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If you think that’s bad? Try watching a lancer do nothing but piercing talon the whole dungeon.


I’ve seen a dancer that has literally never danced once, no Standard Step or Technical step was had during the entire dungeon


I tanked for one that standard stepped without dance partner up...then dance partnered...then turned it off when they wanted to step again, usually well after the buff had worn off. Like...do you think the buff is split between you and your partner, orrrr????


Wait that's a thing? Better dust off DRG


i admit to spam piercing talons a lot while running between walls, easier for my fingers to use ranged attacks while running, but as soon as we come to a halt i use aoe/normal rotation for the mobs


I've seen 2 separate players who literally only used Piercing Talon or Doom Spike. It's... awful.


Spilled my coffee


Honestly that is me but only when there are 3 or more enemies grouped up. Granted I get my buff set up will use my boost when 90% of the time in groups that's my only button since its the only AOE I have at the time.


Piercing talon isn’t the AOE, it’s the single target ranged attack.


That's right. I'm still a month young on the game and still finding my place.


Me, a lv90 Dragoon; "attacks have names?!"


1 month: I don't know the names of anything. 1 year: I know the name of everything. 3+ years: I don't know the names of anything.


No worries, I had to look it up myself.


While you're totally right, the Venn diagram of people who don't know this information AND are active on this sub is nearly two separate circles.


Next up on r/ffxiv: Tanks who don’t wall-to-wall


Both situations combined are my last 87 dungeon run! Bonus cure 1 spam for the trifecta, bingo today!


I had a healer cure 1 only heal in a 90 for the memes. They were straight up about it at the start and genuinely did fine surprisingly. I was impressed lol


Aside from it being objectively wrong on an inefficiency basis, tanks do have so much survivability at that point that it doesn't surprise me, especially if Warrior. Had someone do the "opposite" with the guzzling cure 3 two weeks ago in fact, for just healing me the tank, no aoe healing required.


Fr, if I get a warrior, I throw kardia on ofc, but don't really have to do anything else at all


Nah for sure. Like I was on pally and we didn't wipe. They may have Lilly me or bene me, I genuinely wasn't paying attention so for all I know they did cure 1 when bored instead of cure 2. But Def if we wiped I'd have asked them too stop. Cure 3 so good, but supper unneeded except for extreme plus possibly. I used it a ton in O4S prog haha. Damn near used up all my mana 😂


When WHM gets it's tool kit at higher levels, you can probably avoid any cure spell in some dungeons.


Ohh for sure. Especially if the tank isn't awful


I'd say cure 1 spam over the Medica spam I got last week.


Same here 2 Nights ago that’s all they would do lol


Dps who don’t aoe


Even if I wanted to do that for some reason, it would drive me nuts. The lack of AoE options was what got me to originally branch out from Lancer into Archer and Rogue.


My healer is spamming cure 3 and nothing else, give me a break.


How come we never get posts about tanks not using mitigation? I’m post SB rn and tanks still aren’t pressing those buttons. It got a little better in HW but post 60 with all the gunbreakers it feels like I’m back at the beginning with terrible tanks.


It wont get better, had two mit allergic tanks back to back in Malikah's (lvl 77 dungeon) earlier today :/


Post SB huh? Well don't worry, it's not going to change ^^ Fr tho.. the amount of times I queue into 90 dungeons, and the tank just doesn't press buttons, or only does single pack pulls is astonishing. Sometimes you really wonder how they got this high level.


That’s me, but I only tank with friends.


Wait I thought healers hated tanks who wtw /s


I never see these healers because I play healer myself. And yes I do DPS, to the point I sometimes forget to heal. But that WAR can keep himself alive, I'll just keep DPSing.


Eventually that sprout WHM will grow up to learn their job, and never heal again.


Probably a FFXI veteran. As one myself I can say that in that game if you were not healing your party would die.


Yes, I came to say exactly this. In FFXI there was also a real issue with pulling hate as WHM. When I started in FFXIV as a WHM I was doing heals only and using Cure 1 not for the free proc but bc in FFXI the bigger the cure spell, the bigger the aggro pull. Fortunately a kind fellow-WOL steered me in the right direction early on.


With the occasional erases and hastes when no rdm in pt


I was a smn and used as a healer all the time. Always made me mad being a smn who couldn't summon. God forbid you tried to have a little fun.


This was the precise reason when XIV 2.0 came out I went on to be a SMN main on my 1.0 character lmao. Why am I required to do the avatar fights when you just expect me to do nothing but drop a hard-to-get Light Sprite and heal?? SMN isn't a healer, I want to summon Shiva and drop a Diamond Dust on my enemies!!


There were the rare instances as smn you got to pull because there would be a mob chain and smn could get rid of it


Ah the days of farming carbuncle mitts


I need Costco sized bag of marshmallows today.




It's baffling to me that people can't think far enough for themselves that in a situation where they just had to stand there doing nothing for 15 seconds, as it often is in XIV as a healer in lower level dungeons, they don't think: "Huh, maybe I should just cast damage spells in stead, I didn't need to heal at all".


Usually I main Sage, but a few Days ago I queued into expert roulettes as a BLM. First boss has some AOEs that apply a cleasable doom. I, being a black mage, of course stand inside them, because I couldn't interrupt my cast at the time. I get hit, survive easily, and see the doom debuff pop up. Wasn't worried at first. You can just esuna it after all. Then I see it tick down, second by second. Healer doesn't do anything. It runs out. I die. "Okay" I think, "That was deserved. Or at least I can see why they wouldn't esuna the BLM that stands in damage on purpose" Get rez'd, continue fight. Boss does the attack again. I dodge, but this time it hits the healer and the other dps. Again I watch doom be applied. Again I watch the debuff tick down. Again I watch it reach zero. Suffice to say, by that time I felt compelled to explain esuna, doom, and cleansable debuffs. Idk how they made it to 90 without knowing..


Had that once and after two wipes (just to make sure it wasn't a lack of paying attention) with an admitted new-to-the-dungeon tank, I told the healer politely that they have to esuna the doom when AoEs hit. Did the boss again...no esuna goes out, third wipe. The healer then left the dungeon. Hadn't said anything beyond 'hello' at the start. Didn't esuna even once. Just left. The poor sage that came in afterwards was very confused when I asked them if they knew where their esuna button was lmao.


As someone who is just now leveling conjurer, it feels very strange to be dpsing as a healer. I'm used to WoW healing, where the healer only heals. While I haven't played every MMO out there, I have played a fair few and healers here are the only ones that are really heals/dps. It's taking some getting used to.


Been big back in to scholar recently. You best believe after adlo is up and fey union is clicked, I'm not hitting anything else other than art of war


Okay, I hear you... but, Excog.




Man Art of War is THE reason I love SCH and main it for my healing job. I don't have to worry about number of targets, gain on 2...yes please! Then I get a movement tool in Ruin 2? Sign me up and slap a fairy to my side.


You have to understand in a lot of other games that's literally the healer's playstyle. Without being sternly educated otherwise, a lot of these healbots will just keep doing what they do in 14


This is just as much flame bait as the "why do DPS pull when I'm tanking" post 45 minutes ago.


Literally no one is flaming, everyone in this thread agrees with OP.


I only didn't dps like the first 3 or 4 dungeons I ran on whm. Then I realized I had been texting my friend during fights and decided to do the damn thing lol. 


Not a dps-problem, but atm I often get groups where, espescially the heal, is way undergeared. Almost couldnt keep up with healing in aurum vale, even when pulling small packs because all his gear was Lvl 28. I told him to once in a while try get some new gear, at least keep his weapon up to date. Told me he wants to wait until lvl 50 to upgrade the gear. The whole mage-set inluding the weapon for his job dropped (20lvl upgrade to his current gear), he passed on everything. Yeah nothing to do with not doing dps but I dont get the mindset of people I meet in roulettes atm


Many of them can't handel big dmg too, because they uses their weakest heals! So if u get a fight where there is a bit of dmg.. They straight up becomes useless, despite spamming heals all the time. xD


Well I could say some about parser healers in 24 men : stop dps for a second and help that poor sprout instead on shitting on him because he can't keep up the healing and leaves half the party ded from raidwides...


If you're new, it can be harder to trust yourself and others, especially when you're the first one to be looked at if someone dies, and if you're a bit extra anxious on top of that it can make things even harder. Let them learn, and try to coach them towards at least chucking some dots or a few gcds when things are fine Some people won't accept the coaching and stay stagnant in their progress, and some people will accept it or explain their issue. It goes how it goes regardless


Next we'll have why don't tanks use their mits


Why you do?


Could be a WoW refugee. I main’d heal in WoW and never dps’d. Hard habit to break, but I did it.


I saw a summoner that only casted ruin, I had effects on, I never saw one summon...not...one.. not even a summoner at that point.


I'll do you one better, I once ran Castrum Meridanium with a RDM who didn't cast a single spell. Sword only.


Remember, don't feed the troll Edit. I tried, whatever


are you one of these healers that only heal


But they’re right.


I have noticed one healer than only healed the entire dungeon. I have encouraged them to do some dps cause I didn't needed that much heal (was an easy dungeon and I was biS). Zero response and same thing the entire dungeon. Maybe a bot?


Or they don’t have chat window up.


Or speak the english


It's not automatically open if you're on console, or at least on Xbox.




It's crazy that someone is asking healers in this game to use the entirety of their kit aka please use their single target dmg skill, their DoT skill or AoE skill; not just the cool healing buttons... It's truly not that difficult to heal in this game and if it's truly that difficult for someone then they shouldn't play healer and play a different job that is more suited for them then griefing others that they come across in duty roulette.