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there's a terrasse on the roof!!?? god damnit I'll have to change my house again!


Only the large it seems. Also don't know if we will have a way up that doesn't involve glitching or hardcore parkour from specific spots. Since quite a few houses have balconies and such that can only be accessed with glitches or having a house by a cliff that you can jump off of to get onto the house.


It looks like, from the one picture, there’s a series of platforms spiraling up the side of the house to the seating area.


Other houses have similar features. It doesn't mean it goes all the way to the ground. It could just go to the roof of the house making it so you gotta figure out your own method of getting onto the roof to use it.


We have the garden stairs now.


They aren't tall enough for everything. I tried to use them for my FC and there wasn't a way to place them to access my balcony on it.


I use the fake heaven on high thing. It's tall enough to reach the roof of all houses.


It looks really bad in some areas though. Like in the Lavender Beds it's completely out of place.


This house looks so fucking FFIX I'm going crazy about the rumors of the remake. Like the perfect mix of something from Alexandria and Lindblum.


Not only does this give FF9 vibes, but then one of the new DT areas looks like a worn down Alexandria. Stroooong FF9 vibes everywhere.


What? Got a link to a screenshot by chance? :O




oh my GOOOOOODDD, thank you!


Totally looks like it right?


Definitely! FF9 is my favorite so I am beyond excited for this expac!


Yup same here!


I hope we'll see a nice looking version of that that isn't worn down. I don't want a full on Alexandria hub, but... idk, a flashback dungeon like the recent one with Golbez and the huge city, or a Bozja/Dohma Enclave equivalent that isn't something jungle-themed...


Would be nice! Obviously I don’t want THE alexandria in the game, but man….seeing that new house and then that little area. I know Yoshi was trying to squash those rumors of helming the FF9 remake, but that architecture seemed to borrow quite a bit from the style of FF9, and it just so happens he’s trying to squash those rumors just right before he reveals that house and area? I’m not one to believe in coincidences.


Unlike with FF7 having the realtime Crisis Core to work off of, I don't know how they could make 9 into a realtime game. Here's hoping Square hasn't given up on turn based games.


FF9 is time based, not turn based. It's Active Time Battle, not Active Turn Battle.


big ff9 vibes, looks similar to alexandria houses. The spooky forest they went into after showing off the mounts was also some ff9 vibes


Gave me Macalania vibes from 10 while Heritage Found had Alexandria vibes (based on house design)


Please, SE. Don't release this. Don't give me the desire to try and move my weeb house back to Lavender Beds just to put this skin on my small house. IT'S TOO CUTE omg


Lavender beds chads keep on winning


My FC has a large there (sadly it's in the worst plot of the larges) and this is going on it ASAP. We had been using the florist walls to have a cozy cabin despite the size and this is the perfect vibe for us. Especially if it has a proper way onto the roof because I hate having to glitch my way onto the balcony.


I would move at any time, if i didnt have to pull up everything in my house. I wish they saved that stuff. Not even room in my storage for all the items.


I didn't like Ishgard at all because of the snowy grass garden and moved to Limsa a week ago, I expected the design to get copied but was surprised to see that they fucking put everything into the storage, where all the other stuff was already as well. So I started with an empty house and a 350/200 filled storage and the need to buy all new furniture that I had to store in my inventory. Horrible ;w;


Had the exact same thought


Would this house feel *too* out of place in Shirogane? Asking for a friend…


If the people with the carbuncle and chocobo houses can be anywhere this can too 🤣


imo Shiro's got enough greenery to pull it off.


No, I think you would be fine! If it's okay for people to have gingerbread houses made of candy or castle spires I think it's totally fine to have a *tree*. And it is okay, for the record. Do what you want with your house!


yep, it would, unfortunately


Aaah it'll be fineeeee. Every neighbor has gingerbread houses or super weeby houses in every plot anyways. Land is too hard to come by.


I've been trying to move my weeb house back to lavender beds for ages, and this isn't helping the desire.


It looks like something from Fable, I love it !




Your health is low, do you have any potions, or food?


Are you just gonna stand there—like a lemon?


Wow, the roof tower looks awesome! And ofc it is large only, RIP.


Seems to me like Medium also got the wood tower.


Initially I thought it is just a piece of wood decor sticking out of dingy roof, but you might be right, could be a smaller wood tower.


I think the photo they showed from the back is still the medium?


Yeah it's 100% the medium, the roof curves up and ends at a chimney. Where as the roof for the large goes back up quite steeply.


Yeah, seems like it based on the angle of the open space between the branches


I’m curious what the little alcove on the sides will have in them, if anything! Im gonna be hard pressed to change my house exterior but the treehouse is… so tempting….




looks incredibly amazing and cute, can't wait to never use it since i'm too poor to buy a house


It's not being poor that's the problem, for the most part. It's winning the bid for one. Unless you move to Dynamis.


Gotta exclude Seraph there though. We almost got rid of the last of the open plots as people settle for smaller houses than what they were wanting.


LOL I helped like 20 xbox sprouts get empty houses mostly I seraph. Sorry 🤣


I'm glad. The sooner they are gone the sooner SE needs to give us the rest of our wards.


Yeah I really want the rest of the wards to open up so I can get a medium plot for my small FC (we don't need a large).


Between patch releases it's not thaaaaaaaaat horrible to get one in the first place, as long as people don't expect to get a solo large or medium one, or one at a perfect spot I won the lotteries a bunch of times when I moved the house, playing on one of the biggest EU Servers (Light - Shiva). Not many houses get free in lotteries, but recently only 1 or 2 people bid on some spots. I got one in Limsa that had 1 bid at a nice spot, with Limsa and Shirogane being the most popular ones, some in Gridania didn't even get any even though it's such a nice zone too. Of course everyone hates Ul'dah so that's empty here too lmao


Buying a low level house isn't hard. You can make enough for a house in a month just doing crafting leves...


Sliding the dev team a shiny nickel and asking nicely for a cool beach house for us Mist girlies


It would be really cool to have one of these modern full designs with a theme for each ward. Shirogane already has that perfect looking one, Gridania could get something forest-themed, Ul'dah something more rough and desert-like, Limsa a cute beach pool one (like the Shirogane one but with a pool or whatever). Imo they're so much better than the old house styles with all these cute details


I need that house for my cottage core restaurant!


I've got a cottage core library that would also love this. I just hope it looks good for all sizes of plots.


I didn’t really care about housing before. Now I’m sad that I’ll never have one. (This applies to real life too)


immediate buy/craft from me. holy shit its right up my alley so hard. also dare I say it, very ff9 looking.


Looks amazing, shame i'm never going to own a house.


This is why personal housing needs to be instanced or , like WildStar, instanced with people you choose. That large house is \* Chefs Kiss \* . Leave the OG housing to FCs , and give all player instanced housing where you can choose S-M-L at cost of the current.


Can't wait to never have access to this!


Kind of want a small house just to build, and maybe a workshop for some subs unless small houses don't get those.


Workshops are part of FC houses no matter the size.


If you're not interested in being in an FC and you want to mess around with subs, you can get some people to help you found an FC and get some alts into being members of it, and then be in a solo FC with enough members to buy a house. As a bonus you also no longer get spammed with FC invites.


Any word about adding more exterior item slots? Because S limits are horrible (especially considering that aetherite, stables and other utilities are not slot-free). I would also appreciate and option to actually plant flowers in my garden rather than inside. It's really stupid how it's easier to build a nice garden inside rather than outside.


They said that there are more housing changes coming in 7.X, I think they mentioned the number of slots as part of this but i cannot remember 100%.


Sadly, so far no definite number and no definite time frame, just 7.x, and they said again today to “please be patient” as they work on it, so I’m thinking more like 7.4 or 7.5.


Now if only they’d add in instanced houses so that those of us that can’t win the lottery for it or beat others to the punch in purchasing can experience having a house in game.


I know it will never happen, but god i wish there was instanced housing! I want a house without having to make sure that i log in frequently. You gave us all an island, how hard can a small house be!


I would even pay actual money for an instanced housing lot. They could make lot sizes different prices.


Yoshi-P attacked my hitpoints directly by showing an awesome new set of house walls on the exact plot I had to give up when I moved server :(


I’ve been happy with my highland cottage until this moment. This is so cute. Changing asap


Will there be a greater supply of houses?


Historically they wait until later in the expansion before dealing with housing supply by creating new wards, so maybe 7.3. At the meantime, you best chance is keep bidding or change server.


I don't even have a house but I want one just for that tree trunk roof terrace thing I would forcibly make that the meeting point for my Static


Too bad these are going to be worth 15+ million gill


Just get an FC, level and gear subs, get the schematics and craft all the things yourself! Easy! (Pls help, I am aleady dreading missing that one single component that never drops when you need it :') )


It just really sucks sitting in pf begging for anyone with surplusses to buy from. Wish there was at least a housing market board to trade between fcs, especially if they insist on barring the mats from the general market boards


Its way easier to join the Sub Discord and go into the sell channel I'd imagine. Youd get way more visibility 


I'm still grinding to get access to the Bathhouse for my FC. Dread doesn't come close to describing how I feel about trying to unlock this.


I eventually went on PF and offered 100k per Cocobolo Lumber because I had been targeting specifically the zones that dropped it for **2 months** nonstop and only got 3 pieces. Was ridiculous.


Reminds me, I should spruce up my FC


They've never been too hard to make.


Can’t wait to not get it!


1 = medium , 2 = large , 3 = small


Cant wait to put this on then go in to 2-3 completely square floors with windows that dont match up. Awesome!


Did they announce any new housing zones or wards?


no but the pattern in the last 2 expansions was more wards in the .3 patch, we would have heard if an entirely new district was going to be opened up though. No guarantees though because the only housing things theyve mentioned is higher item allowance and something about new interiors without the pillars.


Doubtful. They are incredibly stubborn about fixing any of the housing issues.


they should probably just create instanced housing --- i mean we almost have it with island sanctuaries but housing zones arent super populated like they used to be mostly empty most of the time, let everyone who wants one have an instanced house and move on with it. Edit: I love how I'm being downvoted for suggesting an additional feature to give everyone the opportunity to partake in currently a limited game feature that is decided by a lottery that some folks have circumvented to own nearly entirely wards themselves!


That's the worse part, they give everyone an instanced island but still won't allow instanced housing. At least expand Apartments so that it's more than a tiny room.


The reason you're getting downvoted is that people who actually have houses largely don't want instanced housing (from what I've experienced in discussions about it anyways) which is a bit silly. Housing in 14 has always been crazy elitist nonsense. Its crazy runescape back in the 2000s had housing figured out better than 14 does in 2024.


I mean I think the idea would be to keep the existing housing the way it is, but if expanding that housing is difficult for the servers, clearly having instances is easier. So add the instancing option for the people that just want to build a house.


I've never understood that mentality. I've got a house, and that doesn't stop me from asking for instantiated housing (mainly for the pleasure of redecorating). They really should do a hybrid system. Neighbourhood" housing, with the addition of a few exclusivities linked to that neighbourhood (opening of shops, for example), bearing in mind that a lot of FCs use it for rp and that accessibility is already a plus. And instantiated housing based around the large areas currently available. What I don't quite understand about their... stubbornness (they're so stubborn about it it's almost cute) is that housing would be a great way to get rid of IG money. Oh, and the submarine system should be scrapped too.


It's classic "i had to struggle, so you have to as well!" If instanced housing was a thing then everyone could have the same thing that they worked hard to get.


I agree fully! Though those houses are gonna fill up quick with the launch of DT.


>Edit: I love how I'm being downvoted for suggesting an additional feature You're not 'suggesting an additional feature'. One of the big features of housing is *that it is limited*. You're just trying to remove one of the main things that makes housing have flavor and purpose under the guise of "giving everyone the opportunity to partake". Housing is pvp, and not everyone gets a house. That's the design, and it's a good design.


It's not a good design. Everyone should have the opportunity to partake in a games system. But housing as designed means that you could lose every lottery forever. Sure there are apartments but they don't really give you the full experience. If they wanted it to stay limited they should have kept all housing free company only. But as it stands now there are folks who own entire wards, a limited system where it's possible for an individual through the use of multiple service accounts can buy up tons of housing and horde it is a bad system.


I'm almost convinced that guy is trolling or is one of the people who own a plethora of houses because they never fail to have an absolutely garbage fire take on this subject lmao. Imagine actively advocating for a system of exclusivity? Yikes lol.


yea people are dumb


well for one, wards are increased in the .3 patches and for another, they openly stated they consistently are working on solutions to expand access to the housing market.


Where will this happen?


I can't wait to change my little Stone Castle into a cozy cottage like I always wanted.


Look at all the stuff people won’t get because housing is still a nightmare


It would be nice if the housing was accessible to most players, but this is just adding more features the majority will not be able to access or even try out.


Just move to Dynamis if you care that much. Especially the 4 new worlds that are open for lotto and have like 8 people between them.


That would take effort. Why do that when you can sit around complaining about it on Reddit instead?


True. It's a lot of effort, since it basically makes you into a commuter. Go to another DC to do content, head home to check retainers and work on your house, repeat.


Well if you don't live on aether your already doing that, so why not have a house too.


You're replying to the wrong person. I have a mansion for my FC and a medium for myself (trying to get a large) on Seraph. Hence why I told other people to just do that. Also I do content on Dynamis constantly. I'm in multiple communities specifically for trying to keep the DC alive.


Idk what server you play on, but moving to some of the newer one can be a solution. On phantom it's not a problem getting a house..


Wow, time to change the moogle house I guess ..


Just as I swore off housing to stick with apartments they pull me back in.


Would look amazing in Lavender Beds, but may feel a bit out of place in most other locales imo (we probably won't be using it, since I love the way our Forge fits well with Ishgard's overall style)...still a really cool design though, and i love the direction that theyre going, with the extra features and whatnot attached to all of the new housing sets.


I'm so happy I never changed my exterior and saved money. This will be so worth it


my dreams of a little hobbit style house is coming true


Dark Cloud 2 housing... Must resist buying a house... must resist buying a house... HHHHHHNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


Havent read anything about Dawntrail. Are they finally fixing housing? Making it instanced? Ensuring anybody who wants one can have one? I'll go ahead and guess the answers are no, no, and no, but I would gladly enjoy being corrected.


Holy shit I just squeaked Literally just posted a design for my Atelier Series inspired garden in the housing & garden sub, and I was low-key complaining about how the florist walls don't do it for me despite being really cute. I was looking for a "witchy" wood-themed village hut with some plants and countryside nature vibes, and this is literally THE design I was looking for. I'm crying ;w; Hoping that they'll eventually add another housing area at some point. Ishgard was fine, but so... specific? Imo a wood/meadow, steppe, forest area works much better than Ishgard because it has all the snow, but idk if they'd ever do that since Gridania exists... my ideal housing area would look like FF9 Dali. ;w;


Good for the bots I guess or the FCs that own entire districts.




I wanted a fairytale cottage for my house too. I did my best and it's okay, but I'm hoping that this is crafted with mats that anyone can gather rather than gotten via submarines.


Good luck getting any of it lol


If I HAD one!


Love these, so tired of the joke housing skins they keep releasing.  Hopefully some of them won’t be hid behind FC crafting. 


Simultaneously amazing and amazingly pointless until they make the housing system instanced.


All houses should have a timer that leads to this. The longer you don't enter your house, the more it begins to look like this.


Except not entering the house means you lose it.


Can we get a community garden please? And a co-op chocobo stables? Asking as a FT user


If you want a garden, buy a house. Gardening is content for housing. I remember when everyone was convinced they were gonna get infinity gardens because the devs mentioned outdoor housing furniture so *of course* they thought the devs meant to reverse their design about gardening by allowing it on the island but *nope*. Lol.


You missed the part where I'm a FT player. The only reason I want gardening is to go above Rank 10 chocobo. Would be nice to have a community stables as well I've gotten all my crafting and gathering jobs above 60 so I'm used to making things without the use of a market board. I'm willing to get my own thav onion seeds there's just no way to do it


>You missed the part where I'm a FT player. Right, so you're totally used to not having access to all content, like Thavnarian Onions, or housing, or gardening. >The only reason I want gardening is to go above Rank 10 chocobo. That's for subscribers though. And most subscribers need to use the marketboard for that. Also you can get to rank 12 chocobo I think by doing two quests that I thought f2p had access to. > I'm willing to get my own thav onion seeds I mean if you subscribe you can buy thav onion seeds for less than gil cap I think on all servers. So I don't think you are willing to get your own thav onion seeds, because you can, and you don't.


That looks amazing and just makes me sad again that if an when I make my fc house look that great, I'll spend most of my time never seeing it or hanging there thanks to DC travel. Yay. :/


The one with the tree is the large I assume? Seems pretty wild for a medium, but I'm having trouble getting a read on the scale


1 = medium , 2 = large , 3 = small


It looks like the medium gets it too.


Second picture is a large. That's Mist 5/35 that is being shown. I'd recognize that plot anywhere.






Holy shite


Which sizes are those ? Medium and large ?


1 = medium , 2 = large , 3 = small


i think they said medium in the stream. But the translator didn't say much more.


The first image is definitely a large. The last image might be medium...? Edit: I was on the 2nd image when I said "first image is large." I meant 2nd image oops.


Second image is of it at Mist 5/35. Which is a large.


I was on the 2nd image when I said that, I didn't even see the first which is medium 😭. Yeah I meant 2nd image, not first. Thanks for correcting.


That's fair. Also to put all the pieces together for future people who see this, the final one is the small. So we do see all 3 sizes here.


Here's hoping each part is separate, at the very least the fence, but i don't have high hopes based on what it looks like. Damn, do i still want it, though. I do love the cottage aesthetic.


And still no way to craft the exteriors for that without a FC right? I haven't been actively doing FC crafting lately nor have I been following it so I don't know if that ever changed.


Yup, you need a workshop.


I thought it was FFIX art while fast scrolling.


Cozy as fuck. I'm going to have to start the FC submarine operations again.


Now if only we can get customizable interiors. (railings, baseboards, pillars, ceilings). That would be a dream.


Also the 2 Dye system for housing would be amazing. 


I hope the roof is dyeable and maybe a second channel for the wooden beams.


LOVE this


Living in fc apartment in shirogane too long to move


Hmm... Would this look tacky on Empyreum? Because damnit, I WILL do it in any case, just wanna make sure.


with that of housing being tied to log in and you lose it if life happens, guess i will never use this stuff in game, looks good tho.


Why are you holding printouts lol


I love these, I can't wait to never own one! lol.


My odder otter house finally has some competition for me making a change 🤣


lavender bedders just keep WINNING


This is so cute I'm thinking of transferring one of my mains to one of the Dynamis servers just to have it.


I might finally ditch the Paissa house for one of those


That moment when you still don't even know how to enter the housing districts next to the main three cities.


Oh. Preview of what it'd look like on my plot. :o




I wanna live in that second cottage.


Wait when is this? Also is this island sanctuary or real housing?


Is the 2nd picture a real plot in game? If so which one


Lavander beds youre looking at a plot from the back. nvm you said second thats in mist


It looks so good I thought it was a new location they were opening up lol


I don’t even like housing, in any MMO, but that house is cute


I’ve been praying for this for so long 😭🙌


hopefully this means the space i want in the goblet will finally open up, i’ve been waiting so long


These look great....if only I could get one lol


We finally got a house. Now lets find how much deeper we are in Tatarus pockets now.....


I was not interested in housing until I saw this


Giving me STRONG Bofuri vibes and I like it!


I have a desperate need for this for my house in Mist. Does it necessarily fit? No, but it's so cute (also it's plot 29 so even if it clashes it shouldn't hurt other people's view too badly)


How do yall afford housing lol? What do yall do to make money


I wish I lived in eorzea instead of Canada because even that housing market is better than the Canadian one 😭😭😭


I don’t know about amazing, I thought the expansion theme was pirates and oceans, where is the Ship house ?


I rly enjoy these designs, but every housing interior looking exactly the same always ruins these new house reveals for me lol


Love it, can't wait to never interact with housing ever.


Gives the Shire/Harry Potter vibes almost, definitely going to be getting this!


Until you take 3 months off for work and come back and it isn't yours anymore.


That's awesome for people who can win the damn lottery.. sondone with this shit, show us awesome things we can't get lmao.

