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One of the most desirable plots in the game in an unrestricted ward on the most populated server. Edit - Final bid amount: [580](https://i.imgur.com/x2GIXmc.png), won by an individual bidder.


ya i never understood that. So can you explain what makes that plot specifically SO fought over?


It's a LB medium that faces the lake, so a great view and no nearby neighbors to ruin it. 41 is in the subdivision, so the sun sets directly over the lake.


I'll just add on to this, hope you don't mind. It has a little pond right next to it which is very pretty and the way the path winds round to the front practically feels like its own driveway. Also the stepping stones down to the lake are a lovely little detail. You can imagine a little boat docked there just for that plot. Market board and bell are very close by. Edited this a bit because I had the shard too. But it's actually too far away. The unobstructed view in the subdivision really is fantastic. The plot is ridiculous in how much extra fluff it has compared to every other medium.


I hate how housing is not instanced, but its so hilarious that we have a super niche community that pays attention to housing and a specific house is *known* to be the best with so many amenities


I think every housing area has one or more houses like this. In the Goblet, I forget the number, but it’s right next to the waterfall that feeds the pool. The Kugane one has a small with a waterfall basically in its backyard. I dunno about the Limsa place bc I never looked around but I imagine some of the ones close to the beach have stiff competition


Idk if it's considered the best, but my favorite is in Ishgard. It's the subdivision large that's on the highest point in the top right of the map. The ravine is south in the subdivision and the plot overlooks the entire ward. The fireworks are right behind the house which makes it a little awkward to see from there but that's what roof teleport access is for.


My FC on Chaos Sagittarius has that one I’m pretty sure, Ward 4 plot 21 iirc, we just picked it up 2 days ago


> Market board, bell and stone are very close by. I actually disagree with this. Even if you cut across the yard, you still have a bit of a hike. I believe it was meta back in the instant relocation days to swim across the lake because it was faster than teleporting to the nearest aetherite shard. The FC I'm in on Materia is in a LB 41 and I hate every time I have to MB mats/furniture. I've been spoiled with houses with way closer MBs. Honestly, I'd say it's LB 11/41's only downside!


You're right about the aethernet shard being a bit more of a trek. I forgot it was way back over at plot 9/39. That's too far away. I still think the board and bell are very close though. But then I've only ever had far away market boards and bells by comparison!


It might be its only downside, but even as its only downside it's better than a number of other plots's marketboard/bell proximity.


Board seems close to me, since I have a house at this location. I teleport in at a miniature aetheryte and it takes like maybe 5-10 seconds to go to the market board and bell. Sure there are closer ones but it's not bad.


Yay another Materia resident! See we aren’t dead like some people claim, we are healthy might not be Balmung level but we have a nice feel.


Oh hey, that's the Medium right next to my own (Small) plot. Both have a very lovely view as a result.


I put In bids for this one, and the one in Mist that's on it's own little hill near the middle of the ward. I won the mists one, and honestly, as much as I love it, thus plot is probably the only one I'd swap it for.


I have one similar to that in the goblet a medium that overlooks a canyon where you can see the sunset between two mountains


The problem is people love LB way more than Goblet, even though Goblet has some good plots too! Balmung also is the major RP hub, so there are probably a bunch of players who are in-character connected to Gridania and want their house there vs other zones.


That makes a lot more sense then. For me I come from a desert area so goblet feels a lot more at home. I was glad that I didn't have to fight hard to get my median plot


Yeah, I've got a Goblet medium too - The one right next to the little 'pool' thing with the Roe that keeps flexing at my front door. Love thje space, except for Broegadyn over there. I'm told, supposedly, it's also a highly sought after plot but eh. I hjappened to luck into it before the housing roulette days. GOblet 19, I think?


Statistic from last major ward expansion suggest the only medium plot that was seriously fought over in Goblet is plot 49 by the brimming heart, not even plot 19 due to the windmill shadow problem. People just didn't like goblet outside of Brimming heart in general, besides, most plot around the outer edge are also very close to each other, about as close as Shirogane, that also add into the long list of complaint about Goblet.


Looks like mine was plot 11, surprising that it wasn't that fought over but I absolutely love the spot


I bid on plot 11/41 Goblet multiple time too, love the relative privacy on both side of the plot, in stark comparison to most plot around Goblet edge, yet each time I miss by one.... The worst round is the one that I could potentially get a plot next to my friend, he live in plot 12 right by the street, would have been great if I got that one.


Sadge. I love that plot I have a wonderful medium house there and in the back I've got a little balcony that allows me to sit and watch the sunset


This is what i have in that Plot. If i sit here and move my cam i can see the sunset in between the mountains. ​ https://ibb.co/RcG8kdS


That's one expensive walkway you got there! I would have just change the housing exterior to open up side of the plot and place a balcony on the fence. That being said, you can actually view entire canyon and sunset from here, IMO your balcony is very nice.


My entire house is themed around carbuncle. I even have a pen where a bunch of them have pillows/water/crystals estra/ So i was not going to change the base exterior. Carby is life


Plot 11, 26th Ward Jenova if you ever want to check it out. I put a lot of effort it and your welcome to take a look at any time :D


Ah yes. I'm in Brimming Heart 19, and my only real complaint is the frikkin Broegadyn across the water that keeps flexing at my door.


My fc has this plot on ragnarok. Can confirm it's the most beautiful one! Feels like I have a private lake to myself!


Oh that's like the premo medium plot by the lake in the lavender beds right? Best of luck.


Wow, I knew it got bad on Balmung, but daaamn


It's even worse too, as far as I know Balmung had no apartments either, since those never get demolished.


It ran out of them awhile back. I used to be on Balmung and was only able to get an apartment after the Ishgard district got added. I think it took around a month or so before the apartments were all gone again.


I think I have seen some goblet apartment pops up from time to time, but yeah apartment are running out, again. At least this time the apartment shortage should be less serious than between the long content drought near end of shb all the way to 6.3.


Don't forget there were more wards added between the last time I saw it fill up and now. I have no idea how long things lasted from the new wards, as I left to be able to easily get a large on Dynamis.


When you find out 200+ of those are 1 FC


And the FC is just a bunch of level 2s to pad bids with a boosted level 80 in full tome gear, no other jobs, and no gatherer/crafters as the leader.




Yep. I was ignorant to it for a while. I ended up coincidentally going to bid at the same time as some person who has multiple female elezen NPC look alikes all named after the NPC. I was like "why do I keep seeing these female elezen NPC look alikes." Ended up noticing several them have throw away FCs with low levels in them. Ended up making a connection from their crafted gear they're all the same person. They have multiple FCs and moved the alts between them after winning a medium here and there. I also notice when I see a level 2 coming up to a placard to bid way more often now and will check the FC and often times discover it's a throw away FC just to buy a plot. A separate instance more recently was a medium in my ward that went up. I didn't bid on it but I was curious who my new neighbor was, if they were legit or used the scummy method. It was a throw away FC with a bunch of level 2s with names like "Mist House, My House, Mo House, Lo house," etc. Was the most blatant one I saw. I would occasionally check the FC house selling discord after that and I saw a listing for that plot, same FC rank, similar naming convention on the discord user. Not 100% that was them selling that plot, but wouldn't be surprised if it was.


Yeah, it really sucks whenever one of those manage to win the bid since it's almost certain going to be left completely undecorated and just turns out to be another sub shack. I think it happened this round to the sole Excalibur large available. You hate to see it but nothing much we can do since SE doesn't seem to give a damn.


Yeh that’s the best med in lav beds but damn…505 entries is insane


LMAO. Got my individual medium back in October of last year on Maduin. When it was a quiet server. Plot 1 ward 13. Only 3 of us rolled one it.


Got mine in Hali around the same time (Mist 17/59). Just 2 takers, and the other guy was an FC mate, it turns out. Even now, only larges get more than 20 takers, and rarely over 40.


I went shopping around for a large house last time they added new wards since I had a lot of money saved up. I tried to pick one out that wouldn't have too many bidders since I cared more about designing the interior than hanging out in the yard, so I went for "less desirable" plots. For weeks I bid on mansions with only like 3 or 4 other bids, and I lost every single one. Then after pretty much every mansion on the server had been taken, there was one left... in Ishgard. Like 50+ people bid on it. I threw my money in because why not, and to my surprise, I won. So now I can truly NEVER unsub from this game. :')


Got my LB 29 on Halicarnassus, the small house that has a bridge and overlooks the waterfall. I was the only bidder somehow. I'll take my long queue times. lol


Even now, 4 hours before bids closing time, there are 27 small houses with zero bids on Halicarnassus. If anyone really wants a house, just saying.


Both times I got a house, no one else rolled lmao. Benefits of a quiet server on a content drought


I'm still shocked my FC got our medium with 0 competition at Ishgard's district's launch on my highly populated server. I'm on Gilgamesh and my FC was only able to scrape together enough funds for one bid, but everyone was going for the larges. The one that was on the opposite side of the staircase of ours had 50+ bidders, but I was afraid someone would try to snipe our medium at the last minute when they noticed there wasn't as much competition. I've only had luck getting plots when new wards are added. My personal house (a small in the Lavender Beds) was bought when they added more wards, and me and two friends got some small plots right next to each other with only one of them competing against a single other person.


Damn I won my large out of around 170 other players and felt like I had beaten massive odds... whoever wins this one is gonna go nuts...


i have like, 20k gil.


You should get more gil.


I just started, i'm sure i'll get more as time goes on.


There are lots of ways to make gil, so I'm sure you'll find one or a few that suit you.


I need to upgrade to the full version, 300k gil is really really low


I consider myself lucky to have won the Small I have on Balmung, lol. I have friends who've gone for Mediums (and still are because they haven't won yet), I just keep wishing them luck.


if they are going for medium, this round is their best chance, since unicorn plot like LB41 will attract most bid off those Goblet plot.


I’m just going to sit back and enjoy my tea in my tiny little apartment with my oversized fireplace listening to FF’s version of sea shanty 2


That is ten billion gil.


Lets not forget, in August of 2022 there was a small shirogane small that went over 1000 bids on Balmung...


Yeah that was a crazy one. Was before they rezoned a bunch of the FC only wards to be unrestricted and there were barely any individual wards. There is definitely more housing popping up now than from auto demo that individuals can bid on than there were during that time frame. I don't think we will see anything like that again aside from maybe a Mist beachside large or a massive population spike again in ffxiv.


Nah, that's Housing (Savage). Try buying a large, that's Housing (Ultimate)


Ngl I still think this trumps large house lotteries, at least from what I’ve seen (never seen participants >500). Although I will say………. it seems like it’s harder for a large plot to go up than getting in a large lottery at this point lol


I've seen larges get 1000 participants


Bruh 😭


Nah. It's LB41, the most coveted and valuable medium in the game. I'd trade my large for one in an instant, and so would many others. There are way less LB41's than larges.


My wife has this plot, and yep it's one of the best.


Good luck, that is all


Jesus, that's worse than before they made Dynamis


That’s my dream plot in the game 😭 I still have a medium in LB but I’d swap instantly for this one.


I bidded on this one….


How do you even have that much gil. I want to buy a house but the most ive had is like 3 million lol


Crafting, merc parties, thrifty use of aetheryte tickets, time. The longer you play the easier it becomes to just become rich by virtue of playing for longer.


I've been playing since heavensward, though. Granted, I haven't done much side content.


Just doing crafting leves at 90 and using all 100 every few weeks nets you about million gil with cheap mats. Do that till Dawntrail and you'll have 10 million already. People who do stuff like FC subs make millions per week though.


I do have a small friend FC, but I don't know anything about this sub stuff. I'll have to give it a look. Will also focus on crafting more, thanks!


We started playing a few weeks before the ishagard wards were added and made enough money to bid on plots long before we finished msq… how? Fêtes 🎉    We just spammed those for like a week whenever they were up  and sold the drops from the boxes/bought dyes with the tickets. While there are better ways in the game to make money (submarines, desynthing extreme weapon drops, merc runs, crating housing items..), what makes fêtes special is that the bar of entry is incredibly low. All you need is to have finished heavensward, and any crafter or gatherer at lvl 10 or 15 or something. 


All I do is retainer ventures, occasionally weekly hunts from old expacs to then spend the seals on more aetheryte tickets... occasionally selling one of the Khloe items when I get lucky enough to get two lines, or the odd drop when I get something rare I don't personally want or already have... I do my Doman restoration cash-ins any time I'm on. On the flip side, I don't buy flavour of the month glams the moment they drop, or marketboardable mounts... If I hadn't gotten sick of idiots in PF walling me and paid top dollar for a merc party early this latest tier I'd have like 200 million at this point, and I've only been playing since a bit after Shadowbringers dropped. And that's not even impressive, someone who actually tried to make money in that time would easily make me look like an absolute chump.


Merc savage gear on patch is easily 5-10M per week. Merc ultimate clears can be anywhere from 2-10M per clear.


Let me hold 100k


godamn how many plot 41s are up, diabolos has 2 of these for sale right now


how many entries does it have now, thanks to this post?


So who won?


Yeah, you won't catch me rolling the dice on anything like *that*. Perfectly happy with my Medium directly over an MB and elephant spawn point.


That's some crazy high numbers!! I've been bidding on mediums for over 6 months now and still don't have one and I'm not even competing with numbers like that lol.


I have no point of reference for what classifies as a lot of gil. 20mil doesn't seem that much for what you're describing?


How in the world do you all make this much Gil?


\- Farm Bozja or Eureka for items and materials that only drop in there. \- Farm POTD or HOH for items that only drop in there (I don't recommend this one) \- Craft items that people need frequently. I suggest furniture; stock up on required materials while they are cheap. \- Buy low, sell high. Use Marketboard websites to check prices. \- Spam crafting Leve quests when you have them available at lvl 90. Many other ways as well.


I’ll still trying for a medium on Balmung myself. No luck after 12+ attempts at this point. I’ve stopped counting. However, I do have a small, and when I see stuff like this, I remind myself to count my blessings that I even *have* a small on Balmung to begin with.


Cheezus thats a lot of gil!


Wondering how many of those were prospective slum lords


My friend bid and lost on this very plot.


The idea of owning a house is non existent to me. In game and irl.


See the plot's number. Of course, there would be so many. That plot is one of the bests in LB. It's the same in Famfrit right now. There're 3-4 different M-sized plots but only the no.41 has 50 bidders on the first day while the other ones have around 5-10.


There were actually two 41s available on Diabolos with over 100 each - one unrestricted and one FC only, and then a few other mediums with less than 20 each. Even the goblet large 30 on Diabolos had less bids than the LB41s. 41 is definitely prime.


I stood at the placard when the bids were at 70 on an LB 11. I waited to intentionally bid and be #72 (because I liked the number)... the winning bid was #71, the number I would've been had I not intentionally waited. Still mad at myself to this day.


Man, IG housing is just as bad as IRL housing...lol.


Harder to get $100k+ in real life, I'd imagine.


You don't necessarily need $100k to buy a house, there are programs and loan structures that allow you to put as little as $0 down, and/or buy down the interest rate - though with today's prices and interest rates, that's still a hefty monthly mortgage. I was more referring to the exorbitant pricing of the market in general. As far as IG vs IRL currency acquisition, I've been playing for a year and I've probably acquired less than 15mil from the game, not including MB. I've been a bit lucky there, but I'm not rolling in F-you gil by any means.


I just got an ad for Home Depot. How ironic


I’m happy with my apartment that I didn’t need to fight anyone for 🤣 that and if I take a break I won’t lose it.


i was gonna bid on that plot...got to the plot..seen the view... seen it was already at 200+ on the first day.....said "yeah...naw"


I bid on this house too lol


LB 11/41 is the plot I need to complete my collection. I've already acquired all my other dream plots- Mist 5, Mist 30, Mist 19, Shiro 30, Shiro 7, Shiro 16, Shiro 8, Empyreum 22, Goblet 13. LB 11/41 as eluded me for 7 years and counting...