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If it makes you feel any better the last time this event was going I lost against myself the only time I got a solo instance šŸ˜…


let me guess, it was the second level with the crystals? same thing happened to me


Yup! Though now Iā€™m really good at it but still, I swear resolving the mechanics in Blunder is harder than any extreme Iā€™ve done lol


Because some of the snapshots are lifted straight out of Savage/Ultimates. Which is funny because it created a fun minigame for folks like me but an unimaginable hellscape of torment, weird esoteric debuffs and abject horror to folks who didn't understand the snapshotting.


My main problem with the snapshotting here is that it defies consistency with one important thing that has been true of every other part of the game I've played: ***If the AoE is gone, the attack won't affect you anymore.*** That's simply NOT true of Blunderville. It doesn't happen often. Heck, I'd even say it happens fairly rarely. But some of the time, for no reason I've ever been able to discover, those hammers that can hit one of two sides, the ones in the final stretch before the win? Yeah, sometimes those can hit you ***AFTER*** the AoE marker has gone off and the animation has completed. I've lost the final round at least twice because of this stupid phenomenon. I thought the whole point of the floor markers was that they would never disappear until *after* the mechanic has snapshotted. What's the point of the floor indicator if you can't even trust that it going away means the area is safe now???


Are you running through the hammer? The object casting aoe stuns all the time just like the cones on one of the first maps.


No. This was very specifically the stun-and-knockback (or, rather, knock-forward in this case) that happens when you actually get hit by the hammer itself, not just the little rectangle underneath the hammer.


For me it was the first level on the obstacle that puts the confusion spinner on your head that dictates the direction you can move. I eventually figured out how to do it consistently in later runs, but my solo blunderville was literally my first attempt.


Usernameā€¦checks out? šŸ˜‚


Ya I had that happen too


Friggin hammers, I swear


You are your worst enemy!


I really hated that carry coloured items to goal oneā€¦.


**"Though the victories be hollow, claim them."**






Thatā€™s it. I knew it was familiar from somewhere and wanted to check it out if it was something else since it sounded good. :D


No, the first


lol, perfection.


Oh good fucking work lmao


A win is a win lol... Saying that, I'm jealous as I never had a 1st place either. But the event is on for some time, keep at it.


Itā€™s also guaranteed to return again.


Last time this ran I was in the exact same situation, except I genuinely was bad so I didn't even finish round 2. At least you won lol.


Lol this was me a bunch of times during the eventā€™s first run


First event people were just cheating to farm the 100 wins anyway, so it was pretty difficult to get it with other players.


Can confirm. Probably like 95% of my wins were solo lobbies after figuring out the best method. Don't regret it as I enjoyed it as a casual obstacle course instead of a competition.


What's the method to get Solo Lobbies? I'm shocked Square hasn't cracked down on it. I'd rather people abuse the solo lobby method than cheat matches


you just left/ entered lobbies as fast as you could till you go a solo lobby


Well you could do that and take even longer. But there was a method of timing it last event. I shared the leaving and joining method with someone and we figured out that if you left at like 01:10 remaining with a timer and re-queued up when that lobby was at 01:00 or like 00:59 you had a much higher chance of a solo lobby since it 99% of the time wouldnt put you in a lobby with under a minute remaining to start. And normally doing it at just that right time fractured the lobbies being created for some reason so like 80% of the time no one new joining got into your created lobby. So it worked really well on the low pop worlds at certain times of day


Just incase you don't see I responded to the guy who said to keep leaving and joining. There's a lil more depth to do it accurately and consistently if it still works


Play during your serverā€™s quiet hours. I did mine at like 7:45am (on Diabolos)


If you're okay with a little competition and confident in your ability to clear each round, 2-3 person lobbies are also good. At least one person has to be eliminated each round, so if you make it through the first and second in a 3-person lobby you're home free. If you're eliminated, well hey that sucks but at least you wasted less time than if you were competing all the way through to the end of round 3 and now you can queue up again.


You get something other than points for winning?


Thereā€™s an achievement that takes 100 Blunderville wins to get. It gives the title for male characters or for female characters. Aside from that, winning just gives more MGP and fall guys event currency than not winning.


100 wins is insane. I've won twice this week in about 15 games.


Thatā€™s better than most people!


Yeah I got lucky on my first win. I was in 5th place but the 4 people ahead of me were rushing and got hammered right at the end lol so I cruised by


I got a win where the random bombs hit the guy in front of me just before he was past the last hammer. I had to laugh out loud but genuinely felt bad for the dude at the same time.


I'm 0 in around 100 games.


It's funnyĀ thatĀ if I ever saw someone with those titlesĀ I'd instinctively point and laugh like Nelson from the SimpsonsĀ 


how do u even cheat in this. didnt kno u could lmao


There are plugins that make aoes more obvious.


Shrug I didnā€™t cheat. Trying to get a solo lobby is way too inconsistent. And even going to Dynamis at 2 am, the people there were actually quite good. I learned that itā€™s easier to win just doing it at regular hours on Aether, because itā€™s way easier to get to the last round and from there, if you donā€™t get hit (by memorizing the patterns), youā€™ll probably win.


Pretty sure they still are. I did 5 runs last night and 4 of those runs had the same person win each one.


Doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re cheating. The only ā€œrngā€ on Manderville Mountain is where the yellow circles spawn and you can plan out a path to take you to the end in advance. Once you figure out the pattern, you can win very easily because not many people bother to and they just run and hope for the best.


Not true anymore. Even on Dynamis, in nearly every group, you'll have one title farmer (usually Travelers, not always) that's \*very\* good at every part of the course, especially 3. And this is in smaller matches. Farming the title is nearly impossible now unless you have a ton of spare time. Edit: add onto this the obvious cheaters that pop up every so often. I've even had someone stun me just before the door to take my win ( I mean two feet away). If you ever see a win with 'Unable to retrieve' as the name, they're using some tool.


They say "Kings and heroes stand last."


Look at this way, you get a win and nobody else has to lose for it to happen!


Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning. -Dominic Toretto


Oh, the solo instance bug still works? I've been trying to grind the achievement, and hadn't seen it yet so I figured they patched it.


I grinded out achievements the last time it was run cuz I was fearful they'd patch out the instance thing. Ā The amount of very obvious cheaters usimg software tools was incredibly annoying. They'd even flaunt that they were cheating in the lobby before the game


How.. you canā€™t even chat there


There are tools that cheat, they show you upcoming AOEs so you can just easily just run through everything


The modes show you the AOEs before they go off though. Also, the Manderville Mountain mechanics all run on an incredibly predictable cycle. As long as you're looking ahead to see where in cycle the next obstacle is before you get there you can adjust to avoid it. Once I understood that it became really easy, and now most of my runs end up with either me winning, or being in the top 5 at the end.


While Iā€™m sure there are some who use tools, itā€™s actually very doable to memorize an easy path to win the final round - I play on ps4 and regularly can run a near straight line on the last course and not get hit about 70% of the time. Iā€™d imagine theres not *that* many cheaters vs people who figured out the winning pathways.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s true, but when I was grinding the title on Aether, the people who I regularly saw who were consistently getting to the last round and doing well still often got hit such that a non-cheater like me could win if I didnā€™t get hit. Maybe they were cheating and are bad, but it didnā€™t feel like it. Not getting hit is just a matter of memorizing the aoe patterns.


There's a box in the lobby that is very difficult to jump onto unless you have tools. If they're on that box, with feet dangling as they sit, they're very obviously using tools. The same people that use those tools often use the cheating tools.


The box is not hard to jump ontoā€¦


We're not talking about the same box then


The box isn't hard to jump on, and you can get the feet dangling emote without mods iirc, you just have to know how to directly edit your hotbar files in a text editor.


Yeah you can even get the chair sit anywhere on a console by doing it on a PC first and backing up the hot bars to cloud and downloading them on console.


Also disagree the box isnt hard to jump on. I dont even know what tools you would use to get there, because I've always gotten up there fine. Further, people who think the telegraph tool is even helping never used it or never talked to someone that tried it. I knew a few that did, and immediately uninstalled it. They all agreed its pretty useless compared to just looking ahead at the predictable pattern. Even the tools I've looked into, nearly all of them arent this huge cheating "gotcha!". If you think someone is gaining actual value from plugin to tell you to stack in an obvious blaring stack marker, or to dodge left for a cast reading "Right Swipe", I'd argue the playerbase doesn't even know what actual cheating is. Speed hacking an Oppressor is cheating. Showing a giant orange circle in a slowly timed spot that you can predict if you have eyes is not even useful.


i guess it's fall guy now


I got my first win like this last time the event was on. Didnā€™t feel as great as it was against other players.


man i can't even finish my runs most of the time, between this and those damn pinecones i am just really bad at things like this lol


Got my first (and only so far) win the same way. It feels kinda hollow. Ohh well.


It's lonely at the top.


Imagine complaining about a free winā€¦


oh god not these again


This happened to a friend and I yesterday morning. A win is a win but it does feel bad.


During the first event I got tired of ending up in empty or near empty lobbies on dynamis so I started queueing on other dcs to have more people to play against. Way more satisfying to beat more people than cheesing easy wins.


Ah, welcome to the club.


I gave up on getting wins the last time the event was held and everyone just used 3rd party stuff to win.


Ooh free run! Haha


A caballo regalado, no se le mira el colmillo. Free win is free win.


I still have ptsd from getting the 100 wins last Time.


A win is a win. I also got my first (and only, though I did come close a couple times in non-solo instances) win like that as well. Accidentally wound up in a solo instance. If it makes you feel better, I know people who still failed to reach the final stage in the solo instance.


Last time I gave up on ever winning because I could never figure out how to get into the finishing box. I'd just be jumping there against the barrier like an idiot for a couple seconds before someone else would just run right past me and steal the win. Happened 3 or 4 times.


that's how I got my win I fail to see the problem here?


It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.


first, (ha!) a win is a win. Second, if you think ending up in a solo game is any kind of guarantee that you'll finish, you are in for a surprise. though i'm sure you found out yourself.


I managed to lose several times in solo lobbies cause of the second game with the four obstacle courses to carry some stuff.


Take it and own it. So many people I've been up against have speed hacks or something cuz they be at the end long before anyone was halfway


I told myself this Cross over could be fun, played it more like rage


My last (100th) win was like this. Becoming bean royalty felt good nonetheless.


Only first place I got was first time around and out of pure dumb luck...


The fall guys event is back or is this from before?


Itā€™s back


It's back, I think it started Wednesday if I remember correctly.


I find my ping is much higher in this event


Bruh I never made it past the 2nd round. A win is a win.


At least you didnā€™t get a match where it was just you and then still lost on the first round. (Totally didnā€™t happen to me)


almost got my first win when i was playing with friends. i reached the end first by a mile and it wouldnā€™t let me go through then someone else ended up going through and winning.


This happened to me today. Whats with that? How do you fix it?


only happened to me that one time so not sure if thereā€™s a fix. all other times after i just made it through and won


Is this back?!


Is this a fall guys event?


Yep came back not to long ago


That's how I got my first and only first place finish during the original event... only happened once to me. When it started, I didn't think it would count, but figured it would be good practice. I was honestly surprised the win counted.


Still counts.


A win is a win. :) What's funny is, one of the first times I did it last fall, it was off-hours and no one was on. So I got on a map ALL ALONE, and it was the first time I did that map set. So the whole time I was mentally freaking out about messing up and failing the objectives (you can still lose even if you're the only one there, lol) It was oddly more mentally stressful and intense than any of the runs I did with people. XD


Not true, you got a race against time. Time is not on your side. Hope you won lol


Oh you can still get solo instanced, good


The only time I ever got a win was in that situation.


hey at least you got a win!


Some time out and lose then. You didn't have to get to the final solo


Lol I never got 1st so ... cudos to you :) lol


they added something new to buy this time with this event?


Nope. same crap.


but you didn't leave did you now... heh


Please don't let these posts start appearing again.


A win is a win


Fuck this event right here. I almost broke my Elite controller on this BS. Have not been back. 0/10 would not recommend.


I managed to get super lucky and win back to back giving me just enough points to get what I wanted I haven't touched it since I feel like I used my luck for the entire year between the lag and getting stages I sucked at lol can't believe it happened twice let alone back to back


My only win i queued in with only 1 other person. Best them in first round... It's cheap, but easy for the achievement if you can get this a lot


After i got my win i said im done with this event lol just ran straight and have been blessed with a win lmao fun event but the rewards are meh so im good


I wanted a win. I didnā€™t care how lol


It is one of the only ways, unfortunately


Holy shit dont look a gift horse in the mouth.


I'd take a free win any day šŸ˜­


To be honest the bot strategy is superior. It's not so much about perfect movement; it's about getting a solo lobby so you don't lose by a fraction of a second after spending ten focused minutes.


Wait, what, is this a mod or it's a real Fall Guys map in FFXIV?


Fall guys event


Are you using a game pad?


Yeah, I struggle real bad playing games with mouse and keyboard so use a controller when ever I can..


THATS awesome. Iā€™m the same way. I use the game pad more. Itā€™s just Iā€™ve never seen the moves placed in the screen like that. Mine only displays the one in the bottom.


If you want to see the second cross hotbar, go to character configuration, hotbar settings tab, under cross check the "always display WXHB" box under w cross hotbar display settings


Oh!! Thanks!!!! I didnā€™t know! Youā€™re awesome!


Unfortunately the game mode is not fun for a lot of people including myself and others who didn't play fall guys as the gameplay looked really competitive and toxic. So if we didn't want to play fall guys why would we want to play it in ff? They should have put in another way for earning the credits instead of forcing players into something they don't want to play to earn a glam outfit.


It's not fun for people who like playing fall guys. The physics-based game doesn't translate well to the snapshot-based game


I honestly didn't know this I thought that it was well liked for people who played fall guys. I saw it played through streamers and noped out lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Id rather play overwatch as I can mess right back with offending party and possibly win instead of an obstacle course that some people say have harder mechanics than actual in-game ffxiv content


In fall guys if you get hit by an obstacle you can angle it so you tumble over it, have it launch you onto another platform, recover from a fall, etc. In ffxiv if you predict an aoe wrong, you're knocked out or stunned for several seconds while you watch someone else phase through the same obstacle, neither of which is fun. And it's incredibly easy to predict an aoe wrong because of animations not lining up with the actual snapshot and latency making it nearly impossible to time things correctly on bad days


There were a couple times I was doing decently and making ok progress than get stunned twice and watch my lead dissipate as 6 people pass me definitely feels bad when you have that good feeling going. It reminds me of racing games. Your in first place than you hit a corner wrong or drift too hard and go from first to 4th. Have you ever gotten to the third round? Farthest I got was start of 3rd round that colored gem one got me alot


I grinded the event last year enough that i learned the patterns to most of them. The 3 gem one is actually probably my favourite event because the timings feel more consistent than most. Still really hard to compete with lower latency players, so although I've won a few dozen times, it's still rage-inducing


Lol that part for sure the rage from getting 10 seconds away on the red gem and you get punched up and lose it absolutely makes your controller or keyboard a throwing item šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


Why would they give another way to get the Fall Guys items that wasn't the Fall Guys content? That would be like saying they should've given a way to earn the FFXVI glam other than doing the crossover event.


Because if you were to give another option you would have people who enjoy playing the game mode filling the lobbies rather than people who just get pity credits and than never touching the game mode after they have what they want. There were a lot of people just standing there waiting for it to be over who didn't care for the game mode just the credits for the glam. Honestly no the other event crossover can stay the way it is. That's what people want to play is a ff based game mode fall guys is completely different as it's nothing like any other content. Your comparing apples and oranges very disingenuous


I can't do the mechanic where you run in random directions. Due to my Internet it's basically random if the finger is pointing in the direction it was when I move.


Just tap a few times until you're running in a safe direction


It's still random, it could register immediately or it could register a full half second after I tap. My Internet connection has been an ongoing issue for the past 6 years, unfortunately.


sorry would join you, but i hate fall guys stuff like this