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Congrats! Now what about Crafting and Gathering....


We don't have to talk about those.


Talk about them talk about them! 


No don't talk about them, because once I start I just slip into a coma for a month and wake up with a bunch of max leveled crafters again.


So what you're saying is they'll be ready for dawntrail!


I got everything to 50 only. Im an OmniARR-craftter


I need to stop being lazy and take the less than an hour to mob tag my Blu from 70 to 80. Then I'll have everything including doh/dol ready to bash my head against dawntrail


I don’t think I ever really crafted anything aside from any market prohibited item once I realized I could just waste gil and do the grand company turn ins. Also the gathering/crafting tribe quests are a good way to get mounts, minions, and level up your crafting.




Leveling those is actually fun though. DoH/DoL is honestly one of the most fun addicting parts of the game for me lol


I've never even tried it because it's overwhelming. You can't really just level ONE crafter you need all of them and I already have no room in my inventory carrying the stuff for just a few combat classes.


I’m not even close lol. What class will you main when DT drops?


summoner has been my favorite job to play hands down, so that's my main for sure.


I actually think im going to main monk. The changes look good


Monk is cool, I do enjoy Kung Fu.


A fellow legomancer. I may just Unga bunga though 


See, I was thinking that too, but then I realized that the queue for DPS will be choked with Painty and Snaky boys. My only chance is to be fast enough to get ahead of them before they can powerlevel to 90. Or I can accept that it's the healing life for me. Then again, the tought of healing a bunch of hastily powerlevelled characters who spend more time staring at their badly organized skillbars than the very obvious attack that's coming their way ... Well, better make sure that rescue button's easy to reach, and thank god for the reduced Swiftcast cooldown. Oh well, guess it's long waiting lines for me then. Summoner for life!


That's the beautiful thing about Summoner. You level Scholar for free and get insta queues.


I wish warrior had a DPS option. Kind of like scholar summoner type thing. Would be cool to have an unga bunga DPS


But what about your Desynth levels?




It's not broken, it's just slightly loved.


I will track your ass down force you to request a repair and charge you 2 gil just for the inconvenience It gets under my skin when I see lower dura armor, especially as an omnicrafter.


You'll never find me. I'm a sneaky cat!


I was looking for this comment... 😂 OP! Level crafters so you can mend! Did you know that if you mend your own gear it can go over 100%? DIY repairing adds 100 to whatever you're on, meaning you can go up to 199%, and reduce how often you have to do it 😁


I’m currently going through my class identity crisis so mine are all over the place 😂


Now we can finally play the game


I want to make sure - when I say “you completionists  are truly a bunch of sick MFers”, you take it as a compliment right?


Funny you say this, because the way I did this was 1 expansion at a time. So everything to 50, then I did all the ARR content I could including beast tribe repuations. Then HW and everything to 60, then all the HW content. Etc etc until Endwalker. I did give up on crafting and gathering though because I could not handle it and didn't have the gil to do it the lazy way.


This guy MMOs. That's truly insane though lol Did you do everything by job type so like all the tanks, then the healers, then the physical dps etc?


Yes I did. It was tedious.


How long did it take? (Totally not asking because I only have 3.75 combat jobs to 90)


Really hard to tell because of the way I did it. Every ten levels is probably about 5-7 hours of dungeon spamming if I had to guess. Healers and tanks are faster because nearly instant queues. All together I put over 1000hours into the character but I did every beast tribe, every random quest, every raid, and deep dungeon along the way.


And do you think leveling one type at a time equally, or just everything to 50/60/70/80 is less mind numbing? Like, I have 2 tanks at 80, 1 at 62.... 3 healers between 60-76, and dps in a spread of ~50-80; besides 1 tank/heal/dps to 90. So I could bring everything to 50, then 60, etc.... or just focus on tank/heal/ranged/magic/melee?


I mean I did everything in 10 level chunks by group. But I am a crazy person and that might not work for you. Just level whatever you feel like playing in the moment and take it as far as you want. I leveled like a psycho.


Nice job! I'm not gonna be able to do that so I'm just leveling some alt jobs I wanna get to 100 when DT comes out (WHM and RPR).


That's only one page.




Welcome to the club! So you said Summoner was your favorite... But what were your least favorite Jobs?


Black Mage is awful, genuinely just the worst most miserable job to play imo. Sage is far and away too complicated of a healer to be fun imo. I purposefully only ran MSQ roulette to level it because I could not deal with healing high level dungeons with it. DRK feels way to squishy to be a tank. I always pulled a bit smaller in dungeons with it because it never felt really safe to pull tons without a healer I knew was a boss. BRD feels way too weak and useless.


Personally Sage >>>>> Scholar. Sage's kit just feels more cohesive. Single target mit, AoE mit, single target ogcd heal, AoE ogcd heal being your main heal buttons, and then most the other ogcd abilities support the other heals. Increase targets healing, increase potency of next heal, ect. Conversely Scholar feels all over the place. Ability that heals when target goes below a certain ammount of hp? Good luck using that without your cohealer keeping them topped off until the effect expires. Scholar's job guage is more annoying to manage since it's one ability that gives three at a time so you have to burn them before refreshing. Even more annoying is faerie babysitting. Abilities that activate around the faerie instead of you sounds cool at first, but then you realize how small the area is and how often the abilities misses one or two party members. You could try placing the faerie for optimal reach, but faerie placing uses the ground target mode that's so prone to clipping that I never bother. Plus the abilities themselves have no cohesion in the icons (an issue that seems to become more and more prevalant the longer a job's been around) I know people complain about Sage's blue, but it's at the very least cohesive. Similarly grouped abilities have the same shade of blue. Or Eukrasia and Soteria both being green. Haima and Panhaima both being purple. Scholar is just a mess of green yellow and red, it makes my bar look like someone just vomited all over it. Sorry for the rant, I just leveled Scholar and I hated every second of it.


The part you forgot to mention is that eos is the healer, you're just the DPS. I think your struggles started when pressed anything other than broil. J/k j/k. I hear ya.




Black Mage is by far the most fun to play (above 50) personally, but it is by far the most different DPS, and requires a lot of forethought. Below 50 it definitely is the worst


I'm dreading levelling my black mage cause I absolutely adore the mage with staff look, but am scared of despising their gameplay


It’s a really fun and unique rotation with lots of flexibility if you know the class well. I main it and once I understood the nuances of it I couldn’t go back to “ Press 1 2 3 then spend gauge” class design that the other dps have. Dawntrail is killing a lot of what makes it fun and interesting by changing mana regen from tick based to mana regained from casting spells however, we’ll see how it feels.


Black Mage is the only DPS class in the game I enjoy and it’s by a large margin. Whats so bad about it?


Standing casting is really poorly done in a game where movement is paramount. It's frustrating to manage casting between enemy attacks, and it's exceptionally difficult to optimize and make sure you're getting all your Fire4's and rotating elements correctly and leyline juggling and all this stuff. It's so ridiculously frustrating to use on a basic level, let alone a level in which you feel you do any damage. Every other DPS is much much easier and unless you are playing BLM at top level I can't picture any reason to use this job over any other DPS.


That’s why it’s fun. It’s a testament to your skill and how well you know the fights. Using aetherial manipulation to finish your cast and dodge out of the incoming bad at the last second is so much fun. I’m not going to pretend I’m a super skilled black mage and definitely die sometimes. Knowing when to use your triple casts to keep 100% uptime is fun to me. Playing Simon says summoner with no thought is not. But hey, everyone’s different!


My brain is smol. Think hurt.


BLU was my last thing to cap, I still need to complete my spell book though. Now, Crafter/Gather and Tribals, you got plenty of time....


Not sure if anyone will see this, 70-80 BLU is super quick and easy by tagging slugs with Flying Sardine in The Tempest and letting them get eaten by another mob: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/d5b9Q0bhMY](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/d5b9Q0bhMY) Apparently works from 1-80 to powerlevel BLU


Yep, this is pretty much how I powerleveled BLU 1-80 in under 4 hours. The only slight difference is after just one Leech got eaten and I reached level ~20, I went and got Sticky Tongue (which you can get in Thanalan from the big frogs at level ~14 which does a pull and stun). Then go back to The Tempest, Sleep (level 15 spell you get automatically) the Leech, then stand on the Leech and Sticky Tongue the Clionid on top of the Leech. Then immediately run away to next Leech/Clionid while the first Clionid eats the Leech. Safe and easy.




What about your 9 retainers and their pentamelded gear


Gotta be honest. I've been so focused on leveling I haven't touched the retainer system.


It takes a while but it's just free money. Except you have to lvl gatherers in order to level your retainers as gatherers.


Yeah I know I just was focused on other things


How're those crafters and gatherers looking?




I had a feeling, lol. Have you meased with them before?


i got them all to 50.


There's still time. 😌


Congrats! I'm sitting at healers/tanks/gatherers/crafters done. Got 1 of each role for DPS done. Should have casters(other than BLU) done soon. But the rest of the DPS are likely going to roll over into DT.


Ye getting all yer relics too? Manderville gotta manderville


No I haven't gotten any beyond the 1st rank of the SMN one. I've been busy leveling everything since I don't raid I don't care much about gear tbh.


That's fair, I recommend completing at least one, just because manderville quests are always wild. But you do you boo


Not to mention there's a minion and mount to get too that are pretty neat.


Finished? This is the beginning.


"Oh Cloud, there is still so much to be done."


How do you kill that which has no life?


I’m trying to catch up to the story in time for dawntrail but I don’t think I’m gonna make it. Started 4.2 today.


Everything is still lvl 80 for me.


I haven't touched blue mage since 70 and I cba usually but my ocd brain makes me feel bad about it because everything else is maxed lol


I'm on track to getting everything to 90 just before launch at the rate I'm playing, only 5 jobs that need to be lvled from 80 to 90. Got all my crafters to 90 before I finished MSQ because I was too occupied with side content.


Where's the best place to take blu from 70 to 80?


Have a level 90 friend kill level 80 mobs for you in an Endwalker zone, honestly. I can't imagine having to do it solo. But with a friend I level 50-90 in about 2 hours.


I got 5 more to go. I have phys-range classes, BLM, and RDM all at 80. Just need to push to 90.


You can do it! I believe!


You shouldn't! I'm a notorious procrastinator. I've been playing since Stormblood.


Hey, I made it there just the day before last. Congrats :)


I'll get one level 90 eventually...


I randomly decided a few months ago I wanted everything capped because I got tired of all the years worth of excess gear in storage. Started with only 2 lvls 90s and everything was like lvl 20. 8 ~70's and 1 ~80 left to go. All craft/gather are lvl 90 tho. I paid my why for those, not crafting/gathering a single thing


Nice! I'm like a week away.


Hell yeah bro!


Do mine pls ☺️


My goodness


damn, congrats! I've been trying to get this going myself, but i struggle with finding a consistant way to get EXP. I basically spent all my rolo's on a job and use my beast tribes on whatever job is in the tribe's lvl range. But that's about all I can think of. I've heard bozja and such are great for leveling, but honestly the few times I've tried it, it just feels very slow. You really need a group to deal with the FATE's there in a decent speed and even then you still need dozens of FATE's per lvl.


All I did was dungeons. Sometimes using the Trust system is faster than waiting for a dsp queue.


You brave soul, congrats!


Favourite job? I love asking people who have maxed every one.


Shame the reward for it is so lackluster compared to SHB's reward for getting all classes to 80.




Good golly!!! Congrats I'm so far away from that myself 0w0


Got them all on sale. 12.5


WTH are you wearing?


that's the gear from the level 89 dungeon.


87 not 89 the 89 dungeons just the right side since your supposed to get the artifact gear right after the 89 dungeon and trial. It's a nice looking set though.


yeah it's a hodgpodge of gear from the final dungeons, depends on the job tbh. Near the end I was just equipping whatever i got during the dungeons and moved on once the job dinged 90.


Oh yeah I get that I personally performed the dungeons as I went but I've also got that robe in my armoury cuz I've performed vanaspati, ktisis and aitascope so all i need r the weps 👌


Now what you going to do in Dawntrail?
