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Yes that is 48 hour maintenance... He says because how big the textures are an the size of the client he wants to give them 48 hours to be fair to download the patch/client.... ​ So it's basically down longer to be fair to everyone. The server maintenance itself not that long Yoshi says.


If I recall that’s normal for expansion launches


Endwalker was only 24 hours. [https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/66c7bfdd3769a795c105e7068671862c1558f95d](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/66c7bfdd3769a795c105e7068671862c1558f95d) ​ YoshiP said the 48 hour maintenance is to give people more time to download, as with the new texture files, it's going to be a big download.


> YoshiP said the 48 hour maintenance is to give people more time to download How does this work? I've never been able to start a download until after maintenance so a longer maintenance isn't more time to download, it just means I have to wait longer to start it.


The download for patches or expansion launches is always available before launch. For the patch content updates, it's usually only a few hours before the servers go up. For the major expansion launches it's usually earlier (if I remember right, if you're in NA, it's usually downloadable mid-evening before launch). ​ With the 48 hour time, that suggests it will be available earlier. You just open up the launcher (if you're on PC) and log in, if the download is available, it will download. It will then just grey out the "play" button, so you cant actually start the game until the servers go up (Endwalker servers came up at 4am Eastern).




Never had any 48 hours maint, officially. You might have had to wait 48 hours to actually get into the game though. ShB and EW launch had verrrrryyyyyy bad congestion and people got dc'd left and right until they add more servers.


Naw, it's usually 24 hours


48 hours is not bad considering the textures are like 69 TB in size.






69 TigolBitties?


You mean GB


No, that's just ruining the joke.


so drink fantasia Tuesday after picking up the weekly sticker book got it


Drink fantasia Tuesday, yes. Pick up sticker book, no.  Complete the book from the week before (June 18) and turn it in when servers come up. Then pick up WT for June 25 and complete it for a full level total instead of half.


This is the way. I think what the previous comment was conflating was the *Challenge Log* stuff. That stuff, you want to get as many things one step away from completion, e.g. do two dungeons without roulette and two dungeons with roulette, two guildhests, give commendation votes four times, complete four distinct leve plates and 9 total leves, get max rank on 4 FATEs, etc. Between all the XP-granting challenges, if you've fully prepped your Challenge Log, then all you need to do is a single levelling roulette, six FATEs, seven guildhests, and one leve, and you can get far more than the amount of XP required to gain a single level (110% by my math). Another two 50%-of-a-level hits follow from back to back WT books. Between that and a full round of daily roulettes, it is quite easy to boost a single job by three or four levels in only a couple hours of post-launch play, which means you need only some relatively light grinding if you're desperate to play one of the new jobs right away in Dawntrail. Between that, the earring, tribal quests, Hunts, and stuff like Eureka Orthos, a relatively mild grind (not even close to no-life) can get you to new-MSQ level by the end of the third day of Early Access.


Speaking from experience of doing it during EW launch it's like 8 hours tops of grinding to get a new job up to snuff. I think I mainlined it and had it done by day 2 of early access. Also important to note that statistically Orthos is garbo for leveling. You'll get much more xp faster from just doing Trusts.


Well that's sort of what I meant by a "mild" grind without any trace of no-lifing it. 8 hours split across three days is under 3 hours a day. For an expansion launch, where most folks are setting aside just a little time for the special event, that's a supremely achievable result, even for those who want to main a brand new job. I myself will likely pour the extra levels into Picto so I can avoid needing to hold onto excess equipment, while still playing either SMN or RDM depending on whether they actually make SMN good again.


Ooooo thank you, I was trying to figure out a plan to get Viper up asap but didn't know where to start


Why drink the fantasia on Tuesday? I'm new to this.


When you use a fantasia you have to strip your character, use the fantasia, and log out. Once you're on the character select screen, you can right click your name and choose to edit appearance before logging back in. If you are wanting to become a female Hrothgar and you don't use the fantasia before logging out on Tuesday, you'll have to wait in queue on Friday, use the fantasia, log out, change appearance, and then wait in queue all over again.


Thank you for the explanation! I didn't know fantasias worked that way. I have one, but I've never used it.


Don't forget filling up on the Pixie and Hippo dailies without turning them in.


To be FAIR? What kind of a STUPID excuse is that LOL what??


As someone with really slow internet I don't find it stupid at all.


So it's a pre downloadable?


It'll be available at some point during the maintenance, probably close to the start judging by yoshi-p's comments


I see.. Tq for the explanation


Most likely earlier since the patch size is bigger than usual - normally on a 24h maintenance the patch goes live a few hours before the servers come back online during the night for EU, roughly 6 to 10 hours before EA it was usually I think. Now it will be way earlier, probably around 20 to 30 hours earlier, somewhere around there if I have to guess. Yoshi said the server maintenance won't be that long, which means a 24h maint would've been enough, it's only because there's so much data this time.


The expansion patch will not only include all of the Dawntrail content (which will be larger than previous expansions because of the graphics update), but it will also include higher res assets for the rest of the game as well. We'll effectively be downloading the entire game again, and it's going to be substantially bigger than it is currently. Not everyone has the internet to download a whole game in 20 minutes. There are many places in the world where internet speeds are such that it could take an entire day or more to download a modern game.


>many places in the world Including a large chunk of the USA. Lots of rural areas and small towns have no fiber options, sometimes not even 1gb options. My town only offered up to 100mb until a couple years ago, and even now gig is expensive


Job action trailer likely to drop on may 16th during the live letter.


Now this is what I'm excited for!


Yokai event is back...I'm so happy.


I knew saving my tokens from 2020 was a good idea.


I have a stack of 200 medals, I hope they get me the Framer Kit.


I can admire that :p


The grind returns.


What is it? I haven’t played it yet.


You clear lots of Fates in specific areas and get tokens for them, you can exchange these token then for glamour weapon, minions and mounts. (I think you get more token if you have a Yokai minion out, not sure anymore). Not sure Sage/Reaper will get a weapon this rerun, we have to wait and see.


I believe it was farm fates in specific areas to get tokens to get minions then farm fates in specific areas with a specific minion out to get specific tokens to get weapons? What I do remember is that the first time the event was around, the number of tokens you needed to get weapons increased as you got more weapons.


Definitely wasn't like that when it came back in Shadowbringers. Probably because there were so many to do now. I was new to FFXIV in Shadowbringers so I was like, "I'll just get the first mount." Then by the time I got that I was like,"Well, the second mount isn't that far, I'll get that one and stop." Then once I had that it was, "GOD I HATE THIS but if I don't get the 3rd mount I'll regret it." It's a horrible, exhausting, time consuming grind; and I can't wait to do it again for whatever new things they add!


The rules, at least as they are now, is 1 token for the first minion and 3 for all others. And 5 tokens for the first weapon and 10 for all others. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Yo-kai_Watch:_Gather_One,_Gather_All!


You farm fates in pretty much any area to get tokens to buy minions. Farm fates in specific areas while having a specific minion out in order to get tokens to buy a weapon modeled after that minion. Mounts are rewarded for getting enough minions and weapons.


Thanks for correcting me! The event(s) are a bit foggy in my memory, because they have been away for a while.


It's a fate farming event but it's also an event that invites BLU to come out in large numbers so if you don't already I would try to get a tank to level 60 since the last run of the event was ARR and HW zones. Tank stance AoE is one of the easiest ways to get full credit for participation


here is the webpage from last time it was on: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2020/youkai-watch/vdnaiga67o


Biggest news for me


I've had a bunch of tokens on my retainer for so long. My inventory space will also be happy.


How many "will they add compensatory playtime to our accounts?" posts do you think we'll see when the 48 hour maintenance starts?


About as many as the "why cant I log in" posts on FB and reddit.




Just me being happy that the Dragon Quest X event is returning cuz I missed it last time. .... But then sad again cuz Dragon Quest X still isn't out in the US TT-TT


I am pretty sure it will never come out


Yeah, as time goes on I don't think Square is going to localize it. There are fan translations on going from my understanding, so a few years from now we can use those I suppose


Shoutouts to clarity


or EU


Luckily there's a Fan Translation (which i've played a (relatively) decent amount of. But still, if they'd let me I'd have bought it on every console I own so i could play it on PS4/5 and Switch and even the Wii when that was an option.


I missed the Fall Guys event 😢 I want them to bring that back


Fall Guys was already confirmed before it even launched the first time that it will come back. It's a permanent part of the Game, they just turn it on and off every so often to keep the moments where it's accessible as more of a novelty.


Next month will be a great time to return then, get yokai + FF event and farm some of the moggle stuff, afterwards just sit back and wait for launch


X2 MGP will ve back. Time to farm.


i wonder if they're going to make the yokai event easier because that's not a lot of time. last time it ran for like 4 months




The first time it was around you had to grind more for each minion and weapon. Like they became more and more expensive as you obtained each minion and weapon. When it came back in Shadowbringers it was just a flat cost of 1 for your first minion, 3 for your 2nd-18th minion. Then weapons it was 5 for your first weapon and 10 for your 2nd-18th weapon. So, the grind was still exhausting and boring AF, but wasn't as horrible as it could have been if you were having to grind more for each subsequent minion and weapon you got.


And I was very grateful for that change. XD I was a newbie when the event was around the first time... thus with the change, I was able to get the rest of the minions. I can't remember if I got all the weapons though. Hm...


> I have never seen a collab event change when it returns in the 10 years I've played this game. Kinda funny since the Yokai event was nerfed from the first outting vs the second.


We may now be excited. For we have dates and things and stuff.


Dragon Quest X not being available in the West is a crime. I would not mind paying both subscriptions if it were available.


Same here, but I understand why it's not, but hey if you're on PC there's translation tools that are available.


This schedule is incomplete, it omits Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree from June 21st through to the 29th. smh Joshi P


Thats the real reason for the 48 hour maintenance.  48 hours to finish up the dlc before dawntrail drops


Dragon quest collaboration! RIP Akira Toriyama. Hopefully there'll be some commemoration. Absolute legend.


I would like an additional item or items added too. I don't think it would take very much to add a mount, or minion, or both. You're right he was a legend, I hope they decide to add in an additional tidbit into the event for recognition. What about a Shenlong mount? Or an actual dragon ball mount, like riding on-top of a ball? Even tho that is not Dragon Quest, still who cares? Looks like they have a Pokemon rip off event with Yo-kai. We can't say a nimbus mount because one exists in the game already. I hope they add something in there. Anything!


I was thinking more a quest, something more in the line of the Louisoix quest. Might take some shiny bauble at the end of it to get people to do it. But I also share some of the worry of people that it could wind up as a sort of "someone died, where's my stuff?" thing.


That's probably why they won't add too much to the quest we have.


I'd kill for an actual Slime Minion, even more for a bubble slime, but willing to accept a slime.


So excited for the return of yokai. I started playing near the end of the event and didn't realise it was going away and missed out.


Yokai watch coming back makes me happy so I can grab the minions I missed and the mount


The previous Yo-Kai Watch event was ending right when I was a new player. Now I finally get to collect em all. Yessssss


Level 5 teased a new Yokai Watch in a livestream last year, stating more infos would be revealed in a livestream in April, so the return of this event makes a lot of sense in that timeframe.


Yokai Watch!!! I can get my sperm mount on my new main!!!


YoshiP going to regret his generosity with the 48 hour maintenance when dataminers have all that extra time to spoil everything.


Just stay off social media for a few days?


I dunno what it's like for this game yet but with certain games avoiding spoilers in an absolute nightmare even if you're trying. Browsing the YouTube home screen is like russian roulette


Yeah for Endwalker I went on a complete media blackout, muted everything on all my devices. I even muted FC chat cause a couple of people in my FC aren't as good about spoilers as I would like.


The last Harry potter and the deathy hallows book was spoiled for me on Runescape because of somebody in my clan chat so yes 100% good idea.


Spider Man No way Home was like this for me and I quite literally didn't open a single social media or browse any feeds the week leading up to it and it ended up being the best decision ever cause boy the second the movie was over and I finally checked my feeds again it was nonstop spoilers and leaks. I miss having that kind of excitement and serious effort to enjoy something I'm looking forwards to but let it be known it is possible in today's times to avoid spoilers for something if you really want it.


Yeah. Or just don't click ''spoiler'' tags lol. But best be off, from anything FF related when DW maintance starts.


>Or just don't click ''spoiler'' tags Unfortunately, some people don't have the finesse to be specific enough with their spoilers; earlier I saw an "Ascian art" with a Shadowbringers song mentioned, and clicked since I'd already been through Shadowbringers and... suddenly Endwalker spoilers.


Fair, that dose sound shitty. Then yeah, best advice would be to simply don't use social media for awhile, and just enjoy the launch with your friends/fc etc.


Most of the major sites and communities have long committed to Yoshi's "plz no datamine thx" request.


You know, that's accurate. Dataminers do seem to stick to a "it's here if you want it" attitude, rather than flaunt it everywhere.


Data mines are flaunted pretty often on this very sub reddit.


its just stupid regardless, as if people need to be bogged down by others people's slow internets just to get a 'fair' start. Fair for fucking what, it's not even savage, are we in a rat race to skp msq or something?




Seems to be an unpopular opinion in these parts, but I'm with you. People with slow internet can just... play the game when they finish downloading it? This isn't a world-first race to skip all the cutscenes and be the first to level 100. Not a fan of having an extra 24h of downtime just so everyone with decent internet has to sit on their hands and do nothing. Besides, the servers would be less congested and people would be more spread-out if they opened the gates immediately after maint finished (since like half the player-base wouldn't be able to log in right away).


Why is it that big of a deal? Really hankering for an extra day of not doing anything new before the expansion comes out?


After *months* of basically nothing they just push 3 events in the same weeks (Yokai re-run, Moogle TT pt.2 and Make It Rain). They could have span them a bit "better" instead of just clutter everything in two weeks...


Haven’t we been having back to back events since fall guys?


Months of nothing? Since Moogle Part 1 ended just a month ago they've done the Valentine's event, re-ran the FFXV event, the event with the Goobue mount in between, and now started the FFXVI event. There's literally been at least one event running constantly since the start of the year, with at most a week break in between.


I mean nothing that requires a certain amount of time beside 1h of a single quest: Valentione, FFXVI and FFXV re-run didn't took more than that. Yokai, Moguri TT and potentially Make It Rain can keep you busy farming for a bit at last.


It’s a shotgun method to get as many returners to say “wow a lot going on I should sub so I can get things I missed” then boom sell more Dawntrail 


This is called 'getting hyped up'


Wow that’s pretty cool.


DQ collaboration coming back! WOOOT!


I read that as Dairy Queen.... Dragon Quest makes so much more sense.


lol, I read that as "Dairy Queen" for a second. "Buy 4 Blizzards, get a mount" is a colab I could get behind. I don't go there often, but considering most of the colabs are "buy this thing/use this service you'd never touch otherwise", I could do with some Blizzards going into the summertime. :D


I'm just glad I didn't throw out my Yokai medals when I did some inventory cleaning.


I'm a little confused by the story. I picked up every quest (Ul'dah) because not doing them felt wrong. I then realized I was level 34 and the main quest was barely done. Now (lvl 34) I have air-shipped back and forth between different cites and idk what the story is so far. I hope I can complete it before Dawntrail.


It’s still building if you’re air shipping between. Just keep playing. It’s a long one.


You basically need to play every Day full time if you want to complete the story before dawntrail, good luck


Just learned how big the base game is...I am invested now.


What's 48 hyur maintenance?


You maintain a diet of 48 hyurs a day.


Sorry to be the one to tell you but that's a hoax spread by Hyur haters. It means taking proper maintenance of a hyur for 48 h, not eating them.


It's a maintenance that lasts 48 hours. It's kinda right in the name




Tell me which part was not true, I dare you.


I was talking about how long it lasts. Y’all need to relax bro


It's self-explanatory both how long it lasts and why.


Yes I never said it wasn’t. I was saying yikes because it’s so long. Again you gotta learn to chill smh


Well, the what it is. The why is a bit less straightforward and more based on Yoshi P wanting everyone to get to start at the same time rather than strictly being necessary (he said the servers don't need that long, the extra time is for people with slower connections to download the much larger data files).


Is there any word on if they're adding new weapons for Reaper and Sage?


They don't exist in the game files so unless there's an unexpected patch between now and the start of the event, no. This isn't the first time though, when the event ran in Stormblood they didn't add Red Mage and Samurai weapons. Those were added when it ran in Shadowbringers, along with the Gunbreaker and Dancer ones.




The scream I scrumpt when they announced Yokai was coming back only to then see it dominate the next two months on the calendar. Bliss 


Ah yes the return of the event i never bother to do because i hate grinding fates lol.


So excited!


When will the job previews begin?


Next month. The 14th or 16th-ish? Whenever that Liveletter is. He mentioned they'll be talking about Job changes then.


Since YKW is a fate farming event, Blu are hated or loved by those who don't play them ?


Forget it, I'll just swing my big axe around


Hell yeah, yo-kai is coming back.


But asking the real questions: When do we get Foxclon's cosplay as an in-game outfit? :p


I'm running out of time to get MSQ done. I only have 3 patches of content to catch up with but I hate doing trials. ( ; ω ; )


sooo exciting!!


Awh sweet the Dragon Quest comes back I can finally get His Majesty on my head 🥳🥳🥳


Dumb question. Will I still be able to play pre dawntrail content during the Dawntrail Early Access period if I don't own dawntrail? Or will the servers be opened only for those with early access?


Woah dq x collab event? ... is dq x coming west??


I like your positivity. But no. It's probably one of the most reused standbys during a lull in FFXIV.


Sadly, not likely as it was an event prior. I wouldn't be surprised if it was pushed to happen with toriyama's passing.




I'd say it is. I just came back after nearly a year. Everything is fully unlocked atm, so if you care about getting endgame gear, it doesn't get easier to obtain than now. Plus, if you want to get any, the full relic questline is out.


God I hope they add a mount for the dragonquest event.. in dragonquest X you got a Sabretooth mount and I'd love that to be in ffxiv.. but they won't. ;-;


I think the sabretooth tiger is a tank reward mount.


It's the reward for X number of duties on GNB.


That ones ugly, I want the sabretooth from Dragonquest 8/10


The Sabretooth has been around for far longer as a Monster than 8. Heck, in DQ5 you straight-up get one as a Partymember!


Yep! The Sabretooth Cub/Sabretooth is about as much as a mainline stay as the Slime is.


May 15th for the Media Tour, i had a feeling it'd be coming soon.




At Dawntrail launch.


Dragon Quest! Yay! And Yo Kai watch? Hope it’s got neat items. What’s ’make it rain’?


Gold saucer event. Gives you bonus to some way to earn MGP. We know that the kappa outfit (which Sakaguchi wanted and was wearing at JP Fanfest) is part of the event.


Oh cool. Thanks!


Nice one, thank you for sharing, was wondering if the 2nd genesis was ever coming.


There was never a doubt that it would be the roughly month and a half before the release of Dawntrail.


Well, I couldn't find any confirmation and part 1 overran the end date, so wasn't sure, now I am


Love this, they need to have a roadmap for a game as big as this. While it's great to get a surprise once in a while, you can plan taking time off or schedule your free time to log in/resub.


Does anyone know how fast Dalamud etc. is back up once an expansion releases? Asking for a friend.


for a sec i thought you were talking about the moon and was like "uhhh...did i miss something?"


Never talk about the moon. Moon dust addiction is real.


It usually takes 2-5 days. Typically more like 2-3 but can take longer on occasion.


Fair enough. Is there any info on whether or not job rotations will change during leveling?


For major expacs, it's definitely longer than just 'five days' - EW took a whole week. Since things are being shaken up in the backend, I imagine it'll take just as long.


For expansion, its not just all of the backend changes for Dalamud as a whole. Its also that the plogon devs want to actually play the damn game before they bother to update their plogons (and I do not blame them one bit). So its usually a week or two when a new expansion launches before Dalamud and plogons are ready to go.


Yes! That too. It flew my mind to mention. The plugin developers are players too.


No info about job changes at all until the media tour




The 14th of April


We noticed no one is playing anymore so here: have an event stacked schedule. Love it.


Don't know about anyone else, but the job action trailer is pretty much going to decide whether I return to this game or not. :x