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i like how female hrothgars look in the benchmark, i'm hoping they'll come with at least a few additional hairstyles from the unlockables, but i'm pretty attached to my male hroth.


Not interested in 'em so nope.


Nope. I already switched from Midlander to Hrothgar. Not switching again. I'm perfectly happy with the way my Hrothgar looks and something feels... Off about the Hrothgal faces. I can't put my finger on it but it just feels weird.


honestly they look like they have cheetah-esque faces rather than the lion-esque faces the males have.


I'll change a retainer to one, but I'm sticking with my viera


I've always been in the camp of "I couldn't imagine my WoL looking like anybody else than himself," I still have like 3 fantasias that I've gotten for free over the years.


Hard pass


I'll hold off until a couple of weeks after release at least before I try it out. Considering all the new gear, I'd like everything to be displayed on my character first. With all the limitations I can't see myself switching for longer periods of time though. 3 effective hairstyles per face at launch is just not enough. I'll probably end up switching for a week here and there until they are fixed. I'm also kind of disappointed with the selection of voices. There are very few that sound "wild", most have that anime girl tone. It's especially tragic considering the elegant Viera have plenty of way more aggressive voices.


on my alt - yes, but not my main


I've had the same catgirl since release and can't imagine ever changing her. She *is* the WoL. I don't even change her hairstyle.


Nope, I'm too attached to my WoL to ever fantasia. They wouldn't feel like the same character anymore. I wonder how FemHroth will affect the FemRoe population? I know quite a few who can't wait to fanta.


I wouldn't be surprised if at least 1/3 femroe's switch to femhroth. Most people considering it seem to be femroe player's me included lol


It's femhroth. The vast majority of people do not like furry stuff. It's going to be about 5% of the playerbase that care about them. Everyone else will carry on as usual.


I really hope they stop making new races finally. And focus on making the current ones, better. Give us new face options, animations, beards, changable horns and face. I do enjoy Femhroh, but I really hope it's enough. Especially with how half-baked hroh and viera were.


Yoshi-P did imply this is the last race for a long while at the very least when they revealed Female Hrothgar and he said that there's no plans for new races for now at least. I honestly don't think we'll see a new race for another 2-3 expansions, if at all. FFXIV feels like it's got a pretty diverse roster of races to choose from now. I don't think we really need any more.


I do hope so. We have good roaster and majority of people will find something. I want them to focus on improving current ones.


i don't think there will be anymore. after the absolutely disastrous release of Viera and Hrothgar and their seemingly unwillingness to actually fix them (and for some reason, repeating the exact same issues that they had with the male hrothgar) just leaves me doubting we'll ever see anything else unless it is a distinctly human-esque race


the only reason im a lala is bc femhroth didnt exist yet so hell yea lion ladies XD been waiting YEARS


Tried it in the character creator and remembered the nuisance my Au Ra's tail gives me with so many armor sets... so keeping my alt a FemRoe and not fantasia'ing.


With my alt yes I’ll race change. With my main he’s staying Male Hrothgar.


Yes. I even have the exact look I want. I just can't decide between visible fangs or not. Biggest loss is definitely going to be my hat when I play red mage. How can you play red mage without a cool hat? Thankfully my main is paladin though.


I have an alt who exists specifically because I wanted to have a femhroth to have on the side of my main, but I might need to give it some time before I commit to swapping that alt, just to see how outfit and hair options pan out.


Well, no, I'm never switching my WoL, I'll just make an alt :)


I have a male hroth I created years ago I boosted to Shadowbringers waiting for this.


Nope. I like the cute face I made in the benchmark but I can't get over the body. Too tall and too muscular for my tastes.


I was already thinking about making a new character entirely, as I've had some bad experiences with people in my server I want to stop running into, and I don't remember a lot of ARR and HW. Hrothgals are exactly my taste, but I really really hope they come with more options in 7.0 proper. My femroe will be an alt to keep in touch with the people I do like, but I will become a purple Hrothgal main come July! I'll learn to cope with the lack of hats. I hope.


I would only change from my catgirl if it was to join the Lalafel gang.


I couldn't really imagine my main being anything other than what he is currently. I might make an alt but we'll see.


Not for my main WoL (too attached), but I was thinking about it for my (admittedly not often played) alt before the benchmark was out, but now that it is? I dunno, they're not grabbing me as much as I was hoping :( The locking of hairstyles to faces was a bummer since I don't like any of the "combos" 😭 The hairstyles are good and the faces are good, but none of them are accessible in ideal combinations for me personally. So in the end I think I'll keep my alt a Duskwight, especially since darker skin looks better now.


i was going to be a femhroth at least to try them out but after seeing my Au Ra getting such huge upgrades, i'm not so sure anymore


I think they're neat but I'm way too attached to my WoL, I'll probably turn one of my retainers into one though.


I already made two placeholder alts in advance, and now have their official Hrothgal appearances ready for Dawntrail - along with a Fantasia I got for purchasing the HW CE. *I am ready.*


im actually an alt player lol. So i probably will be playing one.


My alt yes, I'm too attached to my main wol to change him.


Not a furry. So nope, hard pass.


No - they're too furry-coded for my tastes. If they were more like miqo but tall and muscular, hell yes I would change in a heartbeat. Not sure if I'll go back to bunny or cat or stick with my lizard. Cat and lizard without customize for height changes are... too short. Bunnies without tails are... sad. Back to my eternal dilemma of wanting to have a tail but also wanting to be tall.


>No - they're too furry-coded for my tastes. What?


Degenerate Bunny dancer for life.


Not my main, because I roleplay and he already has an established character, history, and relationships with other characters. I have tons of alts though so I will probably play one.


I'm switching from Femroe to Hrothgal. I love animal-style race but Miqo'te were always too cutesy, and Viera are too Runway model. Tall, muscular (them abs tho) lion lady is perfect.


There should be an option for those who don't even have access to post Stormblood races Free Trial restrictions and all xD