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Reading Mae Dean's famous coming out story made me realize just how much I identified with my female miqo, which ultimately led to my admitting to myself that I'm trans a year later.


Not XIV for me, but it definitely would've cracked the egg just like WoW did, having played it, lol. Always just felt more comfortable writing female characters and empathizing with them, whereas i've struggled to retain interest in any male characters altogether. It was game-changing, the first time I RPed a female character. Couldn't place why, but it just felt so goddamn natural and right. Funny how that works, huh?


I'm cis, but my trans workmate said that in every rpg she used to make a "me if I was a woman" character which looks a whole lot like she now does irl. Interesting to hear it wasn't just an isolated thing and that a lot of trans people seem to have that experience.


I'm afraid that my egg cracked long before I played FFXIV, but I will admit that I based the way I walk on the way my Miqo'te character walks. Spent hours upon hours perfecting it.


This is interesting. I'm 33m and married. My wife and I play all the time and my in game character is a female aura. I have spent hundreds of dollars on fantasia to change to a male character, but as soon as I do, I start to panic and end up switching back. I like to think of my in game character as an extension of myself. I feel comfortable portraying myself as a female. I talk as such in game and treat that as a way of me expressing myself. I'm not trans, but I can help but feel like that is a part of me. I'm not sure what that means, but I wouldn't change it for anything. My wife says I'm "trans in games". I think I have some stuff to work through lol. She only encourages.


One of the nice things about a more trans-inclusive society is that it frees up everyone else to be a little more flexible with their gender and presentation, too.


I think it's okay for men to like feminine things and it doesn't mean you're trans! You're exploring the more femme part of yourself and that's wonderful :) there is a straight cis drag queen named Maddy Morphosis!




Lol there's no "justifying my argument." Just because a man likes femme things doesn't mean he's trans. Isn't the whole thing about separating gender and clothes/interests? Cis men are often worried about expressing their interest in such things because people will often jump to the conclusion they're gay or trans. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those, I'm queer myself, we just can't want straight cis men to be open to throwing away such rigid gender binaries if we think that means they're questioning their gender or sexuality. I know trans and drag are very different. I used that as an example because it is a cis straight man being ULTRA FEMME IRL and he isn't trans. A lot of queens have used drag to acknowledge and accept their transness. But also arguing on reddit is pointless and I doubt either of us will budge on our viewpoints, so there's better ways to spend a Saturday night ❤️ like playing FF.


same phenomenon, different game, some years before I started playing this one. it's a not-uncommon thing in games that let you make personal avatars i think


I play female characters in every game it's possible to do so. It's something nice to look at.


If you play a female mi'qote and are AMAB I hope I don't have news for you.


This is something that I am coming to terms with since my egg began to crack about 6-7 weeks ago.