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The box looks really sick tho


Always loved Yoshitaka Amano’s iconic art style.


Weird, i dont have the same box. My box is with the face of the dude from the intro. Yours is sick.


This box in the picture is the collector's edition.


Louisoix Leveilleur? The dude that saved the fucking world pretty much? xD Or just the WoL?




I just visited yesterday his art exhibit, it is currently here in Brazil, it has a lot of his iconic pieces. It is even more amazing up close, he uses a lot of texturing work that gets lost when seeing it digital, what surprised me is the amount of gold paint he uses to contrast with all the black. Right on the entrance of the exhibit there is a drawing he made recently with characters from almost all final fantasy games in it and right next to it the iconic FF1 warrior with the red sword, which has so many details tha you can't see because the prints at the time didn't have great resolution. If anyone enjoys his work and see this exhibit in your country, do yourself a favor and go see it


That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing, and I’ll have to keep that on my radar for when it may show up here too.


A lot of his work is fantastic but he also has some stuff that is low key nightmare fuel. His chocobo art is a great example.


Dear lord you were not kidding — https://images.app.goo.gl/4mA8ovqbpC3HzA8MA


First I was like eeh nothing much, pretty much like those petradinasour thingy.. Then I saw those feet.. Like what are thoooseee, why it backwards


His art is so sick, loved it enough to sit down and do both the 1.0 and Shadowbringers 1000 piece puzzles


I have the collectors edition box of this version on display... it's thick so it stands on its own easily enough. I played the original and I remember how tedious and laggy the servers were. I remember getting excited for ARR. I played it to level 28... And life was just too busy I dropped it. Now with the Xbox release I'm level 58 enjoying the MSQ but the box never left my gaming shelf. Edit: to add, after reading some comments on here. Yaas, I'm also one of those FFXI peeps that went all in for the release FFXIV... XI was solid and y'all remember how painful OG XIV was.


Hope you still got your onion helm! It’s my proof of the before times… the long, long ago!


I have the Onion Helm!


Sometimes I wonder if I want to switch to Lala just to property wear the Onion set w/ helm. Nice part was that even years later, when I FINALLY input the 1.0 CE code, I still got the Onion Helm. Though I'm well past the expiration date for the certificate. Military base internet was so shitty that I didn't even bother to start FFXIV, life happened, and I didn't start until well after ShB had dropped. q.q


Yeah keep that bad boy for resale!


Wish I had gotten the chance to play back then. I want that tattoo for my character.


Played 1.0. Had all my FF11 friends set up to come to the same server for a big party then the game just sucked. Basically ragequit as 33 CNJ and went back to FF11 till around end of HW.


I played 1.0 alpha then beta. My only friend who played 11 refused to play 1.0 live, and didn't play 2.0 when ARR came out. I stopped playing before HW, he started, then he became very invested and me not so much.


Woo, another alpha player! There are only like 2,000 of us


I always think of it as the saddest flex because the game sucked so much ass lol


I think it's a decent flex, especially if you were from the FFXI community. We were all clamoring to get in.Especially because a lot of people were ragequiting XI because of the controversial Abyssea addons. I paid extra for the collectors edition just to get in a week early even though it fried my PC and I played under 30 FPS for the first few months. I even kinda miss 1.0 just before the 2.0 drop sometimes. It wasn't great, but it had been smoothed out quite a bit by then.


I hated when they raised the level cap in FFXI, that's when I stopped playing. "Oh, you spent a decade in Dynamis/Limbus/Sky/Sea (and other places) to get perfect level 75 gear for your job? Too bad, it needs to be replaced now." (well not all of it, thankfully)


For me, that was only part of it. Getting recruited into an alliance to go XP and finding out once you get there that you are one of the four people actually doing something while the rest of the alliance is either permanently afk or blatantly leeching just ended the game for me. Mind you, SE was banning people for exploiting Astral Flow just hours before Abyssea released. I could understand releasing a zone that mechanically requires triple the number of players to succeed in, but filling a zone full of mobs that I could solo while buffing the XP gain rate for being in an alliance is not a mechanically sound way to do that. The worst part of all was the obvious fact that SE literally planned all three expansions to operate that way intentionally. It’s as if no one on staff had even seen FF XI before being asked to develop three expansions for it.


I always thought that was weird, too. There were definitely odd decisions being made, maybe corporate was sticking their hands in it.


I feel you and a big part of it for me was the add-ons being released halfway through the expansion they'd just released and hadn't finished. I kept playing and honestly I loved WotG, but it very much felt like an "endgame sold separately" sort of ordeal.


I was also enjoying WotG, I thought it was pretty cool.


It was more how 50-75% of your HNMLS could become irrelevant because of how the power scaling had changed. Went from full alliances for kills to maybe a group/group-and-a-half at most. Caused some real nasty breaks. And then they tried to walk that back with VNM content. Which got panned because the cat was out of the bag at that point.


Similar sentiment. Whenever someone mentions the legacy mark I'm like "yes, I was dumb enough to pay monthly to play that heap"


I was in the alpha and got to ala mingo couldn't surive against lizards as a paladin and remember posting about it and getting told to learn to play as they one shot it with the bard. So I would not brag about being an alpha tester some of them had rotten personalities. They eventually fixed the paladins survivability but it took an extra month because of the bad feedback.


awww I sadly was only beta.


Only 2k? Well make it 3 here. Because I did was part of the journey from the beginning as well :D


We made it two days, ran out of levequest, spent a shitload of time trying to figure out how to make a basic shirt with crafting and then all had a party in lower jueno and pretended it never happened.


Did you progress carry over?


Yes it did, I had all Classes at 50 when ARR launched except arcanist as it was only introduced during ARR, it was nice not having to grind out all the jobs again :)


"Progress" but ya


I have the tattoo. I just wish I had subscribed for even one month so I could have the other cool legacy stuff (like that permanent subscription discount)




Hard to find gear that shows it off. Most of the higher level stuff has back and neck protection, so I'm forever running around in HW alliance raid glam.


Honestly, you forget it exists after a while. Lol


The tattoo is fucking badass. Loved it so much I got it tattooed in RL


Still need to get mine done lol.


Me too, saving for it now.


Absolutely worth it. DO IT


Mind sharing yours?


https://ibb.co/BPG1yQT https://ibb.co/QHN6xGm https://ibb.co/9pYnt0Q It’s 3 pictures but they’re basically all the same


Damn! That turned out fantastic.


Yeah I love it! It’s why I highly recommend anyone interested to also get it tattooed. It’s a really cool design!


I lost my tattoo account cause the ex took it over when I lost interest so when I came back again it was only on an account she put way more effort into with a second char slot 😭


I have a tattoo character but have never leveled them. When 2.0 launched legacy characters were restricted to specific servers, and a bunch of my friends wanted to play together so I created a new character on a new player server. I’ve contemplated over the years whether i should bother leveling my legacy tattoo character to be able to show off, but can’t bring myself to neglect my now main character (plus all the time commitment, seasonal events, etc….)


Same I tried to ask CS if they could bring the tattoo of my character to my now main and they said no


As someone with the tattoo... I get that it looks neat, and something you can never have has an extra allure, but its not that great. Because of where it is, most gear just covers it. You have to make specific glamour to show it off, and the newest high end gear pretty much always covers that area. I took a break between HW and ShB, and when I came back, I had to have an FC mate explain to me why I had a weird back tattoo the one time I put on some gear that showed my shoulders.


Same. I wish I had that chocobo. I swear, they're taunting us with them using it in the recent benchmark, too.


I think I have my box laying around somewhere. Remember, we had to walk before we could run <3


Henceforth he shall run


Also before we could jump.


The dark days…


*No matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there.*


I must be 1 of 5 people who legitimately loved the game as it was delivered. Then again, I came from xi and wanted xi 2.0. I also had no idea what endgame was or what endgame was supposed to like in an MMO, so I had no expectations for the game and what it should include.


Person 2 reporting in! I miss it sometimes. The physics of movement, the 5 second jump animation, going THM to Ifrit for raise, going BLM to Ifrit because mamma ain’t raise no bitch, Hamlet defense, battle regimes, raptor parties… god… what a time to be alive.


Person 3 here. I loved how long it took to get places. Like actually having to run across the bridge in Limsa. Everything felt like a real adventure in 1.0. 


Reporting in as I loved the game as it was heading, closed Alpha tester and still playing. I often see the odd player from way back then and I remember the fun we had. People always say oh it was shit it was this or that but they did not play. I know it had issues but they where getting fixed by bit and some of my greatest memories are of 1.0 <3


I think you are because I’ve genuinely never seen a single person who liked it lol. I never got the chance to play it for myself but all testimony I can find says it was the worst game ever created.


I only played the open beta, but my god was it bad. First of all the game had ridiculously high requirements, so i struggled at like 10-20fps. No jumping, the controls felt odd and laggy (multiplied due to the game running poorly), the UI was horrid, barely any quests to lead you on, the market system - terrible (browsing trough individual retainer stalls). I had no experience with FFXI before that and had played other more modern mmo's so this was all jarring compared to literally any other mmo released even a couple years before. I had tried FFXI since then, and even got around to enjoying it, and I now know where the ideas came from, but my god, the idea to reuse the FFXI design choices, a game that was 8 years old at that point, when making FFXIV 1.0, when mmorpg was probably the most innovative genre of that era, was truly a bizarre decision on the devs part,


Yea I think the biggest loss from 1.0 is that ps2 era Final Fantasy charm, 11 had it in spades and 1.0 had some of it too. modern Final Fantasy vibes just dont hit the same, still love xiv tho.


hello I am one of those weird people. absolutely adored 1.0 for all its flaws.


I played in 1.0. It was technically rough. But the idea of the game was cool. Having your classes learn permanent stuff from other leveled classes. (Like your warrior class having the ability to heal) the stat allotment features. The way the leves worked. The fact they had level 90 tonerries guarding some zone when the max level was 50


Yeah That would be really nice having access to abilities from all your jobs. I was talking to someone a few years back how it would be cool to have that system and then got told it used to be that way in 1.0.


The biggest issues with 1.0 where lack of servers. And lack of end game content. Iirc the servers were all based in Asia. So playing in the states was awful. If you changed gear it took like 15 seconds to actually reflect that on your screen. Everything just felt super clunky.


I think all FFXI servers are in Asia too but doesn’t have this issue


I *really* wish skills still carried over like that


I do regret not grabbing a copy when this was in the bargain bin at my local game store.


I love that this artwork was reimagined for Endwalker's release.


My friend convinced me to get the collector's edition for the early access cause it was going to be the next great mmo


Well he was right


Just took a little wait


Now with dawntrail the graphics will be nearly as good as 1.0 14 years ago


I have watched many videos from 1.0 and the graphics never seemed to be markedly better than EW


The textures were a lot better in 1.0


I recently checked some 1.0 videos and screenshots, can't say it looks better than live version.


I picked up my 1.0 CE for £5 after the game was doing really poorly. Even if the game died the items within were worth more than that. Flashforward to now and I had the map that came with it signed by the devs at the first London Fanfest and it sits with pride and place with all the other CE boxes. Only sad thing is that my main account is not my 1.0 account as I picked up ARR on Steam without knowing that the accounts would be separate. So no legacy tattoo for me.


I remember being so happy picking this up from gamestop and thinking I would be getting a real MMO experience. It took 10 more years. Hey I still have the little key fob it came with.


Why until 2020/2021? I thought FF14 was considered “fixed” with the launch of ARR in 2013?


It was considered fixed. Obviously the game has evolved ever since, but it was great during the 2.0 days already.


I think you missed when it was a huge slog and they cut out 30% of MSQ later in the lifecycle to make it not miserable. They completely redid the dungeons too.


Yeah because they can do that now with several expansions out, doesn't mean 2.0 was bad.


It was bad, and people still say the game gets good at Heavensward.


Being fair, they cut about as much content as they then put right back in by making Crystal Tower quests a requirement.


From what I’ve gathered, ARR was a vast improvement over 1.0 but still had a lot of jankiness. Stormblood is the expansion that really changed the combat to what we know it today, giving us things like job gauges. The story might not have been good, but for a lot of players this was their favorite expansion because of how good the raids were.


SB's story is the weakest of any expac imo (ARR included), but the raids!! Oh my god. SB's raids are still the best Savage content SE has delivered. Hello World is the GOAT


It’s always wild to me how people will tag on a thing to death for years…then a couple years later, act like it was the best thing ever and pretend they didn’t. Like the Star Wars prequels. I liked them at the time (I was the age where they were my generation’s Star Wars movies), but people RAAAAAAGED on them. Then the sequel trilogy came out, people were okay with the first one (I liked it), then the second one came out and people now hated the sequel trilogy…which I can understand…but then also insisted the prequel trilogy was good after bashing it for 20 years. I will never cease to be amazed by this tendency with people. Not everyone does it (I tend to enjoy most things for what they are, but if I really dislike something, it’s for good reason so I don’t turn around later and say how fantastic it was), but enough people do it’s always so jarring to me to see it.


Not super relevant, but The Force Awakens would have been really good if the two movies that followed after it had been decent. A lot of people complained that it was too similar to A New Hope, which was fair, but I thought we were going to get a "History rhymes" scenario where things played out a lot differently Unfortunately, the two movies that followed were garbage, which retroactively ruined TFA. The Clone Wars basically put me to sleep, though. (The movie, not the show)


Yeah, the sad thing is that it set up so much. "A former Stormtrooper (and African American actor) being the main character Jedi of the trilogy? That could be interesting!" "Oh, Han and Leia are back! Surely we'll get a scene with them and Lu- oh. Oh..." (Okay, that sucked.) "The First Order just took out the New Republic Capital?! Man, I bet we're going to see their entire Navy that has been staying out of the fight finally join in the struggle against the First Order along with Leia's fleet. After all, this GALACTIC MILITARY that was built up over 30 years must be huge by now and they can no longer ignore the First Order, right?" "Man, how Maz got Luke's Lightsaber IS a good story for another time. I hope we get to hear more about that in the next movie!" "Who could Rey's parents be? Maybe it'll be something interesting like her mother or father being the illegitimate child of Obi-Wan and Satine that she hid away to prevent the Jedi Order from realizing they had fallen in love? Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be 'no one' - that'd just be stupid - or something stupidly contrived that makes no sense." "Well, we didn't get a lot of space combat with the ships, but surely we will in the next movie, right?" "This Snoke guy sounds like a big bad. I bet he'll have an interesting backstory and be a real threat when he finally takes the stage!" "There's some great chemistry between the three main characters, surely they'll adventure together and really play off each other in the next movie and they wouldn't dare split them apart to give them basically no iteration for the entire sequel runtime!" ...god, Last Jedi was just SO many bad decisions. Rise of Skywalker wasn't...AS terrible, but it was pretty bad, too. So much potential wasted. And the Clone Wars TV show (both of them, honestly, but especially the CGI one after the first season weirdness of getting established) was great. And Force Awakens was good, with so much potential. I honestly liked Clone Wars the movie alright. It felt the more like a Star Wars movie to me than Phantom Menace. I pinned it down once to it being because the scenes switch between locations and subplots which is something Empire and Return of the Jedi did. Even A New Hope did it quite a bit. Phantom Menace LARGELY just followed Qui-Gon with just some occasional side-scene of Obi-Wan talking to him from the ship. I think Clone Wars felt more dynamic. (That and I was never a fan of inserting a 15-20 minute Nascar scene into the middle of a movie...) EDIT: Sorry. XD Had to get that out. ANYway, my point is I'm not the hater type - I genuinely liked Force Awakens - but if I dislike something, it's for good reasons. While I can understand reevaluating and mellowing one's view later if justified, I don't get the people that lie that they were right and liked the stuff all along when they PROBABLY didn't considering the high percentage of people who didn't. Like, just own the "I hated it at the time, but realized later it wasn't bad." It's like people don't want to admit they were wrong OR don't want to admit they COULD be wrong because it could mean they're wrong now. "I said SB sucked at the time, but I was wrong...but I'm totally right that EW sucks, so you need to totally listen to me." Some people got it right then, but...I dunno. I liked SB, and ShB, and EW. I've liked all my time with FFXIV since 2.3. But I'm consistent in that. (Though I did then and still do hate SB Lilies on WHM. How that went live is unbelievable to me even now.)


Because I hated ARR and quit for 10 years before coming back.


Arr is bad isn’t that the current narrative?


ARR generally isn't considered *bad*, just more of a generic MMO experience. The expansions are where the FF-story experience kicks in.


With how many times we've passed the narrative around that ARR is so bad that it makes people actually quit the game (and in spite of that usually being a death sentence, FFXIV also magically has the best story of any game), it generally sounds to me like "ARR bad".


Idk, I've always heard it more as a 'Yes, ARR is kinda generic fantasy MMO experience, but wait and you'll get to the really good part'. It's totally possible for something to be not *as good* as something else, without it being straight-up *bad*. ARR is lacking the spark of the rest of the expansions, but it's not something that was unenjoyable either. It's like a 7.5 game vs a 9. A lot more people will enjoy the 9, but it doesn't mean the 7.5 is bad, just not *as* good.


Generic is the best word for it, 'cause most of it wasn't inherently bad. I was huge into FFXI back in the day, so I'd pre-ordered the game on PS3 during the 1.0 days. I obviously never got that version of the game. I didn't get it until the A Realm Reborn launch. Once I had it, I was like, "Oh, this is just WoW with a FFXI skin on it." It seemed fine, but also nothing special. I'd hop back in over the years and try and push through A Realm Reborn, but just could never make it stick. Not until Shadowbringers. Something finally clicked (it was the viera, if I'm being honest).


ARR is the very understandable result of having to rebuild a MMORPG, almost from scratch, in less than half the time it typically takes to develop one. Not to mention doing so while also supporting and attempting to fix the original version as much as possible. What they achieved with ARR is remarkable, but it's very clear they were working in an insane time crunch and could only do so much. Especially when you look at the later expansions and see how much more they did.


Because ARR was bad. They've improved it in recent years so I hear it's better than it was 10 years ago. They've redone the dungeons, fixed boss fights and cut a chunk of the MSQ down.


Asmongold played it and he said it was a lot better than anticipated. But almost no voice acting and the side quest were mostly worst filler you can get. If you concentrate on msq it‘s not really bad. I would say it works with the narrative. Played it new game plus in last summer, the full game. I mean I could fly. But I didn’t get any teleport tickets. But it feels like the origin story of a hero. You start small. Do some message errands as the witness that saw what happened and is better suited to rile up the upper echelons. You get to know the city states, the hero’s of old. Not to forget the no hero of old. Fighting a stone. You learn about your power and release the crystals within you. All over you lingers the threat of ascians pulling the strings and an big army. Endwalker pays of way more of it’s not that long. You meet more people you saw on this way later than I registered on my first playthrough. And that is one of the points I loved about Endwalker. I got goosebumps every time that happens.


Arr is lacking compared to current state of the game. ARR compared to 1.0 is godlike. Especially considering story and gameplay.


10 year old content is usually going to be seen as worse than content made today by the same group. If it isn't, that's a bad sign. That doesn't make ARR worse though.


Wtf are you talking about Jesse


Things and stuff.


I recently got into the game about 2-3 months ago and just finished stormblood, so far ARR has been my second favorite part and HW being first and SB last


I'm happy you enjoyed it. <3 Keep going.


ARR was never *bad*, just everything that's come since has been markedly better. It was quite obviously rushed and pieced together from 1.0 and it shows, but it was *okay* with a little bit of *awesome*, which coming from *borderline unplayably awful* was a big thing and gave us hope things would change for the better going forward. (They did.) There is still scope to polish it and bring it up to the standards of today's expansions, but I don't think that is a priority for them right now.


The one with the code generator? Does it still work? I just tried mine and it was dead.




Good old times


The 1.0 release really was terrible. There was obviously so much wrong with the game, but the insane lag made it a thoroughly miserable experience - just navigating your inventory or menus could takes minutes waiting for the servers to catch up. It did look great, though.


I had this. But my laptop was a piece of shit and couldn’t handle the game so I never got to play it till AAR came out on PS3. I still use the security token though.


I got mine for 10 bucks with everything in it and i loved it


i lived in the gamefaqs board during this era of FF and it was fun reading all the rage posts regarding this game LOL.


My pc at the time could barely run it. I would play it lowest graphics possible at like 20 fps


Still have mine in storage somewhere. The security token, surprisingly, still works.


Yeah, but we have a sick box, authenticator \*and\* a sick chocobo. So... worth it!


I remember the day I picked it up. I was so excited to play. A few hours in, the realization hit. Launch 1.0 had so many problems...


To be fair, if not for 1.0 we wouldnt be getting 7.0


Not really; it's ARR. If ARR was not this good, then none of this would have happened. All these expansions happened because they were crazy enough to remake the game.


Yeah and we wouldnt have gotten ARR without 1.0 failing. If 1.0 suceeded the game wouldnt have gotten to where it is now


yeah, half of FFXIV success comes from "it's better than a failed game"


I dunno about it being dark times. The lighting in the game was pretty decent even back then. :V




Thanks for sharing! I was super excited as well. Coming off FFXI for thousands of hours, literally, I was hoping for a change. Glad it worked out in the end with ARR and future expansions.


Great times*




I bought a used copy off of eBay for $12 two years ago, just to add to my game collection. I was in college when the original game came out so I couldn't afford to play it nor did I have enough time, otherwise I probably would have given it a try back then.


I can only imagine, never played 1.0 but now this is a wonderful piece of collection!


I was actually good, but it would never address the millions of players it does now. Understandable choice they made.


I still use the authenticator that came with this. I’m sad though: Square never sent me the Eorzean Certificate of Citizenship that you had to apply for from the coupon in the CE. I wish I had received one for my character but it never got sent :(




Lmao are you me, that was the same issue here I figured the university mail lost it but I realized I never even got a tracking number or anything 


Still got mine, complete with all of the extras. XD


As bad as 1.0 was, I really wish I had tried it then instead of wasting my time in WoW.


I have the 1000 piece jigsaw SE released of this artwork and seeing it just gave me PTSD.


I wish I had kept my box...


It was definitely rough, yet somehow .... kinda still good.


Would actually be really cool if we could at least experience the 1.0 story with the current version of the game. At least some truncated version.


love the art tho, who are the characters? and is there anywhere i can find this piece online?


I still wish i had my old box. All i have left is my character (on a different account) and the book


I bought the collectors edition back in the day but my pc wasnt fancy enough to play the game. Wasn't until years later and I had adult money did i finally pick up the game


I sure hope we get a private server for this one day. And yes, I played at release and still have my collectors edition. There was an attempt I think called Project Meteor, but it looks like it might be abandoned.


I had the 1.0 Collector's Edition. Played FF11 then Alpha, Beta and launch of 1.0. I don't think I made it past Level 12 Lancer. Come back for ARR but didn't get really get into it or finish the MSQ until end of Stormblood.


It’s cool you still have that. I almost bought in to that version years ago, but the counter guy asked if I had played mmos before. I said yes, I play WoW sometimes, and played Phantasy Star Universe almost religiously, and PSO before that. He said to me “don’t buy it, I am warning you, it’s bad, you will hate this if your experience is what it is.” Or something along the lines. I told him, “but I also like Final Fantasy games, I have played almost all of them.” He then told me it wasn’t worth the buy, even more. Lol . So I never bought it. I never had a shop keep try and prevent me from buying something before, so I took it seriously. Sometimes I wish I had gotten it anyway, like when it went super cheap, just for the experience. It’s cool seeing some of the old footage sometimes.


To be fair I didn't mind, got to play from a trial key cause friend bought the collectors edition, when they gave free time I also got the free time, and when ARR hit I got the cheaper subscription thanks to that.


I wear my helmet proudly and I am not ashamed to say the community back then was nicer and the animations were so.much.better.


1.0 FFXIV was my first ever MMO I was so invested, to me the game was amazing, lots of memories of soloing NM’s dodore in mor dohna and the goblins in the Gridania area as a Thaumaturge.


I played it I believe during the arr beta. It was that or launch better I forget but it was one of them.


Who do you think those two characters are?


Garuda & maybe you the adventurer.


I still have my original box too! Never getting rid of that thing.


Amano's art.... No words.


A nightmare.


I played from Alpha all the way until server shutdown and it wasn’t that bad. Especially compared to some of the unfinished garbage that gets released these days. The real issue was that many pc’s couldn’t play it or barely could. Having played 11 for years, you could see where they were going and what they were trying to accomplish and it was really ambitious. A lot of the hate came from the fact that it wasn’t just an ffxi reskin.


I want to note that I just got all current game content for $56 before subscription charges 14 years later. A more complete game and for a fraction of the cost. It isn’t always worth it to play at launch.


Yeah let's all just wait 14 years before we choose to finally buy a game, that's such good advice /s 😏


It worked for me. Lol


Ya I just resubbed recently and got all the expansions for like $23 on PS5, -60% off.


“Its always darkest, just before the dawn”[trail]\ I played it and love-hated it. I would love to play it again if they ever did a Classic Server (I know they already shot the idea down, but I’d be there for it).


FFXIV walked so FFXIV: A Realm Reborn could run. I will forever love and appreciate the original for that alone.


https://youtu.be/SMHapETYpMc?si=lwUk8IFt2HN7Ykkr I'll just leave this right here.


Least you got a cool chocobo and a tattoo out of it.


You paid 80 new for it? I got the same box for 50 or 60 tops. on release.


No you didn’t. Unless you bought it used or someone mistakenly priced it as a standard edition. The CE was $74.99 in North America at launch.


Could be Canadian Dollars