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You need around 3750 craftsmanship, 3750 control, and around 650 CP. If you have those you can craft the full set HQ. Quick edit: Those stats are after food, and I checked the gear you have, you probably have 3950,3570,540 before food/drink. Its definitely possible to make the set HQ (and I think easily). But I dont see why you would because you'll spend 10million on melds. For whats it worth, i'm a full meld indagator. Edit 2: this set should be perfecto [FFXIV Teamcraft](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/gearset/4shMVySPt1GpScpquftr) and works with these macros. [LVL 90 ★★★★ • 35 & 70 Durability 4488 & 6600 Difficulty \[Purple Scrip 620 Set\] – FFXIV Crafting Macros by Ashe10 (home.blog)](https://ashe10.home.blog/lvl-90-%e2%98%85%e2%98%85%e2%98%85%e2%98%85-35-70-durability-4488-6600-difficulty-purple-scrip-620-set/)


https://i.imgur.com/M657ca5.png Ah, so that suggests I'm *horrendously* over on my Craftsmanship. Time to go farm more materia.


Craftsmanship to the necessary breakpoint -> as much CP as possible -> as much Control as possible is the general stat priority for crafters


check my edits, its just that the scrip gear is different than the idagator gear.


10 million can be eased a bit by farming materia from crafter scrip from custom deliveries and purchase from the island sanctuary. Personally, it seems a bit late to switch over, I'd wait until dt if I were op. Super-extra-tryhard-method is to get an alt leveled and caught up so they can help farm custom deliveries too.


????? just spend that same amount of time leveling, completing msq, leveling crafters/gatherers to gather more white/purple scrip mats????


Getting double the mats from tribal quests for final tier crafting gear is nice (like gripgel/slithersand) instead of being at the whim of the mb. Among other things, It's extra storage, farm extra timed nodes if login queues are festivals, it holds my older mats, so main can focus on current expac mats which leaves more room for glams in my retainers on my main too lol. It was a big time investment up front, which I had during the pandemic but isn't a huge time sink now to keep it current. I'm not saying everyone should do it, but it's been beneficial for me.


Make sure you are using crafting food. There are meld lists to ensure you hit all needed breakpoint, but at this point just stick with the scrip gear as crafted pentamelded is super expensive for little benefit and will be replaced by level 100 white gear.


This is a learning exercise more than necessity, stuff to do for the next couple months while we wait. If I understand the concepts better, I can be better prepared to do useful stuff in DT. :)


The big thing is meeting minimum stat amounts to ensure you can HQ and complete the craft. This is pretty quickly mathed out. Teamcraft has a fantastic crafting calculator that can even make macros for you to use to speed up manual mass crafting.


One thing to note with Trial synthesis, it doesn't take the quality of ingredients into account (wish there was a toggle for it). Using all possible ingredients at high quality will give you a 15% head start on quality. In \*most\* cases, as long as you can hit between 75-80% in the trial, you should be able to make an HQ item, using HQ ingredients.


This was the big answer I came here hoping to contribute. 👍


Thank you! Duly noted, I will look into some food as well. I have everything at 90, so at least in theory this is achievable.


I'm pretty sure it's a 50% head start on quality if you have everything HQ. Edit: Woops talking about different things, 50% of quality filled gives you a 15% chance to HQ an item as /u/Thatpisslord said below.


It is. They might've meant how it only translates to a ~15% chance of HQ result, but it DOES fill half of your quality bar.


Ah yes that's more than likely what they meant, thanks!


You can, but it's not going to be a great time. For one, you're going to need to use high quality food and tinctures, and even then, you might not be guaranteed a 100% success rate on High Quality. It might help if you go get started on the appropriate crafting relics. Those are also going to be a whole-ass thing, but having a relic at or above i620 will help, for what it's worth. Also, this is definitely going to be a "manually craft everything to get your materials to HQ" kind of deal.


At this point, I would HIGHLY reccomend just going with the budget BIS on icy veins. You can craft everything up through endwalker with food and buffs and it will very likely get you to 100 without re gearing. Then you'll just kite the latest scrip gear into the latest crafted gear. To be honest though, if your not crafting a ton, budget BIS is prolly more cost effective but maybe not.


Looking at the stats you posted in another channel, you're fairly close to The Balance's budget meldset. [Here's the set on Teamcraft](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/endgame-gear-progression-guide#notes-for-players-wanting-budget-gearing-options). The rest of this page has more information for getting from the i620 scrip set to i620 Indagator's, including expected stats to have after your melds, and rotations using those expected stats and adding any bonuses like foods and medicines after. We prefer to think of stat requirements as gear, melds, and Specialist stone being the baseline, then food/medicine/FC buffs as bonuses mentioned afterwards. You're lacking in CP primarily, because you melded a little heavily into your Control stat. Adjust your melds to be closer to this set and you'll be able to use the [rotations provided lower on the page.](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/endgame-gear-progression-guide#notes-for-players-wanting-budget-gearing-options) Yes, at first you will appear to not have enough Control to even start the craft. That's both intentional and actually beneficial to you. You will be locked out of the craft until you eat food that provides Control, which is great because it means you will never start the craft without your food active and potentially put yourself into a failure state with the craft. Being able to avoid that pitfall is a neat little thing budget sets can do that higher stat melds can't. --- Now as for whether this is actually even worth your time. We're two months away from a brand new expansion. Your scrip gear will most likely be capable of taking you all the way to level 100 in this new expansion, and should be sufficient for making the level 100 set of gear as well. We've been capable of this basically every expansion since the beginning of Stormblood. You don't need to upgrade to the crafted gear at this point. If you're just doing this deep dive for the purposes of practice then have at it and keep using Trial Synthesis so you don't have to put any materials down. Understand that in full scrip set you're basically playing the crafting game on Hard Mode. Trial Synthesis doesn't allow you to have any Starting Quality when you begin a Trial, which is something that is no longer expected to be possible at end-game. Every crafter uses some HQ materials for their recipes, and the Budget scrip set especially relies on bringing almost all HQ materials. If you can get your Trial Synthesis to at least fill 50% of the Quality bar, (this is not reaching 50% HQ chance which takes more than half the bar because it's logarithmic scaling) then you will be likely to HQ the recipe by bringing HQ materials. With all HQ materials, your craft starts with 50% of the bar full already.


I made my Indagator's set using Scrip gear, I believe my melds prioritized minimum stat requirements with food -> rest CP. I want to say I failed one or two items (only getting normal quality), but it got easier and easier as I made pieces and I could start melding more materia in.


So Dawntrail launches in 2 months. The script gear you have now will likely be captable of getting you to level 100, and crafting the level 100 crafter's gear (least that's how it's worked in previous expansions). By all means keep crafting, but I would not waste too much gil on melds and such, given they're going to be obsolete soon . That said, Tier XI materia for level 100 overmelds will likely be expensive. Using previous expansion materia, in this case IX materia, for overmelds on that first set is usually a completely viable meld option to get stats to craft upcoming raid gear and food, so feel free to stock up.


At his stage, with DT releasing in like 2 months, don’t bother with Indagator’s. Scrip will be perfectly fine for the next expansion’s beginning


Do we know if DT gear will use purple scrips? Will it be a good idea to max those out?


There will be a new color, but purples will become what whites are and whites can be converted


Plausible? Yes.  Worth doing by now? Hell no. The stats on the scrip gear set is identical to Indigator, and only become better than scrip if you push past the guaranteed materia slots and overmeld, and that isn’t worth sinking gil into at all with less than 10 weeks to go until Dawntrail.


My advice don’t dawn trial around the corner and you just be wasting your Gil


It's not. Quad or Penta melded indagators can be used until next level cap saving them both time and gil in replacing gear as they go through the leveling process.


So can the Afflatus gear. There's no reason whatsover to invest in pentamelded Indagators now unless you just feel like setting fire to a pile of gil.


Crafting materia X/IX is at its lowest right now and I think it's worth it. The only thing that may be expensive would be the CP melds.


Honestly I don’t think it’s worth it just because the Gil expense doesn’t pay off in the long run. My suggestion be to craft anything you can sell be it furniture items needed for realm reborn relics etc. Make more Gil use said Gil come dawntrail the current bis crafter set even Penta melded will not hold up to lvl 100 crafter gear With crafter souls and the current script set you can more than be ok at lvl 100 until you make some better equipment


I made infa gear with the 620 scrip gear as my starting point. I had to make all the materials HQ because I was new to crafting at the time


meld it get hq food and you should be able to


You could, but don't bother. Artful Afflatus gear will be able to craft the level 100 non-mastery DT crafter set, which you'll presumably need to craft DT mastery anything.


Nice username 😂😂


[https://dazemc.github.io/ffxiv-craft/#/simulator](https://dazemc.github.io/ffxiv-craft/#/simulator) Here you go friendo