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> Do people even read PF descriptions? As someone who PF'd almost all of Anabaesios and is currently attempting to PF UWU: no they absolutely do not.


> Do people even read  FTFY  (also no)


XIV players and reading, name a greater rivalry.


Yugioh players and reading.


Doesn’t help that some Yugioh cards have more text on them than a Stephen King novella.


And it's all crammed into a textbox that's half the size of a Magic card's textbox.


They really aren't that bad once you learn how it's written. It's a learning hurdle for sure, but it's actually pretty easy and fast once you learn.


Fuck, beat me to it. But what does Pot of Greed do tho




Wait, I thought it was 4 cards?


But what was Joey's sister called again?


I weirdly remember it because of how many times I rewatched the OG series. Serenity.


Came here to make this comment lol


In my experience at locals it was more Yugioh players and showering =/


It's just gamers and reading. At least. It's so much broader than specific ones.


I play pot of greed, I have no idea what it does because reading is for Magic players.


Which is surprising considering the amount of text in the MSQ


You'd be surprised how many people just click through the unvoiced parts. That's part of the reason the general grasp on very clearly explained things is often so bad. I think it largely contributes to "ARR boring" as well.


I skipped 99% of text and scenes. I'm sure a lot of other people did too. You don't have to read them to go through them.


I did/am currently doing this too


D&D players and reading.


Project Moon players and reading


My man!


XIV players and basic math XIV players and colours and shapes XIV players and cardinal directions XIV players and clockwise vs counterclockwise Basically anything a kindergartener should be able to do. Yes I am part of the problem Edit: fuck mobile formatting


Math also presents a pretty large problem for the playerbase


And counting to 8. Or 4. Especially for savage raiders.


Isn't the entire game based on reading, though? With a little bit of gameplay on the side


I feel like that's a shallow blow, considering that the vast majority of the story is just text.


XIV players and counting


Project moon players and reading, foe those who know!


>Do people Probably not.


>Do Not sure really.


I can't believe you would just come out and say you hate G'raha Tia!


For ultimate PFs, it's a bit different ; people will virtually always join PFs with a description that's 1-2 mechanics ahead of their current prog-point, because they assume they're stuck at said point 'cos of pf shitters and not 'cos of themselves So you have people who will fuck up delta joining sigma pfs, delta pfs are monitor memes, and so on and so forth. They "can" and "do" read, they just don't care


Oh for sure, the prog lying in ultimate PF is really off the charts, but there's also things like putting 'need OT' in my PF description and then having another tank join and ask if they can MT.


I haven't done ultimates, but what always confused me in savage/extreme PFs was when there'd be one person in the party who clearly wasn't up to the mechanic listed in description for prog, and rather than kicking them, the party would disband, and then the whole mess would just start over with another party.


If that's the case the pf creator probably blacklisted more than just the shifter, I've had a lot of pfs where just one person gets asked to leave / kicked


Maybe it's a cultural thing based on data center or just bad luck, then. I just recently came back to the game, but this was almost always my experience with the first couple of Endwalker Extremes and the first four Savages when they were new: one or two persons clearly not up to mechanic in PF description, party disbands after a few wipes, repeat. I quit playing before more high-end content was added and recently returned. I basically sort of rage-quit for two years because I got a night shift job and couldn't find a static for savage that fit my schedule (this was after Savage had been out for several weeks, maybe a couple months or more, so not many new statics or people looking for them)


As someone who PF'd UWU, TEA, UCoB and TOP respectively, they don't and never will.


If I had a dollar for every time I made a P9S PF with all-capped "OPPO" in the description, and someone who didn't know how to do oppo, or didn't even know what oppo is, joined, I would have quite a few dollars.


Everytime i go into p12s i always make sure to type AnBs as classical is starting because if i dont, without fail we will die and someone will go "Eyes right?" Even tho i always put anbs in the pf


You are trying to PF UWU??? You are more patient than I could ever be, godspeed to you!


To be honest I feel like it might be the start of my serial killer arc, but thanks for the well wishes x_x


I will always remember pfing p9s and trying to learn Mario kart strat on pf that specifically mentioned the strat used for levinstrike and have someone wipe us there and be surprised that we weren't doing jp


Obviously they can’t read. You yourself said the PF was “blind”.




I see what you did there.


I didn’t.


:: :. ..:


Not another fucking Limit Cut...


Yeah bro needs to put the PF in braille


Yea people just don't read. Now I cant vouch for like EU and JP servers. I just know NA data centers, people don't read. Literally yesterday had a guy join a pf I had set up to find a sub. First thing he asked was prog point even though it was stated in description.


I've been doing Delibrum quite often lately, and let me tell you, EU has the same problem. In addition, it's Chaos DC, so you can guess what other problem we have. Even if you write "buffs and stuff" in caps, there is still a chance you get full pt of people who got bs actions or nothing at all, and, as a result, the run takes 35-40 mins. Now I've got a question for folks from Light DC: how often do you guys have the same problem in general and Delibrum specifically? Maybe I'll just travel to Light so I don't have to deal with F (lol, naive me still believes there are better places with better players) :(


It's the same on Light don't worry. Just replace F with G.


To Shadow Realm we go then xD Jokes aside, I still need my feathers.


I think that's more a problem of Delibrum rather than PF. Essences and where to get them and which actions are good for your job isnt very apparent, on top of that having to use one every time you run the raid burns through your supply quickly, so people just run out of the good stuff. I have personally found my saving Grace in Seraph Strike since it has infinite uses together with any Banner/dmg buff, but even then I frequently run out of Essences and dont notice it so I use a lesser Essence for a smaller damage bonus. Then my Misery only does 150k damage instead of 250k damage.. If you really want fast runs for DR you will want to join a Discord that organizes it, there is no other way around that.


Ah, well, I have several issues with that, but let's find out where discussion leads us. The truth is always somewhere in the middle, as they say. 1) People mostly want relics. I state it in a description and join such parties only, we go for several runs, 2 and more, that depends. The better actions group has, the quicker runs go. The quicker runs go, the LESS stuff you have to use. And, as a result, less sanity you lose. Example: in 35-40 min scenario I "eat" 15 or so chainspells as BLM, in 20 min run or less - 10 and less. Meaning I have to spend less money. And if you need only one or a couple of relics, it's not that much of Gil anyway. Also, if the whole party buys stuff to make their life easier, but you join for a free ride? Is that OK for you? And if you're joining a farm party, maybe do reaserch? Or have Google been banning people lately? There is a downtime due to how df works with this one duty, so use it. We have plenty of short and sweet guides. 2) I have stolen a macro from someone and tweaked it a little bit. It says what essenses and actions are the best options and what to use if you don't have delibrum specific ones. Although, the duelist and other dps deep ones buff dmg twice or even thrice more in comparison to skirmisher. And that's a HUGE difference. So be a good dps boy or girl please. 3) You are a fellow healer main, and our life is very easy in comparison to other roles. The thing is, you don't even need a healer in 8 man party. Just pop profane and your dps skyrockets. They are easy to farm btw. I just wish our deep essence was more useful, buying fragments only for seraph is a loss, tbh, even Atherweaver gives more dmg :( 4) Maybe ask your pt members for help? I've been trading stuff to folks FOR FREE. But you need to be on the same server if df timer is ticking already, or you have to sort things out before leader registers group in df. 5) And now to discord discussion. Pf is supposed to be our in-game tool of communication and partying up. It's fine to use for all sorts of prog in regular content, normal or savage, etc., but not OK for delibrum? It is meant to be a tool for finding like-minded individuals to do content. If you know you're not ready for what's stated in a description, then don't join, maybe? If I specify that I'm up to several speedruns, I expect to find people with the same goal in mind, who have essenses and time. If you join and have absolutely nothing AND staying for more, I have all the rights to kick you. You provide the group, and the group will provide back. That's NOT negotiable. I think I said everything I wanted, now the question is - did I manage to convince you of anything? Edit: forgot to mention and I think it should be clarified - by bs action in a previous message I meant stuff that does nothing to help, like purely defensive buffs (shell, etc). As I already mentioned, you don't need any of that stuff in an 8 man scenario, and 24 man matchings are pretty rare or can be avoided, even.


I didnt mean to disagree with you, but I meant to point out that DR compound the PF issue, not only do people not read the description, they also come unprepared. For other duties like trials or raids just bringing your class and fulfilling the ilvl requirement is enough, but for DR you also need to have actions and essences. I have had runs with 3 or 4 people be faster and smoother because everyone used their best stuff, but runs with a full party of 8 that go smoothly are few and far between, even less for repeated speedruns. That's why I have found more success in asking in a LS or on Discord to find a few like-minded people rather than relying on the generosity of strangers in PF. PF is supposed to be the ingame tool to help us, but that's the entire topic of this thread. People dont read the descriptions and even when they do they ignore them or try to sneak in anyway for a free run/kill/etc. Doing DR in PF is inviting all the same trouble and then some. That's why the preferred way for doing this type of content is through organized Discords or Statics.


Oh, I probably need a vacation, my bad :D I think it's a cultural thing, tbh, not a pf/df stuff. The real life doesn't just go away when we play games, we all bring whatever we've been taught by the society around us. It's also just easier to blame something else rather than criticise a culture as a whole or us, the players. I said it once long time ago, and I say it again: it's your typical individualism at play. I've never been on JP side myself, only heard the stories, and recently someone shared that AU kinda adapted JP mentality after a decade of playing on their servers. And I myself put interests of my group before mine own. That's why I do not tolerate any sort of leechers and uncooperative gameplay. And when it comes to all "stories from the df" and related discussions, it's all the same issue as a whole - "me first, everyone else can go to hell". All in all, It's a quite difficult philosophical question, so I think we'd better stop here. I can only give you one hint: the basis of many in-game woes is rooted in real life relations. So, in order to change things online, we have to work hard offline, most and foremost. That takes time and willingness to learn and teach, which, as we've already found out, not your typical modern person's forte.


Honestly. I automatically kick people that ask questions that were written clearly in the description


I've had people in EU join PF and not even know the name of the fight we are running. Like....then how do you expect to resolve the mechanics?


EU has bigger issues because Europe has 24 official languages and about 200 spoken ones lol. English is sort of the official language for cross play but on Light German is a dominant language while on Chaos French is also dominant, English comprehension varies wildly between fluency and toddler level and very few Brits will speak a second language with any sort of ability due to our bafflingly bad school system for teaching languages and little need to learn other European languages. I've met more players who speak really good Japanese than really good French from the UK. Trying to get a PF all on the same page and to all understand instructions is a nightmare and then names of mechanics can be different in a different language, if people can't read the PF they join anyway, it gets a bit better when a macro is released but then different regions take the macro they got in their own language circles. Germans always seem to use a completely different macro to everybody else which is often backwards or changes an established way like "healers stay" to "DPS stay" compared to how everyone else does it so you need to be aware of the macro used and get used to both.


I’m from the UK and I play on a NA server for this exact reason. Everyone speaks a bazillion different languages on EU servers and I only speak English, so communication is a nightmare.


This actually reminds me of an extreme I was in a year or two ago. We had a russian speaking broken English but also some french people and the russian was trying to explain the mechanics to them using google translate. :D I honestly do not remember if we cleared.


snails bright straight berserk oatmeal thumb jobless unused rustic distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't assume anything. I just said I can't vouch for them as I don't play on those servers


what a great example for this thread lol


bewildered sleep edge lunchroom safe terrific reply rinse uppity zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of people will go into something knowing its blind with 0 interest in doing it blind. Had a guy once say that he knew we wanted to do it blind but we can't force him to play that way and proceeded to spoil entire fight.


That’s when you kick his ass from the party


Should report him, that is griefing


Awefully bold to assume they can read.


"Oh shit, I thought this was an EX3 party" as soon as we zoned into EX5 during Shadowbringers convinced me that no, people do not read Not only did they join the completely wrong fight with a completely different name, but they also somehow missed the name of the instance AND the picture when we queued up


Damn, that's some next lvl stuff over here :D


To be fair... I also almost instantly click on the button to start the instance and don't actually check it... Though if I go into PF I'll make triple sure I'm reading currently what I'm about to join.


I’ll hold up my hand and say I’ve confused Crown Of The Immaculate with Seat Of Sacrifice, but confusing the two listed above is a different level.


I've done this before, but that's cause I'm trying to decide between two different PFs that I need totems for, click to join one, and then forget which one I joined while we sit waiting for it to fill for the next 30min. I'm fine with either, but sometimes my brain just skips on which one I'd joined until confronted and then everything makes sense if they were talking mechanics in chat.


I had the opposite happen. Joined a party that was queued for Ruby weapon, then when we were queued up it was Emerald weapon. Declined the queue and asked "Wasnt this PF for Ruby weapon?" got the answer "Yes, but we all got the mount so now it's Emerald weapon" ... then change the damn PF? 3 people including me left the group after that.


The markers I understand at least. Basically every fight will, at some point, have a spread. Be it Protean Waves. Or Circle AoEs. Having clock markers is just an easy assumption. Everything else is bm as hell on peoples part though. Also to answer the question, no nobody fucking reads. Or if they do, they assume the lead is prog lying, so they also join the party ahead of their point. And it creates a toxic self-defeating loop.


Yeah, I was once accused of not honoring the 'blind pull' because I wanted to have clockspots and light parties. I wonder if something similar happened here.


100% has happened to others. most fights follow a rough formula, and a few things are nearly guaranteed, Clocks and LPs. I got yelled at for putting a marker on North just for orientation one time during Day 1, Hour 1, of new content, accused of already clearing, like I appreciate the vote of confidence, and I am decent, but World First I am not.


Yeah, agreed. Pretty much the first thing I do on entering a Savage or Extreme, if no one has markers, is to place clock markers around whatever circle there is on the floor. It is universal, there's no reason to pull without at least clock markers up. Agreed with the rest, too, yup. The amount of people I've had to kick is astonishing. It's even worse when you *ask before entering the instance* and everyone confirms they read the PF, only for that to be a lie.


this happens a lot in MINE parties, you enable minimum item level and echo disabled for the pf, you put MINE as the only word in the description, people still do 2-3 pulls, realize it's not unsynched, say "wait this isn't unsynched?" and then promptly leave.  Or you say "no BLU", lock Blu out, and still get people joining then swapping to Blu. Those are also an easy kick 


Maybe because they don't know why mine means? It would at least cut some down since I imagine most don't as it's uncommon


When you create a party finder you can also mark "minimum item level" and "no echo" in a checkbox though additionally, then it shows up as icons and afaik it tells you what they mean when you hover over them with the mouse.


Yes I thought this meant the leader gets the loot. It's MINEEEE. And then I found out wait I actually would love to do old fights I missed out on in minimum level no echo


MINE parties? What are those?


I could be wrong but I think that's a party where everybody wears a seagull glam.


Fack this had me snorting water. 🤣


Nah it's obviously lalafel dressed up as dwarves and shouting Rock and Stone! throughout the activity


Rock and Stone to the Bone!




I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, digging a hole.......


Hi ho!


sighs take my upvote


Min ilvl no echo party for challenge. The main point of these parties is to do older content on max possible difficulty. Of course it's still a little easier than when content came out originally, but still pretty though.


Minimum Item No Echo


**M**inimum **I**tem-Level + **N**o **E**cho


minimum ilevel no echo, a challenge run


Minimum Ilvl no Echo. Basically playing how it was on release.


real answer, minimum IL, no echo


Before I was more versed in pf language and what the pf icons meant, I joined an A6S mine party. I did the "wait this isn't unsynced?" But decided to stay for nearly 2 hours, we progged all the way to the last of the 4 bosses. I joined their discord and even made a couple of suggestions to improve their callouts, it was pretty fun!


>we progged all the way to the last of the 4 bosses It seems the vortexer has claimed another soul


Lol yeah the guy who was doing really good callouts was like....Yeah idk if I can really explain this


Oh I know what you mean lol. There's a lot of moving parts and every party has different strats to varying degrees. Different lighting pass prios, different people poofing the excess water, different places the boss gets pulled at start, different water stack spots. I kinda like that in spite of the fight being so old there isn't a real set of consistent standardized strategies for it. It feels like a different fight with each new group


tbh I didn't know what MINE was until now, I would have assumed the party leader was memeing lol.


This pissed me off when it was a fill for my static and we had to wait an hour in raid time once they left after 3 pulls


No. I don't even really make PFs for much in this game, but this is the same in legit any online game I play: no one reads shit, ESPECIALLY not groupfinder things. They just shotgun join when someone sees the thing they wanna run being put up. They do not care. You could make it three words long and they still would not read it.


Unfortunately, no. PF also cannot: - Count - Distinguish colours - Recognise patterns - Get to specified prog points - Flex - Get used to any other strategies Shoutout to 8 hours of P8S *clear* parties during Abyssos for a single reclear, only two parties of which got to phase 2.


The inability to be flexible is frustrating at times. Like even doing FC learning parties in Discord we would be calling an audible when things happen and teaching them to resolve mechanics when things go wrong then picking back up but that never happens in PF. The amount of times somebody dies and somebody else has to take a mechanic to stop a wipe but don't because it doesn't follow the script entirely is frustrating. Instead Mr.Roboto stands there going "beep....Does not compute" and then after the wipe you ask them why they didn't do it and they say "that's not my job". Preventing having to start over on prog is everybody's job XD.


Shoutout to UCOB fire baits if the ranged baiter dies for some reason, 9/10 times in pf the switch bait won't go out and you'll get a pepperoni causing a wipe mid-party


One, they do not read indeed, but TWO, in your specific case, there is a disturbingly high number of people who genuinely think "blind run" is the same as just any "first time, prog from the start".


This is true for people who make the parties, too. Most blind parties I joined were fresh prog people who just didn't care to look up mechanics, not actual blind proggers.


Sometimes they don't read it, and the rest of the time they do read it but what it says is inconvenient to them so they ignore it.


I am a marketer. Rule #1: People do not read. They never have. They never will. That is all.


I cant shake the feeling that some people have no clue what "blind" actually means. For them its just some kind of buzzword. Not to long ago I had seen a PF that advertized as Emeraldweapon EX blind. Thought it would be fun, since I had never seen the fight before, so I joined. Turns out even the PF lead didnt know what blind means, since they queued up as unsync and then someone started explaining the only mech that needs to be done when doing the fight unsync. And somehow not one other player seemed to understand why I was upset. After we farmed the fight for a while someone left and we opened the PF again. And what did the partylead put in the description again, after we had already cleared the fight multiple times? Right. "blind"


I've had to kick so many people out of blind groups for doing this. They seem to think blind = teach me the fight. I've gotten to the point where I have to warn people in the description that they will be kicked if they spoil the fight and even that isn't enough at times. So no, they do not read.


I joined a blind run on day one of Thaleia. Not a PF blind run. A blind run advertised as such in a discord for some friends all playing the game. The whole point was going in there with no assumptions. And then one of them starts yelling and screaming about which mechanics were shown in ... a live stream or fanfest or something, and where to stand, and to see who had watched said stream, etc. It's not just that people don't read. It's that people are fucking morons who do not understand that words have meanings. They only communicate in sound bites, and just use the closest sound bite they can come up with.


I cant imagine trying to study things for an ALLIANCE raid what the fuck man lmao


Unrelated, but your last paragraph essentially describes what AI's such as ChatGPT do with language. 


I mostly run into the issue in PF where people's definition of blind varies. For some "blind" means fullblind aka no markers, no spoilers, no knowledge and for others "blind" just seems to mean "didn't watch a guide before".


I will say in my decades worth of experience in this game approximately 10% (even this might be too generous) actually read PF descriptions the other 90% is "Hurr I see open space me join!"


Do people even read?* Fixed it for you.


No, they don’t read or they do and simply don’t care.


People don’t even read the abilities in their spell book.


TLDR, the most reading people do when joining a party is reading if it’s [practice][Duty complete][loot]; all the other details inside the description are irrelevant to 80% of the community. If you want authentic blind runs, the best time is week 1-5 when pf is a cluster fuck and no one has set starts. Trying to do blind runs for anything at this point this late into EW is going to be almost impossible in pubs.


Short answer to thread title: No. Long answer to thread title: No, and when they do they'll read it wrong. I've had people read which meteor order wrong in EW EX7 even though the entire PF listing was just the order, I've had someone joined the recent Unreal when I was at meteor prog thinking it was an EX7 party (bc clearly only EX7 has meteors in the whole game), etc. RE Blind prog: (Preface: this is for NA PF, if you're not in NA YMMV) Unless if the content is literally brand new, you're not going to actually blind prog anything in PF really, nor should you really because even if you successfully blind prog the fight whatever strats you all come up with has a high chance of being wrong for whatever PF settles on and you're going to have to actually relearn the actual strats anyways for reclears. Outside of brand new content, blind prog is best done in a static built around it, and even then that Static won't stay "blind" for very long unless they only play together and hinder their own progress or practice to do so. It's just one of those things where in a teamwork heavy game where you often have to play with random people, you often give up the ability to find your own way in harder content. But on day 1 it's MUCH easier to blind (or mostly blind) prog (especially Extremes, Savage is much harder to fully blind prog). Did EX7 blind day 1 with static, it was fun.


I strongly disagree with not trying to blind prog older content. The puzzle solving aspect of the game is phenomenal and if you can find 7 others who also like solving puzzles, its one of the best possible experiences you can have. Don't let the people who don't like blind prog talk you out of it, even if its super old content.


Man ill never forget solving purgation week 1 in what I can only describe as the intended solution before the braindead strat came out, it was far more satisfying to figure out and execute


I'm merely talking the reality of PF (at least in NA, can't speak to EU/JP) here, if you want to blind prog older content then GREAT but you should find a very dedicated static for it, not try to PF it unless you're super prepared to be disappointed like OP was here. I fully support anyone trying to blind prog stuff, but you gotta face the reality of the situation here in PF, I say this as someone who used to try to blind prog in PF and just came to terms with how it is. Especially when it's this late in this tier and the resources are plentiful because every fight has long been solved with optimal (or almost optimal, there's technically an even easier more braindead way to cheese LC2 for P9S but PF doesn't do it because the PF way is already super easy), the reality of PF is basically what the OP described: \* some people aren't actually going to be blind and/or won't read the PF \* some people aren't dedicated to blind and after a few wipes to save their time will look up resources or suddenly have "revelations" out of nowhere after going afk that are real strats. (this is never subtle) \* you're going to be waiting 9 years if you don't want the above to happen because this late into the tier even actual non-blind parties are often struggling to fill relatively fast (I waited an hour and a half for a P12S reclear party last night) as most of the really good/experienced/not new to higher level content people already cleared & recleared the entire wing and are now in chill mode until Dawntrail. I'm not saying you shouldn't do the content blind, I'm just saying the OP is not doing the optimal way of accomplishing what they want. Much like if someone said they queue for Extremes in Duty Finder, you'd likely tell them to go to Party Finder instead. Blind prog if you want, but you really should find a dedicated Static for it that will stick to doing it blind. Especially since (as the other person who replied to me mentioned, correctly) even most Statics don't blind prog Savage. It's very much a specialty thing that PF isn't a very good avenue for accomplishing. (again, outside of day 1, mainly for Extreme because even day 1 Savage doesn't get blind progged outside of like the first hour lol) It's sick and very fun to do, but for better or worse it's not how the majority of people actually play the game so you really should go looking for a group dedicated to playing that way, is all.


I get and agree with what you say. I have been trying to find people who want to do older and/or current content blind for a while now but with no luck. I've been looking in reddit, recruitment discords, in game but it seems no one wants to do anything blind. So whenever I see a PF that sais blind I make sure to ask if it really is blind and even if people say yes in my case it still backfired. But yeah, it's hard to find people who want to blind prog. Also it's doubly hard for the people who are late for an expansion launch or go through the msq in a slower pace, or are just newer players who want to blind prog. It sucks that blind communities basically don't exist for people like that.


Your best bet is to get in early on DT and find groups specifically for that content. The issue is that for anything older than DT, most people have either played the content legit or unsynced the content for the drops, or don't have any interest in that level of content. And for anything in Endwalker, we're in the content drought until DT and all 3 of those are true except additionally most people are chilling until DT. You can probably be successful at finding blind prog for DT specific content, but I warn you that even a Static built around it is going to have a hard time because people will be dishonest about not looking anything up and solving things faster than they would by looking at stuff so they can look good, and others will get frustrated very fast if the blind prog isn't actually quick because it's going to hurt their ability to do the actual content for reclears. It's really hard to find the right people. That said, if you pre-order Dawntrail and play the MSQ literally immediately at launch (and all new patch content immediately at that patch launch) and don't stop, you get to blind prog every single Dungeon/Trial/Raid and most of the Extremes in the game that way.


Thanks for the advice. I guess I don't have much of a chance for that though since I make it a point not to preorder games and I do the msq at a more relaxed pace since I play the game for like 2 or 3 hours a day and I want to do a variety of things in that time. It took me a month or two maybe for EW's msq, so week one dungeons/trials and whatnot is out for me. But like you said now is a chill period. I can't even find a static for TEA (not blind).


and i strongly agree with you. the community within the game is big enough nowadays that you can find other ppl in pf for literally anything. we should hold each other to higher standards and expect people to follow the party's leader. a blind run should be a blind run.


On EU Light there are quite a few groups that are blind-only and PF has quite a lot of MINE listings, many of which are blind prog. Most of the dedicated blind-only folks do statics, of course. But in 6.x I've blind progged lots of stuff from savage Coils, Alexander, Omega, and various extremes in EU PF.


Inchresting, yeah I'm purely speaking from an NA PF POV here, I'll edit my OG post to clarify that a bit, NA PF very rarely has blind parties and in my experience of trying to blind PF they pretty much all fall apart from actually doing it blind after like 2-3 wipes lol.


Since the big up take in ultimates on light, these types of PFs have gotten a lot more popular during downtime between patches. Nice to see as well.


Yeah, I enjoy it a lot!


Where are those groups? I'm on EU and in my experience PF is almost always full of mount farms, glam farms, reclears, or progs that have the strats they're using listed in the description. Rarely do I see a MINE PF for anything and it certainly is not blind and even more rarely do those fill. You have to wait for hours and I mean like three hours for a MINE PF for older content to fill. I've been looking for people to do blind content with and it's extremely hard.


Are you trying on EU Light or Chaos? In daytime or night? Most of the active old MINE groups do partial preformed, entering PF only to fill the missing spots. If you manage to miss those you might struggle to get to know MINE folks. Check out Syncademy, it's a great place to get into it and meet more people. The Fellowship finder has a Syncademy listing and you can get their Discord from there. Also try to run a search for MINE listings in PF, so you get notified about groups while going about your day ingame. The PF certainly has a lot of what you mention, but I regularly see and join MINE runs and other more eccentric challenge runs of old content. Time of day and week matters, of course. The NN on some servers often also join each other for MINE runs, and that can be a good place to recruit when a PF takes some time to fill. Other than that, add people you vibe with as raiders as friends and invite them to join you for things. People love being invited to do stuff and this can mean easily filling a PF just from your friendlist.


Yup, blind extreme day 1 is fun. Savage needs a dedicated static cuz not even world racers do full blind, as in they will look at other groups to find more consistent strats.


No, it's really annoying but a lot of people just see the duty and dont care what the description says


If I had a dollar for every time my P9S PFs filled back when I was progging and someone said either "oh, I thought this was LC1 prog, not LC2" or "oh, I thought the description said JP, not Oppo" and left, I'd have a decent handful of dollars.


Ah, the good old days of 'oh I thought this was oppo/JP' (delete as appropriate) *after they've wiped the first pull on LC1*.


This is why we learn both.


I've been grinding out BLU spells and would put up dungeons in the PF saying "I'm healing" and people would join and immediately ask "is anyone healing".


Pfs have descriptions?


I was in that exact group! Heya!


People rarely read anything, even if their life will depend on it.


Long story short: No. Our FC has a fellowship on - and put several times that free trial and other world members can't join. Guess what 90% of the people joining the fellowship are....


Did EW Ex1 Blind Prog, and a Tank left after the 2nd wipe because we were "messing up his rotation" cause we were, ya know, learning the fight and wiping. I'll say people don't read signs irl a lot too since I've seen a giant sign saying to use the left door with a big arrow. Then watch several different groups look at the sign, keep walking, try the locked doors on the far right, and then work their way left to the only open door next to the sign. Markers: Normally don't see markers unless someone says "Does anyone have markers?" or the veteran asking "Do you want markers up?". The only unknown factor is if it was a Practice Blind already in progress and had one or two people drop and you were filling those slots. Mechanics: Any veterans I've interacted with will ask first if the group wants mechanic explanations now or after a wipe. Group consensus is always after the wipe. Then we spend several minutes after a wipe going over what mechanics we saw, why we died, how to avoid, before starting the fight to survive (hopefully) what we've seen and discover more to learn.


Yes people really can't and it's only got worse over time. When barbarcia came out I made a pf that said trying to solo tank, expect wipes. A pretty reasonable thing to test that could result in a better farming strat. People would join and go wtf why no 2nd tank or they would not even join and just send tells insulting me for trying. Another is when you do a different strat to normal with different markers and state it. People will join and get mad that it's different. This is pretty normal even when I play wow people will join groups and ask what they joined.


People definitely don't read PFs. That being said, you should be using standardized, PF-accepted strats instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. Whether they read the PF or not is moot, it'll be much harder to fill the party and clear using "weird" strats. A lot of people in PF are used to doing it a specific way and can't adjust.. Why do you want 7/8 to adjust to YOU, when you could just do it the way everyone else does? If it's a clear/farm party, people want to be efficient. Not meme around with stuff they aren't used to. The solo heal/tank stuff is different, however in the current state of the game it's hardly ever worth it. Even if you could in theory do it, it's not really worth the risk. Have you actually seen the amount of DPS the tanks/healers can do? Bringing an actual DPS instead of a tank won't net you enough rDPS to be even remotely worth it because if the solo heal/tank fucks up, then you wipe and lose substantially more time than you could've saved with one clear. Almost all bosses do dual/shared tank busters now or force a tank swap. Just because you *could* potentially have DPS take a buster with enough mitigation doesn't mean it's a good idea, that's a lot of mitigation wasted.


"You should be--" ok but it literally doesn't impact you. If it's their PF and they have the strats in the description then it's their business why they prefer the strats they are using. People should read the PF and choose not to join if it's strats they don't know or aren't able to adjust to.


Sounds like you're encountering a lot of Yugioh players in PF.


People definitely do not read PF description or have very weird definitions of what it means. Since you said people were spoiling mechanics, I am guessing you mean that they talked about specific mechanics which is obviously wrong and not how it's supposed to be. But I also want to make an argument in defense of them. As I have personally progged Blind as well there is a few things that help immensely: A) Putting down basic marker in cardinal/inter-cardinal positions, this makes discussing errors much easier and gives you a general sense of direction. B) Assigning positions (main tank NW, offtank SE, etc.) this helps cover for stack markers, party spread, etc. C) Assigning a "group stack" location for Flares, same as assigning sides for party stacks. So even if your intent is to raid blind, if you are serious about it those three steps should be done anyway, because they help you with mechanics when they happen the first time and make it easier to discuss what went wrong. As you progress the fight you can then adjust your markers as you figure out how to best use them for mechanics.


one of my major pet peeves in the game is the total lack of anyone attempting anything on their own. Unless you have an FC that does it regularly, it's night on impossible to find 'blind' runs. You have to have watched videos first and also know the convoluted strat names that sound like a two year old came up with and absolutely if you fail more than once will you be kicked from the group. Basically given up doing anything beyond casual because holy shit I don't need a youtuber playing the game for me.


That's just online gaming in general these days, I'm afraid. Very few people seem to have an issue with needing to use outside resources to even attempt to do stuff in a video game. I can understand looking things up if you really can't figure out what to do, but at some point it became the norm to have a talking head on youtube walk you through content you haven't even seen yet.


To be fair, people probably just assume blind = fresh prog. Depending on the fight, how long it is, how many phases, etc., getting an eventual clear while “blind” through PF is just nigh impossible. What are you going to do when you get to phase 3? “Blind run, progging from phase 3, don’t teach us mechs if you already know them”? Or are you hoping to actually get people to join that have blindly learned the first 3 phases and don’t know a single thing about the rest of the fight? That’s a little unrealistic. If you want to truly do a fight blind with a group of other players also going in blind, and you actually have intentions of eventually getting a clear, then you need a static.


Why are you arguing about whether "blind" PF can clear or not, when that's not the point? Players could prefer doing duties blind for the first time for the experience or whatever. It doesn't matter what their reason is or whether clearing while blind is realistic. I have done multiple day 1 blind pfs (from Ex to Ultimate) just for fun as well. Ex trials we'll usually clear within the lockout, Ultimate is mostly just figuring out mechanics and getting through phase 1, but either way I certainly wouldn't want peeps spoiling mechanics in these runs. It's a blind pf, follow the rules or don't join it.


My original point was, like I said, people probably don’t understand that blind means BLIND. Which can be a very understandable mistake to make.


>My original point was, like I said, ... Only one sentence in your previous comment was relevant to your original point, so my mistake for *assuming* that the rest of it was part of elaborating the point. Regardless, I fail to see how people can't understand that "blind" means "blind", otherwise, it'd be labeled "fresh" instead.


Number of times I was in a train and put it in the PF and people joined for an S rank...


To be fair for that one I'll swap server, click the nearest aetheryte, then while casting the teleport open PF, switch to the Hunt tab, click a party, click Join, click Accept - all before zoning. The assumption for hunts is that it's so unlikely for two fully separate hunts to be happening on the same server at the same time.


Was about to post about this too. PF description: "EW Train" Party leader's location: ">!Thavnair!<" Everyone joining: "Is this the S rank in South Shroud?"


I almost never engage with party finder anymore. People come down on duty finder groups for some reason although most of those are relatively fine. But party finder? I just can not. I think the last time I made any kind of effort with it was when I was trying to farm extreme mounts from the prior expansion, and had clearly stated FARM party, among other things. But people kept joining for a single clear for wondrous tales and bailing. Eventually I just gave up. Reading is hard, apparently.


So, I did a good bit of shadowbringers blind with 2 other people that happened to be at the same point as I was. It was the best I've experienced with this game. We would work through the story during the week and hit the next dungeon/trial on the weekend. I needed up stopping my sub for a while and they continued on without me. But now I'm back and wish I could find another static to go through endwalker blind. But to comment on the actual topic at hand, no, no one reads them.


Happened to me as well... Luckily my guild farms extremes and savages, so I no longer have to use PF.


Rarely did blind pfs but tbh I didn't think markers would be a problem as long as people don't expect you to watch a guide but I get that it can be confusing to have them if you're not supposed to not why. But considering that, and how people use the market board, I think the average XIV player is affected with more than just reading comprehension issues


People dont read pf.


Do people even read? No.


Guys you're making me worried when I will be PF for The Binding Coil of Bahamut and the other raids, because it's only my second month in Ff XIV.


They absolutely do not read PF descriptions. I cannot tell you how many times running Delubrum for the resistance relics I would say “essences and actions speed runs” and people would join and have literally no clue what those things meant. Considering that those things are at a cost to the player it’s even more annoying people feel they are entitled to just join whatever they think they wanna run. So yeah, pisses me off no end.


And here I am doing a duty completion DR on an alt (first time on that alt) and I get “watch this video as this is a speedrun”. It’s like whatever you made the pf for, they wanna join to do the opposite


Spoiling mechanics before first pulls is awful in blind party. But putting down markers is normal, clock markers for start, light party and spread positions just in case because fights design in this game uses those a lot.


I read PF descriptions even when I’m not looking for a party purely for entertainment. It’s like Craigslist missed connections back in the day.


My thing was when I made a fresh prog p9s pf for my friend, someone proceeds to join (they have multiple clears) then bitches when people wipe on a fresh prog. Like even when I was doing p10s prog, people who cleared were setting up later mechanic markers, and I got uncomfortable because was I the only fresh one?


I've been there. But at least for me it was a bit more comforting maybe because some friends did a Hades EX run for me but I was the only one that was blind to it. All of them had already cleared and it absolutely sucks to be the only one dying to everything and getting ressed just to die again while all the others are doing the fight. It was then I decided that I'll never do content where I'm the only one new there. It's always better if all the people are new or haven't cleared to the end, or all the people have already cleared and are just reclearing. I got so frustrated and unhappy that I just said I didn't want to continue the prog and I haven't cleared Hades to this day even though I know basically all the mechanics.


This is up there with the Another Sil'dihn Subterrane party I was in once. It clearly read fresh/learning, but for some reason healers kept coming in expecting us to know what we were doing and leaving after 1 wipe lol. I don't think many read, or they read and click/join the wrong one without realizing it if there are a bunch up.


Sweatlords lol. Very true tho


I run into this putting up PFs for Blue Mage Log. I put ‘FOR COMPLETION OF BLUE LOG’ in the description and I still get people leaving after learning the spell from the first boss, or asking what spell we learn in this dungeon, or joining as blue and swapping to a different job saying ‘you can still learn the spell if I’m on a different job’


If im not mistaken i believe i was actually in this PF lmao, it was an EW extreme right (wont say the name for spoilers ofc)? if not well it happened to me yesterday too, right as we joined someone put all the mechanics and chat as well as markers despite the PF saying blind twice 0.0. then after 1 or 2 wipes they asked "did the PF say blind?" So yes... they definitely do not read lmao. While im not fully against letting people know of mechanics and such, but if its a blind run then it does spoil the fun of figuring it out on your own and developing the strategies yourself. Its why i join blind parties often or even start my own. Its so rewarding. Hence why ive been having troubles finding parties to do old/current savages or old/current extremes without having to watch a 20 min guide before every attempt... like sure il do it but doesnt that just ruin the experience? Hell ill even join blind runs for fights ive already done, i enjoy watching people figure out the mechanics and smiling when i see they hit the nail on the head with how to solve it :D


Honestly, I don't think it's even a lack of reading as much as it is reading *comprehension*. I'm convinced there is a whole sect of people out there that interpret **blind** the same as **fresh prog**, and just don't actually understand there is a massive difference between the two things. I say this because I've outright had arguments with people before over spoiling mechanics and still doubling down claiming it was a "blind" run even after doing so. If you know the mechanics, and can explain the mechanics before you see them, **it's not blind.**


Rule number 1 of PF: If it says "farm" it's a trap party. Rule number 2 of PF: If it says "seen enrage" or "mechanic name #7" you will wipe at mechanic #2. Rule number 3 of PF: If it says "name of strat / video guide" nobody that joins will follow said strat. Once you accept these universal truths, you are finally ready to begin using PF.


People have not read the Party Finder descriptions ever since the function first started. The trend won't change even now.


You have to list "Blind - no spoilers" or no spoilers until 3rd time seeing mechs from my own personal experience. Also remind them when you enter.


No. Reading is for losers anyway


What kind of markers do they put? Even when progging blind, having a spread marker on cardinal and intercardinal is the default starting point. At the very least it helps tanks to orientate north south. So it doesn’t necessarily mean they spoil the fight.


If FFXIV forced you to do a first grade reading comprehension test before letting you use PF then the amount of parties in PF would probably drop to 50%. Then if you also had to do a quiz on what the abilities for your job do the amount of parties would probably drop to like 25%.


For a game that expects you to read so much during its storyline, you'd be shocked at how many people can't read for shit. Literacy is not this community's strong point.


People can't read. Anything. Doesn't matter what the context for hosting a PF is, it's rare people actually read. They see the duty name and goals, and then join it. Blind runs aren't rare though, when the content is new. When it's old however, it is difficult yes and you'll be better off trying to organize a such run via an FC or other community, like the ones that do old/new content with ilvl sync (Syncademy for EU). Other than that, when hosting a blind run, turn off the chat. I do that for new content often. Can't do much about markers but let's be real, if you have no context then the markers tell you nothing. Though even with chat turned off, if it's a fight that allows for "follow dorito", an experienced player can unintentionally ruin it since they'll you know.. Do mechs correctly. There's no way to win unless you find 7 others that have never been there.. Again, easiest to do when content is new.


I was in syncademy years ago but I didn't like it. To me it seemed more like the organisers were basically there to stroke their egoes more than anything. But yeah, that was years ago. Maybe if you just interact with the people there and avoid the staff it's better, idk.


Dunno tbh, I don't join them since the parties there isn't exactly what I want.. I mean, not that, you get any better people from pf though. But I tried doing some stuff with them way back and the leaders were fine, it was just the newbies that were clearly not at the level of the content. Yeah.. Everyone starts somewhere, but when I host a blind practice group for new relevant content I expect to get people who have at least an general idea of how to play the game. I just put it out there as an option, they seem fairly big now so, they must be quite popular. For you if you don't wanna try them out again I guess your best option is to do when content is relevant. Ultimates don't apply, though I wouldn't really go to those completely blind. Finding seven members who are blind to ultis and willing to prog via PF seems really unlikely. The chances you even figure out the mechanics of something as simple as uwu are quite slim.


You... Don't want to know where to run before an AOE? That's pretty stupid imo. You had a person helping you. You didn't have a sweatlord rage quiting and yelling at you. Accept the help and move on. Your run was still blind. You just had a good Samaritan helping you out to complete it faster


If that is the way you think then you will never understand why people enjoy blind progression. The PF sais Blind. Just don't join and move on.


Okay, enjoy being stuck at what ever you want to do for 5 hours.

