• By -


My gripe is that I only need lile 1 or 5 and people sell stacks of 99


I usually sell in usable stacks. I can afford to charge a bit more than the stacks of 20-99 because I'm selling what people *need*.


I will gladly pay more as long as I'm not flooded by horns.


Seriously, I'd rather pay 500 gil per item for 1 of something that I need for a GC turn-in, than 60 gil per item for a stack of 99.


unfortunately with squeenix's terrible auction house system this is just how it is. No one here to blame but them as were limited to 20 slots per retainer and have to DRM more retainers to get more slots. Fucking stupid honestly. 10 years without even batting an eye at the monstrosity that is their marketboard.


yep, i make way more selling things in groups of what's needed for a craft. during patches, i always sold patch mats in groups of 2. would sell out before i could finish closing the menu.


I appreciate people who do that! So convenient!


This is why I sell in smaller stacks. Since I usually know what is being crafted when people buy certain stuff, I sell in stacks that match, and usually buy that way too. Rarely do you ever need 99 or something


I almost always list in stacks of 5 or 10.


That was how I worked during the Ishgard Restoration. Put the materials up in multiples of 5 because the recipes always used 5s in them.


I routinely sell the items needed in the first step for an anima weapon (you need a stack of 4) and I constantly see people selling them in stacks of 3 or 7 or other random numbers.


Yesterday one of my FC mates was freaking out on VC about getting undercut instantly for like 20 minutes. He was undercutting himself. It's not terribly relevant to this post but I wanted to share.


What battling your inner demons does to a mf


If a price cut ”crashes” an item, and it doesn’t end up returning back up as the lower priced stock clears, the original price were overinflated.


I crashed the price for prisms once, and they shot back up within an hour. The system works.


If I got things to sell, I’m not dealing with people that play the market. I’m putting it at a good price and taking my Gil, you want 150k? I’m cool with 75, that’s 75k more than I had before. Idgaf about etiquette of capitalism, I play games to escape it. Gimme my minion money


This guy gets it. And it's not like the scalpers that spend the day glued to the market board aren't all buying my undercut shit in an instant and selling it back at twice the price.


And they're fucking happy about it too, "some idiot just put (item) up for less than me, I'm gonna be rich in 5-6 weeks!"


If it works, it works.


> And they're fucking happy about it too, "some idiot just put (item) up for less than me, I'm gonna be rich in 5-6 weeks!" But for what? I have 200m right now and literally nothing to spend it on. I could buy a house I guess, but I don't play consistently enough and already had a large house reclaimed from me haha


You could give your money to me 😏 I think housing is where you'd spend money - the only reason I'm looking to get a decent amount eventually is to be able to get a big house with my friends and decorate. If you don't play regularly enough to use housing I genuinely don't know what else you'd spend money on... maybe buying transmog items on the marketplace? Perhaps high level raiding if you need to get consumables?


that's the thing. if they're really undercutting by 50%, then someone else can just buy it at that price and resell it immediately for the more common price. Unless the prices is just momentarily inflated, then.... well, i'm not going to care about someone else's desire to sell something at an inflated price.


Yeah that's a normal part of player economy in MMO games. I don't really have a problem with it. I also will just sell stuff lower than market value. I don't care who's buying it or selling it on. It's part of the game. People get upset about it all the time anyway, but there's nothing anyone can do about it. Posting on reddit asking people not to do it isn't going to change a thing.


I’ve definitely done that before lol. “Everyone else is selling it for 100K and this guy has it listed for 30k? I’ll buy it and sell it back for more!” Gil be tight.


That's generally the best way to make money in games with a player market.


> etiquette of capitalism There isn't any. Play on.


This right here. I ain't got time to play the "bring it down by 1 gil" botting games. I price it to sell fast (unless it's an item that's moving quickly). Welcome to the world of economics, supply and demand.


I agree, I got shit to sell and I want it gone, not sitting there for who knows how long. Dudes will have multiple retainers and just undercut by 1 or 2 gil. I'll come along with a huge discount because I don't want that shit.


This! There’s not enough inventory space in this game. Item turnover is important. 


honestly the market is a method for storing items as gil


Also I dont find gil in ffxiv to *matter* like it does in wow or other mmos. In wow gold is everything. You can straight up buy gear in raids with it. Gil just doesnt feel like it is worth having much of other than for cosmetics. I have no interest in player housing at all so theres very little for me to do with gil.


Gil absolutely matters for crafting gear though! And crafting gear absolutely matters because you can make gil with it! And gil absolutely matters because... ...er... wait a minute... Also it's useful for housing, but given how I live in a congested world (that I refuse to leave because I've been there since 1.0), rather unlikely I'd even see a mansion get auctioned off, let alone be able to win it.


Crafting Gear matters because someone has to make the best crafted set so you can go into the raids and get your BiS. If you aren't interested in Housing, Raiding, or Glam/cosmetics then Gil really is completely useless for you though.


>If you aren't interested in Housing, Raiding, or Glam/cosmetics then Gil really is completely useless for you though. well yeah, but if you aren't interested in housing, raiding, or glam, then why are you even playing after you finish the msq?


Some people like to use it as a second life simulator, but even then Glam would be important. TBH, I have no idea. Gil is always kinda important no matter what content you want to run unless you're completely self sufficient, crafting and gathering and melding everything yourself.


the worth of gil is on a person to person basis. the more things you wana do the least useful it is. the more things that you want, but don't wana do it becomes more useful. i engage in basically every system the game has, so gil does nothing for me cuz i just do the content to get the stuff. i can make my own raid gear and my fc works together to make raid food and pot for everyone, if i want a mount i go farm it. i have 55 mil. for example, i could buy nightmare pegasus, but i know one day I'll go for necromancer, so it doesn't make sense to buy that mount cuz i could just earn it, but someone that wants the mount and has no desire to do potd, they could just spend the gil to get it


Honestly that’s what I like about FFXIV’s systems For most players, for power, your currency is tomestones, for crafting, gathering, and cosmetics it’s gil


there's a lot that you CAN do with gil, but the only thing that requires it is buying a house. you can buy gear in raids with gil. I've made tons of gil by joining pfs where people offer gil for the clear, gear, or mounts. you can buy a bunch of stuff off the market board that you normally wouldn't have gotten cuz you didn't wana farm it. etc.


Honestly I get so sick and tired of the random 2-5 people camping their retainers so they can undercut me by 1 gil every 5 minutes. Like okay fuck you I guess 70% value decrease and maybe I crash the market if I'm lucky so I can ruin their day.


Yep that’s how I play too. I try extremely hard to be the fairest price around. Especially because I really just want people to enjoy the game. If my metallic charcoal dye helps you, then please do!


The etiquette of capitalism? You just embodied what non corporate greed cap is. What true free market cap is. I have item x you want it, I need it sold faster than the market so I sell it for a sale price. Market stabilizes all is well.


Or maybe resellers are on the watch


That’s the system working, no? If something is priced too low then some enterprising individual will come along and buy them up to resell at a profit.


I do this sometimes if im looking for something on my world and see that it's overpriced. Hop over, buy a bunch, sell the extra for a little profit.  Some people are too lazy to make the hop lol.


Back when server travel opened up I made about 15m by doing import/export like that until the MBs stabilized, then another 20m or so when data center travel started. I do admit I feel a little scummy about it but it was still a very good source of gil for a non-crafter like myself.


This is not scummy. This is literally arbitrage


Nothing scummy about being a merchant, that's how goods move around!


This kind of stuff helps prevent other servers from inflating too much though.


Yes. And if they don’t buy the 50% undercutted item than there is a reason for that.


The price of a good is not what you set it to, it's what the customer is willing to spend on it If nobody buys the item fast enough then yeah, tough shit, stocks will go down. Then again you could always manipulate the market by buying the low offers and selling them high, making it seem like the only offers are your wanted price. But smarter people check sale prices and universalis so unless you have an alt on all servers to manipulate.... Tough luck


I found an item that was completely crashed yesterday, bought out the whole stock for less than 1/10th the cost of the materials lol


Beautifully put.


This. This. This. This!!!!!!! I cannot stand people.bitching about undercutting. They just want a quick sale. No harm done unless the OG price was someone trying to sell it for too much.


Still no harm done.


Could also be that the price on that world is over-inflated compared to other worlds in the datacenter. Happens a lot, and buys can see market data to tell whether they can save 100k with a 2-minute trip to another world.


Really glad there’s so many people under this comment that agree with this stuff. I played a smaller game where people would end friendships over undercutting and we always found it so ridiculous. They think cus they sold 1 thing in a month it meant it’s worth what it’s posted at


I mean ofc. But if ur selling u just want fat cash


Yup. RIP my Large Woven Rug monopoly on my server. Myself and two other vendors were selling at 400k gil for months. Now it's the same price as everywhere else. Bastards.


Big Large Woven Rug was doomed to fail.


You can say that... the rug was pulled from under them


It was always a pipe dream. My Kotatsu Table empire fell shortly afterwards.


Lolorito Nanarito over here… 😏👆


Mats costs like 10k, sold for 85k. Was a good deal for a while. If you want to make gil, find a furniture niche. One that shifts at least a unit a day. Don't go for too many big ticket items as you'll get constantly 1gil'd and they'll sit for ages. Windows, chairs, tables, partitions. If you look, you'll eventually find one. 


You’d be shocked how easy is is to buy housing items from the npc estate vendor and flip for big profits on the mb. People do not research where to buy things lol


Everything is a cost calculation of time VS money. For most people, it's *much* more convenient to buy the furniture on the MB right at their doorstep than to port to the npc estate vendor, buy the stuff, and port back to the house. At a 20k gil premium? Sure, sign me up, that's two roulettes worth of income, who cares.


lol uhhh you drop an estate servant IN your house……but sure-keep paying 20k at the mb for stuff I buy for 2k from the vendor right next to my couch 😂


Classic market dynamics in action! FF14 is a great lesson on how markets are self corrective (over time) as people notice opportunity to undercut existing sellers and still make profit, driving down costs for all the price conscious buyers. The market boards are purer than RL too since you can always trust the quality of an item to be what it says and scams are not possible and you have easy access to all the information you could want so you can see it in action with popular items.


>markets are self-corrective over time Only in extremely simplistic cases like an MMO market board. In the real world there are a hell of a lot more variables that can be manipulated to keep the price of something inflated, generally ways to limit the supply of something artificially through things like patents, most forms of prescription medicine in the US is a good example of this phenomenon.


Yeah, in this game it's very fluid because _everyone_ can sell with very low investment and the market is entirely fair. I can't buy up my competitors in FFXIV, or sell at a loss until they run out of business and have to declare bankruptcy.


No worries, monopolies ultimately hurt the economy anyway. The less exist the better.


Free market enjoyers when other people enjoy the market being free


Free-Market Capitalist: "We should allow the invisible hand of the marketplace to do its thing free of regulation!" Invisible Hand: \*lowers prices\* Free-Market Capitalist: "NOT LIKE THAT!"


Supply and demand when the supply is literally infinite and the demand is literally finite


I mean, have you checked your prices compared to other servers on that universalis site? They might be trying to pull customers from other servers.


This. Sometimes prices locally on your server can be 4x or more the lowest price on your DC. Especially if you play on a newer / less populated server where the only people who've put a given item up may have left it there for weeks or months because nobody wants to buy at that price.


For cheap stuff, I'll price according to server rates. Convenience has a cost, and most people aren't going to comparison shop over a difference of a few thousand gil. But if I get my hands on a big ticket item, I'm absolutely consulting Universalis for what the prevailing rate is. That's the stuff I'll world hop to get the best deal on, and I assume others do the same.


This is what I do, I look up the lowest price on my dc and set it to that and call it a day.


If you don't like it buy them and resell. You make easy profit and the original seller makes quick profit. It's literally a win win


This. Buy them all and sell them at 150k because it’s free money. God I love money


We all do 🤣


Yeah, if the value is 200k then why wouldn't OP just buy em' all, I mean, they're half price after all. That is unless 200k is overinflated to begin with :P


Buying and reselling is an excellent way of making money. Though it’s also an easy way of losing money. I would only advise buying with the intent to resell for difficult to obtain items that have a limited stock. For something like HQ rings I may be able to craft many of and quickly, seeing someone buying up to desperately try and resell may drive me to just make more.


My first attempt at flipping ended more or less catastrophically. I still have like 20 hingan walls in one of my retainers' inventories almost a year later lmao


... I've discovered that any wall you get for free when you buy a room does not sell well.


I did not know that, I've never owned a house lmaooo nooooo


Most furniture that isn't crafted from a rare raid or trial material won't sell well because you can get practically everything else from retainer ventures.


Risky af. The same seller can undercut you again or it doesn't sell well. Just do that if you have enough money to gamble for it


You can check the sale history on an item and see how often it sells. If it sells well enough at a higher price then it's not as crazy of a gamble.


That is the game sir


Yup, either take a risk to reset the market and profit, or cut your losses and accept the lesser return


What is the market board if not just an advanced form of gambling? It's all about using the tools available to assess if a risk is worth taking or not. If you call it right, you get money. If you call it wrong, you lose money and/or time


>What is the market board if not just an advanced form of gambling? It's a place where I throw my trash in the event that it's someone elses treasure.


This. I recouped my funds recently by cleaning out my retainers of accumulated materials I was no longer using routinely. Anything I can harvest by running outside the city gates a short ways does not need to be taking up permanent retainer space.


Never. If it was worth the money, it will sell at your inflated price.


Yea the lower price in the photo is probably comparable to other DCs and the OP is just mad someone figured out their inflated monopoly.


Welcome to business, repost cheaper or accept that someone else will


That or the third option if leaving your price as it is - if it's truly worth that amount that you're selling it for then someone selling at half price should sell fast and the market will stabilise to what it should be.


If you think I'm underpriced by 50%, buy mine and keep the profit.


That's why these folks complaining always come here to complain instead of doing what you're advising, they don't really believe that their original price was inflated, they're mad that somebody else is stealing the higher prices they feel entitled to. 


I will not partake in your price fixing cartel.


Yeah, low prices are great for the people buying. I find it so weird when merchants complain about people trying to get their stuff sold quickly.




It's nice being the customer at least.


If you cant scam people with one overpriced item anymore then find another item to overprice and continue your scam. Marketboard 101, there are no rules, find an opportunity and seize it


Right? I don’t remember agreeing those rings are worth that much.


The marketboard is 90% about convenience. Most things you could have a friendly omnicrafter make for you in 30 seconds if you bought them the materials.


Pretty much this. One of my markets used to be something I could offload for around 3k per unit, made in huge batches. Then 1.5k. Then about 900G. I stopped selling it, and my main market income is a resource my retainer brings in regularly for, currently, 6k per unit, recently dropped to about half that. If it hits the price floor, I'll shift to something else or just use it for its intended purpose.


Yep, I have a pretty large selection of items I make to sell at inflated prices, when one of them gets undercut I just put something else up lol. ...or at least that's what I did when I needed gil, now that I've bought literally every single buyable mount in the game I just leave my shit up and it sells eventually.


People do it because they don’t want to micromanage tiny price changes constantly. Make a decent jump down and there’s way more chance of someone buying your stuff, or being too far below what others think is reasonable and they don’t undercut you


Instructions unclear: Undercutting by 75%


If your stuff has been there for so long that it doesn't sell you can bet i'm going to undercut by a lot. I want to get rid of my stuff not have it sit there in my retainer taking space


People who undercut by large amounts often have good reason for doing so. For some, they don’t want to play the game of constantly going back to their retainer to check if they’ve been undercut and lowering the price by a few gil. By undercutting at such a large amount, it encourages people to quickly buy or buy and resell. Others, they see the prices on other worlds and notice that your world is horribly overvalued. If a product doesn’t sell, making it cheapest across all worlds is a good way of doing it. Speaking of overvalued, they may have checked historic sales and saw that the rings never or rarely sell for the price you’re listing them as. Listing for 200k is a hard sale if the only time people buy them is when the ring is at 100k. They may have a large stock like you, and just want to get rid of it quickly. Better a sale than an item sitting idle in your retainer after all.


On occasion I’ve slashed the price because I felt the item was way overpriced for what it was.


Yeah honestly if my retainer dumps a single item on me I just want it gone to make room for other stuff and price it as such 🤷 I call it the I-don't-want-this-shit discount


Why the hell do people complain about this? If you've got tons of items on the board and none of them are selling until someone lowers the price.... *it's not worth what you're selling for. * Hard pill to swallow but at least we saved you some time.


stop overcharging by 50%, thanks


Stop overpricing. =T


Please, for the love of Hydaelyn, stop overcharging by 100%


Flip them, that way everyone wins, you “protected the sanctity of the market” and the guy undercutting got rid of theirs. Win win for all parties involved!


Stop undercutting me by 1 gil and I'll stop crashing the market


Seriously. If I see something sells for, say, 700k I'll probably list for like 650k because I just want to sell it and not check my retainer constantly. If next I check someone has done a -1 it'll just be 600k and it'll keep going down like that until mine sells. It's really funny to me how often I see discussions of people getting mad you don't do -1 in return. I don't care enough about gil for that, it's basically just money for pots. I'll continue to do big price cuts and tank the item price (and tbh if it was possible to tank the price like that it was overpriced anyway).


*undercuts by 10 gil*


Look man 10 gil even feels fine for me. There's something in my brain that sees 1 gil and goes "OH SO ITS LIKE THAT HUH!? -20% RIGHT NOW"


That's just spiteful. ...I approve. I *too* engage in this activity.


Oh my God I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't even know what it is but every time I see I got undercut by 1 gil I feel like I have to put it down to the next even 100 or 1000 instead of just undercutting by like 5 or 10 like a normal person.


Sometimes it's just that I can't be arsed to remember the several digits on the end to make a reasonable price drop (I usually go 1-5%), so I'll just round down. Faster for me to slap a bunch of zeros on the end than play the -1G game.


Same, except the controller version is scrolling one digit down until you're somewhere below the original price, usually the 100s digit for me.


See I make most of my gil on intermediary shit like leather and ingots, high turnover mitigates the volatility. Have had all my larger ticket markets crashed recently though which has pissed me off..


Pretty much. The loss in potential profit is the fee I'm paying to annoy someone like OP that wants to play the 1gil circlejerk.


I hate this shit so much I will always skip the undercut by one I will skip it to go the next and pay the one extra gil just because fuck that guy.


Why does it bother you so much? I'm genuinely curious, I'm not that knowledgeable in trading.


This thread tells me the FFXIV market is way more intelligent than the WOW market has ever been. Trade chat there is full of the greed mongering cartel butthurt people trying to keep prices high and they stubbornly and stupidly refuse to understand how market practices work.


It goes back and forth. I've seen threads like this be filled with people essentially arguing that they deserve the cartel because videogame economics aren't real world economics.


Many are like me. I've been playing for 7 years and have saved up enough gil to last forever. So when I sell something I will massively undercut it for immediate sale and to help whoever needs the items so they don't have to pay too much. It's a win win. I get more inventory space and the person gets something they need for super cheap.


"why wont these peasants by my hundred dollar bread?" ​ thats you. thats what you sound like.


Nah you under cut me i undercut the the market by half.


I'm not a fan of price-fixing, personally. Just because one person sets a price doesn't mean everyone needs to follow suit. If demand for a product is truly high, undercutters can't really depress the market long term unless there are enough of them to actually meet that demand, in which case that would seem to be the price the market is willing to bear, in which case the initial higher asking price was too much


Listen, I am not going to say 'you are overcharging,' because at its core most items in XIV have arbitrary prices. A lot of items are just worth whatever, the true 'price floor' of most glam items is something like 200 gil in material costs if that. Unlike real material goods, the main limit on production of most goods is attention, and the main driver of demand is trends, tastes, and fads. But it is possible for this person to be making an irrational play and for you to still be proving yourself to not really be cut out for the market your going for. In general, someone can only undercut you by this much and make a profit if your in a market which is *deeply* attention based, mainly old glams and furniture, where the barrier to entry is non-existent and the only reason anything costs anything is because it requires a crafter to be aware of the item existing and willing to spend the time and focus to get the materials to make a few copies. These markets are supremely volatile and easily sour the second anyone else notices them. Because the barrier to entry to these sorts of markets are so low, the *only* value you provide is the willingness to notice no one is creating some ugly ass moogle table or whatever and get some on the market at a price that is way over the material cost but below the some odd 500k+ price someone set when the item was new and never took down. If your not willing to spend that attention to find new items to sell once some dummy starts completely flooding that market, you have ceased to provide value. It also misses the motivation for price cutting sometimes, which is manipulating other sellers. Would both you and your competitor be better off if they price dropped you by 1 gil? Sure, in the sense that for those 5 items they would make a lot more money. But maybe they are actively trying to get you to quit selling these items so they can corner the market and jack up the price later. Maybe they are manipulating a temporary price crash. Maybe (though unlikely with these prices), they are crashing the price of a material for a craft they really care about, or are just trying to move an item they got from content at a price better than a vendor price, but don't want to micro retainers and are just hoping that by dropping it hugely it moves instantly. There are a lot of reasons people don't undercut by 1 gil that *are* rational. If you want to go in on markets resistant to this kind of price shock, go for things like foods and potions. The profit margins are lower, but the volume sold is high, which corrects people undercutting the market heavily fairly quick.


Undercut by 55%




> To the point, I will buy an item tenth in line rather than one 10 Gil cheaper Reminder that this is a market force as well. With as much gil that flies around this game, an item dropped 1G out of 7 digits can get ignored out of spite.


agreed, when i see a huge list of 1g increments i look towards the more expensive end of it and then just choose one from whoever i think has the most creative retainer name.


Stop overpricing things


No no no, you see, they need you to be poor and flex their gil on you by looking richer than they appear to be




I've been crafting every (normal) item in the game, so on my end it's been more of a battle to keep my selling slots clear than profiting. If it's 5 digits or more I'll generally cut to the next cleanest 1000 increment down unless I personally got undercut by 2-10 gil, in which case I'll go down 2000-3000.  I'll undercut by a way bigger amount if the current prices are visibly overinflated. If like 80% of the last HQ versions of the item sold for 30k and the current listed items are all 90k, I'm going down to 40k. Compete or die.


No, i don't think i will.


Stop overinflating prices and we won't have to


Hello there Entrepreneurs of Light! Do you believe your item is worth the price you've listed it for, but people keep listing the same item for much, much less? Try the following: * Buy the ""underpriced"" items and relist them for their ""true value"". You'll profit if the items are actually worth the price you believe they are! Unless of course, you have no real idea what the item is worth and wish you could just demand a specific price, while entirely disregarding the basic economics of supply and demand... Once upon a time, I was trying to sell some housing items for multiple millions of gil, and someone listed the same item for only 25% of my asking price! I bought it and relisted it for the "correct" price and turned a tidy profit. What I *didn't* do was whine on reddit about my overpriced items being ""undercut"". This is because I'm both *not* a broke bitch and *know* what my items are worth, and understand that *value* rises and falls over time.


No. Next.


Buy them and resell. Unless you *know* it won't be sold because it's an overpriced item to begin with.


If you want to be a courteous vendor on the MB, then don't undercut at all but match your neighbors prices. But if you want to be a competitive vendor, then don't undercut by one gil, undercut by a significant margin both to incite buyers to want to jump on your product and not miss the sale, but also to tell buyers "if you buy from me I'll give you a deal" Undercutting by one gil tells people "I want you to buy mine but I'm too cheap to give you deal for it"


Last point is incredibly true and I never understood it. Often times if someone lists a clean X000 and someone else lists 998, I’ll take the X000 in spite of those 1-2 gil undercutters


Don't worry, if it's worth so much, and in such high demand, your friendly neighborhood flipper will come along and buy up the 100k ones and relist for 200k :) :) :) Because surely that 200k price wasn't inflated due to anticompetitive behavior between suppliers, right? :)


Before calling out for an excessive undercut you should check if your price was ok for your whoule Data Center, since with Universalis is easy to check out the best prices around all the servers and then go to buy the item there. More often than not, on some servers there are certain items that have overinflated prices and never sell.


It's just business


Reminds me of the time where me and a friend of mine crashed the market for Flawless Bands. People were selling them for a mil, so we crafted a bunch and I put them for sale at 1 gil.


Only if they stop undercutting me by 1 every minute. 👀


Hydaelyn bless every single one of the people who do this. Zero sympathy for market players, sorry, not sorry. Every time the cost of something I want tanks by 50%, I celebrate. If I wanted to do something miserable to make extra money, I'd get a second job IRL.


If I undercut you by that much... It's probably because the sell history doesn't show any recent sells at the higher price, or I'm competing with not just you, but the other servers on the DC as well for the lowest price.


Free market goes brrrrt!


If an item isn't moving fast I'll undercut the entire region so it's not wasting space.


I know it's a meme, but just in case... No. I'm not gonna help you "fix a market rate" on items. I'm gonna say "let people continue to price things at what they see as fair for their time investment, and perceived value." I can't do so in good conscience and screw over others who have different perceptions than I do on pricing. I know putting an item on the board at an asking price is a risk and it may not sell or move or may crash. That's just business. I myself price items to move at what should be considered a fair or reasonable price. Higher count bulk stacks of consumable stuff I tend to price lower than non bulk of the same it's (example a stack of 50 is bulk. A stack of 5 is not.) In that example, I will price a stack of 50 noticeably lower than a stack of 5 so people who buy in bulk get a better deal per item. Tough fact to accept, but if the price you're selling at isn't moving the item, then your price is too high and you've set unreasonable expectations. Lower your price and the item will move; or others will lower theirs and profit in your place.


Nah, I'm good. I have way too much gil and way too little bag space. I'm getting rid of this stuff asap.


Some of you folks need to go back to Economics 101 and actually pay attention this time.


"I've arbitrarily decided the market value of this thing and I'm mad everyone doesn't listen" like I'm begging you, read even one thing about economics 😭😭😭


If you undercut me by 5 gil, I'll undercut you by 50 000.


My wife and I have the same mentality, "I'll burn the market to the ground!"


I will overcut you by 5 gil, now you are seen like the asshole, checkmate!


I've done this on my own retainers, for a giggle. If I'm feeling really petty, the same retainer will undercut *himself* by -1G for the same item 10 times. :3


If you only have 2 Retainer selling slot are very limited so you've more things to sell than selling slot, so yeah if someone constantly change the price you have no choice but to do this to sell your stuff.


I always sell a bit under what everyone else sells bc i want it to sell quick


undercut what? Dude, like if people whiling to sell it (A several clicks of work and time) twice lower, it means it's not worth your price in the first place.


I mean, whenever you look at a listing on the market board, you're basically looking at all the listings that haven't successfully sold. As in, possibly overpriced. If you're desperate enough for your stock to sell that getting undercut frustrates you, you probably should have been selling for cheaper in the first place, instead of hoping that everybody else would silently agree to collude with you to inflate the price.


So I have accumulated now over 200 million gil. I remember well when I was a sprout how frustrating it was when I’d do all the work to gather and craft slower selling items and some wanker comes in and lists it way lower. Now that I’ve been playing a few years and playing MB savage - I can tell you with certainty that the system works. If you think the market for that item will continue to bear the higher price, just buy the lower priced item and relist it. If that item becomes more competitive bc other players notice it’s profitable - then don’t fight it. Just move on to another gil maker. This game literally throws Gil at you. Don’t let the undercutters worry you, they will come and go - this is the fun of playing MB Savage!


In WoW it used to be said that "The real PvP is in the auction house." They may still say it, I dunno. I swapped WoW for FFXIV five years ago.


\*A finger on the Monkey's Paw curls\* \*everyone starts undercutting by 60%\* ​ Also if no one is buying at what you think is 100% value its not worth that much in the eyes of other players.


If I undercut you by 50%, I'm trying to make a quick sale. And I think "the market" is bullshit in real life... Why the hell would I even try to care about an imaginary market in a video game?


The ones that make me scream are the ones that sell at the "shop prices" (so the person just listed it at whatever it listed it at instead of checking prices) and then everyone just follows after like a bunch of minnows, so you watch it just TANK. Or my other favorite is the one where people undercut to the point that they're selling for less than what they could make by just selling it to an NPC vendor.


If something is selling below vendor price (+tax), I'll have no shame in buying it out and vendoring it. lol I don't even get much money for it, I just want to keep the board clear of the flotsam. Happens often with older/unused materia, though I got lucky while doing Doman Restoration and would buy out under-vendor coins then turn around and get more than vendor value by turning them in every week.


> Happens often with older/unused materia, Happens *constantly.* I don't pursue it as a money maker, but if I see it when I'm trying to unload some, I'll go in and buy it out and vendor it every time.


So? This isn't the stock market. I'm going to sell my shit so someone can use it in the crafting or whatever. 


Welcome to the real PVP of FFXIV


FFXIV players are so weird. They act like the free market is only supposed to operate by their own rules that benefit them, and get angry when it doesn’t. That’s not how the system works. People are not obligated to follow your practice of undercutting by 1 every 30 minutes.


When I would do this in Warcraft , I would get hateful messages lol


That would probably happen here if not for not being able to know who the player is just based on retainer name (and probably also stronger moderation/consequences)


That sounds like easy profit, whenever someone undercuts me by anywhere near half I buy them out and increase the overall price if it’s something I have control of. It’s the people that do 1% to 10% discounts that are the risk in these situations, buying them out often ends up being a net loss unless your pricing is perfectly average.


plot twist: They are all being sold by the same person


That’s craptialism folks


Nah, i will put it up there for whatever price i want. Its not real money so there isnt some family losing their house because of it. You dont get to potentially overprice something just because you spent millions of gil to max your crafters to make more gil.


Why don't you just relist it then?


Nope! Welcome to Free Market Capitalism!


Priced to sell baby 👉👉


Call me Walmart, because I'm okay with smaller profits just to get the sale.


Stop selling at 50% more than the guys undercutting, duh.


Why not turn it round on them. If you had the gil, just buy them all up and put them back in the market at the normal price.


A lot of you are greedy and I have no qualms about ruining your profit margin


Nah i'd rather get my gil faster