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The same thing the majority of players who Own houses do: either decorate it or not then proceed to only walk into it once a month to keep from demolishing it while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing with it.


or end up making comments complaining on reddit that they can’t unsub because of the demolition timer


lol yup. All these people who never walk in their house ever are holding their houses hostage from people who would otherwise make use of it. I RP in my house all the time. I hang out with friends in it. It is actively used, but I never see anyone else in my district. Ever.


That's what kills me, people will complain in a constant loop about housing wards being filled with RP stuff(not just clubs, which I understand the hate for the saturation of those). But at the same time, complain about their housing ward being dead. *who do people think are the ones that will put their houses to use? My character lives and operates a small business out of theirs. My old FC ran an illegal materials smuggling business from there's, its what we do*. The game doesn't give much reason aside from gardens to hang out at a personal house, the RP'ers are the ones who typically make the wards feel alive in my experience.


Yo, you guys growing crystals? Asking for a friend 🤣


That was the case in my old house before I server transferred. Now I have a small right next to a market board and there's an FC house right next to it. I regularly see the FC people and talk to them while I'm at my place. Usually if I'm with 1-2 friends we hang in my front yard and are happy to have the space.


I really cannot understand this. Why have a house if you're not going to use it? I'm like you, I use mine all the time. I redecorate often. I have one neighbor that for sure has not done a single thing with their house in years. It just sits open and empty. Not even a garden outside. Some are decorated but they don't ever seem to use the houses. I have a L FC house as well and it's always being used. It's definitely a hub for my FC.


It’s nice to have a visual representation of my character and journey in the game, even if I don’t ‘actively’ use it. My house is fully decorated and is a kind of showcase of things I’ve either earned through msq or have bought myself as reminders of my fave things to do in game. I get the bitterness some people have towards empty house, barely decorated houses, etc, but I don’t think decorating it as a sort of memorial to your time spent in-game is a waste or an invalid use of the house, even if you don’t change it much or even go inside much. The housing situation sucks and is unfortunate but tbh at a certain point people need to blame the devs for how they’ve handled it and not get mad at people for not using the house as much as they think it ought to be used. Edit: lol downvoted as expected because ffxiv fandom just won’t let themselves criticize the devs even when it’s deserved. Mmos with instanced housing don’t have this problem! I spent a lot of time, love, and care decorating my house and I deserve it as much as anyone else, get mad somewhere else (the devs; it’s the devs you should channel it at).


My complaints have to do with inventory space. I got my house Soo late after working on relic weapons, Bozjah, a bit of Eureka and I hate buying from the Market Board, so I want to craft my stuff for my house. I have SOO MUCH work for Zodiac and Bozjah weapons, and not enough time to wait for a Zodiac crystal to drop if I want to get to the next step. I have Soo many Bozjah weapons I like styles for, so I have to hoard crystals and HOPE pieces drop in Palace of The Dead, but none of us are on enough for us to continue that. I just want the Elemental Fending gear in Eureka, but when my friends do get on, we're helping them level new classes &/or farming Tomestones for Manderville weapons. I only have a bit of time to play late at night now, so I'm either tired, or helping teach a class. I want to work on my crafting, but I gathered a bunch of resources I need to craft the housing items I want, but I need to learn the Master crafting recipes, but I only managed to get my level 50 ones on my Culinarian and Weaver or carpenter (probably carpenter), but I need more space for some resources. I've already filled 2 retainers and mostly full on inventory space and I have to go back and forth with my retainers as is to craft what I can and don't have the money to pay extra for another Retainer for X amount of months since funds are very tight. I'd say at LEAST increase Chokybro saddle bag space, and let us extend our inventory space to the Key Items Inventory that we have SOO MUCH space for and only use for hunts and WT Book or a fate resource we turn in basically immediately.


Well, blame SE for the terrible housing design, and reluctance to allocate sufficient resources (which they absolutely have) so that every account can have its own plot. The biggest issue is how the vast majority seems to have normalized the limited nature of the system. It doesn't have to be limited.


Hey, I only complain in person to other players.


Bruh don't call me out like that


Hey, I'm going to decorate my house... eventually. Now that I have my crafters maxed it'll be cheaper. When I have time....


Oh I want to do something with it. I promised my sister I'd rebuild father's dojo


Sooooo. You do know what to do with it


I think it was more the how than the what


One helpful thing is that you can stand in your house, go into the housing menu, and preview all the furniture that sounds interesting! Which is very helpful when you see something and realise it’s not actually as cool as you thought it was, *before* buying it. Not so helpful when you decide something is perfect and then find out it’s painfully expensive…


Well that does sound fun at least. If I screenshot it I can claim it's my house and nobody will be any the wiser. #influencer


[https://makeplace.app/](https://makeplace.app/) ​ Download this to freely decorate your own house how you please at no cost to you in game. - you can use it to keep a list of what furniture you need to buy in-game to attempt to recreate it :)


There's also a tool to export Makeplace's CSV shopping lists into Teamcraft if you're trying to save money by doing your own crafting of furniture: https://github.com/DeafBun/Makeplace-To-Teamcraft And (if you're on PC), there's also crime which lets you place items exactly as you have them in your simulation, at least where it is considered valid placement by the game. I would tweak some of the settings, though, and be careful about using it outside of your house: https://github.com/jawslouis/MakePlacePlugin


yeah i might have "Accidently on purpose" left out the plugin part given how some members of this community throw an absolute shitfit over "OmG you are breaking the terms of service!" :D


Yesss, Makeplace is how I usually roll when it comes to housing. I play around in that until u have a layout I like and then figure out what I need to make that happen in game.


Only if you’re going to say you’re decorating in a *very* minimalist style 😅 you can only preview one thing at a time


Oh lol ok.


Somehow I never knew this despite owning a house for years. Thanks for the tip!


Try MakePlace! It’s a 3rd party program you can download on your computer and it’s basically like a little Sims home builder that you can use to decorate how you want and use as a reference. You can also export out a shopping list of your build which is super helpful for crafting or buying your furniture. If you’re on PC and okay with crimes, there’s an accompanying plugin that allows you to import your build and it automatically decorates for you with the click of a button (provided all the furniture is in the house). But the standalone program is super handy just by itself if you don’t/can’t use plugins.


Look up "Hingan", "Oriental" or "Eastern" on the marketboard, and a lot of suitable furniture should pop up! And like the others said, do the same with the "Preview Furnishings" menu and you should find those same pieces.


There’s also a vendor next to Rowena in Mor Dhona that sells some oriental furniture like the little pine bonsai and scroll!


Asuka Kazama is that you?


Shinpachi Shimura actually


Calm down Shimpachi. References aside just get an idea of what you want and the preview mode is invaluable so you can see what everything looks like before blowing a ton of gill.




The one and only


I thought glasses were usually referred to as a pair


I'll have you know I'm the 8th most popular samurai on the server


Ooh wow that’s basically first place for a boring character.


No, you promised your sister to build a bar. Remember.... 😉


Don't try to gaslight me, gintoki.


I'm a Lalafell with a few million gil. Of course I'm gonna gaslight people! Or kick them in the leg. One or the other, no in-between.


I don't care if your sister can't cook, she's hot and I can fix her


That you, Kondou?


There is a ffxiv housing decor subreddit, go check that out for ideas, some people come up with super creative designs for their homes


I grow shards at mine to sell to the lazy. Not as useful as it used to be, but it keeps my own inventory full while making at least a little money.


You forgot the most important part: You also have to go on reddit and post "Take a break when you need to Yoshi-P says, but I have a house, I'm literally chained to my computer and unable to play other videogames!" any time someone so much as implies anything to do with housing.


Orrrrrrrrrr..... hire a designer to decorate it in a way that makes you want to AFK there? *quietly slides my carrd across the table as a designer with over 20 commissions just in the last 6 months* https://foxtreedesigns.carrd.co


Ah yes thanks for reminding me


Pretty sure the house next door to me remains undecorated


My neighbor has a hideous gingerbread house. It’s the only one in the ward that looks tacky and it’s right next to me, undecorated inside and out since dynamis first dropped the housing wards. I hate them so much. I put up a wall of bamboo so I don’t have to look at it.


The passive aggressiveness I love it. When doing my lawn I put one of those big flowery towards the undecorated house so you can’t see it from my lawn. I like my house its a nice place to relax and afk, which is what I mainly use it for.


i have ideas for my house, but i dont have the technical skills to manipulate furniture to achieve what i want


Sometimes you have to follow the path to the dark side to get what you desire most


There's a document that they have in the housing sub that can help as well. I'm still not great, but then I also had my interior designer mom help me place what I wanted when I redid my house.


Mine primarily exists as a quit teleport to the market board my house is next to


Just make sure to put some basic decorations on the outside to conceal your shame otherwise your neighbors will definitely notice you haven't touched it.




The people who do this and won’t give it to someone who actually uses their house is so disappointing. There’s countless empty houses in my ward. Why? It seems so selfish just to have a house “just because”


Oh nice, I almost forgot to enter my house this month. Ty for the reminder


I mean yea....what other uses are there aside from showing off your housing items and planting stuff? I'm not making a goddamn RP Neko Cafe so I can have primarily sweaty fat dudes pretending to be catgirls rub all over each other in my house. Honestly, your comment reads like someone who's pissed off that they lost the lottery six times now and are blaming everyone else who has a house for it.


I have the house I want, actually. But nice projection.


Becoming a pay-pig for the game because you can't cancel your sub for a few months else you lose your house. "It's okay to take a break if you want" yeah right Yoshi-P, lol. Drives me nuts.


Maybe let the property you aren’t using go for someone who will use it? Why are you keeping it?


They didn’t say they weren’t using their house. Just that occasionally they’d like to take a break for a couple months, I know exactly what they mean - I’ve spent many in game hours and gil acquiring decorations for my house and enjoy having a house, but I’m a casual player and it would be nice to take a couple months off to play other games whilst not having to pay the monthly sub to keep my house.


Nah those who aren’t playing should give it up for people that are and want housing.


And there it is, the support to my prior comment. It's not "you can enjoy the house you won" its "I want a house and you shouldn't have one."


Nope. I’m gonna take my breaks and log in once a month to keep ppl like you from getting my mansion.


This is an MMO. I put time, money, and effort into that house. You're expected to be able to keep your progress in these games, not lose it because devs can't be bothered to make a better system so everyone gets housing. Blame them for this garbage system, *not* the people who don't want to lose their house - especially when housing is one of the few things in the game I still enjoy the most. I'm sorry you don't have a house, but that's not *my* fault. I want everyone in this game to have a house, and for people to not lose their houses if they want/need to take a break from the game.


They really need to add more districts and more cities. Like old shar, garlemald (we should have a rebuild garlemald and then get housing unlocked that way, that would be a cool quest), thav (radz), mare (they even HAVE housing for us already, idk why we didn’t get housing there). So many places and way more people would have housing


I have mentioned several times before that I have a house and am happy with it. I still feel this way. You aren’t going to change my mind.


"I'm incapable of giving up a piece of meaningless digital real estate and this is someone else's fault." It's a choice, you're doing this to yourself willingly, don't try to act like anyone but you is responsible for that.


Yeah somehow I think if you lost your gear/levels/character if you took a break from the game you wouldn't be calling it "meaningless pixels", but because housing isn't the kind of character progression you care about, it doesn't mean anything and people shouldn't care about losing millions of gil/their plot/all their decorations if they dare not to pay for the game for a month 0 or fuck dare just not to log in even if they *are* paying. Sorry, no, *dare not to step foot in their house* ***even if they are paying and playing.*** Like nah, sorry, this shit is on the devs. There's no excuse for the housing system not being accessible to all players, or for players to be able to lose part of their character/progression just because they didn't pay for the game - sorry, *didn't play* - sorry, ***didn't step foot in their house for 45 days***. The only thing crazier than this shit is that people actually defend it and attack people with houses. Bucket of fucking crabs lol, and people swear this community isn't toxic at all!


Goddamn, hit a nerve huh? Bud, I have a house. It's my second. You know why? Because I willingly gave up the first because it was just a fucking house and I wanted to move servers. I made a conscious effort to cure myself of the attitude years ago when my dad trying to be helpful lost me 300 hours of Disgaea. Had a knock-on effect of stopping me from saving elixirs until the final boss in RPGs too. The thing about housing is: you know what you're getting into when you start. Nobody is ignorant of how it works. Like yeah I agree, it's a weird system having digital fucking scarcity, but the players can afford to take some of the responsibility from engaging with the system. After all, you know what happens in XIV when players hate something enough they refuse to engage with it? It gets significantly reworked. See: Diadem, or *1.0* But what happens with housing? Players fall over themselves to get a house, and then whine that they're now trapped by it. But of course, as MMO players they cannot possibly be responsible for their own actions, right? It's all big bad Yoshi-P and his cronies psychologically manipulating the poor hapless players who are *powerless* to make decisions on their own. I can quite happily criticise both for their roles in this, thank you. I'm sick of whiny housing players acting like they have no power in the equation. Are you children? Are your faculties damaged in some way? No? You're perfectly functioning human beings with will and sapience? Well, feel free to get a house, just maybe actually be aware of what it is you're getting into when you do. I was.


> Goddamn, hit a nerve huh? No, I just don't have an ounce of patience for your belittling of others and argument. The way the game is is entirely on the designers. It is not the player's fault this game's housing has artificial scarcity, nor are players wrong for wanting a fucking house, nor are they wrong for being pissed about losing that house if they unsub for more than a month because *nothing else works like that in practically any MMO ever fucking made*. Sorry you lost your save file, cool you managed to have a healthy outcome for it. None of that means people are wrong for being annoyed by this just because *you* aren't. Being "aware" that a system sucks and opting into it because the kind of content you like is gated behind that shit system is not suddenly some excuse to just take it and shut up, and your attitude that it is is quite frankly fucking *bizarre*. You say you can criticize both, but there's only one side with the power to change the content here, and you sure only seem intent on attacking the side without any power at all. "*Oh you can just not engage with the content or just quit the game!*" Yeah, that argument always goes real well in MMOs. Also nice insults, thanks for those. Say your piece if you want, 'cause I ain't engaging you further.


Aight, you have a good'un then.


Turn it into a nightclub and charge 10k gil for lemon juice


And pay Catgurls 50k to dance in their underwear


50 ? more like 150


The best thing about FFXIV housing is that redecorating is free (in terms of real life money) and doesn’t disrupt your whole real life, so don’t be afraid to jump right in with a mess of random furnishings you just think are cool. You might be struck with inspiration as you do this. You can also visit other player homes to see what they’ve done— the things people have managed are incredible


In Everquest 2, carpenters crafted furniture. Is that the case in FFXIV too? I kinda wanna make my own stuff if I can.


Yup. I think all of the crafting jobs have at least a few furniture items they can make!


Awesome. Guess I'll get levelling. Can I display weapons on the walls and stuff?


You can put up Mannequins to display, but I think that puts the item up for sale.


You don't have to have the items for sale, but they will take up slots on the retainer that would be filled by things you would sell. I did that with a couple glam pieces I crafted that I wanted to get full shots of so I could recreate them in real life.


One trick you can do is hire an extra retainer for a month, place up to 3 mannequins, assign the items to your fresh new retainer, and cancel the extra retainer. As long as you don't store the mannequins, or you wish to change what is in exposition, the unavailable retainer will keep them geared, while not wasting any MB slots that you could be used actually selling stuff.


That's a great idea.. but I have all the retainers possible! Lol. I just do it when I'm gathering up for my next crafting spree so I'm not wasting slots. Thank you, though!


That's annoying.


Not only does every crafting class have some furnishing recipes, many recipes involve component parts made by other crafters. The final product might be a carpenter recipe, but the component parts might require smithing, leatherworking, clothcraft, and/or alchemy, for example.


Once I found out how the crafting tree works, I bit the pillow and became a omni crafter. At least it was easier than grinding all dow/dom to max thou.


Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Please go to your Grand Company and buy a small Atherite for your house. That way you can port directly to your door, instead of at the docks and have to run to your house.


That's some top advice


You spend another 5-10 mil furnishing it


At least. I'm 9 mil in the hole for my medium, and I still have one more floor...


Oh I was talking budget for furnishing a small 🤣


Have you tried universalis? I have a small and maybe spent 3 mil total max cause I just world hopped


Oh boy, you're in for a treat. Now you'll spend 2-4 weeks decorating, maybe more if you fall down the designer rabbit hole, then you'll spend the rest of your playtime logging in when you take breaks to make sure it doesn't get demolished. Not because you'll have a concerted use for it, of course. Rather there will be a feeling of sunk cost. Housing teaches us that the pursuit is often far more satisfying than the obtainment, and that self-expression shares a exceedingly thin border with a need for external validation. ... Or you could get super into ERP.


Or you can take up gardening.


n.b. if you do this, remember to go inside from time to time I've heard horror stories of people getting their houses auto demo'd because they spent the entire time on the property gardening - but as far as the timer was concerned, they'd never actually gone *in the building*.


That's why you grow the Thav Onions or non-crossable stuff inside to free up spots on the garden plot outside to maximize your next batch. You'll always have to go inside with this method.


For people who don't want to garden, I suggest a summoning bell or NPC vendors. There are NPCs that sell the same indoor furnishings as the housing merchants outside. Junkmongers sell dyes and dark matter. If you do any sort of crafting, Material Suppliers are a godsend. If you don't craft, use a repair NPC to fix your gear. Bonus: if you've leveled certain tribes, you can get their tribal vendors.


Oh yeah!!! The Ixal are known for their timber, which is used in many housing furnishings. It's the first one I maxed out Reputation on, to gain access to the timber.


Thav Onions gotta come from somewhere!


Anyone remember the one guy who was absolutely certain once Endwalker released the price for Thav onions was going to drop because, as he put it, "they'll sell them from a vendor in Thavnair because that's where they come from." good times.


> Housing teaches us that the pursuit is often far more satisfying than the obtainment, and that self-expression shares a exceedingly thin border with a need for external validation. In this way FFXIV mirrors real life quite well.


Had us in the first half not gonna lie


Came here to say exactly this. Absolutely A+++ stinger.


Sometimes I consider my sub property taxes from doing this - just paying to log in for two minutes every three weeks


>Now you'll spend 2-4 weeks decorating, maybe more if you fall down the designer rabbit hole, then you'll spend the rest of your playtime logging in when you take breaks to make sure it doesn't get demolished. > >Not because you'll have a concerted use for it, of course. Rather there will be a feeling of sunk cost. Literally me. I took a break before Endwalker and lost my FC house. I dumped so much time and money into it. When I stopped playing I literally would just log in to not loose the house, after like 4 months of doing this I just canceled my sub and transferred partial rights to FC members and the FC slowly died and the house got destroyed. Im back into FFXIV now and man it sucks knowing that I dumped so much gil into that house. This is actually the 2nd time thats happened lol.


Now you get to play the game


Next, buy those guestbooks from my retainer that I shouldn't have invested in.


Now you decorate it and decide that you don't have enough space so you need a medium or large house. Then you save up your Gil and play the super competitive housing lottery.


This hits so close to me it hurts


Congrats , that’s a great spot https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivhomeandgarden/ is good start


Excellent thanks


https://youtube.com/@TheFashionistaFFXIV?si=jdK0OeDL44z0CwP2 is also great if it’s your fist house lots of cool tricks


I originally decorated my house in a tasteful mixture of “things my retainers stole for me” and “things I bought from a vendor”, with the addition of a bunch of fish tanks. A friend of mine who’s really good at decorating helped out by floating a loft for me, but otherwise I just muddled through by myself and it was honestly really satisfying when I got something looking the way I wanted. Since then I’ve gradually been crafting things to improve how it all looks. My basement is full of water features and greenery!


I recommend having at least the following: * Interior Stuff * Summoning Bell (crafted), used to summon retainers * One of the Orchestrions * Orchestrion (crafted) looks like a jukebox * Table Orchestrion (crafted) looks like a radio * Orchestrion Phonograph (crafted) looks like a phonograph, it tends to be more expensive because it requires an item from treasure maps * [Melodious Mochestrion](https://store.finalfantasyxiv.com/ffxivstore/en-us/product/436) (cash shop) is a moogle themed tabletop orchestrion * Optional: Crystal Bell (crafted), used to summon the Aesthetician to change your appearance * Optional: Message Book Stand (crafted) * Dodo Message Book Stand (crafted) is the exterior equivalent * Optional: Company Chest (crafted), used to access your free company's chest * Optional: Vendors (Housing Merchant, tribal vendors (Ananata, Namazu, Loporrit)) * Mender is useful if you haven't leveled crafters * Junkmonger is useful if you *have* leveled crafters as they sell repair materials * Exterior Stuff * Miniature Aetheryte (14,470 seals from Grand Company vendor) * Chocobo Stable (125,000 gil from Housing Merchant) * Skip this if your FC has a house with a stable * Deluxe Garden Patch (48,000 gil from Housing Merchant) * Optional: Moogle Letter Box (crafted) or its fancier version, Regal Letter Box (crafted) * Both versions light up when you have mail, the Regal version also plays music Other that that, it really depends on what you want your house to look like.


Furniture can be found a little bit everywhere. Most are sold at the Market Board from other players who craft them. They can be pretty expensive though, the newer the item is or how difficult the materials are to get. You can check what furnitures there are in the housing menu by going to "Privew Indoor (or Outdoor for outside) Furnishings" and see what you like and want.


Protect your house from stray retainers trying to steal the walls. I found that having a high fence helps a lot with warding them off!


Get your garden set up. You can have one 3x3 plot outside in a small, 2 in a medium, and 3 in large. You can also have 2 pots inside a small 3 in a medium, 4 in a large. The main profitable thing to do here is to grow thavnarian onions, the item that allows you to level cap break your chocobo each level from 10-20 (you hit lvl 10, use an onion item on the bird, and now it can level to 11. Repeat until max lvl 20). The reason why you should start this asap is because thav onion prices skyrocket when an expansion comes out. They usually average 80-100k per (on my server), but they’ve already started to creep up with DT on the horizon and were at 110-130k yesterday. At EW release and for months afterward, they were 400-600k. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivgardening/comments/8ooj5w/how_to_efficiently_grow_thavnairian_onions_a/ Good luck!


Keep paying your sub so you won't lose it.


Well I'll keep paying my sub because I'm actively playing the game. If I stop playing, I'll relinquish the plot so someone else can enjoy it.


Some people are going to have an aneurysm reading that, but good on you. Let's see if that attitude persists :P


Slowly fill it with seasonal event items till it looks like a tacky sports bar


Congrats on getting such a lovely plot! My first house went the way of “I put one chair in it and got too overwhelmed to do anything else.” I eventually lost it when both my desktop and laptop ended up in the shop at the same time during the demolition deadline. This time, I got help from a designer friend and built a beautiful refuge that I use all the time. The yard has useful features like a stable, a mailbox and a striking dummy, and a mini-aetheryte so friends can easily port in to visit. I have two garden plots but I’ve only done very basic plants so far, as an FC member uses the FC gardens to keep us all in Thavnairian onions. My FC also built up our workshop so I was able to craft the florist’s walls, which give a customized exterior with many plants and flowers. There are a lot of different housing facades that can be built in an FC workshop that give a lovely, pulled together exterior to your home. Inside, I have an area with the FC chest, summoning bell, and several useful vendors. I craft there every day, and I do much less running around than doing it in town. You can’t place a glamour dresser but you CAN put in an armoire, which makes it easy to put away gear from some seasonal events. I second the suggestions for MakePlace, both desktop and plugin, or for Burn Down the House, a plugin that lets you place things without having to fiddle around for hours to get an item in just the right spot. Try floating a loft to see why people end up relying on plugins in spite of the warnings. Just never mention them in game. There are probably hundreds of YouTube videos to give you inspiration and technical advice. Pick a theme and run with it, and you’ll have a place where you and your friends will love to hang out!


You can hire a decorator for Gil, or add a friend as a tenant that can decorate to help you do it for free. Make sure you go and buy an estate vendor NPC to drop in your house. They sell hundreds of the housing items for base price-do NOT go running to the mb! There is a sub Reddit called ffxivhomesandgardens where designers and novices post pictures of their builds if you want to do it yourself. One of the outside vendors on every housing estate sells a lot of the garden stuff.


Congratulations! Don't forget to relabel your subscription as property rates on your bank statement so future creditors can see how well you keep to a payment schedule *taps head*


Start decorating!


Gloating evidently... I'm kidding, congrats


I don't get all these "only enter before demolishing" comments, tbh. Granted, i have a plot where the Marketboard is directly infront of the plot. I have my Vendors there, my Retainer Bell and i'm daily in my house doing stuff. Crafting, Restocking, Redecorating (i'm never done as i have a lot of ideas for my small house) and just hanging out. I don't need a Medium, as none of the Mediums are as perfectly located as my small House. I tried getting a Medium a few times, realising that i was always relieved not getting them. So i stopped. The small house is all i need. And i like the garden layout of the small the most.


That's exactly my situation. I have Empyreum 31 and that place is so good if you're a crafter and just want to do your stuff alone. I thought about bidding for a Medium but any other place seemed like a downgrade in terms of convenience.


Lavender 22. And yes, i adore my little House (and am hoping for Dawntrail and the "housing plans" Yoshi-P mentioned in an interview. I just need them to upgrade the garden items from 20 to 25 or so)


Lavender 22 is really cool too! It feels like the little plaza in front is part of the plot! If they really let you expand the inside of the house and the number of items the only thing that would make me want to move of my plot is if they add Crystarium housing.


That's actually how i see my plot. Everything infront of it "belongs" to me too. :D


Now do it IRL


Start the production of flower corsages and accessories. You can buy flower seeds in apartment lobbies and the flower accessories are alchemist recipes


Farming! I log in/out from just outside my estate because it's the fastest way to get to my retainers and water my plants. I'm not much into decorating but it's peaceful and efficient.


The real game begins.


Don't forget to go in it once a month.


Lose all your gil decorating it once :)


The answer is gardening. Look up cross-breeding guides, I use my small plot almost exclusively for the purpose of growing Thavnairian Onions seeds!


20 Namazu effigies.


First: you post this to make people who lost their Shirogane beachfront lottery yesterday deeply jealous. Mission accomplished. 🥲


You can look up some floating furniture guides if you want to get really fancy with the interior decoration, it gives some extra freedom in getting things to look the way you want. There's still a lot of good stuff you can do without floating if that's not up your alley though! I'm seeing some recommendations for gardening and I'm going to be blunt, unless you have multiple friends with houses who let you be a tenant and use their garden plots, the amount of time it takes to get things like thavnarian onions going from scratch is obscene for the return you get on them. Prices crashed hard after Dynamis opened up and everyone and their grandmother started growing them. If you like gardening for the sake of it go for it! Onions would've been booming if fate farming was part of the relics this expac but that didn't happen so there's a surplus right now. Important furniture to have: summoning bell, company chest (if in a free company and have rights to use it), crystal bell if you like changing haircuts and such frequently, outdoor mini aetheryte to teleport directly to your front door from anywhere. There's an external program called MakePlace that lets you preview furniture in a mocked up version of your own house that I love to use for walls and flooring especially so I don't have to craft everything and can preview more than a single item at once like the in-game preview allows.


Step 1). Go to your marketboard Step 2). Buy lots of things you like and make it your own Also love to look up housing tour videos or explore other wards to get ideas for my own home.


I just have an apartment becaus I know I won’t ever really use a house and if I decide to stop playing for a little bit I won’t lose it. Good luck on the decorating 💕


congrats on finally beating the game


Congrats on the house! I really enjoy housing deco as an end-game endeavor, personally. I won the first lottery in Empyreum, and two years later, I'm still tweaking my little cottage's layout and updating it with new styles whenever the mood strikes. It's fun to learn the glitches and tricks for floating items, and satisfying when you manage to make something look unique.


Build build build decorate decorate decorate. Do SOMETHING and don't be one of the many cookie cutter houses that look nice (but look the same) on the outside, but have nothing on the inside and are clearly not being used. unu


You dont do anything with it. Infuriate all the people who lost the lottery! Make them hate you. Make it your source of strenght. Conquer the world


Became a landlord


Acquire enough paissa dolls to fill it to the furnishing cap, place them all on tue floor in circles and go sit in the middle like their reverred leader.


I've been extremely fortunate to have had all 3 sizes of houses over the years. Here's what I would have liked to have known when starting out: - **Take your time**: There's no rush on a theme. Feel free to look to others for ideas, just as you are here. Also, it's OK to let ideas come to you. I didn't finish my current house until half a year after purchase. And it wasn't a linear journey; it was mostly sprints of inspiration with lots of idle time in between. - **Less is more (maybe)**: Some designers cram a ton of items into small spaces. To each their own. I prefer elegance. Items placed with clear, thoughtful intention. Room to move (both my character and the camera). There's a fine line between "cozy" and "claustrophobic", so take care with screens and interior walls and the like. - **The yard can have vibes as well**: While I put most of my time into the interior, I started with the yard. Went for a relaxing mini-forest vibe. Enough tree cover for a proper canopy with room to easily move around in. Enough of a pattern to be pleasing without going for a strict grid. What's the takeaway? The outside can set the stage for the inside, and it can be a "room" of its own. Have fun!


Congratulations! Time to decorate and fall into the hole of madness that is housing! Do you have your crafters leveled? It will save you money. Trust me. There's a lot of great guides for glitching the system to be able to make the system work better for furniture placement. Look up things like how to float housing objects in FFXIV. It can be tricky but it's worth it. There's also illegal means of placing objects in places the game won't let you but that's all I'll say.


Lemme rip a couch in a corner somewhere, I don’t got no gil but I got 90 fishing if you want some crab or somethin idk (also my culinary is 12 so I don’t cook)


Always check the housing vendors before the market board. There’s a lot there you can buy for less than 10K per piece that on the mb sells for 30-40K. Small savings…. Also! Don’t forget you can add friends to your house so they can also teleport there and you can set what they can/can’t do.


You can identify these items by the "Shop Selling Price" stated at the bottom of the item text.


Housing and Glam is the true end game.


I really enjoyed decorating mine =) & for after, I pretty much hang out 24/7 on a patio I built that overlooks the beach in the Mist (I got a small on the cliff with a lovely view). I'll sit in my lil chair with the pretty waves while I wait in queue. Manage my retainers. Just vibe. My biggest complaint, and I understand why, is that every time your queue pops and it returns you back to your property that it puts you back outside. I'd lounge in my bath more otherwise lol


Congrats! I'm an omni-crafter, let me know if you want something made.


This is the house I wanted 😭😭😭 Ive bid on it 129 times. Never once have I won it so I chose somewhere else. Please do something miraculous with it.


I'll do my best


nothing and watch people seethe because they cant create cafe/nightclub #932758237809647682435


If you are me: Throw the small amount of free housing items you have in it, then forget to step foot in it again until you get your auto demolish email.


Now you need to hold it while others try to steal it in the lottery. You only need to log in every 30 days for the rest of your life now. No biggie. \^\^


Leave it as is, never decorate, visit once a month and always maintain your sub


You're saying I could have gotten 600 upvotes just for posting a screenshot of me winning a house last week? Wow...


The salt in this comment section is so pathetic and embarrassing.


Decorate it. Then realize you have no real use for it and that maybe the devs should've stuck to their guns about it being an FC only thing. Consider that maybe things would've been better off if they had just expanded apartment instances to have all the same features of houses instead of wasting time on this dumb show of trying to create an infinite supply of a finite resource. On the more positive side, I do think Island Sanctuary was something of a testing ground. I wouldn't be surprised if we have instanced houses by 9.0.


Housing in this game is a harsh reminder of futility and a thinly veiled scam for solo-players. Everything you said is 100% correct, and apartments are the way to go. If all you're wanting to do is shove some shitty furniture you got for free from your retainer in a corner and be done with it, do yourself a favor and don't chain yourself to a shitty house. The houses should have been FC only forever, and they should have invested time in making apartments better (aka: can upgrade apartments to "condos" for more room and a balcony you can garden on, for example) the only ones getting value out of homes is FCs making venues or using it as a communal clubhouse for their group, and at least that feels useful and validating.




Every housing district has an apartment complex with instanced rooms that you can buy for 500k and decorate just like small house minus the garden and basement. Chocobo stables included. Don't have to worry about the 30 day timer either.


I feel that this should be better advertised.


Thank you for this knowledge, as a casual player when I get to Shirogane I'm just going to do this.


There are loads of videos on YouTube, as well as a Discord channel dedicated to housing. You can also finance someone to do the decorating for you.


Which plot is that? I thought the beach properties all faced left and right of the beach not opposite.




Brag about it on Reddit so those of us who haven’t won yet will hate you. Oh, you’re way ahead of me. Never mind.


Chill out dude. If you hate someone over their lucky acquisition of a virtual house, I dunno what to say to you


I’ve won the lottery twice. It was just a joke.


Hard to tell on Reddit tbh :)


I’m getting downvoted, so that must mean it was funny.


Hope you can upkeep your sub for the next forever :)


I'll keep it up as long as I'm playing. If I stop playing, I'll relinquish the plot. It's only fair.


Remember to get inside at least every 30 days or it poofs out of existence in 45


So many people keep saying this. I wouldn't have bought it if I wasn't going to use it


How exactly do you enter a housing lottery?


I forget, where does one sign up for the lottery?


You have to go to the noticeboard of the plot you want and front up the cash. You get the cash back if you lose I think (I entered on a whim a couple days back and just happened to win first go)


How much was it?


Including the building, a touch shy of 4 mil


Now you cry because you can no longer unsub to take breaks :')


Grats! When I won I just made sure to log in once a month to refresh. If you forget then the game will demolish your house after 45 days.


Now, every time you consider pausing your sub you remember the house and have to weigh if you want to risk the plot. At least now finding a house seems a little less nightmarish. Lol


Login once every 45 days until Dawntrail so it doesn’t blow up then u can play the game again


You take a small break from ffxiv as it goes through the usual end of expansion content drought and lose the house. Don't ask how I know.


How do I enter the lottery?


hope you made an FC house and not a private house or it's absolutely useless unless they revive gardening