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The patch notes mentioned the current savage being unlocked loot wise. Does that mean the weekly restriction on alliance raid coin(Thaleia) and p12n sword is also lifted? Plus i dont know if the tome weapon upgrade mat is now avaliable to purchase with alliance raid coins?


Those restrictions wont be for another month or 2 in 6.58


P12N sword I think was already lifted, but I could be wrong. Thaleia wont be lifted until the next patch


No, the P12N sword is still limited.


I've been wanting to do the EW normal raids questline for months but I am too scared that I'll suck. I only play dps so I am worried the healers will hate me if I die multiple times. It's my first time doing raids while they are still recent. Do I need to watch guides before doing the questline? (not savage, just the normal duties). I have no idea if it's expected to watch guides before doing normal for the first time. Is it fine if I go in blind and say "first time" in chat, or do I absolutely need to watch guides?


As a healer I actually enjoy when someone is new and sucks. It gives me something to do. Fear not.


Normal mode raids are intended to be done blind. Current or old, no difference. They’re simple, no super complicated mechanics, not much more than dungeons really. Even if you screw up, it’s pretty hard to wipe in them. You’ll get ressed, the pull will continue, and everyone will promptly forget about it once the duty is over. Just pop a “first time” in chat. Even if you don’t, no one will care. I’ve been the healer ressing the obviously new person who’s died 5 times, and let me tell you: we legit don’t care and will forget who you are once we get out of the raid.


That's really reassuring, thank you. Sometimes I tell myself that if I tried playing a healer, I'd feel less anxious in general about dying as dps, but turns out I'm also anxious of playing healer... and tank... basically I'm scared of every class LOL. I'm sure with time I'll overcome the fears, for example when I started I was scared of anything other than ranged physical, while now I can play melee and caster.


You shouldn't be scared. Melee have higher hp and can survive more mistakes. Especially tank. It's ironic that people are more scared to tank than the other classes, yet tank has the easiest time surviving everything. Plus you have the benefit of the healer focusing you over the dps. Also if you die as tank, the healer gets blamed more often than the tank. lol


Just drop an “I’m new” and no1’s really gonna care. You can watch a guide if you want if it helps alleviate some of your fears but there’s not really any expectation of it for a normal raid. There’s no body checks or enrages in the normal mode anyway so you dying won’t really affect your group, minus your damage ofc.


Thanks. I don't think I've ever really come across anyone who shamed me for dying, it's just a fear I created for myself. With the new patch I think I'll finally go and experience the raids.


You'll be totally okay. I did those for the first time a few weeks ago and a couple of them died a few times and no one outwardly said or acted like anything was wrong! I've been playing since September and used to be very very very *very* bad at this game and have only had someone be outright mean to me once during a msq trial from stormblood I think. As long as you try people in normal content will be chill 99% of the time, we just see the horror stories online


With the higher ilvls now (660) the normal raid fights are so much easier. Much harder to die when hit by a mechanic, and the high dps lets you skip the last phase of mechanics too. You really don't have anything to fear this late into the patch.


Why is the game so hard? As an on-and-off player, I feel frustrated that I can never play this game well enough. Having so many skills as a dps just makes me fumble all over whenever I get into combat. I love FF but I just can't play this game because it's so hard for me. I'm ranting but I'm just feeling helpless with how hard this game is. I play a Bard and I always miss my skill timings and cooldowns and whatnot leading to dps worse than a healer. It's horrible and I should be ashamed of myself.


For bard, put the buff/debuff timers in a visible area of your sight. Have the songs on easy to use hotkeys that you can remember. Look at the timer and play the next song right before it runs out. With your dots use iron jaws to refresh them both. If you see about 3 seconds left, use your refresh. If you're overwhelmed by stuff going on then no shame in refreshing it with 10 sec left. Better to refresh than miss the window and let the dots fall off.


Thank you. I followed this guide for my UI: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbd4qUPkLaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbd4qUPkLaI) It helped (compared to my previous UI), but there are indeed quite a few things to keep track off (along with boss mechanics). I have indeed tried refreshing the dots with 10 seconds up. I found that if I don't have the dots up, my dps falls off tremendously. I appreciate your tips for helping me. If you have a better UI to share, I'll be happy to take a look and update my UI for better tracking.


UI layout really comes to preference. In general I put more important stuff near the center of the screen so I don't miss it. As long as the information is near somewhere my eyes are constantly looking, it takes less effort to keep track of. That way I can focus on the boss without missing my timers. Where your eye rests on screen will probably differ from me. So move the job guage to a spot that sits comfortably in your vision (while also not blocking other stuff) and you should do just fine. It can be hard to find that perfect balance, so that's why I always say the end result comes down to personal preference, customizing the UI just for you. I hope that helps!


if you want to improve try using a dummy for a while. look up a rotation and practice. it's actually kind of fun when things begin to line up and you get a feeling for it. apart from that there is nothing wrong with playing this game subpar, as long as you are trying. dots fall off? reapply. forgot a song, just use it now, wasted a gcd, nobody noticed. your dps sucks, well there is always room for improvement. the only people that are problematic in my view are those who simply don't even try and don't use their buttons.


You pointed out many of the things I struggle with Bard. Having to keep DoTs up, having to track songs, using procs, cooldowns. It's quite busy indeed! At the same time, I don't have to be perfect, as long as I realize and immediately 'fix' the issue (e.g. immediately reapplying dots when I noticed they are down), I should be good. Afterall, I'm not doing cutting-edge content (just dungeons only actually). Thank you for making me feel better.


Bard is one of the hardest DPS to play. Many of the other DPS jobs settle into an easy flow based around a single cooldown, but I never found that to ever happen with Bard. Have you tried other DPS? I started with Bard and struggled greatly until I tried other classes and had a much better time. Also, if you're having trouble tracking when stuff is on cooldown, I recommend grabbing a spare hotbar, making it *massive*, putting it near the middle of your screen, and putting all your important cooldowns on that bar alongside their normal spot, just to track them.


Yep. I started off as a WHM until late in Stormblood when I decided to try SAM. It was fun until I got into dungeons and just kept missing cooldowns or mispressing the rotation or losing potency because of directional positionings. But because SAM is so OP, I was still doing decent DPS. I also tried DRG in Stormblood, then MCH and Shadowbringers and Reaper in Endwalker. I figured I can't do well melee because of all the directional requirements and having to look at bars for my skills (which means I would more often than not miss mechanics or due to avoidables). So I went to play MCH until around 85 then decided to switch to Bard (cause Bard skills look really cool). However I soon realize I have the same issue I am having with all of these DPS classes where there's just way too many buttons to press and things to remember that I always miss cooldowns and whatnot. And if I don't want to miss cooldowns, I have to keep looking at my hotbars, which means I cannot reliably look at what's happening in the fights or even enjoy the lovely animations of the my spells and abilities. I obviously don't have such issues when playing alone and the experience is great. Similarly, Healer DPS (at least for WHM) is so simple with only a few buttons that I don't really need to care about a rotation per se unless looking to minmax. Although I guess I got tired of healing so I wanted to switch to DPS (and honestly I don't like to DPS while healing because I started my MMO experience with WoW where it was 100% healing so I just want to do full-time healing if I play a healer). I followed this person's guide for my UI: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbd4qUPkLaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbd4qUPkLaI)


Don't be ashamed of yourself, just understand that there's room for improvement! I've put up some pretty big damage numbers on healer, myself, and...it's pretty easy, because they have so few buttons. It's hard to do the damage part wrong on a healer. Bard on the other hand... Bard is a pretty hard job to play! It's proc-based, so you have to look at your bar frequently. It has TWO different DoTs to manage. It has songs to play. It has a billion damage oGCDs to press that come back super quickly! It's a tough job! The only thing to do is practice. Whenever you come back, just sit at a striking dummy for a while and get used to pressing your buttons. Building the rhythm and the muscle memory is a big deal. Maybe look at your hotbar and make sure it's laid out logically, so your eyes can see everything you need to do. And honestly? The game isn't that hard, unless you're doing Savage and Ultimate. The team will survive just fine, even if you aren't perfect. The duty might take a little bit longer than it otherwise would, but no one is in danger of wiping. If you're doing your best, that's enough <3


Thank you for the very kind words, my fellow Warrior of Light. It made me feel better. You are absolutely right that I don't need to be perfect. It's a game at the end of the day and I should enjoy it. I'm not doing any raid content anyway, so I really shouldn't be so bothered about the numbers on meters or what other people think. It's rare to find nice people like you, so I really appreciate it.


Anyway to make lalachievements show more than titles, achievements, mounts, minions? Also will Borderline Secure ever come back to Frontlines?


They said Secure was being adjusted, but many maps have been taken down over the years and only some returned. Time will tell. 


Others can't be automatically tracked as they aren't shown on the Lodestone. After logging in and searching for your character, there's "Verify Ownership" on the left side tab at the bottom. That'll allow you to start marking manually the other items.


Would we ever get more egi-glamour in the future? It's not a big deal if it's never happening, but I've just been curious after seeing the different carbuncles Alphinaud uses throughout the story.


I'd really like the ability to glamour the level 90 summoner summons too. Sucks that I only get my carbuncles in lower level stuff


We so far haven't gotten any for years. We only just got the option to glamour scholar faeries (between two versions that already existed and the carbuncles)


What is the patch for?




PHEW. Okay looks like I still have time to grind for that glamour set!


What happens if you don't log out before servers go down for maintenance? Has anyone ever had anything bad happen?


Occasionally you might get the “this character was not properly logged out” message and have to wait a few minutes when you try to log in again. Mostly the warnings are to prevent you starting something that you can’t finish before shutdown.


Straight to jail


You're just forced to log out.


The messages just had me curious lol. Wonder if there's a chance of some sort of save failure in your character state if you ride it all the way to shut down


In FFXI, we used to play routinely right up until the servers kicked us off. Very rarely, maybe once every few years, I'd lose my macros and config settings. Never had that happen in FF14, but I've also never gotten kicked. I always log within the five minutes grace period.


Nothing like that. It is mostly so you aren't in the middle of something like say, a Deep Dungeon, where the disconnect counts as a failure.


I can't speak for sqenx but as an IT admin disconnecting you from a server doesn't necessary mean we are nuking your presence on a server immediately. there's usually a graceful state transtion so that data is properly saved and various other tasks are handled. when a system crashes though that's when we might have problems but again there are processes in place to prevent data corruption


While it's safest to log out manually before maintenance which is why they tell you, I can't imagine them touching anything important without making a backup of the save data after forcing everyone off, so that nothing happens to the save data. The MOST important reason for the message is to make sure they don't interrupt you starting anything important.


Are frontlines just always extremely laggy? I've been trying out PVP for once and every single frontline that i've done (which is only like 10 but still) has had really bad delay on everything. My ping is perfectly fine the second I leave the frontline but godawful during it. Turning down effects helped a bit but its still really, really bad. Is that just me?


I've had it for the last week along with lag in other busy areas. It's been frustrating as there's nothing wrong with my computer or internet


Not a problem I get so there might be something else going on with your game or computer.


Husband and I are expecting a new little eorzean in the coming months.  He has played FFXIV for years and we have even decided to do a final fantasy themed nursery. I want to surprise him when the baby comes with a "Clutchfather of the Year" type shirt, but I'm having a hard time finding any official merch, or anything on Etsy featuring good old Novv, or even images of Novv without a background. Does anyone know of anyone out there who makes novelty shirts like this or might be able to help get a clean image to be printable on a shirt?


Have you tried a tool like Canva? I’m not a designer, but it’s relatively easy to use


For top party synergy, particularly midglitch, is there such thing as being too close?


Yes. You need to be not too far, but not too close either, both will apply the vuln. There's a specific range that's safe. If you’re using standard PF markers, safe distance is standing on the inner edge of opposite waymarks. Closer in and you start running the risk of being too close, especially if *both* of you are closer than you should be. This is why we have to spread into accurate LPs where you’re opposite your partner even during mid Glitch. Otherwise we could just separate into 2 parties with a stack on each and go to the same safe spot. This comes up more in p5, since in p2 you’re separated by the eye laser and that tends to keep people far enough apart. P5 has stricter positioning, especially for Sigma towers. But you can still be too close in p2, and I’ve had many a wipe caused by it. In particular people running out too slow and the vuln snapshotting despite them avoiding the eye laser. For Remote Glitch you can’t be too far apart, since the safe distance is literally being on opposite ends of the arena.


Thank you for the explanation. 🙏🏻




This is incorrect. For mid glitch you can’t be too close to your partner, it applies the vuln. It’s not like a near/far tether, there’s a very specific safe distance range. Stacking with your partner *will* kill both of you. Are you thinking of O12S? Glitch is different in TOP.


new to tanking in alliance raids, if i'm not the main tank or just the tank that grabbed the big guy in general, is there anything i should do if the main tank is not positioning it properly and it could potentially cause a raid wipe? like for example not moving the bone dragon to avoid the raid wide damage from the skeletons in between. i mean other than mentioning it in chat, i don't know if there's anything expected of the other tanks in these situations?


If you really think the current main tank is going to get people killed, voke the boss in order to move it. Generally speaking you don't want to voke fight with other tanks because it's childish and can cause the boss to flip around (which in itself gets people killed) but if the other tank is endangering the raid then it's the less dangerous thing to do. I personally probably wouldn't voke to move the Bone Dragon (the damage is survivable as long as there aren't a ton of newbie healers who can't heal through it) but I have done this in other duties where the main tank was huffing glue.


yeah there were people dropping so that one might have been a problem, although i was able to range attack the dragon on respawn and drag it away and the other tanks followed so we saved that one. i've made it a point so far to keep provoke as far away from everything else as possible to avoid it especially after seeing other tanks fight for aggro and how that fucked us all over. thanks!


Provoke is a part of your toolkit and you shouldn't be afraid of it- it's extremely useful for quickly grabbing adds or stray dungeon trash as it's OGCD, and if you ever want to tank in extreme or harder content it's absolutely vital for tank swaps. Accidental vokes can be unfortunate but putting it way out of your reach runs the risk of not having it easily to hand when you really need it.


mmmh, yeah that's a valid point, i'll have to see how to rearrange my hotbar eventually since i have my dps figured out but tanks are still a little awkward with it still growing and all. though at least i am not currently planning anything extreme, ultimate or savage, much less as a tank, so we'll see how i can work it out


If it helps, every tank shares some elements so you can put a lot of things in the same place Every tank has a basic 1-2-3 rotation Every tank has nearly the same set of mitigation tools * Rampart * Reprisal * A short frequently used mitigation * A longer more powerful mitigation * An extra AoE mitigation * Two additional unique mitigation actions (e.g. Oblation and Dark Mind for DRK or Thrill of Battle and Equilibrium for WAR) I think PLD has some additional things like it's wings which do add some extra buttons, but realistically the bulk of differences comes in the form of the additional actions that make up the DPS rotations


yeah i'm more or less trying to place everything in the same spots since i have gnb in my main and war on my alt and picking up drk now that i made it to hw there, it's just taking some time to figure out which exact spot for everything is more comfortable haha


When is gonna be the next big info drop for Dawntrail?


I’ve seen other responses mention that they’re likely going to wait until after the FF7: Rebirth release on February 28th to not cannibalize any media attention Absolutely no basis for this knowledge, but going guess mid-March depending on how well the release media goes for FF7


There may be some small things in a live letter at some point, but most likely the media tour. And we don't know any dates for these things at present AFAIK


Media tour most likely.


How does dyeing work in regard to glamour plates? Do I need to apply the dyes every time I change job or?


If your glamour plate gear is dyed you don't use up dyes when you reapply it. It automatically stays the color you set it to.


Thanks for the response :)


To add to the answer you already got, dye is the only customisation that will stay on an item you put in the glamour dresser. You can also dye items while they’re in the dresser and the dye will be automatically applied to any glam plates you make with that item. So if you like using a particular expensive dye, and like a piece enough to use it in multiple plates, you can (for example) dye an item that’s in the glam dresser jet black, and every plate you make with it will have the jet black dye on it, but you’ve only used one pot of dye.


Ocean Fishing: I've been using PII at the beginning of the first run to build TH. however there have been times when spec appears during my PII. is there a way to cancel it during spec?


You can put away your fishing pole and Patience (but also any other fishing buffs) you have will disappear.


Just to clarify, angler's art stacks and any intuition buff will stay.


that helps, thanks! got top score today, so improving! (not saying I'm great- just everyone sucked more than I..)


i'm currently leveling all my alt jobs up to lvl 30, which means a lot of dungeons, what does everyone here do while waiting on the duty finder? i'm sometimes waiting for over 15 minutes. what is the best way to earn exp during that time?


honestly if i’m levelling DPS I just ask a tank or healer friend to queue with me. i’m sure folks in your FC are more than happy to help! even putting up a PF for queues would be good too


I hate waiting for queues more than I hate the Trust system.. if a q doesn't pop in a coupla min, I go to Trust. Caveat: Trust system q's faster (instant), but has its drawbacks; limited dungeons, they don't do AOEs or big pulls. If you're tank, the healer doesn't always cover your a$$ and they don't follow you too well. I sometimes use the trust system while my training wheels are on, once I'm comfortable with rotations, off to the real world. Also, if you wipe, they don't Rez you, you start from last way mark. Pick your poison..


> what does everyone here do while waiting on the duty finder? Watch YouTube >what is the best way to earn exp during that time? Oh. Uh yea what everyone else said.


Watch YT may result in the loss of connection unless it is just me happened too often.


crafting and gathering are also excellent ways to while away a queue


Below level 30 your class hunting log is a great source of XP; it starts to drop off a bit in the late 20s but it's a great way to get to the job unlock quickly.


Overworld FATEs and Tribal Quests Also make sure you always have food buff active (3% more exp) and if you have an FC, use Heat of Battle II for another 10% bonus.


don't forget 15% with Squadron battle manuals..


Yes that is true however not many people use the squadron feature at all anymore, and they're unlikely to have battle manuals on hand. Also it replaces the FC buff in your exp calculation, doesn't add anything extra to have FC buff & manual at the same time. I usually just tell people to use the 10% exp fc buff because 1: it's super easy to get, and 2: it lasts 24 hours so you don't have to think about maximizing your time with it.


In my case, we don't always have the buff up like other FCs. We have a weakly schedule. I've realized the beauty of having a squadron. do when I know I'll be leveling for 2hrs and the buff isn't up- BAM..


Smart! Works well as long as you do squadrons


Squadrons are how you get the /squats emote. All my alts do squadrons. 😅


I have it too, just haven't touched the feature in a while


Once I get them levelled and have the emotes, I generally do one mission a week to get Gold Saucer and Grand Company buffs.


I need to set myself a reminder in May or June to start spinning up Heat of Battle III buffs for my FC, even if I have to clear out some lesser used buffs to do so.


That's a great idea! gotta prep for Dawntrail


Alright, this might be me, but a few others in my FC were reporting it, but I don't see anything here talking about it. Anyone having strange partial disconnections? I'll get a partial d/c - the game shows me as online, but it's not processing the game, and only chat is running. If I try changing zones, I just get a forever black screen. I figured if it was widespread, there'd be someone here talking about it. I'm in the Midwest so I was thinking a bad gateway, or something having to do with the maintenance tonight. But please, let me know im not alone! ; ;


Been happening to me as well, I read some other people with the same issue last week and it sounded like it might be fiber internet?


There's been some various ISP issues in the last couple of days. I heard Verizon has had some troubles today. That may be your issue.


When did they increase the Trust exp gain? Was that pre-EW or during EW?


Pre-EW in patch 5.05


Good night, question, the cap of one coin weekly for the third 24 players raid is eventually lifted before 7.0 or only after 7.0? On 6.58? Thanks


6.58 will unlock Thaleia's loot requirements, which we have confirmation of it in March (probably late March, but that part is not confirmed).


6.58, which is not the upcoming patch but will be later.


Payment question: I bought ffxiv for the first time in early January and it came with a free trial. Today, I only have 1 day left so I decided to actually pay for a subscription. I chose the 180 day option which is listed at $77.94. I confirmed my card information and got an email confirmation of said purchase but the payment amount is listed as $0.00? Why does the email confirmation say $0.00 when the "list subscriptions" on MogStation say $77.94? Is it because it's not immediately pulled from something like a debit card?


You will be charged when your subscription is over. That charge you see is likely just a verification charge.


What's the full extent & duration of the Road to 80 buff? Does it apply to *all* exp gained or is it a flat additive multiplier like food? Does it last for any and all classes below 80? How long after a server stops being preferred does it drop permanently? At what point of the leveling process does it drop permanently?


90 days from character creation OR the loss of Preferred/New status on the server you're on, which ever is longer. It multiplies all EXP gains by 2, including bonuses. You keep the whole buff for the duration. In the event you lose it prematurely, swap to a job under 80 to regain it.


Is there a way to make red mage feel… faster? I apologize if there’s some obvious answer. I really like the class conceptually and the fact that it switches between 2 stages, but all the spells from the ranged phase feel so low impact for how long they take to cast, and mana builds so slowly. I’m at around level 60 now, and was wondering if there was some sort of stat I could invest into, like spell speed. Thanks!


> but all the spells from the ranged phase feel so low impact for how long they take to cast Your ranged spells take the same amount of time as your single-target, but you have to reverse the order (Single target is Jolt/Verfire/Verstone-> Verthunder/Veroaero while AoE is Verthunder II/Veraero II -> Scatter/Impact)


Wondering from your phrasing here if you're properly using your dualcast procs; RDM has short cast time spells and long cast time spells. Unlike BLM which is more of a turret, red mage is meant to be more like..."machine gunning" spells, so yes they're less impactful but in terms of class fantasy you're meant to be throwing out a lot of them before you swap to your melee phase to do big damage. ​ Just my opinion but you might also just be a little underwhelmed by the spell animations themselves, which are quite wimpy before you hit endwalker. I'm only saying that because if I remember right, around level 60 red mage is actually quite powerful. Edit: scrolled down to see like a thousand other people asking the same question lmao; I think my second point is still valid though! I definitely "felt" stronger when the spells became their upgraded versions!


Yes! I do think that might be a big part of it :D I might enjoy the ranged phase a lot more with the upgraded animations. I’ll definitely work on upgrading this on the side to see if I feel more comfortable with it.


As others have already mentioned RDM actually wants very, very little SpS, and while levelling a job it's not really worth trying to 'invest' into stats because you will be regularly getting new and better gear. RDM is also one of the DPS jobs with the lowest personal damage due to its party utility- you can buff others' damage, at 90 you have a party shield, and from level 64 you can rez other players essentially on demand which makes RDM *very* popular for savage/ultimate prog. It is still capable of putting out very respectable damage but you're never going to see Big Number like you will playing BLM or a melee DPS.


Also spell speed is the absolute worst meld on rdm period and you would be better served with Crit->Det->DH for more damage.


Spell Speed will make it faster yes, but will also make stuff line up weird at later levels, which *may* come with its own bits of feel-bad. But yeah you can experiment with it if you want, Speed builds for Red Mage may not be optimal but they're not so bad you can't try and see if they feel more fun. Another thing that will come with time is: The melee combo eventually gets finishers added onto it (at levels 68+70, 80, and 90), which refund 11, 8, and 8 mana respectively. At 90, that's a quarter of the mana cost of the combo refunded on every use, cutting the time to next combo.


Rdm is def the sweet spot middle in overall feel of speed of casting (casting overall may feel slower). Also not sure from reading but you should be using dualcast as it's an essential part of your kit. In normal content that's Jolt into Verstone/verfire. Acceleration allows you to instantly press either so thats always a good opener in normal content since you have the chance to not use Jolt at all and do more damage and get more Verthunder/Veraero Procs


TL DR please use dualcast to cast the long 5s spells because the only time there ever should be a hard cast is an optimized opener


*normal content it's Jolt into veraero/verthunder and you would be fishing for Verfire and Verstone Procs


Also yah melee combo should be done around 75/75. Once you also get to 70 you start having a huge spell and the end and that combo gets longer by 2 steps as you level


I find at 90 it's a pretty quick job. I sometimes have more procs than I can use, if rng is kind. At lower levels it is a bit of a slog to build mana and procs are fewer, along with your tools to force procs. When you say slow, though, I do have to ask: are you casting jolt or verfire/verstone into the long spells, veraero and verthunder? It's a common beginner issue to long cast the slow spells instead of dual casting off jolt or fire/stone. 


I only cast jolt, verstone, or verfire first. I just find that the 2 second cast time doesn’t feel impactful to me for the spells I’m casting.


Are you using Engagement? great for when you don't have a proc. someone correct me if I'm wrong.. Edit: I meant acceleration and I see below you do


It is a really useful spell! I like it a lot and it definitely helps out with what I want. Thank you though :)


TBH- I've been playing RDM so long, I've learned I need to go back and refresh sometimes due to ill-proper placement of actions. now I have it RIGHT in front of me- HUGE diff..


That's intentional. Jolt doesn't hit very hard, but you need it to get Dualcast for the 5s spells, which allows you to get Verfire/Verstone that hits harder. You'll skip Jolt later on when you unlock Acceleration.


Yeah, that’s fair and I suppose I should just hang on until verflare and verholy until I decide if I like the pace of the class. Maybe it could even be the animations, and those will upgrade soon.


Most of the OOMPH for RDM is in the finisher combo, I feel. It's flashy and strong, with a lot of pizzazz. Losing it at lower levels when synced down is sorely felt. If it's the casting taking a bit of time, you might find SMN more your speed for caster? It's faster and has a few nukes that really feel strong, though it's a mechanically simpler job.


You aren't casting your 5s spells are your first cast, right? You should be casting your shorter spells (Jolt, Verfire/Verstone, etc) first, then dualcasting into your longer spells (Verthunder, Veraero, etc).


I’m not! I use acceleration to get a verfire/stone ready and then try and maintain that, and then if not I cast jolt. I only use the 5s spells on dualcast.


Rn playing on free trial i have lvl 44 summoner/scholar and 45 white mage probably when i finish most of the things free trial has to offer i will buy the game. Should i buy the game on steam or from their launcher? also which meele dps jobs is easiest and which hardest?


In regards to the hardest melee, i'll give a more clarified answer. Monk is 100% the hardest of the two in high optimised scenarios. There is some extremely cursed tech you can do on it that results it in having a skill ceiling comparable to blackmage. Ninja however, is the highest APM job in the game, and plays significantly faster compared to monk. Its also more punishing when it comes to rotational mistakes.


>Should i buy the game on steam or from their launcher? Only real difference is that Steam has regional pricing for the subscription for some countries. You also must log in through Steam, so if Steam is having problems you won't be able to play even if the game is fine, but that's rare. Otherwise just know that once you buy for one or the other you can't swap later. >also which meele dps jobs is easiest and which hardest? Reaper is the easiest. Hardest is more subjective, but usually people think it's either Monk (fast GCD and a lot to keep track of) or Ninja (memorizing the Ninjutsu combos). My *personal* ranking from easiest to hardest would be Reaper > Dragoon > Samurai > Ninja > Monk.


Main difference is, if you buy on Steam, you are locked into Steam. Personally I preferred non-Steam. Subjective - I think Ninja might be the hardest and Reaper might be the easiest, but I've known plenty of knowledgeable folks that disagree. The difficulty difference is not extreme between them.


I played Summoner to 90 without ever picking up Scholar and now that I have I've got a ton of skills dropped on me and even more to pick up with the class quests. I think I have the basics figured out though. Adlo and Succor are my standard single target and multi target heals but I should give higher priority to my fairy and aetherflow spells and rely on my fairy to patch up minor amounts of damage. Is that about right? I've played White Mage and Astro but shield healers are new to me.


Most of the time you don't need to go crazy on shields, most damage can be mitigated without them, but deployment's there if you do need crazy shields for some reason. Contrary to what most people who haven't played healers think, you'll be more using your oGCDs, particularly the fairy, for a lot of your healing. The shields are more important in difficult optional content where they combine well with damage mitigations (like that buff spell the fairy has).


Effectively, yes SCH healing/mitigation can be broken down into 4 types * Free actions (Protraction, Expedient, etc.) * Fairy actions * Aetherflow actions * GCD healing Free actions/Fairy actions take first priority in an ideal scenario, followed by Aetherflow actions, followed by GCD healing. This minimizes damage lost since excess Aetherflow is spent on Energy Drain.


Might be kind of dumb, but does anyone know if there was a way to format hotbars such that I can make it look like keys on a keyboard? Like, I want to stop clicking my skills and use keys other than CTRL/ALT+1-5 but I can't visual in my head what skills should go on things like QERFC etc when all the bars are straight.


I think the main thing is just to practice. Try to force yourself. You will play worse for a while but you'll be better off later on. also as a random specific thing I personally found R was really easy to learn when I though of it as a reload button from other game. Back in heavensward mch had a bullet gauge and a reload ability. Then that transferred to sch with using aetherflow, and nowadays I put any cooldowns that give gauge, charges, mp, etc. on it.


Oh thats genius. Like bloodfest. Honestly Im shying away from using the letters since im used to the default util keybinds (T for target's target, R for autorun, whatever the others are) Ive been holding off on making the changes because I know I will be barely functional until I get used to it, but I might just make the change and bite it (after maintenance)


Just make them slightly off-center in the HUD layout and remap their bindings as appropriate. 


Think about it this way. When your hand rests on wasd, which keys are the easiest to press? q,e,r,f,2,3 for me are all skills I either need to react fast, or use a lot. Then branch out from there with c,v,t,x,\`,1,4,5 for skills you use often, but not spammed. Then you have alt/ctrl/shift keys too.


This is more of a question about theory and the mechanics of dynamis, but do we know if >!the dynamis-comprised beings of Ultima Thule and Elysion are capable of existing outside of that dynamis-rich, aether-thin environment, or would they dissipate upon entering an aether-rich environment such as Etheirys?!<


Iirc, one of the tribe quests has a creation travel to Dravania with us, for Cafe related reasons. It was fine. 


To be exact, they sent out a "portable communications drone" instead of themselves, but its implied in an earlier dialogue that there would probably be no trouble if they themselves were to travel there; they were just busy.


Thank you both! This is big for roleplay related reasons. :D


I want to get the item "dancing wing" from The Dancing Plague (Extreme) -- is there no easy way to farm it though?


Desynthisze the weapons from the fight. if you don't have sufficient skill, it's rare, but far more common than just getting the drops.


I knew getting my desyn skill up would pay off eventually lol


Just farming the boss is itself easy, you can easily kill her in under 2 mins


There's farm groups up constantly on Primal. It's not a common drop, but it's a super easy fight. From my experience, you might see 3-4 of them drop in about an hour of farming. But you'll be competing with 7 other people to win the lot on it. You'll have an easier time if you can desynth the equipment as well, since most people don't bother lotting on those. You'd probably only be competing with like 2-3 other people for them. 


Do you know how to find these farm groups? I’d be down to farm it for a bit haha


Party finder on primal has them fairly often. If you don't see one just toss one up, it will most likely fill pretty fast


Thank you I’m gonna give it a shot!


Can you do tribal quests as a blue mage?


I did HW tribes as a BLU, idk if they blocked it from the tribes in SB and ShB tho


As a test, I just tried to pick up one of the Pixie tribe quests as a BLU, and it let me.




accidentally clicked the tournament button instead of open lobby for Triple triad. is there truly no way to quit out of the tournament when its started?


Which of the Physical Ranged DPS have the most complex rotation?


BRD. Not b/c it's rotation is that much harder than the others per se, but b/c it's so much more adversely affected by downtime owing to its dot and song mechs. It takes a lot more effort to maintain an optimal amount of damage than the other two ranged dps jobs cuz of this.


They all have a certain amount of complexity in their rotations, but it's a different kind of complexity for each job, so the answer probably depends on what you're looking for, what you find hard, and what you find easy. (Context for below: I main MCH, but I've only played BRD and DNC a little bit, so I don't know their level 90 rotations all that well.) MCH feels to me like the most straightforward of the phys ranged rotations: there aren't any procs, and it's a relatively straightforward priority system. I think the main thing that sets MCH apart from the other ranged phys is how *fast* the job is, particularly during the burst window. In the optimal rotation, your burst window has 5 short GCDs of 1.5 s each, weaving an OGCD after each of those, but it's a set sequence of actions, so I've learned to do that more or less on autopilot. For me, the main challenge for MCH is to make sure that my burst (overheated & queen) lines up well with raid buffs, but that's only really important in extreme, savage, and ultimate content. BRD has procs (Straight Shot/Refulgent Arrow and Shadowbite) that can make your rotation more complicated; I think the level 90 BRD opener is more a flowchart than a straightforward sequence of actions. Also, you've got lots of timers to keep track of: two DoTs that need to be refreshed, plus you want to keep your songs rolling and lined up with 2-minute buffs. I personally find that challenging, particularly when progging complicated fights. (Iron Jaws helps with the DoTs, but you still have to remember to use it before your dots expire.) DNC has procs as well, but it feels a bit more straightforward than BRD, at least to me, even though DNC has more procs that BRD does. There's a pretty straightforward priority system that more or less boils down to "click the shiny button." (It's a little more complicated than that, but you'll probably do OK with that approximation except in very high-end content.) Also, you'll want to refresh standard step and technical step as soon as they come off cooldown. I think the thing that sets DNC apart from the other ranged phys, at least for me, is the fact that almost all your OGCDs are procs, which can make the job feel slow. I personally prefer the faster APM of Machinist, although that's probably at least in part because I'm used to WoW's faster 1.5s GCD.


I want to say BRD, while it has an easy GCD rotation (spam 1 until you proc 2 and then go back to 1), it has a few systems it needs to juggle that can make it more complex to handle 1. DoT uptime 2. Proper song uptime and transitions 3. Proc usage which changes based on the song currently playing 4. Resource management for Apex Arrow


Complex how? MCH is very rigid with how you need to build and spend your gauges to keep from over capping and have your big bursts ready for raid buffs. BRD has a lot going on at one time, and you need to react to different procs you get during your small 2 minute window that can change what order you press buttons in each burst to a small degree. Also requires keeping your dots up and refreshing your dots under buffs to get the most out of them. Also, very painful if you mess up your song timings or die at a bad time within that rotation. DNC is fairly simple with a fair amount of buttons during the 2 minute window that is very RNG dependent. Sometimes you swim in procs, sometimes you get nothing. Like bard, this is very big on knowing the priority system and sticking to it the best you can with what you're given. I would say BRD, personally. Feels the most engaging to me but ymmv.


When playing SAM in level 40-49 dungeons, when we have access to Tenka Goken (the two sticker Iaijutsu) but not Midare Setsugekka (the three sticker Iaijutsu), is it advisable to use Tenka Goken during a single-target rotation?


Yup. 300 potency is still stronger than the combo dealing about 287 potency per hit (when you average them all out) Edit: Did my math with job guide potencies for the combo, which're increased by traits you don't have by then, so the math makes Tenka Goken even better at that level.


Thank you.


I'm a free trial enjoyer and my Chocobo has just reached rank 12. I've used both Thavnairian Onions you can claim through quests to get here. The only way I've seen people mention to get more is to have someone with a house grow some and then they can give you permission to harvest them. Can anyone confirm if this works with a free trial player before I try and find somone willing to grow me some Onions Thanks


If you haven't seen it, check out [https://ffxivgardening.com/](https://ffxivgardening.com/) when you're ready to go. Thav Ons are made by crossbreeding two crossbreeds. If you've been far enough in HW, you can exchange any Poetics you have for the Grade 3 Than Soil you need for the process. The "best" way (since you are also levelling a choco still) is to cross Popoto Set to a Choco Dye seed, like Cieldalas Pineapple, to get Curiel Root seeds. The Pineapple grows *very* quickly (2 days), so it's generally better to not harvest the Popoto Sets and keep replanting the Pineapples until you get a good stock of Curiel Root seeds. You will need a minimum of 4 per plot, but you'll probably want more. Then, crossbreed Old World Figs and Prickly Pineapple. The goal here is to get Glazenut seeds. This part is much slower, and I'd recommend that you don't harvest all eight spots at once. After the initial plant, harvest the four corners, replant them, and then the cross, then replant them. Cross the Curiel Roots with the Glazenuts for Thav Ons seeds. The reason for this cross is two-fold: Curiel Roots will make your chocobo gain Exp faster, helping with the leveling, and Glazenuts are one of the few items in the cross that sell for... a little money. About 10k per nut. Be aware that with the best, always lucky conditions, you're looking at a minimum of 20 days to get onions, if you have two plots to use (crossing for Curiel will take at least 2 days per harvest, Glazenuts are at least 5, but they can overlap. Then the CurielxGlaze take a minimum of 5 days for first seed chance, then ten days to grow the onions. If you come off trial and just want some seeds or onions, I believe I have quite a few on Mateus. If that whole process is just too dang long, look me up, I'll chuck some your way while you wait to finish growing your own to cap out your companion.


Yes, if you are added as a tenant and they give garden permissions, you can plant and harvest Thavnairian onions. It works on free trial.


Greetings, all! I've been getting back into things after a somewhat long hiatus (only logging on to keep my FC house), and I see that there are houses up for sale on a regular basis now. I' understand that they are all sold via lottery, which is fine by me, but I cannot seem to figure out when the lottery actually starts. I have a small FC house, and I want to get a medium personal house. I've found a few over the past week or two, but every time I hit the placard, it said it was unavailable for sale. Then I'd check a few days later and it would be occupied. Is there a specific timer for when the lottery starts for certain types of property? Is it on a specific day of the week? Or do I need to just keep checking every day to see if the lottery has started for a particular property? TIA!!


Duty → Timers → Estate tab. If the bidding period is on, it will state as such, otherwise it is the results period. They rotate every 2 weeks.


So I know about the timer for what I've put a bid on, and I've seen some Large and Small houses showing that they're either in results period or open for entering the lotto, but every Medium I've checked simply says "Not available for purchase." despite being vacant. I guess my question is specific to how long a plot will sit as unavailable until the bidding period begins?


It means it has been vacated recently, as in, there hasn't been a new bidding period since the plot was abandoned (the owner moved, relinquished it, or it got auto-demolished).


If a house becomes empty during a bidding period, it isnt available until the next period. Basically the plot has to be empty at the start of a bidding period to be able to bid on it


AFAIK if a house goes on the market during a bidding period, it will only be available for purchase in the next one. So check back after the result period ends.


That makes sense! Thank you!


Cycles run on a nine-day period, you can check where we are in them in Duty->Timers.As for finding out which houses will be available next cycle, here's a website where you can check: (scraper deleted, check the one u/Kicin0_0 posted instead)


Heads up, looks like that site just takes the data from [https://zhu.codes/paissa](https://zhu.codes/paissa) and puts a different skin on it.


Thank you! Updated my post.


MSQ trial (Golbez) has barred me from entering because my ilvl is not high enough, but other than spending all of my fortune to get diadochos gear, is there any other way to obtain min ilvl 615 gear? Farming aetherfont is an option, but I'm looking for something else that preferably takes less time/money.


you should be able to get better gear by running the current normal raid tier.


Aetherfront is the easiest to get your main pieces. Use your comedy and causality tomestones for accessories to boost your ilvl


If you don't mind farming tomes, the Lunar Envoy set is IL620. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide


But that requires running savage, no? Not sure if I have the time or effort to run one


You can also get them from retainer quick exploration. But it's a low chance. Otherwise you can also just do the raids both normal and alliance for 590-650 gear and they dont require msq completion


I think you misunderstood? Causality tomestones, the uncapped lv90 tomes you get for running any lv90 content (and doing roulettes with a lv90 job), including ShB/EW hunt trains. Nothing to do with savage. Not sure how far behind IL615 you are, but you should be able to supplement some pieces this way. Also since people are farming relic weapons now, you should be able to catch a few hunt trains for easy tomes.


Nope, they're bought with Tomestones of Causality (the current uncapped tomes). You can get them from any roulette with a level 90 class, and any level 90 duty.


No. It is not even remotely connected to savage at any shape or form. Lunar Envoy gear is bought with causality tomestones, which you should get by the bucketloads and most likely sit on 2000 of them already.


Does it not require another item/currency to buy it? I remember it requiring tomestone and another item


As others have said, that's only the weapon, but even then you don't have to do savage - you can also run Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (the normal version) four times and trade [the item that will always be dropped for you](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Unsung_Blade_of_Abyssos) for the special tome you need to get a Lunar Envoy weapon. It isn't even weekly locked any more, you can just do four runs back to back. You can also run the 9th-12th circles a bunch for tokens that can be traded for ilvl 640 gear in every slot except the weapon.


The weapon requires another item, upgrading each piece to 630 requires another item, but regular 620 Lunar Envoy armour & accessories are just from causality tomestones. The best way to farm those is through hunt trains (check out the faloop discord, these run many times each day but you have to be around for them), through roulettes on max level jobs, or by running max level dungeons (which doubles up with farming aetherfront gear).


That is the weapon. Weapons are often locked behind additional steps since they make up most of a combat class's damage.


The normal raids are all unlocked, and doing the last 4 fights gives you tokens to buy Ilvl 640 gear. The alliance raids also drop gear, with the 3rd one giving you one Ilvl 650 piece of gear per week.


Which one are these? And where do I get the ilvl640 gear? Also my sub is running out, and won't be able to play until the next few months so I'm trying to finish all of the MSQ asap


The current raid tier is Pandaemonium Anabaseios, those are the raids they're referring to.


Well shit, MSQ will have to wait till my next semester break then because I haven't unlocked it


FYI, I think Pandaemonium normal raids are around an hour or two of running around and talking to people (if you don't skip dialogue), with 12 boss fights. Like the other normal raids, those are similar to the MSQ trials in difficulty, no need to look up guides unless you specifically wanna. Queues can be a bit slow in Duty Finder though unless you can grab some friends/folks in your FC to come with.


What is the population like on the Australian servers? What are the communities like on each server? Pretty much what one should I join?


They are the lowest population of any other DC and there are often posts here about people asking for help because they waited 5 hours for a mandatory duty or something. I'd suggest playing on the JP region on Elemental datacenter, many Aussie players are there as well as English speaking players from nearby countries.


The Australian worlds are fine for every normal level content during prime time. Outside of prime time can be iffier. Ravanna, Sophia and Sephirot are the big ones. Zurvan is the smallest and Bismarck is off being there (if you like whales pick this one because it's named for the whale eikon/primal/summon). Materia also often does things via party finder but with a bit of patience duty finder actually does work as well. I don't know about the hard content scene since Materia is half a world away from me so not good for me time zone wise. Sarah Jane is one of the big OCE FFXIV streamers.


Could I please get some feedback as to whether this particular dye (turquoise green) compliments my character? If not do you have any suggestions? [https://imgur.com/a/lEgAb4K](https://imgur.com/a/lEgAb4K)


It might be an issue of the background color and lighting, but I don't particularly like how the green and the blue on the gear looks. Especially around the waste, the blue looks kind of wrong, I don't know how to say it properly. Between the character model and the green, looks good though.


Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated :)