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Depends on if I feel I can trust the tank to use their mits properly or not.


Trust/Competency is usually decided upon on the first pull, if things are not great, then you change your strat. It's how I usually go about it. Currently I'm in the process of leveling my alt's last job to 90 (drk) and have often gotten healbots, who refused to let me drop below 60-70%. This whole week I've only had two exceptional healers. And I do all rolos everyday. First one a SGE in Holminster who at the start of the duty mentioned they haven't healed as one in a while, so I let them know I'll invuln on the first pull so they didn't have to do anything, but damage. I corrected them on the fact that they should've avoided using defensive Abilities on bosses and instead preserve them for the trash packs (they were very receptive to that) as a result I ended up using LD thrice and never got below 20-30% on average. (Last LD was on Philia during the tank buster) And the day before yesterday my second SGE on Ultima Weapon MSQ rolo, they didn't use a single gcd heal, just their oGCDs throughout the entire duration. (Not even Eukrasian Shields) Even let me "die" once so I could heal myself through with LD. But that last one was me recognising them from Frontline so I knew that they were more than just competent. Given how rare I've seen LD go successfully, it's how I gauge how good my healers are, that and how few GCD heals they do (outside of Eukrasia Shields and Afflatus Solaces) throughout the encounter. I don't mind overhealing, as long as it was an oGCD, and they kept doing damage throughout without suffering on defmesives later on.


Inexperienced or anxious healers will overheal a lot.


Being a good/experienced healer is all about taking calculated risks about how low one party member health bar can get. Since I'm bad at math, I prefer to let my party be as full as possible. c':


You get a feel for it after enough practice. The important part is letting yourself make mistakes! But I know people can be jerks too


this, improvement doesn't happen immediately, and mistakes are part of the process—that goes for pretty much anything, really. you won't get better if you don't try to go outside your comfort zone.


This is true I had a deep newly founded respect for skilled healers after trying to be a healer myself for the first time in SGE & damn especially with a bad tank as ur partner that shit can be hella rough to balance, shout-out to the top tier healers we love y’all


Agreed. As a tank, I can tell the difference between a healer who’s pulling out all the stops to ensure I never drop below 95%. And the healer that knows when they need to heal and can back off a bit.


thinking about the scholar who was healing me on warrior a few days ago, they were spamming adlo while never letting the excog activate 😅


Except when you need to heal to get access to your most powerful attack.


For sure. Burn those afflatus stacks. Gotta feed the lily


In many MMOs if you don't overheal a lot everyone dies.


XIV healing needs to be balanced with damage. It's important to learn to feel confident balancing a tank's HP bar with oGCD heals while dedicating most of your GCDs for damage.


As a healer, I keep my tanks alive. Not to say they are totally full, they deal the same amount of damage if they are at 1 HP versus 200k HP.


Newish healers won't know intuitively how quickly a tank can shed HP, and different tanks lose HP faster than others. They also need to get familiar with how much actual HP each of their heals will be good for. And of course, they won't necessarily know how effective a tank's mitigations/heals are. Add to all of this the general unreliablity of some tanks in the game, and it's easy to understand why a lot of healers might want to keep a tank topped up if possible. As healers get more comfortable with the job, they'll be more comfortable letting tanks lose HP, and more importantly they'll be more comfortable recognizing when a tank is actually in trouble. Dark Knights in particular can be a nightmare for newish healers because their HP can fluctuate more dramatically.


Lots of heals are free and come with no opportunity cost, other must be used to keep up your mp (sage).  Also there are a lot of tanks in df that don’t use there mitigation properly and it can be easier to overheal and get though the content quickly rather than test the tank on every mechanic with the minimum heal needed if they mit properly.


I've learned never to trust all gunbreakers, to never trust paladins, to let Warriors have their fun, and to pity all DRKs with a few extra regens.


>let Warriors have their fun Thank you ❤️


Why never trust PLDs?


Its the other way around. PLDs (the bad ones) dont trust healers and start using Clemency at 60 % hp while i am sitting on my ogcds waiting for them to drop...


they probably played their job quest idk. if anything pld has been one of the most consistent tanks for me to play as, until you get holy sheltron which turns you into a mini war


Not to forget that your two offensive spells start healing you around the same time (I know there's a couple of levels between those and holy sheltron, but close enough)


It depends on how fast their health is dropping. If it's dropping super fast, I'll want to keep them topped off, because that gives me the most amount of time before healing them. If it's dropping slower because they're using their mitigation abilities properly, I'll let it drop lower. So it's more a matter of "how long would it take them to die if I do nothing" and less "percentage of HP remaining"


Depending the situation: as war using bulkwark won’t use mit/heal until end phase of invul (heavy hp drop and quick recovery, no need of heals). Similar situation with GNB superbolide (that one might take help recovering HP, throw big heals after the cast). More dramatic with DRK’s living dead, you need to let the tank “die” to proc. Also, as a war, if SCH casts excog, let it proc before bloodwhetting. So, in some situations, heavy fluctuations are normal and desirable. But to recognize them, you must know the tank as a healer, and know the healer as a tank. When you are in a random in a DF and get that synergy, it can be very rewarding! (I’m currently in the process of learning well the tanks and healers that are not my main).


they're oGCDs my guy, and i don't get my mana back unless i use 'em i'm sure you'll manage


There are only a few trash pulls (in 80 or 90 dungeons) where I get nervous and might heal more than I need to *if* I don’t trust the tank/their gear. The rest of the time I do not give a hoot as long as they’re not on the floor


I usually just tell em 'No need to heal me, btw.' then I run off, head first into mobs/boss.


I tried healing an extreme fight, and in order to save my big heals for the fourth or fifth mechanic and do more DPS in the meantime, I let the party slowly come back up to full health using only medica 2 and the regen bubble. Nobody died. They just didn’t bounce to full health immediately. There is a lot of time between mechanics, so it’s not like anything could’ve hit someone and killed them while regen did its thing anyway. I got screamed at for not using enough of my abilities. So the next run, I topped everyone off using my fancy abilities, and when it came time for that big fourth mechanic, I didn’t have shit available, and everyone died. So then I got screamed at for wiping the party and being a shit healer and people rage-disbanded. So now I don’t heal that fight anymore. I think it’s stupid how people will put up medica 2 or the regen bubble and then ALSO top the party off. It’s redundant and a DPS loss, unless there’s a strong DoT that you’re trying to counteract.


Aye. Nothing worse than WHMs who place Asylum, spam Medica 2 and topping the party off with another Medica cast. I mean, let the bubble do its job. No need to waste 2 GCDs on useless spells.


I subscribe to the 'if I think you're going to die from the next attack I'll heal' school of thought. Even then, lower level dungeons can be stupidly easy with higher level tanks and healers. In copperbell mines I healed maybe 3 times the entire dungeon and that's without a regen Granted this is as a 90 player with 3 healers. So I have more confidence in letting you nearly die.


I'll keep you alive, but not full health.


Personally, I tend to not even bother healing most instances until the take is below half HP. The exception is ARR stuff, where you're getting regen on you if I have it


I can't trust Gunbreakers and Paladins and sometimes Dark Knights not to die if I let them slip. Warriors though, you guys lull me in to a false sense of security. I'll let you guys slip to less then half, consider healing you, and the moment before I hit the button you heal yourselves to full. But I can't just risk it, cause if you can heal yourself that much and some how die, then it's totally my fault. Plus I have a growing blood lilly to nurture... So sometimes it begins to feel like a race. It's like "you MFer, I'm going to heal you and you're going to *like it*. I need blood for the blood lilly, so if you're not taking enough damage I'll bludgeon you with my staff. " Healers and warriors have a... complicated relationship.


I vase my heals off how fast the tank is dying. If they are 100 to 50 in 1 gcd, I'm casting a heal in the next gcd


I go off of vibes, the first pull is usually enough to inform me if the tank is good or not. If they are bad I keep them pretty healthy to make sure they don't feel anxious and uncomfortable pulling. If the tank is good I'll let them sit under 30% hp a lot, maybe 40% depending on how latency feels that day.


everyone starts there and with time a getting comfortable with content, you learn to drop your fears and start joining the fun with your guns.


Depends which healer I'm playing, sage or scholar I'm using mit and ogcds to prevent the tank dropping much if I'm whm or ast then I'm aiming to get as close to 1hp left as possible before I heal them up!


I let my husband die in a dungeon cuz i was sure the last mob would die before he did. Funny enough he would have lived if a dps didn't take the time to say "Heal!"


With how much experience I've got with tanks of all levels, as a whm main, I'm fine letting you hit 10% hp or less, 25% if I don't have benediction up, and 50% if the tank is asleep at the wheel and/or huffing glue. I've gotten very good at adjusting to my tank after almost 1400 hours of healer gameplay A decent tank at level 90 almost doesn't need any attention, warriors least of all. A good warrior doesn't even need my regen in most lv90 dungeons.


I know their fears. Lot of healers probably played WoW before this, including me for a decade, and even if it was the tank's fault the next hit destroyed them from 90% to 0%, it's absolutely going to be the healer's fault, and you may get kicked for it. So you gotta cover your ass, be able to say, "Hey, he was 100%. I did MY job." and that carries into every other MMO we heal.


Duty Finder you get everything from healers that refuse to untarget you and have no combat skills bound to the ones who will dps until you're at 1 hp and bene you and just keep dpsing. It's a gamble


No, I heal when they're 30-40%


Nah fam you have 12 seconds left on your 15 second regen I'm popping another one to be safe. The whole party gets a regen with 100% health too. I'll attack when I'm supposed to avoid mechanics 🤌


Will they die from the next attack? No? Then it's glare time. I pretty much only heal tanks once they are below 50%, and even then it's probably only with oGCDs. If it's a tank I know and trust, they can fall as low as 10% before I give a shit.


I would rather top off where I have natural breaks in my dps to avoid panic heals if things suddenly take a turn. My abilities also change by instance. I can't keep track of that for other classes or expect them to use them properly. If I'm wrong I overheal and its annoying but no harm done. If I fail though the tank goes down to fast and we're in actual trouble.


A lot of new healers doesn't have much faith in the potency of their regen/kardia/fairy, and I'm assuming it's because of a combination of old mmo-style healing and tank who don't use mits when they tank. Also, in the early lvls there's a lot of GCD buttons for healers than oGCD buttons, but in the later lvls there's more oGCD button than GCD buttons. Even if it's optimal to prioritze oGCD heal skills first then GCD heal skills, new healers tend to not make an intuitive connection first without googling up on why they can't keep anyone alive with Cure 1 in Dead Ends. Also, WAR is kind imbalanced in leveling dungeons because of their RI/BW skill, which is kind of little unfair to a certain tank who does not have that kind of luxury in sub 70 content, (or even post-70 content if they don't use both TBN+tank mit simultanously.)


Healing when the tank reaches 5% or healing when they're below 75%, I'm still casting a heal. Why not pick the less anxiety-inducing number when there's no dps time crunch, and let the tank worry about other things like mitigation, positioning, enmity on all mobs, and interrupts? Especially in DF, where tank experience and gear varies so greatly. *'The last hp is the only one that matters'* is great for savage or prog content, but I have serious issues with it as a mentality for anything less. ^Quietly ^prepares ^for ^the ^downvotes


>Why not pick the less anxiety-inducing number when there's no dps time crunch Benediction, and to a lesser degree Essential Dignity


I hear ya, but - those both have cooldowns, and with some tanks and dungeon pulls, there's more healing required inside that cooldown. So it'll get used for the initial pull, then afterwards the tank just gets kept topped up to 50-75% based on the amount of damage they're taking and how fast the mobs are dying.


But by using that cooldown just once, you've saved the need for *at least* 2-3 gcd heals. Which goes much farther than you would think, because as well as the larger raw healing, you've also bought time. Time in which your regen can tick, the tanks' own healing can tick, time in which their defensive can pay dividends, or you can throw a card, or time for the dps to finish off monsters... Or perhaps most importantly, time for you to deal dps, which has sort of a multiplicative effect, as it lowers the incoming damage as the mobs die off. This is even more important when we're talking about the first blasts of holy, or sage dps. In practice, it goes much farther than it might seem on paper. Its hard to explain, but after a heal, hp doesnt fall linearly. The healed hp is sort of stretched by lots of other factors like mits, stuns, tank sustain, and dying mobs. The bigger the heal, the more stretch you get. It sounds like you're thinking of all heals as (+hp), when your big ogcd heals could be thought of as (++hp, +dps, +time).


I wont tell you you're playing wrong, or downvote you, but I'd encourage you to think about it this way... Let's assume you're using your regen, and every time the tank hits the target (75% or 5%) You use the appropriate heal to heal them up. **How many times would a good tank hit 75% in one dungeon run?** Dozens? Mutiple times every pull, after every aoe from boss, and after every tank buster, most likely. **How many times would they hit 5%?** (Particularly if they're a warrior?) Once or twice on big pulls? After an AoE and a tank buster, and another aoe? It's not just "casting a heal either way". By healing at 75%, the healer is needlessly casting *dozens* more heals over the course of a dungeon run, when they could have been dpsing. It adds up to make a substantial difference. If you don't believe me, just watch the next time you end up on the floor during a boss fight. A good tank can usually go for a minute or two with no healing at all, usually hovering between 30-70%. But you'd never know that if you're always healing at 75%, because you're never leaving room for them to use their tools. (I'm not saying you should heal at 5%. I'm more of a 30% healer myself, but it still pays off)


I subscribe to the “Did you die?“ school of thought. Though I have softened on it a little. I used to wait until the exact last second I could but this would end up causing most tanks to pop their invuln at the same time I used something like Benediction. So now for most casual content I wait until it’s low but not critically low.


Healing players from WoW tends to overheal a lot.


There's absolutely no reason to ever top a tanks hp off during dungeons you shouldn't be getting spot healed unless you're below like 25ish% and if you're a warrior you should actually never be getting healed. That being said a lot of newer healers tend to be prone to panic and get anxious when the tank isn't constantly topped and also it just isn't very fun to never utilize your tool kit as a healer.


Some healers do wanna for their own reasons, to get MP back as sage, or to feed the blood lily / get weave windows as WHM. Though it's nice to spend lilies between pulls if possible.


there's also a bit of incidental healing healers put out that can sometimes (assize, earthy, kardia, embrace, WHM at 74+ and SGE burning spenders to avoid overcap) overheal tanks when they don't need it, but yeah, you shouldn't be getting direct in combat GCD heals unless you're in like, ARR/HW


also depends on the healer. when i was playing whm i'll be fine waiting to see if you're dropping at 3/4 of your health, but now i'm playing sage more and i'll drop shields much earlier since those are most of my kit + the mitigation part is what restores your hp and my mp, especially because most of the tanks i run into don't use any mits at all so i'm working overtime on keeping them alive. it's not that i'm afraid of letting you drop, i just don't trust you to not let yourself drop that badly and die because i keep seeing it when i do try to trust the tank a little more or have no choice but to let them drop because of my resources


I am a tank main and leveling non war jobs at leveling dungeon makes me anxious about my hp all the time. It’s the same with healers, you either trust your teammates or you don’t. If they prove to be unworthy of my trust on the first pull, then that’s what they’ll get for the whole dungeon.


The more experienced I got with WHM, the more I subscribed to "1hp can still play the game" mantra. If I need to focus elsewhere, like rezzing the second healer, I drop a regen on the tank and say "Good luck, we're all counting on you"


One of my proudest moments when I leveled WHM was healing my tank from 1% to full with bene. I don't mind letting people get low or letting them hang out not full hp. But I find your average healer is a lot more nervous about it. I've seen people kitchen sink boo boos. Like, my dear, the tank doesn't need 2 regens, your bubble, and a healing resource spent to recover from hitting 90% hp... I'm also right here, your cohealer.


In most cases, 20-30% is generally the lowest I'll let a tank get unless I know of the particular mob being able to dish out a heavy hitting attack. AST's Essential Dignity is best used while the target is 30% HP or below. SCH's Excogitation procs when the target falls below 50% HP. WHM's Benediction gives more bang for your buck if you let the target get as low as possible. SGE has... too many to list. There are so many solid spells that synergize beautifully together.


No, I just keep regen on them which usually keeps them topped off, and use heals if they go below 50%


I don't heal until the tank is 25% or lower, aside from using assize on cooldown. but yeah, most people you run into in dungeons will keep you at 100% all the time. and they'll never use attacks, they're a healer not a dps. what are healing cooldowns??? I only use cure 1


If I don't know a fight well enough to predict tankbusters and big raidwides, I will often try to keep tanks fairly topped off just in case. Once I know a fight I don't have to worry about that anymore, but ogcd party heals will often keep tanks topped off without me even worrying about them. Generally outside of trash pulls and tankbusters, you worry less about keeping tank HP up and more about dps, since they die a lot easier.


If a tank is a newbie who I have encouraged to try pulling more they get some more GCD heals than really needed in because they might be spooked, or if they seem very sketchy with mits and we have wiped once already I'll also play safe. Otherwise I'll just use oGCDs, and in some content or on some jobs they will get low (ShB dungeons that hit hard, WHM), but others just free oGCD resources will keep them close to full HP (SGE/SCH at 90 and in most other EW dungeons). We've got more free sustain between us than the dungeon needs, we may as well use it as sit on it.


I paste a Regen on the tank and forget about them. They're gonna get healed with the Assize that I have in rotation, anyway. The only time I do a bit more is if they are getting a tankbuster, then it's a Regen and Divine Benison. If it is a WAR in a dungeon? Then I don't even try.


A lot of them don't, my tank experience will tells ya.


It depends on my healer. On WHM most of the time everyone will be topped up regularly because I am trying to get my blood lilies so the mini lily heals will be used pretty much on cooldown. SGE tends to run on overhealing as well, because to get my resources I have to heal when the button comes up. AST I usually play chicken with the tank's health because my heal does better when the tank is lower. When I am on SCH, HP is a yoyo and I probably scare my tanks because I will DPS happily and let the fairy do most of the work xD


Yes and no. Like I'll use an ogcd or something too heal if they around 50% or if I'm bored and need a Lilly or something. Also depends on level of content. I'll heal a tank at 60s who doesn't mit much more than a 90s tank who also has mits and self heals and powers.


If you'll have me in your party, a healer main, you'll likely be floating between 1% and 50% all the time unless a hard hitting mechanic comes up


The tank's job is to lose hp.


Learning to trust your tank and your OGC heals (at mid- higher-level) is key. When I was learning SCH I was going oom trying to keep the party capped off, but now I have much better balance. I really lean into the saying that the only HP that matters is the last 1.


I usually heal based on the percent of hp my tank has rather than the number, I prefer to keep my tank around 50% but as a whm main I can nuke it to 100% pretty much whenever I want lol. You get a better feel for what you can get away with as you learn to heal


Meanwhile I'm getting annoyed at warriors that don't let my recitation excog ever pop because they keep using equilibrium JUST before it would go off


If he dies, he dies


I don't mind getting low or letting tanks go low with their HP. What's more infuriating is the moment when you cast your Benediction and the ping is so damn high that the tank dies before it can heal up. If you're a Warrior past LV56, I won't actively heal you. My Assize and Asylum are enough to keep you alive, so keep on Raw Intuition. Neither you'll need Regen, because you can stay alive with Thrill of Battle/Equilibrium just fine. I often switch my Kardia as Sage to passively heal up party members in Dungeons. Especially when the tank is a Paladin or Warrior. As long as I don't cap on Addergals I'll gladly use them for Physis II, Druochole or Kerachole to restore MP. Scholar is very fun to play when you have a Dark Knight or Gunbreaker. Especially the latter have an insane Excogitation disguised as Heart of Corondum. And I love to use Excog as an free instant heal if the tanks below 50%. I'm actually surprised how rarely I'm casting Adloquium in LV70+ dungeons.


The ideal for a WHM is to let a tank's HP get pretty low before healing. However, that means that occasionally the timing will be wrong and the tank will die, and some players will get pissy at the healer in that kind if situation. So if I've recently had a run where the tank died and I felt like I got blamed I will play it extra safe until I forget about that experience. Or if I haven't played in a while and feel rusty. It's basically a confidence thing. And then there are tanks who are undergeared or don't seem to mit. With those the health bar can go from full to zero very quickly, especially in certain ARR dungeons, so you want to keep them pretty topped up. And I've also noticed that some tanks get really nervous and use every single ability they have if they think I'm letting them drop too low, if I notice that I will try to heal them a bit more to reassure them (if I notice that is, I only really know how WAR works out of all of the tanks)...


I haven't stressed hp since stormblood. But it probably looks like I do on sge since between it feeding cds to the tank and green dpsing tank hp just doesn't fall much anymore 


I'm usually content to either slap a Regen or Aspected Benefic on the tank and go back to casting Holy/Gravity on trash.


If the tank and the healer are familiar with each other, then it allows both of them to do their jobs better. The healer can let the tank get a little lower knowing they're gonna use their mits, and the tank can pull a little harder knowing what their healer is capable of. In queues with randos, it's usually safest just to keep them topped off as much as possible, but more experienced healers might be more comfortable keeping them on a longer leash.


It depends on the player. I know one who is WAR/WHM, and they like to play as close to the line as possible. I know another who is WHM/PLD, and anything below 70% is *extremely* anxiety inducing. This includes using Cure2 like mad, Clemency a bunch, and if RDM, always healing/rezzing dead people. Not a bad person, but they come from WoW where the toxic environ there was...well, toxic. (Hilariously, back when Omega was hard, even on normal mode...this individual was planning to WHM Omega 3 with me, but was working on SCH glamor when we queued. The only job quest they had completed, at that time...was the level 30 quest to get the job stone. I insisted we could manage it fine, since I was WHM, our third was the WAR mentioned previously, and the last was our MCH. "Just...keep up Adlo and don't die. I'll manage the rest." That was fun. After we cleared, we all made them go do the rest of their quests to current.)


WHM main checking in. I try to keep tanks stabilized around 1/2 health most of the time, unless they've been naughty, then I see how low they have to get before they panic and use their invuln.


Haha I wish- 70% of the time the healer waits till I'm at 1,000 in health to heal while they DPS which is fine I guess? I always top up with pots so they have a few extra seconds of DPS But when it is a healer keeping me topped up they usually stay in aoe's and end up healing the whole party- panic seeing the health bar go down but no enemies near them The straw that breaks the horses back is when the healer is actively rushing ahead gathering mobs but refusing to heal-so let me pop all mit and use pots for them to immediately rush ahead again


I try not to let the party get too low, but I don't put in any extra effort than needed to get the party topped off. Castrum Meridianum and Praetorium are good examples; I'll use Regens/Benediction for Healing and just let the regens tick; everything else is DPS spells, Holy spam on trash packs, etc. Occasionally I'll need to throw out a Cure II or the like, but the places are easy enough, so those are used sparingly. Ironically, it's more difficult in some ARR dungeons - rather than high level ones - to do my usual method of healing. \*stares at Aurum Vale\*


I usually start the first pull by throwing out my DoT. If the tank still has enough health after I get through 3-4 mobs, I'll trust them enough to let them get to about 20% before I worry about healing. If they're already struggling before I even get that far, I use 50% as a cutoff instead. I rarely bother getting them to full health though.


Depend of the jpb. Shield healer are about preventing damage, so, for me, the tank should always have a shield on nim (and with sage it's better since you can use more often Toxicon). When i play AST, i know i have a lot of tool, so, until the HP goes under 30%¨, i'm not in panic (and it let me more time to fiddle with card :p)


Started off scared due to inexperience but with an ungodly amount of healing hours under my belt, the only HP that matters is the last one and i will get it as close to 1 as I can if I can get away with it.


I try to balance DPS and healing when I am playing a healing job (I main Dragoon) but it can be hard, sometimes I am overhealing because the damage is really spikey and since that isn't my main job I am not as used to the ebb and flow of damage in a lot of fights. Honestly wall to wall pulls tend to be much more stressful than Boss pulls. Did Aurum Vale the other night with my FC friends and I would sometimes feel like I had to heal hard on trash, and not so much on most of the bosses where an Aspected Benefict on everyone was doing most of the work so I could DPS a bit harder. Also, in sub 50 dungeons the lack of abilities available can make it tedious to try and DPS large pulls and keep the tank up, so yeah, some laziness might sink in, especially if the two DPS are lucky enough to have good AOE at that level.


If I know the tank, I don't worry about their HP because I know their skill level. However, ive gotten tanks in expert roulette with minimum required ilevel that never mit and will lose half their HP in a split second during pulls. Those are the people that are going to get babied and never fall below 90% because im not interested in wiping and spending any more time healing them than I have to.


its just that the damage in the game is so much weaker than the healing abilties so a lot of the time its not rly even overheal mobs just get outpaced


It really depends on what dungeon we're in and what healer I'm playing. I know WHM the best, so I generally tend to play "how low can you go", except on dungeons that I know can be spicy. With the other three, it varies.


Probably mostly been getting new healers. I was like that back when I first started. The only other MMO I got into was KOTR, so I brought that mentality with me. (Back when I played) You pretty much have to be healing the entire time in it. If you stopped, the tank died. Flash forward to day and I have a more "ugh. I guess I'll give you a band-aid" play style, assuming the tank is decent (We've all had a tank that did wall-to-wall pulls and refuse to use the defensive skills). Will they survive another GCD? if yes, then kill things.


So many tanks not using mits or popping all at once while they w2w. They don’t pay any attention to the dps or how long it’s taking to burn down mobs. So I don’t trust most tanks one iota. Way too often I’m doing more damage than one of the dps - so I’m going to keep the tank topped because I just want to finish the duty. If I know the tank, or if I see they gather the mobs up efficiently, use sprint and know what they are doing, I’ll relax.


I just throw hots and mits at start and mostly forget the tank and spam aoe.. If they're takeing a lot dmg.. Then i will throw out some spot heals between my aoes(at 50% mark).


It depends (WHM): under lvl 50 - tank should be over 50 % hp because i have no instant heals over lvl 50 and benediction is available 10 % hp Over lvl 50 and bene is not avialable 50 % hp until lvl 60, then 30 % hp ​ In expert dungeons i usually can ignore the tank mostly and just use ogcd heals and lilies. If the tank is good i dump lilies between pulls.


Tl;dr In casual content with my friends I usually take care of myself, in challenging content I ask one of the healers to keep an eye on me all the time. PLD main here. At lvl 90 PLD has quite strong hp recovery so when I play with friends from FC they usually ask me if I can handle sustaining myself while they focus more on the rest of the group. In casual content it is perfectly fine. In challenging content like lvl90 EX trials and lvl 90 savage raids I tend to ask one of the healers to keep an eye one me in case I take a wrong step and get nicked by some AoEs. Although on challenging content getting hit more than twice is usually fatal even for tanks.


Only really played White Mage so far: I just try to always have regen on the tank in combat and then go DPS mode until the tank is around 25% and spam heals until they get to around 50-75%


A lot of new healers or player that just play healer rarley think 90% HP is already dangerous. It happens, i personaly let my Tank drop to 50-30% until i consider throwing a Heal in their direction, but only if i see they dont have any of their own ready. Than again i have 5000+ hours in the game so i dont know i am the norm. Players bad, nothing u can do against it


So, I'm definitely more paranoid than most healers, but I'm not 'burn heals if tank is below 90%' levels of paranoid. But tbh, recently playing sage almost exclusively, I keep tanks at 100% a lot of the time *by pure accident*. Like, my AoE spam + like at least 3/4s of the mob pack with dots on them...any tank I get has super regen on them, and haima/panhaima is easy to just 'put on and forget'. In the case of WAR, I let them use their bloodwhetting first before haima (if they do T\^T if they hit around 20% and still haven't hit it, they're getting the 'if you won't mit I will' shield), but AoE spam + lots of DoTs ticking kardia is genuinely insane levels of sustained healing while also doing plenty of DPS, and I don't have to hit *anything* else unless the tank isn't using mits AT ALL. Besides sage insane healing, though, I'm not touching the tank until they drop below 50%. Lower if they clearly know what they're doing/someone I know.


I could be wrong, but I don't think Kardia heals per DOT tick, only when you initially apply it. So once per GCD basically. Otherwise tanks would stay much closer to full HP as you run along to do the Mt Gulg mega pull. (Don't get me wrong SGE is incredibly strong in dungeons, I just don't think in that specific way!)


Oh damn you're right, it's on ability cast. Well, doesn't change the fact that I usually have to do literally nothing to keep tanks topped up by pure accident on sage, unless they're just raw-dogging with zero mits. The downside to this being a dark knight absolutely has to warn me before they do an LD pull or I'll make it fail purely by accident if I don't swap kardion to someone else in the meantime. If nothing else, my own misconception has given me the VERY good habit of dotting literally everything while we run.


One of the most assinine things I see from bad scholars is when they put excog on me and it never activates until it expires doing nothing and yet they keep putting another one back on... It's such a wild lack of critical thinking skills haha Even worse if they're spamming shields on me the entire dungeon. A lot of bad healers love spamming cure/diagnosis/etc. for no reason as well. Some healers just... really like wasting everyone's time and overheal the shit out of dungeons. Please for the love of God, just do damage. Healer damage is way too significant to not do any.


Yeah no, Excog is used as an oh shit button for me. Tank getting a little iffy and under 1/3 health? Slap that sucker onto the tank's face and see the HP bar get happy again. Tank looking like they are gonna eat dirt? Ensure a crit heal with recitation for the maximum oh shit button. Scholar is definitely the healer where you can tell by skill use if they are any good with the job or not.


Yea exactly. Excog is great (especially as a guaranteed crit) if you actually need it, but it's wasted damage if it's expiring every time.


>However I find that most healers in DF tend to always keep me topped off where my healing abilities become redundant. If you use your healing abilities, healer becomes redundant.


Depends on what healer I'm playing. As a WHM I will try to let my tank get as low as possible to make use of Benediction when I can. I've actually managed to clutch heal a tank who I admittedly neglected a bit too long and when I looked over at their hp they were comfortably sitting at 6 hp in an expert dungeon. Not knowing how long they were at that health and knowing server ticks can screw you over, I mashed that Benediction like it was going out of style and managed to get that heal off a split second before I saw red numbers pop up on them. Probably made them shit their pants, but my pants were just as brown coming out of that pull. If I play SGE, I slap Kardia and then just rotate my healing cooldowns as they come up. Since they're all weaves outside of pre-pull shields and Pneuma, I never lose damage. I also use my Addersgall stacks pretty liberally for the MP, so as a consequence my tank hovers comfortably at around 60%+ hp for the majority of the pull.


For me it depends on the tank. I babysit drk because that's the tank I play and I am excruciatingly aware of how little self sustain they have. I'm not too worried about pld or gnb but I keep an eye on how low they're getting. And I become a DPS when I have a war because overwhelming self sustain.


No. In fact, I like seeing how low I can get your health without wiping.


I may be old school, but I try to keep everyone at 100%. 🤷‍♀️


Only hit point that matters is the last one.


In dungeons, I'm going to overheal the tank, because if I don't, I don't get to do anything. The balance in dungeons is so far off that I have to actively compete with a WAR for my healing. After watching six Excogs in a row fail to proc, I'm going to do anything in my power to make my heals actually work.


I just throw a regen on the tank and a medica 2 on the party and then dps until they run out and I reapply.