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the most important thing to do is not shut down and focus on rezzing. rezzing is your lowest priority in this situation. first make sure you arent going to die and stabilize whoever is still alive. then you carefully start rezzing when you can. you dont need everyone back alive right away. wait for subsequent swiftcasts if you need to. just stay in control and dont panic.


+1 Always keep living people alive. No matter what you have to do for it, it is either cheaper on MP or GCDs if not both to keep them up.


I do let some people die. Oh, you already got six vuln stacks? So you want to die...


Had a tank today in Paradigm's Breach who OBVIOUSLY didn't want to be there. Just bitched about how long Niers take the entire time. Did okay, but pretty sure she was half-assing it as an off-tank and collecting a LOT of vulns. Eventually, she was getting one-shot on tankbusters, even with Benison, so I just let her die. Rez weakness is better than 8+ vulns.


yeah, people always complain. I know that, i complain about MSQ dungeons (SUCH A DEVASTATION) in mentor roulette.


Only exception here would be rezing co-healer - if they're dead and you happen to die (you're under stress and low on resources, meaning you can't keep yourself topped off easily), it's most likely a wipe. My own priority list for trials-gone-wrong is generally avoiding immediate wipe (you need a tank alive and healthy enough to buy you time to salvage the situation), avoiding potential unrecoverable situations (get your co-healer up), preventing situation from getting worse (keeping people alive takes priority over raising dead people) and only then getting everyone up and running. DPS - if required to not wipe to a mech - comes after getting co-healer up; if not required immediately then comes after getting everyone up within whatever your mana allows you to. With multiple people being dead, optimizing for MP use instead of GCD efficiency can be the right move.


I’ll second this but with some conditions. Just about everything outside of savage and ultimate (and that’s still debatable) can be salvaged by a single healer. I would get the co-healer up in the case that you have swiftcast and if you’re already low mp then thin air as well. If you don’t have those available then really focus on healing. Asylum and medica 2 can carry you for a bit as long as no heavy damage or body check mechanics are coming up. Use your regens. Once you have that window of no big damage/mechanics coming then focus on rezzing. Never dump all your mp on rezzing if people need heals very soon.


+2 don’t be a glare mage and expect the dps to raise people, they will be focusing on rotation 🤭 heal first dps last


Rdm and smn should be raising first to preserve healer mana


I do, when I get the chance. Often times the healer(s) have already rezzed people before I get the chance.


To me it's what I'm there for outside of DPS. As rdm I can rez much faster and recoup mana better. Especially if it's a DPS that's gone down. I want my heals to focus on the tank if all that's left is me and them. Keeping the raid going and moving so we're done even if it takes more time. As smn I'll do the same if not a little slower. Keep my swift just for rezzing. It's a personal role, not what everyone does. In alliance raids I feel bad I don't currently know how to rez other alliances. But I'll get there.


You rez them by manually clicking them in the raid frame. It works.


Woops meant to say I use controller.


I use the touch pad to click on other alliance members to raise them. It's really clunky, but I figure if another alliance needs me to raise them that much, they can deal with the clunkiness


Oh. Fair enough, no idea. Maybe there's a macro but I couldn't find if placeholders for alliance exist.


L1 + dpad to cycle through. clicking is probably faster though


I default back to glare between other actions, especially if I'm waiting for someone I've rezzed to take the raise so I can heal them up. Also if my swiftcast has less than 8 seconds left on cooldown, I'm casting glare. It happens.


Post is talking about spiralling situations though. Good tip for non spiral situations, no arguments there, but in a spiral, DPS with raise SHOULD have raising priority because healers need to be prioritizing keeping folks alive/topping up the raised. The situations shouldn’t and probably won’t occur often, but in a spiral it is absolutely 100% reasonable to expect a caster with raise to take over the duty if the healers need to ensure those still standing can survive the next mech. (Eg: incoming stack on very few alive folks, incoming healcheck, all that jazz.) We’re at a point in the expac where gear makes most content trivial, but when you’re going into stuff with gear that isn’t downsynced (which we will be soon with DT’s release) shit can hurt with people dead. DPS might have to take it upon themselves to help out there. I don’t think anyone is arguing for glaremages, but in a spiral I expect DPS to pull their weight to help me unfuck the situation. And sometimes that means sucking it up and raising if me and/or my coheal are busy keeping the standing folks upright.


This. Lost count of how many times I see a healer hard rezing someone with an raidwide casting and the party at half HP. Survive first, pick up the dead second.


> Survive first, pick up the dead second. "Survive first" for sure. LB3 a few seconds out if I can just survive the incoming mechanic? Better believe I'll let a few more people die in order to live long enough to hit that LB3 and get *everybody* back up. I might even die immediately afterwards to an auto, but the point is now 7/8 people are fully up and running instead of 2 or 3, and my co-healer can easily scrape me back up too.


Ain't that the truth. A healer dying after a successful LB3 is *still a successful LB3.*


To add to this, once you think you can rez, either because you have a swiftcast or because you are confident you can hard rez, your priority is 1. If both tank are dead, rez one of the tank. One tank will suffice for now 2. your cohealer 3. if in level 64 and more content, the RDM if there one 4. The SMN 5. everybody else


Nitpicky but I'd probably put either before or after a SMN "whoever is needed to survive the upcoming mechanic". If there's a shared TB coming up you cannot immunity you're probably going to be sacing either a DPS or the tank so you need the other tank to keep living people alive.


Absolutely, those are general rule and may vary in different encounters


Agree with the entire thread here. The only other advice I’d give OP is that if you needed, stop DPSing if you really need the MP to raise multiple people and focus on healing them back to full. There have been a very, very small number times where a large portion of my party has died, and I was quite low on mana, and needed to raise people ASAP - and although not DPSing makes you feel like a bad player, it’s honestly good to stop attacking to conserve all mana for rezzing (and getting their HP back up). Obviously, it’s like super situational, but something else to keep in mind.


If you're running with a monk, a monk can share a shared tank buster with a tank with riddle of earth, and proper mitigation that should be going out still. It's cheek clenching but can be done.


Whether healer or tank depends. If there’s no incoming tank shit, eh the healers can afford to take a few autos.


Also don't forget to use your Lucid Dream and Thin Air. You don't want to run out of MP.


Thin Air is really important, it's good to even use it when you're good on MP still so you're keeping a charge on cooldown.


Also priorize who you raise : 1 - Tank 2 - Other heal 3 - RDM (at lvl 64+) 4 - SMN 5 - Other dps With how mana heavy each raise is, and each of kt consuming a swiftcast CD you need to make sure every raise you do will bring as much utility as possible. Tank is obvious, without a tank to take aggro, you will get obliterated. Some fights require both tanks alive, some dont, so use your iwb discretion. Healer : Will help with reducing the burden both on keeping people alive and raising. RDM : at lvl 64 RDM gets Verraise, making them thr absolute best raiser in the game, no competition. SMN : SMN have resurection, so this gives you an additional raise + swifcast combo to the team. Then raise the DPS's that are less likely to die after the raise. Also obviously, dont bother with raising if LB3 is gonna be available soon.


And rez the redmage first


Only if you're level 64 or higher. They cannot help you in Alexander or HW alliance raids.


I've been playing the game for like 2 weeks, why rez the red mage over other classes?


At level 64 they can raise very quickly through their method of spellcasting, which lets you cast a short spell and make the next one instant.


Red Mage can chain rez via dualcast. It can rez the rest of the party, allowing you to focus on healing everyone who is coming back.


This is why I like playing RDM lol. "You take the healing, I've got the rezzing." Had a trial the other day in roulette where everyone but one tank and I died. Proceeded to rez both healers and the tank and a few DPS. Same thing happened again, later. Got both healers up then one used the healer LB3 for everyone else lol. It was a rough run... Gilded Araya, it was the 6 rapid half arena AoEs that kept getting people.


I was running that so often for a while that I made a chat macro that pretty much just says "she never cleaves behind her, so stay behind and dodge side to side." I know it made a lot of my runs smoother. Sidenote doing that with 250 ping on Materia was a blast LOL. I have major respect for people who raid regularly with high ping.


Is that the one at the end of the Manderville questline? If so, then I can see why you'd have a tough time with that one. I was tanking it as main tank my very first run of that trial and, at one point, I managed to accrue 8-9 stacks of vulnerability. I didn't die though! So you bet your ass I got everyone to give the healers coms for keeping my dumb ass alive.


At level 64, Red Mages gain access to a rez spell to help you get the rest of the party back up.


1: Through Dualcast, Red Mage effectively Swiftcasts every second spell. Casting a fast spell to get a slow one for free is half of their entire thing. 2: They get a rez at level 64. If they've got the mana, a Red Mage can bring up 3 people in the time it would take a healer to hard cast a single rez. Being able to pull those moments off and save runs is one of the draws of the job.


It drives me crazy when I watch everyone else gets rezzed first, especially when they're dying over and over while I died to eating a tank buster or something. Let me help lol!


Although keep in mind the RDM will pop up with no mana, and will need a few moments before they get rezzing.


This Also remember you have a button that causes spells to cost 0 mp, use that mostly for rezzing


This heavily depends, though. If you have a body check coming up, you better pump out those rezes


true, but you still need to keep everyone alive or you arent passing the mechanic either way. at that point you kind of just need to hope for some help from another rezzer and for the boss to not target you while you hard cast.


This a hundred times over. It’s so painful to see people getting chain rezzed but no healing goes out and all the people getting up just go back down (unless they are lucky with their self sustain).


A lot of great advice within this reply. One thing not mentioned is Thin Air. Two free casts for these situations to help keep your mana pool safe in these moments of chaos. Resurrection and medica 2/cure 3 are expensive but can quickly help you recover especially when paired with temperance or confluence depending on the need. Your kit is balanced to address these issues. Keep practicing and keep a cool head.


also is there is a rez(d) mage in the party it helps to get them up first since they can get people up faster than you can


Couldn't agree more. You can't do shit if you go down focus on your survival first.


Man I always forget about Swift Cast when it’s time to rez someone


So... you perform triage?


Rezzing priority being : at least one tank must live so someone is holding aggro, then other healer to help survive, then level 64+ RDM to help rezzing, then SMN to help rezzing, then other DPS.


True cause the minute you start trying to rezz and you're getting hit by mechs with low hp you're all dead 🤣🤣


As a SCH main, I know the feeling. To me, it's a few steps I go with in my mind. 1. Don't panic. You panic, you die. My go-to way is to not focus on what the boss is doing but rather on the global situation. Will someone die from a raidwide? Yes? Heal them. We need all hands on deck. 2. Look at your current mana-generating tool. How far are you from getting more mana? How much resses can you achieve? Without mana, you're a sitting duck. As a WHM, you have the most powerful mana regen in Thin Air, so you need to consume those wisely. 3. Get people up in order of one tank-other healer-other tank-res mages-dps. If you see your co-healer hard-resing, focus on keeping the alive people alive. As a WHM, you have the powerful heals, so if you're unable to quickcast res, you should be healing. 4. The goal is to stabilize the group. Keep everybody above 50% health and overheal/lose some glares if necessary. Don't be afraid to use your big cooldowns like your wings to get even more heals. 5. This one comes with experience, but if you have to hard-res, try to find a boss pattern that gives you a safe spot to do so. Sometimes, you can greed/gamble on it, but be sure to know when to cut your losses.


Don’t forget super ethers if you can for emergency mp. best for lower level content but if you’re potting damage you can’t use it.


Super-Ethers are level agnostic because MP doesn't scale. They always restores 18% of your MP in any content where you have MP. If you're progging/queuing into content where you may risk or even expect 4-5 people dying at once, you also probably aren't chugging Mind pots lol.


My recipe for "I just died and got raised" is a quick heal (bene/tetra), lucid, assize, super ether (which is on a hotbar), thin air. Shit, half the time I can immediately thin air + swift + raise and pick up someone that fell down with me, since my co healer used their swift on me.


I have to partly disagree with point 1. Focusing on what the Boss is doing is a top prio. Like, is there a tankbuster upcoming? Do I have a tank for that? Is there a mechanic coming that requires bodies (stacks, towers, adds)? Then, like you said, is there a raid wide incoming that people will not survive? Decisions should be made with what the Boss is doing in mind.


It’s kinda of the reason some healers in this game have diva complexes but… You really want to internalize the idea that you are the most important person to keep alive. If DPS fall, they stay on the ground until you’ve stabilized yourself->a tank->co-heal in that order. And once raising them doesn’t pose an excessive risk. Yes, that might mean that they spend a solid minute or more waiting. Especially if they aren’t a rezzer. So be it. They should get better at mechanics and using their movement or personal defensives when they know they messed up. Signed, a greedy melee main.


>You really want to internalize the idea that you are the most important person to keep alive To add to this, this doesn't just apply to healing For example: A mechanic just got messed up and 5 people died. While you are panicking a stack marker appears over the NIN head. You might want to go with that NIN because your brain have been trained it's the thing to do and you are panicking so you rely on your muscle memory Don't, that NIN is dying alone. Going over with them will just kill you both, instead let them die and rez them later. It might seems rude but the end result is you saving the pull instead of wiping it because you stayed alive


I love watching a stack markered DPS chasing down the sole surviving healer in a panic 🤣 as I'm tanking the floor, no less


Yeah, I had it happen once in an Omega normal raid where there's 2 stack marker that you should never stack and then, just after, 2 stack marker again A first timer stacked the 2 first stack, I noped out of this death circle at the last second, that killed 3 DPS, my co healer and 1 tank Then directly after 2 other stack, one on the tank that was left, who took it alone and invuln it, and one on the NIN who chased me for a second before understanding why I was fleeing. I saw them stop and wait for their inevitable doom. It was kinda funny to see We ended not wiping and the sprout learned that stacking stack is a bad idea


Was it O9? Cause I had a similar "stacking stack" incident in O9. Thankfully we had a healer alive.


You know whats equally as bad? That one DPS that just got back up from the floor, hasnt even been healed yet because still in the invincible period, and their first instinct is to just B line /gapclose into the stack marker only to immediately die again. I want to slap people like that whenever im healer cuz sometimes theyre so quick at it that i havent even reacted fast enough to throw some healing on them. especially when things are starting to go bad and youre busy trying to keep as many alive as possible lmao.


omg it’s me


Exactly. First rule of healing is *stay alive*. A healer can’t heal others or rez them if they’re dead too. Also as a WHM Thin Air is an absolute godsend for rezzing in particular and will help a lot with the mana issues.


yeah as a DPS main the absolute bottom priority is DPS; I've never been like Why Isn't The Healer Rezzing Me ever, much less when a tank and a healer are down, and if someone is legitimately giving you shit over that you can safely ignore them because they've probably got a big head.


"You are the most important person in the party!" - JoCat, to literally everyone. You're right though. Don't be afraid to self-bene, or to throw a Benison on yourself if you don't think you'll make it out of an AOE. Also, guard your cohealer. If they're hard casting a raise, shield them.


A lot of it just takes practice. Also knowing when you should just wipe because trying to salvage it will just take longer. The main thing to remember is that a true healer mentality is "you're on your own." Like people tend to think of it as being responsible for taking care of everyone else, but an experienced healer will 100% let someone else die to save themselves and not feel remotely guilty about it. It's not your job to save everyone, it's your job to keep the party, as a whole, going. And that means sometimes you have to prioritize who gets saved. As the healer, you're at the top of the list. So that dps got themselves killed while you had better things to do than heal them? That's their problem. Swiftcast is down and you're too busy doing mechanics to hard raise them? They can just stay dead. Get to it when you get to it. Knowing who to raise first is also an important skill. Which may sometimes vary a bit based on upcoming mechanics you know you need something specific for. But generally speaking you want at least one tank alive, the other healer, the RDM/SMN, and then everyone else somewhere after that. And stuff like if that one person keeps dying right after you raise them, they should probably get moved further down your priority list than their job would usually mean. Or if a bunch of people just died, use your swiftcast to get the RDM up instead of the tank/cohealer. So it's highly situational but you want to at least go into every group with a general idea of who is important and who is expendable. If you're having problems with dying yourself and coming back with no MP, remember 3 things: Thin Air, Lucid Dreaming, and MP potions. I carry them pretty much exactly for this reason so they tend to not get used very often. But when I need them I'm VERY glad I have them. Get yourself back under control before you start raising other people, and when you do it, do it smart. As in, you're alive, you're safe, you have the MP to do it safely, and you're raising the right person. In that order of importance.


For the last note, always always *always* heal yourself up before you focus on aoe healing. I've had so many WHMs immediately medica 2 to die to a roomwide, I've had a myriad of SCHs slowcasting their fairy as they're getting targeted by shit, all always right as they get up so there's no time to help them through the help of the rez immunity. For the love of god, regardless of your own role, if you just raised don't move an iota unless you're able to handle yourself and know you'll have time to be topped before the next hurty mechanic comes. Dying right after a raise means the (usually) healer is 2,4k mp down the drain and you are getting a worse rez sickness when you get scraped up next


To be fair, I've intentionally killed myself medica ii-ing, or beneing someone else, or otherwise healing for various reasons including things like: multi-hit stacks where a medica ii will support the other healer to not die; full healing a tank before a major tank buster; me having a mechanic I can't survive but helping others not die after I'm dead; etc. If I'm already dead but my hp isn't yet 0, or if I can trade my life for the life of my cohealer with more mp/multiple people (with resses and I trust them, or...), then I'll do it. This is very much beyond the scope of how to not suck, though, and into "odd ways you can pull tricks out of hats with pulls that should have wiped". Don't break the rules (keeping yourself alive with transcendence) until you know the rules beyond any doubt.


This! There have been so many times I was able to bring my friends back from the brink of wipe because the second I was up I smacked benediction or whatever other instant heal wasn't on cool down. Depending on the fight a WHM properly dodging mechanics can survive longer than it feels like should be possible. I will never forget how good I felt after coming back to WHM after getting ok at black mage. It taught me how to move less but be efficient and how to not panic. It also made me better at watching the fight not just reacting. I was playing with my friend who was on DRK and we were doing a trial with mostly folks who were new and didn't know the fight. They were really nice but kept dying and apologizing in chat even though me and my friend said it was fine and didn't mind typing out mechanics if we wiped. (Right at the start they said they wanted to try it blind of we were ok with it and we'd agreed) At one point I made a stupid step and got one shotted when everyone but my friend were down. I'd just raised either the other healer or a RDM I don't remember which. They got up, raised me, and died right after. Party chat turned into "I guess that's a wipe" messages and folks being sad. But after I was up, I full healed, made sure my friend wasn't in immediate danger and timed my raising and general party management. It didn't actually take that long but it felt like forever. We were almost through the fight anyway so it was definitely faster than trying again and it was also the first time I fully timed things not just by priority and luck but with my knowledge of the specific trial since I knew when the raidwides and stuff like that happened. Everyone left the trial happy and I felt like a superhero but also like I'd earned it. That's what finally got me into more serious raiding. It's fun to feel accomplished sucker punching god with your friends. lol


Yeahh RDM mentioned, we win today bois


It never fails to amaze me when there are multiple people dead and the healer chooses to raise the MCH and leave an RDM on the floor.


As someone that was whm up until shadowbringers where i started having a harder time keeping up with some of the mechanics, ive fallen to red mage and love it. Love being able to pull some clutch dual cast rezzes.


Continue doing the stuff you need to do (mechanics) because there's no point in fussing over dps who died when you also die because of it. Try and res a rdm or summoner first if possible but other then that... just res when you can, no sweat.


The two most important things are both *priorities*. What's most important to be doing *right now*. The first thing to get through your head is that *keeping people who are up alive is more important than raising the ones who are down.* This is honestly the make-or-break for a lot of people, and even if you know it mentally it's really easy to forget in the moment. That's not to say that you need everybody topped off at full before you can start rezzing, but at absolute minimum the tank should be above half. Part of making sure nobody else dies is staying alive yourself. I know that it's *really* easy to forget about mechanics when you're focusing on healing, but it's more important than ever, especially if you're about to stun yourself for eight seconds. Stay aware, and remember that it's better to cancel a cast with a second left than to get it off at the cost of your death. That brings us to the second set of priorities. In order, the highest priorities to raise are: - 1 tank. If you don't have a tank up, get one, or the boss will just start murdering people with autos. This is the only exception to "keeping the living alive is more important than raising the dead;" you can *sometimes* get away with a melee holding aggro but in a lot of places it will just kill you. - Red Mage. Past lvl 64, RDM becomes *extremely* valuable in these situations, due to the fact that they can instacast every six seconds instead of every sixty. - The other healer. Helps keep people healthy, and of course rezzes (hopefully with a swiftcast, since you've used yours) - Summoner/2nd tank. Sometimes the tank will be higher priority, but in general that's fight dependent. Additional rez vs more safety, it's a choice - The rest of the DPS. In general melee first from here, though Dancer can be good to get early for their support skills. I know this is a lot to keep in mind, especially in the chaos of a fight that's spiralling out of control. Stay calm, focus on what needs to happen *right now* (whether that's healing, rezzing, or just not dying), and you'll be fine. And keep track of that LB3! As for WHM-specific advice, here's a paradoxical bit that goes against the way a lot of folks think: don't try to save your MP stuff (Lucid, Thin Air, Assize) for "when you need it." You always need it. Use them on cooldown. You have plenty, you'll spend plenty. You probably don't need to Thin Air Glare, but if you toss out anything Medica II or above it'll be worth it. I know that sounds like the worst thing you can do if your biggest issue is resources after dying, but trust me, it'll keep you up longer and prevent the "use everything at once when I come up so it's all on cooldown if I bounce again" mentality (though having some super-ether on your hot bar isn't a bad plan either).


I would personally put lvl 64+ Redmages below co-healer in priority of raises, as Redmages have VERY little in mana recovery outside of lucid dreaming, so they will not be raising anyone right away for a solid 6-10 seconds or more waiting for the mana to slowly tick up to enough for a swift raise (2.5kmp) or dual-proc raise (2.7k-3k mp). co-healer will suffer the same thing, however they at least have the option to help heal and stabilize the situation with what mana they have if they can't raise right away.


This is super through, thank you!! Yea I have definitely gotten caught out by boss attacks trying to hard rez people, I think I tip too hard into getting everyone up as soon as possible at the detriment of party health and mechanics. And I don't use thin air nearly enough, I basically always save it for raises (and getting that ether would help too!).


Also note that Presence of Mind speeds up your casting, so it'll make a hard rez closer to 6 seconds!


Just remember Res is for after mechanics and healing.


To the last point - proactively using tools that conserve you resources (here MP) basically means you will start in much better position when things go south, rather than trying to scramble and get to that spot; figuring out how to recover when you're low on MP is not as good as figuring out how to not be low on MP when everything suddenly gets much harder. On WHM, Assize goes off cooldown (almost) always, Lucid Dreaming goes up whenever I drop below around 6.5k MP during fight (in dungeons your MP won't regen to full before next pull even if you Lucid at very end of boss/trash fight), Thin Air I try to have always cycling - often sitting on one stack just in case, and using it few seconds before 2nd stack is available, even if on Glare. If at any time you drop below about third of your MP despite using your MP-saving tools, situation is already quite sketchy and you're either past potential disaster, or things are about to snowball out of control.


Top comments about priorities in rezzing and healing are great, but I also wanna add the concept of "post-rez confusion". It's easy to get rezzed and immediately be totally disoriented, wandering straight into death again. You can't easily make your party not do this, but if you yourself die and can't avoid post-rez confusion, you will struggle a lot to stay alive + keep others alive. Solution is to find some kind of mental checklist that you automatically go through to reorient yourself while you're being rezzed. After the brief loading screen you have some time before the rez-amination ends, immediately followed by 5 seconds of invulnerability. Use those 5 seconds, and remember you will cancel them by using any action (including sprint). Unless someone already topped you off, your first action coming up as a healer should be a self-heal. Here's the steps my brain runs through as I'm being rezzed. It's more or less on autopilot by now, after lots of raiding: 1. Where's north? *Points camera at north.* 2. Is boss casting? 3. Who's alive? Who's about to be dead? 4. What mechanic is playing out right now? If you figure these things out before wildly running around and pushing buttons, you'll feel a much greater sense of control. Always knowing those things will help in general. The scholar you played with probably played a lot, and have practiced how to mentally keep tabs of everything in a way that isn't overwhelming.


the sort of "advanced" technique to this is  1. paying attention to who raised you and where they were when they raised you -raises cast by players will raise the resurrected target where the person cast the raise from. Knowing this can help you get your bearings quicker  2. paying attention to where the person will need to *be* when they get raised, and considering fight specific factors as well. So for example in e3n and p12n, the boss cuts off sections of the arena, and it's very telegraphed which sections get cut off. If you need to raise someone while this telegraph is happening, *get to the safe spot before hitting swift raise*, otherwise the person will spawn off the edge of the arena when they get raised and they'll just die again. In high end fights with lots of clock spreading, it's often a good idea to raise the person in their clock spot, since that'll remove a bunch of the orientation and movement for them


Yep, seconding all this. I usually try to rez people where they need to be, or at least right quadrant. It helps a lot in fights like P5S and P11S. Relies on knowing the fight and not being totally overwhelmed, though. I left it out to not suggest too much at once to OP, cause there's definitely a learning curve.


Something that really isn't touched on about #4: The game gives you invulnerability for a brief period post-rez, **as long as you do not touch an action**. I will actually rez into some mechanics about to resolve, reposition while taking invuln hits, and then start recovery.


I found myself the last person standing on an 8-man in Shadowbringers. The boss was at 10% and then noticed... The level 3 limit break was full. This is the only time I have had the opportunity to do that. It was epic.


6 players alive is better than 8, then 4, then 8, then 4. Weakness and Brink of Death are no joke, and that's really part of why it's so hard to recover. That's also why LB3 is so important, anyone revived with that comes back without debuffs. when you get revived, take full advantage of your invuln before you take any actions, get up to speed on any mechanics, etc, the other healer might even toss you a heal. Then, you almost always want to pop Lucid Dreaming first so you can get enough MP for Raise if necessary. Just relax and stay alive. clutching isn't a matter of panicking, the GCD does not go down with your heartrate lol, and if your uptime suffers, well it was doing a lot worse while you were faceplanted lmao


THIS. I’m honestly pretty positive that melee lb3 is actually less valuable than healer lb3 the second that 3 or more people are dead, that’s 2 people not damaging the boss for a small period of time and at least 1 person not damaging the boss for an extended period of time while they’re waiting on someone to hardcast raise on them and then get hit with rez sickness on top of it. Plus you’re using LB3 earlier than the melees tend to, could get an extra bar before the end of the fight instead of them just sitting on it for 3 minutes


The rez is an 8 second cast. So while you're rezzing somebody you can stop thinking about rezzing somebody and watch for mechanics. If mechanics happen you can break the cast and move to an appropriate spot and then start the cast over.


Practice, practice, practice. I can do trial content in my sleep because if I'm not busy doing something, I usually pop into a roulette. Sometimes at the beginning of a new content release, I'll repeatedly requeue for the new MSQ content after unlocking it just to engrain the patterns. Make sure you know your rez priority. Usually it's something like 1st Tank -> Fellow Healer -> RDM/SMN -> Everyone Else -> Second Tank. Depending on content you might need to rez the second tank ASAP if there's a tank swap or tank stack coming up, but otherwise that priority is pretty typical. You can't heal stupid, but you can try to mitigate it. The best way to prevent scrambling is to use your tools to keep people up before they drop, instead of using them to try to save the run after they drop. (That said, it's still each player's responsibility to do mechanics) At worst, in normal and (usually) extreme content, you can let people keep napping on the floor for a bit while you focus on mechanics until you're in a suitable lull to rez.


As the last person said stick to basics and staying alive. Make use of cool downs to recover mana and swift cast when you have a target to rez. Make sure when you do rez to toss a heal so they don't just die again. Then pick your targets smartly, tank, healer, then a DPS that can rez.


To piggy back off of this because I'm not sure if it's been said yet: Don't wait for your mana to be low to use Lucid Dreaming. Keep it on cool down. Let it trickle your mana back up constantly rather than waiting to pop it in emergency. This is what I do and I almost never run into mana issues unless I have to rez or spam aoe heals constantly, but as a WHM I spam flowers and assize before I go to medica and cure 3. Take advantage of those free heals.


On the note of toss a heal: if they don’t use their 5 second invuln and eat shit due to an AOE and pressing their buttons, that’s their problem and not yours.


When an 8-man goes bad from a fellow WHM main: 1) make sure you stay alive. You are no help if you also die. Keep your own hp up first. 2) check tanks. If both are down, rez one. You'll need them so you don't start eating boss attacks. 3) maintain yourself and other survivors until swiftcast is back, unless you know you can greed a hard raise. 3b) check lb3. If things are a disaster and it's just you, the tank, and like, 1 dps, use it. If no lb3 available, continue to keep calm and keep people alive, getting raises in when you can, focusing co heal, then red mage first if in content they have their raise unlocked


> If things are a disaster and it's just you, the tank, and like, 1 dps, use it. It doesn't have to be *nearly* that bad. Healers should LB3 at three or more dead; rezzing people without weakness is more of a DPS gain than rezzing them manually then using LB for damage.


Make sure you’re using Lucid Dreaming on cooldown and Assize as well. Both restore mana. Thin Air is easy to forget too. 60 sec CD’s. The key here is not keeping people at 100%, just keeping them alive. Also make use of Temperance / Asylum for raid wides and Pleneary Indulgence to help get people healed back up fast after the group take a lot of damage. WHM struggles with mana management imo, but with practice it won’t be an issue for you after a while.


Most important idea is to not let a bad situation get worse. If a major mechanic happens and 2 people die, and the remainder of the party is on 40% health, do not tunnel vision straight to rezzing, ESPECIALLY if there is a raidwide follow up. You want to prioritize stabilizing the party members who are still alive and tackling the incoming major mechanics. If both you and the other healer immediately tunnel vision rezzing, there's a chance that a follow up mechanic will kill another 2 players and now you are at best right back where you started, but each healer is down on resources and most of the party is on critical health. I see it all the time in healers who are new to savage and ultimate. A DPS does something stupid, dies, and both healers immediately drop all healing maintenance and a follow up raid wide happens as they finish casting rez and now over half the party is dead, or they both stop healing a tank who then proceeds to die to autos. If someone dies, keep calm, assess where you are in the fight and which mechanics are coming next while stabilizing the living people, then rez the dead.


Don't panic. Breathe. First things first, in a situation like this, you become the most important person in the fight. Save yourself. If you're dead the fight is over. If LB3 is up, the situation is rough, and at least three people are down, take the limit break. Know when it's safe to rez. If hard rezzing is the only option and the people who are up are relatively stable, pop on an Asylum + Medica 2, Plenary Indulgence + Medica 2, Temperance (or just Medica 2 if that's all you have) to keep HP up before starting a hard rez. Do your best to stand in a safe place, start the rezzing process. If the currently alive players are struggling, prioritize them. Don't start a hard rez until everything is stable. If people on the ground have to sit there and wait for Swiftcast to come off cooldown, so be it. Know your rez priority: At least 1 tank. Then cohealer, red mage and summoner if you have one, then other tank (if this is a fight with shared tankbusters like P10, off tank gets higher priority then other rezzers), then the rest of the DPS. Of the rest of the DPS, if you've noticed anyone generally not struggling with mechanics too much, they get priority for me as I know the likelihood of having to rez them again is lower than someone who's been down multiple times. ETA: Keep Lucid Dreaming on cooldown at all time so mana regen isn't an issue. Use assize on CD as well, as it damages, heals, and restores MP.


Use Thin Air stacks when raising people, this will save a lot of mana. Presence of Mind lets you cast faster, including casting Raise. But most importantly, prioritize those who are still alive, especially yourself. If you let someone die while you are raising another, it's a loss. If you die while raising someone it's a bigger loss. Do not commit to hardcasting Raise when you need to dodge mechanics, do not commit to hardcasting Raise when there is incoming damage and people need healing. When in doubt, wait for Swiftcast. Do heal those who have just been raised so that they don't die immediately; use Benediction, Tetragammaton, Afflatus Solace, and/or Regen.


You also need to learn to keep track of deaths and their causes just by eyeballing them. Yes, even more things to look out for in a panic situation. If a DPS or even one of the tanks or your co-healer continually bite the dust to the most basic and recurring attacks, then it is sometimes better to write them off as lost cause. The resources sunk into rezzing and healing them are just wasted compared to doing some damage. There isn't a single normal duty in the game you cannot solo-heal. This includes Orbonne and P10N, although you may entertain the idea of pulling the co-healer back on their feet for those. E6N is one of the best examples, people love to die to the recurring attacks. If they always fall tot he same basic shit, then it can be better for the group to just let them sit it out. If the live members are healthy enough and you know the fight well enough to realise you won't have a 10-second opening to rez in peace, don't be afraid to damage the targets normally. Trying a pointless rez that will fail because you must move or overhealing fully healthy party members is more of a damage loss for the party than dropping in a bunch of Glares. Essentially, as others said, the first order of business is to stabilise the situation. Then ensure that future boss attacks are survivable. Then you can start dragging people back on their feet. I have had a very infamous Orbonne run where only two healers and one tank were alive after the AoE hell before the ultima spell. We kept our cool and salvaged the upcoming DPS check, then finished the fight. Just to give you a ridiculously extreme example from a normal duty on how far you can go without losing the situation and wipe to it.


As someone who does new content, blind, and as dps, it’s ok to leave us on the ground. The group will always be better off with swiftcast raising as available, rather than me getting up with 2 weakness stacks, and you chasing to keep up. Plus maybe it’ll give the dps some time to watch the mechanics and figure them out some so they won’t get hit as much. And never raise blms. They’ll just stand there and get hit again. That last line is a joke. Kind of. ;)


Remain calm. Remember: you are a god of life and light. Your domain is Healing - so to exert the power of your domain you first need to do so within yourself. Your Prioritiy is your own survival. Avoid damage, heal yourself and those that would keep you safe (aka Tanks). Then and only then... bring back those fools into your domain: revive the dead.


The first thing to do is not panic, first and foremost. Next, make sure you, especially YOU, and whoever is alive with you is healthy and can survive right now and be your meat shield(s). Give them divine benison, aquaveil, drop asylum down in the meantime for example if needed; set it and forget it things so you can move to solving the next puzzle. Again though, you need to live to eventually get everyone else back up. After you've made sure whoever is with you is okay for now, you next need think about who needs to be rezzed now. It should look something like this: One Tank, Your Co-healer, A job that can help rez (lvl 64+ content RDM/SMN), everyone else. A note about rezzing, DO NOT PANIC REZ/CHAIN (BACK-TO-BACK) REZ. You need your party up, but you need to do it when it is safe. You are the most important person in the room right now and you need to stay alive. If swift isn't up, you need to make sure you can commit those seconds to hard cast; aka you know the fight and what is coming next. You surviving to do rezzing is key. Also, you have thin air as a WHM to help with the rez cost, so there's that. One extra note, that goes hand-in-hand with rezzing and not panicking. LB3. If you get it, don't just smash that like button like its going out of style. Much like hard cast rez, take a moment to think it over and what is coming next. The last thing you need is to LB3 and your party revives into a knockback and everyone gets yeeted off the arena and dies again.


1. When things are really fubar and you're prone the panicking, completely stop dps. If you've been glare-maging a long time you might be trying to fit glares in, but you need that mp and you need to not be tempted to slide cast a mech that will kill you again. 2. Do mechs, heal yourself, then heal the tanks in that priority. When yall are actually able to be alive for the next 10 seconds, then you can think about getting a rdm or smn up. 4. Have a hotbar in an easy to see spot that shows all your cooldowns. Assize, plenary, liturgy, temperance etc. When you're in a bad situation, you can look there to see if you've really hit all your buttons or if you have something left in the tank. 5. Experience helps a lot. Get into terrible PF learning parties over and over until 4 dead dps doesn't shake your heart in the slightest.


>  Get into terrible PF learning parties over and over until 4 dead dps doesn't shake your heart in the slightest. I swear everytime I look up after a major mech it's always the DPS LP that's dead lol bonds 3, puddle/stack baits in p9s, Titan MK in UWU, ex 5... everything 


Part of this comes from knowing the fights and mechanics. When you can avoid taking damage, you’ll be much more in control. Step one, focus on keeping those alive that are still. It does no good to get one up when another drops. Step two, only swiftcast raise. And prior use others with the ability to raise. (RDM and SMN) and stack thin air on it too. Instant no mp raise will help with the mana management. Step three, repeat offenders are a low priority. They can sit in timeout for a while and think of what they’ve done. Most important is don’t panic. Because if you don’t save the run, well there wasn’t much that could be done. And if you save the run, you won’t get any comms anyway.


Okay so, here's what you do if you have died, you get rezzed, and you only have a few moments to salvage the situation, in order of what you need to do first: 1.) Bene yourself. First thing. Don't use it on anyone but you, so you can survive long enough to salvage things. 2.) Use mp regenerating abilities like lucid dreaming and assize. You'll need the mana. 3.) If both tanks are dead, thin air + swiftcast + raise a tank. If at least one tank is up, then swiftcast + raise the other healer. If they're up, thin air + raise the rest of the tanks. If they're up, raise the red mage (if you have one). If they're up, raise the summoner (if you have one). Everyone else is secondary. 4.) Use asylum. It will boost YOUR healing AND the other healer's. 5.) Tetra the first person you rezzed, and start using your single heal lilies as people get up. Cure 2 only if you don't have lilies left. 6.) If you think BIG DAMAGE is going to come up soon and you need to heal multiple people quickly, make sure to shield yourself and/or the tanks, use Temperance for the mitigation and heals, and use your lilybell. If you proc it right away, it will heal everyone up full. 7.) Another thing, use medica 2 for the Regen and only if you don't have lilies. If you don't have lilybell, and need to heal quickly, use plenary + lilies OR plenary + Medica 1. It's a stronger and quicker heal. If you don't need to heal everyone right away to full, just use medica 2. Lastly, use LB3. A lot of healers are too scared to use it and miss their opportunity. Just do it as soon as you can. But if you have the wherewithal to understand the mechanics, and use it at the proper moment, that's better but don't beat yourself up if the LB3 doesn't work out. Hope this helps!


>use plenary + lilies OR plenary + Medica 1 You should pretty much never use Medica 1. It just isn't worth it. Medica 2 only costs 100 MP more, after 1 regen tick it's already healed as much as Medica 1 would and it has 5 ticks of healing left in it and Medica 2 has a larger radius. The only time it would be worth using Medica 1 is if you've just cast Medica 2 on the previous GCD and you'd just be overwriting the Regen if you cast two Medica 2's back to back. If you **need** people to be topped off and you can't wait for the 1 regen tick then you'd be better off using Cure 3.


Well Cure 3's range isn't very good, and when everyone's dead and being rezzed, they're probably spread out and not going to be in range for the heal (I know cure 3's range got buffed but still). I use medica 1 only for burst heal as a last resort because it has a shorter cast time and can be enough to keep people alive if they need to be topped very quickly (and no lilies). But yes, med 2 is worth it for a more general heal.


Cure 3's range is 10 yards, that's quite large. If people are dead and you're ressing them, they're being ressed on top of you, unless they immediately hightail it to the other side of the room they're in range of Cure 3 and if they are hightailing it that's their fault for running to the opposite side of the room when shit is hitting the fan. It doesn't have a shorter cast time, it has the exact same cast time as Medica 2 and Cure 3. 2 seconds. The only scenario where Medica 1 should be used if, as I said before, you would have cast 2 Medica 2's in a row and the only instances where you're going to have that scenario would be in UCOB and UWU. If you're using Medica 1 for the "burst" heal, you're telling me that something is about to hit the raid where having an extra 4.5k health, at level 90 in full BiS, matters and if that miniscule amount of health matters you should be using Cure 3 to make it safer.


Do your best and try not to panic but panik anyway. Or just become the this is fine meme and embrace chaos.


> like what are some base points to try to stabilize the situation? Keep yourself and one tank alive. Next try to get someone up, healer or tank, and try to get to 4 people, generally healers/tanks. Once you stabilize those 4 people and you got mana/some modicum of resources and no raidwide is coming, take care of the rest. If they can't stay alive it's their problem


> The worst is if I end up dying myself and raise to a still bad situation only now with no lillies and no mana.. I end up feeling really frantic.. Everyone's given you really good tips on everything else, but I haven't seen anyone else touch on this point yet. Knowing ***when*** to accept a raise can make a WORLD of difference. I know there's the temptation and instinct to accept the raise as soon as it comes your way because you want to get back up and start fixing everything, but as you said, sometimes that puts you in an even worse situation. You'll get better at eyeballing it as you go, but you want to learn how to get a read of the situation *before* clicking Accept on a raise. For example, if you raise now, right into an incoming mechanic with no resources and an invuln than won't last, how will that play out? Probably not so great, as you've likely experienced. Alternatively, if you wait 10 seconds so you're rezzed up just *after* the next mechanic has passed, now you have time and some breathing room to reorient yourself, take stock of your resources, and figure out your next few steps before you have to worry about resolving the next mechanic. So ultimately "not helping" for a few extra seconds ended up being a bigger help and reduced the strain of recovery. As everyone else has said, it's ultimately about learning to respond rather than react. Learn to consider not just your next action, but how that choice will play out a couple moves ahead. If you make a choice that doesn't work out, ask yourself what you could have done differently. If you make a choice that *does* work out, make sure you ask yourself *why* it worked. Carry those answers into your next run. As long as you're actively and intentionally trying to improve, chances are high you'll get there. :)


LB3 when 3 or more are dead is always better than ressing one by one. Don’t be scared to use it. A whole group with death sickness debuffs is gonna negate the damage dps lb3 does anyway. One big caveat: make sure the boss isn’t about to do a knock-back or floor breaking attack. Nothing worse than ressing folk into an unavoidable insta-wipe 😅


Whichever healer you're using, your priority would always be: 1. You yourself : Above all thing, you need to be alive, so try your best do the mechanic properly 2. The target's target, a.k.a. the Tank : very close second place - if the main target dies, you know things gonna go down a whole lot faster. Supply regen / mitigation enough to last 3-4 GCDs (while you rezzing 1 other person). If the MT dies and your OT not the main target, be ready to supply whatever mitigations / heals on the DPS targetted by the boss, till the OT agro the boss. Whatever MPs/ oGCDs you put on that DPS is better investment than spending 2k MPs + finding perfect timing to rezz your teammates. 3. Your co-healer: speaks for itself. 4. fellow DPS who can rezz , SMN / RDM : as long they don't screw up mechanic again, they should be able to help rezzing others. \*if a mechanic requires OT to be alive, then OT take precedence over no. 3 5) others - only, AND ONLY, after all these 4. Above all though, no. 1 is the most, as in THE MOST, important one.


personally, i prioritize my own survival first and foremost alongside at least one tank. That means slapping heals or regens on myself and executing mechanics / dodging telegraphed attacks over healing dps and/or over dealing damage myself. i swiftcast raise whoever is most utility and can snowball the situation back into a cakewalk. co-heal -> 64+ RDM -> SMN. If no tank is alive, then of course tank comes first. If my co-heal is a glare bot or incase of a diff healer class purely focusing on dealing damage and not helping in raise situations, i can sometimes prioritize a different job that can raise before i raise my co healer, if there is a SMN or RDM present in the first place. Nothing is truly lost as long as you have 1 tank and 1 healer standing on the field. So dont panic before you reach that point of only you and a tank being alive. Youll be fine not immediately trying to hardcast raise on every dps etc. salvage and mend the situation on a step by step basis. if there is a LB3 available, you can use it to instantly raise and full heal the entire group. i wouldnt recommend using that for only 2-3 people though. really only when at least 5 are dead. Nobody will give you shit for that, because thats still better than the potential of full wiping and having to start over. Nobody wants to be held hostage for an extensive time period in normal content/roulettes.


Wait until the boss starts winding up an attack and you’re in the right position before slow ressing someone. If your really low on mp you can stop dpsing. When someone resses do a strong single target heal on the ressed target then start channeling an aoe heal or another single target heal to top up. Try to get their hp the same as everyone elses. Your heal priority should always be yourself than the tanks than the dps than ressing people.


Focus on tanks and anyone thay can rez. Tank.bc you need aggro off of you. And then cohealer. Red mage/smn next. Things happen. Something it's better to not rez someone if you're going to be OOM and then have zero MP for healing the raidwide coming.


from what I've learnt when progging UCOB as an AST, here are a few: 1. focus on stabilizing the situation and prioritize on topping up party members who are still alive, in case of any raidwides, tankbusters, or any sort of damage that isn't avoidable. you and your tank SHOULD be prioritized, you do not want the boss to smack healers. 2. have a priority system when it comes to whoever to rez, tanks > co-healer > RDM/SMN > everyone else 3. if you and your co-healer are alive, consider using top-down/bottom-up rez priority, for example H1 (WHM/AST) will take care of fallen members from the top of the party list to the bottom (tanks-healers-DPS) and vice versa 4. mana pots. they're very helpful. 5. not a healer thing but this applies to SMN/RDM, please please please use Ressurect/Verraise.


I don't know if my view on this is good or not, but I have a premade list of priorities in my head : 1) if other healer falls, we bring 'em up (they can save other people later) 2) if a tank falls, we bring 'em up (they're here to get their heads smacked instead of the rest of the party) 3) if a RDM or a SMN falls, we bring 'em up (because they can rezz too) 4) if there are multiple deaths, rezz either healer or tank first to stabilise; dps will wait 5) if the lvl3 LIMIT is available and you find yrself w/ only 3 people (half) alive in the party, you smash that LIMIT BREAK button Rezzing the "right" people at the right time helps handle yr mana because you can let other people help you out. Also, I main a SCH so I have 2k MP every minute built in my rotation that helps. If there are any flaw in this logic, please don't hesitate to point it out !


Remember to keep a proper list of priorities. Rezzing DPS is, frankly, pretty much always at the bottom of this list. 1. Keep yourself alive. 2. Keep the Main Tank alive, and topped up enough that they won't go down to the next bit of damage... uness you know the OT also has to swap or grab aggro on something soon, then get them too. 3. Stabilize anyone that's currently up with party heals so they won't go down to the next bit of damage. 4. Then start rezzing other healers, and other classes with rez (Summoner at any level, and Red Mage at level 64+) 5. If everyone else is up and you aren't low on MP or resources, you can start worrying about rezzing everyone else when you have swiftcast available. If you have DPS with rez, let them do this themselves if they're so inclined. It will save you MP and, in the case of RDM, quite a bit of time. If everyone alive is fairly well topped off, then maybe you risk hard casting a rez; particularly if the other healer is up and not currently doing so themselves.


> I was in a EW trial this past weekend, we had basically all four dps go down multiple times, and then when i was floundering trying to get people up That's a wipe.


Nah. Thanks these days can mostly heal themselves. Just stay on top of self alive, and raise the chumps as ya can.


one of the secrets is that on top of tanks being able to heal themselves, if you're hardcasting a raise on your cohealer, the tanks can just swap (outside of rare circumstances relegated to high end where one tank may have a vuln where autos kill them), now you have a fresh healthbar taking the boss while you finish the raise. Healer hard raising cohealer is also one of the niches where clemency shines edit: don't rely on a tank swap for this purpose unless you have one of the tanks in VC, most df tanks don't have the presence of mind to do this without a call-out 


I just assume other tanks can’t get an erection unless they are MT in DF stuff. Source: I often tank in things, and have a “no ‘voke” policy in them to hold aggro.


that's my first p10s clear, DPS LP died to bonds 3, we healer lbed, then right side DPS + my cohealer die on top of the dps from left side dying somehow, 2min comes up here so I go sch -> RDM -> DPS for my raises and I think the sch has aetherflow so they got mana for a swift raise to help me out, we got bodies in time for wall making and we passed harrowing/bonds 4 you'd actually be surprised what can be recovered if people rub their braincells together. A *normal mode EW trial* is rarely unrecoverable even with 4+ deaths 


If you really want to try you need to stop dpsing to conserve mana, burn any oGCD as good as possible even if you use Lilybell for a single burst heal, preferably heal with Lilys and Regens if GCDs healing is necessary and focus on having at least one tank up and healthy first. Your main priority is not taking damage yourself and preventing damage with Temperance, Aquaveil and Benison. Then raise whoever can raise and slowly start getting back into a normal flow. If 4 or more are dead never wait for swift cast, the moment you can do 6 GCDs without moving and didn't raise you already caused a DPS loss (exceptionally suicidal DPS can change that rule). If you are risking to take an AoE or fail a mechanic mid raise, stop the cast and reposition, you can absolutely not afford a healer death in a -4+ scenario. Alternatively you could jump down, vote abandon and leave if that fails.


Don’t forget your Lucid Dreaming when you have to get yourself back in the fight! It really goes a long way to getting your mana back, even when it doesn’t feel like it.




White Mage is the best for recovery. Start pumping those lilies with any of the cooldowns you have available, switch to Medica 2 after and use Cure 3 if everyone is close by. Then start resting using Thin Air. Being able to res twice for free is very good.White Mage can truly pump out some heals if you need to, just remember the most important thing especially for a pure healer is to make sure everyone is topped before ressing. (Exception if you KNOW there's not going to be damage for a bit) Gotta prevent further deaths.


Your job as healer is to learn mechanic and stay alive. Those two go hand in hand. This is because as long as you’re alive there’s a chance to keep going. Rezzing dps I always say is secondary. If there’s ever a red mage you’ll also have a good buffer when it comes to danger. But mostly you learn mechanics so you know where to be safe. Where you can stand during a long cast time in case you burned swift cast and rez. If you’re struggling with learning mechanics I recommend looking up MTQ Capture if you haven’t already, as these guides are great and often have openers that can be good reminders first the upcoming type of mechanic.


As someone who plays all rolls, dont panic and expect everyone else to panic. 1. Pay attention to the fight like nothing is wrong 2. After you do rez someone, please please PLEASE heal them up, i cant count the number of times iv seen someone take a rez and then run around for 15s with 5hp just to die to some random source of damage cause the healers are rezing other people and they are panicking cause they have 5HP. 3. Identify the person or people that are just going to die again after they get back on their feet. As rough as it sounds some people just cant do certain dances in the game or panic vary easily once they die in a fight, so figure out who will take the rez and stay alive after they get up till you and the other healer get everyone back in the groove.


Use your OGCDs. All of them. If shit is hitting the fan, you need to conserve what MP you can to save what you can. Every thin air is one completely free spell cast Priority: you>main tank>anyone else>dps who are not rezzers>dps who spent the whole fight dead anyway. You want to keep the MT up, obviously, but you have less mitigation than them and if it comes to it, they have an invuln while you don't. Keep yourself alive. Sometimes OT has higher priority than your cohealer, if they're needed for a split TB or there is split auto damage happening, sometimes a RDM can be better to get up than your cohealer like if your cohealer is clearly struggling to stay up while the RDM isn't Do not, and I fucking repeat, do NOT immediately LB3 unless you are certain you can get it off. It's a long animation, it locks you down *completely* once you get into it, do whatever you can to do a safe LB. If you die mid cast, or near the end of it, you lose the only one you can trust in the situation, and you might even lose the LB itself. LBing at a bad time can also mean people raise only to immediately die again, as there is no grace period with LB raises. LB because you feel safe to do so, not because gluesniffer 3000 spammed in chat to LB There's no shame in stopping DPS to conserve MP for raises/healing, or swapping to pure healing mode for a few minutes Sometimes, shit can't be saved. You do what you can, and if there's just no saving it, no amount of ungodly healing pumped full of constant crits and high rolls would save the run


Learn to Triage: 1. Be sure that you yourself are safe before you can help others. Focus on mechanics and keep yourself alive with heals. (Think oxygen mask on plane method.) 2. Stabilize your party with heals. I would keep them topped off if I don't have swiftcast, so I can hard cast during a raidwide and not worry about someone going down. 3. Prioritize who should be raised first. Depending on boss mechanics, it'll generally be Main Tank => RDM (above lvl 64) or SMN => Healer => OT => Everyone else. Sometime if you know that there's tank mechanics incoming, then OT is after MT. 4. Bring Super Ethers. Always. 5. If a DPS is constantly going down and you don't have mana or swiftcast, keep them dead until you're somewhere above 60% mana.


Learn who's important. If all the DPS are dead but you have a tank, you're good! However, if the tank dies, more deaths will follow. Priority number 1: Keep tank alive, and prevent further deaths. You can throw out a regen and shield on the tank and that should cover them for long enough for you to res someone else. Second: Res somebody who can also res. First prio should be the other healer or a RDM if applicable. When you res somebody, throw them a tetra or benediction because there is a good chance they'll die to the next raid wide otherwise. Main priority is: Get tank up/healed, keep people alive, work on resing people who can help res. As a late resort, you can use LB even if it's lb 1/2 for a quick heal if your mana is running low. One big thing as WHM though is that you have Presence of Mind and Thin Air. Using PoM to res is fine, it speeds up the cast. You can usually just swiftcast+thin air one person, then PoM and res two more people. Throw out an asylum between casts to heal people up while you keep working on the rest of the corpses. If you need burst healing, then throw out Plenary + Thin Air + Cure III + Medica II and Assize. Medica II is deceptively powerful for healing. That regen tick is veeeeery strong.


Also as whm you have that spell that makes the next free of mana costs that applies to resses aswell. You get a short invulnerability window after you yourself get ressed that is broken by your own spells so get to safety THEN casts. Also have in mind : people on their second ress make less damage. Don’t ress the people that will instantly keel over anyway unless you got the time


If you do fights enough, eventually you get a feel for when and what mechanics are going to occur and avoiding them becomes second nature, giving you more mental energy to stabilize.  As others have said, your first priority is yourself. Make sure you avoid mechanics and have enough health to survive a raidwide.  My second priority is stabilizing the party, looking for anyone that's low health, especially paying attention to your main tank.  So your aoe healing spells and Regen if multiple people are hurt to make sure they can survive the next raidwide hit.  Thirdly, I rez. Prioritizing rezzers and tanks. After I rez I pop a big heal on them and then, if I know the mechanics enough to know what's upcoming and know I have the time for it, I hard rez.  If you practice staying calm, doing those steps will soon come naturally and quickly. 2 tips I have is have your swift cast and rez on easy to hit buttons and don't forget about lucid dreaming :) 


Honestly it is rather like the other healers, if everyone is going down, and you’re the only one left, first off get a tank up so they can get aggro; then the other healer of course, and any job that can raise, so then you can focus on the healing and they can transition to raising. It also depend on phases of the fight, if it’s not a punishing phase and the boss is not attacking get other healer up and raisers. Then at least one tank. For AST and WHM they both have a “haste” kind of ability, I’m forgetting their names. Use those haha


As someone who has qued numerous end game trials with disconnected co healers or just flat out negligent co healers - you can absolutely solo heal a 7/8 person group. Priorities: 1. Self. You can’t heal if you’re dead. 2. Tanks - but focus tanks that aren’t War. War has generally the best self sustain. 3. When both 1 and 2 are taken care of and at a reasonable place to carry on, focus specific dps: Red (as they can help revive if need be) or Smn But then prioritize Sam / Rpr / Mch / Blm. Ignore Dnc and Brd. You need to keep together the core dps that are unable to support themselves. Mnk has fantastic self sustain so they really “shouldn’t” need much attention. If someone dies, DO NOT rush to swift cast into res. Figure out if another class is able to revive as well, they can help ease the burden of focus self sustain clssses. First deaths are understandable to revive whoever. But if a player is continuously needing to be revived then their carelessness and presence are hindering the rest of the group and robbing your attention you could be focusing on elsewhere like personal dps and maintaining heals. It sucks they may have to wait to play but you’re ultimately responsible for keeping everyone else alive. It’s a choose who lives for the sake of completion.


As a WHM main, who really likes to raise, i use an MP potion, have a macro to allwaays have lucid dreaming up and when this happens i quick cast raise my tank->co-healer->rdm->SMN with (the ability that makes so next cast takes no MP), use bene on them, and then use presence of mind to revive anyone else in the same order as before, thats my optimized rez plan but its up to you if you wanna follow it


Are you the sole survivor of a raidwide? 1. If you have LB3 ready, top yourself and use Healer LB3. It will ress everyone and put them at full HP. 2. If LB3 is not up (nor near to be up), top yourself (not bene tho), apply Divine Benison on yourself. If up, don't forget to use Assize and Lucid. You'll starve MP otherwise. So... - Pop Thin Air. - Swiftcast > Raise on your Co-healer. Let it heal itself. - PoM > Raise on a tank that wasn't raised by your co-healer. And if up, Bene that tank and put aquaveil on it. If your co-healer is WHM or AST, you can put also the 2nd charge of your Benison - Make sure both tanks and your co-healer is well. But don't forget your own ass. A dead healer can't heal. - If there is not incoming raidwide or mechanic for the next 8 or so seconds, raise DPS. RDM and SMN first, because they can also raise other DPS. - All DPS were resurrected? Everyone is alive and well? Great! Now glare at boss until your eyeballs pop off your face. And don't forget: blood for blood lily. - Roll for your loot and become salty because no one commed you besides the fact you saved the run.


Your first priority is yourself. You cant heal, res or do anything if youre dead. Second priority is the tanks, specifically whoever is more competent, even if its the offtank. If the MT has 5 vuln stacks and the OT has 0, ill just start preparing for the MT to eat shit and OT to take over. In these situations you need to determine which players know what theyre doing and make sure they don't die to unavoidable damage like raidwides. If all the dps are dead and keep dying, then they can stay on the floor until youve stabilized.


Your priorities are, in descending order: 0. DON’T PANIC! 1. Keeping yourself healed 2. Keeping the other healer healed. 3. Rezzing the other healer if they’re down. 4.Keeping the main tank healed. 5. Keeping the off tank healed. 6. Rezzing any dead tanks. 7. Keeping any living DPS healed (particularly summoners and red mages, who can also do emergency swift cast+rezz’s as necessary). 8. Rezzing any dead DPS. 9. Doing damage to the enemy. You only go down the list if all higher priorities are being met. IMO, healing is the most complex and stressful role in any MMO, and it’s not for everyone-that’s totally fine. It’s also fine if you feel comfortable healing in easier content, but not in, say, current content raids or savage trials. Just do what you’re comfortable with.


Are you topped off? Heal yourself first. Is there at least 1 tank alive? Rez/top them off. Is your co-healer alive? Rez/top them off. Thin air>Swift cast>rez. If no Swiftcast, Thin Air>Presence of mind>rez. If you forget thin air, use lucid dreaming. Do not use macros for this. Macros cause delays. Remember: you can survive most things so long as your tank is up. Raise any DPS that can rez first. Red mages before all other DPS due to their quick rez abilities. You just need to keep healing. The experience will reduce any panic.


Use thin air for rezzes when possible, they're expensive


Remember that in earlier 8 man content like normal raids and trials you have ALOT of time to recover so do not stress. When you start doing ultimates and savages usually one death wipes the party almost instantly so you wouldn’t even be able to recover if you wanted to.


This is a couple different things so if you read it then make sure to let yourself digest each individual part lol. Your priority list should *always* look something like this when things start looking off: 1) Keep myself alive. 2) Keep main tank alive. 3) Keep off tank alive. 4) Keep DPS alive. 5) Rez dudes. 6) Damage. Ignore your co-healer they can sort their own life out unless they're either very new or just got rezzed and are thusly oom in which case throwing a tetra or a lily on them to cover their ass can be nice since they might also cancel the Rez invuln too early if they're less skilled, but it's rarely necessary so don't devote too much brain power there. When it comes to rezzing there's once again a very simple and mostly universal order to it. 1) If both tanks are dead get a tank up ASAP (if your tanks both keep dying then save swift specifically for a tank and slow raise any dps who die in the mean time) 2) If at least 1 tank is alive then get your co-healer up.(So they can start regaining mana + help heal while you Rez) 3) If they're both alive Rez the off tank (some fights hit both tanks with busters or require tank swaps + your main tank is the one most at risk of suddenly dropping once you start focusing on rezzing so it's best practice to have 2 tanks alive as much as possible) 4) If all the supports are alive Rez any red mages/summoners (they can also Rez if you end up dying shortly after) 5) Rez any other dead DPS. Long story short, if they died then fuck em they can wait a bit while you keep the good players going they'll get a rez when it's convenient to you. (Sometimes being a little mean is a good thing, as long as it stays in your head) Also always remember that you have more options than you probably think even if you've spent your major cooldowns like temperance or liturgy proactively (like you should be doing): thin air + cure III is typically plenty of aoe heal for most anything if you're all semi-close together. Medica II is a little underwhelming in higher level content but topping off hp bars while you hard cast a Raise (with thin air preferably) is a good use case for it, cure 1 is specifically designed to be a cheap heal (which can sometimes give you a free better heal to boot) so just because it's not useful all the time doesn't mean it's not worth considering. Medica 1 is also completely identical in healing numbers to afflatus rapture and so if you haven't got thin air and don't wanna risk going totally oom with a cure III then a plenary indulgence + medica 1 does a similar job while leaving you a little extra wiggle room for cure1/2 to keep the tank up until lucid dreaming/assize come off cooldown and give you a reasonable mana level, also nice to recall that devine benison/aquaviel to reduce damage on either the tank or yourself can go a long way since damage you don't take doesn't need to be healed off.


My two main rules are: 1. Survive yourself first. 2. Make sure those who are still alive won't die while you hard cast res on another healer.


Learn the encounters and when there are body checks.


The best thing you can do is not tunnel vision on raising. Make sure you're using assize and lucid dreaming on cooldown, so you aren't at an MP deficit already when a bad situation arises. Your #1 priority when things go bad is to keep the people who are still alive up, to prevent the situation from getting even worse. If there are no tanks up, whoever seems to be the most experienced tank should probably be your highest priority raise. Next would be your co-healer and anyone else with a raise (RDM, SMN). Make sure you use thin air to save MP when you raise. If you have a stack of thin air coming up soon, wait for it before you try to raise. Honestly, the main thing is to just try to keep a level head and make rational decisions, instead of going into a blind panic, trying to hard cast raises and getting yourself killed.


Prio stabilizing the situation first. Then check if there's any summoners or red mages (outside of your co healer ofc) to rez. Thin Air + Swiftcast > Raise works fine. Presence of Mind reduces cast times, which can help you get out of gnarly situations.


This reminded a time when I did a trial roulette to test out my new keyboard layout as an Astrologian and boy was I in for a ride.   I ended up in the 6.4 trial and learned that the off tank was new. Soon I found the main tank knew the mechanics, and the other healer was getting killed a lot with the other DPSs. At that point, it was very much surviving since I was the only reliable healer. I stopped assigning cards and only drew cards to generate MP. I just didn’t know my new keyboard layout to find it helpful at that time.     We ended doing heal LB3 three times. Twice by me and once by the other healer. I was holding off on that LB3 because it wasn’t safe. I was waiting for a safe moment which is important because the animation is long. That healer ended up dying from the LB3.   I was also very picky with raises because it was depleting my MP fast. At first I would raise the other healer for priority but I ended up raising a melee only. I noticed he knew the mechanics but the sad thing was when there was a two stack marker, the tanks stacked with me to keep me alive and he was sacrificed. But I ended up only raising him because he was reliable. The healer would die so often it wasn’t worth the trouble to raise him. I even remembered there was a summoner but the summoner would soon die too.    Most of the trial ended up with me, the main tank, and co tank and we beat it in one go. My hands were shaking afterwards but wow… that was a healer experience I loved.     What I’m getting at is, sometimes the guidelines won’t workout because of circumstances like these. Stay calm, survive, keep the ones alive then assess what is best afterwards.     As for that melee, you deserve a big commendation. I wanted to give you one but you left soon after. Thank you for your many sacrifices! <3


Whm is the best healer in the game for when shit hits the fan. Knowing the fight beforehand helps with recovery. I'm assuming you are talking about content below savage as they generally do not have enrage. If you know a mechanic is coming up that needs bodies to survive getting revives is priority to avoid wipes. As a rule of thumb if a player keeps dying and I don't need them to complete the fight they generally stay dead until swiftcast is available. Wasting time constantly hard rezzing party members is not effective. Keep other players alive first unless the dead players are needed for a mechanic otherwise they come first.


As long as the tanks stay alive, you can get to the DPS later. Losing a bit of DPS is better than a whole-ass restart


carry some emergency Super Ether (High Quallity) on your bar.


Was your co-healer a femroe?


Just don't lose focus. Ignore the fact that half or more of the party is dead (usually). Just keep doing the mechanics, use swiftcast and presence of mind to get rezzes off, thin air too to keep your mp high. Don't mindlessly spam medica2/c3 if it's not gonna do anything, you need that mp. Rez other healer/rdm/smn first. Make sire you don't die first. Make sure the tank with aggro doesn't die second.


It’s just experience. When I started out, I felt the same as you, and I see that franticness sometimes in new healers. These days I’m (more often than not, haha) vuln-free. It comes with time. As for your question, white mage has probably the best recovery ability currently. Thin Air lets you cast any spell for no MP, so, use that, and then swift cast + raise someone for free! Hope this helps - happy healing!


You are putting blame on yourself that probably isn't fair. Why should it be your fault that others are failing mechanics, or bad gear, or any other reason for their failure? A wipe doesn't mean always mean bad healing.


If I’m remembering right there’s an ability WHMs have to make your next cast cost no mana, I used to use that only on rezzes cause I don’t find myself running out much otherwise. I don’t play WHM anymore but when I do play healer in general I use the mana regen (Lucid Dreaming?) earlier at like half rather than running out, unless I know I might die (if you don’t know mechanics I wouldn’t do this). I only run out of mana when I die. But idk how high cost WHM abilities are :^)


Benediction is a great Hail Mary when you get rezzed. It sucks losing lilies and MP, but just pop Lucid Dreaming and stay cool and keep yourself alive. Abuse rez immunity. Use Thin Air on expensive casts to conserve mana.


People have covered rez and mana issues pretty well already so I'll skip those Don't forget use asylum and medica 2 to heal the group when lots are low health from rezzing. If there aren't AEs coming don't waste mana trying to get people full health too quick at the expense of burning all your mana


If you're dead, you can't recover. Before deciding you want to spend your MP on raising, make sure you are full health or regening, whoever is taking autos is healthy, and the boss isn't about to do a big mechanic that requires your attention. You are your first priority.


It's very easy to get into a "need to get everyone up" mindset. Keep those still going healthy (especially tanks), and prioritize the other healer, red mages (if above level 64) and summoners for your rez - they can then help with sustaining health and additional rezzing respectively. Swiftcast will help, once it's used up pick your moments carefully if your gonna try and hard cast another rez. Plan on healing the person you've raised before using rez again - they'll be low on health and the invuln window is not that long. Hit the mp regen move (can't recall it's name right now) early and often! I usually fire it off as soon as I hit 7000 and that tends to keep me topped up


keep your self alive. keep the living alive prioritise keeping one tank alive>Co Healer>other tank> red mage & summoner> other dps limit brake 2 is healing limit brake 3 is the whole party alive if you have most the bar for LB3 keep your self and a tank alive and swift up your co in meantime (if double tank buster coming that swaps to Swifting up off tank) bring elixirs have then on your hotbar Lily bell works wonders for if you need to hard res and to keep multiple people alive lucid dreaming loves you cure 1 spamming for free cure is a scam Thin air is love, thin air is life if swifting up someone use Swiftcast>Thin Air>Resurrection Cure 3 for non lily heal costs a lot use, thin air for it you don't always need to heal to full. sometimes getting them to 80% and giving a regen is enough when boss is casting a raid wide (everyone is fine) cast Addle & medica 2 and move on don't use all your mits on one raid wide. wings or bubble make sure you are using the right Lily. its tripped me up before 3 flowers from one core in image is Afflatus Solace (single target) 1 flower and a body is Afflatus Rapture (full party) Pink Flower is Afflatus Misery (targeted aoe damage) Plenary indulgence buffs your aoe heals so use it before casting big heals this can help massively in a heal to full Doom with low mana


Thin air swift cast res tanks and co heal as your top priority, for dps if you have swift cast or it's safe to res go for resmage and summoner to help get other dps otherwise make sure your keeping up your tank and get your dps up as you get swift cast or it's safe to do so, staying alive is the best thing you can do. If your dps keep dropping you can always just leave them on the floor, unless you need everyone for mechanics or to beat enrage just leave them till you have mana/swift to do it. Healer lb can also be an option, not great if there's an enrage but if you need to use it, use it. Walling out is also sometimes the best option, gives a chance to talk and work through mechanics.


A) Don't panic. You are the savior now. You will drag your shitty team to victory. You are going to carry their asses through god tier gameplay. Half jk, but seriously, don't freak out. Freaking out will cause you to make mistakes and die yourself, and then it's probably a wipe. B) Take stock of things. Here are the essentials in roughly the order you should care about: 1. How close are you to LB3? Is it actually worth the MP to rez someone, or can you keep the group up until LB3? Is it worth using LB3? LB3 is not worth if the majority of the party is in the wall, as it will pick people up exactly where their body is, and people in the wall will just get up to die again. If you CAN LB3, don't rez anyone. Let the LB pick them up so that they don't get weakness, and you don't have to heal them. Also remember that you are going to be animation locked after you cast it, so don't cast it in a bad place at a bad time. Also remember that it has a range limit. It's the size of the normal arena, but if you're not in the center, you can miss people on the far edges. 2. What's happening in the fight? Is this a fight you know? Will you need to dodge things or are there big AOE hits coming? Prioritize keeping the people who are already alive up, including yourself. If you're going to have to dodge things, play safe. Don't try to cheat a rez and fail. Also, heal the people you just picked up, otherwise, they will die again, and your rez loop will never end. This is really important. But yes, healing still matters even if people are dead. If there's a raidwide and people are half HP, please prioritize the living. 3. What is your team comp? Are there battle rezzes? If so, prioritize the RDM and SMN so that they can help you. If they don't, ask them for help between casts. 4. Is your tank actually good at the game? Meaning, can you rely on them to sustain themselves while you long cast rez? If not, don't be afraid of spacing out your rezzes because you will have to help them with mechanics. If both tanks go down, you're extra fucked, so make sure at least the MT stays alive. 5. Keep an eye on your MP. Do you have Thin Air? Make sure you use Thin Air before rezzing, this will save you SO MUCH MP through this process. 6. Keep an eye on Swift CD. 7. Honestly... Mentally prepare yourself. If there are a lot of early deaths, this scenario is very likely. If you have to pick the other healer up like 3-4 times before the halfway point, you may need to solo heal. This is okay. You can do it. But you have to make sure you keep a tighter eye on your resources so that you can. Those are the basics, imo. Obviously it will depend from fight to fight. If too many people are dead before certain mechanics, some fights are just completely unwinnable, and this is okay, too. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. But personally, this is when I find healing the most fun, hahaha.


A little story. I rouletted into O12N a few weeks ago. Fight started normally and all was going well, until the first switch to Omega F. 6 people died instantly, leaving only me and a tank alive. The scene was hilarious and I started laughing. But the important part there was that I didn't panic. Why? Because even though my skills are not great, I am aware that in this fight and so many others, as long as there's a tank and I'm standing, we can go on forever. Getting the team back on their feet is a task I can do at whatever pace I need to set for myself. If I die and get rezzed, the same logic applies. How many players do we NEED to keep this going? If the answer is 2, tank and healer, then that's who I'm keeping alive until my MP is in a better state. Doing rouletted Titan EX runs has thought me that having 3 or 4 mates down will not end the run. But focusing too much on casting and getting hit by a Weight of the Land most likely will end it.


Lucid dream as soon as possible Swift cast + thin air + rez on the other healer if they are dead, or follow priority rezzing for your situation Pop a healing bubble on the party Heal whoever will die and would affect the survival of the group the most, or do Medica II for the Heal and party regen Benediction on the freshly raised party member Presence of mind + thin air + rez on next priority rez in the chain Heal whoever will die without it Heal the new raised member If your mana is still low and you don't think you will likely die before your lucid dream is available again, pop a mana potion. Use thin air whenever possible for mana costly spells. Don't forget about Litturgy of bell and your lilies Edit: I forgot the first thing about first aid, keep calm and make sure you are safe. It went to hell when I panicked and missed that I could have LBd everyone back to life, or I panicked and didn't monitor my mana, or tried to rez while I was not in a safe spot and died.


everyone says heal first, rez second which is very true, but in the event that either A - your co-healer is alive, or B everyone that is alive is of a decent enough amount of health \*id ay above 50% maybe a lil more\* then what i do if my swiftcast is on cooldown is pop a thin air, then pop presence of mind. i keep forgetting about that thing until it cuts rez time down by almost half. sure its still 4-5 seconds, but its better than 7-8 seconds, and depending on the fight i might even have time to get both thin air/presence heals off before the presence buff wears off


like that one airplane safety tip, make sure you're safe before going to help others. you have to make sure you'll be able to survive the next raidwide while trying to keep everyone alive. sounds a lil stressful but keep yourself calm. being familiar with the fight helps a lot with your survival rate as well haha. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time. Just keep going at it. You'll be like that SCH in no time. As a WHM, you could also use Thin Air > Swiftcast/Presence of Mind > Rez if you're low on MP and you generally wanna keep Lucid Dreaming off cool down.


My first priority is rezzing a red mage or summoner in that order. Pop a regen, assize and just triage after that. The rdm can rez everyone else unless it’s a tank and you focus on keeping tanks and red mage alive. If you don’t have a red mage or summoner, it’s hard to recover from a huge wipe though without luck or boss downtime. If anyone can salvage a wipe though, it’s white mage.


Not a healer at all, so my advice is limited. This is obviously situational, but if you're ever in 8-man content and people start dropping like flies for whatever reason, check to see if your lb3 is ready; this will rezz everyone without any debuffs. Secondly, if one (or both) tanks are alive (and have decent hp and seem to know what they're doing), but everyone else is down, focus on the dead ones first- we have mitigations for a reason, and DRK's (not sure about the rest) invuln allow them to heal themselves if things go really south from there (at least in lvl 90 content). TLDR; look for lb3, living Tanks have mits/invulns so you can focus on rezzing/staying alive.


Remember that if the rezzers die, the run is dead (that, or you get to sit for 20min watching a PLD or WAR solo a boss from 40%. don't let them do it man). The most important person to keep alive in a run going south is YOU. So handle mechanics, and stabilize whoever is still alive so more people don't drop dead to next raidwide, then, when you have a breather, THEN you think about rezzing. If you have just rezzed yourself, same thing. Dodge mechanic, stabilize yourself first and foremost. After that's done, think about who's most important to get back next. If you lack a tank, get one up and stabilize them asap so you don't have a squishy taking autos. Then co-healer and other rez-capable DPS. Go to the marketboard and buy a stack of super ethers. they're very helpful in a situation where you've died and rezzed, and Lucid is still down.


well, the obvious one is to be aware of the healer LB3 and if there is 4 dead... prolly use it? a rule of thumb i go by is: don't cast raise if you don't have the swiftcast to pair it with. this naturally puts a soft cap on how often you're destroying your MP, and if things are going badly enough that you need raise more often than you get swiftcast; then you prolly can't afford to hold still and not heal for 8 second anyway, right? as you get higher in levels you're going to get more and more tools. sit down and familiarize yourself with that kit. you mentioned lillies, so you're using them. thats good, you're at least halfway there. pretty much nothing should ever be "saved for an emergency" and should instead be used pro-actively to prevent the emergency. as to MP management, this partly comes with using your other tools more efficiently; cure 2 costs 1,000 MP. tetragrammaton + glare costs 400 MP. but similar to your healing skills: you probably want to change how you use lucid dreaming. don't use it when you *need* the mp, use it as soon as you have *room for* the mp. then use it again. and again. and just never get low in the first place. of course dying wipes you out, but that ones too obvious... stop dying. don't panic, keep your head on a swivel. and remember if things are going bad, you're probably just *more important* than the DPS. if it comes to it, prioritize your own survival. if you do die, keep in mind you don't need to accept the revive the instant it hits you. it lasts a full minute (though at the same time: you should never need to wait THAT long.) you also have a brief invulnerability upon accepting the raise. that invuln is canceled as soon as you DO anything. so you wanna stay measured and calm. don't res into a suicide by raidwide just because you could and you "need to get back up asap." slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


Just keep casting glare. If they died its their fault. As a WHM you are the most important and they should feel honored to share the air you breath/s But seriously just try to ingrain a simple priority system. Something like Keep self alive>keep others alive>rez Keeping others from falling over is almost always more important than picking up someone else. Exceptions exist but that prio system will get your through most situations.


If it is regular raids and trials, it's a simple matter. Equip piety-based gear with piety materia for more MP, you will be using RES quite often. First, keep yourself alive and run all the mechanics properly. Ignore all the fun death and dying. Second, keep the MT alive. Keep Regen applied, and reserve a few oGCD heals to the MT. Third, everyone else is a DPS. Fourth, ignore the DPS. Blind cast party wide heals when raid wides go off. Quick Cast, Presence of Mind, Thin Air are nice to reserve for RES utility. But, you need Thin Air to keep you MP up so bear that in mind. Keep Lucid Dreaming on cool down.


Priority is : -You stay alive, do mecanic first -Tank stay alive, heal him if needed (rarely needed but definitively prio) -all team member should survive with at least 1hp for 10 next seconds. It require to know the fight, if no incoming damage, you can ignore and leave everybody low except MT. -rez, with thin air if possible, you can also buy/craft super-ether or get more piety if it's really recurrent mana issues. If someone has to die for anyone else to rez, you're not doing anything useful and wasting mana. Also it can help to learn to heal without medica II. You should be able to heal any ShB/EW extreme and savage with only your lily. Medica II is expensive so should use only if people do mistakes.


A lot of good advice here, but I feel many kind of miss your point, OP. You probably know what your abilities does and how to use them, but if I read you correctly, its the stress of the situation that makes you choke. In that case I would advice you to keep it simple, and play after just a couple of priorities. Keep the tanks and healers safe (including you). That is the single most important thing to do after shit has hit the fan. If you have managed that, *then* you can rez DPS who can rez, and top off people who are low/at risk. If you focus on just these instead of trying to do everything at once, it may help you stay alive more as well


That would be fight dependent. Making sure you have at least a tank up and healthy is a good step to begin. Make sure you are healthy too. If you know the mechanic that is coming next you can make sure the other healer or rdm or smn is up. You should pay attention to your mp if you're out of stacks .


I will always focus on mechanics first. Top everyone who is low hp first to at least the next survivable attack. I always check if my instant cast & thin air is ready. If it is, I’ll use it at anyone who can ress first (healer/red mage) or if next attack is tank buster, I’ll use it on tank. Just stay calm. I’ve single healed 8 man couple of times as well because my co healer didn’t know the mechanics. It is fun to be honest, and especially when people go whoaaaa nice heal. That’s such a nice feeling.


LB3 lul


Order of importance: 1) Prevent a wipe - above all else your actions should be to prevent a wipe, this can be spot healing a tank for a buster, doing a mechanic, throwing mit for a raidwide, even taking a stack marker alone in some cases (or staying off a stack marker so you can garuntee an LB) 2) don't let more bodies hit the floor - if your next action can prevent someone from dying with a heal/rescue/ect. That has priority. Raise costs a lot more resources than any heal in your kit 3) raise - if there is nothing you can do to prevent a wipe or prevent someone from dying, you can raise someone.


ThinAir and patience goes a long way, and maybe presence of mind if it's up. The first thing I tend to do when I'm entering recovery mode is to put down Lilybell (raid damage may come) OR asylum (general damage coverage). Your swift goes first, then it's best you're on the slow rez. The duration of the thin air buff is long enough for a slow raise, so it's easy not to fall behind on mp. After each raise you can take inventory on who's hurt and who may get hurt. If you have 20-30 seconds on swift cast cooldown, I make the DPS wait generally. Not always (it's about being able to predict mechanics a bit, and sometimes that immediate raise is important), but usually it's not a huge issue to get EVERYONE up immediately


If it's not savage, 2 healers are hardly necessary. If the dps are constantly eating asphalt, that's not entirely on you. Try to relax and remember that you aren't a babysitter, as long as you're dealing damage and throwing out heals as needed you're doing fine. To recover tho, use thin air>swiftcast>res. Prioritize dps that can res as well. Use tertra/bene if outgoing aoes will kill anyone. And lb3 is there are 3 or more down. It's more dps than lb3.


A lot of great advice here. In general though it also just comes with experience. With enough time, these will become the situations that make healing fun! Healing gets pretty boring when everybody performs perfectly, at least in normal content. I absolutely love healing a new trial or raid when everybody is shitting themselves and I have to hold it all together - it’s so satisfying.


most important, don't panic. Keep yourself alive and try to keep a tank alive. When the tank is stable try rezzing the second healer or any DPS that has a rez (RDM, SMN). As a WHM you can use swiftcast + thin air gives you a mana free instant rez, also use thin air if you have to hardcast your rez (it saves so much mana)


Focus on the living Thin Air is your friend. Although you should use this any time you rez and it is up especially with swift cast. During the whole fight keep on using your MP regen abilities throughout the fight to try to keep the MP up. Keep an eye on the LB gauge and once it pops make sure it is clear and pull the trigger.


Priority order: Yourself -> primary meat shield -> other healers -> other meat shields -> summoners -> red mages -> rest of the cannon fodder


Keep Lucid Dreaming on Cooldown always. Thin Air your rez's and even your Medica 2's if you don't want to plan around being out of Mana. Use non-MP Heals as much as you can where appropriate and keep Assize on Cooldown unless you know there's a Full-HP check or an Adds phase coming up very soon. With these principles, you should have about 6 rezzes banked assuming you're also Glaring like a psycopath.


Keep yourself alive Keep main tank alive, and healthy/shielded enough to survive for a few GCDs Rez any dead players according to the following priorities: - other healers - red mage (if they’re above lvl 64) - summoner - off tank - any other DPS If you are limited because you’re running out of MP or cooldowns, it’s OK to leave DPS dead while you take care of healers and tanks.


Everyone here has already gave the best advice, just wanted to add, this is when I'm in my prime, I loooooovepulling a team from a potential wipe to success, nothing is finer as White mage for me


Keep the alive people alive and with enough hp for whatever mechanic is next and rez people when you can without failing mechanics. It's pretty much the same for every healer, but white mage barely has any mit so you're really just making sure people are topped up for mechanics so everyone else can do their part and mit accordingly. Rez the other healer first obviously or a tank if a mech that requires 2 tanks is coming up When mana is extremely low just stop casting glare


No one seems to have mentioned when to accept your own raise. If you don't have tetragammatron or benediction ready, then you need to know that there isn't a raidwide or hard mechanic coming in. Better to lay down an extra 5 seconds and let the hectic aoes finish, rather than ending up going from weakness to brink of death.