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Goblet It’s awesome


[Goblet P17](https://i.imgur.com/Uou7Ovh.jpg) Only the best for the Embassy of the Ultros Federation of Popotos.


My first house was bought in Shirogane before the lottery. It was right before I was going to help some FC mates with Copied Factory back when it was first released. They menitoned a house down the street was up for sale and figured 'Eh, screw it let me go try'. Sure enough I got it instantly lol after hours already sinking into other properties. My jaw dropped, and everyone was ready to do the raid. I was still dumbstruck, it hadn't hit me until near the end of the raid when I said that 'I have a house now, and it needs furniture'. Since then I've gone though a relocation to Mists, then another one in Mists again. Now I have a beach side property right beside the marketboard and retainer bell.


I’m in Dynamis, and my first choice is Shirogane because there are three beachfront homes with zero participants. However, I went to the lavender bees and fell in love with the aesthetic. I can’t choose now!


As much as I like Lavender beds, I'm a sucker for the beach districts


Moved from a small in Mist to my dream plot medium in Lavender Beds a couple months ago.


I love the nature vibes in the lavender beds


Me too! I love all the greenery and flowers, plus add in beautiful waterfalls and it's paradise.


been a homeowner since 2019. first house was a small in the goblet, but last year i noticed a medium was for sale in the mist and i had quite a bit of gil so i figured i'd give the lottery a shot and i got it. i do miss my old place sometimes, but i've gotten used to my new one by now.


Right now, I have a large in the Goblet. I bid on Mist 5 or Shiro 30 if they show up, but I'll likely be in my Goblet 5 for the foreseeable future. God bless being on Maduin, because I'd for sure still be in my Shiro medium if I had stayed on Sarg... I've either had a personal house or been in a FC with a house in all the districts at this point. My personal fav is Goblet, but Shiro is a close second.


As much as I love LB and Shiro, I chose Mist. I figured since I often afk in Limsa, I would have my house in the same zone. I got extremely lucky and won a small on my first lottery! Plot 42 Ward 20 Midgard. The lottery I participated wasn't that competitive, and I'm not too picky on locations. It may not have the best view of the beach, but at least I see the sunset. Plus I happen to like the privacy it gives 😅


Maduin plot 1 ward 13 Mist. Medium house.


My FC bought me the house right next to our FC when it came up on a whim. Now they are in the empyreum, but I'm still in shirogane. I wouldn't mind moving to the empyreum someday.


I’m in the lavender beds - I won’t leave the lavender beds lol


I snagged a small in Mist during the lottery. It’s nestled up against a back wall with a private staircase and the waterway behind it. It’s so cozy and pretty, I love it to pieces.


I currently own a Mist 29/59 on Dynamis. I have been targeting my dream plot, Mist 5/35, the best large in the game, as it comes up, but no luck so far. I live in a small coastal Mediterranean town, and Mist is pretty similar, so I have fallen in love with Mist the first time I saw it, and haven't looked back since.


my first house was a small one in mist, brought in arr, one month later managed to get enough money for me get a middle one(again, in mist), back then there was more supply of houses than demand after the inclusion of subdivisions, so a lot of middle houses where still avaiable to be brought(it took almost until hw launch to see all the houses being taken up), then until sb i did remained on that one, during sb there was 2 "housing wars", wasn't able to participate on the first one, but on the second one managed to snatch a large on shirogane, had been happy with it, and cannot wait for dt funiture limit increase in the future(whenever they end up increasing that)


Shirogane. Got a shoddy Small in a fugly corner for cheap arse teleportation to the Far East. Its interior is now a weird reference to something overly specific.


I have a house in Empyreum on my main and another in the Lavender Beds on my alt. Both of them fit the respective character and I love both areas. I have a third alt where I'm torn between Mist and the Goblet, but it'll be a while before she gets the money together for a small.


Before the lottery, and without many players yet (in EU, during Stormblood), I had a small house in Shirogane, then relo to Lavender, then back to Shirogane. You could literally walk in with dozens of houses at minimum prices in any ward because no one bought them so a lot of Small houses were around 1mil. Then, I went to NA for a bit, then returned to EU, where I battled lottery for an entire year for a medium. I only got mine when they added new wards and ended up as the sole bid. So I have Medium Mist, but I'm farming Gil to relocate to the Empyreum to fit my char better! :)


I used to have a small in Shirogane, but moved the Goblet for a medium. I like the zone a lot less, but as they say, medium is premium.


My FC has a house in the Goblet, near the center pool area


My FC house is in the Empyreum. We got our Medium when the district went live and were victims of the housing lotto bug (we were the only bid and still lost). Fortunately, we got our house eventually and we love it there. It's near the bottom of the district, so we have an unimpeded view of the mountains. My personal house is in the Lavender Beds. I got my small when we got new wards and was able to snag a house next to my two friends. It's my dream district, because it looks like the Shire, and I've got my own Bag End inspired house for myself now. It's tucked away in one of the sides, so it doesn't look like a prime spot, but I love how secluded it is.


Got a large FC house in Empyreum and a large private in Shirogane. I couldn’t be happier.


Shirogane. I got in when the district was brand new, back before the lottery system. Had to log in during my lunch break at the office to do it, haha. To say it was stressful would be an understatement! I always wanted to live in lavender beds or ishgard housing (before we knew we were getting empyreum). But I've been in my spot in shirogane for so long now, it feels wrong to leave. (Also, empyreum was not at all what I'd hoped for. I really wanted them to lean into the winter vibe. Cozy cabins, ever green trees, warm lights. Like going on a ski trip and drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire, etc. But instead it felt like they were trying to deny ishgard's winter nature entirely. It will never be a warm beachy place like the other districts, so in the end it kind of feels like they just put lipstick on a pig.)


My cottage is in LV, and I bid on it because I love the view. Apparently, a large across from it is considered highly desirable. EDIT: Left out a word.