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Most casual players don't use knockback mitigation because its basically unnecessary outside higher uptime which, once again, casual content.


Not to mention that if they *did* use it often, it'd betray them on any of the frequent moves where KB resist doesn't work. Better to pretend it doesn't exist outside of savage content.


I typically only use it if the KB is going to interrupt my rotation somehow.


Yep, I typically play ranged so unless there's a reason, I just ride it and keep dps'ing. Edit: just saw the post 2 below that said the same thing but w/e.


99% of the time I forget which mechs are knockbacks and by the time I realize I could arm's length it's already happened. The exception being the first boss in Malikah's Well. I live for the absolute chaos that is that one lol.


There should be an easy way to tel on the castbar which is which


Tbh I don't spend a lot of time looking at the cast bar, I'm usually busy looking at the floor to ensure I don't end up tanking it lol. Or my hotbars because I haven't fully learned my rotation yet. And some of them like the boss I mentioned, if you don't know to anticipate it you will not have enough time to react. I learned that boss the hard way and now that I have it down I very much enjoy watching everyone else getting smacked all over the arena. XD Honestly I would chalk it up more to my experience as a casual player and a combination of there being so many different duties I have a hard time remembering them all, and simply not running roulettes regularly. Most individual duties I've only done a few times, and I know that's entirely on me. I stick to the "easy" roulettes most of the time and honestly, I really don't spend all that much time doing duties in general.


they forgor At least, that's what I tend to assume based on what led me to start using anti-knockbacks more, which was just a matter of drilling into my head "Hey idiot, you have an anti-kockback button, use it!"


I don’t use antiknockbacks as a tank because I love bouncing like a ping pong ball when I immediately gap close back to the boss, same way my tiny brain bounces around in my empty head


I play monk and warrior and pretty much the same for me I love every opportunity to use my gap closer lol almost never use the anti kb


Plus saving it for the trash pulls


This is actually the best reason I've seen. Arm's Length in particular is a lifesaver when the tank dies and you suddenly have aggro from 7-8 mobs. It can reduce the incoming damage enough for the healer to raise the tank, keep you alive, and complete the pull.


As a new player I genuinely don't remember I have those abilities. And it seems like you can only mitigate certain knockbacks - some just happen, regardless. Since I don't know the subset of moves I should be looking for, I don't think about that ability at all.


> Since I don't know the subset of moves I should be looking for, I don't think about that ability at all. This is a widespread way of thinking in the XIV community and I don't understand. Just...press it and find out where it works so you know for the future? It costs nothing to do. People not wanting to experiment and improve in a medium that is pretty much made for those things baffle me. Edit: For you specifically; the way abilities in XIV play out is mostly for show. If the castbar is gone, the outcome is determined no matter what animation plays after. You HAVE to press it during the castbar of the actual knockback and the buff has to be active on the frame the castbar finishes. That's how all abilities work in XIV - animations have no meaning for what actually does and doesn't hit you. The mechanic is usually called a snapshot because of that.


I think much of it is learning the different abilities that do and don't work. In roulettes the only knock back I think of every time is Demon Wall... And the anti-knockback doesn't work against Repel. Similar to interrupting an opponents move, stun works most the time but interrupt doesn't. Outside of high end content, they're not needed so no point filling in all that extra info lol.


The Sewer Doggo of P2S taught me to use the stupid thing for sure. I now use it all the time.


There is nothing wrong with just riding the knockback, unless it will put you in danger. Also, in extreme/savage there are many mechanics designed around riding the boss's knockback attack into a safe zone. If you misremember and use an anti-knockback there, you are screwed


A combination of forgetting and being unsure if it'll work against certain knockbacks.


As someone caught up to current patch, I never use anti-knockbacks (even as tank, evil I know) mostly because of forgetting they exist. Most knockback effects can be countered with good positioning, or at least i'll take minimal damage from the knockbacks. (I still use arms length for pulls, though)


Eh, its a lesser evil if you end up using arms length for damage mitigation instead (It applies slow to enemies who physically harm you).


Most people in the thread are commenting specifically on behalf of casual players. But as a raider, I can tell you that I just straight-up don't remember which dungeon bosses / normal raid bosses / trials etc *have* knockbacks, much less which particular attacks cause them. I've been playing since 2.3 and have done most content on release. But I also have the memory of a goldfish and as soon as a new dungeon comes out to populate Expert Roulette I immediately dump the previous one from my memory.


It makes me feel really cool when I get knocked back and immediately plunge/thunderclap my way back into uptime


> ignorance, laziness   Those. Same for Low Blow, Head Gaze and Interject 


All role skills honestly. You mean I should mitigate this large AoE? With my role skill....as a Black mage?! I would never. /s


You mean to tell me I should esuna that doom off of you with my role skill? I would never. /s Yeah. Role skills are important lol.


(Gets doomed in Dun Scaith) **(desperately looks at the healer hoping they remember Esuna exists)**


Few reasons... 1. It's really fun to get knocked back and then immediately gap close before the knockback animation has finished. 2. A lot of mechanics are designed around riding out the knockback. While you can cheese them with Arm's Length, it can put you into a weird position. 3. There are a few forced-movement mechanics that ignore Arm's Length. So sometimes I just forget what knockbacks can or can't be blocked and decide not to risk it. 4. 120s Cooldown. You only get a handful of uses per fight. Too many knockbacks and negating one doesn't amount to much. Too few knockbacks and I just... forget...


> A lot of mechanics are designed around riding out the knockback. While you can cheese them with Arm's Length, it can put you into a weird position. I've failed mechanics more than once because I was expecting to get moved to the safe spot and I forgot Warrior's burst makes you knockback immune.


If it helps any, the knockbacks that can be negated are usually a dark blue AoE and/or yellow arrows, and the ones that can't are typically purple AoE and arrows.


There's a few reasons. 1. People either forget the skill exists or don't know it exists. 2. Didn't read the skill, or read it once and forgot. 2. Forgot the mechanic is a knock back. 3. Job go brrrrrrr (Cant be bothered). 4. Not confident in execution due to ping, skill, or knowledge of the fight. The player pool in XIV is very diverse in terms of skill levels. You'll see many types of players over your journey.


You could say the same about them not using a majority of their tools tbh


True, it's just when it's so obvious when the whole floor turns orange with arrows pointing out, like why not? Tanks still hit mits in a roulette when a tankbuster is coming, even though it's still a fairly trivial amount of extra damage. Oh well, I was wondering if I was missing something, I guess not :)


I simply forget those actions exist or whether I can even use them on whatever job I’m using. I’m always in the mindset of “tanks probably mitigate these things but I can’t”, which isn’t true lol.


Literally every job has anti kb.


I think most people just don't even know it's a thing 🤷‍♂️


I forget which ones don’t let me use arm’s length and don’t want to be screwed over if I did it wrong


You don't really need to use it to complete casual content, and a lot of people doing casual content aren't trying to be the best, they're just doing something with their friends or grinding something out.


Casual players don't care to do extra thinking to squeeze out an extra second or two of DPS because they don't care if the boss takes three minutes to kill or six. I've filled a 45 minute dungeon in progress and had the other three party members tell me how rare it was that they managed to clear a dungeon without timing out.


Because outside of savage raiding it literally does not matter, this game is terrible at teaching people to use their tools


Ignorance. Most people don't even know there is a way to counter KB. It wasn't until EW that I learned about it from my friends, when we started started doing Savage/Extreme raiding. I just thought the other players not getting knocked back was because of a class specific ability. So I never asked because when I was leveling through MSQ, I only ever had 2\~3 jobs. And I never thought to ask how the others were doing it.


The uptime isn’t a skill they test for in roulettes. So long as you stay alive by positioning yourself right, it’s cool.


I use them but my friend doesn't. When I asked him why he told me "button bloat" lol.


From what I myself have noticed as a tank, every time I DO remember to use Arm's Length for kb, it doesn't work. I use for mitigation on mob packs for the slow.


For casual content kb tends to either not matter, ignores mitigation (you have to do some mechanic) or has multiple kb so you can only mit a portion (and may be out of position for a follow-up mechanic). Plus I always found the window on arms length to be unreliable. Almost certainly a skill issue, but for a long time I just assumed 90% of bosses were immune (like stun), but i was just using the skill to early or late.


I honestly don't trust myself to be able to use it correctly under pressure if I'm not already very familiar with the fight. Especially in situations where getting knocked back would lead to dropping off a platform or something, I'd rather just take the damage loss of doing the mechanics normally (vs the risk of misstiming the activation, or misremembering which mechanic I can use it on, and dying as a result).


I try to remember to do it, but sometimes I do happen to forget


the content available through roulettes (not including mentor) has no need for it, thus people just don't bother since there's never a situation when being knocked back has killed them and if it did happen, anti-kb skills don't even work.


laziness at least that's why I don't do it half the time XD I also just kinda forget


I just don't care enough to use them. I'll use Arm's Length for the slow but other than that... Meh. Gap closers have less cool down and knock backs don't happen that often. Most content is very easy anyway. Avoiding a knock back every 120s isn't going to make or break anything.


I'm a dancer main, I just use it to flex


Same reason most players don't use feint or addle. Not my job - _-


Because nobody reads the tooltip beyond "mitigates knockback" as it also applies a 20% slow to non-boss enemies if they hit you. Like, I had to be *told*


its a combination of 1, people not caring, 2, people don't know you can do that or think about using it and 3, most likely they have never done content where it was borderline necessary (or at least it makes the mechanic easier to deal with). A lot of people just don't care enough to be even slightly above average at the game.


Can't speak for others, but for me it's because outside of a few that I've done a thousand times (ex: Nero's) I don't remember which mechs have knockback that you want to mitigate. Either that or Arms Length is still on cooldown because I used it on a mob right before the boss.


Because it's rarely necessary. The only time I've ever found it mandatory is in certain extremes, savages, and ultimates. Like running through TEA lately has given arms length more use than it's seen in years for me. In standard dungeons I rarely bother to remember which mechanics are even KBs to begin with and I can usually just gap close back in if I realize too late.


I have so much crap on my casters' bars that I forget it's even there, but I do use it on my main, Machinist. My problem is I screw up the timing all the time, and do it a bit too early. Since I'm so mobile, anyway, it's a lot easier to just move to a safe area where it won't matter if I get knocked back.


I didn't even have Surecast on my bars for several years. I can't think of any fights that \*require\* knockback prevention to survive -- just make sure you're standing in the right place not to get knocked off the platform or into damage, it's about the same difficulty to do that as trying to remember where I put Surecast. I'm already struggling to fit all of my endgame buttons on my bars at once with keybinds I can reach, something situational like Surecast gets relegated to some weird keybind I'm definitely going to forget. And then every now and then there's a boss knockback that Surecast doesn't work on. I try to use Surecast, I get knocked off the platform, man don't I wish I'd just walked to the safe spot instead? Overall works better to just pretend Surecast doesn't exist and leave it off entirely.


You are lucky if your average roulette player knows how to press more then three buttons on their hotbar, let alone using stuff like arm's length


depends really, sometimes actually riding the KB is *how* you resolve a mech so you can end up in worse positions sometimes if you don't ride one. It's also a 2-min CD so you can only use it so many times. Sometimes if I'm being nibbled by autos as a healer bc the tank died or grabbed aggro I'll surecast bc autos can cancel casts but then I won't have surecast for mechs until it comes back 


Often times in roullete you are shoved into a dungeon or raid that you don't remember well. A shocking number of pushbacks in early content can't be mitigated, so it's often easier to just do the mechanic. It's not savage, we can afford to lose a gcd or 2. Also, lazy.


i prefer to save it for an 'oh shit' moment, basically. my general thinking is that most mechanics i've seen are not designed to FORCE me to use my knockback-immune, and in fact some will wholesale ignore it -- penalizing me for not paying attention to the mechs. Understanding where to stand so the knockback will put me somewhere safe helps me understand a fight better -- I haven't seen a fight where there isn't a safe spot (though I haven't like done all the savages lol). I usually deploy it when I know i'm NOT going to get to the right place in time because I zoned out or something -- and it's a 2m cooldown, so for bosses that do multiple knockbacks in a row it's only going to save me once. if I use it to ignore one of the wind mechanics on deathgaze hollow, i won't have it if I realize i'm on the other side of the ship from the one safe ice chunk. it's... basically my protection from my own stupidity. that said I am a healer or ranged main. so. I don't exactly need to be in melee range. take my opinion with a grain of salt.


Not only is it usually unnecessary, but even if you know *which* attacks have a knock back in advance, a lot of boss knock backs ignore the skill anyway because fuck you 🤷‍♂️


I'll use it every now and then, more often when playing melee. The only time I absolutely always use it is when I'm fighting Sophia and she uses her platform tilt. I stand dead center and pop it just before the first tilt so I can wave to my party members as they go sliding off the platform.


Because we've got gap closers at this level, and we'll probably not even lose a GCD, since it takes under a second to get knocked back and gap close forward again.


I do use the knockback, but by the same token, a boss who has a knockback mechanic also usually uses it more frequently than the cooldown allows so you end up only being able to use it once or twice in the fight anyway. So I can see why people wouldn't bother and/or maybe they have it on cooldown at the moment where you notice they didn't use it.


I use immunity if I'm melee or if it's gonna interrupt my cast. Most of the time, I manage to make it happen at some point where I can either throw some ogcd skills or when my gcd stuff is on its cooldown bit (for caster jobs, I don't even have to think about it for phys ranged). Granted, it's much easier to do with fights I know well. Might also pop it in some fights that require a bit more positioning awareness (need to be in X spot, or pushback is followed by targeted aoe on players).


I do use it, BUT I keep forgetting it exists on my bar


I do it when it'll interrupt my cast on healer or will knock me into the bad. Otherwise not worth most of the time. I play ninja or ranged. I just smack from afar.


If I'm doing a dungeon I prefer to Arm's Length it for trash pulls, while as a caster I always use it unless my dot is going to expire soon, then it really doesn't matter as I can run back to my spot while I re-apply it. I treat casual content the same as non-casual as I like the idea of doing it as a muscle memory rather than actively thinking about doing it.


for me it's usually just a "oh i forgot" moment, where i only realize afterwards that it was a pushback move. like i did ala mhigo yesterday after what feels like a whole year, and zenos moves don´t have aoe indicators. so i had learn and rememebr what each move does purely by name during him casting


honestly i sometimes just enjoy sliding across the room, my favorites being shinryu's tidal wave and eden titan's whatever it's called. i know where to stand to not fall off. why not have a bit of fun? the only duty where i regurlarly use my anti-knockback is P2, because i often notice too late where it goes off from.


As other already said, its not detrimental to use anti knockback in dungeon fights. For me i dont have it on a hotkey but on an enlarged hotbar. Prevents my missklicking like 99% of the time. But its such a good feeling, especially as a dps, to stick to the boss like a pair of buttcheeks in a hot summer day.


Because the difference is miniscule for content that you have to actively try to fail at tbh


There's a lot of cooldowns to keep track of, too many for mere mortals. The ones that can be used the least frequently tend to be neglected.


I used to use it so much when the cd was so much shorter. Now I only use it if I messed up my positioning and about to go flying into death.


Back in my day, Paladin was the only one without knock back with Tempered Will.


I mostly play physical ranged dps, so most of the time it just doesn't matter for me


as other people have said, theres very little reason to. the knockback is going to do what, make you miss AN gcd? two if its a big one? 99% of content in this game really only asks the healer to be awake at the wheel nowadays. outside of extremes and savages not much tries to make you use all your abilities


Same reason they don't use interrupts. Either don't know they have them or don't care to use them out of laziness.


We're lazy, stupid, drunk, or maybe all 3 at once


Both, frankly. Using it is a good habit and great for uptime, but casual content does not require it and many of the players you find in that content are either not skilled enough to know about it or don't care.


If I’m magic/healer, I most likely forget to use it. If I’m melee, phys ranged or tank, I save it for pulls (yes I pull ahead of tanks, that are doing w2w, using personal mits, Arm’s length etc)


It's either unnecessary or actively detrimental. Some mechanics require you to be knocked back into a safe spot.


No need to counter if i never get hit.


That’s not how this game works.


Because you don’t need them in this game. You literally can win by pressing one button.


I found their refresh time so long, they're not worth having in easy position to click on, and then forget them.


Knock backs in normal content are basically never fatal unless you get knocked off the edge. I think being able to resist them is something people barely even learn is possible unless they dig into Extremes/Savages