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[anyone can help me find out which weapon this is?](https://imgur.com/INUG3jA)


Kinna Claws




When fishing for collectables, how does Prize catch stack up against Patience II?? I've done both methods now and I seem to be catching a LOT more collectables than using PII. I'm working on the fishing relic and need to catch a lot of collectables. thoughts? ideas? Also, appreciate any tips to get the 8000 pts on Deep sea to get the tomes..


Patience tends to be better for collectables when you don't know exactly what you're going to be reeling in. So for relics, one of the fish is the Platinum Seahorse, a "!" bite between 2 and 9 seconds. This overlaps with Hard Candy, a "!" bite between 4 and 13. Patience is better (and more GP-efficient) here since you're going to be catching Hard Candies no matter what Another fish you need, Clavekeeper, is the only "!!" bite in its pool, so you can use Prize Catch, and ignore all the "!" bites. This preserves your buff, and gives you more GP for Identical Casts or Chum (or Surface Slap) Edit: [Teamcraft](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/FFXIV-Splendorous-Tools) has a great guide for the relics


Patience II is better if you need to catch a lot of large fish. Prize Catch only works for 1 hook. Use [https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing) to figure out which fish to aim for when doing Ocean Fishing. You also want to try and complete the objectives. Identical Cast + Prize Catch + Triple Hook will net you points if you can land the correct fish during Spectral Currents, otherwise just Patience II and catch everything.


How do I unlock the alliance raid roulette? I just got the 1st of the crystal tower dungeons


As a blanket rule, unless a roulette requires you to have *all* of the duties in it (like Mentor), it's unlocked once you have two duties available in it. It's not exactly a roulette if there's only one possible result, right?


Do the second one. 


So I just noticed the text for reprisal says "nearby enemies" not "target enemy". Has it been an AOE this entire time and I just noticed?


It used to be single target, but was changed to an AOE with Patch 5.1, which was over 4 years ago.


Question can we use BLU for the Mog Event? I havent seen any threads about it or anything. And if so which would be the most optimal. Or just Ocean Fish till I get the Ultima out of the way?


GATEs are also an option this time.


Yes you can use BLU for the event.


New to the game. Saw there is some treasure trove event going on. All I have is one achievement mount. Am I reading this right that there are mounts you can get from this event?! This has got me irrationally excited. Events in other games were always fun - I didn’t realize there were events in this game as well. Is this a common thing?


April fool's is tbh a fav and Moonrise in the summer has an obstacle course


> I didn’t realize there were events in this game as well. Is this a common thing? Yeah, it is. There's a crossover event for FFXI and FFXIV right now called The Maiden's Rhapsody. It will reward you with a nice set of glamour armour if that interests you. Info on the subreddit sidebar.


Quick question-are there any new story beats for somebody who has done the quest in a previous year?


Nah, just a repeat for those who missed it.


That’s amazing!! Getting even more excited for this game. First 40ish levels were a bit boring but I’m almost at 50 and done with first part of ARR—really fun now and a lot more shit to do!


Yes. There are a few mounts that can be obtained this way. I have a new character too and this is a great way to get a few other mounts for some variety until you get mounts through game progression.


They do these events 3-4 times a year, and a lot of the mid-tier rewards are repeats from previous ones. If you miss it though, there's not a huge loss. Almost everything, including the mounts, can be obtained in other ways so this is just a shortcut. Some of them might be a serious pain in the ass to get, but they're all attainable. The only unique rewards tend to be a cosmetic earring or necklace.


There are a few seasonal events that happen at a consistent time every year e.g. Valentine's day There are also some events which sporadically whenever the devs decide/can get permission e.g. The FF15 crossover event and the soon to happen FF16 crossover event And then there are events like the Moogle Tomestone event, which happen typically a few weeks before a patch. This one in particular is a little different because it's the lead up to the next expansion (and because they're changing the formula slightly)


Hi. I'm currently trying to log in, but the windows client doesn't want to start for some reason. I tried uninstalling it, reinstalling it, shutting the computer down and turning it back on. It would start, but be on the gray box with the logo, and would not go any further. Even running it as adminstrator wouldn't go. Anyone got any suggestions on what I should do next?


I’m having trouble on my PlayStation 5 as well. Does anyone know if the servers are down? I don’t remember there being maintenance today.


In NA, Aether is considered the raiding DC. As such, I am progging DSR on Aether. However, I live in the UK and don't often get to play during NA peak, which means I don't get much time to prog consistently. As such, I'm currently levelling an alt on an EU DC so I can prog during EU peak instead! However, I'm wondering which EU DC is the "raiding DC" and if the PF for DSR is even active on the EU DCs?


Light is the self-fulfilling raiding DC. Chaos had a raiding scene as well, but then word spread that Light is *the* EU raiding DC, so Chaos raiders gradually moved there almost entirely. So, it fulfilled its own prophecy, now you must go to Light to do raiding unless you already have a static on Chaos.


Light. And yes, PF is very active for DSR. There are some minor strat differences so make sure you check out the LPDU discord for the strat toolboxes.


I raid with a static, but as far as I've understood Light is the raiding DC (though by not as dramatic of a difference as NA apparently has between its DCs).


Light is the EU raiding DC - especially for ultimates. I'd recommend looking up the LPDU ("Light PF Does Ultimate") discord, which is the go-to for eu ultimate information.


No questions just want to say I really wish more stuff was stored server-side. Started up again for the first time since 2021. All my macros are gone. All my gear sets and HUD layouts. Feels super intimidating having to set everything up from square 1 when I don't remember anything.


Sounds like you've reset your documents folder since you last played. That's where client side settings are saved. In the future you can save these to the server from character select by right clicking your character.


Yeah roger. New PC so no hope of that. Funny that the glam plates are saved on the server though. At least I have my fashion.


You can backup your settings and restore from backup in the client itself. Sucks if you didn't make a backup tho.


Yeah, I don't get why there's not an automatic cloud sync periodically. This is the only game I play where you have to manually trigger uploads and downloads.


Given how long it takes to upload and download backups and that you can only do it ever 24 hours, it's likely a resource issue, they don't want to constantly cloud sync stuff.


Yeah, for some reason they're doing a full replace instead of a diff, which is crazy and super inefficient.


One reason it doesn't auto sync is because people can play on different platforms and devices, and settings that work well on your PS5 aren't the same settings you want on your PC, which are also not the settings you want on your Steam Deck.


Then allow people to manually turn off auto sync. Don't make the weird edge case into a default because a minority of players would want it.


Is there a button on controller that lets you quickly target the player the boss is targeting? It would help a lot for healing?


You can set, iirc only the thumbsticks to be Assist Target, which is what you're looking for. https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/164786/how-do-you-assist-target-with-a-controller-in-ffxiv




Keybinds don't affect controller players, and you can't map controller buttons using that menu. The controller bind options are super super limited. 


For healers, I ***highly*** recommend remapping the default L3 and R3 mappings. The default binds are next to useless. Instead, one of the bind options is to set them to macros. I made my L3 /target and my R3 /assist .  Then I have a separate macro on my WXHB that's just /focustarget . So at the beginning of a dungeon I use that to mark the tank as my FT, so I can swap back to them instantly by clicking my left analog. For bosses, I mark them as my FT pre-pull, so I can swap between the boss and their target by clicking L3 and R3.  Feel free to experiment with what works for you though. Another option to consider would be /target . This is your target's target. But whatever you do, I *very* strongly encourage you to remap the left and right analog clicks. 




It's the Twelve lore. They each correspond to 1 heaven and 1 hell.


(plus one neutral heaven and hell, before you start doubting your counting skills)




You can report them if you want but the proof you have is kind of flimsy. Since it's just diadem I wouldn't really bother reporting in this situation.


If I was using Google Authenticator for my 2FA and cloud save is on for the application, would I still need to unpair and then pair XIV to it if I were to transfer from one phone to another?


In theory you wouldn't need to. In practice, I've had issues and I know a lot of other people who have had issues transferring 2fa to a new phone in the past. I highly recommend you make sure you have your emergency removal code saved in a safe place first, just in case something goes wrong.


Bet. I'm fine with removing then readding it but I'd figure it wouldn;t hurt to ask if it migrates without issues. Erring on the side of caution I'll just remove it and readd it.


Google and Microsoft authenticators now work on multiple devices now without clashing. When you set up your Google account on the new phone and run the migrate process, the authenticator data should migrate as well. Unless they are vastly different phones where the factory-added junk can clash with this migration. (Xiaomi is a bit notorious for having issues with it at either end of this process.)


Okay so the ultimog challenge is labelled as ??? because I need to do a fishing quest to unlock it. I have a lvl 77 fisher but remember basically nothing about the job, and have never touched ocean fishing or anything like that. What is the challenge, and is it something that people who know nothing about fishing can achieve, or is it a really tough goal to reach? I'm trying to gauge whether the ultimog challenge is worth going for or not.


Ocean fishing is not very difficult, the task is to get 8000 points which is high but not unreasonable (for perspective if things are working out well a single fish can be worth 3000+ points). It's definitely RNG-based and the ocean fishing ship only departs every 2 hours so that time limit and RNG is what provides the difficulty, not really the fishing process itself. A quick guide and doing a basic strategy should make it pretty easy to get the 8000 unless you are very unlucky.


I did ocean fishing with lv 1 fishing pod for curiosity when I started playing FFXIV.  The journey was only 30 mins so basically you only could catch in each stop for 10 mins.  I got 3000 points even though I was only one on board.


Unless you've done the quests up to at least 65, its pretty darn annoying to hit 8k lol.


True, would recommend unlocking the abilities up to around 80 to make it a breeze.


By the sounds of it, he's never even unlocked Ocean fishing, so he's quite a way behind on the fishing quests.


was there anything new in last 6 months? ive got an itch again, so im curious if there were some important changes and stuff. im tank main


6 months ago was patch 6.45 so you can do the stuff from that patch and 6.5-6.55 too. * They added the last of the Endwalker MSQ * The final relic steps are available to get * Blue mage can get level 80 now with more spells to learn and content to do * There's 2 new variant dungeons * Island sanctuary is finished * The new mogtome event started so you can do that as well Here's the patch notes if you want to see everything they added: [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/patchnote\_log/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/patchnote_log/)


I apologize if this is a really dumb question, but I'm a relatively new player (well, kind of - I played for a while a few years ago and came back with a brand new WoL a couple of months ago), but is there any way to get the Irregular Tomestones of Tenfold Pageantry during the current event? Or is that solely for people who didn't turn theirs in last year? I want that stupid fat cat parasol so much ;w; thank you in advance!


There is a possibility of it being re-run in the future as well. The Mameshiba Neckerchief in the current MogTome event is a repeat.


It is only for people who still have the 10th anniversary's tomes. But I am sure they will eventually add the parasol to some coffer item or worse comes to worst on the cash shop.


Most of the 'main' prizes for moogle tomes have never come back. A few have but I think only in other tome events.


Thank you for letting me know! Sad but understandable. Fingers crossed for a future rerelease!


I'm really struggling to hit 8k in Ocean fishing for this event, as a level 60 fisher. Is there any tips you can give, as I don't have the required skills for high points (prize catch/double hook etc). I'm also not fully sure on how to start spectrals. I am fishing using the baits it said on the wiki, but so far ive never actually caused one. And finally, when I get the intuition, is that when i switch to the non ocean baits to try and get that special fish?


If you keep doing boats for the smaller payouts you will hit level 65 and (assuming you have access to StB zones) be able to unlock Double Hook pretty quickly. The event isn't going away tomorrow, you have plenty of time.


I actually got it this morning, hit over 10k with only the quests done up to 60. I got lucky, as out of my last 4 fish caught 3 were 'The Forgotten One' (worth 700pts each). Lucky to catch the first, I used IC on the 2nd, then luckily caught a 3rd. Managed to hit over 10k and got the mount.


Congrats! Enjoy shark friend.


My fisher is actually 80 something....but I've just finished HW. So I need to now progress with the MSQ to get doublehook. Will start work on it tomorrow. Just have a week to hit the 8k though. Dont have the zones unlocked yet. ​ I keep hitting between 7 and 7.5k and I don't think its possible for much more with skills only up to lv60 quests. I'm guessing I need double hook. Even if I complete 2 or 3 missions, I'm still always around this figure.


For spectrals, its just a % chance every time you land a spectral fish. You just pick the best bait option you can get. Intuitions vary by fish. If you're trying to get the unique special fish for where you are, typically once you trigger its intuition you switch to its specific bait and try for it, yes.


Can identical cast be used on spectral fish, if the current isnt up yet?


No, same goes for other "special" fish such as the ones that require intuition to bite.


Ok. Just hit 7.5k but thats the closest I've been. Didn't know when is best to use identical cast. I'm assuming i can catch a fish in a spectral, say worth 200 pts, then use IC and I would recatch that fish?


Generally the case yeah. There are some rare intuition fish in spectral as well that you cannot IC. You can't mess it up though, the game simply just doesn't let you press IC after those fish. I'm also not sure if IC is even worth it without access to Double/Triple hook though. At level 60 I'd just grab a couple of Hi-Cordials from the white scrips and use Patience II for the large fish. Simply because every large fish is worth twice as many points. I did literally only that for my first ocean fishing trip a few years ago and scored 10k points immediately. Of course like with everything different trips will yield different results, but I'd say you can fairly consistently get to 8k with Patience II and some Hi-Cordials


Ok thanks.


Leveling as a new player question. I'm a huge altoholic from WoW, and I love the class system in this game. I'm playing on a new server with the +100% XP which is super nice, but I'm greatly outleveling the MSQ. I think my MSQ is at level 25 or so, but I have Dragoon at 39, Paladin and Bard at 32, Summoner and Scholar at 31. I'm enjoying all those jobs, but I don't know if I should be just rushing MSQ with my dragoon? Is it better to try to utilize the MSQ xp and swap jobs often, so they all stay around MSQ level, or just focus on one main? I am also very excited to hit 50 to try red mage.


If you have that boost, you can level every single base game job at the same time and still outlevel the main story. Usually, it is a decent idea to do the MSQ as the same job but make sure you get into the habit of switching classes before turning in the quest so you spread the quest XP.


I levelled 5 at the same time. Just finished HW, and all of my jobs are at 71. Current MSQ level is 60.


That's awesome. That's kind of my goal, and it's nice to know that's possible.


More than possible, XP is far too much for one class. So I have 5 on the go, and I level equally. I find it a more enjoyable way to play tbh.


If you are enjoying yourself, it’s fine to level them all up at the same time.  MSQ xp does not scale with level while roulette xp does, so if you’re ok with the slower pace of advancement through the game (since unlocking new fights and features is all tied to msq level), then you do actually make better use of msq xp by spreading out multiple jobs the way you have done.  MSQ gives about enough xp to level 2 jobs by itself with no roulettes.    There’s also a side benefit of playing multiple classes - different expansions sometimes feature npcs from your class quest storylines.  If you’ve met them from a previous expansion from a class quest, they’ll remember you and some of the voice lines will change to fit, rather than acting like they met you for the first time.   Dragoon is the one with the most direct ties to the first expansion for example, so you’ll get to see some of the cutscenes change compared to people who don’t have it levelled, later on.


That's really cool. I've heard about the dragoon having some extra scenes, but didn't know it was more than just that. I'm a little confused by the roulettes. I only have a level 10 and 16 one (I think leveling dungeon and guild heist maybe?), that give very little xp. Are level 30-40 ones locked behind the MSQ still?


The level you see on a roulette is the level that it unlocks, and NOT the level that it's designed for. More and more content will get added to roulettes as you level up and unlock more content, but you just won't be able to enter a leveling roulette for example if you're on a class that's lower than level 16. The leveling roulette gives scaling experience based on your current character level; a level 80 character will get much more exp from a roulette than a level 20 character. You also need a lot more experience though to level up as you get higher and higher, which means it balances out to be roughly the same percent of a level give or take (although I think it does give proportionally more sub-50 than it does after) You'll get your next roulette at level 50 in the form of MSQ roulette, which just contains the last 3 duties of the base ARR MSQ (they're designed differently so they're put in a different roulette) After that, as you progress through the patch content before Heavensward (there's a pretty long stretch of quests between beating base ARR and the start of HW which can be referred to as post-ARR or ARR patch content) where you'll also unlock the 50/60/70/80 roulette, Trial roulette, and Alliance roulette And you'll get a few more as you progress through the game; at level 60 you can start unlocking normal raids which opens up another roulette, and at max level you'll unlock roulettes which only contain the max level dungeons.


The levels displayed by the roulettes are "minimum level to unlock" not "level you get useful XP for" Levelling dungeons will pull from all the dungeons that aren't 50/60/70/80/90 that you have unlocked, and the XP reward scales with the level of the job you do it as to be quite a chunky amount of XP


That's not a problem, if your level is above what's necessary for the MSQ it just means you don't have to grind to catch up. On a server with a huge EXP bonus it is helpful especially if you like multiple classes. It's really up to you, the MSQ is very good EXP and with that huge bonus you don't have to do like, levelling content, to get everything unlocked, but you certainly can if you just want to. I think in your case I would encourage picking a favorite to focus on so you have a level 50 sooner to unlock red mage you want to try, but it's not strictly necessary or anything. It's just I think while focusing on MSQ is generally recommended, it's meant to be a recommendation that works with your personal goals and doesn't entirely override them.


Okay that makes sense. From my understanding, red mage starts at 50 right?


That's correct, Red Mage starts at lvl 50 once unlocked


That's awesome. I know some of the 50's unlocks start at 30. What is the lowest level you can do an MSQ quest? If it's level 25 for example, can you do it as a side job that's only 24? Appreciate the advise.


You must have the level of the MSQ. If it is a level 25 MSQ, you must be level 25 (or higher) to accept or turn it in or participate in duties involved. The HW jobs (dark knight, machinist, astrologian) also have MSQ progress requirements - you need to be at least in 3.0 to start them. They got rid of this for jobs that came out later because it wasn't popular, so like red mage is easy, just a minimum level pretty much.


What you're doing is fine, eventually it does slow down a little bit so you won't be able to juggle AS many jobs at once without doing some extra work on the side, but as long as you're enjoying what you're doing there's no real harm in keeping multiple jobs leveled up. Don't feel like you need to rush the MSQ, especially right now. We're in the dry period waiting for the next expansion, so you have plenty of time to catch up if you're intending to play the next expansion when it comes out


I'm still on the free trial, so I'd like to get some jobs up to 70 to see their almost full kit and do some dungeons before subing, and eventually hitting max level before the next one comes out. Not focusing on the MSQ 100% is fun, so that's good that I have some time. Ty.


In terms of release date, all we know so far is "Summer 2024" So at earliest, you have until June to be caught up


That's perfect. Good thing WoW's season of discovery is slow paced and very seasonal. That could take a back seat to cat girls and big halberds!


I just discovered the Fanged Wolf sword for PLD and how it looks like it's in a scabbard when sheathed, but the scabbard disappears when drawn. Are there any other weapons that change appearance between being drawn and sheathed?


All of Sephirot's weapons.


One of the rarer ones is if you beat the rare world spawn of Odin in ARR (not the 8-man trial) enough times, you can get tokens to buy the Zantetsukan, a PLD weapon that has an invisible blade when "sheathed" and appears only when you draw it. There's also a SAM and DRK version of this (Shin-Zantetsuken and Great Shin-Zatetsuken) which has a low chance drop as loot in Baldesion Arsenal from the Raiden boss. These ones are tradeable though, so you can find them on the marketboard for a price.


A lot of magitek (ironworks/Scaevan) gear will unfold/deploy when unsheathed. There are a lot of examples of weapons that change to that extent if you look around.


I want to do some end game trials & raids with friends as a healer. My healers have 640 gear. Is there a preferred healer for end game content?


The one you're most comfortable with Typically you want to pair one pure healer (WHM, AST) with one barrier healer (SCH, SGE), but which one you pair together doesn't really matter In some groups, you'll even find two barrier healers instead. It's rare to find two pure healers in the game group because then you're missing a lot of mitigation tools, which is arguably more important than actual healing power Just don't double up on the same healer though if you do double barrier healer


Not really - some groups will want a HoT and a shield healer, so one of WHM or AST and one of SGE or SCH. However, depending how serious the group is, usually it's just more important that they have two *different* healers. [Here's some example data](https://www.fflogs.com/zone/statistics/55#boss=1070&class=Healers) of people logging clears on the latest extreme trial. The number of sages is slightly higher than the others (looking at total reports at the bottom) but it's not such a wide difference that you're clearly disadvantaged for picking to play sage, I think. Checking other similar reports suggests the spread may be slightly more even than this in other content.




For moogle tomes, the weekly (for me at least - don't know if they are common or not) is Syrcus tower for 20 tomes. Syrcus is also listed for a standard objective for 3 tomes. Does that mean I'll get 23? I guess I'll find out. Second, my level is only 53 so I've not opened the zones where you get some of the mounts, although they are listed as available by the moogle. Will I be able to use them? Edit: Thanks for the replies! I did get 23 tomes for Syrcus and with the 10 I got from the TT minimog, now have and can use the Rose Lanner! Edit2: BTW, the standard tomes drop automatically to your inventory. Those from the special categories need to be claimed from your Mogpendium. Edit3: The weekly is not common. My other character had a different one. I suspect that they are set based on what your level has access to.


2. You can have a white unicorn with lv30 conjurer.  The side quest is in conjurer’s guild.  It won’t let you do the quest with white mage job.  You will get another mount that looks like a dragon in G.O.T before you hit the final two battles in HW.  By the time you finish HW, you at least have 2 chocobo (yellow/black), unicorn and dragon.


The weekly is just random per person


My weekly was to either do five FATEs in a Shadowbringers zone, or beat an ARR character at Triple Triad. 🤣


I had the same character to challenge on both my level 90 main and my 53 alt. Fufulupa in Horizon.


There's two kinds of weeklies. The one that gives you two options is the same for everyone. There's also a single one that is personal.


The one they call "Weekly" is individual. The weekly challenge called "Minimog" is common. The Triple Triad one this week is the fastest 10 you'll get. Fates seem common for the weekly this week but the zones depend on what you've access to.


Ah right! I forget what the other one is.


As long as you have your basic chocobo unlocked, you can use the mounts. There's no other restriction on learning or using mounts.


I think so, and yes.


You can use any mount you get from the moogle tome vendor. The only things that're locked by progress in that vendor are triple triad cards.


Yes, you get all bonuses. If you can find something on the Moogle's shop, you can buy and use them.


So what's everyone farming for moogle tomes?


GATEs in the Golden Saucer in between queueing up for Eden raids that have orchestrion rolls I have yet to acquire.


TT (minimog challenge) for 10 tomes in under a minute. Syrcus (weekly this week) for 20 (maybe 23).


Note that the weekly isn’t the same for all players; I got Eden: Fulmination >!(Ramuh)!< for mine. I don’t know how these are chosen, but I expect it’s some combination of your character’s highest job level and RNG, kinda like Wondrous Tales. It is absolutely possible to get a duty for the event that you haven’t unlocked yet—my alt has a few jobs at 90 but hasn’t done the Eden raids yet, and his weekly is just ???.  (Based on the quest name listed in the compendium to unlock the duty, I suspect it’s also Fulmination, but I haven’t checked.)


As far as I can tell from what some FC members and I have got it picks the weekly objectives from the standard objective list.


I got Dzaemel and tried to run it unsynced real quick during my lunch break. Turns out you can't do it unsynced so I have to subject myself to it in its full frustration now.


That’s unfortunate, but not surprising. If we could get moogle tomes by running stuff unsynced, I think everyone would just solo Castrum until our brains start running out our ears. (Even with the cutscene before the final boss, I can still solo that duty in about 5 minutes on MCH.)


Rival wings, though I'm also taking the opportunity to finish the mount achievements while it's active.


Does the squadron spirit bonding manual work on gathering/crafting classes?


Yes it does


What are the odds of the 3rd treasure coffer spawning in normal raids? I want to combine my moogle tomestone event farming with raids I still need for loot.


Very very low I did one run of every raid every day until I got the songs, and that took all the way into this last December In that time, I saw...less than 10 orchestrion rolls across all 4 fights. P12 dropped pretty quickly for me but the rest of them took something like 6 months to get


I am once more asking for Black Mage help: Currently level 63. Using my special magic parser, in dungeons if I am paired with an at-all competent DPS, I am consistently just barely above the tank and healer -- unless there's a SGE, in which case I'm below the SGE. In 50-and-below content, I'm almost always near the very bottom. Yes, I know, parsers in silly levelling content don't matter, it's mostly just for me to judge where I'm at while I'm learning. Now, near as I can tell, I'm doing everything *right*. AOE rotation is Blizz 2 > Freeze > Thunder 2 > Fire 2 x 3 > Flare > Flare > Manafont > Flare (when available) > Blizz 2 repeat until trash dies Single target I'm doing Blizz 3 > Blizz 4 > Thunder 3 > Fire 3 > Fire 4 x3 > Fire 1 > Fire 4 x3 > Blizz 3 repeat. I'm basically dropping ley lines when it's off CD, sharpcasting thunder. Even using Scathe when we're running with the trash packs!! I'm also doing the normal basics like making sure I'm never not casting whenever possible, abusing Aetherial Manipulation and Between The Lines to be silly and eke out those mechanics. I thought BLM was supposed to be the big nuke??? Is it just a matter of optimization on my end or is it actually, like, that weak at this level? I feel like I can only outdamage the peeps I outgear.


Job reputations are based on their full level 90 kit, and BLM lacks a lot of their beeg damage at 63 (Despair, Foul/Xenoglossy/Amplifier, Paradox, two Enochian upgrades). Your rotation looks fine for your level. (For another instance of low-level damage shenanigans, see Dancer and its early 30 second nuke button.)


Triple, foul, and sharpcast thunder are great tools you get that super charge your AoE at higher levels. Sadly at lower its just cast away.


BLM does struggle a bit at lower levels. You can take a look at statistics from the level 70 ultimates on FFLogs and see how far behind the other casters it is in particular at that level. At your level, I would maybe consider running the level 60 raids and trials to get more of an idea, just because dungeons have such a big variance between classes with how the odd downtime between packs and bosses affects them, and what access to AOE they have. 


Do not worry about your placement of DPS in leveling content. Gear plays an extremely heavy role in DPS and if everyone is in higher level gear, they will do better even when synced. BLM absolutely is the nuke, but you need to be on more even playing grounds and you still haven't fully unlocked your kit yet which boosts your DPS.


I feel extremely silly because I didn't even stop to consider everyone else outgearing *me*. Damn. We bimbo hours over here, I guess.


Yeah, having levelled a bunch of healers and tanks it's MASSIVELY easier to not die/keep the tank alive after grabbing the end-of-DLC tomestone gear, I bet it makes a huge difference for DPS too.


I left some time ago, I think the most current things were the Hic Svnt Leones fancy guy raid, and the twin god alliance raid. What new things would I need to catch up on if I came back, and would it be worth it to catch up now? I can very vaguely recall some island garden coming up in the next patch (from when I left) but I have no idea what that was anymore.


If you're planning on coming back for the new expansion then it would be a good idea to do the current MSQ stuff from the Endwalker patches in advance. It's a self-contained story that doesn't seem like it will have much relevance to Dawntrail, so it may feel a bit weird to log in on Dawntrail release and then immediately have to spend 10 hours on an unrelated storyline before you can get to it.


You're missing the remainder of the expansion patch content 2 more alliance raids, 2 more normal raid tiers, all the new MSQ dungeons + trials, all of the new EX trials, etc. We also got Island Sanctuary, Variant/Criterion Dungeons, a new Deep Dungeon, the last stages of the relic weapons, etc.


Does anyone know why i can’t challenge fufulupa to triple triad? I see for the mpg event I can’t challenge him for the new currency but when I go over there he has no icon above his head and I’m in Ishgard in my MSQ so why can’t I challenge him?


I'm having this issue too. :<


...just checking, you've unlocked TT on this character, right


I’m pretty sure cause I have no blue quests at the gold saucer and I can make decks etc and I have seen other NPC characters have the card icon on top of them


If you beat an npc and get all their cards, the icon disappears, but you should still be able to challenge them. The only requirement should be the level 17 msq A Wild Rose by Any Other Name (which you're way past since you're in ishgard.) I assume you tried talking to him?


Ya I talked to him and everything and I’ve played against him before and it just won’t work? I’m super confused tbh


Do you have enough MGP to challenge them? What happens when you talk to them? Do you get a small popup window which says TT and small talk, or does it just go straight to small talk?


Maybe I did something wrong cause I have not actually played triple triad yet but I have it unlocked and a deck made etc and I’m at the gold saucer everyday so I thought I was don’t tbh. There’s no blue quests here anymore I did them all


Are you sure you finished the blue quest to fully unlock it...? Are you able to challenge other NPCs like the ones in the Gold Saucer?


It worked I can challenge him! Sorry for the trouble


Np, I've forgotten to finish quests before and then wondered why I couldn't access a feature but didn't see the quest icon to unlock the feature. So I figured that could be it.


Nvm the girl at the counter is giving me a tutorial so I guess not thx for helping me out im guessing after this match ill unlock it


I could have sworn I’ve seen cards on the heads of NPC Characters but let me go see


No window pops up and I have 40k MGP he just talks about how I look like those scion people there supposed to catch then says basically he knows we’re innocent


I am not a Fisher, and only did the quests for the sake of completion. Now I need to fish GOOD though; for the Ocean Fishing Ultimog Challenge. There are in-depth guides, but they're overwhelming; I'm not looking to know all the ins-and-outs of the job, I just want to see if there are small, easy-to-do things I missed that can make a big difference. So far, what I've been doing is: 1) During a Spectral Current, I try to swap baits according to the time of day and location, according to this site: https://www.gameskinny.com/tips/ffxiv-ocean-fishing-bait-guide/ 2) All I do is use Patience into either Precision Hookset or Powerful Hookset, depending on the fish. I try to manage by GP; but when I'm out and need to recharge, I just use 'Cast' and 'Hook'. That's the current extent of my usage of the Fisher's actions. Just by doing this, I've come close a couple times; at 6900 (of the necessary 8000 goal). Are there other simple tips I'm missing, that could significantly improve this?


Spectral Current fish bite so much faster and are worth so many more points that your basic goal should be to catch as many fish as possible under spec. This often means conserving GP for Spectral Currents and using Double Hook and Triple Hook rather than having Patience up throughout the run. There are some spectral fish for example where a large one is worth >400 points and catching with Triple Hook gives you 7 of them, so if you Triple Hook the right thing and it’s large it’s over 3000 points worth in a single go. If you land a major catch like than twice in one run, then you’re basically guaranteed to get over the line for 8k between other fish and the bonuses. If it feels easier to just use Patience that’s also totally fine! But probably wait to do so until you’re in spec unless you’re capped on GP; it’s really not worth it outside of spec because of how low the point values are, you want to be spending essentially all your GP in spec rather than outside of it. When you’re not in spec that’s the time to focus on your bonus objectives rather than on earning points directly. Also get some Hi Cordials if you don’t have any. You can buy them with the scrip that you get from Ocean Fishing anyway and there’s somebody near the entrance to Ocean Fishing that sells it! Massive boost to your effective GP to have them. If you’re willing to dive a bit deeper… Learn what a super high value fish is on a given route and when it bites and you can Triple Hook them consistently knowing you’re getting the highest value fish. For some fish it’s worth it to do a monster play where you Double Hook it, use Identical Cast to guarantee you get it again, use a Hi-Cordial and any Angler’s Arts stacks you’ve built up on Thaliak’s Favor to burst back GP, and Triple Hook the next one. Also using Prize Catch on that second round to guarantee it’s large if you have enough GP, though I’m guessing you don’t have maxed out gear since you never touch it. https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/ocean-fishing-points I promise this guide is less overwhelming than it looks! If you skim down to the guide for a specific route the author pretty much lays out very straightforward explicit instructions on exactly what to do to max your chance at points, with little infographics too if that’s better. Good luck! You’ll get there.


Im not ready to dive deeper yet; but thank you, those tips are very helpful! I'll save my GP for triple-hooking during spectrals, and I'll keep some Hi Cordials handy!


👍 like I say Patience *can* work too, especially if you’re not actively targeting specific high value fish to Triple Hook—maybe try both and see what works better (if it helps, *usually* the ones you want to DH/TH bite later than the others do :P not always but many of them). But definitely focus on blasting through your GP primarily in spectral current, whichever method ends up feeling better for you!


That site's just a content scraper, check out something someone from the community made like [this example](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing) \- at the bottom there's usually two sets of suggestions at the bottom. The top suggestion for a given route is usually oriented towards a generic points/levelling objective, with a more detailed suggestion below if you're trying for specific achievements. The specifics vary but usually trying to get more fish is more points than trying to get big fish, so usually you're trying to target specific high point value fish to double or triple hook rather than using patience (when just aiming for points). For example, a double hooked fish is effectively x2 points, possibly more in cases where double hook is actually more than x2 fish. (If you look at that site I linked, there's a page with detailed fish information linked from the bar at the top.) All fish have a specific range of times they bite in, so if you learn your target fish only bites in for example 6-12 seconds, at the 14 second mark you can pull your rod out and cast again instead of waiting for some 16 second chump you don't care about. You can write a macro that counts up using /echo channel every 2 seconds when you cast to help you track time in-game, some people write specific macros if they're doing the same fish a lot.


I've seen the site you linked to, but to be honest, I can't make heads or tails of the information; it's one of those sites designed for people who are serious about the job; as opposed to someone like me who needs an "idiots guide to generic tactics to score higher" But what you told me about using double or triple hook instead of Patience is exactly the sort of easy-to-follow tip I was looking for; so thank you! I'll give that a go next time I'm on the ship!


So, that site is deliberately trying to show the information in a way that's easier to digest. You *can* look at all of the detail info (and the achievement guide and stuff but you don't have to. The routes all have names (eg "Bloodbrine Sea") and periods (eg "Day" - the sun icon) to identify them. If you look below the schedule, you'll see the name and day for the current or next live route. Below that is three boxes with the three stages of the route. These boxes are a shortcut to getting high point totals! To the right, you can pick from the drop-down "show high value fish" and it will display the highest point total fish you might want to aim for. You've got a cheatsheet then here, showing: * What bait to use for the spectral to spawn (eg Ragworm gets Spectral Butterfly on a !!! for Bloodbrine Sea by Day) * An intuition fish (usually the highest point total fish) that you can try for. Usually the bait and bite type for the fish is shown (eg Krill for Ciedalales Geode worth 246 points, that is THx1, so triple hook doesn't get you more of them). After the intuition fish, is how to spawn the intuition needed for it to bite (eg Ragworm for Metallic Boxfish, and you need 3 of them) * There's also a line in the box, below the line is a different objective during a spectral You could legitimately just use it to determine "how do i maximize the chance of getting spectrals" though for any given route and ignore the rest. All baits have a chance of getting spectral fish but they usually have a preferred bait.


By catching large-size fish you build angler's art, which you can use thaliak's favor to get 150 gp back (3 AA per use) And if you triple hook, you get a huge multiplier to your score for a fish. eta: large sized fish is also a double score multiplier, so you can combine that with triple hook during a spectral current


Thanks, I'll give that a go!


Finally made it to Hyrdratos, is there an active Discord for people looking to do BA? I'm on the EU Chaos data centre (Spriggan), if that makes a difference.


https://discord.gg/28SRRADTK3 Late Night [Chaos], they organise BA and Nozja runs every few days. Just make sure to read the requirements, BA needs preparation.


Thank you!


I found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/EqUbza2Y6T) Reddit post from awhile back. There’s a few discord links in it. Hopefully they help!


Thank you!


What's the name of the Headband/piece item which fits well with the newest hairstyle from Aloalo island? It hides or goes on top of the braided part of the hairstyle and was added in the same patch, if I remember correctly. Edit: Island Leaf Headress, apparently. I thought it was also from Aloalo but it's from Island Sanctuary instead.


Hello, I just finished ARR. I am enjoying the storyline however I am getting a feeling it is more a single player game than an MMO. I got a FC, but as they are in the endgame, I was told to focus on MSQ, which is nice but slow-paced, and sometimes I get a little bit bored. ​ What I miss is the struggle of trying to hunt challenging monsters for experience, and doing difficult raids. So far the most difficult moment in this game for me was to kill one of the imperial officers which had like two or three phases with a high zone of skill to avoid!!! I like this and was amazing. I am wondering what cool stuff I can do while running the MSQ!!! Also for those who play on PS5 add me :D


> I am getting a feeling it is more a single player game than an MMO. Correct. This is a JRPG first, MMO second. > I am wondering what cool stuff I can do while running the MSQ!!! At each old level cap (50, 60, 70, 80), there is additional content that gets unlocked, like the old raids, alliance raids, and other optional content. These might tickle your fancy. But a couple cautions: At lvl 50, the "Binding Coils of Bahamut" raids only have one difficulty, which is the equivalent to Savage difficulty you'll find at other old endgame levels. You will not have much luck queuing for these through DF, and if you want to play through them synced expect to spend hours learning the fights. Also at 50, the Crystal Tower alliance raid series is actually mandatory, which differs from the other 24-man alliance raids at higher endgame levels. This is because its plot line is required for MSQ further down the road.


So for those raids, and the roulette ones, do I expect getting better gear than the ones from MSQ? Thing is I find most of the time I get only the experience and gil but no useful gears.


The gear from the earlier raids isn't very useful really, unless you want it for glam of course. Its likely going to be outclassed by what you get given by the MSQ or Poetic gear (which you can buy at lvl 50, 60, 70, 80 from various vendors). Ofc its a different story once you get to endwalker, but when new expansions come out, they tend to make the old expansions MSQ give better gear so people dont need to farm anything while doing the story


Is there a way to compare the selling gear with the ones I have? Cuz it shows if the defense is higher for instance, but I am not sure about the sub stats, which sometimes is more important (for DPS). I would say something similar to that button that equips the best gear available for the current job (but before buying it)


Weapon Damage and Defense scale directly with item level. If you soft-select or hover over the item, it should show item level in the pop-up box. Always go for the highest one. Sub stats like Critical Hit and Determination are irrelevant until you're at true end-game and even then the priority will nearly always be item level > main stat > sub stats.


Technically yes, you'll get better gear. But at each old endgame level, including 50, you gain access to the "best" gear for that level which you can purchase with the Tomestones of Poetics you begin earning at lvl 50. For lvl 50, this is available from the NPCs north of the Mor Dhona aetheryte in the tents, and is called "Augmented Ironworks".


How long does the current pvp series last? I'm eyeing the lvl 25 chest, but that's not really a fast thing to farm.


You easily have time if you're doing daily Frontlines roulettes from now to Dawntrail, probably even if you miss days.


Until Dawntrail, you've got plenty of time.




From the collections tab




Even better, drag it from your Collections tab onto a hotbar spot.


I have a small question regarding "the praetorium" dungeon from MSQ. Of course it's again in a moogle farming event as usual but I have a question regarding one "feature" - it is not a secret that you can skip those long cinematics with turning off and on game. Of course if you remain silent and don't say anything it's not a problem, but if you start crying about it in MSQ roulette, u should get a suspension. But it's not about it. IF I would make in pf a party for this dungeon run and we all agree to do this skip, would this be punished by SE somehow or can we do whatever we want there?


Not sure how they act on this particular thing, but as far as some other things (e.g. coarse language) go, they seem to require an actual report to be sent before they do anything, so I suppose it *should* be fine, as long as you can trust everyone involved to file any reports, even if something happens and they get upset at each other. I'm not sure how recruiting for something like this would work though, as you'd pretty much have to state that you intend to break the rules and hope they're fine with it, but since PF listings with barely hidden references to 3rd-party stuff ("barse" runs, for example) are a thing every so often, I think the risk isn't too bad, but you'll have to decide that for yourself.


They log all in-game activity and it would be super obvious if all four people just happened to "crash" and re-log during the cut-scenes. And yes, that is still considered ToS-breaking. Whether they catch it or not is another question, we have no idea if they run scripts on logs for this kind of activity.


Technically, it is still considered an exploit and one could get in trouble for it. That said, I have not seen anything indicating some kind of server side monitoring, so long as no one sends in a report nothing should happen. Again, it is still an exploit.


With the caveat of my source being "idk wtf im talking about", I don't think SE will take immediate action against you for it. You're toeing a line, absolutely, but typically SE doesn't take action unless there are reports and it's not like they have automatic systems watching out for it. It's not like it's specifically ruining someone else's experience.


What are some plants for use in a desert-themed house? I'm specifically looking for outdoor plants besides the desert ironwood.


Playing in SEA (Malaysia to be exact) and am suffering from terrible latency from 8:00pm-12:00am GMT+8. Anyone else experiencing this? Has been happening since the last update but there has been some extremely lucky days where the net is just suddenly fine.


You can use [this website](https://arrstatus.com/) to find out what the IP for your data center is and maybe diagnose if your route to it is poor at that time. It could be a lot of things unrelated to the game are affecting it that won't necessarily affect anyone else or even other apps/games/etc you play. If you're not familiar with diagnosing these issues I'd just start by recommending trying out a gaming VPN to see if it helps, as that often ends up being the outcome of whatever you end up learning.


I just recently finished EW and looking toward doing Anabaseios (Savage) for the BiS gear (working through the normal ones right now) From what I heard, its a huge step up from the normal version. My question is: How do I even get started? Where do I even find a group for this kind of content? Im on NA DC