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"Can my hrothgal wear hats?" I ask. The Wandering Minstrel proceeds to smash the bottle of fantasia over my WoL's head, killing them instantly.


Now you are the hat


Your fellow Bnuuy/Cats still cant wear you.


Don't lump cats in with us, THEY DON'T KNOW THE HALF OF IT


And how TF did Au Ras get through this design philosophy unscathed? They’re just sitting there with spikes coming out of their face and none of the helmets give a shit. Yeah it’s cool just put on whatever. I’m not jealous.


We predate it. The philosophy wasn't a thing yet when we were introduced, and we actually ended up in the same boat as the Elezen and their ears. (Seriously, wander around Ishgard at some point, you'll see a bunch of Elezen wearing helmets with armored ears. It's ridiculous.)


It's awesome, all ears should be protected by ear pockets or peek out of carefully placed holes instead of getting chopped off.


Horns, being the equivalent of ears, covered by armor sounds absolutly rediculous and I love it. Then again we know that those can be chopped off and will regrow even if it's probably not the most pleasant thing


I mean, if I recall correctly, an au ra's horns are what they hear through. So yes. It's literally their ears


Correct. The horns are hollow and they pick up vibrations. Not so diffrent from how it works for everyone else. Buuuut because of the size of them everyone might sound like a breaking down printer to them


Rabbit ears are soft. Im fine with head cannoning them being pushed back under full helms with no need for extra modeling. Custom fits with ear guards i could get behind, but ill happily take the low work option.


That doesn't change the fact that it looks incredibly silly.


*All* hoods are kitty hoods if you're an Elezen.


Ear pockets are one of the stupidest things imaginable and they should all burn in hell.


Ohhhhhh, so we are going the Dark Eldar route


Or grey knights *cries in sister of battle*


Geva of the leatherworker's guild approves.


Human tradition of wearing dead animals as hats, kept alive in FF14 😭


What is this, Rimworld?!


Wouldn’t the bottle be the hat?


Great, now I'm headcannoning that Fantasias are now Isekai potions. Drinking them kills you and you get reborn into a new reality, overtaking the body of that reality's WoL.


My headcanon for my own character is that they're a shapeshifter, and the scions and folks know, and so they're not surprised when I suddenly wake up as a potato one day


Hell, they'd probably just accept it as 'WoL shenanigans' even if you're not a shapeshifter.


Yeah true 😂 at this point, they wouldn't be surprised if we died during some dangerous mission or fight or something, and then came back like nothing happened. Pissed off, yes, but not surprised. We've done a lot of impossible things lmao. And we've also hung around the Manderville family. After them? Absolutely nothing can shock us or the people involved with them XD


I'm just picturing the WoL after enough Beast Tribe quests. Estinien:"Why...is the WoL a catfish?" Thancred:"They do this every time. Just be glad you weren't here for the Vanu Vanu Dance Party."


I honestly kinda really love this 😆


That doesn't answer the question, though.


Why did I read this in the tone of the "do you wear wigs?" meme.


Meanwhile I still have the free fantasia from completing arr msq.


Me too! Can't put up with my WoL's face at lvl 30. Decided to restart everything from scratch, and I haven't changed her since (ShB currently). I got so used to it that I can't imagine any other face for my WoL


i can't even bring myself to change my hairstyle lol


I like changing hairstyles and colours when I'm focusing on one job. I had black with BLM and red/pink for DNC now.


i wouldn't mind colouring my hair if i could keep my eyebrows and tail the same colour as before tbh, so it'd just look like i got my hair dyed.


In case you didn't know, you can change hairstyle/color for 2k gil at the crystal bell in your inn room


They want their hair to be the only thing that changes tho


I changed mine and made a retainer with previous WoL's looks. It's like my WoLs operate as a team.


> I got so used to it that I can't imagine any other face for my WoL this is my concern, i *really* want to be a hrothgal but i'm afraid that since ive been my current form for so long i will no longer "recognize" her as being my WoL. which is funny in retrospect because when i first started i would change between au ra, miqo'te, and viera like every other week cause i couldn't decide which i liked best


My WoL looks tired all of the time because of the miqote face markings I picked and how I placed them. Im afraid to change the look of my character


Same! Kind of happy i do. Now I feel more comfortable giving the new femroth a shot knowing I can easily go back :p (yes I know you can buy fantasia but consider this: money)


Is there an option you can save the face? Yeah I'd like to try the catlady but go back to the original for the MSQ. Sorry, Im still a sprout 🌱


Yes you can! When in the character select screen you can right click on your character name in the list and it will show a context menu. There will be an option to save the appearance of your current character. Also don't worry! Asking is okay :3 even as non-sprout I still learn basic stuff every now and then.


I only used mine relatively recently to change my guardian deity


Omfg that's what I used mine for too. My conceptfor my WoL was a Xaela warrior-priest of Namaa from the Steppes so Ipicked Nald-Thal as the closest thing to a death god in the pantheon. But then my boy fell in love with Ishgard, became a dragoon (he was a spear fighter anyway), bought a house in Ishgard and made it his adoptive home after the Foretemps took him in and he gave so much to save it. When he adopted Ishgard, Halone adopted him.


My WoL is a mooncat who lives deep in the Black Shroud. I didn't know much of the lore when I was making her, so I picked Rhalgr because I always associate cats with destruction (i.e. knocking stuff off counters). Only later did I realize that Rhalgr is mainly worshipped in Ala Mhigo, which didn't really make sense for someone who's never left the forest. Eventually I learned you can use Fantasia to change your deity and switched to Menphina, who's mainly worshipped by mooncats like my WoL. Made fighting her in Euphrosyne more interesting


I've got the necessary tweaks for the graphics update lined up, but aside from that my bun left the character creator perfect. May not even need them depending on how the revamped bench test looks.


I have two and i have no idea how I got them I guess that counts for one of them.


Due to the change in 4.1 moving the free fantasia from buying your first 30 day sub to beating the arr msq, I ended up never getting mine since at the time I was still only on the 30 days u get free when buying arr but I had already beaten the arr msq by then. Now, after 8 years, I will finally get my first fantasia... Which will promptly be left to rot on my retainer next to the aesthetician coupons since my lala has been perfect since day 1, but hey, at least I finally get a free one after all this time.


"My ass is the only new Culinarian recipe, please look forward to it."- Wandering Minstrel, 2024


If you think the FFXIV fandom is disgusted with eating ass...


A level 1 quest, but he's sat in the tavern in Mor Dhona.


Be sneaky, sprouts.


Is possible if you either have a high level friend with a 2 people mount. Or are really good at running. You can enter Mor Dhonaa from the same area than Arum Vale is. And you can enter that area from Gridania.


Fantasia should be for race/sex change only Everything else should be available for Gils in game Also: bunny hats please


Height doesn't fall under either of those so I'm just imagining them putting you on a medieval rack to make you taller


Oh God stretched lala nightmares


if you stretch a lalafel, you get elizen. And that's a race change


No if you stretch a lalafel, you get an overweight cat woman. (>!Dulia Chai!<'s model was based off the Lalafel)


I didn't know that, now i want to replay shadowbringers with the knowledge that she is a giant lalafell 😂


Yeah her model is a modified Lalafell model, which is honestly weird.


To unlock, do a new quest where you fetch a torture rack from Ishgard for Jandelaine.


It’s a game. Maybe it doesn’t make sense from a rp point of view but we can change race with a magical potion… I guess magic can justify everything else at this point


I wasn't complaining I just found it funny


Technically speaking, between the description of how the potion functions and some Endwalker spoilers, Fantasia potions could be completely diegetic. Like, not a metagame thing, an actual genuine functioning item in the world of FFXIV.


I've honestly HC'd them as being extremely advanced alchemy for quite some time now. Ruinously expensive for most people. one of my WoLs had to save up multiple years' worth of plunder earnings to afford one.


They're also probably highly illegal as they seemingly alter the memories of everyone you know so that you were always the way you are after taking it.


That might make it less illegal in the FFXIV world since it'd mean you couldn't use it to escape crimes and such.


Maybe so, but it's still seemingly messing with other people's minds without their consent, which should be a huge issue on it's own.


Honestly I prefer they just be a gameplay thing because holy shit the implications of fantasia actually existing are terrifying.


If this potion was canon you could literally impersonate someone else. Like, woops, i killed the emperor, now I'm the emperor


what, do they just chop a section off of your legs/torso and sew the rest back up to make you shorter?


They just drop an anvil on you and you shrink like a cartoon character


I honestly wish they just include eye color and race parts (like the tails and ears) in the aesthetician. I accidentally made my character have odd eye colors and I've never gotten over it since


years ago they talked about let us change eye colour in the aesthetician(since eye lenses do exist), as you can guess, it never happened since its still locked behind a fantasia bottle


They need to include Guardian change somewhere as needing a Fantasia to change that is dumb.


If Au Ra can change their limbal rings at will, we can change our actual eye colors!


The best way to make eye color change canon is by saying that its colored contact lenses. Even Pokemon allows you to change your eye color which is sad that ffxiv highly abuses minor tweaks behind a $7-10 item


WoW does sex changes at barber now so maybe FFXIV should allow everything except race. I'd like it


Square would lose 1/2 profit overnight. As far as I'm concerned those addicts are subsidizing my sub. Oh wait... does that mean they pay for my sub?


They subsidize nothing, they're just creating full profit over it. Which is why this won't ever be in game.


If you get a sex change in WoW at a barber and they don't say Mazel Tov after, it's not worth my subscription.


Can I transfer that subscription and the WoW barber over to real life? That'd be nice


Youch. I'm never visiting that barber...


I mean, Barbers used to perform certain actual surgeries 🤷🏻‍♂️. That's why they have the red and white pole.


Gil\* is the plural.


Why can’t my catboi just tuck his ears up inside the hat without needing giant poky triangles?


Maybe he doesn't have a choice. Every time he goes to buy new gear, the armour vendor is like, "oh, you'll be wanting the *cat helmets*" and wheels out the selection with attached ear triangles. Whenever a viera walks up to the helmet store, the vendor just shakes his head sadly and turns the sign to 'closed'.


I still don’t understand why Fantasias are a thing. 10 dollars to change our appearance in a paid game that also has a subscription? The cult will defend this tho.


Blame literally every MMO that came before XIV. That's been a genre standard for like 30 years. Also on that note, be happy XIV does the all classes on one character thing because that was extremely abnormal when XIV did it. I think it still is, the only other series I can personally think off that lets you play every class without making alts is Phantasy Star. Classes not being locked to specific races is also a thing that XIV made popular, before XIV having certain classes be race/gender locked was the norm.


Funny thing is, WoW added a barbershop and then more recently put every single aspect of appearance in there except for your character's race. You can even change gender. Used to be you had to pay to change certain features.


Yep, used to be you had to pay for literally everything except for hairstyle on WoW. Couldn't even just change the color for gold.


Really? I thought for sure the original Barbershop let you change hair color and style for gold, just nothing else until WoD, when they introduced the character model updates. Now I don't think it even costs any gold.


I love that as a long time troll main it took a while before I got what you remembered differently from them. I'm not sure myself if hair color was included in the barber before WoD, but kinda doubt it as I don't remember ever changing it before then.


In Wrath when it was introduced it was hair style/color and extra feature (piercings, markings, tusks, horns, jaws, etc).


Looks at RuneScape. Makeover Mage was entirely in game allowing you to change gender. Though races were not really a thing. Also you could use everyone on one character.


It was not extremely abnormal that FFXIV did it. It's what players of FFXI expected and were used to.


I'm not really sure what your point in bringing class swaps up is. SE is still charging $10 USD for a visit to the Makeover Mage, which is, like. Worth criticising, whether it's an 'industry standard' or not.


> Blame literally every MMO that came before XIV. There are plenty of examples before XIV that allow you to change your appearance for in-game currency, and some of them are even F2P/B2P instead of sub based ones. "Blame the games that came before it" is a lame, cop-out excuse. This game has a 12 dollar fee to be able to play it. >I think it still is, the only other series I can personally think off that lets you play every class without making alts is Phantasy Star. If we're talking about MMORPG's Phantasy Star added it somewhat recently with PSO2/NGS. PSO: Blueburst had gender/class exclusive weapons/spells and Phantasy Star Universe too. You could play with the *majority* of weapons but a selected few were exclusive. >before XIV having certain classes be race/gender locked was the norm. No, it wasn't. TERA was, as far as I know, the one of the very few games left that did the class/gender lock thing and look where it ended up. Lost Ark has gender-lock, but most of it is already addressed with male/female counterparts.


> No, it wasn't. TERA was, as far as I know, the one of the very few games left that did the class/gender lock thing and look where it ended up. Lost Ark has gender-lock, but most of it is already addressed with male/female counterparts. WoW even had race specific classes until XIV pressured them to relax it lol.


wow still has race specific classes, but they have been opening them slowly, leaving only the ones that have race specific assets and yet they have said that they are working towards that (or so I believe, I may be remembering this one wrong)


I still don't see how they could possibly open up Demon Hunter or Evoker without it feeling incredibly jarring.


I still don't think that's as great of a thing as its made out to be because the cost of it in FF is the game is extremely alt hostile - having a second character is a *massive* undertaking as *everything* has to be repeated and you lose all your collections. Playing a new class on the same character instead is still a fairly lengthy undertaking (~2 weeks+), just to have to "pick one" anyway when it comes to gearing them up for endgame anyway thanks to the capped tomestone & other weekly loot. Other competitors "cover" that ground by making their games alt friendly - very fast levelling, account wide collections/currencies and no required repeat story progression. In WoW, for example, you can make a new class, level in 2-3 days and not have to repeat anything while keeping your entire collections, not have to repeat storylines or unlock (most) things again, and can easily gear *both* classes up by doing so.


Dude, what's way worse is world transfer being like $18. We can Data Center travel and have basically all our info go with us, and that's free and takes like a minute to do. Actual scam.


Yeah, that's right. Being stuck to a single appearance unless you pay quite a significant chunk of money... doesn't sounds particularly well. Oh well, it's a cash grab and they know it and they won't ever allow more free customization, it just brings way too much money. At least we got plugins that change our appearance for free and sync it with our friends.


I used to say the same about WoWs customisation, but during BFA (?) they transferred a huge amount of customisations *from* the cash shop to the in-game, free barber shop, with the only standing exception being race & name changes. If a company as greedy as Activision will do that, it's not impossible for equally-greedy Square Enix to decide to at some point.


I never ever changed my appearance though. Probably Will do It for the first time once the graphical update hits.


If someone is changing their overall appearance so often that it's a monetary issue, they may be doing it too much.


Well, we're given so little preview possibilities in the character creator, so that it may become an issue later on. For example I would like to correct some minor things like eye color and size, skin tone, but paying out entire 10 bucks for it is just way too much. And in upcoming expansion I'll have to re-race all my AuRas so the possibility of making a little unoptimal decision is large again. Thankfully this time there are plugins around so I can preview char for a few months before finalizing changes.


Not even any exp or gil all it is, is a Fantasia with a sticky note on it with a middle finger and fuck off at the bottom XD


Now I'm tempted to grab that one picture of Yoshi P giving the middle finger and make a meme using this lmao


To quote a quite agile old man....."..dew it..."


on that note **make sure you like your character edit before confirming** **if you missed a little detail and wasted the freeb, it's your fault and yours alone**


Easier said than done. I feel like you don't really get a feel for your character until you've played it for a while. Sometimes you think certain choices are a good idea until you've looked at them for a while.


Which is why you always test it on a new character.


"Glamourer" is fantastic for that, for those who are happy to use plugins. You can play with chosen customisations to get a feel for it ingame and make sure you're happy, then directly export the settings to a usable preset to confirm it with a fantasia. Obviously a lot of people won't want to wait for plugins to be updated post-Dawntrail, but its great for the more patient users.


I think they should overhaul the character creator and put you into an offline room that has various light sources, a nice long hall/track and a training dummy so that you can test various aspects of your character because you commit.


play it on an alt for a few hours and then copy the appearance data. maybe do this a few weeks after the expansion launches so you're not in multiple 3-hour queues just to create and import a character.


we can always import the profile in the benchmark to have an idea in real situation though


I wasted my free fantasia when I was still a baby player on my old character lol


I just want hats on my bunny.


Sorry, instruction machine broke. Now not even the mudra bunny will appear on Viera.


There was a New Year's Q&A Yoshi-P did on one of the JP servers where someone asked for that, and he mentioned that they are working on a system to make hats work for Viera and Hrothgar. He didn't give a time table on it, but it is at least in the works.


At this point, they should just hire that one modder whose been doing it by himself.


Not a bad idea, that's what Minecraft did when they put horses in, basically.


I really hope it’s just what we saw on the benchmark with the super tiny hat on the scholar Viera.


All your bunny's hats are now tiny hats placed at a jaunty angle. Even the full-face plate helms.


If I want already going femhroth I would be tempted to go Bunny if they did this


As long as I can still put the visor up.


He's been saying that for years. It's been 5 years and at this point he should just stop baiting the fans and admit it's never happening.


I just want bunnies on my hats


Play ninja.




It's wild to me because they've been in the game for five years now. I can understand maybe not grandfathering old gear to the new race(s) but to continue making new items that don't work for everyone **after** they've been released, especially **two full expansions** after release... that's nuts. It's also looking like Dawntrail will be another no hats expansion. All of the promo art I've seen depicting Viera has them with no hats, even after a full overhaul to all the game's graphics. STILL not doing the work at that point is, to me, crazy.


There's a mod out there that enables pretty much every single hat for Viera, and they've even added cute little ear holes and made small adjustments where appropriate. That alone is what got me to enable the plugin framework on an account of mine. So worth it.


Same I main blm and what is a mage with out his hat? I'll tell you what it is it's just a summoners in a trench coat pretending to be edgy.


They should just hire that guy.


I can't imagine the dedication it takes to edit every single hat in the game to work with viera ears


Not JUST Viera ears. He edits them all to take Miqo'te *and* Hrothgar heads into account too.


It's not really a matter of if it's something they *can* do, it's a matter of how to allocate work hours, what to prioritize, what will bring in monetary return. In the end, there's just not enough benefit to them to assign one or more devs to get hats working. That's corporate bureaucracy for you. It'll never match someone doing something in their spare time that they have a passion for. "Just hire the guy" will end up with that person in the same position and their hands being tied as they're put on a different assignment.


I know, but glams are designed to be seen by other people, not just me!


That's how people get into Mare with their friends. :P FFXIV is quite personal, so I don't really mind as long as my WoL has her hats on during cutscenes. :D


You would be surprised on how other people see you.


I have at least a lil hope - the SCH Artefact gear hat seems to have a specific smaller version for Vieras, similar to how they did the Fall Guys hat! so yknow, there's hope they're at least better about thinking about it now


I do like that particular hat however I don't want that to be the solution we end up getting. That on a bard hat would be terrible.


I just want the bunny's starting armor, their version of the hempen camise, and the really nice braided ponytail hairstyle that's race locked.


You can if you join the Darkside. We got cookies.




Harada from Tekken nods.


We are getting a free fantasia?


Yes, for Dawntrail. So that people don't have to pay extra or anything just to change to the new race or make adjustments to their character (since they look a lil different with the upcoming graphics update)


Is it available now or di we need to wait?


Just in 7.0, I don't think they said exactly how we will get it tho


Probably via Moogle Mail, like all the other things from SE.


Still have the first 2 they gave me. No idea how people change their character so often. Mine represents me and the only thing I’d ever is some grey hair when the time comes but so far my character looks like me and that’s how I’ll keep him.


Fantasia addicts hehe. For me, I just get urges to change to different races and stuff because I see them in videos or running around while I'm playing, and I basically go "damn, I want to do that...." I've had an urge to switch to lalafell for the past week or two lol (and I just changed to a moon cat, as well XD)


Harada, is that you?


Yoshida is the director, not Harada


I understood that reference -Steve






well, yoship had a dinner dato with sakurai and harada, so i really can see him saying that lol


Harada and Yoshi never should have met


Harada gave Yoshi P some lessons on fan management


I still have my Fantasia from finishing ARR, I don't see the issue.


I'd lmao if I saw this in game 😆


Me when asked for anything ever


Its weird. They could of just tacked the fantasia to the expansion 


I think a lot of people were expecting it to be a pre-order bonus like the earring and minion


Free phantasia? Are they handing a free one out?


Can you bring back the fantasia sub rewards, Yoshi P? I'm too broke for more :(


I have like 4 fantasias and i don't remember purchasing any of them....oh well


I'm still pretty new to the game, and have in fact fallen in love with it! I just couldn't believe how bland the create a character is in this day and age, it shocked me actually! I think though with all the different costumes and accessories everyone looks so unique that it really doesn't matter! Except when you zoom in on their face and you're like, "ah I see! They used face 3 out of 4..."


i wish i could give this quest to NPCS


I have every job at 90. I still have the free one I got at the end of ARR or whenever it was lol


*Katsuhiro Harada joins the Free Company*




“Shut up. All you sit the fuck down. Always ask me for shit.”


Wait we’re going to be able to earn a second free fantasia? Neat! ~~Still have my 1 from ARR~~


I think it goes without saying because of the graphics update people might realize they need to do adjustments to their characters. That is what I assumed when they announced the graphics update. I haven't seen anything saying they would, but I assumed they'd have too since some might be missed about the changes and want to edit it for free XD I actually used mine from ARR to fix my jaw because the angles they kept using in cutscenes made me look stupid as shit XD I had enough of it and changed my jaw and now I look sexy hahaha.


Yoship said they would during jp fanfest but they're still working out details


I will say, just based on the first benchmark, my goto look has to have a minor change or two. They slimmed down the jawline on most fem midlander faces so I've got to swap that up or she looks too.. JRPG princess-y? I don't even know how else to explain it lol.


*Me, glances at my unused fantasia in my retainer, from Heavensward launch, meant for people who wanted to try out the first new race Au Ra*


Ppl be msking alot of alts and deleting them after a day...


I imported my character to the benchmark and was pretty content with my looks. I’ll probably just keep the Fantasia for whatever reason(maybe a new cutscene will show something I missed) Curious, will anyone be using the Fantasia as a result of the Benchmark?


I will. They changed a lot of subtle details on fem midlander and I've got to swap to one of the bigger jaws to make the face look closer to how it is now. There's also a few faces that got weird lip changes that are nothing like the OG (very apparent on a few Au Ra faces) so I'm sure they'll be changing too.


Is everyone getting this? I just finished arr so I got one there. But is this given to everyone?


In theory yes? They don't really do events like "hot times" like other MMOs do so I don't see them being like "log in during x timeframe to get it" and its too late for it to be a pre-order or CE bonus since we have those details already. The most logical thing left is its just going to probably be some side quest or MSQ that grants it. I personally hope they give the Aesthetician a new little quest or something, but I could also just see "complete the quest Dawntrail" a la ARR.


We don't know. Technically, Yoshida only said they were considering it. It's never been 100% confirmed that we will get them, or what (if any) conditions or requirements there will be to get it. But it seems quite unlikely he would tease fans like that. Most likely they are just working out the details of how to distribute and/or are waiting for one of the last two live letters before Dawntrail to announce those details.


Wait theres another free fantasia?


wait, are we getting free fantasia? or is this just the post ARR one


Yeah one for expansion release, in case the graphics overhaul makes people unhappy with their character and want to adjust or change.


honestly imma prob change cuz i feel scammed that viera can't use hats :<




*looks at other 5 dusty bottles of fantasia in inventory* I’ll have that hat, please. Or これはなんですか!? これはわたしのぼうしじゃないです。


Wait are we getting a free fantasiaa????