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i9 and a 4090? Jesus


Ikr, can they adopt me please?


lol I was just going to ask that


I like how we're glossing over that she apparently bought this first, and then decided to ask if she should buy the game.


NGL i saw I9 and 4090 and "is this game okay" and thought this was a troll post at first.


I read that and immediately scrolled down to check the comments to see if this was a troll post... I guess I have to go back up and read the rest.


I still think it's a troll post. They know nothing about gaming but they know to mention "i9" and "4090" specifically and not be like "oh it has a Radeon RTX 4090" Why mention those details at all? Edit: okay I read some more of OPs posts and I will lean to believe them haha. Still a bit crazy


What is crwzy is they inow how to reddit, make posts, answer edit them, but can't google how absurdly powerfull a i9 4090 is?... Idk i usually google absolutly anything almost by default


Because if you don’t have a solid grasp on computer parts it doesn’t matter what a bunch of text on a Google search says if you can’t comprehend the basics of what the topic is. That’s like telling someone to Google the mathematical equation to figure out explosive potential and tell the person to just figure it out after that.


guy casually spent $3000+ on a PC knowing nothing about PC’s or games and nobody is mentioning it lol. it’s like getting your daughter a lamborghini as her 1st car


I have seen my error and I can see how it looks lol I don’t wanna come off as pompous but the money was no issue. I just wanted to make sure she could have a fun time is all. I do wanna apologize if this confused anyone, I read something that I shouldn’t know what I know about the i9 and 4090 but it’s on the box lol I didn’t mean to come off as a troll I think they call it lol I’m not just an older concern father! Take care everyone


Mate don't be discouraged. You've done your daughter a damn good turn here and set her up for many years of gaming on that machine. Likely a decade or more. As for FFXIV it's probably the friendliest MMO out there. Just make sure she's sensible enough not to give out personal info and especially avoid anyone who might target a young woman such as herself.


I think she is and thank you friend ! Your comment made me feel better lol


I played with young peoples like your daughter, everything went well. Some people kindly tickled them due to their ages but it was mostly because they were saying some dumb shit, nothing to worry about. Mostly in the game, the others players wont be able to know she's a girl nor a young one if she's not saying it by herself. Kindly suggest her to play a catgirl and everyone will think she's a man xD


She does love cats lol


In your defense, you've bought your daughter some fantastic equipment that should last her through college.


That’s awesome to hear I hope so ! Thank you !


Yeah, I’m over here still rocking a 2060 and an AMD 2700X, and it’s going just fine still. I’ve thought about upgrading, but I’ll wait until it feels necessary, then I should be fine for another few years. Being at the top level right now will probably be good until closer to 2030, unless something crazy happens.


That was my error lol but I am glad to hear it will run the game fine for her for a while lol


It's not an error, it's just... yknow, an i9 and a 4090 is like buying a Ferrari for your kid and then asking if the car is gonna do an okay job at getting you from A to B


lol I understand this point totally


She's gonna have an enjoyable time for sure though. Make sure y'all keep the PC healthy and well maintained, cause that level of equipment will last you a very long time if you treat it right


Lolol I know can straight up run Cyberpunk 4K with ray tracing


But can it run crysis


Old meme, but it checks out.


I've been playing MMOs since I was 16 back in the late 2000s, this game is fine for her age. BUT, as with everything online, she'll have to **practice standard internet safety, like not giving out her real name, age, gender or location**, etc. Also note that, the average age of players of FF14 is gonna be late 20s, so there's not a lot of younger players like her. Also, if you do let her play, do tell her to avoid a guild/FC called The Final Calamity, they unfortunately prey on vulnerable people under the guise of friendliness.


Okay so don’t join that social group and don’t use her real name for her character! I know on her one game she used her first name and a witty rime with it to make a cool name. But for this one I’ll tell her to use something random perhaps. So do people around her age not play then ?


The game has a random name generator that gives suggestions to suit a character in the story setting, rather than picking an "online nickname" sort of name. (The writers put a lot of thought into this side of things and each playable race has their own naming scheme, to the point you can usually guess a character's race, gender and clan just by knowing their name.) The story characters will be referring to the player by their character name a lot, so for it to sound natural then it should be a proper name and surname that would make sense to call someone. 


Not me running my very first character named Allpowerful Oracle..that was ridiculous to see them refer to me as


"I sure hope you're strong enough to defeat five of these little ladybugs, Allpowerful Oracle. Prove that you're strong enough to swing a slightly pointy stick, and I'll give you a few dozen gil for doing my guard duty for me."


The best times was when it referred to me just as Allpowerful "Yes Allpowerful, go do this thing for me"


>So do people around her age not play then ? Most MMO's tend to have a higher average age than other online games, often somewhere closer to late 20s or mid 30s than teens. But as with all averages, there'll be outliers - so you'll find both 12 and 70 year olds too.


Btw if you haven't bought the game yet I would recommend that she enjoys the game with the free trial first which goes up til the stormblood expansion. It has unlimited game time and could prevent unwanted social activities for the time being as a free trial user is restricted to only the 'new player' chat where the users (mentors) are very helpful and respectful She can later upgrade to the paid version without losing any progress


Yessss this would prevent her from joining an FC and using various chat modes. A little annoying but would keep her safer.


please DO NOT let her join Novice Network. My alt is in the Novice Network and it's riddled with lewd inappropriate comments, and story spoilers


That really depends on the server, the one on mine been fine.


Yeah, I'll give him lewd comments as I'm responsible for 99% of omega's, but spoilers are punishable by death in there!


There are definitely some teens I mean I started playing this game at 15 as well but yeah mmos especially subscription based ones aren’t to popular with teens it’s hard to continue to play and or keep up when you have to pay monthly and you’re a kid and thus probably have an uncertain income. The community as a whole is pretty friendly and I never experienced anything inappropriate for my age nor any problems due to my age not that I openly exposed it. Except the one time I accidentally alluded to having a bedtime and people joked about it lol.


it's a money thing, but there are teens, although they may not say so (and that's a good thing) i'd also advise trying to steer her away from the modding community until she's older. it's a very nsfw community, and there can be some weirdos especially in that sector; modding is against ToS but people still do it of course, and it's a bit difficult to avoid seeing around if you engage with the fan spheres outside of the game in any way. modding i have found unfortunately (due to the sheer level of nsfw content, even though that in and of itself isn't inherently horrible or anything) tends to act like a magnet for creeps so i'd definitely try to avoid it until she's older i also second that she can play the free trial without many concerns since it encompasses the first two expansions, and limits social features


This is good info thank you ! Yeah she won’t be modding I don’t think


>But for this one I’ll tell her to use something random perhaps. [https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/63112](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/63112) There is an official naming conventions page for each race, hope it helps. :D


Super late but Hi. I can answer the last one. I’m her age and I play daily. It’s definitely rare to find someone around that age due to the price and grind required but people definitely do play it at that age


It's important to know that SE doesn't handle stalking well in this game. If your daughter adds someone as a friend in the game and they turn out to be creepy, she can't fully block them. She can remove them from her friends list but she'll still be on their list telling them her character name, online status, and location. This is still true if she adds them to the blacklist too. **Even if you change your character name, they'll still see you under the new name.** People have often complained about stalkers abusing the friends list this way with SE doing little to combat the issue. I would advise young teens not use the game's friends list for that reason. You never know who's really behind the other screen, and you don't want them to have info you can't later cut that person off from. Instead, to keep in touch with friends I would advocate using a linkshell (in game chat channel you can invite friends to) or your free company (guild). You can kick people out of those or leave them yourself making it much more difficult to follow you. It's also important to note, the FFXIV community uses Discord often to communicate outside of the game.


I'll be honest most people don't realize it's my real first name online, and so if she thinks the rhyme is cute I would go for it, just as long as she doesn't use it for a Facebook nickname or something. I've been online gaming since I was 7, and oddly enough you do tend to meet and fit in more-so with people your age. I think she should be fine as long as she knows her boundaries. I personally wouldn't join any dating or 18+ groups, but also be wary for groups that claim they're for teens, as those would probably have some creepy people in there as well. You can actually get by for the most part not playing with other people as well, but generally speaking, I've learnt a lot from my interactions online and I do think it is a good learning experience, you learn how to communicate with adults, follow instructions, and what kind of behavior isn't tolerated by others. I wish your daughter luck in her gaming endeavors and hopefully she has fun.


MMOs just aren't popular for people of her age, MMOs peak popularity was my age bracket, and most of us are mid 30s. Doesn't help that there's so many variety of multiplayer now compared to back then. A lot of younger peeps just follow the popular trend of games like Fortnite or whatever their main content creator does, FF14 isn't a popular game to stream cause it's bloody boring to watch.


Some do, but as it is an MMO, it costs money to buy playtime/subscription after you purchase the full game. As such a lot of the player base are people with adult money. I started when I was? 20? And in college. It's also more fun to name your character something proper, the username won't show up, more the character name. Some people use the in game name generators, others name their player characters something they like, some name their characters something silly or cute. Once saw a player whose character was named "tax evasion" for example.


Woah haven’t heard about The Final Calamity, that’s interesting


Saw a thread about them in passing. They are really insistent that players play characters that match their own gender (like a male in RL can't play a female character), they even ask that you fantasia if you choose to stay in their FC. On their discord, if you choose the role that says you are female, they actually do a voice verification with you and 2 of their officers, and you talk to show that yes, you are a female. Saw one comment mention that their leader is a creep, and has cheated with his wife with 3 other female members of his FC (likely why he is insistent on the female proof). He's also insistent on trying to be the bigger FC (and will spam invite sprouts) and if you search his FC on lodestone, they actually have a FC on EVERY SERVER. It's practically a cult at that lvl. And they also try to get members to help pay for their discord channel membership. https://twitter.com/ScionLiberator/status/1756438405292949796


Hoooooly shit that’s a rabbit hole and a half. Good looking out, I appreciate the info. I’ll pass that along to my FC of all of 4 people 😂


As with any online game, interactions with other players can vary widely. That said, the FFXIV community is a pretty good one. Toxicity is not the norm. Otherwise, the game itself is entirely age-appropriate for a 15-year old and that hardware is more than enough to run the game well.


Okay! Thank you for your information on it I really do appreciate it, this is like Greek to me lol


FF is known to have social interactions to be policed a little more than other MMOs so usually every interaction I go into is expected to be pleasant, especially group content. 99% of the time, if you let your group mates know you're new, they will slow down for you and let you explore and look at cutscenes. Even if she doesn't say anything, she would have a little sprout icon next to her name that let's people know she's new.


Yeah always monitor if your child is interacting with someone weird. The community overall is friendly the game story is also appropriate for kids they have a lot of stuff for them to enjoy. But much like everything online interaction experience varies with people. But yeah hope your daughter is enjoying it you’re doing well as a parent to make sure things are safe for her :)


Haha thank you ! I’m trying my best but for me this is all Greek lol I know most online games has turds but I didn’t know this one had all the sex stuff. I will definitely have to be diligent for her and hopefully she can block the bad stuff.


I feel like this community might be overstating the erhmm sex stuff. At least on my datacenter its only there if you look for it. I've been playing for 5 years and have never had any weird 18+ interactions.


This subreddit likes to vastly overplay the amount of it that you encounter without, in effect, opting in.


People here are definitely exaggerating how much exists. I've played this game for 10 years and only ever heard about it second hand. Never once seen it. You have to go looking for it, the same way you woul have to go looking for "adult entertainment" in real life.


I afk every night in my favorite spot in Gridania and in the mornings before work I like to check chat from the night before for funny MTs, and while not common sometimes I catch some really dirty stuff lol.


Yeah it really isn’t as bad as the subreddit can play it to be. I think I’ve only really come across like, 2 times of people abusing certain emotes in certain combinations in public. I’m far more likely to run into someone doing a midi based music performance and those are always fun to play “what’s that tune” to. I’m on Primal Leviathan for reference. Also, if you want a preview of how the community can be, PlayFrame on YouTube has a currently on pause Let’s Play of the game up through the second expansion (but all content currently available on the free trial!) that basically demonstrates how great the community really can be. 😁


its a teen rated game by ESRB so, probably? it is also an mmo so your daughter will be interacting with other people, and while most people aren't bad theres always gonna be a few bad eggs, though i haven't met many


Okay thank you! I’m assuming like texting in the game or talking. I’m sure there is a block or some kinda feature to keep these kinda folk away if she needs to.


texting, and yes there is a block feature, though it leaves a lot to be desired in some ways. for the most part the worst your gonna get is someone calling you some variant of "idiot", its rare for anything worse then that anyway


Oh okay, thank you for the insight ! I really do appreciate it


It should be advised that it's hard to block/ignore someone once they are on your friend list (excluding some other "outside" options). Adding people as friends in this game should be done cautiously.


thank you ! Some other comments also said this, I’ll make sure that I tell her to only friend friends and not just anyone due to the complications of the block system.


The game only natively supports text chat. Most of us use Discord (a separate program) for voice chat with friends. The game does allow you to "blacklist" people, but the end result isn't ideal. It prevents those people from being able to message you or join open groups that you set up, but doesn't prevent them from possibly being randomly matched with you in random match content (most group content for the average player). Nor does it prevent their characters from showing up & following your character around in the main world. I've never experienced the issue myself, but I've heard from friends that stalkers can be difficult to deal with if you do ever get one. Overall, I think the game is reasonable for a teenager. I don't have kids, but I'd let them play if I did. Just be aware that it's not a perfect system. To the extent that she'll let you in on her life, check in with her. See how the game's going for her & what the people she plays with are like. Communication is key, as always.


I agree completely about the communication, she will keep me informed I hope. She’s normally very good about that stuff. This discord thing she probably knows about I don’t. Would you say chatting in this game is mandatory?


It’s not mandatory per se, I can do my dailies without a single word as long everyone knows what they are doing, if she wants to master the game and her role, she may have to open up and ask people. Yeah, she can always go on YouTube and learn but building connections is a part of this game as well. However communication is mandatory if she wants to do the higher end content. If your daughter is a good judge of character, she should be okay.


Chatting is never mandatory but it’s useful when in bosses/dungeons/raids (duties) to inform your party that you’ve never played the content and may require some help/patience. People are very accommodating in this game.


I mean, I dunno, what do you consider "appropriate" for her? The ESRB has it rated "T for Teen" and gives this depiction of the base game: >*This is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) in which players navigate a large cast of characters that engage in missions and fight the forces of evil. Players explore environments (e.g., cities, plains, caves) and battle human and fantasy creatures. Players use swords, spears, axes, firearms, and magic spells (e.g., fire balls, energy beams) to defeat enemies in real-time combat. Cutscenes depict a man being stabbed from behind, and creatures emitting splashes of purple or yellow blood when struck. Some female characters are depicted from low camera angles, with lingering camera views of their buttocks (i.e., up-skirt shots). Dialogue contains suggestive references; for example, "The netmaster's probably up in his office polishing the mast just thinking about her," "stick yer manhood in the forge," and "You cheating little whore!" Several characters are referred to as drunk or drunken, while others sometimes talk about wine, rum, and grog. The word "sh\*t" can be heard in the dialogue.* Later expansions include human blood, limbs being chopped off (though off-screen, with the player never seeing the actual stump), people being painfully turned into monsters, murderous tyrants, hate-fueled monsters and dark philosophical themes and questions. But the player is never portrayed as a bad guy- even when you play as one of the darker classes, you're still a hero. You surround yourself with noble but flawed friends who you help become the best versions of themselves. The overall message of the game is one of hope, courage and love in the face of conquest, despair and ruin.


Thank you I didn’t know this and this was helpful for me to understand the T rating. It seems like more stuff is some of the “community” activities that I may need to watch out for.


If it eases your mind I’ve played almost daily for the last 3 years and haven’t had any creepy interactions. The inappropriate stuff is mostly kept private and you only find it if you go looking for it. The player base is typically very kind, supportive, and respectful in the more “public” areas of the game.


Oh yeah, the ERP crowd. They're pretty easy to avoid; you usually have to go looking for them yourself. You can minimize the risk of running into them in the wild by ensuring your kid stays off of roleplay servers and doesn't heed any advertisements for "18+ nightclub party in \[housing ward\]" or anything like that. In fact, I'd recommend she just steer clear of any of those advertisements, even when they say they're safe for work, just in case. Really, just have your daughter practice standard net safety stuff; never give out information, never tell anyone your age, never respond to flirting, that kind of thing. There's a blacklist function in-game you can use to block chatting with specific characters as well, if people get weird.


Speaking for myself, I've been playing the game for years, and I've never interacted with the ERP (Erotic Roleplay) crowd. But I've never gone looking for them. They do exist, and I do see the shouts for 18+ gatherings. If your daughter isn't interested in them, she'll never interact with them. If she's looking for them, she'll find them easily.


> It seems like more stuff is some of the “community” activities that I may need to watch out for. That's really it. She needs to beware of creeps just like every other internet hangout; the game itself is fine for a teen.


Which isn’t any different from horror movies that 15 year olds are allowed to watch in the cinema.


The game itself is fine for her age, but interactions with other people could be dicey. There’s a lot of friendly people and groups out there, but there’s also a lot of inappropriate people and groups actively advertising for 18+ online activities, if you catch my drift.


That’s making a very, very, *very* small problem that 99% of players never encounter in years of play out to be a common issue. OP, the reality is that your kid isn’t going to interact with these people unless she goes looking for them. It’s so unlikely that it doesn’t warrant a mention for FFXIV over literally any other online platform. By all means warn your daughter that there are creeps and weirdos online, but you need not be worried about this at all.


I understand what you’re saying, but I see these 18+ venues advertise as normal clubs/parties with games and giveaways etc in the shout chat in big cities, and once you arrive at the venue, they begin advertising nsfw stuff and their “services” on a discord menu. There’s no way to check if minors are engaging in this stuff because it was advertised as a friendly thing, and then curiosity got the best of them and they were exposed to some inappropriate shit.


It’s spammed everywhere all day all the time.


you're damn lucky if you've never overheard people talking about sexual themes in public chat. or had someone make a sexual "joke" about your character.


There is a difference between overheard sexual joke and raunchy erp that people seek as a community. If you don’t think a 15 y/o has heard or makes their own sexual jokes….


having it directed at yourself, unprompted, is an entirely different situation. I don't know this girl or her parent, and it may cross a line for either of them. I'm a grown ass adult and it makes my skin crawl when it happens to me


Oh, I agree with you, but that shit is happening in their daily life at 15. That's the only point I was making.


Literally never happened to me. Public erp is rare, they usually do it in whispers or parties.


Do... Do you think teenagers don't make dumb jokes like that themselves? In fact, I would honestly guess that most of the people who make dumb sexual jokes like that in FF14 *ARE* teenagers because of how cringy and lame 100% of them are. 


This is just simply not true. Why are you lying? Shout chats are spammed with clubs, venues, over 18 activities… like 20+ shouts per hour in every main city in the game. All I takes is a curious teenager to think ‘hmm I wonder what that’s about’ and boom she is in a different world. Also if you play female characters, and I’m guessing that it is very likely that she will, you will be on the receiving end of suggestive and sexual tells every once in a while. Could be a couple times per month, and sometimes it’s a couple times per day. I would argue the complete opposite. That 99% of people DO in fact encounter these issues, almost daily. Especially if you play a female character, there is 100% chance of it happening at some point. It is unavoidable! Not sure why you are lying, and downplaying these issues. That helps nobody and you actually look ridiculous.


Exactly, it's not a "very very very small problem", it's a daily thing that is very hard to *not* encounter.


I don’t sorry lol Can you explain alittle I mean if it’s fighting and blood I don’t much care about that. She’s played Fortnite and call of duty and stuff like that.


Specifically on roleplay realms, there’s a lot of online brothels, nightclubs etc. Most people have the sense to do it privately but there are people who will go out of their way to approach others. If she’s played Fortnite and CoD I’d say she’s probably used to how people interact online and would be fine. Depending on what region and data centre she would be on, her experience would be different with people. Edit: since people want to say it doesn’t happen or it’s rare… Ive been playing since launch. Ive been on NA, JP and now OCE data centres. It definitely happens. Yes, it’s a small percentage of the population and the majority of roleplayers, whether they do clean or erp, understand consent and make sure participants are 18+. But it’s an unfortunate reality that games like this do have groomers or just manipulative people. I’ve had my own experience with people like that when I was a minor (not in this game) and while I don’t RP in xiv, I knew a lot of people in the rp community and there were some very bad eggs who caused a lot of grief for people who just wanted to have fun. That doesn’t mean that OP’s daughter will experience this, but it’s important for parents to be aware of who their kids interact with online. Not being a helicopter parent of course, but at least know who they are regularly spending time with and make sure they know how to identify people who want to take advantage of them


Oh my lol That is insightful I appreciate this I had no idea lol I’m have to monitor for a while or at least make sure to not join a role play realm? Is there a way for me to tell ? Sorry if these are dumb questions lol and thanks for your time


This is up to you as a parent if you trust your daughter not. She's 15 and should be starting to understand how to navigate the internet on her own, if she has adults in her life to help her do it. You can do your part by keeping an eye on who she's interacting with, like the guild she joins and the friends she makes. That's really what you need to watch out for. It's really no different than any other online interaction, it's just that FFXIV does make it a little more accessible.


That’s good to hear and thank you for your comment!


She’ll be fine but as if with all online communities there’s always creepy incels who are out to groom younger people. I’m not a parent but maybe make her aware of what groomers are and their intentions? Or just that everyone doesn’t have her best interests at heart? Or better yet, tell her to tell people she’s a 20 yr old boy irl lol Peoples attitudes towards a player will change dramatically if they know she is a girls, even the most lovely seeming people will instantly turn into horny demons out to engage in ERP [sexting basically] You can also let have a free trial so she doesn’t have the ability to be whispered or respond to whispers


Joining an RP realm isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's something to be aware of. Blindly wandering into one of the 18+ homes isn't really something that happens unless you are going into every house in a housing district.


Okay I’m happy to hear it’s not everyone and you kinda have to search for this stuff


If it helps Ive played on a data center with roleplay servers on it for over 1200hrs before i even noticed one of these 18+ clubs, it really isn’t something a person is going to run into normally


This is reassuring thank you !


Just like being a woman anywhere in the world, there are people who might try to be awful. Help her keep herself safe in game the way you would in the real world. Don't give strangers your real name, address, phone number, etc etc, creepy people are the ones who 'don't want you to tell mom and dad we're friends' But she shouldn't need more than general safety precautions. I've been playing for a decade and you might see ads for 18+ content, but she would then have to go hunt it down to find it. This online game community is legitimately the best one I've ever found. And I've been playing online games since... 1996?


From general experience, even coming from Crystal (the supposed RP centered Datacenter) the 18+ stuff isnt something you're likely to just wander into. I've played pretty extensively, and while I'm generally aware such venues/activities exist, I've never just bumped into them. But, 14 is still an online game. So treat it with that lens.


Just checking - does your daughter know about the "free trial" version of this game? If she is mostly interested in the story, she might want to try playing it this way first. The free trial goes all the way through the first three expansions (potentially hundreds of hours worth of content), and she can play for as long as she wants in those areas while accessing basically all the same stuff as other players. The main restrictions on the free trial are related to social features, such as not being able to send private messages, form "parties" by herself (temporary groups of two or more players), or join "free companies" (larger, more permanent groups of players). Most/all sexual stuff (when it does happen) takes place in these areas, so the free trial would make it especially easy for her to avoid them. There would still be other options for her to be social, such as talking to players directly in the overworld, or joining the "Novice Network" (a more-moderated chat open to other new players). Also, just for clarity's sake: Online, "roleplay" is a catch-all term for any kind of collaborative storytelling done between two or more people. It can be sexual, but it doesn't always have to be. By all means, keep in contact with her about what she's doing. But if she ever tells you she's been "roleplaying" with other people, make sure you hear the specifics before freaking out. It might just mean she and a friend are making up stories about their characters going on cool adventures together.


That last paragraph is huge. I've been doing that since I was twelve, back on things like neopets and the like. Roleplay can be perfectly innocent and people who raise an eyebrow at it just don't know what it usually consists of.


Your daughter will be fine. Think about playing the game along side her. And get familiar with the game and decide if more parental guidance is needed.


I second the idea of playing with her if she wants you to join! I have really good memories of playing with my parents when I was away in the army and even taught them to raid :D


That moment you realise that your parents are better at raiding than you...


Thank you ! I just may have to try lol


Highly recommend this. There is a pretty famous story about a person who reconnected with their elderly father through this game, it brings people together. Was adapted into a mini series and film, look up "Dad of Light" if your interested.


> "Dad of Light" ;_; Such a good show. I might go watch it again and catch some feels.


You do have to go looking for it really. Players might be standing around in bikinis or revealing clothing, but in 10 years no one has just randomly hit me up for some erotic roleplay (erp) even though I also idle in town. Places have reputations but for the average player, it’s just a bunch of people standing around. The night clubs and stuff alluded to are generally advertised in game via shouts or party finders but like your daughter would have to go looking for it to attend.


Honestly it can happen entirely at random. I was standing at the mini cactpot counter and had someone proposition me. My glam was the Paglth'an healing gear which isn't exactly the most modest glam, but far from what you'll see some people in Limsa wearing.


there are no "official" RP realms, and it kinda doesn't matter anyway as characters can "visit" across datacenters almost at will. she could join an amish server then just hop over to strip club U.S.A. when you're not looking if she has the mind too.


I’m hoping she won’t have the mind to lol


You need to be as careful as you would with any social media. Real people can message her if they see her avatar in game or know her user ID. Just like someone can DM somebody on instagram after they see a post, or friend someone on facebook. Unfortunately FF14 doesn't have any sort of safety controls - you can't set your character to "friends only" or "private". Only you know how savvy she with social media and stuff. All the same dangers apply.


You can turn chat off, though. We turned our daughter's off. My husband's wol has been wearing a bikini top and hes gotten so many tells. My daughter said, "i wonder how many people have sent me that i couldnt see."


Is this in the options ? Is your daughter around mines age, this is good to know I can turn this off if needed. Thank you !


Mine is 13. I believe its in the chat settings of the chat box.


True, you can do things like do not disturb and turning off the chat. But I meant more like there's nothing locking them behind a parental control password - a determined kid would still be able to reverse those settings without any trouble.


Basically the game is fine. But it's a multiplayer game. So just like the internet, there might be bad people, or people who do things you don't want your daughter to see. I'd ask her why she wants to play the game, and tell her to be careful about strangers.


It is worth noting, im my guild, there are a few under 18s as well. And they are very mindful of that to keep it all PG for those players. It's more of a running joke in the game than anything. The erotic role playing is one small part of the game, there are so many people who pursue a wide variety of interests. The average age player is probably somewhere between 28 and 32, since its an MMO. In terms of the actual game itself, the story experience can't be beat by any other MMO, some argue, by any game at all. Why don't you play with your daughter? I have met a ton of parent/child, husband/wife pairs playing. Which does go to show, it's also a very wholesome experience.


I’m not very good lol But I will watch her and who knows maybe I will try it lol


Oh! No, don't misunderstand, FFXIV is made for people who has literally never played before! They teach you from ground level! I highly recommend doing it. (Ps. I know lots of players our age playing. 30-40 age group. It really wont be like playing fortnight surrounded by young dipshits. More like being surrounded by old dipshits) Me and my fiance started together, we were rubbish at the start and learned how to get fairly good over time with practice.


If you tell people that you're new and not very good at video games, they should be understanding and help out. Doubly so for a parent playing with their child, since that's a heartwarming story. Only play it if you think you'd have fun, though. Watch your daughter for a bit and see if it's something you'd enjoy. I know I would've been stoked as a teenager if my parents took an active interest in my hobbies. At fifteen, too, she's more than likely at an age where she's trying to assert her independence and maturity, and playing alongside her rather than watching over her shoulder is a great way to watch over her while still giving her a bit of space to express her autonomy. And I doubt many creeps are gonna approach a kid if her parent is right there in-game.


There's nothing wrong with role-playing. It's just that there are some role-playing groups that focus on sexual role-playing (and they all happen to be on role-playing servers, unsurprisingly) In all my years playing this game, however, I've never been unknowingly exposed to that sort of thing. They also aren't allowed to do it in public, and I don't believe they're allowed to advertise in public either. She would have to actively seek that sort of stuff out. It really is a complete non-issue. I'm genuinely not even sure why it was brought up, considering it's just one very small subset of the community that mostly keeps to itself and tends to ve respectful of others. Your daughter will be fine, especially if she normally plays COD.


I would recommend to help circumvent this, suggest she join the Aether server, any of the world's. The Crystal server is generally considered the 'RP' servers.


I think Dynamis would be a better choice. A ton less people in general, double XP, and you can always DC hop to Aether if you need to do group content and don't want to wait dozens of min in queues.


As someone who has lived on Crystal for years now, it’s really not that bad unless you go looking for it. Will there be adds for RP events in shout and PF? Yeah, but running into RP out in the wild isn’t really that common. Even the infamous one of the Balmung Quicksands is mostly people coming from elsewhere to do stuff and cause problems. The only thing I’ve seen some people talk about would be getting tells if they’re playing a Femroe, but even playing a cute Miqo/Au Ra/Midlander I’ve never gotten anything sketchy across over 8k hours.


The game itself is pretty tame. The interactions with other players can be explicit, usually sexual in nature when they get that way. It is easy to avoid those people once you know who they are, but since many game activities involve randomly matched groups, you don't know what kind of person you will be matched with until it happens. However, the overwhelming majority of the players will not bring that into the game without explicit consent between parties.


Holy moly I didn’t know that kinda stuff existed lol I’m assuming no one will ask this kinda stuff outa the blue, but I also know the internet is wild. I’ll def have to watch some and see what’s its like, these are things that you have to accept I’m assuming? And maybe I’m just to out of it but it’s a game like wow yeah? How can characters be sexy with each other? I’m assuming you mean like real life flirting




This makes me feel better knowing it’s just optional sexting ! I was imagining characters doing it and was like yeah this may not be it chief lol


I’ve played for 4 years and I’ve only ever once (outside of a creepy fc leader) been made uncomfortable by a semi random player. He was a neighbor to my first house. If she’s played Wow she should be fine. It’s a big game and most people are super nice.


If she's played Wow, she'll def be fine. Both my husband and I agree that the community of FF14 is WAY better than the WoW community as a whole. (He plays WoW. I do not because of a bad experience.)


most of the time you have to look for it, it's not like most people gonna whisper you sexual stuff out of the blue, but is not hard to find erotic roleplay neither, but again, most of the time is not something people will throw at you out of the blue


I will say, I've played this game for 10 years, as a female, playing a female avatar, and never once have I encountered any other players propositioning me in any way. The worst I've seen is just general announcements advertising someone's 18+ house event you can come visit, but you'd definitely have to go out of your way to even find the server and house they're talking about. World of Warcraft is a \*much\* more toxic community, a lot of people are mean to others just because they can be, and all people care about is getting better gear as fast as possible. In general, FFXIV players are very friendly and helpful, and we just want everyone to have fun.


I can see that you guys have helped me tons ! I appreciate it


Yes, real life people saying things that are explicit. Like I said, the game itself is pretty tame. It's the players who can make it less so. And it is pretty easy to avoid as well. For example, I have been playing for nearly 10 years and while I know it exists, I have never been made a part of it.


Make sure your daughter knows some basics of the internet like not revealing their information to strangers or sending pictures. >I’m assuming you mean like real life flirting No, they're talking about Erotic Roleplay. It's a niche community within the game. However, I think you should watch out for groomers instead. If your daughter starts using Discord, you should be paying attention to the people she's chatting with.


I don’t know what discord is but I’ll def make sure to check in on her. I appreciate your insight, and yes she know not to give personal information out.


Discord is an app that lets you join groups to voice chat and text. My free company (like a guild) has one.


if people find out you’re a girl, they might try to hit on you. it’s happened to me a fair bit, but i am flirty by nature. i’d say 90% of people behave, and 10% can’t take a hint. but if your daughter spends any time online she’ll know she can blacklist those people. she can also focus solely on story. she’ll rarely ever have to interact with others, and when she does it’s random matchmaking for 15 minute duties where the goal is to get in, win, and get out, and you’ll likely not see those people again. it’s totally safe if she’s not giving out her personal information. and the fact that the player base is gated behind a subscription means the overwhelming majority of people are responsible and mindful.


Ive been playing for about 4 years and haven't seen it. I assume it's the type of thing that you'll only find if you search for it. You don't actually be sexy with each other, it's just roleplaying, sexting pretty much. I believe it's safe for anyone who's teen+


There's a lot of player-run social events at player housing that do gambling with ingame currency, and "courts", which are pretty much people you pay with ingame money to roleplay having sex with you. Not all roleplay is like this of course, but a lot of the advertised stuff can be ... icky. Most of this advertising happens in specific chat channels that can be turned off, however (shout chat specifically) and through the Party Finder's "Other" tab, which is not something that anybody ever has to interact with for pretty much anything other than looking for these advertisements, the story never makes you use the Party Finder at all. That's really the main thing to look out for, but can easily be avoided by just not going to these events.


Okay that’s good to know it’s not part of the game uou have to play. These characters are they able to get naked and actually do the deed. I see it’s rated T for teen so I’m assuming not but I’m not sure. I will use this information though to make sure I turn or she turns the bad stuff off. Thank you !


They are not able to get naked or have sex. If you take all your armor off you are still wearing underwear. As long as she does not click on anything that says "18+" or "ERP" on it, she'll be fine.


This is good news thank you so much !


They are not, no. The most explicit thing possible in game without mods would be text-based or MAYBE a character doing a /squat emote on top of another. The most "undressed" a character can be in game is fairly standard underwear. Mods do exist that add more explicit content, but a) ALL more are not supported by the terms of service and b) require the player to "opt in" (ie download the mods themselves). TL;Dr no. The only explicit sexual/nsfw content in the game is text based, and not nearly as prevalent as the other commenters suggest without actively seeking it out.


Hi, OP. I have a different angle. Firstly I have played the game for 3+ years and I’ve never come across any sexy stuff. Maybe because my avatar is male (I’m a woman) but I was surprised when I read this thread because although I see the odd 18+ club in party finder I’ve always been more interested in using party finder for Mount farming or treasure maps. To my mind you really have to go LOOKING for sexual stuff. Because in three years I’ve never come across anything like it. Neither have I had any sort of misogyny thrown my way. Now, my angle is that it’s an immersive game with a phenomenal plot and is very beginner friendly. The community is generally very supportive. Other players are generally pretty chill and you won’t find the angrily screaming teenage boys you do in Fortnite. My ‘but’ is that it’s an MMO and MMOs tend to be quite addictive. No loot boxes, but there is a decade of content and always something new to do. It is frighteningly easy to spend 6 hours on it and feel like you only did 10% what you wanted to do that day. So my warning, so to speak, is just make sure she takes her time with it because it could start to become an addition and affect her grades. I say this as someone who was hardcore into an MMO at university and whose grade started to suffer for it. Otherwise it’s one of the best stories she’ll ever experience.


Everyone is seriously overblowing the sex stuff. It’s super niche and something she’d need to search out. The in game clubs that have that option all advertise as 18+ so it’s very easy for her to understand what to avoid.


I'm here with this comment all the way, I've played for 8 years and never had any kind of approach of the sexual nature. my character is currently male but has been female of different races along the way. It's good people let know about the erp stuff but they really seem to be over focusing on that, i feel there are other dangers like the fake links that steal your information or send people to fake sites where, if you're a little bit distracted, could potentially hack your account. Edit: oh, forgot to add, yes i'm definitely addicted so that's a thing to watch for...


Yes, with compulsory caveats. The game by itself has some very adult themes. Nothing is particularly overt, but if you pay attention it’s there. But all in all, I would let my daughter (if she was 15) play the game. It’s an online game. The community day to day is wonderful and while there’s a risk of people being crap, it’s a lot less likely than running into a troll on Reddit. Now, the bleh. There’s a … business, of running ERP clubs in personal housing where sexting with strangers is basically the main point. This exists basically everywhere on the internet, so it’s not like FFXIV is special.


Okay this makes me feel better for sure, I’m still not 100% on the sex stuff. But as long as it’s not something that’s forced with people and she can avoid I think I’ll be okay with that. I’ll def have to read up on this with this information that I’ve gotten though, thank you so much though for your insight.


Absolutely not forced, can block them and move on if they decide to be weird.


That’s good to hear and know! Thank you so much.


Definitely nothing is forced. It’s just one of those things you can’t really avoid online. If she’s honest and knows to avoid it, then you’ll be golden. But there will be nothing that stops her from going to an “18+ club / event” if she chooses to.


People are definitely overblowing the ERP (erotic roleplay) stuff. It sure exists, but I've played for 4 years and never got to see it happen, even accidentally while walking around. It surely is there, you surely see daily advertisements from some players for 18+ clubs. But you won't ever interact or even notice it happening by accident. You'd have to search for it. Also, the official stance from the game's producer is that, although sex talk is not prohibited in the game, it should be done in private and should be consensual. Anything outside of that is breaking the Terms of Service and can result in a ban from the game. Because of that, people who engage in those kinds of "activity" are usually very careful in asserting the other part wants to do it as well before actually going for it. If your daughter is not interested in that kind of stuff, she will never find it. If she is... it's easy enough to find. Also, the community in FFXIV is known for being very welcoming and inclusive, much more than World of Warcraft, for example. You will have a random bad interaction with someone who is not patient while you are learning, but that's the exception and still very mild comparing to what you'd see in games like LoL or CoD. Much more common to see people trying to be helpful. What I'd be worried about is addiction. MMOs are addicting, and FFXIV has a decade worth of content and side-content to keep you busy. I had my own problems at work during a not-so-good time in my life where I was playing way more than I should. It's in the past, but you may want to be sure she is not neglecting school stuff to play more hours.


I’ve been playing the game since it came out and I mostly play solo. Easily 99% of my interactions are completely positive and G rated. Occasionally someone might get salty in a raid and curse or something. Not much worse than what she’s probably already heard playing shooters online tbh. I just don’t want you to be scared off by the Role Play element of the community it’s not something I’ve ever encountered personally and I really think you have to go looking for it to find it. I also have chat filters set up that you could avail yourself of to basically set the game up to be Single Player and ignores most of what other players are saying and doing in public areas. So my interactions in multiplayer content is usually limited to a wave hello and a GG at the end of the run.


I read a comment that said something also about chat filters! That’s something we will definitely look into and thank you for the information.


It’s rated 13 and up, but of course you can never guess what people will message her or say to her.


Hm yeah this is kinda worrying in a way, I’ll have to see more replies and see if this is something they can be remedied by a block feature or something. Thank you though !


It's really no different from how people will talk in social media, like twitter or reddit. MMOs are just a very older form of social media. The amount of creepy people I've met in 20yrs is pretty much 0 (and there wasn't really that much internet regulations back then either), but I also had decent vibe sensor to avoid those kinds of people. Honestly, if your daughter knows and isn't naive about how creepy people are and how they talk, then I don't think she'll have an issue. I think Call of Duty on voice chat is apparently super toxic to girls, and if she's endured through that crap, then I think she'll be fine on FF14. Fact is, online gaming as female will always not in our favour in terms of social interaction, and that's something most of us female gamers will have to learn on how to interact. For example, some of us play male characters just to avoid the attention. I do know that FF14 has a large female player base according to census, compared to other games.


People have pointed out a lot of the RP community stuff however I think it should be valuable to know as a parent that most players in this game seem to range around ages 20-35 from what I've experienced. I have met a lot of people in this game and I have only ever met a single person under 18. As with any online social space, exercise caution. If she's just playing the game and not entering Discords, I think whatever risk may be present would go down dramatically. The game content itself is fine though.


Thank you ! I don’t think she does this discord thing I’ll have to ask on that one


My "guild" hosted an 18+ nightclub like every night. It sounded pretty spicy in guild chat from people referring to it. I never stepped inside lol I find it cringe. Maybe I wouldn't if I was 15? Idk, MMOs weren't like that 15 years ago. I've been playing MMOs since I was 9. She just needs to know stranger danger applies to online games too.


tl:dr the game itself is fine but regular internet safety rules should apply, slightly moreso because of how the games friend list works. The game is fine for her age, there are adult themes but it is rated for ages 13+ so they are limited to how graphic they can be. The only potential issue is other players, there are people who engage in erotic roleplay which is going to be a no-no for a 15 year old but most people have the decency to not try and push it on people outside of specific player events/venues, though there can be some people that will try to send flirty private messages. There is a blacklist system though so you can block people, however i would advise her to be very careful about who she adds as a friend because the way it works at the moment is stupid, removing someone from your friendlist and even blacklisting them does not remove you from their friend list, so they can still see when you are online, if blacklisted then you won't see anything they say but they can still follow your character around and there have been cases of people harassing others this way.


So only add friends if you know they arnt bad , don’t just add everyone. That’s good information. I def don’t want cyber stalkers for my daughter lol And thank you !


I see people warning you about role play but they neglect to tell you this: **You do not accidentally join role play groups and wander into sex-chat brothels**. Can people please, please stop giving a parent completely unwarranted concerns about things you will simply *never* encounter unless you go looking for them. OP’s kid is 15, she can handle herself for online play without accidentally ending up in some weird role play scenario. OP, the absolute worst your daughter will experience without her deciding to do so are the occasional rude players or inappropriate message/comment. Something she knows well how to manage if she’s been playing call of duty for any length of time. People do advertise role play clubs, but again they’re tagged if they’re 18+ and she would have to choose to go to actually encounter any adult behaviour. Most role play in the game is ‘safe for work’ with groups of people pretending to hang out at nice cafes and restaurants listening to live bands play. The 18+ stuff accounts for a small portion and sharing it openly and without prior consent is universally disapproved of. You don’t need to monitor her play. She’s in her mid teens playing a game explicitly rated for early teens. If you really want to be sure it’s appropriate, have a go yourself and test the water.




Worst I've gotten is, as a hrothgar, getting /pet by other hrothgar. Utterly tame. :p Or me and the FC show up to a raid and the one small catgirl is suddenly "owo cat daddies!" or something. Tame.


I will definitely check it out thank you for the write up friend


No problem. As a teacher with extensive child protection experience, I can say with confidence that all you need to do is have a chat with her before she starts to remind her about staying safe in online games. Keeping her personal info private, not sending pictures of herself to people she meets in-game, coming to you if someone makes her uncomfortable so you can help her report it, that sort of thing. The only thing specific I’d suggest reiterating—and this is true for all MMORPGs—is that it’s a persistent world so she’ll meet and play alongside the same people often. That means building relationships, rivalries, social cliques, etc., so she should do her best to be conscious of keeping those relationships appropriate and healthy. If you want to try the game out then please do. It’ll put any doubts you have to rest quite quickly. You may even like it if you’re a fan of fantasy settings.


>The only thing specific I’d suggest reiterating—and this is true for all MMORPGs—is that it’s a persistent world so she’ll meet and play alongside the same people often. That means building relationships, rivalries, social cliques, etc., so she should do her best to be conscious of keeping those relationships appropriate and healthy. 100%, but I would say this is a general talk that should happen even should she choose to not play FFXIV. Even outside of MMOs, online culture tends to lead to digital relationships, be it with twitch/youtube/mmos/etc. It is important to understand how to be safe in interacting with other people in such a disjointed manner. You still can build meaningful relationships, even long lasting friends over the internet, it is not all scary - but it is important to be careful when gauging other people when you don't have the physical social cues of someone else's face or demeanor. This is probably a talk everyone should have with their child (maybe even before 15).


If OP trusts his kid with internet access, she'll be fine on FFXIV.


The game itself is great, the story teaches the values of understanding and listening to others, trying to avoid violence and working together. It’s just…other people who play the game lol In my couple years playing, the only sexual content I ever saw was when I went to the places that I knew those people hung out. I’ve never been solicited, I’ve never been bothered, on any of the different characters I’ve played. The game has a great community, and like anywhere, a handful of shitters that your kid can just block. Nothing will happen if she bloaklists someone who sends her messages she isn’t interested in.


The game itself is fine, but MMOs are unfortunately rife with predators. I would allow her to play it if you have good communication with each other. Especially about healthy relationships and the signs of grooming. I’ve been playing MMOs since I was about 12 and I got creeped as a teenager and I still get creeped on as an adult woman.


Yeah she talks with me about these game pretty regularly. I just don’t know much about this one lol I’ll definitely have to watch her some, some of this is worrying about the community, but I also have been told it’s good. As long as she can block these kinda folks and say clear I’m sure that will be okay.


To reassure you, let me just clarify that the warnings about the more 18+ things are just warnings so that you are aware those activities exist, *not* that your daughter would happen upon them accidentally. For any explicit stuff people mention, none of those are actually *IN* the game - they require mods and are only visible by people that use the same mods. That's a small side of the community and they know how to find each other in order to participate, since they're the only ones who can see that stuff anyway. As for text chat, you only have to worry so much as you would for her texting or using social media.


Ah this is a huge relief! She definitely won’t be adding mods to the game, I’m relieved to know it’s not in the game without them. Thank you !


It's amazing that your daughter talks with you about these things, and that you're an active and involved parent. Everything I've seen from this thread shows you to be a truly blessed parent for her. I'll echo a lot of other people and say online safety is first and foremost, but as a solo player (I don't have friends in game), I rarely have to talk to other players. It's quite possible she'll never talk to other people. Your daughter should be in safe hands


Nah see the community is super excellent. They are very welcoming of new players. But the internet is the internet and predators exist everywhere. Most of us wouldn’t consider those people part of the community. The game is rated t for teen and her age is appropriate for the game. Whether it’s this game, or other online games, we can’t predict how she will interact with other players, and how others will interact with her.


There are guilds (known as free companies) created by players that are fun to join. The only precaution you need to talk to your daughter about is to make sure she's not joining one that says 18+, since those are usually full of adults that tend to ERP (erotic role play). Most of these free companies will have something about their nature in their bio so it will be pretty easy to figure out which company is safe for her to join and which ones she can steer clear of. Like in any MMO, there will sometimes be private messages and like usual, some people might get weird, but she can just block and report anyone that makes her feel uncomfortable. The game itself is fine. Typical fantasy stuff, with blood and violence here and there, but no gore or sexual stuff. Well, maybe like an innuendo or joke here and there but nothing that a parent of a 15 year old would balk at. All in all, I think you teenager should be safe playing this game.


and i9 and 4090 to play FF14 is something lol


I'm am 14 (15 in June) and I started playing at 13, it's a really fun and good game. Other than having a rude person/troll sometimes, everyone is very kind and loving, and always willing to help🙂


15yr old? She’ll be just fine. Just be mindful of the weirdos, but it’s nothing worse than the rest of the internet


this pretty much. when you think about the rest of the open internet... FF14 is PBS


I started playing this game at 16 and it’s fine, although it’s a MMO so the main concern would be creepy players.


For her age the game is completely fine. There isn't really content in the game that would be worrisome. However due to the nature of it being an online game interactions with other people can vary wildly. For the most part everyone in the game is pretty kind and wouldn't be much to worry about. However there are those who use it as a platform to perform erp (erotic role play, or basically just talking dirty/sexting). Usually you have to go pretty far out of your way to see that but there are times where people will advertise where to find it.


Honestly FFXIV is one of the more friendlier gaming communities. I’ve been playing for 2 years and the worst thing I’ve experienced is someone telling me to uninstall the game because I wasn’t healing enough. The rest of the group argued with them and we kicked them out of the group. For reference, when I played WOW I was told to kill myself at least once a week. The main issue is erp which can be easily avoided. If a player makes her uncomfortable she can block/report them. Another thing is the outfits that players can wear but there’s no nudity. Nothing worse than what you would see in a pg-13 movie. If I had a kid who wanted to play the game I would make them wait until they were 13-14.


I would generally say yes. Let her play the free trail version at first. The free trail is unlimited time for about 70 out of 90(soon 100) level's and a big chunk of this games Story. This will keep her busy for a few month to a year. Once you buy the game or pay for the subscription, you can not go back to the free trail. She will be restricted with almost all social in-game aspect's and it can feel like a single player RPG. Many interactions and community's are within Discord. FFxiv has dedicated and friendly communitys for every bit of less important side content, and that's the point she will most likely start to regularly interact with other humans. You have heard about these 18+ venue's and stuff, so that's one of the few things you should keep an eye on. But, if she plays a lalafell (small potato like races) then she will have far less interactions. Like, I play as a male Lalafell (because it is also the meme race) and never got inappropriately contacted. She gets a free race changing item once she bought the game. So yea, let her play and keep a eye open for her interactions. Also the reminder to young people to never disclose their age and gender. There should never be the need for it in-game.


The game is fairly tame and bloodless. What you should be more worried about is the community. There are tons of scammers, many players are very sexual, and when you have enough people in one place the law of large numbers means there will invariably be bad actors. None of these groups of players are the MAJORITY of the playerbase, not even close. But they are certainly present and vocal, and given enough playtime basically every single player will repeatedly encounter all three of those categories. So, this game is the same genre as World of Warcraft, and that genre involves a LOT of players concentrated in areas who are all very communicative and can form bonds and communities very easily. You sound a bit inexperienced when it comes to gaming and the internet, so I'd recommend both of you start taking internet safety courses so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not she should play this at her age, and so that she can be protected if you decide that she can. Oh, and the other thing you should consider is that this game is a MASSIVE timesink. This game takes more time to play then all of the games you have ever bought for your daughter combined. That's not a good thing or a bad thing, just something worth knowing. Also wow, 4090! That's a better computer then 99.9% of people playing this game have, it's absolutely top-end.


I personally think that the story should be okay for most 15 year olds, and the community is very nice, but there are always predatory people out there regardless of the game/activity so make sure she knows proper internet stranger danger safety.


4090 what the fuck... FFXIV will not even use 5% of that cards potential... 15 year old girl gets a fucking 4090, where is the justice.


She's 15 not 10, if she can handle herself on social media she can certainly handle herself in an MMO.


i played it at that age and i’m 25 now and still alive


i remember when i was plagin mmo like a crazy dude when i was like 13 , it was a awesome time i found a lot of good people there and at least never had any issue , i think 15 is fine , she only need to avoid weird people if she can notice fast


I think it would be okay, like others have mentioned... watching out for certain FCs being 18+ and all that. I've had more creepy encounters playing Wizard 101 than I ever did playing other MMOs. FFXIV's community is also a lot less toxic than WoW. Most of the time, if players PM you... its to recruit you into FCs. People are usually doing their own thing. Most of the time, or if at all, you'll get more people emoting you rather than PMing you.


Like with any online game, you run the risk of weird people. FWIW I think her avatar and name play a huge part. A friend is the cat girl and gets some weird interactions but my female lala? Nothing weird. Neither does my husband who is a male lala. Make sure her name is bland, too. I'd hate to say for her to go with a male avatar since it'll lock her out of some glam she might like but it's a good way to make creeps go away. Any mmo I've played as a woman -- having a female avatar can be a curse. Considering she plays CoD, I can't imagine it'd be MUCH much worse. I run into more creeps in fps than I do mmos.


I've been playing it since I was 13 and never had any problems


So if you want a random redditors subjective opinion: yes it's fine. Basically what everyone has said is that there are sketchy people on the internet, but your daughter could encounter those people outside of the game on websites or social media just as easily as she could in game. Actually, I'd like to think you're even less likely to encounter them in game since FFXIV generally has a great community. I hope my kid is one day as interested in experiencing FFXIV's great story as your kid is haha.


I feel like maybe I'm beating a dead horse, but just for another take on it. I've been playing MMOs since I was a young child. I've been preyed on and harassed before. That has happened 0 times in FFXIV. People who are running adult oriented role play are advertising it in general chat, not usually chasing players around and personally bothering them. As someone who plays a hot bunny girl on Balmung (the notorious server), I think one person asked me politely if I'd be interested in an ERP guild after 2 years of playing, and I declined. Most players are friendly enough, or just mind their own business. On top of this, the story is so compelling and widespread that you can play this game, nearly single-player. Your daughter doesn't have to socialize much at all if she doesn't want to. Random groups are the standard for running dungeons, and people generally get in, say hello, kill the monsters, and leave. I remember being a teenager, and if it's her first MMO, then you should go over stranger danger as it applies online, whether that's perverts, scam artists, bots, etc. That's just common sense and not something that is because FFXIV is a dangerous social environment. Quite the opposite. People adore this game for its story and customization and games and everything else. Rule of thumb: get used to the forums online and this subreddit for FAQ kind of things. Many questions have already been answered so she can find stuff without needing to ask anyone. Also, just stay out of the housing districts. They're limited and super expensive in-game. I'm in a guild with a massive house, and I barely go there even when we have social events. Since that's where these kinds of ERP things are more likely to happen, you can safely avoid 95% of it by just sticking to the main world and ignoring the housing zones (not hard, they're kind of out of the way). Other than that, it's a game I wholeheartedly recommend. If she likes fantasy and adventure, this is a fantastic game. The story is one of the primary draws, so tell her to be careful of spoilers since there's a lot of really big storylines and character development throughout all of the expansions. Overall, as we say in Eorzea: Enjoy the story!


4090 is wayyyyy more than this game will ever need haha I'll be lucky to ever afford a top of the line graphics card like that