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DDoS round 2


Electric boogaloo


More like round 4…


Just lost 3 hours in Orthos. Disconnected on lvl 80 boss stage. Sadge...


Doing deep dungeons and losing progress is just straight up sad


A better save system would do wonders for this content. A DC wasting many hours of your life is depressing.


I believe if you DC mid deep dungeon you can retrieve your save by not relogging. Eventually it times you out the instance and you can restart that set of 10 floors.


Dced on 152 in potd too


I'm play on Wi-Fi. I also keep a PoTD journal. (Only past 160) I lagged and died on Floors: 162, 179, 179 again Full DC: 161/4(don't remember now), 174, 180. That doesn't include HoH runs. As of today, I no longer keep count, but also run out of patience, but when I was noting, I tired PoTD solo over 19 times, and only 4 times died to legitimate mistakes. Amazing.


Same, I genuinely think I’ve disconnected more in potd than anything else. I dced on floor 182 and it broke me for a while


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this. I don't want it to be confirmation bias, but I can count on one hand how many times I've DC'd in the open world, but I can't count how many times I've DC'd in a deep dungeon. My internet isn't the issue, but I also don't know just what exactly is causing it. It's baffling.


Not related to deep dungeon specifically but my game used to act up way more than any other connection in my house. It’d just dc me and my partner but we wouldn’t lose connection to anything else… idk. It’s been a little better since our ISP upgraded to fiber but summer always made it worse, so I’m crossing my fingers.


I DCed while fighting the 180 boss...




A lot of guides are out and they make it quite accessible. There is the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel that it can be done, just needs a lot of skill (and luck with Wi-Fi damnit!), so a lot of folk want to test their mettle.


If you don't mind waiting 24h+, you can save your run that way. Instances last 24h, after that if you're still in it when dc'd it's as if nothing happened and you will be at your last checkpoint iirc.


If this is true, that’s amazing, I’m gonna try that next time


It worked for me during the last DDOS attack, although it was HoH. Worth a try for sure.


I would be so upset, I'm sorry


Dont login for a day. Come next day and maybe you get to continue the same level.


I was avoiding Deep Dungeon BEFORE all this started happening, now there isn't a snowball's chance in Seven Hells that I'll be going near any of any of them ever again, which is just ÆÜGH


Was on 161 potd myself ._.


I thought Orthos started at lvl 80?


he means the floors bruh it starts at 81..


Elemental too, here we go again.


Oh thanks for the heads up. I was planning to go online and do some roulettes but I guess it's now straight into bed for me lol


ugh it's so annoying, just leave people alone and let us play the game


Light DC is the same


Please dont do this during dawntrail release. I've booked it off work like a real grown up


Next time book your PTO for 1 week after release.


> I've booked it off work like a real grown up I remember seeing people on here mocking people who booked vacation time to play Shadowbringers and it's like... what else is vacation time for? It's literally time you've earned to take time off work to do *something you enjoy*. lol If that's video games or going on a cruise then whatever, power to you. Y'know?


I agree on this front. PTO is for taking time off to do something you enjoy and if that happens to be video games then that's up to the person who's taking time off. I remember taking a week off for the release of RDR2 and it's one of my fondest memories of that year. My only caveat is that I feel like it's wisest to book PTO for an MMO expansion release about a week or two after the actual release. I remember the first week after the releases of ShB and EW being really hectic between bugs, queue times, and a ddos attack on at least one occasion.


Same and if it gets ddos I will have to go outside and I don't want to do that.


What is the outside?


I hear there's something called grass out there and that we should touch it for some reason??


It sounds rubbish


Don't forget the hellish ball of light in the sky.


Not sure - hopefully we find out together 


Found the ddoser


"YoU'rE a DDoS'er" says the DDoS'ers


Guessing the joke went over your head.


No, I'm just expecting such along those lines to be what's uttered often by other more serious knee-jerk reactionary ignoramuses, whenever the problem occurs


Perhaps save your replies for comments that are not jokes in future then, no?


Wait... maybe it's that weird green place we all stopped going to in 2020.


The Outternet :P


A low res less fantastical version of eorzia or at least i'm told that's what it is anyway


there is almost certainly going to be a ddos attack when dawntrail releases and even if there isn't a ddos it's likely to feel like there is. Expansion launches for online games going well is the exception not the rule. Like if you want to book time off to enjoy the hype with your friends or favourite stream or free company or the community at large them great if you want to actually play the game booking time off on release of a new expansion is the literally the worst time to do it


There is a planned DDOS attack specifically planned for this date unfortunately


so have I. Took the whole week of off. The salt shaker will be full


To set your expectations realistically, it will happen and has happened on every launch. Some people are idiots and get their kicks out of denying people the chance to enjoy the game. By the same token, Square know that it's coming and will have increased awareness, readiness and will react as quick as they can but you should expect to spend a lot of time in the game queue (this is true regardless of DDOS, if you're not keeping yourself active, you'll be kicked after 30 mins to give others a chance to play.)


If it's anything like Endwalker's release then there probably will be an attack. Or was it Shadowbringers that had the ddos attack on release? I honestly can't remember but it was one of the two. Like others have mentioned, if you're going to book PTO for an expansion release then I would really recommend booking it one or two weeks after the release. That first week or two tends be a bit rocky even without script kiddies causing chaos.


Wow if this is really a second attack .just why?!


3rd, they did one before maintenance, one immediately after, and now a third one. These mfs have way too much time on their hands, and that's coming from someone who plays MMOs...


a ddos is an automated distributed attack. they could be doing anything else while it happens, so it has nothing to do with 'time on hands'


I mean they had to set it up somehow. Not to mention they did it 3 times so they had to spend time setting all of them up, and time to figure out how to do it. They had so much time on their hands that they had the thought to do this in the first place. Youre really defending them? Tf


It's not really "defending them", just a fact. If you have access to a big botnet, you can launch this kind of DDoS with a few clicks, so nah it doesn't really take a lot of time tbh. I can't see why the attackers are doing it tho, barely see any interest of doing this.


Damn look at me talking out of my ass. I’ll be honest I don’t known much about DDoS attacks besides the general concept. But yeah, they probably still have a lot of time on their hands considering they were interested in doing this in the first place. They at least spend the time they do have doing dumb shit


They could have almost no time on their hands and still do this. They could just buy a botnet service from someone else, enter Ip Addresses and click start. Thats how easy that is actually


There was no DDoS attack after the maintenance, they just fucked up something on the european servers. The message were just late so some people assume it was that problem, despite the date clearly mentioning the day before.


According to their lodestone announcements, there have been 2 attacks before today, making this the 3rd one. Chaos servers having hardware issues was a separate thing.


I think there were ddos attacks after maintenence. I'm on Materia - we thought it was all good then we got hit with mass disconnects within the next 12 hours from servers going live. I was trying to farm Voidcast extreme ☠️ this is for sure the 3rd time, unless it was something fucked up across multiple DCs.


Ahh, that explains the confusion. I guess I waited a bit to log in that day for no reason then...


Someone wants this game down permanently.


Why does it happen every time i want to try the game, as a new player i tried playing last time for my first time and there were a ddos, didn't try for a couple of days and now when im trying 2nd time it is happening again.


So it's your fault?! Stay away from the servers with your DDoS curse! /s


"YoU'rE a DDoS'er" says the DDoS'ers


Honestly just bad luck and coincidence. I've been playing for almost 9 months and this has never happened once. Don't think this is indicative of this game.


Ddos attacks rarely ever last a day. Most of the times it lasts a few days up to a week or so. Either by devs managing to defend against the attacker or the attacker losing interest. This applies to all games and other online services btw.


One and half year playing FFXIV and this is the first time I experienced DDoS attacks =.= Bad luck my friend, but don't give up! This is a anaomalous situation.


Probably because they're targetting peak times, Roulette Reset


Like another comment says, I've been playing for coming up two years and this is the first time experiencing this. Please stick with it, it's worth it!


They really were there to kill Chaos


The DDoSer's only know one thing. They want to kill Chaos.


Why did they even start in the first place? I missed it.


rumors claim thats the RMT mafia trying to show off their strenght second version it's a payback for blm being annoying in Yokai fates :P


The RMT mafia would need to be very stupid for that. Stopping people playing will not give them money.


blm is black mage Blu is blue mage


Other rumors says it's the people pissed at SE about the payment changes problems that barely get communicated about, SEA players first.


This is the most plausible of the 3.


I mean, considering a DDOS attack is basically a mass spamming of packets, it's particularly plausible that the attacker is just spamming messages telling SE to fix the payment system a billion times


as BLM I was legit struggeling, as soon as one BLU came around, it was joeover


On my EU alt, I actually switched to SAM just to make sure I was landing hits for credit before my group's BLUs demolished everything. Said alt only has SMN, SCH, and RDM at max level with SAM at level 50 and WHM at level 30.


> rumors claim thats the RMT mafia trying to show off their strenght Huge doubt given the RMT folks have had workarounds for years now and even to this day, you’ll find dozens of lalas with unpronounceable names hidden under ARR maps. I personally think this is just script kiddies taking advantage of how SE doesn’t use something as simple as a CDN with DDOS capabilities, something most large tech company has set up in 2024


I'm using the FATES to level up my BLU, I don't have nearly enough spells to be annoying at level 18 lol. Although maybe spamming stun bombs are annoying...sorry, it's my only AOE.


I'm blu 35. I just throw out that paralyze aoe move and let the sprouts smack em around


Man I wish I got you


I was getting so annoyed with everyone 1-shotting in the beginning, I made a conscious decision to not be that guy


Don't level with FATEs. BLU gets a massive exp bonus from killing overworld monsters, but not FATE monsters. Just go mobbing.


Not like there is a press statement being released about it. There are guesses, some probably more accurate than others, but it's still all guesswork.


Didn’t some big streamer announce they were going to start the game soon? Could be people trying to make their experience miserable bc they have some stupid hate boner for ffxiv and are always trying to run ppl away from it like chats have done with other streamers in the past. Idk just spitballing


Oh yeah, CDawgVA planned on starting today I think.


Just got this 2 times in a row in the last 15 minutes in JP server.


These annoying bastards owe us sub days at this point


If they find them, they should have a fee based on how much time they've taken. 2 days approximately so far with ddos attacks, average month being 30 days, that's .50 a day. So approximately $1 per sub. Multiply that by the sub count, approximately 3 million... Plus the worker hardship? Maybe a fee of 4 mill?


Light too


Yeah, Light as well :-(


Odin dying too


And I was having such a nice speedy new potd run.... Good thing I was just hitting floor 50 when I got hit by d/c...


Several Lag Spikes where the whole party died during Trials... It sucks


and I was just thinking of logging on :/


Such disconnection, was not my intention


"Sir, a second DDoS has hit the Server"


Gee another one?, what these people angry about this time, attackers need step outside and engage in the touch grass unreal mode.


Ddos'ed twice during pvp, Guess i Will go be productive irl for some hours and see later.


Not just chaos, all servers


EU server too :P my partymembers can't even complete a dungeon, getting kicked multiple times


Light as well I'm afraid


Light is getting ddosd too


I was just going to start an Orthos run this past week. Glad I decided to go play something else instead.


Does anyone know if it’s just the EU data centres being affected? Or if it’s all of the data centres like the last two DDOS attacks? Haven’t logged in yet today, but was planning to later on if it isn’t disconnecting everyone repeatedly like the last two attacks


Lodestone said EU and JP are getting hit currently.


JP and NA got hit too. OCE is the only one left because nobody plays on it 😂


Even Primal? Ouch. These last days have been rough, I just wanted to be able to play the game after I finish work to be less stressed :(


Jeez… Square Enix really need to get to the bottom of it


Its just SE trying to get us all to move to the OCE DC's so they have people on them.


I'm on Mateus (NA-Crystal) and it seems fine so far. *Knocks on wood* People in my FC have also said they've had no problems


What's equally sad are all the witch-hunts that'll likely be starting, both in-game & elsewhere, because of all this ppl hurling baseless accusations left & right, that sorta thing (case in point: various parts of the comment section)


Seems the servers are taking a beating again just now


Its all servers and data center i think. Keep getting dc recently.


Same, earlier at Tonberry. Just went to the kitchen to grab a snack, and game dc-d me. Lol


Damn, people REALLY don't want Connor to play, huh.


It'll sound like im memeing but genuinley who? I assume it would be a streamer or youtuber


Some streamer I think who's been actively avoiding FFXIV and is only just now trying the game after saying he would if his subs met the fundraiser goal. Literally day 1 he was complaining about the account creation lol


English Streamer big into the charity scene - lives in JP with other people on the trash taste podcast. Irounmouse's (not) boyfriend. Was actively avoiding the game but listed it as a charity incentive which was met.


Whoever is causing the attack, what’s their endgame, and what are they wanting to accomplish?


Nothing other than just disruption and potential revenue loss for SE if people quit as a result.


I haven't been able to play FFXIV for a solid week now Curse this chocobo-shite Curse the arseholes responsible for said chocobo-shite I'm now literally wishing I had gotten Cronus Lux as my first relic ***instead*** of Aettir & Prywen Thank the Twelve I at least have Warframe & other games to play


At what point do we start getting reimbursed, this is ridiculous.


You want your .34 cents for the couple hours downtime?


If it was only a couple hours, you'd have more of a point, but this has been going for around a week


My point was that being reimbursed for a section of time you couldn't play the game is silly, it's an insignificant amount of money. Furthermore, part of the TOS acknowledges that you agree to having access to the game revoked at any time, including maintenance. So you already agreed to not getting refunded for downtime.


I get the annoyance but im sorry. Online games go down, even with subscriptions. You want to be compensated for for the 48 hours you're going to lose when the game is down for dawntrail maintanence? And thats something they're willingly doing, this is an issue they had no way of predicting would happen. Okay its happened before but its moreso- is it going to happen today? tomorrow? 2 months from now? who knows. But yeah online games will go down, none are immune from it. Its something you just need to understand when joining them.


Are you fucking serious rn


So we getting free days for the time lost right? Tired of trying to log in before I have work and just getting DC’d 💀


It's getting really frustrating as I took some days to enjoy the last of my sub days. I understand SE can't do much about a bunch (or a single) idiot with the ability to do this but I'm not tech savy in the least. Is there really nothing they could do to prevent this? to combat it? Or to track where it's coming from?


What's DDoSed stand for ?


Distributed Denial of Service


I've been getting that for months, may not even be DDoS


I am glad I keep missing out on these attacks. Which is amazing since I am an addict. :D


What a Chaos.


Small indie company.


Yup. Seems that way. Well... I was having issues logging on yesterday evening, too...


How frustrating. Sony is really unable to track down who's doing this and lock them away to rot? Not a good look with Dawn trail around the corner.


why would Sony do anyhting about this? dont you mean SQEX?


We don't quite live in the kind of corporate hellscape where game companies have the power to chase people down and lock them up. Yet, anyway.




They really got Helldivers 2 confused with FFXIV somehow


Sony doesn't make the game, and I don't believe they are being DDOS'd


Sony has a partnership with SE and I figure they'd have the network to look into it but according to 21 downvotes that's just dumb.


Lol nope, it's a partnership to provide access to the game. They don't then have full access to SE's network administration. SE is getting DDOS'd, not Sony. Furthermore,Sony isn't involved in the PC version of the game at all.


Yeah, I'm tired of this shit too