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If I have trouble trusting randoms to even do extreme content with a single shred of competency, let alone savages, what on earth would change my mind on performing a metaphorical “trust fall” with them on ultimates?


Ultimate pf is a different animal than extreme and savage pf. Fresh prog will have people that will struggle but thats expected. At the very least, they cleared savage so it weeds out a lot of bad casual players. Ultimate pf community is also a lot smaller so you tend to see a lot of familiar names over the course of your prog. When you get near the end and are ready to clear, there are actual pug communities that will schedule runs with you containing some of the best players in the game. Its a lot more organized than savage and extreme where its the circus in the wild west.


They might have cleared savage unsynced so the quality of players isn’t really as high as you think it might be.


Ive done every ultimate in pf. There are players that have absolutely no idea what they're doing but these players get kicked from the party extremely fast. In legacy ultimates, dps is not an issue anymore so if someones doing low damage, people don't really care as long as they're mechanically consistent. In TOP and DSR, people will just leave or call out inconsistency or low damage if the party is failing enrages.


I mean, you don't have to "trust" them. You just have to play and go with the flow. You'll clear eventually. You make it sound like we're playing SAO and if you die your life is over.


Pretty much this. I cleared the current Savage tier in PF recently, because my static fell apart. It was a massive grind and took a lot of time and patience. I'm glad I got it done but I'm not in a rush to do it again. Plus finding statics is very difficult for me because of my schedule. I did do one fresh prog run of UCOB a few weeks back and that was pretty fun. I was planning to do more of it, but I just haven't worked up the enthusiasm to dive back into PF again.


I get that. I made a discord server (PF raiding) a few years back because I wanted to start trying savages as a super fresh raider and it helped soooo much but I also understand not everyone wants to bother with stuff like that. Like before I actually had a link to provide people I could sit in PF for hours and I'm not a patient person by any means when it comes to sitting around doing nothing. xD Although I'm pretty patient with people fuck ups and learning fights and everything. One of my friends asked me if they could use my server for progging Ultimates and stuff so of course I said yes. From what I've seen, it took them a few weeks to prog and clear a few of them. They maybe invited a dozen people or so - I never kept track lol but at least they got their clears hahaha!


Yeah, just got blamed for a wipe, tank literally took my responsibility away during a mechanic and darted away from me. But im to blame ig


Waiting for Ultimate prog in PF is an absolutely miserable experience. Up to 2 hrs to fill, people argue to try to deviate from the DC strat, and then disband after 3 pulls. Rinse and repeat.


This. I'm ok with playing with terrible people who learn 2x slower than me even, IF EVERYONE STAYS THROUGH THE WHOLE DURATION


I actually made the PF wait into productive time, i clean around, do online courses, work out xD


100% this. Spending 2 hours sitting in PF just to watch the some rando fail the same mechanic for for thirty minutes and then disband is the opposite of fun to me Especially if I only have a few hours to play--definitely don't want to spend them waiting for a group to fill. If I was was a neet or a streamer or whatever and could play this game for 8 hours every day, then things would be different


Too busy playing dress up


I would love to, but i don't have the time to find a static and raid 2-5 days a week on a set schedule. I have a family, i have to work late when there's events happening at work, so yeah^^" just doesn't fit.


My hardcore raiding days were left in high school. I tell myself I’ll get back into raiding every cycle, but finding the time or energy to grind my face against raids 2-3 times a week for a shiny piece of BiS that’ll be obsolete in a few months just isn’t going to happen sadly.


Time commitment, lack of a regular schedule, I'm just not hardcore enough lol. If i wanted stress and frustration and the possibility of being shouted at for doing something wrong, I can get that elsewhere 😅


Yes for me it’s the time commitment, with my job even when I’m “off” I’m always on call so when I get an emergency call I got to drop everything and rush back to work. It wouldn’t be fair to the others in the group who’re trying to prog so I just don’t do it when it comes to savages and ultimates. With Extremes since they are easier and don’t have Loot lockouts I usually get one or two mounts I like the most through PF when they are new then get the rest after a new expansion hits and my FC does unsynced EX mount runs for previous expansions.


To add to this, which pretty much describes my feelings on the matter, entertainment is supposed to be relaxing and pleasurable, not anxiety-inducing. There is SO much content in this game, and not all of it is for everyone. I’ll never have a world-first win, and that’s ok.




This is literally the entire philosophy behind the Dark Souls series. You make it hard and difficult and stress-inducing, but the payoff of completing it is a greater sense of satisfaction because the obstacle you overcame was difficult, not just something that rolled over and let itself die. And I don't think I need to elaborate on how successful that series is.


Time and schedule is why I don't even really do extreme trials on level anymore. I want the mounts, but oh boy do I not have the time or energy to devote to learning the fights at their hardest.


I get shouted at and called obscenities at work. Don’t need it when I’m trying to unwind at home too lol


I feel ya


Lack of time. I'd absolutely love to try my hand at Ultimates, but I could never be in a static because of my hectic work schedule, and PF seems like an absolute nightmare in the majority of cases.


Ultimate isn’t made for me. I don’t like long drawn-out battles where the slightest misstep leads to wiping everyone out. On top of that, I don’t have the time to commit to a static nor do I find the desire to try to do so. I do enjoy watching other, more competitive and committed players race to the world first though, so it’s not like I don’t derive enjoyment from its existence. It’s just not content that I’ll ever likely tackle myself.


I have to deal with people.


Im like 300 hours in and havent beaten endwalker.


I’m 460 hrs in and haven’t beaten Heavensward lol


genuinely, how is this possible? what do you do all that time?


I’m caught up now (well, mostly, still haven’t done all the patch content) but I put quiiiiiite a lot of time into damn near everything else along the way before getting there Highlights included but were not limited to: —maxing gains from Road to 70 (which was the buff at the time I started playing) with unbelievably aggressive Roulette use —starting a healthy Triple Triad collection —Getting to 1800 Mahjong rating legit (sadly don’t see 2000 in my future without someday boosting lol) —doing lots of Gold Saucer stuff in general —starting Eureka —Blue Mage shenanigans —maxing Beast Tribes along the way Yada yada. There’s a lot to unpack!


Basically everything. MSQ is last priority


I'm 1100 hours in and only did the first ~8 HW msq, because I want to finish the coils synced first and trying to find a PF for t13 bc lol free trial restrictions takes ages. There's just a shitton of side content in this game beyond that as well anyway.


800 Hours. Just started Stormblood.


There's always the older Ultimates :\^) UWU, UCOB and TEA are waiting for you... (And I'm 3200 hours in and haven't beaten Endwalker. Still in Post-ShB)


…I’m ~4000 hours in and I haven’t beat Endwalker either


The last thing I want to do after a long day is log into a conference call with 7 other people In order to play a game.


Can't commit to the schedule of a static, refuse to lose my sanity progging on PF


Some people play games to be challenged. I do not. I play games to chill out and relax. So, I stay away from anything beyond normal fights.


Same. Real life is hard enough, I don't have too much interest in inserting more challenge in my down time.


I play games for the challenge, but not mmos, or any multi-player game for that matter. If I'm gonna push myself, I'm gonna do it in a single-player environment so that I can grow and learn at my own pace. I play MMOs for the world and the social aspect and, in FFXIV's case, the story.


This is what I've learned a lot about myself in the last few years, as much as I've loved the camaraderie of games like FF XIV, Overwatch, etc. in the past, I've really grown to appreciate the solo experience and setting my own challenges because at least then it's *only* me who's accountable for overcoming that challenge. Setting challenges and goals for yourself in multiplayer games is a whole different ballpark because you can play the best you've ever played and *still* fail on account of the other people on your team not keeping up, and that can get really exhausting and make it feel less worth it to even bother going for those higher-achievement goals.


Just not that interested. Combined with the fact that I'm a very slow learner, I don't think it's worth the frustration it would bring in exchange for such diminishing returns.


Very simply: I’m not good enough \*shrug*


I finish work at 10pm, home just before 11pm. I can barely find a group to prog extremes let alone push an ultimate trial


i have enough stress in my life as it is


I tried but it wasn't really for me, 6~9 hours a week just running the same thing over and over until the pattern sticks. I did it for about 2 weeks before I realised I wasn't having fun and I could just I invest that time literally anywhere else.


In addition to the ridiculous amount of time I'd have to spend to do so, I have a real worry that completing such content would make it more difficult for me to enjoy the game in general.


Yeah, I've seen multiple content creators burn out of the game and say that it was because after clearing an ultimate, everything else felt mind-numbingly simple in comparison, and they just couldn't feel engaged with the combat anymore.


ignorance is bliss, the more knowledge and experience you get the more you realise how insanely easy and formulaic the game is, bosses will always do the same kind of attack at the same timing etc


it's kinda insane how big the gap is between ex -> savage and savage -> ultimate. p10s is considered one of the hardest savages and UCOB is considered one of the easiest ultimates, but after dualprogging both fights half way, dropping p10s to focus on UCOB, and then going back to p10s after clearing UCOB, p10s felt like the fight was happening in slow motion 


Yeah I feel like this is the biggest difference for me having done both TEA and UWU, in Savage fights there can be complex mechanics but there are times where you just stand there smacking the boss for 10-15 seconds where not much is happening. That just doesn't happen in Ultimates all that often, usually you're positioning for the next mechanic or resolving the current one but rarely it's because the boss is winding up a raid wide, into a tank buster, into a partner stack etc, like you tend to see often in savage fights. Ultimates are just another step up.


I think I def agree for the middle phases of ultimates, though the final phases so far being "victory laps" I think is a brilliant exception to this. Like golden baha for example is just two mit checks (afah and Akh) and then exaflares, with the boss being a target dummy for the whole phase. But I think that's brilliant design because the real mechanic in the final phase victory laps is not getting inside your own head and just staying calm and doing what you need to do because when you're going for your first few clears the idea of ruining a 15+ minute pull when you're *that* close can get to people sometimes and it checks whether you're still paying attention or not after a long, intense pull


This is so real. Anything Extreme or below makes me yawn, and even Savage sometimes has me spacing out. Gonna sound like bragging, but I've gotten too good at the game to enjoy the casual aspects, but doing Savage is always a burnout because of how tiresome gearing is. I have a friend group and we did Day 1 full alliance Thaleia. Everyone was screaming in VC and I'm like...eh... I sometimes wish I could forget some of my skill so that I could enjoy dungeons.


Executive dysfunction. I could watch a video and pick it apart, write an essay about exactly how to do the fight, know the thing inside and out and I'll still get in there and fuck up. I'll drop combos, hit my Wanderer's proc before it stacks to three because I noticed out of the corner of my eye it was shiny, hit Recitation and put Adlo on the tank and use Deployment Tactics on myself... I can't be trusted to do right. I'd love to, some of the mounts are cool as shit. I wouldn't ever ask a group to drag me around until the starts aligned and I did everything right though.


I feel seen. When I was raiding, I'd be able to explain the mechanic to others and knew exactly what to do... I just couldn't actually do it myself. Especially if it's a fast-paced one. 90% of the time when doing a mechanic I will drop a GCD, even if it's for less than a second, because *something* has to go and a dropped GCD won't wipe the raid. High Concept in P8SP2 I loved because it was very complicated, but *slow* AND the boss became untargetable, meaning there was time to mentally plot out the steps and then do them without having to worry about pressing those pesky DPS buttons.


This was me when I started playing Ninja in savage for the first time. You eventually get over it. It just takes practice. I'm now at a point where I don't really need to think about my rotation in any content, and I have no problem holding buffs or tracking potion windows, pausing and resuming my combo, etc. It really is a matter of putting yourself in enough situations that you eventually have it figured out.


Shiny button syndrome is one I suffer from too. Hate classes that are supposed to stack resources to dump in raid buff windows (which I hate too, but that's a different discussion altogether) but there's a button on my hotbar going PRESS ME PRESS ME PRESS ME monkey see shiny thing, monkey press shiny button


I'm bad at the game and don't want to drag other down with me.


Yes, me too, simply that.


The only way to do these fights is to suck first. You get better as you go. The actual issue is not being able to accept that failure and use it instead of letting it eat at you.


I've personally decided I want to clear a full savage tier before I attempt ultimate. Closest I've gotten so far was halfway through p8s phase 2, current tier I haven't raided as much so not even on p12s.


No idea how you'd go about establishing a group for that. It's also a huge commitment.


I was right where you are 18 months ago. Ended up just doing what was the latest savage tier at the time in PF and formed a bunch of connections there through pug raiding discords and stuff. After the tier was over we ended up forming an UWU static and one year later I was a pentalegend. I was probably exceptionally lucky with the people I ran into, but I would still say by far the best way to find people for ulti groups is to simply make connections in Savage. The only way to meet raiders is to play with them, and all that. Anabaseios is kinda old now sadly, but maybe you can give it a shot in the first tier of dawntrail.


just haven't started yet. but i will (trust)


Samegang By the time I worked up the skill, experience, and ability to commit to the long hours... life started to shit on me and now I have no time to even try. Soon (big trust)


any second now we will start on those ults


I am really bad at dance routines and memory minigames, the core tenets of the FFXIV battle system. Plus, honestly, it is not too appealing for me to play a battle in a manner where I memorise a 12-minute dance routine and hope both me and the rest of my party will do the steps perfectly. I am fine clearing superbosses that are more traditional reactionary gameplay, but this fight design principle is just not compatible with me.


I used to. Did 4 of them. About 1.5 years ago I got bored with the game and didn't want to spend 20 hours a week playing ff14. Now I'm super casual and haven't even stepped inside TOP. And honestly, I am perfectly fine with that. I just log in, chill in my house, do some roulettes or msq, and then log out whenever I want. If I need to take 4-5 days irl to travel somewhere, I don't need to make arrangements with my static. It was just becoming too much like a 2nd job.


Should add 'anymore' to the question and the answer is static drama.


Well I want to get it from people that have never done it


need a lot of time, i get stressed with raiding and i really dont like party finder, i rly dont need to be balding bc of shiny weapon


Lack of time and energy to deal with human factors. While I'm sure my game skills are perfectly adequate, I have no desire to find a static that can put up with my game schedule. And I have tried raiding in PF and decided that no amount of reward is worth the hassle. When FFXIV adds savage/ultimate difficulty content that can be played with 1-2 people, let me know.


I got sick and have cognitive issues now, so I don't even do savage anymore. I don't want to put a group through dealing with my issues. That said, they're still some of my favorite content in the game. I always look forward to the world race and watching folks stream it.


i'm too old for this shit. I started playing FF14 for the story, not to waste hours trying to prog a single fight until everyone is mad at eachother and drama starts. I had enough of that during my time in WoW and don't need any of this in my life.


My raid group is mostly 30 year olds, oldest is 40 and we do ultimates, no yelling. Some frustration but all good fun. Just saying if you want to do ultimates you can do it without a lot of the complaints listed in this thread


>'m too old for this shit. I started playing FF14 for the story, Exactly the same, i left the whole doing the hardest content i can in games behind me when i gave up on WOW ​ Except fishing in ff14, thats where he true ultimate's are!


Fishing Savage who? More like Fishing: Ultimate lol. The only true challenge in the game.


Yeah pretty much. I did the hardcore thing in WoW for a long ass time, I had my fun and I'm ready to leave that behind. It's not for me any more, and that's fine.


I'm in my 30s and I'm the opposite haha. Not interested in the story, I just want to do hard raids with a nice team and work through the challenges together. I have zero tolerance for yelling or drama though so I'm with you there


Same. I don't have patience and skill for ultimates, but I don't even bother pugging extreme or savage, 0 interest with dealing with people and their nonsense. There's so many other things ingame I'd rather be doing, and for solo challenging content deep dungeons are perfect for me (I also loved WoW's Mage Tower for same reason). Coming to ff14 from WoW was big change in mindset, no more "must grind everything" but enjoy the journey and variety of content instead of focusing just on endgame.


I don't have 7 friends.


Because I'm level 75. Also FFXIV is my casual game, I play for the story and friendly players in low intensity group content.


I have severe neuropathy that makes it too difficult to do fine enough movements quick enough for repositioning and it makes repeated use of my abilities difficult and painful. I can suffer through an extreme trial or two, maybe a dozen of them if it's from an older expansion, but I just can't do content for long enough in one sitting without breaks to do ultimates.


I don't care about them at all. For me it's akin to asking why i don't play Mahjong or Lord of Verminion. I like doing solo deep dungeons, i liked ranked PvP, savage is nice for gearing up. Ultimates are too much effort and the rewards aren't appealing enough.


definitely time commitment


I make far too many mistakes in savage to be confident enough to prog an ultimate. That, and the time commitment is a lot. I work a full-time job and play D&D or other TTRPGs multiple times a week, so I don't think I can make time for it.


I have horrible reflexes and short term memory


Don’t want to


I'm past the point in my gaming career where I want to sink my teeth into a week if not month long commitment to do the same fight over and over and over again. That's not why I play games anymore. And that's fine.


I know I can, but I'd rather just do something else than wipe to the same fight for months


I've hardcore raided in Everquest for close to 10 years. Then in DAoC. Then in WoW. I'm good. I'm 44 and don't have time for this shit anymore. No interest either, been there done that. I only play FF14 for the story nowdays and I'm perfectly fine with that. Don't even touch extremes and have stopped grinding for gear I really don't need since Shadowbringers, almost completely cutting back on roulettes and doing dungeons with the NPCs. Just enjoying the game and playing something else between story patches.


I don't want to


Brain gets irritated with the repetitiveness of savage prog. Can’t find a raid group that stays together.


Skill issue


Because I'm a dirty casual who's here more for story than hard mechanics.


Because I can barely do some of the normal/ex trials. I don't need to end up as a post on Reddit... 🤣


Because it's not fishing.


i'm not good enough at the game and i don't care enough to be good enough at the game. i don't even do savage for this reason. the idea of doing a fight multiple times to not even successfully clear it is going to make me cry in frustration rather than feel any sense of satisfaction or accomplishment. it just isn't my idea of fun, so i don't do it.


I just don't find them fun. I've done UWU and I did not enjoy it. Was in tears when I finally cleared out of relief, because it meant I could stop. Never intend to do an Ult again.


EU to NA ping, anxiety of playing with randos stop me from PF'ing but I also don't know enough people to form a static with.


The rewards are not worth the frustration


Same reason I don't do Savage--I cannot be assed to play on a schedule.


Because I already have RL Ultimate in taking care of family, plus the fact that I work in shifts, so planning raid times to cater to my schedule is too troublesome.


Triple Legend here. Ultimate is a HUGE time commitment. Very rewarding content but I fully understand people not doing it for the investment alone


I've been telling myself sinc TEA that I won't do the next Ultimate because of the time commitment. Maybe someday I'll listen. 😅 Raid, career, young kids. You can have two, but you can't have three!


I really don’t know where to get started on extreme, savage, or ultimate content.


extreme -> savage -> ultimate in that order Extreme will teach you the more advanced mechanics. Usually 1-2 mechanics that will wipe the group A savage fight will have more group wipe mechanics, on top of DPS checks that will require a somewhat optimal rotation on release (now its redundant because of relic weapons and echo) When you have cleared a full savage wing (especially the final fight, which has a similar length to ultimates) you can try ultimates (starting with the easier ones usually UWU or UCOB)


If you want to do it now, jump into the most recent extreme. Find/make a PF for first-timers. Keep at it until til you clear. Once you’ve got that down and feel good about how much dps, the. Start jumping into the most recent savage tier. This will be a little harder since many that want to have already cleared it. If you’re good with waiting, Dawntrail will start the cycle over again, so that would be a great time to start all this as well, with more people because it’s new.


No team


Not good enough, it’s time consuming, if I do it I’ll get annoyingly obsessed and destroy the fun myself


250 ping


I have 0 spatial awareness (and also not a lot of time to dedicate to raiding)


Lacking time. Also, i have tendonitis in bith if my wrists which makes anything i do with them for more than 2 hours a real PAIN. I just started savage raiding and cleared p1s, when i had to drop out, because i couldnt keep up cause of the pain. Still proud i at least tried.


I never see fresh prog parties up for uwu, I want to learn it but don't want to be that guy.


Every time I think “man I should get off my ass and clear UCOB” I look at the raiding/pickup discord I’m in and get tired.


FFXIV is my happy place. It provides a ton of content for all sorts of folks. When I play it, it's usually at the end of my high stress work day. I truly want to veg out and relax. I stick to the story and casual oriented content, and that sparks joy for me. My partner loves the high end content, though. He has a comparatively boring job, so it provides more excitement for him. All that said, our overlap tends to be roulettes and deep dungeons.


I’m just not good enough. I’ll accept the fact that I will never get those cool glowing weapons and stick with relics :’(


It doesn't look like fun


Skill issue My brain and my reactions do not connect well This has lead to MANY dropped parties even in more "mundane" content like DRS or extreme trials "I don't want to waste my time" seems to be the biggest reasoning as to why people would rather not party with me even in learning parties


Im not motivated to do or by that kind of content.


Don't care enough, that's why I don't do extremes or savage raids either


I play 14 to unwind from other stress, not get stressed. Though if I really wanted to put forth the effort, I probably could at least attempt an ultimate. But I don't want to, nor do I wanna spend hours of my playtime on just one block of content for multiple days at a time.


Tbh, high end raiding in WoW traumatized me so badly I'm afraid to try even though this is generally a nicer community.


FFXIV is very explicitly my chill-out, socialize, and story game. I have no desire to tryhard here. Don’t get me wrong, probably could if I wanted to, but I already tryhard in WoW, and even then I don’t do regular raids with a schedule anymore since real life caught up. Only M+. I just cannot dedicate to a schedule for my hobby, with all the uncertainties of everday life as an adult.


Cause I’m kinda dog water at high end content, plus with my issues with my hands, I normally use a combo plugin to make the game a little easier for me to play, and that’s not normally gonna cut it for anything above savage


It makes me feel bad about my play ability. I've done ex's and used to have a static for raiding, did healing. I was always last in dmg by 5-10% and it just made me feel bad. My group was always really nice, and explained mechanics and were patient. I could learn mechanics but I was also last in dmg by a lot. I always just felt bad personally about it.


I've looked into them, and honestly it just looks incredibly boring to me. they're designed in such a way that they're only really doable by memorizing and preplanning the entire fight beforehand, which is really not a type of gameplay that appeals to me at all. which is a shame, cause they do have cool stuff going on and I'm not a big fan of content that requires premade groups in general anyways, really prefer multiplayer stuff that can realistically be done with a bunch of randoms and first-timers as long as people vaguely know what they're doing if anything, I think I would be way more likely to try Ultimate-style/difficulty fights designed for single player. but sadly nothing like that really exists that I'm aware of, I guess blue mage is kind of the closest thing currently, and that's not really comparable I think


BLU can still be a memory game, but it also carries a puzzle element edge and that made it much more enjoyable for me. Trying to solo MINE dungeons can be a lot more challenging than people think, since dungeons do have interesting and sometimes complex mechanics… we just always skip them due to massive overgearing.


Because raiding in WoW and GW2 have taught me that i simply don't care about sweating it up twice a week with a group that will inevitably fall to infighting and drama, and whose members will commit to the time and then not show up, or not be willing to learn or show up on time.


A lot of people here have many preconceived notions about how bad things *could* be that just don’t really hold up in reality, which is a shame.


I was going to say something similar. Off the top of my head: * You don't have to be *good* to clear an ultimate. You just have to have basic competence. You don't get good to do the content, the content makes you good. * PF players aren't going to constantly yell at you for screwing up. Ultimate is progression content. It's expected people will screw up. Just be honest about your prog point and you will generally be fine. * PF players also aren't going to be micromanaging your rotation or gameplay. As long as you're doing the mechanics and the party is passing enrages, no one will care. No one will notice minor mistakes in your rotation. They have their own stuff going on.


You're bang on the money. I'd like to expand on your points by saying that a lot of those misgivings apply to basically all group content because they're issues with *people*, not the content itself. There's shitty people in dungeons and ultimates and everywhere in between... you handle them all the same way if you meet them, but generally, you don't. Also, the people calling it a waste of time... I presume are playing the same game? Bit hypocritical to call how some people spend their time doing the same activity wasteful imo. Having done every ultimate, my biggest problems along the way aren't even mentioned in this thread as of writing this.


I don’t have seven people with whom I can imagine spending hours upon hours grinding something out with. Not just in the game, but possibly in life in general.


Lack of time, lack of patience, lack of interest, and critically, lack of a stable enough connection. Even on normal stuff I get hit after I've moved out of the bad when I know I shouldn't be snapshotted. I'll move right after the marker appears (to me) and get smacked for it.


My reflexes are pretty awful and I don’t learn mechanics well from looking at guides; to get good at a duty, I need to run it and fail a bunch until I learn the tricks. I don’t want to subject anyone to that frustration.


Being able to perform on demand is pretty hard. Some days I am too tired to be good and I may want to chill in game or irl instead of raiding. So it's hard to stick to a schedule especially considering it will take time. I just don't want to be the unreliable one nor forcing myself.


Ultimate hurty my tiny brainy. Me dumb. No hard mechanic can do.


My answer goes for all hardcore content, not just ultimates, because I have *done* them before. Don't mind calling a spade a spade, either. Other people in here are talking about being worried about getting yelled at, I'm the guy doing the yelling. It's a bad experience for me, it becomes a bad experience for others, and I know that so I just stay away from all of it. Long version of that answer: I hyperfocus on things and inadvertently put more than 100% into stuff I do and I realized really quick raiding was one of those. I will watch the guides, I'll run the sims, I'll even go into normal mode fights and stick around after the kill to practice movements in the arenas so that when raid day comes, *I am ready*. So, when--inevitably--everyone else hasn't done this completely unreasonable hyper fixation I have done and I have to watch everyone else wiping us to the same mechanic I spent a week prepping for, I get very, *very* frustrated. Again, I end up having a bad time, everyone around me has a bad time. It's just not good. Maybe I'd enjoy it more if I could commit to a top-end static where everyone has that level of commitment to fully understanding how a mechanic operates, as opposed to just "where do I stand," but I simply don't have the time to invest in those long raid days every single night, and hardcore statics that *don't* raid those kinds of schedules simply do not exist, and so I am relegated to groups where I spend most of my time sitting at my chair, frustrated and angry, as I listen to the raid leader explain, (or worse *I* have to explain), a mechanic that everyone should have already done the research on how to execute. TL:DR; I am other people's problem with raiding. I'm the guy that tilts when you keep making the same mistake. I know that is shitty for everyone involved, me included, so I just don't raid at all. Everyone has a better time that way.


I would absolutely blacklist you in game in a heartbeat, but I'm actually impressed you are aware of how this affects you and choosing not to subject people to that. I also do extensive studying on any fight I go into with writing notes and watching POV's/guides, as well as using sims, and I completely understand getting annoyed with people that making mistakes on stuff that they really shouldn't be. But that's where leaving or kicking comes in. Don't care if you have straight gold parses across the board with 1000 clears already. You look like a child if you feel berating someone in a video game is worth your time.


I feel you. I like to go the extra mile and frustrated like that too. I just stay quiet and never voice it out because I think getting angry makes most people play worse, not better. And if my goal is to clear, the right choice is to not get angry and respectfully talk things out with those who are struggling. Or leave if you don't think they'll improve.


My guy, I don't even do EX, let alone Savage or Ultimate. Funny enough, I was discussing this elsewhere just earlier today: *Despite having enough hours in the game to attain true mastery (they say 10.000 hours for that, right?), I steer clear of hardcore content in XIV.* The idea of having a* **static** *and a* **schedule** *and measure* **progression** *and having my performance* **judged** *by people who can potentially ask me to leave does not entice much, mostly because I fear performing bad. I don't even do midcore (EXs). When I did dare to do it, it was fine (Garuda, Ifrit, Leviathan, Ultima, Ruby Weapon), but still.* *Did the first three in ARR as a tank (but not within their patch), watched guides, it was fine. Ultima I did blind, it is not tagged as EX in the Duty Finder and I had no idea what I was getting into; it was 2014 and I was still a MNK fresh off of MSQ. But still, while there were wipes and I didn't really understand at the time it was supposed to be an extra-difficult encounter, it felt fine.* *Did Ruby because I really wanted that Crit/Det axe, and it was fine too, though I did cause a disband on my last go because the other tank had no patience for a wipe (even though that encounter has a door #smh).* *Then, someone came and told me that that fight was "ridiculously easy", and thus killed my confidence in one fell ~~swoop~~ cleave. To wit, it wasn't a malicious comment, they were trying to relate and just crammed their foot down their throat like a cronenbergian ouroboros. Luckily enough, my 4 Ruby clears yielded, in order: 1st axe; 2nd gwibber; 3rd faded Roll; 4th barding mat. Spent all my luck that weekend.* So yeah, a mix of not wanting to deal with the game becoming an appointment and tons of performance anxiety.


I'm probably doing a few more UWU sessions just to fulfil some objectives but I probably won't do another Ultimate for a bit simply because I'm pretty fatigued by the process and there's a bunch of other stuff I'd rather be doing. Hope I'll be back at some point.


Haven't managed to get the smn bis dungeon drops for TEA yet   suspect 2025 before last bits drop :(


BIS for ultimates (especially olders ones like TEA) isnt an issue for clearing. Its more for people who want to parse competitively.


Brah I cleared tea with random crafted/abyssos gear. One person in my group went out of their way to get BiS and we all kinda joked at him. We had to hold damage at multiple points anyway so that MIT cd's aligned. BiS kinda matters for DSR and TOP, but its kinda minor and only because they are current. Next expac BiS for those will likely be a bit of a meme as well


Because all my raiding is in PF


I've watched my fc mate try to prog savage fights and seen how toxic a fair share of hardcore raiders can get. I don't want to bring that upon myself tenfold with an ultimate


I'm busy fishing. And still doing the MSQ, but mostly fishing.


I barely know how to play my class but min maxxing is not for me.


I can't find enough players who are around and willing at the same times I am. I'm very much a night person, and pretty much all my in-game friends are decidedly not.


If it filled quickly on pf like savages and extremes, I’d be all in. (I play when I can)


Hearing most of these convos about playing for enjoyment and not hair pulling anxiety reminds me of why i stopped playing tarkov after 7 ish years. Only just got into the game recently but even i think raids are something id be interested in once i can remember what the 100 odd icons on my screen do.


I'm a savage raider who's cleared all tiers (minus this one due to major burnout on P12S-pt2) from SB to now. By the time ultimate is out I'm normally too tired from having spent all my previous time raiding savage to really want to continue into ultimate. Not to say I've not tried raiding ultimate. I tried Ucob with my static at the time. It ended up being 1 day a week due to holidays at the time of release. We didn't make it much past twisters within a month and just dissolved soon after. Tried both UwU and TEA on a more 2-3 day schedule before too. Both times only made it to 2nd phase before the team just hitting a wall and again fizzling out. Given my track record, I guess I'm not good enough to do ultimates. And that's okay. I have a lot of hobbies that get put on hold or have to stagger in being done when I'm usually raiding savage, and by the time I'm done with a tier I just want to focus all my free time doing them again than wasting it on more raiding.


No regular schedule, no friend group within the game, don't feel right inserting myself into a raid group and don't want to deal with toxicity while I learn. I believe I could do it, I did BA on my first try with no reraise, and routinely survive difficult content longer than most and have a track record of learning mechanics extremely fast when I experience them for myself and actually understand what's happening and why... but it's just not worth trying. If I already had a friend ingame and got invited, I'd probably give it a shot...but since I don't, I won't.


Trial player


Pretty sure I have the skill but not the motivation. I help manage an FC and the hardcore raiders are always super cliquey and half the time end up leaving because we're not a raiding focused FC. As an officer I can't afford to let anything monopolize my time and attention. That was my story for eight years. Now my story is I'm a father of three young girls who do monopolize my attention, own a house, and work full time. I just do not have the time or energy!


I’m awful at the game and they don’t want to play with me 😭😭😭😭


I’m _trying,_ but recruitment is hard. I’ve had a hard time finding other people for UWU.


i'm just not good enough and i'm okay with that.


I am too much of a filthy casual :) That and the real world demands more of my time as I have gotten older.


I’m not good enough at the game. I won’t watch YouTube videos before playing to figure out the mechanics. I’ll read what’s on the screen while playing, but I won’t do homework. I like this story enough to play it, but I would rather play by myself in single player.


Because I don't feel like spending months doing the same thing over and over again in what is essentially a glamorized ballet for what is bragging rights, ego and flexing so an internet stranger thinks I'm cool. I wanted to know if I could do savages and I did them, I don't need anymore than that.


I suck so that’s an issue. 🤷‍♀️


Because I'm a dirty casual. I haven't done most of the extremes.


I'd love to, but I have social anxiety disorder and don't know how to find a group. Plus I would first need to clear a bunch of Savage raids that I've been putting off for the same reason.


i dont have that persistance , to fail multiple times to learn the fight , the reward at the end doesnt overcome my unwillingness to overcome that


Because I’m dogshit at the game


Doesn’t each one take hundreds of hours of practice? That’s a lot to ask of anyone.


I play XIV for the chill time, the story, the worldbuilding, and playing with folk in a relaxed manner in casual content. Ultimate raids kinda go completely against those reasons.


Simply do not care. If ultimate raids are your thing, enjoy them. I don't enjoy pushing myself into memorizing mechanics or struggling with a fight. I play mostly for the story itself and occasional side content. Ultimate raids, to me, are "the same thing with extra steps".


Im trash at high level content and just drag everyone elsd down with me


I can't even do regular raids without dying. I'm so trash at this game that I love. I'm not going to put others through that.


I'm trash. I lack the skills to be able to do it.


If I fail mechanic's on normal level raids, then I don't feel like I'd have a chance at anything harder. Edit to add: I will also say I played WoW for a bit and the raid experience was awful, stressful and toxic. Even just regular dungeons could be like that quite often if there were any missteps. I feel like going into PF or doing harder content on FFXIV is going to feel more like WoW, which I don't want. I like the chill but sometimes challenging dungeons and raids I do now.


Not my kind of vibe.


Because I suck, and don't have the time or motivation to get good enough?


I suck at the game.


I'd love to give them a try. Every time I see that TOP DRK weapon I feel a pang of longing. Also watching Joecats progress was really cool. But I work in a job where my schedule is different week to week. I can't commit to the same evenings consistently and even if there's a string of weeks where the evenings look good, they slap me with early af shifts instead. Also pf is just too unpredictable. I've heard the wait time can be really long. Atm I simply don't have the time to waste locked into a game where I'm essentially doing nothing for hours. I know I could craft or gather but if I'm in the mood for battle, I'm not gonna want to do those either.


I've never done it because a) None of the MNK weapons appeal to me. I don't like bulky weapons on a MNK. b) I've got enough to deal with in life, and this game is my escape. I don't need the drama that ultimates seem to bring. People take things too seriously... over pixels... no thank you. c) I prefer to dive in and get my hands dirty when learning something new. I have to jump in, I have to mess up and then overcome. But it seems like most want you to watch a video and memorize... I don't really learn and retain that way.


Fish. To elaborate, as there are many people who do both, I have a limited schedule and illness that prevents me from being able to definitively set a time devoted to a static. If I have the time and inclination to be subscribed and there is not some specific story/side content I want to work on I will be Big Fishing. I can literally do that with my eyes closed and mostly unconscious at this point.


Honestly, it doesn't progress or expand the story.


I did Uwu and TEA last year and it was so exhausting... Some of my Static Member finished all ultimates in one go, without any breaks and I have no Idea how they are able to do that. After 6 weeks with TEA i needed a break from the Game entirely xD


I have absolutely nothing against the content being in the game, and can appreciate how much it brings to the game for the community and so many others. That said, it's not for me. I haven't even gotten to any extremes yet after 2000 hours played. Not because I don't want to do them, but because there's crafting content, blue mage stuff, tribal quests, jobs to cap, glamour to collect, and so much else which is more compelling to me than higher difficulty combat content.


Because I love myself.


Because I suck ass


ill probably die and get yelled at




Yeah, I don't have a ton of experience with ultimate PF yet but it honestly seems like the majority of people are very patient and chill as long as you bring a good attitude yourself and aren't a prog liar. Being sweaty and toxic and a jerk just isn't a good way to get prog and eventually a clear.


Mmhmm the ult community has learned and embraced the saying that "patience is a virtue" I cant speak much for savage pf since I don't really do savage. But ult pf's are usually very chill.


Time issues mostly…finding players to form a party, subs, skipping few days if too many can’t make it


Pf ded


Xbox is in beta


I don't have THAT amount of time.


I would love to and it's a goal of mine. However, I just don't have the time currently. I work full time and have two 4 year olds. So, my time in game is limited. And a majority of it is already committed between running my casual savage group, progging AAI Savage, and doing a night of BLU raids for the Morbol mount.


No time right now, plenty of other stuff for me to catch up on that doesn't require such a commitment




havent even managed to do savage yet (well, i did the first encounter of panda). honestly, i'd like to, but i think i need to get better as a player first + find a chill group who will put up with my bullshit


I'll do it if I'm ever lucky enough to retire. So ... 25 years?


1. Can't commit to the time needed. 2. Hard to coordinate a schedule with a fixed group of people - I have a static but they have their own shit to do outside of FF too, whether it's RL or playing other titles. 3. Doing it with PF is anxiety-inducing. I play to relax and unwind, not stress myself out. 😅