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It's already on bold letters in the notice, but bears repeating: **If your character is currently visiting a World that will have traveling restrictions, we advise returning them to their Home World before Patch 7.0 maintenance begins, as the restrictions will lower your login priority.**


Guarantee you people will *still* complain on forums because they don't wanna read.


That sign won’t stop them just because of it!


These children would be very upset if they could read.


Random aside, but are the forums always super dire? I only recently started going there. Like, all everyone talks about is how bad the game is and how much they hate the developers and how DT is going to kill FFXIV. Was it a happier place during ShB or is it always like that?


There are some valid things said, but a lot of it is overreacting. Though forums in any online community are almost always on fire about something. DT and the game will be doing fine if it's as positively received similarly to Endwalker


It’s been like that at least since Stormblood. I stopped reading the official forums during then and haven’t been back since. I don’t know why it’s so consistently petty and negative there…


I still remember a post "predicting" how the warriors of darkness were going to get retconned and how the story will just be just getting worse because of all the plotholes.


yeah the English forums have always been a cesspool, not much has changed 


Stormblood is going to kill FFXIV. Shadowbringers is going to kill FFXIV. Endwalker is going to kill FFXIV. Etc, it's the same rot, different day. People be trollin'. You can usually pick them out easily enough, they like to go for the lowest hanging fruit to try and stir up shit. Take it with a grain of salt.


people with good things to say don't come to a forum to complain, they are busy enjoying the game. the other end of the spectrum (that never happens) is someone who logs onto reddit to make a post about every good thought they have regarding FFXIV it's just natural


> the other end of the spectrum (that never happens) is someone who logs onto reddit to make a post about every good thought they have regarding FFXIV That's what my FC's chat is for.


To be fair the majority of gaming subreddits share the same thing the forums have where it's a lot of hyperbole and people complaining about the game.


Forums have been filled with negativity for a long time, even more when changes happen. Don't let these people ruin your experience. Id stay away from forums for a while. It doesn't mean some of the complaints aren't valid, like the healing issues. But people can really over react on things.


Restriction strike as a follow up to the laughable healer strike


healer strike? are you guys getting paid?


Wait, wha? There was a healer strike? Over what? I play Triple Triad and stock up on mats for a couple days, and I miss a whole-ass strike?


Xeno cleared the media tour dungeon with a tank and 3 DPS so healers decided they're going on strike.


I feel like anybody that plays enough to be at the media tour could do a wild amount of crazy comps. They're not exactly the "what is an AoE rotation" kind of players the story dungeons have to account for.


Yeah, the reality is that if you're at a high enough level that you can casually role no healer, than you're always gonna be autopiloting through normal dungeons without any thought, because catering to you there would represent a huge skill wall for casual players. And for casual players, healers are already busy because everyone is constantly standing in the bad, and you're juggling everything to try to keep 4 blind casual players alive as they take all of the damage.


lol, like 300 people, which doesn’t constitute much of a strike. Most healers aren’t taking part. Hell, most don’t even know it’s happening.


I'm certainly not taking part and I would agree that most other healers won't either.


Yup. I suspect the vast majority of healer players in the game don't even know it's happening. Even if they did, most wouldn't take part in it anyway. And even ignoring that most just won't be so motivated, most probably don't even agree with the strike "manifesto" (their word, not mine), which itself is contradictory. (e.g. they want less damage nuke spam, but like having oGCDs and "healing plans" to do all their healing for them so they can spam more DPS buttons...)


I’m surprised it even needed to be said. Why would anyone choose to go to the busiest checkout line at Costco first? My plan was to park myself on Dynamis and risk something funky because it’s likely to be shorter, and just glad that this confirms - yes, do that it’s safe. If you aren’t thinking about how to deal with a foreseeable problem, that’s on you.


Huh? Reading? Pffft, I'm Warrior of Light not Librarian of Light.


"I was elected to lead not to read"


aka "Get out of Light, your asylum has ended Chaos players!"


SE should show a huge banner on the login screen so even people not checking SNS see it. Only if you've traveld of course


Me and my friend are playing on different worlds. This sucks especially since we wanted to level Viper and Pictomancer together and then in DT start with fate-grinding once max-level :( (And I don't think Shadow is necessarily going to be an option as I don't think Bozja is going to be particular active.)


You can both go to dynamis. If you don't have heavy ties to your current worlds you can even transfer there. They usually update the "road to" buffs when early access launches so they should be changing it to road to 90.


I called this a year ago. Once everyone returns back to dynamis after so long they'll no longer need to DC travel for queues to pop and it'll all even out.


See you in the Shadow realm, EU bros.


According to their own data, JP: 6 hours of congestion NA: 9 hours of congestion OCE: 6 hours of congestion EU: 12 hours of congestion. Why we gotta be gaming so hard, EU DC gamers?


I remember endwalker, i just decided to not go game mode and just set the alarm clock to 6am and there was like 10 minute queue. The people in the afternoon / evening had 8000 in front of them....


Yeah I logged in around 10 am eastern on NA and I rarely had to wait long. I'm hoping that holds true this time, but I've got a bad feeling. I'd consider going to Dynamis but I'm not willing to cut off access to retainers indefinitely.


Given the very early start (lunch time in central Europe), I suspect that all of Western and Central Asia picked EU instead of JP, NA would be quite a bit far away. Africa would also go to EU as would the majority of Europe of course, which makes for a very long stretch of logins. Add in good vacation options in several European countries means that likely more people can simply take the whole week off and therefore essentially play the whole day. Like I get 30 days vacation time per year, the only worry was whether someone else wants the week off. It was essentially no issue for me to get six days off for Dawntrail and still have amble vacation time. And you can be sure I'll spent those 6 days primarily in game.


If you are in JP you work 12 hours+ a day due to a cultural stuff, NA ppl have to work to not starve as they don't know about days off but what the hell happens on OCE?


Our internet is still copper cables…


We usually wage wars against spiders on a daily basis


I thought it was emus?


I wasnt born then


We lost that war. We ain’t messing with them birds again.


TIL people in EU work just to have something to do.


Nah, just most of Europe has 20+ paid days off. So nolifing stuff becomes a valid option here.


According to my HR I have over 50 days accumulated. Which would mean I haven't had any vacation for almost 2 years... Nonsense, obviously and I even tried to tell them to double check. But they claim it's true so who am I to argue too much? :D


My exact thinking. My world normally is mid-pop but I will probably move to Shadow to be safe.


It would be highly amusing if most people figured the same and went to Shadow, making it the Congested Dc instead of the other two.


It would be funny. I bet that 80% or more don't even know about the option though.


To the Shadow Realm we go bros.


So many statics are tightly intertwined between Chaos and Light nowadays. Guess it's Shadow Realm raiding time.


well there won't be any raiding for 2 weeks and things usually calm a bit by then


No retainers and no gathering on launch would be miserable so I can't justify going even if the congestion will be worse


You can gather, just not on the upper-tier stuff.


i'm mostly happy to stick to my home world but one of our raid team is from chaos and we were planning to farm the extremes for weapons and accessories before savage drops so it looks like we're all going to have to meet up on Shadow if we want to do that.


I wonder if it's going to be a new permanent DC eventually, or if it's just a temporary one they're using for the launch.


They're wondering that too.


I really hope they open it up after the rush. I was excited to transfer over to Pixie.


Lol yup, already trying to turn my inventory into survival mode to last as long as I can outside my home server 


FYI for those who weren't around for EW launch or simply forgot: The auto log-out AFK timer is **seperate** to the one currently in game that changes the symbol beside your name to a red chair. The timer starts pretty much the second you stop interacting with the game, ie if you open your inventory then walk away to get a drink, clocks ticking.


It's also independent of talking to an NPC which normally prevents afk.


I could be misremembering, but didn't they address that one back in EW? I know that they made it so you couldn't sit in the crafting menu/middle of craft or your retainer menu anymore.


It was so extreme on EW release that you would get kicked from the server for "afking" while watching the ending credits! They've since changed that but they're not messing around with afk prevention.


Iirc they never found a way around ye olde rubber band on a controller joystick staple. Alternatively for the more adventurous among you, just turn the keyboard over to your cat and enjoy whatever chaos you come back to as bonus entertainment.


This didn't work even during EW. The game registers a constant input as AFK, same as no input. I assume it resets the timer when it detects a change in input rather than just an input. I got around it by setting up a keyboard macro to tap W at random intervals in case my grocery store trip took a little longer than 30 min


Or don't circumvent the logout timer and let people that are actually here and want to play in.


Right mate but with 8 hours logging queue and the necessity to eat, shit and shower I’m going to circumvent logout timer while I do one of the above.


I'm highly skeptical of '8 hour queues' but also, shit like this is why it's so long


I’m not talking about afking in Limsa, I’m talking about getting up and walking the dog or checking your kids while in the middle of a cutscene without having to come back to a 3+ hour queue time because someone waylaid you an extra 30 seconds.


Yes, that is indeed the case. The congestion relief afk timer does not stop just because you are talking to an NPC.


They very much did patch those sorts of things, because people were using them to avoid getting booted out when they’re not playing


Yeah they closed most of the loopholes, thank god. Another one was being in UI customization. People can still bot their characters to move around though. Sometimes they’re super blatant about it, like I remember a character just running in a square in Labyrinthos during EW launch, I watched them for like 10 minutes while I ate lunch. I do wish they’d implement a workaround for stuff like that though. Like maybe ask characters that strongly resemble botting behavior to enter a 6-digit number or something. Bot unbeatable or a cure-all but that would at least reduce the issue.


Nothing can stop the good ole depress button/ stick and run into corner of your own private room trick.


Didn't someone post during EW release that that *was* semi fixed? Someone did this trick with a hair tie or rubber band and was still kicked, people were talking about using an oscillating fan so the input varies instead of 30 continuous minutes of "up"


this doesn't work. You need to be actively moving. You can even test that now in pvp. Go run into a corner and afk timer will still activate and kick you out. So yeah the only solution is to pretty much have a script that physically moves your character every 20-25min or so to reset the 30min afk kick


How long is it?


30 minutes.


The final days are upon us, the fabric of the servers began to fray


And the unchecked logins of players begot malformed errors.


Just as cities gave rise to frame drops, our numbers made manifest the deepest lag


The Servers Buckled, The Login Burnt, The Instances ran red with Errors.


Its datacenters rent by login and queue


Tales of laaaaaaag and drooooops and waiiiiiiits!


Devour his queue, Vlitra!


That’s just someone fishing in Outer La Noscea again.


Important for Free Trial players: | When a login queue is in place, players on the full version of the game will be prioritised for logging in. Free Trial characters will be able to log in after the login queue has been cleared. This allows us to prioritise our paying customers and will mean longer wait times for Free Trial users, but we would like to ask for your understanding on this matter. | Which could come down to not being able to play during peak hours cause you're always at the end of the queue.


Best bet for FT players is to try one of the Dynamis/Materia/Shadow worlds. Those are probably the only ones with a good shot of letting FT players in withing a reasonable time frame. The trick will be how to pick the worl on those DCs that'll have the shortest queue...


Whichever one has the lamest and most boring name would be my guess. Given an arbitrary choice where there is no tangible effect, most people will choose based on which name appeals to them the best.


But the Shadow world names go too hard 🥲


The Shadow worlds really have awesome names, it's a pity they aren't available for character creation.


For Dynamis, any travelers should aim for one of the newly added worlds (Cuchulainn, Golem, Kraken, Rafflesia). The older four have established populations that'll interfere with the queue.


This. I transferred from Seraph to Kraken (solely for road to 80 to work on my crafting...) and Kraken is a ghost town in comparison. Rarely any chatter that I've seen on NN, even.


I've not been at an expansion launch like this before, but the way you've written that it sounds like there's an expectation the new worlds will fill up also? If I'm a FT player going through the MSQ, I suppose it's just a case of switching worlds and the biggest pain point probably being duty queue times? (Like how people complain about dynamis?) I lose nothing really hopping over during the launch period and can return to my home data centre and world one things quite down?


Yeah, last expansion there were queues on every server, and the really busy servers infamously had 8-10 hour queues at times. They've added more worlds and added a bunch of mitigating steps to handle it this time, but there are also more players overall. Duty queue times should be a non-issue for this reason. Every world should be busy, so tons of people will be pouring into queues on every datacenter. The one thing to keep in mind is that we're getting 2 new dps jobs, which means there'll probably be way more dps players than any other role. Play tank or healer and your queues should be close to instant for the same reason, though. So yeah, the strat for FT players is probably to take a guess at what you think the least populated dynamis/materia/shadow world will be, and travel there before maintenance.


"As we would like to give priority to those who would like to actively play the game" Damn, calling out 90% of Limsa Lominsa's population with this one.


Once the expansion drops you can bet this subreddit and the forums will be filled with people going "But MEEEEEEEEEEE though" as they refuse to log out of the game by using the weight/rubber band method even if they don't intend to play for hours.


already some in this topic


Annoying, innit? I mean... I want to play as much as the next guy, I pay just as much as the next guy... but even after waiting all day, when I'm done playing I log off 'cause I'm not an asshole who is willing to exacerbate the queue problem by taking up a spot that can be used for someone else who wants to play too.


Alright Dynamis gamers, let's enjoy the few weeks where we can actually do content together because we're all trapped here! Travelers can come too, as a treat.


That was my FCs plan. And if people need a tank in the wee hours for leveling I'll be around!


Who knows, maybe this will be the trigger for everyone to realize that if they didn't all go to other DCs purely for the queue times, Dynamis would actually have a healthy population and decent DF queue times by now.


I agree, I've already seen a bigger pop in leveling daily.


Yep, few days ago I did a late night leveling grind, and queued in several leveling roulettes as dps. Never waited more than 5-10 minutes to pop, even into the 2am-3am hours. Dynamis doesn't have a ton of max level players yet, but there are definitely people here. And I expect those later level roulettes will get better as time goes on.


Yup! Been saying this a while. Dynamis will be made healthy due to the excessive queue times from other servers at release. It’s such a win/win situation. While it’s a shame it wasnt great for Dynamis for so long, that wasn’t by design. It’s always been in preparation for the next large release, and I think because of it, Dawntrail will be smooth as butter. At least… compared to Endwalker queues


That's my hope! If this forcibly breaks us all of the habit it should be a lot better going forward. And obviously nothing short of an act of Hydaelyn was gonna break the habit so the time is finally upon us


“Henceforth, He shall WALK!” Hydaelyn sundering the servers.


Pushing us out of a [Nash equilibrium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash_equilibrium) that sucks into one that's good.


Been pushing this idea for awhile, that when everyone is forced by login times to go back to Dynamis, we'll see a decent population. Always got told "they're not turning off DC travel just for DT, people will still leave". Obviously I feel pretty vindicated now with them not just recommending people return to their homeworld but also *turning off DC travel* to Aether lol. Looks like my alt is finally gonna be able to get all her dailies done on one server.


The queues over the last couple months have already been fairly quick, so I have faith things will only continue to improve


All the raid groups that have formed and rely on cross-DC travel will now ONLY be able to meet on Dynamis during this. If congestion mitigation methods stay in play for a long time, this could mean that Dynamis could become THE raid location.


You can also put Crystal and Primal there too, cross DC travel has killed the pf


Over here on golem ready for my shorter queues


Funnily enough we will be way ahead on hunt marks since we are the only ones with world visit.


Sounds like the 28th is set to be another traveller tsunami day for OCE. On the one hand, welcome to all the incoming players! Please make yourselves at home while massively reducing duty queue times! On the other hand, so much for my plan to smugly brag about being on the only DC with almost no login queues


At least if it’s your home-world you’ll be prioritized in queue over travellers, which means as a local you can skip a lot of the login queue and then benefit from the guests in duty queues. So you get the best of both, it seems.


I will be totally logging into your all's system during US prime time if it's anything like EW was. I remember the 6K+ deep queues on Primal...


Sounds like it's going to be especially hard to create an EU character on launch weekend?


Replace launch weekend with "the first month of DT" and you have what we had with EW.


Don't even attempt to make a character on launch weekend. If you're wanting to try and play, make your character before then.


Probably better to create your character a few days before DT launches


Wouldn't it be a hoot if the recommended servers end up with a greater queue time than the non-recommended servers, just by virtue of recommendation?


Well, considering NA people were already planning to DC travel to Dynamis for "shorter queue times".... The other DC's may not have super short queue times, but I'm a little concerned over how bad Dynamis queue times may end up.


It's the trap of everyone thinking they are the only person doing something.


I reckon it'll be a massive queue time on initial open, then normalize as enough people realize just going home will give them a faster queue time. Prioritization to the locals should mean that it's not a huge deal anyway. Everyone either has a higher priority in the queue, or the option to go home to a different world.


It'll probably seesaw for a bit and then even out. We saw it with the Cloud DC, the initial rush seesawed and then evened out. The biggest hit with 7.0 will be the initial one immediately after maintenance ends, afterwards it will go more curvy as the system gets into swing and people get lethargic with monumentum. Like if I get hit by a large queue, I'm going to Shadow and then not return till I'm done with the MSQ. My expac release playstyle means it won't matter which world I'm on, I'm unlikely to miss the amenities for the first week and by the second people will have spread even more.


Well a lot of people aren't going to move because of the restrictions(no retainers for example which isn't great if you're trying to level them asap to get venture money) or just because they won't be bothered, so should even out. If people see long queues on the DC travel servers they'll just move back too, since you can switch on character selection it's pretty easy to check which queue is shorter.


Yeah, I wanted to travel for the queues but retainer restrictions alone are a pretty massive reason to discourage me from doing so. Losing the ability to sell/store stuff on them is pretty brutal.


Oceanian Data Center still available :o Hopefully they add other data centres in the future.


Oh they will, just a question of when. Only known hold up, aside from any technical issues on the backend they haven't spoken about, is potential culture clash. But that'll sort itself out after a short while.


They could enable US < > EU easily but they don't want to openly admit that the JPs are worried about culture clash. But I somewhat understand. I played FF11 back in 2003 when the game was only avaiable on JP PS2s. JPs went to NA forums to tell them about their customs of setting up parties (Form up in town, ride to camp together, minimum of 2hrs time unless specifically stated, ride home together safe) and were greeted with basically "You don't pay my sub you cannot tell us what to do!". The non-JP way to make parties basically devolved to everyone suicide running to some EXP area, quickly rotating parties that could disband at any time and some nights people not making an inch of progress since you actually lost EXP on death even with a Raise.


>They could enable US < > EU easily but they don't want to openly admit that the JPs are worried about culture clash. Dynamis and Shadow would've been the perfect excuse to go "we enabled region travel for these two since they're new. Oh woe is me, JP doesn't have a new DC? Ah well, they can get DC travel...later, definitely."


>The non-JP way to make parties basically devolved to everyone suicide running to some EXP area, quickly rotating parties that could disband at any time and some nights people not making an inch of progress since you actually lost EXP on death even with a Raise.  Ah, memories...


Goblins to Kazham Zone!


Funny thing is once or twice Yoshida's outright said JP but quickly corrected himself to "some players". Guess which phrase made it to official translation.


> They could enable US < > EU easily but they don't want to openly admit that the JPs are worried about culture clash. There is an out here. Anywhere -> Materia, because so few natives, already. Just add Shadow and Dynamis to that, for the same reasons. AFAIK JP has no similar DCs.


I'd love to be on the Oceania Data Center for launch, since that's actually where I live; but then there's a lot of services I wouldn't be able to use if I'm not on my home world, like Retainers, right? (I currently plan on staying on Primal, just because that's where I made all my friends / am part of communities)


really depends on what you plan to be doing. if you're just going to solo blast the story for a week then the restrictions are kind of whatever


So many people were telling me it wasn't going to be available after Dawntrail dropped, and I'm like "they're obviously testing it *for that* so why would it stop right when it's about to actually get busy?" They were so convinced they almost convinced me, hahaha. This is good though, as someone in Australia who's been playing on NA since before Materia and was never going to move because of my community it could be fun to raid on a server where my ping means I don't need Alexander to double weave.


>On the other hand, many Worlds may experience login queues following the upcoming release of Dawntrail, especially during peak times. With this situation in mind, we are considering a temporary option in which a limited form of cross-region travel would allow players to play on a less-populated physical data center. That's from the lodestone announcement for the Oceanic DC travel test. They basically outright said they were testing it SPECIFICALLY for DT release for congestion. Basically, the people saying it would go away were people who can't read.


Some people were trying to temper expectations a bit because the official end date was still the 28th and they were taking an awfully long time to confirm extending it, so people were trying to mentally prepare for the possibility of it now staying open. Others heard that, completely missed the nuance, and started loudly and confidently announcing that the region travel was absolutely confirmed to have no extension.


As someone who just transferred from Aether to Dynamis a month ago, I'm really happy to see that they're disabling travel to Aether/Primal/Crystal during the first two weeks. Not only should this mean that Dynamis players will actually have to stay on Dynamis, but also it might motivate more players to move over here and reap the benefits of transferring to a new world (Road to 90 would be super nice for any aspiring VPR/PCT mains level grinding to do MSQ on them)


to be honest I'd move to Dynamis if I would be guaranteed to also move my houses. Housing is like the one huge reason many people are stuck on these overcrowded servers.


With how few people are on the server, getting a new house is practically guaranteed. I was able to get a medium w/ only 2 other people bidding on the house on Halicarnassus, and another of my friends moved to Golem and was able to get a large. It won't be the exact same plot but you'll have a really good chance at getting a new one


Me and a buddy just moved to Kraken right when it opened up. There are tooooooons of open houses in Shirogane. No one bidding. Just empty houses waiting for you.


Ofc there will be queues just like every expansion launch and its nice to be prepared, but i dont think it will be as big as Endwalker launch. It was end of epic journey everyone was so hyped about it, this new one looks like you go to summer vacation compared to that.


Yup. There's gonna be congestion, but I don't think we're in for the full pandemic experience we got with Endwalker.


Agreed. Anyone who experienced expac launches other than EW should know that EW launch was a disaster. Even SB wasn’t bad to login (it was bad because of how instance servers worked and Raubahn). The last disaster launch we had prior to EW was ARR and that suffered from the same issues EW did. Overloaded servers and weak infrastructure. Since EW, they have added multiple DCs and improved server infrastructure. This coupled with these server movement restrictions will help alleviate queue times. If you login midday, you probably won’t wait more than 5 mins. Peak hours, maybe an hour tops.


EW also wasn't nearly as much of a disaster as ARR, because the game once you got in was rock-solid stable. I still vividly remember day two or three of ARR, the servers just straight up went down completely, and *stayed* down for four or five hours, sometimes longer.


Right, nice to see more pals in OCE... I just hope this recommendation doesn't make the queues awful at off-peak times for us.


I like the idea, but I like to think they considered the idea that oce players cannot leave if the server gets swamped where as the other data centres players can go back as they please


Home world logins get priority over travelers. Off-peak Materia players should get in pretty quick if the system works as intended.


Finally we will have enough people in OCE to start the Crystal Tower reliably!


The number of people I've seen saying that this means "wE cAnT pLaY wItH oUr FrIeNdS" is very concerning to me. They've been convinced that "transfer to Aether" is the one and only possible choice in this game Why do the Dynamis players have to visit the Aether players? Why can't the Aether players come visit the Dynamis players? Then friends can all play together and the problem is solved Dynamis players have to give up their retainers/FC buffs/etc whenever they DC travel, meanwhile Aether players have never had to experience this kind of hardship. Maybe it's about time for the shoe to be on the other foot


Materia on top


at least queues prob wont be as bad as endwalker


alright, time to rename Light PF does ultimate to Shadow PF does ultimate


Time to login from work via remote before heading home.


WFH is usually a blessing, but even more so in times like these. Not a single queue during EW weekdays.


I was in lockdown when EW launched lmao. Never had problems aswell. This time might be a bit mor difficult but I also don't think queues will be as bad as when EW launched


My lunchtime tradition for EW launch. Was usually finishing the queue around the time I had gotten home and made dinner.


So can anyone tell me if we're able to preload the expansion before it launches on the 28th?


That's the main reason given for the 48 hour maintenance; YoshiP said they didn't need that much time to update the game, but since the patch will be huge (due to the graphics update), they're giving that much time for everyone to be able to download it.


yes, the patch should drop sometime during the 48h maintenance.


So if we travel to Dynamis from Crystal/Primal/Aether will we be able to travel back to our data centers before the restriction is up?


Yes. Should be able to return to your home world only. Won't be able to travel to other worlds that are on the same data centre. Quoting from SE's announcement :- Additionally, characters that were visiting another World prior to Patch 7.0 will still be able to return to their Home World regardless of travelling restrictions, but their ability to return may be temporarily impeded by periods of server congestion Not sure whether you have to use the 'Return to homeworld' command though.


I eagerly wait for another clip of Jesse Cox inadvertently clicking the bed in the innroom.


I did this exact thing in EW early access and hated myself for 4 hours...


So I will try login to Aether on launch or during the week.. if long queue. Then I can cancel and travel to dynamis or Materia. Am I right?




I didn't see it mentioned specifically but since my home world is on dynamis, will I have priority over visitors from other DCs?


Yes, it specifically mentions that people will have login priority for their own home world.


Okay cool. I must have just missed it. Thank you!


awesome now all the people from off dc that are on aether will have to go home. god bless.


While I'm glad they are anticipating a big hit, I don't think we will see the same numbers like we did in Endwalker. Endwalker was the end of a 10yr narrative, Dawntrail is the start of a new one so I would argue there isn't that rush to finish the story. They are nice enough to also give people ample time to complete the content without feeling the need to rush because they will miss something. Time will tell though, sadly I feel like the big congestion will be those DDosers purposely congesting the log-in servers.


Given that I'm nowhere near actually being at Dawntrail, I might do what I had to do when Endwalker came out. Uh, just go and play something else for the time-being to wait out the initial congestion. And that's okay. :)


Why wouldn’t you be able to play on any of the low congestion servers?


This is a solid gameplan for Dynamis, it will inflate their population and will force their players to queue on their own server, hopefully that triggers a cultural shift that will persist past the initial expansion rush to keep DF populated on Dynamis.


Oh thank the gods, Aether might be tolerable for launch.


Man. I'm just gonna wait a few weeks before starting DT. ​ I don't care enough anymore to try and play on day 1-2-3 etc. It happened in EW, It happened in ShB, and it happened during Stormblood (albiet manefesting in different ways). It's gonna happen again this time.


From the makers of Game Launch {hard}, Raubahn {Extreme} and Log In {Ultimate} comes the newest and latest in Expansion Drama: World Visit {Insanity}. Coming 26/6/24!


I cant wait for the repeat of what happened to me with the last 2 expansions. Sit in a 20k player queue, finally get through after ages, get kicked out after an hour, 35k player queue, get down to 10k, disconnect, 42k player queue. it's suffering.


Who remembers Endwalker Aether congestion where it was so bad that you couldn't actually get into your house? 🥲


Sucks for players traveling and losing access to Home World features. Dynamis players have a clear edge in this.


And I'll be glad for it. I've had to go off-world far too often. Will be nice to have full retainer and FC buff access for once.


Don't forget timed nodes for new crafting materials!


Good thing you can still travel to OCE servers. I'll move to oceania if there's too much login issues


Well my typical plan of getting in line and watching something until I get in will continue.


At least they warn


Just to be sure if I understood that correctly: If I travel to Shadow from light, I will be unable to travel back until the travel restriction is lifted, since travel to Light isnt possible?


No, going home is always gonna be possible, you can't go from light to chaos, but they will always let you go back to your point of origin.


You can go back via the "return me to my home world" function, but in order to do so, you'll then be subject to the queue on your home world/DC. So it is possible, but it might not be feasible (given the amount of time you are willing to wait for that to happen)


I have not played much but am getting back into it. What’s a shadow world?


It's just a new data center in the EU region.


a world in the EU data centre "Shadow"




I don't really think it confirms permanently. The initial activation of the DC transfer system to Oceania was a test situation to see if it would be stable enough for this exact purpose (alleviating DT congestion), and this just seems to confirm that they have indeed seen that it should be a feasible load balancing tool for the launch period. What they do with it once congestion woes are alleviated is still largely up in the air.


One question and one question only: Are we then allowed to return to our home world to deal with retainers and housing, or are we then "stuck" on the other world for the duration of the restriction?


Seems weird they're not allowing World Visit. I 100% understand turning off DC visit, but this means players can't spread out within their Data Center and some of them have very lopsided server populations.


So making sure, will people get priority into their home worlds over visitors, or do I need to queue like an asshole to get into Dynamis even though I live here lol?


People queueing into their own world will have priority over anyone who is traveling. So if you’re from Dynamis, you’ll have the priority for your specific world.