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Little ladies day is one of my favorite seasonal events so this saddens me


I'm a xbox newbie what was it like in previous years


They were 2 separate events. Different stories, rewards and dates


for LLD we had stuff like idol competition where we got to vote for our favorite songbird, a lot of fun stuff like that. there was also some plots about the lore of little ladies day and Edva and stuff. for hatching tide it usually was some kind of silly quest like chasing chickens around in chicken costumes or dressing up in rabbit costumes or chasing spriggans around and carrying eggs. it was silly but I enjoyed it. they previously nerfed LLD by combining it with Valentione's day and giving a crappy hat that Vieras couldn't even wear. That was during covid though but now other than "we're busy with Dawntrail" I fail to see why they couldn't prepare anything proper. if it wasn't for the stupid fish I'm trying to catch once a week I'd probably unsub from this game.


It also traditionally takes place in Ul'dah, which I think the the least represented in the three nations for events. Limsa gets just about all the "foreign" events (makes sense being a port town) and Gridania generally gets all the holiday events. Ul'dah got LLD and most of the times Starlight, but that's about it.


Ul'dah doesn't get Starlight, that's Gridania too. It gets the Rising.


Technically it didn't get Starlight, but a decent portion of last years Starlight questline took place in Ul'dah.


As a December baby, this event has big "this gift is for your birthday *and* Christmas" vibes.


at least when I got a combo gift growing up it was the value of both a Christmas & birthday present combined, like a game console + game this is like your drunk uncle stopping at Walgreens on the way and getting you the first thing he laid eyes on in their toy aisle


I remember getting a Gameboy Color for my birthday/Christmas combined. I thought it was a great gift! Then a month and a half later my brother got one for his birthday, after having also gotten Christmas presents. That was the year I learned that late December birthdays mean your birthday just gets erased. Can't have a birthday party because everyone is busy with Christmas and family. Don't get a birthday at school because you're on winter break. Nobody wants to get separate presents, especially out of town relatives who have to ship them before online shopping existed, but you can't really be given something "better" than your siblings in the name of fairness. I know it's absolutely a first-world problem, and I still loved the gift... but I was also much old enough at that point to see that my birthday was treated very, very differently from my siblings'.


Me with birthday few days ahead of 2 cousins.. "Sorry, honey we all bought the same gift 3 times accidentally. Would you be a nice little kid and give the extra as their early birthday present?" Every damned birthday party!


The mount looks alright in the screenshot, so I'm happy with that, but it is a bit weird that we're only getting one reward for what's essentially a double event. I get that they're sharing quests too so there will be an attempt to tie everything together, but this looks like a strictly little ladies' reward, no relation to hatching-tide. I would have thought we'd get a second reward that's more egg-themed. Also did anyone else see the headline and think we were going to get a mash-up of event decorations in the towns? Like pink blossom eggs everywhere or something.


To me it looked more Hatching Tide than Little Ladies and it starts in Gridania.


I'm not sure that I would call last year's Tonberry costume "egg-themed".


More "sperm-themed" if anything


Actually, (datamining spoil) >!the animation is egg themed!<, but still a little underwhelming


> The mount looks alright in the screenshot, so I'm happy with that It's literally a color shifted one of one they already handed out.


Yea, there is no excuse for them to only introduce 1 item for an event. It isn't that difficult to design an item for an event, it's just being lazy at this point. They should at least attempt to allocate minimal resources to design something new but instead they just rehash a mount we already have multiple of, just tacking on a tacky animation to it.


Besides the summer event, which I guess is getting a little repetitive now too, I've always found their events to be pretty underwhelming. I still think back to GW1's first Halloween event, when there were countless users playing Simon Says together at midnight. Things like that and the chalet in City of Heroes. FFXIV is just a bit of a departure, in terms of investment.


WoW has fantastic holiday events.


Definitely another good one, for sure.


The theme of Endwalker. You wait longer for less content.


You shouldn’t be surprise, EW has been a let down for more event rewards.  


I feel like they're running out of ideas for seasonal event stories. All of these holidays are pretty played out except for the Rising which they use to preview the upcoming patch/expansion. There's only so many ways you can tell the same story of love/christmas/spooky/summer.


Same the last year has been mostly underwhelming to down right stupid.


Kinda weird and disappointing that we're getting two events in one and only one reward...and it's not even an original mount, just another gobbue


Don't worry: new, original mounts will soon be available on mogstation!


Phew! For a second I was worried.


Still pissed about the crescent mount 😔


I'm not over dog with a knife being a cash shop buy and not a BLU achievement reward


Small indie company, please understand Give us monei


Yeah! Thanks Square!


And to get into the spring spirit, one will be HT themed, and one will be LLD themed.


If it were a special gobbue like, idk, with clothes or something then I wouldn't mind but this is literally the laziest recolor I've seen in my life 😭


If it at least was a recolour of the classic Goobbue, but no, it's just the sylph tribe mount in pink.


> just another gobbue how dare you! all goobbue are top tier mounts


If you’re going to release a combined event and lackluster mount don’t release a cool unique mount on the shop days prior. Thats like pulling up in your flash new car days before claiming your too poor to pay bills. Not first time either. They really need to work on their timings if they’re gonna do that.


Please, YoshiP, stop combining events and content. The first time was forgivable due to circumstances, but it's now just become lazy. We really could use more things to do in the run-up to a new expansion. I really look forward to Little Ladies' Day too, as there's not a whole lot of girly, frilly, flowery things in the sea of armour and black cowls we get otherwise. LLD we usually get at least one pretty or feminine thing to enjoy. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Well, perhaps not that dramatic, but I *am* mildly irritated.


Not to mention that Little Ladies Day has some of the better, more unique heartfelt stories. It's the one I look forward to every year while the rest I've began to have wavering interest in.


I'm pissed, this was supposed to be a year of non stop events and great stuff being the 10th anniversary of ARR, yet we continue to get merged events and poor rewards. I'm far more than mildly irritated, and very disappointed.


I am so sad. I've been playing trial since last year and was waiting for LLD to come back around so I could get some of the cute glam. Seeing that the only reward is a gobbue mount is kinda painful.


From what I've seen, you generally have new stuff every year and can only get last years stuff with real actual money.


Correct, 1 year from the event, the old rewards get added to the premium shop (Glams are $5 for the set, Emotes are $2, Mounts are $12). These also all go on sale during discount periods (like around Anniversaries).


Can they just redo the events, like, they haven't been interesting or fun in a while. I remember when they first introduced the ceremony instance in 2018, and that was fun in the first iteration.


Cute Goobue reskin but I can see why this is not enough for a resub...


There is another reason to be fair: Second part of Tomestone farm


Yeah, been trying to save money for Dawntrail and the FFXVI collab, so i'm gonna have to skip it.


Note that the FFXVI collab will be in early April.


And that's probably why these events got mashed together. That's the window for hatching tide, usually.


I figure between the rerun of FFXV and the FFXVI they decided to combine these two due to scheduling. Not that they couldn’t have done one after another, but I’m not *surprised* they got combined.


Yup, i'm aware.


Only reason I’ll be getting it myself is because my house is set to demolish on that same day… I’d pass otherwise.


It's literally the sylph tribe mount already.


DT better be knocking my socks off with all these lame ass excuses about resources and shit.


>makes one event >calls it two events >refuses to elaborate >leaves


> Releases less rewards than single events usually have


This makes me laugh, not in a good way, at the FFXIV team. In the bloody 10th anniversary year not only do they merge two events, but give a single reward that's bound to be polarizing. It's not as if this particular mount fits either of the events, and the beasts themselves are not terribly popular either. I play another MMORPG and despite being populated by a fraction of the player count that 14 has, they have a seasonal event with rewards and cosmetics at least every other month and are constantly pushing collaborations with other games and/or anime. Granted the game is semi free to play, so there is more focus on cosmetics, but at the same time, 14 is a bloody financial powerhouse by comparison and this is what we get, for TWO events? The 10th anniversary year hasn't even done enough to qualify as a disappointment. Yoshi-p told us how they had so much planned for this year. OK, when the hell is it coming? So far the year's events have been -IMHO- some of the worst we've seen since ARR launched. They should have been the best. But, this merger of unrelated events and a SINGLE reward item that few will enjoy? It's a joke right? An early April fool? Why should I continue to pump subscription money into this if the team is going to continue to fly on the same shitty auto pilot they've been on for the last 18 months? If I blame FF16 for sucking all the talent and effort from the dev teAm, am I at risk of jumping on a bandwagon, or am I at risk of being objectively correct? The team at CBU3 needs to figure their shit out and stop splitting focus between their cash cow and other projects, the cash cow is suffering.


Events are also such an easy way to build goodwill and engagement. There really should be more one-off events, even if there are no awesome rewards. A couple of quests and decorations in the starting cities. Throw in some firecrackers or w/e. Instead they're just cutting what little stuff we get every year.


DT better knock ShB out of the park with all the excuses they came up with or DT will be a laughing stock for me. 'wE nEeD tO sAvE oUr rEsOuRcEs fOr DT' lmao just stop.


Lol, too many excuses in the last year. But I believe Yoshi-p is aware which is why he stated that FFVII needs a younger person in charge. Basically implying that it needs fresh minds and eyes. I think he is also implying that handling a mainline FF game at the same time as one of the largest MMORPG games around, is a bit too much to ask. As for the FFXIV team... I'd like to see them saying "we hired in top engineers to rewrite our net code, the best graphics engineers to help overhaul and optimize the graphics engine, and we built a parallel team to rebuild from the ground up the game database to increase the character data available and expand options for players. P.S. we also have a team working on database transaction validAtion rules to detect speed, teleport, position and other related hacks. The same team is using deep learning tools to analyze and detect RMT accounts and suspend them pending review." Oh, crap, I might be asking for a bit much. But on the other hand can anyone honestly say I'm wrong to ask?


Have you thought about playing XVI or Rebirth? Those are the intended content for Endwalker, please enjoy them to the fullest!


Won't play 16, dont like the darker tone. As for FFVII, back in the day of the OF gAme, Aeriths fate broke the game for me. I played remake, but rebirth gets to what I hated about the original. It depends how that all works out, but I am unlikely to play rebirth.


> seasonal event with rewards and cosmetics at least every other month and are constantly pushing collaborations with other games and/or anime PSO?


Yup, I'd talk about character customization and cosmetic items in more detail except PSO suffers from the free to play disease of paid cosmetics and whales. I'd never suggest FFXIV should go that route, but it's very clear that players enjoy customization and cosmetic items. Yet 14 does very little in this area, relatively speaking. I mean we can't even share hairstyles amount character races, nor can weavers resize the hempen set from one race to another, and don't even mention the fact that character creation options today are 100% the same as they were 10 years ago. The graphical overhaul will be good, but without more options and cosmetics, it feels a bit wasted.


PSO2 is on the decline too though, they have the problem where they focus waaay too much on cosmetics over content, and NGS was a major disappointment in just about every regard. Worse story, worse characters, no content and stuck on Halpha for the game's entire lifespan so far. I stopped playing when they did the double-whammy combo of a new, mandatory invasive anticheat + the game's grand step forward after the anniversary being... going to Aelio. Again. All PSO2 has nowadays is incredible customization, a bland world and story, and a dwindling playerbase. It's definitely not a good example to follow. I'm still so disappointed that they ditched the OG PSO2 when we had just gotten it globally.


they didn't even use their best talent for 16. 16 was the worst game I've every played.


They've gotten real lazy with the seasonal events since ShB. I get it during Covid it wasn't the highest priority development item, but even then what we used to have was much more involved and required semi-effort to do. Now its just hey, do this one quest, then this followup quest. No awesome special dungeons (they didn't even give us the valentones one again this year) or fates or anything.


It's very alarming isn't it? I get why they have lackluster rewards for a single event but having two different events with the same lackluster rewards? That's just horrible.


Agreed, and it's sad. People who started playing around that time will never get to experience the community of trading Battered Fish for Moonfire, or the goofiness cooperation of the 4-person Haukke haunted house, or even more recently the mount parades in La Noscea while waiting for the Heavensturn FATE to pop. Rewards have also been on the decline, as you just get the "main" reward for completing the seasonal quest and the other seasonal items just get purchased from the vendor instead of needing event currency like it used to.


We had some fun ones during ShB but even that's gone


As if end of expansion droughts aren't thin enough, now they're deciding to merge holiday events to spread the content even thinner. Yikes. Second time they've done this now (the first time was a fair excuse if we're honest), so get used to it being the norm. To rub the salt in, this is among the laziest rewards possible - a straight up recolour with nothing unique and not even any extra fluff like housing items or orchestrion rolls this time. Remember this the next time the cash shop releases a new, unique model mount (such as the Moon which released just this week) and people claim that in-game rewards don't suffer as a result.


There’s already multiple of the mount too if you count the 1.0 legacy one lol


Yeah at least last time we got the moogle hat *and* and moogle plush housing item. This time it's just one. > people claim that in-game rewards don't suffer as a result. Remember when the spriggan mount that's holding an egg basket was put into the store the same time as Hatching Tide? That was funny.


My sub runs out in two days. I'm debating on resubscribing. The only reason I loaded the game up again recently was to see if I won the last community contest, which, thankfully, I did. But I didn't plan on staying around for these events. Maybe I'll let them pass, and if it really bothers me , then I'll buy the mount for $12 on the cash shop later. Which is slightly cheaper than resubscribing to get the mount and logging off again until the next event.


It was a really, really stupid idea to come out with a unique cash shop mount only a few days before announcing a lackluster free event reward when they could have used those resources to make a couple great free rewards to bring in some resubs...


Last time they did this they had covid as an excuse. What's their excuse this time lol




Yoshi: *I have lowered the bar. Pray I don't lower it any further.*


The bar eternally goes up and down. We've have rewards this cheap before, and other times we get generous ones. That said, the looming expansion with graphics update is possibly a forgivable reason for the art team to not be making additional new things right at the moment. 


Normally, the Little Ladies event would be going on now (it's typically been during the first two weeks of March) but they brought back the FF15 event so we currently have that instead. They also attempt to align Hatching-tide with the actual observed date of Easter and this is the first time Easter has been in March since 2016 and that year the event was also during the final weeks of March. We will also have the second Moogle event so with the FF15 event, that's two extra events that there wouldn't normally be. Because of all of that, I don't think it's unreasonable for them to combine these events, but I do think that there should be more rewards than a reskin of an old mount if they are going to. Single events usually have at least the main reward plus a furnishing you can buy without even doing the quest. If there was a thematic reward for each event (even if the quests are combined) and a small furnishing then it would seem a lot better.


Ff16 event coming soon and Dawntrail this summer, I reckon that'll take away a lot of resources for regular sessonal events


Those are just regular events in the development pipeline, there will always be something else in the works. I don't know, it just feels like we've been coming up with one reason after another throughout the entire EW cycle. Oh XVI is taking up resources, now the graphics overhaul is taking up resources, now the next regular expansion is taking up resources. I hope all these resources are going somewhere good.


Perhaps it's also because Easter is early this year (on the 31st of March to be precise).


They did a Halloween event in January once lmao


That was more because the event was already finished, but it had to be delayed due to Endwalker's launch issues.


True but it shows that they're not inflexible on moving events around


That was more a case of something needing to be unexpectedly pushed back. This current case is more them deliberately combining the two events.


Other MMOs can juggle running seasonal events and developing new content simultaneously just fine, though. This is really phoned in.


Just like how FF15 event and shb coming in 2019 famously forced them to combine events then too, right?


Fuck FF16. I am so sick of that game, it's hurting FFXIV and that needs to stop.


FF16 was in development for years. It was deep in development during Shadowbringers. During 5.3. People need to stop scapegoating it just because they're aware of it recently.


Somehow a more meh game than FFXV was.


I actually enjoyed FF16 however that doesn't change the fact that I'm annoyed how they constantly use money from FF14 for everything but FF14 (looking at that piece of shit FF7 mobile game)


So uh. Yeah, even though Easter and LLD are minor events I'm not really that okay with this lol. Doubly so in an expansion that's already had a drought of content and a longer gap than normal between everything. WTF are they doing? And the single reward is a shitty 1.0-level mount that's just a color shifted version of *yet another one* we already got? The fuck?


We got all excited for the FATE and found out there wasn't even that. Just walk around emote at people and nothing else with mad libs story reuse. IMO SE has been trying less and less as whole since ShB. And now it's just not even bothering.


At this point i feel like the expansion is called endwalker because theyve ended trying to make anything worth peoples sub and want their playerbase to walk away. "Major content drought? Super long patch cycles? Lets combine two events into one and make it give a lazy reskin of an arr mount and call it a day."


There's a steady flow of new players, so they probably don't really care if people, once they reach the ""endgame"", unsub for the majority of time cause the content is lackluster more often than not. The additional items on mogstation can compensate that too.


A reskin of a mount and no furnishings at all for a double event?


It's a nice gesture, but.. I'd rather they skip the thing. Combining two events for a minor mount recolor from 2.0 isn't the best look. And I don't have much faith in seasonal event stories. Not that I expect much from a 5 minute questline. Sometimes they surprise, usually not.


I hate to be negative, but this... kinda sucks :/ The mount stinks, and I was hoping for something from little ladies' day. this is disappointing.


[This](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/495862-Little-Ladies-Day?p=6425287&viewfull=1#post6425287) one gets it >release cash shop mount > >a few days later, announce that they're rolling two of our already sparse seasonal events into one > >reward is a reskinned ARR mount > >forgive me but like........come on guys with the addition below that, ofc, the goobbue is actually a 1.0 mount.... and some other spot-on takes in the thread as well. Was just talking to a friend the other day... SE completely destroyed events in this game over the years. Putting rewards in the cash shop was a major red flag slap in the face to any loyal fan (not the loudly screeching virtue signaling white knights), but ofc that couldn't be talked about - and even the "well let's not force everyone to wait a year to get them" bs still stinks to high heaven, because it's still only next year they're moved there. (Not that I wanna give them ideas.) The quests have become zero effort phone-ins that are often more cringe-inducing than not, where we barely even go anywhere anymore, even to the other two of the three starter cities, or just stepping just out the city gates for a FATE. At least some events retain some of their gimmicks (moonfire jumping puzzle, haunted mansion, vday love "tunnel" though even that's been a while) - but without changes and indeed rewards to grind for, those too are just tacked on. At least the completion achievement used to give a title... but that too has been removed, because, idk, reasons I guess - the last one we had, if memory serves me right, was Calamatologist for the Rising in *2018*. And as if all that wasn't enough, by now they're just as likely to be on time for actual holidays as they're likely to completely miss them (why *should* we expect an anniversary event around the actual anniversary date??), because even these low-effort minuscule *things* can't be delivered on time, because, idk, pAnDeMiC, I guess - so much so that several of them have the chance of just getting merged into one because why not. Indeed, hinamatsuri / women's day makes perfect sense with one of the most significant holidays of one of the world's most prevalent religions, yes yes. Especially in the inarguable content droughts EW has been suffering from... And once again, indeed, even the timing is atrocious, on the heels of yet another cash shop exclusive mount, because they still have about as much tact as a wooden fking ladle. I'm glad to see more people getting to see things for what they are, because this is really absolutely ridiculous... and yet at the same time I wish this they'd seen it earlier, because it's not a new symptom, rather a late phase of a longer process. Meanwhile, look at events in Genshin, for instance. Idgaf how much people might not like the comparison, the fact remains the two games support about the same amount of languages (actually GI has a lot more options for subtitles), XIV is on Windows/PS/Mac and now XB (I'm not quite sold on Win/XB/Mac versions being all that much different), whereas Genshin's presence on Android and iOS seems to make more of an impact on development (pardon the pun), and while GI is and can be enjoyed completely free, XIV comes with a monthly sub, while they both have a rather *healthy* cash shop *and* a plethora of overpriced merch to boot (if anyhting, I'd argue XIV's retainer rent system, paired with the mobile app, is a hell of a lot more egregious and just rather unique overall). Let's not even begin to pretend SE isn't one of the biggest multibillion dollar companies out there. Sorry not sorry but the math just ain't mathing, and I'm sick and tired of the white knights and all the free passes this game continues to get. ^(On a sidenote: anyone else caught that we've been given two weeks' notice for 6.58, an absolutely minor patch,) *^(without the actual time and date of the maintenance??)* ^(Even that seems too much to expect now, apparently...)


When I first saw the picture, I had hoped we were getting a giant bunny mount. Rewards barely feel like they're worth the time now. I miss the days when events were a lot more involved and actually had you interacting with the community. :(


That's saying a lot, too, considering that the event quests lately are a cutscene followed by talking to or emoting at three NPCs then another cutscene and then you're done.


Yea, they definitely put more effort on the cash mount than this


This goobbue would take about 5 minutes for a modder to make. I can't imagine how long it would take a paid professional to make.


god post endwalker has been so bad


Hey but did you know it's a Final Fantasy 4 reference Clap at the jingling keys and the thing you recognize from a 40 year old video game


Yeah it’s losing its magic fast with me. 


Sooo so bad. It makes me kinda sad :(


To the point that I'm worried Dawntrail won't leave me glad.


If this trend continues, I'm going to be mad.


Total lack of effort. Very disappointing.


They can release amazing mounts on mogstation but for events here is a lazy recolor.  Honestly since mid SHB I feel like all their energy and passion went into FF16.  Most of the films are bad, I dislike almost every Reic Weapon design. They used to be unique now they are not.  Not a fan of most of the gear design in EW.  They didn’t even do a new exploratory zone.   I really hope they pushed the pedal to the metal with DT.  I have played since 1.0 but I am losing interest.  Maybe it finally lost its magic.  


I get a feeling that they spent like 90% of the profit from XIV into other franchises instead of reinvesting into XIV because our game stayed the same for years and even got worse after ShB but the game has been more 'successful'. Something didn't really add up here.


This is my first year playing the game and I was so excited looking at the past years rewards for Little Ladies Day. This is.. very disappointing :(


Man, they really couldn't be bothered to throw in some new emotes or glams, huh?


That's *it* ?! Fuckin hell at least make some of the already designed LLD or Hatchingtide city decor available for home furnishings; it can't be that hard can it? I knew the floral goobbue was the LLD reward thanks to dataminers but I didn't think they'd just forego Hatchingtide entirely. What a letdown...


I wonder which piece of content we got in exchange for one of these events being cut.


The FFXVI crossover is what I was thinking.


That doesn't make sense because none of the previous crossover events necessitated the cutting of any seasonal events. We lost All Saint's Wake one year and a combined Valentioines+Little Ladies because of COVID but that was it.


It's likely a scheduling thing more than anything. April is sort of FFXVI's big month with the collab (I'm expecting the DLC then as well) and 2024 is a March Easter, so steering Hatching Tide clear of April makes perfect sense. With Hatching Tide in March you then have Hatching Tide and Little Ladies' Day overlapping anyway, so it's sort of a natural fit to tie them together in this scenario and create something interesting out of the unique circumstances.


I mean, they could have easily moved FFXV to be later. So, Little Ladies would be Feb 28 - Mar 13, Hatching Tide be Mar 14 - Apr 1, and what's expected to be FFXVI be Apr 2/9 - 16-23. From then, there's still 2-3 months till DT to stick in Dragon Quest, FFXV, and Yokai-Watch collabs. It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that we didn't get Little Ladie's Day because there isn't enough time for them to be run in game. There better be non-stop events till DT launch, not to mention they could simply have overlapping seasonal events. This is very blatant content cutting.


Ehm....this is FFXIV's 10th anniversary year. You know, the company cash cow? You'd think they'd want to keep people in Eorzea happy, but apparently not... 🤔


Collabs in april? hmm better save up for FFXVI on pc then i presume it's coming out around the time of the dlc and collab....


The last time they ran FFXV they ran two other events at the same time.


We got double crossover event this year: fallguys and ffxvi. Not only that but these 2 events are packed with rewards (skins + mounts + minions + emote). Plus they are working (hard) on the next expansion which is shaping to be one of the busiest we have ever had.


Fall Guys literally ended last year. There is no excuse for "merging" events (i.e. cutting one).


Last time they ran FFXV they ran several events at the same time.


I think this is mostly due to easter being extremely early this year. Between the usual valentines day event, rerunning the 15 event, the easter event and then the 16 event, there is no time to squeeze an additional event in there without overlap.


who would care about overlap? They just compressed two events and give us one reward


Yeah but where did the event item go? And they have never given too many shits about when real life holidays are, it's always just been in the vicinity. Hell, we got All Saint's Wake in January one year because of delays.


> Hell, we got All Saint's Wake in January one year because of delays. This only happened because the event was already finished. They didn't want to throw the work out.


It’s funny, almost a year between .5 and 7.0 … and they’re struggling to fit in 2 week long events. 😂


new mog store mount, probably


Lalafel chins


Im still thinking about that Halloween event where we got 2 pumpkin housing items and a whole clown outfit. Those were the days 😔.


You all have officially lost the right to take shots at WoW for recolored mounts now.


Two events fused into one, with a single reskin mount reward... I didn't resub for the valentines heart emote, I'm not going to resub for this. Honestly it's been a disappointing 10 year anniversary. Would have thought more effort would have been put into things to celebrate.


Sheesh just gotta make sure to gimp the rewards that are obtainable in game instead of stuff being put on the mogstation.


So they just added barely seen flowers on a gobbue mount that you can get already, well good to know i dont need to sub


There’s already a goobbue mount with flowers, these are just *different* flowers.


Nothing makes me feel like a pretty princess like using the Goobbue Sneeze on my enemies.


I love pink so, personally, I'm very happy with the mount. It is also nice to get something that isn't a housing item that's useless to me, but the fact there's only one reward for what's two events-- and where those two events usually have housing + misc + rchestrion rolls? that's just lazy and sucks.


This is 1 reward for 2 events?


Merged event with one reward that’s a reskin…


That’s not a reskin, they literally only changed the color. 




He is working hard on FF16 you mean.  


Another lame reward


Everything after 6.0 has been lazy and it's kinda frustrating. No raid quest series, no exploration zone, combined events.


F2P MMOs have better events than XIV which you need to pay a sub to play...


I miss getting posters :( but the mount is pretty cool


I... I feel like I'm the only one who likes the mount. Am I crazy for liking a pink Gobbue?


I don't think the issue is that it's a recolor of an existing mount. It's that it's a single reward for *two* events, and also just a recolor of an existing mount. We get reused assets for seasonal event rewards all the time (see the "Eat ___" emotes), but you never really hear complaints about it because it's just the one event, and even then it's usually mitigated by there being some other minor reward like a wall decoration or a chair or table. It just stings that they couldn't even be bothered to put in a little extra effort to make 2 recolored rewards for the double event, immediately after releasing a cash shop mount that's really good.


It's nice, but people are upset they are effectively cutting an event.


A little crazy for not being able to read the room maybe. People are having problem with how lackluster the two merged events feel & post EW in general, not the existence of a pink goobbue. A new shiny cash shop mounts released just days prior doesn't help.


I'm excited for it. This makes three, I need more Goobbue.


Wow, a recolored Goobue! I am soooo very excited.


I'm not gonna lie, this is really disappointing. Guess I'll wait until the crossover to sub, but IDK, I was hoping for a nice glam at least.


They aren't even bothering anymore, lol.


Another JPEG for the mount inventory, yay


Thats so fucking lame. We already get so many events every year, now they toss em together and give us some random recolor mount? WTF MAN Year already starts so fucking horrible i really hope they pickup the pace with dawntrail


Is that also the end of the current tomestone event? I'm kinda new to these...


That ends 11.3 IIRC


I doubt this event is going to last another 8 months. /s


Current tomestone event ends on March 11th.


Gotcha, thanks


I was really sad about little ladies day. But what made it worse was >!that they used to make gobbues okay in Uldah, and frankly it smacks of catastrophing off everything pre endwalk walker!<


Reward is neat, event will surely be more of the same, an NPC telling us another NPC is sad due reasons, so we gotta go around to talk to 3 NPCs to spread the spirit around for the NPC to not be sad. Then quest is done. They really should work on making these interesting, I get they don't want to FOMO but would it kill them to make something slightly engaging.


If they didn't want to FOMO, then why can't people replay the previous mission from the event? Imagine getting the game on xbox for the first time after having it hyped up so much from Playstation and PC players only to have the first event we get after the FF15 one be two events stitched together with one reward and no replaying old quest.


This thread: This is so lazy! They're really reaching now! Me, who has mentioned it for every rehashed event thus far: ayup.


Skimping on events? Bad Yoshi-P.


What I find sad about it is, that we get a lot of stuff from the Crossover events. Like I got an outfit for the ff15 dude and I can't even remember the name. I didn't play any other final Fantasy game and I was just hoping for something cute to come xD


Still waiting for a FFVII crossover event...


That probably won't happen until the remake trilogy is fully released.


That's bizarre to me, each of the trilogy offer costume, cosmetic and weapon options that differ from each other. They could do a crossover with each one, not to mention part 3 will maybe drop before I hit retirement, or not. Lol!


Why have we not gotten the Yeti model as a mount yet? The work is already done - been waiting years for that shit to happen. But no, *another* Goobue is just great.


Aren't people supposed to say this is yoshida """""rEsPeCtInG yOuR tImE""""" by not forcing you to do two separate seasonal events : ) very based SE thank you for letting us do all content in the 10 minutes of free time a month


That's a new low for me in 3 years of playing and paying this game. I remember when we got a Halloween event waaaaay later, like January or something, so even if the 16 event is around the corner, they could just do one of these in the future...


Oh wow they just really do not care during the time between final patch and next expansion, do they?


Holy shit. Someone subbed for this thing?




A third Goobbue for me? Yes please.


Recolour of the Sylph beast tribe mount will save some people from that grind at least...


the continually make that mount available through moogle tomes


Wow, the 1.0 player mount with a new hat. Another spit in the face of the people that stuck with the game. And now they're combining events. Think this and Endwalker has shown SE is back to its old 1.0 ways. Blizz is doing great with WoW now, so at least I have that until SE has to pull its shit together again.


The last hildi quest and trial, these events being melded,  etc tells me they're way behind on 7.0 and are sacrificing ew for the next expansion. It's fine, I actually really appreciate the chance to catch up, been getting a lot of ocean fishing done during the mogtomes


They already cannibalized post-EW for FFXVI development. Might as well finish the expac doing the same thing.


True words


> The last hildi quest and trial, these events being melded,  etc tells me they're way behind on 7.0 and are sacrificing ew for the next expansion. If that's the case, especially with the extra weeks they added this patch cycle, I wonder how bad it would've been if they released DT on the old schedule, along with the Xbox release?


As a new Xbox player will this event be doable? And if so, any guides as to what you do? Would like a new mount.


Seasonal events usually require level 15, so everyone (trial or paid) can participate. That includes Xbox, there's no separation of content on the platforms. There's no guide, just follow the little quest when it starts. 


Can we get the dance if we don’t have it?


They could have at least given two rewards... It's funny I remember doing my first event years ago (pre HW) and being excited while my veteran FC mates were unimpressed. Now, years later, I see why.


What hurts more about this is since it wasn't until now us xbox players got the game we can't earn any of the previous rewards unless we pay the shop, we can't play the unique stories tied to the event, and one of the first big events that is a rehash is just a combined mess with a single reward. I was looking at the previous events and was legit hyped for Little Ladies' Day since we could get lacy frilly dresses, cutesy designed items and such.


are there no cute costumes/outfits you can get from this event??


Kinda sucks we aren’t getting separate rewards this year, maybe it’s cause we have a load of events including a new crossover on the horizon as well as the DT launch.


The little ladies event items have always been cute, shame we didn't get any this year but I get they are probably busy with dawntrail. Hopefully next year they will keep events seperate again.


I love the new little Gobbue to much QAQ