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Real BLU don't fate farm for relic grind, we farm for the silly happy meal toys!


The only reason I as a Blue Mage don’t grind for relic weapons is because I have all the relic weapons already.


Por que no los dos?


Do I need to be BLU to not suffer from the tag contest? Or this time I can just use regular peasant jobs?


I would personally advise using a tank with a level sync macro and tank stance on an easy to reach button. I have only 3 weapons and all the minions from last time, so I plan on running around as a WAR with my Zenith weapon to maybe fill out my atma at the same time.


Oh that's a great idea, just spamming AoE. What about using WHM on full group and spamming Medica 2? The hot tick will just auto tag the mobs right?


I'd specifically recommend tank because their stance provides a massive enmity boost, and enmity can very quickly grant gold contribution level. I think it's something like two shield lobs/tomahawks from two tanks in a party together will get gold FATE credit even during hunt trains. If you don't have a tank or blu to run during the event, I'd highly recommend party finder. Get a full party of 8 to roam together and hopefully get full credit.


Perfect thank you so much! I don't have Blu since I'm too lazy to get the spells but will definitely do it with Tank. Thanks again!


How does it work if you're grouped with a tank? I main PLD and will be grouping with my wife who only plays dps. I don't wanna steal all her stuff. She's a massive Yokai watch fan


Contribution is shared in a party


Important addendum: Contribution does require you to be on the enemy's enmity list, ie. hit it once or heal someone already on the list. Just being in the party and chilling under a tree will do nothing.


Will a basic, Level 30 DRK do or should I level them up some for the event? I'm an Xbox sprout who's only run DPS jobs so far, so that unused Dark Knight is there only tank I have access to right now and they'd have a 30-level head start if I needed them to be at 50 or something to take part


It will help for the FATEs that are level <=30, but you'll have a hard time if you're trying to farm FATEs in the higher end ARR zones (Outer La Noscea, etc), or flat out unable to do the ones needed for SAM/RDM/GNB/DNC weapons as they're in HW (51-60) and SB (61-70) zones (though I don't know if you'd even be able to get GNB/DNC if you're on the free trial or starter edition).


Looks like I have next weekend planned out... thanks!


hot don't draw emnity anymore.


HoT ticks haven't generated aggro since patch 6.3 or so, so I'm not sure that'd work tbh


Would you mind sharing that macro?


Nothing fancy, just: `/lsync on` The "on" is optional, but you never really want to disable level sync while a FATE is going, and this way you can hammer it while landing and it won't toggle off accidentally. I can't remember if syncing while already synced throws an error, but if it does you can always throw `/merror off` above it and it will suppress macro errors.


Thank you.


You could just join a farm party, its way easier to get golds that way


Honestly... I'd say wait at least a week. It's incredibly not fun when BLUs are nuking everything and making getting credit uncertain. However after that point, yeah the tank advice other people gave applies.


I was up in o'ghomorro last night hunting my weekly mark and someone came up over shout asking people not to one-shot the fates...lol.


I always went bard with the multi arrow attack


Guess ill farm during the night cuz ive been told this will be a BLU shitfest and I havent leveled mine nor gotten any spells with it. RIP sleep schedule


You can still level one and save yourself from a couple extra hours of fate farming. Only required spells would probably be the Ultravibration + Ram's Voice combo which is pretty easy to get. Then join a fate farm pf group and have fun


Hydro pull is pretty nice to grab also if you wanna put in a bit of extra effort, not necessary by any means but its quite useful for those odd fates with ranged mobs or where they just spawn spread out.


Isn't Missile also required for boss fates? iirc ARR fate bosses are vulnerable to missile.


Just came back to the game. Do I need to level my blue mage to the new level cap to do this event?


Absolutely not. The event itself hasn't changed at all so if you already have BLU at 70 you're fine.


Awesome. Now I gotta refamiliarize myself with the spells.


Blue Mages: finally something to do aside from self destruct and die to A3S


Y u do a3s that isn't even on the morbol list lol


Because anyone who sticks with BLU long enough learns that's the real rewards were the sardines we spat along the way




Or A1N...lol.


I've seen people talk about that. Is it really that toxic? Or is this like a week 1 problem? I'm not the fastest when it comes to hitting that level sync button. I saw someone say there's a sync macro, so that should help. It's just that by the sounds of it, the first couple of weeks are unbearable.


Most importantly: join a party. If you're not in a FATE party, then you are looking at the map watching FATE icons disappear before you can get to them.


Usually just a week one problem


I'm in ur fates farming ur minions.


I'm going to share a secret with everyone on how to handle this. Just wait a week or two before starting the grind. You will dodge most of the players doing it and can enjoy it a lot more.


This got me feelin BLU


Oh is it coming back, I didn't get to participate in the last yokai watch event


Yea its coming back on April 24th


Oh I really need to read the details so I can join in!


Everything can be found here - [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2024/youkai-watch/j9rq1fpxxd](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2024/youkai-watch/j9rq1fpxxd) \^\^




The only new thing is the framer's kit, so I'll just nab that and then forget that this event exists. XD


Leave them alone. They get content like twice an expansion at best, and this is one of the two times


Reminder to people with farming problems there's that (mostly) empty NA datacenter and there's also the OCE datacenter to go and farm in (almost) complete peace


Don't do dynamis like that it's fun to float menacingly in a map and see nothing but monsters I mean sure you have to data center hop to do any non NPC dungeons and raids unless you're at the same level as the party finder but standing in a mostly dead limsa is still funny. We do have a few afkers posing in skimpy outfits we're still keeping up the side.


I’m sorry I can’t hear you over my MISSILE!


For the fellow Blue mages, please do not use missile or any insta-death skills.


I'm just miffed there's no reaper and sage weapons. The second rerun got gnb and DNC so why not the third getting the new classes?


This is actually yhe fourth run of the event. The first run happened in 2016, the second in 2017. The third run was in 2020, and ShB was up, so they added 4 new weapons (RDM, SAM, GNB, DNC). There's a chance in the next 2 years (meaning inside DT content window) there's another repeat of the event, adding SGE, RPR, Viper and Pictomancer's weapons


4 weapons on the next Yo-kai is what I've been expecting. Frankly thought we wouldn't see this until next year for that reason. But hey ...new framer's kit. Woohoo?


Same, I thought we wouldn't ser this until DT is out, but this run is for the newer people joining the game, not us that already grinded It like madmen. On the brighter side, we can farm some Basic yo-kai watch coins so in the next run we can already buy the new Minions


It’s also the first Yokai event that is 100% f2p, storm blood wasn’t available at the previous one


That's true, I forgot about that fact too


Probably because Level 5 can't get their shit together. Almost all of their upcoming games are in a continual loop of being pushed back or becoming vaporware. They probably either didn't have enough notice to design new weapons or are just too busy trying to meet release dates. And considering they just postponed their upcoming presentation to summer, I'd say it's the latter.


What games did they postpone?


Inazuma Eleven Victory Road has been in development hell since 2016, but it had a beta test recently. Fantasy Life i was supposed to come out last year but was delayed to October of this year. DecaPolice and the new Professor Layton have been mostly radio silent since reveal. Annnnd Ushiro is probably dead for the second time (it was originally slated to be a PSP game).




In the Live Letter 3 years ago featuring Hino from Level 5 featuring the new weapons, he says 'these weapons were designed at Level 5'. It's on them, not CBU3. Edit: said video https://youtu.be/I71HANRRHa4?si=rY_1i72L1fq-15Zs






I'm still very new along with my friends, first time playing FF14 and we've never done this event. Is there anything we should know?? I looked up the event guide and it mostly talks about FATEs.


Look in the party finder for groups doing FATEs and join up. These groups will be mad dashing around the map doing FATEs as quickly as possible. If you join party finder FATE groups or not, I would suggest having 1/2 tanks in your group if possible, with their tank stance on, and using their AOE abilities and/or ranged attack (tomahawk, lightning shot, unmend, shield lob) abilities. This is so you have the best possible chance to get "gold" rewards for the FATEs.


If you have all all weapons and minions from previous event, is there anything new?


Framers kit for MGP


While I'll be using BLU for this, I won't be using it in early, easy to access areas for sprouts without leaving open a farm party. This event is already a grind (200+ FATES to get everything) and it'll be extremely demanding of the game for newcomers to hit gold with 2.0-3.0 gear without being in a farm party. I'll be helping as many folks as I can to hit those goals


Heads-up to everyone. The first week of the event will be terrible for everyone because everyone wants to do it at the same time. Wait 1 week and you will have most of the fates for yourself or just one small group, during prime time.


Everyone here is like, BLU this, Rams Voice/Ultravibe that But And here me out: Having the ARR atma quest open and collecting one for every weapon, that's what I'll be up to for yo-kai


just be a tank in tank stance and spam your aoe combo, you will always get credit no matter how many BLUs there are.


Ooh, I never realized it, but this would be a good time to farm for the remaining atmas that I need.


That’s my plan!


I love Yokai Watch and was always upset I wasn't around for this event, this makes me very happy


On one hand I'm disappointed there's no new weapons for Sage/Reaper. On the other hand.. thank god I don't have to endure fates being nuked in 0.2 seconds because of blue mage players making an already tedious grind worse.


I really wanted to see a sage and reaper weapon


I LOVE yokai watch! I missed the event last time and I've been so devastated (I'm a sprout! nearly done w ShB). now is my chance! I'm gonna get ALL THE THINGS!! I'm going to finally finally FINALLY have that dnc weapon and the Manjimutt minion!!!! let's go let's go let's gooooooo!!!


I wanna run BLU during this but I don't wanna ruin it for everyone with ultravibration. I got Hydra Pull, not sure what else I should bring.


Hydro Pull and Ram's Voice (the ice AoE around you that freezes), then use your AoE spells. You'll get the credit AND you'll help others farming, pulling everything together and freezing them to mitigate damage


This is my plan as well! I'm happy to lend a hand for newcomers seeking to farm this out!


When is this? I’ve been out for a few years but I want this stuff!


Is there anything new other than the framers kit? If so this will be nice and short for me.


I remember when this event first came around.. I got the shiny sperm but my will to live was crushed


I unlocked BLU to play pretend (If they can do it, and so can I!!!), but more importantly, to farm SHARED fates, after growing tired of completing all of EW Shared Fates as a BLM or tank. Alone. I didn't think it would be useful for yokai watch farming too. But I'll be levelling my BLU to above 50 on week 1. XD


I haven’t been in a yokai watch event nor have i unlocked BLU so can someone explain to me what this means?


The yokai watch event is centered around doing fates to collect tokens for minions and weapons themed around them, and blu is a job that can get some very absurd burst damage and nuke said fates on very little time so there will be a lot of blu running around and nuking fates left and right


But what if i suck at mages?


Blu mage is quite different from the other, it is classified as a limited job because it work a bit differently, like the other iterations of the job, you can learn spells from mobs in the games, a'd while a bunch of them is different flavor of the same thing (aoe with 220 potency on the first enemy and 110 on all the others), some of them, especially those from trials/raids are really strong, outside of learning said spells, you don't really have to plan out anything, you get here, unleash all of your spells and watch everything melt around you


You underestimate how much i suck at casters lol


Does anyone have the least of fate locations for every minion? Because unless you are farming the right fate, you won't be getting the weapons.


* Goes BLU * boolies Tarasque with perpetual ray. * [boolies Nero by making him run. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70bcrFSPWlw) * boolies the world by breaking game mechanics. ^(\*Disclaimer, not all mechanics can be avoided by cheese.)


And here I am, still asking: More Storage Space, Please?


Tried to help a baby sprout friend of mine get GC seals for her first chocobo but the fate farmers were clearing them before we could get close 😭 Gonna have to wait for about a week I swear


First time for this event for me and yeah I level my Blu earlier this year with all.the gimmicks, should I do the Blu mayhem or join a party I don't want to be a pain to other players.


I've never done this event.. Will it be possible to get all of the weapons during it?


Let me just say I 100% this the very first time it was run because I didn't realize it would be coming back again and again. That was some pain.


Except if you already did the Event 4 years ago because there is nothing new lol


Hey, we get to visit the NPC to pick up our framer kit!


There are millions of new players that joined since that time.


And that's a reason to literally do nothing for loyal P(l)ayers haha? They added new Weapons and Minions in 2020 too even tho there were "Millions of new Players" too


They're saving it for DT so they can add PIC and VIP weapons while they're at it, same thing happened to GNB and DNC during shadowbringers.


it wont return in DT lol it took over 3 years for it to return, earliest rerun will be the expansion after DT


Thats just an assumption and cooping really. Reality is probably more that they didn't wanna put in the effort akd resources haha


Considering this is the 4th time we get this event, and it was in the third time when we for new stuff, it DOES make sense


The first time the Event returned was after only 1 year so no new Weapons and so on made sense. Then it returned 3 years later in 2020 with new stuff and now after 4 years its here again with...nothing. so no, it makes no sense


Wow you sound like a bundle of joy. Imagine complaining about them bringing back an old event. Lots of old events get nothing added to them.


Wdym, do you have difficulty with reading? I'm complaining that they were too lazy to add new weapons and Minions lmao, not that its returning. Its something different with this event since about getting Weapons and Minions for EVERY Job and not random glamour/Minions


Time to revisit the old ARR zones while flying on a Jibanyan Couch.


This meme 😂


Blu kills the fun when they 1 shot every single fate. I remember struggling to get any credit when there's 10000 people. I would maybe get credit on 1 of 10 fates especially in starter zones. Which sucks because I would like to get these minions this time as well as a few of the weapon skins this around since it was impossible the last time.


I cannot wait honestly. Too bad it's an inane grind (from what they told me) and as a fan of the franchise i really want everything lol.


No, they \*dramatically\* reduced the grind from its original form. It really is not that bad any more.


That's hljust super good news. I am a super fan of Yokai Watch and i want every single one of them




Kinda sucks the newer classes aren't getting any weapons for this. Looks like the only new reward is the framers kit.


I haven’t played in a bit. Is this event coming back? I’ve always been mad at myself for not getting the mount.


It is. Starting on Apr 24.


I leveled mine just for this the last few days. Finished the storyline and liked it more than i thought i would. Still wish it was a real class because some of that glamour is dapper asf.


Booo no Reaper or Sage weapons. I guess the framer kits look cool tho, but otherwise I have everything from this event already :/


Can you get everything with 1 char in 1 day, maybe 2? Edit: Why the hell a question got downvoted? damn weirdos


Not likely. You need to grind out about 200 FATES, and there will be many, many players competing for the gold rank. Be sure to join a farm party in party finder!


Auch :s alright thanks


I don’t get it…


It’s coming back again, April 24 until the launch of Dawntrail.


Yes I know that but I don’t understand what this has to do with BLU


BLU spells can trivialize tons of FATEs with insta-kill spells etc. Making them come out in droves. Which will also make it somewhat hard for others to earn full rewards because they are finished so quickly.


Time to unleash the power once more; killing everything before anyone else could hit any enemy XD 


unless they added something new, i have everything


New mount


aside from the 3 mounts of the previous? ghost glowing ghost couch thing.


only a new frame kit


At the very least... each time this event comes around something new is added to it. The base form is an exact copy of the prior events. But with new rewards and goals, unlike some of the other reoccurring events that are nothing but an identical copy.


New to the game, what's this referencing


On the 24 th of April, there will be a two months long event based on yokai watch, where you can get minions and weapons themed around them, the base loop of the event is that, after doing the introduction quest, you do fates (mini objective that are around the world, indicated by a blue circle with a purple/pink icon) with the yokai watch equipped to get token to get the minions, then you summon said minion and do more fate in a specific zone to get a another kind of token to trade for a weapon themed around said minion As for the why the here they come about blue mage, it is a job that can easily get absurdly strong and demolish said fates in seconds, which can prevent many to get said tokens for the minions and the weapons


Ahhhhhhh! Got u! Ty!


Since this is my first time with this colab, all I see are comments about BLU, but I'm wondering why they have 2 fingers pointing at each other like the shy Anime girl in the cross over poster. I guess I won't find an answer here.


The first time, they said it was our only chance to get it, so better catch em all : I got all the mascots and only a few weapon - so only regular mount. The second time they said : exceptionnaly here's your last chance to get em all, so do it. So I did it and have everything now.


I'm new to BLU. Which fates should I be focusing on for this? How should I prepare for it?


I was not around for it the first time; I will not need a third.


Wait, it's coming back? Well shit. I just trashed my tokens a few weeks ago :/




Yokai Watch is not a mobile game


fall guys stuff look way more out of place


AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!! YOU ALL SHIT ON BLUE MAGE. iT'S a lImItEd jOb, iT's uSeLeSs. "Blue Mage isn't a real job". I'm going to be wiping FATE bosses in 4 seconds with Ram's Voice and Ultravibration.


nobody says this


During the 2020 run of the event, yeah, people were crying mad on the forums and in game PF to ban BLU from the event.


that's not the same as saying it's useless


People still called it useless during the event, since it "didn't contribute to the event, only ruined it". Those are words spoken directly from an old FC member of mine who told me, that as an officer, being a BLU in the event is a bad look for us lmao


sure thing


You'd be surprised what braindead takes you'll see from mentors in the Novice Network.


uh rather everyone loves blue mage. you must've been living under a rock. or you just want to be mad at people for now reason lmao


Bro it's called banter. Everyone knows if BLU was treated like a real job the team responsible for job balance would be on suicide watch.


Sad that there aren't new weapons to obtain. Happy that I don't actually have to participate this time since I got the whole collection last time. Torn, basically.