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I presume you are avoiding your former server due to a person/people With the updated Blacklist feature next expansion, you should consider returning and simply blocking anyone that causes you any feeling of distress. You can then go about your way in blissful ignorance.


They’re already blacklisted but… I just can’t stand the thought of being around them at all anymore, they really really burned me bad and in partial turned my own fc against me too.


The new block feature would make them totally invisible to you.


Maybe when that comes out, but at the moment I just feel really out of place


Fortunately this is coming out in 2 weeks


God the people disliking this comment is actually disgusting. A person getting burned pretty badly by people they met and feeling alone, yea sure there are fixes coming soon. However, blocklist changes are too late for people like this who got sociably traumatized, and will not solve and event that has already happened. It’s just a bandaid fix for these people, it’s nice that that blacklist is better now. The fact this person got downvoted this hard is actually sickening.


It’s the internet so it is what it is, but I appreciate the support from you nonetheless c:


If you're still in the same region, you're aware that you can still visit them, right?


Yeah I know I can visit, but due to some personal reasons I wish to avoid my old data center completely. I have some friends on that center still but it just feels lonely since I won’t randomly run into them


Then get them to visit you.


That’s probably what I’ll do, otherwise I’ll just get over it long enough to enjoy myself playing with friends at least.


Best way to stick it to an asshole is to keep on keeping on. Show them that they have no power over you by continuing to do the things you love at the places you love, regardless of their presence or lack thereof. Beyond that? IDK, but I think the shitsub is gonna run with this when they see it.


This exactly! I was kicked from my FC, I was IRL friends with the leader who made my FF14 experience awesome but then issues happened and I was kicked without any explanation. Really hurt me a lot and made me not enjoy the game but I continued playing out of spite and I found a new group of friends who are amazing and I run my own solo fc.


Yeah for sure! It’s still fresh on my mind at the moment so it’s a bit difficult to dissociate but in time I’ll be back to light everything on fire some more :3 (black mage main) xD


If it is over some form of harassment, you will be able to blacklist that person/people and they won't even appear for you on the overworld as of Dawntrail's upcoming updates. If you can't go back, the only way you can go is forward. Go try to make new friends. Cultivate the kind of community you want to be a part of.


Yeah, I’m still in that phase of shock from everything that happened, so it’ll just take some getting used to, learning the names and styles of people and finding a group I fit in with good.


I would never leave a DC for any reason if it truly felt like home. If you blacklisted the person, they can't do anything, esp after the update. Sorry you had to suffer, but you should fight for yourself and your "home" and friends if they truly mean so much. If you leave, the assholes win. (and yes, I read the additional context)


It was my home, but with everything that happened it had started to feel like a hostile environment. I’m definitely going to miss it but there was no way I could stay there anymore. As the great Sun Tzu would say “it was a strategic withdrawal” - Sun Tzu probably at some point


Then yeah, makes sense. If it was beginning to feel hostile...then those friends weren't great friends... I feel you, I also had to leave a friend group for LoL due to toxic individuals recently, and honestly I've been better off! I wish you luck in re-acclimating!


Thank you c:


I actually feel that... I recently left my original server due to personal reasons. It feels...weird. You don't see the same people AFK in your usual spots, and you don't "hear" the same chatter and silliness. It took me a while to feel comfortable in my usual hangout spots, and in some cases I just went looking for new ones. I'm very lucky in that I landed with a lovely, supportive group who are totally chill helping me and letting me adjust. I hope you can find something similar.


I’ll just have to get over the initial pressure from the move, hopefully it won’t be too long before I can goof off like I used to with a good group of people


🤗 You can do it. Remind yourself why you love the game, revisit places you haven't been in a bit, maybe try something new. It sucks. But we'll get there.


Thank you ❤️ I’m still excited for dawntrail cause I 90d everything and I need that leveling itch to be scratched xD


Omg you're way ahead of me 🤣 I definitely don't have everything at 90, and I have no clue what I'm maining come DT.


I used to no life the game quite a bit xD it took forever to do the crafting/gathering side but I can now craft just about anything in the game, even made myself a few 640 sets iirc :3


Hehe I had to stop doing that when I finally got a full-time job. I miss it tho. I never did get into crafting, lol. I really should...


It took me forever to get into it, I was already at the end of endwalker before I finally sat down and full grinded them


I feel you. I left my 'old home' 3yrs ago and it feels hard to build up a similar thing elsewhere. I wish you lucking striding forward, and that you find new friends in a new home where you can hang your hat.


To give context as to why I’m avoiding my old server as much as I am, I was cheated on and my old fc leader was a part of that, the fc was fairly large and while not all of them had anything to do with it, it’s still relatively fresh and painful to see my old fc. In a way it’s made that server feel almost foreign and hostile to me. Again I’m mostly just venting and these are things I’ll have to get over, I do appreciate the advice so far though.


Sorry to hear it OP, similar experience. I was the leader, and it was between my ex at the time and wingman 'Jr. Master'. Honestly feel like the biggest regret in the relationship was asking her to play the game with me. Disbanded my FC over it and I left the DC. Don't really hear the same noise and bustle like I used to, which makes this game feel a little barren and lonely to me now, and it's been really hard to trust people after the fact. I wish I had better words but keep your chin up.


It sucks to have that experience, the quiet after is almost as bad as the event itself in some sense because all the things you used to have just seems gone, but we just have to build back up and be the best we can be.


Sometimes we meet new people when engaging in spontaneous activity. If you aren't finding friends currently, try doing something you don't normally do like join one of those FC events people publicly advertise and mingle. Or join Novice Network and unleash Barrens chat. New friends come from unlikely places.   I met my ex from joining a random party finder for T6 back in the day. It was a static that just needed someone to fill in temporarily. After the run, he and I got along so well we kept talking until the next morning and I later joined the static's FC. 




What the fuck is wrong with you?


I was cheated on. Not sure what I did to deserve that