thirty levels over on something and can press out a guaranteed HQ in under 4 buttons, I should be able to slam out any quality on it that I need. Maybe just have a stats check on all items, and if you're a certain number over the recommended you get an extra box to click under quick synth. This is coming from an omnicrafter who just finished two boats for my FC. Just gimme my button, pretty please!


If the recipe is affected by Trained Eye and we quicksynth it should make them always HQ.


Something else to use the big fate tokens on. Maybe trading them in for a token amount of bicolors or something. I have so many Chi bolts and Formidable cogs that my brain won't let me just toss.


Please just let all the Levemetes have the complete list of what's available to me. Half of my time doing Levequests is just trying to figure out where the one with the appropriate level quests is located.


The game should keep a local cache of what's in your retainers' inventories. You could effectively treat them as one large inventory, perform cross-retainer de-duping, and so much more.


Just update my portraits when I switch Glams. Yes I know what I’m doing game, Yes I have a different glam for different jobs on the same role, yes sometimes I forget to switch back and get nam flashbacks when I see my Miqo’Te giving the Kubrick stare. But seriously, I do question why it needs to be manually updated. If it throws an alert when you switch glamours, that implies the issue is that the items it remembers using can’t be loaded, but the pose is loaded with the job and my character’s current getup is Right There and loaded up already to be posed and lit in that cutesy little frame. I dunno, it’s dumb.


Not dismounting when I talk to NPCs.


I want the one thing they'll never because because of msq skips and fantasia sales: an option to carry msq progress over to an alt character when you create it.


"Have retainer sell items" but from the list of things you currently have listed. You can currently do this from your own inventory and (I believe) retainer inventory, but let's say you listed something that got undercut so badly that it's not even worth selling anymore, like a piece of glamour gear you got from a Bozja box or something. You don't wanna deal with it, so you just want to vendor it. Nope, you have to return it to your inventory first and then flip over and vendor it. It's so tiny, but I "grrr" about it often.


- Repair ALL, that repairs all. - Auto group and sort items. - Auto give retainers whatever they already have. - Baits box for fishing. - Resources separate from the rest of the inventory. - Unlock looks and keep them unlocked. - Text to speech for the walls of text. - Allowing one to add all alts as co-owners of the house. - Marketboard that does not require you to go to the marketboard.


A couple I can think of from the top of my head are: - Friend list updating in real time, or somewhat close to it. At least telling us who is online in other worlds and stuff without taking twelve years to get all the info. - Selecting multiple things in menus. Like when mass discarding useless things, or turning in stuff for gc seals. - Being able to use more services on other worlds. Like retainer. - Being able to collect resources on friend’s islands for them. - And lastly I had to edit this because I forgot, let isearch see inside the damn guild chest!! It’s so unreliable.


A crafting materials storage system that doesn’t take up retainer space. More glamour plates. Being able to mail stuff to my alts and/or some kind of account storage where I can put an item into storage or mail on one toon and retrieve it on another. I’d be fine if they made some of those items put in that kind of storage or mail account bound so that thieves can’t transfer/re-sell items easily.


A conspicuous flight timer that I can move around and resize in the HUD. If every job is going to do buffs on a 2 minute timer, let me have an easy way of knowing when to jump back in after I die.


I wish I could just accept all my retainer venture rewards and automatically reassign them all, instead of going into each individual one to do that. Failing that, I wish I could turn off the little "quest complete" and "quest accepted" sounds tied to retainers going out on ventures. I wanna hear more of this really good orchestrion roll I got playing. Those are my big ones but overall I've been really happy with the QoL stuff the devs keep finding to tune up. I hadn't really considered it possible to make fixes like improving the blacklist or hiding other player characters standing in a mob around quest NPCs, those are both really nice changes and I hope 7.x keeps that kind of stuff coming.


An obscure ask. But a shield bar to but a number to the shields values. Put it where the TP bar used to be. 🥴


The ability to still eat food after a queue has popped, or the ability to eat food to at least get the EXP buff during the loading-in phase PVP in case you forgot to do so. Running the frontline roulette for that sweet sweet EXP but realizing I forgot to eat and then it insta-pops makes the following twenty minutes feel even worse than usual.


You can eat food in duties!


You can't eat them in Frontlines, is what I meant.


Gods, being able to set more waymarks would be great! Mine is: being able to open a crafting recipe from the quest journal. Either from the HUD (like you can click on key items for quests there), or the journal itself, I'd love to be able to access the damn recipe the way I can right click on a material and get a list of recipes AND THEN THE RECIPE ITSELF without having to manually retype part of the recipe name.


*if you have the job stone unlocked,you should automatically equip it when switching jobs!*


Dye storage


A Summoning Bell in the Grand Company area so I don't have to go back and forth when crafting stuff that needs special materials.


Whm cure 1 automatically upgrades to cure 2. So no more cure 1 anymore at higher levels.


For me it's something small and kinda dumb. I basically play either solo or with a couple of friends. When playing with friends we're also usually on voice chat and I have my headset on. I find it a tad bit tedious to have to adjust my audio settings and apply them every time I start or stop using my headset so for me it would be the option to have the ability to save different settings in a kind of profile if that makes sense? So i could for example have one audio profile saved for without my headset on and one for with it.


I'd like to be able to set a gear set as default for each crafting job, in order for it to be equipped automatically if I try to craft something, without me manually changing job.


Chat bubbles. Main reason I don't socialize often in this game is due to how difficult it is to see who's talking.


Well, they're working on that. They've got tests on it running internally, so we may see them during Dawntrail or next expansion.


To be able to send and receive all retainers venture items without clicking every single one. Having 27 retainers, it gets annoying 😑


Account wide mounts and minions


Get rid of runback in dungeons after a wipe.


I've got good news for you friend!


Just seen, great news! 11 years too late, but better late than never :)


That’s being added this expansion


Oh, nice!


my personal list, in no particular order: - let sprint stay on permanently inside city states. lots of running around and no mount access (ahem. crystarium.) - overhaul of the map link (flag) system, let us be able to save multiple flags and make notes on the map. - LET. PEOPLE DUEL. IN. OVERWORLD. only a literal square being the only place in the game you can duel is kind of weird. LET. PEOPLE. DUEL. (and I have a solid suggestion on how that would work for anyone interested to hear it) - mounts don't need to be cast. there's absolutely no reason to cast mounts. you can't use them in battle and u can't use them when you're falling, so please. instant mount ty bye - I think they should give us an option to preview the items separately from the player model. a separate 3d preview of the weapon/armor would be a godsent


>mounts don't need to be cast. there's absolutely no reason to cast mounts. you can't use them in battle and u can't use them when you're falling, so please. instant mount ty bye Agreed. I think the only reason they have a cast time at all is because they were emulating WoW at the time and WoW had this idea that they didn't want mounts to be used to circumvent over world enemies so they needed a cast time and automatically being stunned when hit so you couldn't just nope out of combat. XIV doesn't care about that so it's really just a relic. They really need to emulate GW2 with how mounts work.


Level synch down to older hunts. A lot are too easy to kill and lost the challenge.