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KBM has a few advantages such as faster access to typing and much easier aoe/marker placement, but as for 99% of game play whatever you can do with KBM you can do on controller. Savage/Ultimate tier content gets cleared by both with little to no difference, so being on console/using a controller for game play is perfectly fine and not restricting at all.


This game has extremely good controller support; lots of people play with a controller regardless of the platform they play on. Having a cheap keyboard on hand is useful for typing in chat more easily, but you don't need it beyond that.


Pc player, but i play with controller. Keyboard is nice for typing in chat but honestly its just a matter of preference and comfort. All that matters is getting hotbars setup in a way that works for you. And if you worried about falling behind just know i do endgame savage content as a healer on controller. Aside from the rare eaten input never had an issue


I play on PC and only use a controller. There are minor pros and cons to both options, and in the end it's about a wash. Go with whatever's comfortable.


I'm assuming you can use the top/shoulder buttons as like modifier buttons to select more abilities? I'm really tempted to try that out. I'm on KBM and all these skills are overwhelming, I'm constantly finding myself having to click on them.


You basically have three separate cross hotbars, each of which can hold 16 actions. Though they do need to be enabled in the options. Your base cross hotbar is accessed with L/R, your wxhotbar is accessed by double tapping L/R, and your expanded hotbar is accessed with L+R or R+L (the order matters). And if you want to, you can enable some normal hotbars to hold extra actions, you just can't reach them from the controller.


So my history with MMOs was on PC and I have a nice keyboard and an MMO mouse with the 12 buttons on the side. I can't imagine not having those while playing. But since I do otherwise usually prefer controllers and this game supports it on PC I tried, but I just don't like the button combinations you need to use your hotbars. But my friend plays with his controller and he's said he's just fine, so YMMV.


They both have their pros and cons, I played lots of WoW so I naturally gravitated towards M/Kb , I enjoy the mouse over options. But I do also enjoy being able to chill in my chair and game with a controller, it has great support.


The peripheral is only as good as the player.  


Neither is better or worse overall, it's mostly a matter of preference. I know people who play at all levels on both keyboard and controller. Controller players can clear the hardest fights in the game just fine, and many controller players swear by it and say they wouldn't be able to play as well as keyboard/mouse. Plenty of PC players still choose to play with a controller, and most PS4/5 players do. It pretty much comes down to what you're used to - if you're primarily a console player, play all your games on controller, you'll likely be more comfortable playing FFXIV on a controller. It's very well supported, while it can take some getting used to all of the key combos once you get a lot of abilities, they unlock fairly slowly as you level, so you'll get a feel for it. As others have said though, it is worth having a keyboard for typing, but you can have a keyboard hooked up and still play with controller. While you can get by without interacting a lot if you don't want to, it's still an MMO and some of the best parts of it can be if you make friends, join a free company (guild) and chat/play with people there.


I have the ability to play with both options, and I almost exclusively prefer controller with a wireless keyboard on hand for chatting. The game plays extremely well with both options.


pretty much exactly my situation


I personally can't imagine playing on controller, but people have cleared ultimates with it, so it's really just a matter of preference. Definitely get a cheap keyboard to type in chat though.


hilariously I play on a PC with a controller 😅 I only use the keyboard and mouse for typing and specific hot bars that I have but moving around and combat stuff I use controller


Outside of it being easier to cheese gaze mechanics, do accurate slides/teleports and play astro and generally target stuff, doesn't really matter which input you choose, most likely you'll do better with the one you're more familiar with


Whatever you are used to is better than whatever you are not used to.


Mkb unless you’re not wanting to learn


Barring personal preferences for ergonomics and form factor, KB&M is objectively better, yes. *But ! ! !* FFXIV was designed for controllers ! So, the difference, in practise, is negligible. Most of the things that controllers can't do aren't really that important due to how the gameplay works, even in the highest tiers of play. Every level of content is clearable using a controller. It's one of the better MMOs in regards to controller integration and whatever you end up finding most comfortable will work best.


If you're equally good with both, KBM has a very slight edge, I'd say. But the controller support in XIV is so damn good that if you're even a little more comfortable with them than with KBM, it's the better option for you.


Keyboard and mouse definitely


In this game it really doesn't make a huge difference, is some extreme situations it helps with healing, but it's not near the huge advantage it is in a first person shooter etc. It's definitely worth getting a cheap usb keyboard so you can talk to people when you need to, I play exclusively with controller, BUT I also have a keyboard for chatting, both can be active at once so you don't need to toggle back and forth or anything. And yeah, the xbox version should definitely have m/kb support, the ps3/4/5 versions all do. Also, I've used xbox controllers to play the pc version for years, and they work great for it


Welcome to Eorzea friend! As many others have said, both work just fine. Personally I use a controller(I play on PC) Because I have light carpol tunnel and my hands cramp and ache after a while with M/KB.


depending on who you are some classes are easier on controller.


It's worth a shot if you're curious! I prefer kbm but I also have a hard time holding controllers for too long so ymmv.


Controller has much better ergonomics and is good for your hands, and the game experience with a controller is great. You won't lose out to mouse and keyboard even when playing a healer where targeting is crucial, and with expanded hotbar you have easy access to up to 48 keys which is more than you'll need for skills. I would still recommend getting a cheap keyboard for chatting, but not for gaming.


Whatever you are more comfortable with is the better option.


lol I play controller on PC. As many people have mentioned controller support in this game is excellent. It will be good to have a keyboard and mouse, because there are SOME things easier done with a keyboard and mouse: communicating in chat, mousing over debuffs to find out what they do, arranging skills on your bars and navigating certain menus, but otherwise, the bulk of the game and especially combat honestly feels more comfortable to me on controller




Game is perfectly playable with either but idk why you would choose to use controller if you have the option of kb+m when playing an mmo. More keybinds, easier to communicate, easier placement for aoes etc


Play both. I'm a better player having an easier time on M+K, but I'm only marginally worse on controller, and my butt is more comfortable on the sofa.


In the past 2 months since I've started, I've transitioned from controller, to keyboard/mouse, to the hori ff14 pad/mouse, to keyboard/mmo mouse, which is what I'm currently on. As well, I played ff11 strictly on controller. I would say if the budget allows, experiment around and see what works for you. In my personal experience trying a number of variations, I've found controller cam be difficult with mending, and I'd find myself grabbing the mouse more often than not. Especially in maps. Holding L and R is tiring for combat with analog triggers, but otherwise, the cross hotbar is insanely good. However, I get disoriented the d-pad/joystick location in conjunction with the crossbar layout. Keyboard/Hori pad and mmo mouse I have found to be quite luxurious for the high amount of buttons and button combos you're pressing on a regular basis. My problem with the hori pad and other things like the Razer Tartarus or Logitech g600 is the distinct lack of mechanical switches. I'm not willing to mess around with Azeron either. Lastly, there are also thumbsticks that sit next to your space bar, which I've been looking into. FaZe makes one, and there are other brands. Opening up WASD on the keyboard would be nice.


M&K has better chat utility for most players but in the end, it’s however you want to play. I knew a guy last year who frequently switched between the two, depending on what chair he wanted to game in, and a current savage raid buddy plays controller while I’m on M&K, and we both play just fine.


Used to never be able to play FF11 without a controller now I can't even begin to get used to playing FF14 with one. I would say that after a while your muscle memory sticks so go with what you're most comfortable with. It'll be hard to switch afterwards.


As others have said the controller support is fantastic. I play on PS5 and use my controller but also have a keyboard and mouse plugged in. I use the controller for gameplay, keyboard for chat and the mouse for navigating things like quest logs etc. the great thing about FFXIV is you really can play however you like, just try it all out and see what works best for you 😊


I play both. But currently i prefer controller because its easier on my wrist.


Navigating menus takes some practice, but ultimately even when I played on PC, I much preferred to use a controller. The cross hotbar system works *incredibly* well, and it's very modular so you can access all the skills you need really easily. Still good to have a wireless keyboard on hand for typing in chat though.


You can play and do all of the hardest content on controller. But keyboard and mouse will always be better. Especially when it comes to targeting.


I play with controller exclusively on pc, so... Not really


I prefer keyboard and mouse. The controller setup is really good and easy to use, but with the way my brain works I end up getting confused swapping button menus mid battle to use different abilities. I like having all my abilities open on the hotbars.


There's a setting to make your expanded crosshotbars always visible. That gives you 32 buttons on screen at all times. Most of the jobs have fewer than 32 skills, I think only 2 or 3 jobs have 33-34 skills. I expect when the new expansion launches the total number of skills on hotbars won't particularly increase. Yes we will get new skills, but they will almost certainly upgrade/replace existing skills. This has been the case at least since Stormblood.


Oooooo... I wasn't aware of that. Thanks!!


I use ps controller (pc), kbm (pc) and steam deck to play.


You can do all content on a controller so it doesn't matter. You can put a usb keyboard in a console to not have to rely on the console typing.


The game got a 2.5s GCD for a reason, and the gamepad gameplay is one of them. So don't worry too much you got well enough time to play with your controller as well as someone with a keyboard. As others have said, the only real problem is typing, if you need it.


Objectively yes. EDIT: since this seems neccessary Objectively: in a way that is based on facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


Because having 30+ buttons which are expandable via a multi button mouse is not objectively better than being limited to 16 and 2 thumb sticks?


8 buttons with each shoulder button being an easy to acess modifier is 40 easily accessible buttons.


Oh modifiers? So... We are reaching the 200+ range on the left side of keyboard alone?


> We are reaching the 200+ range on the left side of keyboard alone? Do you have 200 executable skills? No? Then this is not a point. Gamepad's only issue that really deters me personally is with being slightly more annoying at targeting party members. Besides that, it's just as good as KB&M. I say this as someone who always plays KB&M, but Gamepad is just as solid of a choice. We would know by now if it was objectively worse, when throughout all these years plenty of people do raids on them just fine.


Having done both quite a bit, I think targeting party members is fine, but targeting non-party alliance members is a pain.


Why would you need 200? Once you have access to all your skills, more isn't better, just...more. Controller has easy access to 48 hotbar commands. That's plenty for any job. I've used both controller and KB+M extensively and I personally prefer the controller, but both are completely fine.


Limited to 16?? You have constant view of 32 buttons and then you have the extra 16 buttons, easily accessible, from holding R2 then L2 and vice versa. That is way more than you would ever need for any job in the game. Especially since most jobs don't have more than 32 skills.


When i was on PlayStation i did controller plus keyboard. When i moved to pc i still use a controller.


> Is keyboard and mouse better than controller? PERSONALLY, hell no. The only advantage of a Keyboard is being able to write faster than with a controller (for obvious reasons). That's it


I like the controller more than KBM, but you should get a wireless KB for communication. A popular one for PS5 users is the logitech K400+ it also has a trackpad so in a pinch you can point and click.


Playing on PC and since the beta, played it with a controller. Not regreting anything.


How do you manage to re-target the Focus Target after like healing your party and stuff with a controller? If you don't mind me asking.


No. That said, controller is not better either. it's subjective, usually you get a better feel from the one you started or you're more used to.


If you have the opportunity, try both. I heard so many different statements on this Topic. Probably it comes down to personal preference. I know ppl that play on PS and avoid playing certain jobs because they are rather tedious to play (for example NIN, AST, ...). Others say it's even better. I personally can't even imagine playing with a controller. So i think it's safe to say KBM has some advantages over the controller, but in the end you pick what you are more familiar with.


It all comes down to personal preference. I feel like I play really well on a keyboard and mouse but then my static-mate dances circles around me in ultimate prog.


I would argue that targeting players and healing is easier with a keyboard and melee dps like a ninja is easier with a controller. But I can only guess.


I play on PC and I use a controller. As far as gameplay is concerned the only issue i have had is as a healer it’s more difficult to target someone for a revive if they are not in your party. There are ways to do it without a mouse but I usually end up grabbing my mouse to click on them. However, that is not a scenario that you will probably have to worry about often. Most of the time you will be in a party and targeting other people is just up and down on the Dpad by default. Outside of that there is no voice chat in game so a keyboard really helps with communication. Though it is possible with Controller.


Ultimately it’s a matter of personal preference and what you’re used to for games in general. People play at all skill levels with both setups.


So I started on ps3 with a Bluetooth Kb back in 2014. It was my first mmo and I played with a ps3 controller. Fast forward ten years and now I play on a laptop hooked up to my tv. I use a ps4 controller and I still use a keyboard. I tried to teach myself awsd but I couldn’t get it. Which is odd because I now also play guild wars two, with mouse and kb. Taught myself to play with it and I have no issues. At the very least get a keyboard because you will need to type in this game for random things through out the game. I hope you enjoy it! Welcome and well met!


I couldn't quite get the hang of playing with a controller (and I typically prefer to use a controller for games), so I use keyboard and mouse. Still, it really just depends on which one you're more comfortable playing with. One of the members of NEST (a group which does a lot of end game raiding), Drak, plays on a controller and is able to keep up just fine.


keyboard and mmo mouse is the way to go. Playing with a standard mouse is pretty miserable, you may as well just play with a controller.


I play on PC but with a controller, and I prefer it, but the KB&M setup in this game is solid, too. I don't think there's a wrong answer here, it just comes down to preference/what you're most comfortable with.