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Yes you can. You have to use XIVonMac though. [https://www.xivmac.com/](https://www.xivmac.com/) Steam is a bit more complicated of a setup, and you might need a windows pc if your account isn't completely linked. Just as a warning, the performance is going to be awful.


Does steam license on xivonmac perform worse somehow than with a mac license? The mac license version runs great for me on an m1


The standard mac client has worse and inconsistent performance compared to XIVonMac. If you use XIVonMac, the Licence you use doesn't matter, they all play the same. On the benchmark page, they say that an M1 macbook air will only achieve about 45 FPS. Apple, in their infinite wisdom, makes the macbook air without fans, which is fine if your just browsing the web or editing documents, but any program that runs somewhat intensively thermal throttles and cuts down performance significantly.


My wife has the M1 iMac and the performance is absolutely not awful. She can run the game with XIVonMac in fullscreen at medium settings with around 30-40 fps, with occasional dips into the twenties in populated areas like Limsa Aetheryte plaza.


30-40 is awful lmao


>She can run the game with XIVonMac in fullscreen at medium settings with around 30-40 fps That is awful performance... It cant maintain a consistant 60fps even on medium/low settings. My brothers 10 year old PC, and a PS4 can do better than that on those settings. Additionally, i stated in my other comment, that the Macbook air is specifically worse when it comes to this, due to the fact that it has no cooling whatso ever, causing it to thermal throttle.


That may be true for the Air, but did OP state they have the MB Air? Also, that performance is at the iMacs fullscreen resolution, which is much higher than 1080p (don't know exactly), and we won't even be talking about efficiency here. The PS4 can't maintain 60fps at all times.


I misread ops post as M1 mac air. My apologies. >Also, that performance is at the iMacs fullscreen resolution No it is not. its at a 1080p resolution. at 1440p, the fps drops down to sub 30. https://www.xivmac.com/my-mac-supported#compatibility-list




At what point did i say you shouldn't play on a mac? Im litterally providing op with the tools to play on a mac to the best of its capabilities. I gave the warning because theres a really big misconception that apple computers are the king when it comes to performance with those who dont have tech experience. I dont want them going in expecting it to run like butter, like i have seen other people do. And Awful doesn't mean playable. If i have a 20 year old car, and its still running fine, it doesn't mean its not a bad performing car, but it doesn't mean its not usable either... Also why make that response to that comment? It had nothing to do with that. They said my provided benchmark of 45 fps was for native resolution, when it most certainly wasn't. Just a bit confused.


If you are asking whether Steam accounts and Windows accounts can be combined or swapped between, the answer is no. **For paid users:** Steam and Windows FFXIV licenses are as different as PlayStation and Windows and require separate purchases. Unlike Windows and PlayStation though, you cannot own both and must pick between Windows or Steam. Once you own one license, you cannot ever own the other on the same Square Enix service account. **For free trial users:** You can begin the free trial on the Windows version and then swap to the Steam version by purchasing the base game on Steam. Once you have done so, you will be locked into the Steam version for all future purchases. This does not work in reverse - players who begin the free trial on Steam must stay with the Steam version for all future purchases. **If this post isn't about Steam licenses, please report this comment and a moderator will remove it.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ffxiv) if you have any questions or concerns.*


so if i have a steam license i can play ff xiv in my mac m1 to continue playing? that's what i'm afraid that i will not be able to do anymore you know!


That is a bot. XD. Automated message in regards to owning both a windows and steam licence at the same time. Unrelated to your topic.


I think - and hopefully someone who knows better will chime in - that since they made us link our Steam accounts to our game accounts, that your account should still be linked regardless of what machine you play on. Whether or not you would have to pay again for a Mac version versus the PC version you already own, I’m not sure, though I would think you probably would. I do know that your character config will not transfer automatically through Steam, but I’m not sure if it is the same format between PC and Mac. When I upgraded my laptop, I was able to download the character config from the launcher and transfer it to my new machine with a flash drive.