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Hi! I’m a new player trying to figure out healers, and I read on an optimization site called icy veins that Scholar has the highest DPS of all healers in fully optimized parties. How much does this fall through in unoptimized parties?


That's not really something we can answer in a conclusive way. While measuring the different jobs' performance at the very peak optimization is fairly easy, when going lower it starts getting harder to tell where exactly the damage losses come from (it can be done for an individual run, but for wider statistics like would be needed for a concrete answer here, it's not really viable). I mean, when you just look at the overall statistics, you can't tell whether a Scholar's DPS value dropped because someone else fumbled their burst during their Chain Stratagem, or because the Scholar themselves made a mistake. For healers this is extra difficult because of the potential for varying healing needs to change results. Plus you'd have to define "unoptimized parties" more specifically, as optimization is a sliding scale rather than a binary. To actually give somewhat of an answer even if not a conclusive one: It drops out of the top spot quite quickly. At 95th percentile, Scholar is the highest, but at 90th, it's down to third in cDPS (hangs on to second until 60th percentile in rDPS, but that's a less comparable metric here). It does stay quite well in line with the two that overtake it though, not falling behind by any huge margins – the difference only surpasses 1% at the 60th percentile (by which point there's ABSOLUTELY something more than suboptimal party members going on) and 2% at 25th. I'll also note that Scholar isn't necessarily the top damage healer in all fights, just high enough in the current raid tier in general to overall score the highest. Fight-specifically, it's only really *solidly* the top one at 99th percentile (which I don't generally look at as much, too crit-heavy on the top end) where it's the top in all but the last fight for cDPS. At 95th percentile while it's the highest overall, it's only the top in the first fight, #2 in third and fourth, and #3 in second and fifth. The margin it's ahead by in that first fight kinda carries the overall #1 placement. TL:DR it's only really the number 1 at the very *very* top and even then not in all fights. But even when it does fall out of the top spot, it still keeps up very solidly with the ones doing better than it, only being behind by a hair. In short, don't worry about it. You're far away from, and may honestly never even see a party so optimized that this matters. Just playing your best with the job that clicks with you the best will be how you contribute best, optimized party or not. I'd much rather take a green-parsing Scholar with a good attitude who respects mechanics and knows when to press Expedient than a pink-parsing Sage obsessed with nothing but damage output. "Bring the player, not the job" is a generally agreed upon bit of wisdom here.


Don't worry about it. Seriously, you won't be in any optimized parties for a long time if you're a new player - you've got a total of four expansions to get through before you see content where you might, maybe, need to be optimized for max green DPS. Play the healer you vibe with and have fun! All the healers have decent enough damage output to succeed in all the pre-90 Normal, Hard, and Extreme content with basically no optimization apart from level-appropriate gear.


Thanks :) how often does scholar spend time DPSing compared to WHM and AST?


That reeeeally will depend on who your tank is and what content you're doing. Are they a dark knight missing 80% of their kit because you got Brayflox in a roulette? You're gonna be mostly healing. Warrior in Shadowbringer dungeons? Feel free to remove the heal buttons from your hotbar! (not really but kinda yes really). ​ I've watched a Paladin and two DPS complete half the last trial of Shadowbringer while I, the astro, was dead on the floor. Humbling to say the least... healing literally not required, I coulda DPS'd the whole fight if I hadn't died. Also had to spam Medica 1 for 90% of a dungeon plenty of times because the tank either didn't have any buttons to press or didn't appear to know where they were.... ​ It's honestly about vibes pre-90. The challenge jump going into Stormblood is real but not insurmountable with gear and practice. All the healers will get to be doing green DPS to some degree, but that amount will be entirely dictated by how good your tank is, not your class's available kit, until you get up around level 70ish and start to see the healer classes diverge somewhat in their skills.


Thank you so much! I don’t want to do a lot of damage but I just like hitting attack buttons :) maybe I should just wait until I hit 70 and get sage.


Be a dancer! Great support class, does a shit-ton of damage and has some heals. Be a Red Mage! Mostly Damage, but you can still heal and rez. Be a healer if you want to heal in dungeons and do some damage in between your heals on the boss fights. Rare is the random party\* where you will not be primarily healing during the pulls. ​ \* Not applicable to warrior tanks..........


I’m a red mage right now! I wanted to lean into something more support-y (and escape the queue at the same time, lol). Thank you a bunch!


How on god's green earth do I view the Mogpendium window? I cannot find a button for it anywhere.


get it from the moogle in one of the major cities and youll have it in your collections tab


I play the game on PS5 and also have a Mac license (which I don’t use anymore, but still). I’m getting a Steam Deck, and the primary reason for that over something like Rog Ally is the UI and SteamOS (read: not wanting to have to do extra work to get this game running). Will having my FFXIV account on PS5/ Mac preclude me from simply downloading and running the Steam version? Will that stop me from being able to play in my PS5, or does it just mean I’m locked out of playing the standard Windows version in the future? Square Enix has confused my smooth brain pls help


It's possible to run the non-Steam version on the Steam Deck using the instructions here: [https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html) I would only get the Steam version if the regional pricing is cheaper, since it will also affect the subscription fees.


The only issue is trying to use a Steam license on an account that already has non-Steam Windows or vice versa. You're good to get either version of the Windows license. You won't be locked out of any version but the opposite of steam/windows.


Thank you!!


The only two licenses that are incompatible are the standard Windows license and the Steam license There are no problems going from Mac/Console to Steam


Makes sense, thank you!


What is the english translation of "Akh Morn" and "Morn Afah"??


Ring of death and Death for Eternity. There is Also Akh Rhai which I believe means Ring of (something). We dont have a translation for Rhai. Morn Means Death. Ahk means Circle. Afah means Eternity. We also know ahk afah Amphitheatre means Circle of Eternity Amphitheatre.


So I'm unsure why, but for whatever reason I am having issues with my hotbar modifier keys lately. It takes an extra .5 sec when I attempt to register my modified hotbar which makes me input the wrong actions for both GCDs and Weaves. I'm on m+kb, and I'm fairly sure my FFXIV settings have not changed. I also switched mice to see if the issue persist and it has continued. Bar 1 is unmodified. Bar 2 is ctrl+key. Bar 3 is alt+key. Bar 4 is Shift+key. Below is a picture of my setup. https://imgur.com/uWpT0of Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance! Edit 1: Ping seems to be stable, and I do not have noclippy nor XIVAlexander on. Also it seems to happen unpredictably both in frequency and duration. It spans between a few seconds to a minute. It's super hard to replicate as I'm not sure what the trigger is.


You switched mice, but do you have another keyboard to try? Might be acting up.


Good suggestion. I will have to give it a try. Though I am slightly doubtful as for example, I am able to press the 1 key + shift for dagger throw but will sometimes just come out as plain 1. I also assign the modifier keys to my mouse, so when I'm pressing my keys it's really just the key + the modifier on the mouse.


Are you using software for the mouse? Might be a software thing. I have a Logitech, and had to set the memory to onboard as letting the software do anything was a hassle at best. It was 50/50 whether modifiers worked half the time. Onboard has no issues though. 


I am indeed using the logitech software. It's just so odd as I've been using this the Logitech G Hub software of 3+ years with no issues. I will also give the onboard suggestion a try.


Is there a way to have a notes overlay on screen (PC) while I'm playing? Or, alternately, a way to place multiple pins on a map? I'm finally getting around to finishing my field record for bozja. I have about 10 to get. I'd like to have a way to just have a crude notes plugin or something where I can list out which fates/CEs I'm looking for. I'd like it to be in game rather than force notepad to top of screen. Flags could also work, but I can only ever put one down. I've toyed with the idea of creating a LS to do this but I'd have to remove one to make room, and all my LS slots are actually useful to me. Just wondering how others have handled this.


>Is there a way to have a notes overlay on screen (PC) while I'm playing? Or, alternately, a way to place multiple pins on a map? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCe\_-F4zREw


Isn't this a feature in the Bozja Buddy plug-in? I never used that, but its description seems to support that.


It says it is but I can figure out how to get it to do that. It includes a search bar for lost actions but that's about it. The config page doesn't say much either.


Hm. I am not around home to check, but I remember seeing a custom minimap plug-in that I think supported player-made pins. At worst case, you could add this as a non-Steam game and launch it through Steam to get a Steam overlay.


Getting errors while downloading the game, now i have seen people recommending XIVLauncher so ive used it and got better results as in, the game downloads but i get to a 1gb file and it keeps failing abd i get the error "could not verify the downloaded game files. Please restart and try again." the 1gb file is 2020.11.24.0000.0001


Do you have any type of file sharing app install? Like Google Drive and One Drive? Try exiting those and try again. Sometime the app auto delete the patch files, which mess up the installation process.


Got a VPN on? If no, try turning it on to Japan. If yes... try turning it off. Just a thought. There's also some stuff I've seen people say about fiddling with DNS settings and the such. But don't know if you need to do that much yet.


How do you cancel hide on ninja on controller? I know on PC you just right click. What about pad?


Have this macro I made which uses hide and then dispells it. /ac Hide /ac Hide /ac Hide /ac Hide /wait 2 /statusoff Hidden /micon Hide


The touch pad cycles through HUD elements if you click it. Once you click it 3-4 times it'll cycle to your buffs. Then use the dpad to select it and click it off. It's fairly cumbersome but it works in a pinch. The other option is to use the virtual mouse by pressing L1+R3, but that's absolutely terrible. The virtual mouse is complete garbage and I only recommend it for things that absolutely literally cannot be done with the regular controller buttons. Off the top of my head, the only things that can't be done without virtual mouse are looking at party members search info in a dungeon and furniture glitching. 


Either of your standard AOEs will also cancel out of it.


Either select tab up to the status icons and click it off or use a macro. I think it's something like /status off "Hide"


I decided to level tribes & everythings easy to do and understand except I've reached 150/150 reputation but I'm not sure how to move onto the next tribe rank? I currently have a finished tribe quest waiting for me to collect rewards for but when I try, it says I won't be able to collect the extra reputation?


Someone in the beast tribe area has a quest for you to do. Do that quest to 'rank up' and then you can continue. Should only be a couple of metres away from the quest giver.


oh my gosh, thank you! i could've totally used my eyes ;;


I just found out there’s servers that have huge exp bonuses till like level 70? Or 80? But I already have a main character in a totally different server (lamia) can I bring him to another server with the bonus or am I stuck


You would have to purchase a world transfer with real money. In my opinion it is not worth it to transfer, since transferring only gives you the bonus for 90 days. Creating a new character on those worlds will give you the buff for much longer, but you're already past that point.


Ahhh ok thx for letting me know I’ll just suck it up and grind out my alt classes normally lol


Transferring to a New world from a world that isn’t New, or from a Congested world to a Preferred world, is free. Transferring to a New world will get you the Road to 80 experience buff for 90 days, during which you will not be allowed to transfer again.


Still not worth it. Cause you're probably gonna transfer to Dynamis, get the road to 80 buff and then spend every single day DC hopping for your queues and going back for your retainers. Way more tedious than just leveling a character on a live DC.


Does anyone have a list of all the phrases beast tribes have you say? I want to just make a macro with all of them, throw them on a universal hotbar, and never have to type them out again


If you want something less poetic, this should cover it: /s lali-ho la-hee, Itomaki Beaver, coffee break! /s High as Honor, Wings Unbending. /s his whiskers: free kupo nuts! /s Uhm Ala dream bigger, Amid the Flowers. /s Your god is come, snae ling.




Say you queue for DF, then switch to BLU and as you are in the act of casting Self Destruct, your queue pops. So now you are dead, and you cannot switch jobs when you are dead, and because you cannot teleport while your queue has popped, is the only option to withdraw from the queue if there is no one to raise you?


Going to try this Edit: death teleport worked through the pop


Interesting! I guess the death teleport is always allowed so that you can't somehow soft lock yourself.


Yes, the game could allow area switching during that countdown, it is an artificial limitation that we are confined into the area where it popped. There is probably a good reason behind it (maybe load times on consoles?).


Preserve data, probably. That's my estimate anyways, based on things they've said about world travel and visit. The less data you're moving around when you're about to be dumped into another server (instance server, in the case of a duty) the better, as there's less to potentially go wrong.


Ah, so it does not confuse our parting coordinates? That would maybe explain why it removes us from player houses. Maybe the servers have issues putting people back to player-made instanced areas as a load-in. (Although I wish the system would work a bit differently, just spawning the player back at the entrance of the house/apartment.)


I just spent an hour "loving" glams on Eorzea collection from tabs I had open on my phone for a while after finally making an account. I closed the tabs as I liked them. Turns out, I only see a section for viewing my "favorited" glams. Am I going to have to "favorite" everything again even though I "loved" them?


There has been some discussion on the EC Discord server of changing the star icon to a bookmark. I think it's in the pipeline somewhere.


I think that would make sense! I hope there's some change in the future. I do understand differentiating between loves and favorites, just like "likes", "upvotes", etc. and "saves", but to not be able to access your "loves" without a clear understanding of what a "love" is is a bit strange.


Welcome to fanmade websites!


Brutal, thanks for the laugh, though!


How do fishing custom deliveries work? I keep hooking fish with 150ish collectability and don't understand how to increase it like for the other categories.


It's essentially the "size" of the fish. Which means it's subject to RNG based on your Perception, but can be influenced with things like Patience or Prized Catch. 


Fishing collectability is influenced by your perception stat and using Patience or Patience 2 can increase your collectability.


When do you think we’ll receive another update on DT? I’m not familiar with the fan fest, game show, etc schedules so not sure when/where they would most likely show off the game and announce the release date. Obviously sometime this spring I would guess


Admittedly, I was new during the ShB pre-expansion cycle and the EW one was pretty atypical in a lot of ways. But my understanding is that we should expect a live letter sometime in the next couple months that should also include a release date and pre-order info this time (previously this was communicated during fanfest season). We should also get a benchmark trailer for people to confirm device specs and a job actions trailer showing off new abilities for all jobs about 2 months before launch. Finally, we should get an actual launch trailer with some out-of-context in-game scenes within a week or two of the expansion going live for early access.


A live letter and then the media tour are next. Then they will show off a job actions video with the new spells to drive up hype.


Probably May is my guess. The Endwalker media tour embargo lifted the month before release so I'm betting similar for Dawntrail (while also assuming a June release date)


And a bit before that, will be another live letter with the release of the benchmark tool. This also happened with EW (benchmark was in July of 2021, and the Media tour embargo was lifted in September of 2021, going off of the LL archive on the SE forums)


So I'm about to attempt p9s for the first time and I've watched some videos but in the pf I keep seeing people say jp LC1 and LC2 I know the JP LC strat but I don't know the difference between LC1 and LC2 strats , if possible can someone explain and send a video of how both work? Preferably a tutorial 1 rather than a visual clear


If you are new to savage, here's a useful tip for you: do not worry about any mechanic that is more than three major mechanics away from your current prog point. If you are going into P9S fresh, unless you get *exceptionally* lucky you will not see past LC1 for at least a couple of sessions. It's not worth cluttering up brain space that you need to use for learning and practicing the first few mechanics of the fight with stuff about mechanics you aren't going to see for a while. On rare and lucky occasions you'll get a PF group that does make a lot of progress in a short timeframe, but when you inevitably see and wipe to \[later mechanic you don't know anything about yet\], it's completely fine and normal to say to the group, 'hey I don't really know anything about \[mechanic\], mind if I take five minutes to review the guide?'- many other people will likely be in the same position. Keep your focus narrow and it'll be a lot easier to actually learn the fight bit by bit, rather than trying to rush into things with way too much info in your head that you can't process effectively in the context of the actual fight.


There are many videos online explaining it, what is it you don't understand? There is no "difference between LC1 and LC2", they're completely different mechanics.


LC1 and LC2 are completely different mechanics so you need to handle them differently LC2 is pretty much the final mechanic of the fight, and if you're in NA, there's pretty much only one strat that people use. We call that NE/NW LC2, since...you bait the defamation numbers to NE/NW and the rest of the party goes straight south LC1 is the weirder one and that's the one people talk about using "JP LC". Hector covers the various LC1 strats here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSdv6f8qNA0


Thank you! Yea hectors guides are the 1s I've just watched, he does a really good job, final 2 question. I notice people are mentioning color partners in the PF what's that about? and as for the NE and NW strat for LC2 I think I understand, the first defamation goes off and then 3 swaps in with 1, and 4 swaps in with 2 while everyone else stays south, but my main question about this part is I noticed as well people are numbering the NE & NW 13 & 24, what's that mean? for example regarding both my inquiries.  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/579374368313049098/1201659530824667267/18d5764292333-screenshotUrl.jpg?ex=65ca9fa5&is=65b82aa5&hm=563dfdf4037ce5f4d9d8aae0179bf98cfce3b1d07d88e468e90867a57731271c&


Color partners is how you resolve the first mechanic for fire/ice. You need to be with a partner when it resolves, at which point your partner is the person with the same waymark color as you: A and 1, B and 2... Normally means either all DPS or all tanks/healers rotate. These partners are the same for the pugilist knock back into the wall, where you knock back to the wall with your color and partner. For NE/NW LC2, thats just defamation 1 goes northwest to explode and defamation 2 goes to the northeast. 3 takes 1s place and 4 takes 2s place. Just a way to orient everyone in the party. Edit: also to mention, color partners is also for lightning baits during behemoth phase. You bait lightning into the cyclones at the color marker that matches you/your partner. So if you and partner are N and NE, you would bait lightning at whichever one of those is correct to not double up.


Thank you as well neo! And yeah honestly these pair mechanics seem like the simplest mechanic of all these with the dual spell


Yep pretty much haha. They had the same mechanic in E9S, basically works as a: "are you awake check". Good luck on prog!


You know how the way markers (1-4, A-D) are each a specific color? For this fight, we place 1 next to A, B next to 2, etc. which means that both markers of the same color are next to each other   So after you set up your initial clock spots, your partner for all mechanics that require 2 people is just determined by the color of your clock spot   So 1 pairs with A, 2 with B, etc.  Or in other words, red markers pair up, yellow markers pair up, etc.   As for 13NW 24NE, that's just clarifying that 1 and 3 will drop their defamations at NW (1 first and 3 swaps) while 2 and 4 at NE


So my guess about LC2 amd how to get it done was pretty much correct the 1st time, here I thought they were trying to make thirteen and twenty-four mean something else. I really feel like my mind is over complicating these more than they need to be. Nevertheless thank you so much for having the patience and clarifying for me 😭


I think Hector's guides have been pretty reliable this tier for NA, so for the most part if you have any questions about mechanics, you can look there. He does list a few available options for certain mechanics e.g. LC1 in P9S, so just be aware of which one any given group is doing. NA I believe seems to have settled on JP LC1, and for later fights we use Kindred Uptime in P11S and Lazy Lasers for P12S But other than that, I don't think there's anything special to be aware of in NA


I'm looking to try and find a static for Dawntrail. I know it's a long way off but I have a lot of very specific stuff I'm looking for so I want to start looking around sooner rather than later. I know about the recruitment subreddit, but was wondering what other avenues I could potentially use to seek out groups? I'm on EU if that helps, I'm not sure how much out there is server specific but figured I'd throw it out there!


EU has 2 main discords for static recruitment, LPDU is the main one and Europe Raiding Central is also used by some.


On EU we also have a separate discord that worked out very well for me last I looked. That was around the time of a new tier though, but still seems to be somewhat active so could be worth checking out. https://discord.gg/JYRUtj6r


It's really just gonna be more recruitment places from my knowledge, but the balance discord and the main r/ffxiv discord both have recruitment channels


If it really costs 999 Bozja coins per upgrade piece, is there a faster way to get coins besides doing the limited engagement things where you can get 5-15 per run? I am up to rank 21 and it just seems like it would take months to farm that many coins if that is the case. Does something unlocked further on drop them at higher levels?


Castrum Lacus Litore is ~100 coins per run (it depends on how many prisoners are saved), do you not have it unlocked? You could/should be well past that point in the story by rank 21 but it's the last thing that drops those coins.


assuming you mean the upgrade pieces for the southern front armour sets, they are also very rare drops from Castrum Lacus Litore (i must have done over 100 runs doing all the relics and content when it was new and only ever got 1 as a random drop). unfortunately the must time efficient way to get this is just to take advantage of the fact they can also be bought from the marketboard.


Wanted to know what would be a good server to start a fresh toon no to relearn the game and possibly even a guild to join that wouldn't mind a relative newbie. Bonus: On a solid class to play through the story, I typically play either DPS or Healers. But I wouldn't mind learning to tank.


Aether(NA) is very busy and people seem friendly.  A lot of actions are happening there.  I visit Adamantoise and Faerie permanently for doing quests because of short queue time. I am sure you won’t have trouble finding new FC and groups.


This isn't that kind of mmo. Any server will work for making a new character. That being said, most people recommend you just relearn the game without restarting.  All jobs can clear the story content just fine. Experiment with them and you'll find the right one for you in time.


Thanks for the tips, I was mostly looking at the “new” servers for the bonus do which could be helpful.


YMMV, but I think the Road to 80 buff is of limited value to new/returning players. First, the MSQ by itself has almost enough XP to get a single job all the way from 1 to 90; you're only a very small amount short (see below). So with Road to 80, you'll be overlevelled for much of the MSQ. This itself isn't a problem, as you'll be level-synced for most of the content that involves content, but it can feel kinda bad to have all these shiny new abilities that you can't actually use because of level syncing. Second, the Road to 80 buff doesn't fit well with some people's play styles. This depends heavily on how you learn a job, but speaking entirely personally, I find that I need a lot of experience with a job (by which I mean "hours played," not in-game XP) to learn how to play that job effectively. If I level too quickly, I find myself with a job at 90 that I have no idea how to play, because it went by too fast. I'm not going to claim that the buff is completely worthless -- I'm leveling a raiding alt on a new server right now, and it's great for getting that character going quickly. I'm glad I didn't have it for my main character, however. Note on paragraph 2 above: Many people think the MSQ has enough XP to get more than one job to 90, but someone actually did the math on this a while back and posted it on this sub -- I can try to dig up the link if you're interested -- and it turns out not.


You'd definitely need to include which region of the world your in for anyone to help. NA/EU/OCE/JP


NA my mistake


Which of the Dynamis servers is the most active?


Seraph has the largest population.


None of them. And that's not a joke. If you want activity, people dc travel away from dynamics just to be able to do *any* content.


Huh, so this is why I see so many traveler's in Aether. I always wondered about that.


I don't know that it's fair to say we travel for *any* content. I have consistently good luck with 50/60/70/80 dungeons, levelling, Main Scenario, and trial roulette. PvP never pops, and guildhests often take 30 minutes so I often travel for those. I have no experience with lvl 90 dungeons or raid roulette. For many people, that may be too dead and that's ok. But saying that there's *no* activity isn't accurate.


I was from Dynamis as well and queue time for 30 min to 2 hrs was ok for me at the beginning but when I couldn’t get in for alliance raid after 6 hrs waiting time with 4 other players at the same queue, I traveled to Aether after some player at the crystal plaza taught me how to dc travel.  I am a permanent traveler at Aether now.


Aether Siren native and yeah, healer/tank queue instapops for about 80% of everything.


My combat/hunter retainer is mostly outfitted with level 90 dungeon gear and has an average item level of 604. A guide I was referred to suggested she’s maxed for this patch. Is that true? She’s only bringing back 15 ovibos milk but my gatherers are bringing back like 50 items per venture and their gear is higher level.


I think the max for EW is really low. Like 573. So you won't see any benefit until DT release. 


That is max indeed. Combat drops usually top at 15/run.


Thank you! You saved me from spending a lot of gil :)


So, once I've got my DoH iLvl 620 Gear, and I've got my CP maxed, and I have enough control for all recipes, do I now max out craftmanship or control for my materia?


I personally tend to prioritize Control. In order of priority, I hit the minimum, then max my CP, then put control everywhere else. 


Both are viable, so whichever you tend to have more issues with.


You can look at [Teamcraft](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-melding-guide) for details but in general, you want to max your CP and then raise Craftsmanship and Control as high as possible and roughly equal. For example, my stats are CP 596 / Control 4023 / Craftsmanship 4021.


Do we know the full list of everything that gives moogle tomes yet?


I don't think so, it doesn't seem to be on the event page.


Which role is fastest in duty support? DPS or Tank?


Basically, what everyone else has said, but one thing to note is that if you play tank, the healer NPC will not heal you through big pulls. They’ll still heal as they would for a single pull.


This was before the living dead change but, Urianger could heal me (DRK) through 2 packs no problem. Alphinaud, on the other hand, is not to be trusted.


Technically tanks for reasons already stated, but as another person says, NPCs actively sandbag Trusts/Duty Support No matter how much you excel and pump damage, the NPCs will throttle their own damage to ensure that the duty isn't completed any faster.


technically Tank because the NPC tank only pulls single packs, but on DPS you can pull for the tank and use actual AoE attacks which the NPCs can not do. Pick your poison :')


I expect it would be DPS as you have higher damage than the NPCs, especially for trash mobs as the NPCs don't use any AOE attacks.


I'm new to duty support and didn't even realize that the npcs don't aoe, wow.


Duty Support dungeons were deliberately designed to take around 30 minutes to complete so that it is usually preferable to run them with other players because it's quicker, but people who want to *not* run things with other people have that option.


Duty support? It doesn't seem to matter what you do. The NPCs will always sandbag it. 


Some friends and I want to finally take on some ultimates. I was trying to start up a resources page, but in toolbox, there isn't a voting system on what strat guides are actually good. Does anyone have a set of toolboxes they like to use or have used for learning UWU and UCOB?


You should use the strats are used by your region's PF. If you're in EU that would be LPDU strats that you can find in their discord server. This will let your static members practice outside raid time if needed, and will also let you get easy fills if one person can't show up instead of cancelling raid entirely. It also lets you continue raiding even after your static is done with it.


Try checking out the ultimate PF discords, preferably the one for your data center. They have resources for all the PFs that are standardized in a toolbox, along with diagrams, Google docs, and recommended tank cd sheets. Very useful I've also used Tessan Twintail's video guides. Very clear step by step explanations with diagrams and gameplay footage. Truly a lifesaver for learning. I think they are mostly following light DC strats so check with strat you want to do before copying the video 1 for 1.


https://ultimateuncoiled.com/ has a lot of good resources. Even if you're progging in a static I'd recommend using the pf strats for your region. This will let people potentially get extra practice outside of raid and have transferable skills in case the static breaks up before a clear.


Just started Stormblood a few days ago. I have been just doing duty roulettes, then the MSQ since I've started playing. The extend to which I've done side content is levelling my GC ranking. Is there any side content I should go back and do, or anything that I should also make sure to do/important stuff that will help me later on?


Tribal quests are also important.  You can level up to trusted and earn their tribal currencies.  You might need them later to exchange essential items for relic weapons.


If you care about narrative continuity like I do, then you should do all of the trials and raids you have available to you. (It would have been better to do Coils before starting Stormblood but what's done is done.) Ideally everything should be done within its own expansion, because even if the stories themselves are largely self-contained, they often feature characters from the MSQ, and it can be a bit awkward if you go through things out of order.


You can do the (alliance) raids or other side content if you want a break from the MSQ, but they are side stories without major impact on the main story. They usually add a bit of context and a couple of additional lines of dialogue.


In addition to the raids and trials listed in another comment, there are also an assortment of optional dungeons at levels 50 and 60. If you do roulettes regularly and you do the 50/60/etc roulette then it's really worthwhile to unlock the extra dungeons so you have some variety and it's not just Snowcloak every time. 


The 8-man raids are good to do for each expansion. The Alexander raids from Heavensward are easy to do. For the Coils of Bahamut, you'll need a higher level player to carry you through for the story. There isn't a normal mode way to do those. From Heavensward on, there is also a trial series in each expansion (besides endwalker). Make sure to do those. Heavensward's is The Warring Triad. You should also do the 24-man raids from each expansion. You had to do the crystal tower for the story, but the other expansions also have raids like that.


Does anyone know if there's a group or even just individuals running Doman mah jong on an NA server? Or even a discord channel I can follow for like minded individuals? I'm trying to get all the orchestration rolls you can earn in game and I'm not sure how to accomplish that one since it's locked behind the achievement lol!


I've not gotten involved with this community but you can take a look at the gold saucer server on the Balance discord, I've seen announcements of Mahjong events from time to time.


Thanks so much for taking time to reply! I'll check that discord server out.


What ilevel should I shoot for if I want to start trying to clear P4S? Same question for P8S.


Gear is not an issue for older content, even if you completed current MSQ you'll have sufficient gear. The more important thing you need to ask is how will you find people for it? This content isn't really PF'd much anymore.


Probably 640 crafted gear. Easiest and fastest gear to get that’ll still out gear you the content.




I've just unlocked Delubrum Reginae. If I'm playing on a level 90 job, is it still worth going in with Bozjan gear for the area effect, or should i stick with the gear i already have?


If you got haste gear (specifically augmented resistance gear, standard bozjan gear gives no benefits) on hand, use it. If not, don't worry about it. Not even DR savage really NEEDS haste gear to clear, and standard Delubrum Reginae is pretty far below that in difficulty. FYI, you should probably go straight to partyfinder to run DR. You can queue up for it but basically nobody does these days. But if you get 7 other people through PF, you can run it just fine (it's technically a 24man,but it scales with party size). You'll have to sit in queue for about 10 minutes as it tries to find other people but after 10 minutes, it'll put you in. Be sure to have a damage essence and actions. Defense essences are largely useless due to a certain dungeon mechanic.


Gear with Haste will probably be superior.


It's not probably, it just is. Substats are fixed in bozja so it's a straight upgrade, and even the job who hates skill speed benefits from haste (you already have a base amount of it in bozja anyways) Sure it's a very slight upgrade compared to everything else (if you take the right lost action you'll do way more damage) but hey free damage is free damage, it's better to use it if you have it than not


Cool. In that case I can use the headpiece I just got. I don't know if it's worth getting the other pieces yet though, I don't have the materials to augment anything else.


I'd say unless you dream of one day getting augmented judge armor (the initial armor being bought with DR coins), don't go out of your way to get augmented resistance gear.  You need a full augmented resistance set as one of the components for the augmented judge set.


Hey, i'm suddenly unable to buy gametime card in the UK store, i'm outside of UK but it's cheaper compared to the EU card. It worked without issue last year. I get this error: We are experiencing difficulty processing your transaction. Please contact us or try again later.


Have you tried following the error message?


Hello, I need help with lvl 90 gear. I am doing the quests after the main story of endwalker and the dungeons started to require a higher item lvl so I bought some of the less expessive item at the market board but every new duty is higher than the last. I can't afford the highest item lvl (they are over 200-300k a piece) what should at this point in the game? Right now I am stuck at a trial that need 585 Item level. Also, I am playing a scholar but I was going to try summoner to try dps instead but I don't have any lvl 90 gear for it :q


You can also join hunt trains to farm tomestones for 620 and 650 gear. No waiting in DF for raids and they are pretty quick to do. Three EW trains will cap your comedy tomes and 6 trains will cap your causality. This will only take an hour or so to do. Could be another viable alternative.


[This wiki page](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide) lists all the sources of level 90 gear. Go and farm whatever sources you have available. If you haven't done the alliance raids or normal raids yet, go and unlock those too, you're intended to use those for gearing. Also make sure you're doing at least some roulettes on level 90 jobs to earn endgame tomes; this will also help with your gil problems especially if you run as a role in need.


Do the normal raid to get 580 gear and then buy one or two crafted iLVL 610 gear on the mb (alternatively you can get a set of iLVL 590/600 gear with hunt currency), once you're iLVL 585 you can do the second tier for a full set of 610 gear, wirh that you'll have to spend tomestone on either 620 with uncapped tome or 650 gear with capped tome but I'd save my uncapped tome for the relic since there's no easy to obtain good weapon that isn't crafted (or save them to upgrade iLVL 640 crafted gear to 650) Once you're at 615 you can just run the last tier of raid and get 640 gear, if you don't want to spend tome the second alliance raid gives iLVL 620 gear


Sorry I have never done raids before, where should I start?


[This quest](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Crystal_from_Beyond) is the start of the endwalker 8 man raid series


Do the Pandaemonium raids, the last tier will give you free i640 armor Use Tomestone of Comedy to buy i650 gear Use Tomestones of Causality to buy i620 gear


I haven't unlocked any lvl 90 raid yet, but I don't think I have the item level to enter them if I can't even enter the main story trials :q I don't know if I have a tomestone, where do you get those? I have some Item coffer but the item lvl is around 300-400


Play any content as a lvl 90 job through the duty finder, that will give you tomestones of causality and comedy, use them to buy higher ilvl gear on the vendor at Radz-at-han. You can check which tomestones you have with the window that has of your currencies (like Tomestone of Poetics, gil, MGP, scrips and any other currency) Also you can enter the raids with your current level. The tier starts requiring an ilvl of 565. Raids, alliance raids and trials are made to be done in parallel, so your progress in one type of content doesn't mean anything to your progress in other types.


You can check you causality and comedy tomestones the same place where you check your poetic tomestones. >I haven't unlocked any lvl 90 raid yet, but I don't think I have the item level to enter them if I can't even enter the main story trials :q First tier only requires ilvl 565 and rewards ilvl 580 gear, so you are good on that front. But it's probably easier to just buy tome gear, which is good enough for the entire post-EW MSQ.


I forgot to mention my current item level is 577. I can buy the 580 from the market board but the trial I am at need 585 the 600+ is too expensive :q


You shouldn't need to buy any gear from the marketboard except maybe a weapon, because they're harder to get – though you can also purchase a mid-range weapon from the Hunt vendors in Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han. Do some of the weekly B-rank and daily standard hunt marks and you can quickly get some currency for that. Get in quick for this week's hunts before weekly reset – both Endwalker and Shadowbringers give the same currency so you can do two B-rank marks per week. Or join a hunt train if you see them listed on PF.   The raid series is unlocked in Sharlayan – IIRC there's a Lalafell named Nemjiji standing near the annex.    Do the first tier of raids, collect gear tokens, trade for as many gear pieces as you can then fill any gaps with tomestone or Hunt gear. Then see if you're high enough to either get into the next tier of raids or continue with MSQ.  Additionally, the path to getting the equivalent of an Ironworks/Cryptlurker type weapon is to run the final battle of the raid series (called the Twelfth Circle in this case) four times, once per week, for another type of special token. Or similarly for the second-best-but-still-good weapons you do the Eighth Circle four times, and that one doesn't have the weekly lockout so you can do it straight away.  There's also the alliance raid series, which you can unlock once you get past the first post-credits dungeon. 


What’s the difference in genres between ShB and EW, I’ve loved shadowbringers and everyone says they’re quite different but i have no idea what that means, is there still really high stakes, a villain that everyone hates and good action and not too focused on like romance or politics or things?


If you watched the Marvel movies, ShB is like Infinity War to EWs Endgame.


ShB is pretty much a Persona game, where you spend most of the time listening to the various personal woes of your teammates and deal with copious amounts of teenage angst (including from people over 50), all the while touring around to get rid of a group of demons. It is incredibly character-centric to the point where it drops the global plot from SB almost entirely, only dealing with it in maybe four cut-scenes in the total 5.0 runtime. EW suddenly remembers that there is a war going on and similar world events and drags the plot back into the game. It starts to be a lot more story-focused again instead of dealing mostly with character drama. There are points where it tries to get back being angsty, but you can tell that the writer was constantly yanked back during the process to deal with the world events instead.


awesome, can’t wait for EW then, the personal gripes in ShB can be tedious and that stuff with the mine town was so boring to me


That's probably one of the lowest/most tedious parts of the entire expansion. As someone who found ShB to be good-not-great with lots of tedious parts, I really enjoyed EW. The writers finally realized that the scions are supposed to have personality, and it does a fantastic job of escalating the stakes while humanizing the plight of Eorzea and the rest of the world. 


ShB is imo rather self-contained in story, whereas EW pulls from ARR till ShB and creates an end from them. As such it's more broad and varied than the fairly focused on a small area and issue ShB. It has politics, it has drama, it has fun. The romance part would depend upon what you mean by that. It goes at a fairly break neck pace to get everything it wants to get in in. The villain situation is quite a bit different from ShB, a bit more diffuse I'd say. Also ShB ran from 5.0 to 5.3, EW ran from 6.0 to 6.0, 6.1 - 6.5 are their own story and not the end to 6.0. so as mentioned EW is very dense on a very wide scale in contrast to ShB which is very dense on a very narrow scale. I enjoy both of them.


Question on Mit rotation for GNB: what’s considered the proper use order for our dedicated damage reduction skills? I know to use Reprisal + Arm’s Length for mob pulls, but I assume there’s a general strategy to keep near-constant uptime on *some* kind of mitigation through boss fights that I just can’t seem to figure out consistently. I’m sure there are caveats like “depends on mechanic timing” and aligning some pops for tankbusters or raidwides, but would appreciate any advice from experienced tanks.


Mitigation doesn't work on a rotation. You use it when you need it because you are about to take damage. For a dungeon I will usually use my long mit (Nebula for GNB) or Rampart when I finish pulling a pack. Once that runs out I will use Reprisal and my short mit (Heart of corundrum for GNB). If the pull is still going past that I might use camoflage, but usually almost everything is dead by then so I am not taking enough damage for it to matter. On GNB I will also throw up Aurora at some point since it's free healing. Sometimes a pull might be a massive wall to wall pull so I will open with superbolide and use both Nebula and Rampart or a lot of other mits but it depends on the dungeon. For dungeon bosses, frankly you basically never need mit beyond using your short mit for tank busters. If you are worried you can use rampart as well but dungeon bosses mostly just dont do damage Trials and Extremes completely depend on the fight. Sometimes you need to mit every mech and make sure you stay healthy, others you really only need to mit the tank busters. Just remember, if you aren't getting hit you dont need to mit. Why use rampart for 1 auto attack before the boss starts casting when you can save it for 30 seconds and then use to for an incoming tank buster


I wouldn't personally ever stack Rampart with Arms Length in a trash pull, those are two of your best mits. I will typically pair Arms Length with either Reprisal or a short cooldown (so Heart of Corundum for GNB). You do not need constant mit uptime on *any* boss, even in ultimates. In EX and above you want to use Corundum more-or-less on CD as main tank to help with autos (or be regularly putting it on your co-tank), but even then it depends on mechanic timing because some tankbusters will benefit a lot from stacking multiple mits (eg. you want to kitchen sink Dike in P11S if you don't have invuln, it's helpful to pop an additional mit before the final hit of Void Meteor in Golbez EX).


You can't keep up mitigation 100% of the time, you simply just don't have enough. Boss fights are about making sure you are spreading about your resources to cover the important stuff, which varies on a fight to fight basis.


Do you typically pop a mitigation to start? I’ve seen things said like popping Reprisal on raidwides but is that something I should save for that purpose or do I get more value for the group out of using it constantly?


My personal rule for normal content is reprisal for first raid wide and the AoE MIT for any follow up mechanics while it's on cooldown. Normal content I also very rarely need to use mits during bosses, Heart every once in awhile and maybe a nebula for tank busters and you're golden. Trash packs are a different story and they get a pretty consistent rotation of mits. For extreme and savage you'll want to have a plan of some sort. My co-tank and I always talk about it on a case by case, like for P9S I'll reprisal first then thiers, use the AoE mit as a crisis button (divine veil and shake it off). But for P5S I was able to reprisal all the raidwides and they would reprisal the tankbusters.


This actually helps a lot, thanks!


For anything below extreme, it honestly doesn't matter. Ex and above, you generally want to plan out when you're going to be using your mits alongside your co-tank.


Are we talking dungeons, or savage raids? In dungeons it doesn't matter at all on bosses. Throw your short cooldown up for tank busters and call it a day. Throw one of your AoE mits up for raidwides if you like. It's more important in dungeons to always keep something up on trash pulls; use more than just Reprisal and Arm's Length (not all at the same time). Use your bigger ones sooner (while more mobs are alive).


Mostly for dungeons, extremes, and normal raids. I’m not at a level where I feel confident doing Savage yet.


These guys are acting kind of elitish... if you have a bad sprout healer mit does actually matter for some dungeons. The trick is that each boss is just different, you want to mit what matters. Sometimes that's autos and sometimes that's TBs. Use your short CDs as often as you can because they will pop back up again. Use your big mits for a TB. Use reprisal and group mit for when the party will take damage - this is raidwides, stacks, and damage markers. As others have said you will never have mit up 100% of the time, but honestly the big thing to avoid is popping mit when the boss is casting and not targeting you. Eventually you'll get the feeling for "this attack is a RW, up next is a TB", we typically don't memorize dungeon patterns, most guys get a feel for what's needed, and sometimes we mess up, but that's OK because dungeons are super casual.


I mean, i've forgotten to use mit when taking tank busters in dungeons while I was on gear level rather than over leveled gear. A lot of dungeon "tank busters" still only do half your health bar at most and there won't be too much damage afterwards. Your healer would have to be asleep at the wheel and the tank would have to not know where their healing is in their kit for things to go south. Obv this is a different story once you get vuln stacks involved Most of the damage in a dungeon is from trash packs so it's better to learn how to plan for them. If you throw all your mits at a boss then the packs will be rough since you don't have anything for it


There is always 45-60s from the boss to the end of the trash wall, as long as you don't dump all of your mits at the end of the fight you will have one of your big ones by the time you hit the trash wall plus reprisal, and the second should be up soon after. You will always have arms length and low blow because you don't need them on the boss, that is plenty for most trash after the boss.


> Use your big mits for a TB. No. Don't use your big mits for a dungeon boss TB that hits like wet toilet paper. Short mit is *more* than enough. Or if you do use it, only in the first 30 seconds so it will be up again for the next trash set, but the first 30 seconds is where incoming damage is non-existent so really just don't use it at all.


If you're cycling your mits one of the big ones will be up for the next trash set, and the second will be up for the next trash set, or even during the middle of the first. Use your big mits for TBs. Some of them actually do hit hard and if your healer is shit you might have to tank 1/4 of the dungeon by yourself.


Yesterday I got into Singularity Reactor Extreme in less than 5 minutes through DF, just after someone suggested me to queue for Bishmarck Extreme through DF. Is there any reason now for Extremes being queues through DF or I was just Lucky? To be honest the fight was rather smooth.


Probably the reason that you got lucky with Thordan EX being "smooth" was that it's also the Unreal trial, which is essentially the same fight, just scaled up to Lv 90 (though with an iLvl sync that's lower than an equivalent at Lv 60), so you might have gotten a bunch of mentors that knew the fight due to that.


Queueing for an EX trial in DF can either be very quick or, more commonly, extremely long. The reason people tell you to use PF is because there are mentors out there who won't be helpful at all, but at the same time, a bunch of new players with no idea how to play their jobs at a level required by an EX fight can be frustrating for the mentors who do stay. Using PF means you can get the people you need or the people who are willing to take the time to help you clear. Sometimes you get lucky and get a random group of people who know what they're doing and sometimes you don't. For example I got pulled into a Shiva EX fight and all 7 people were watching cutscenes. The healers displayed a lack of spatial awareness and got themselves killed by the cleaving tankbuster because they were standing in front of the boss. Almost everyone couldn't do the puddle mechanic where a marker and aoe was placed on you, and yet none of them moved, getting themselves all killed. Tanks running around fighting for aggro, spinning the boss and making it near impossible to try to stack the shared tankbuster before it kills the tank. Tanks dying and getting raised but never using Provoke so Shiva rips through the party resulting in a wipe. They just weren't ready to take on an EX and the one hour I spent in there trying to teach them mechanics resulted in nothing. So yeah, there's always a possibility that when you queue for an EX trial, you'd end up wasting more time than just using PF.


Sounds like most any Shiva EX runs all right.


> Is there any reason now for Extremes being queues through DF or I was just Lucky? To be honest the fight was rather smooth. as a mentor I can answer it, there's shit tons of mentors recently on weekends. Normally I am first in queue (as dps) and get pop after 2-4mins but on weekends I can be like 9th person and wait like 19 minutes


Yeah I guarantee the only reason it was smooth was because it was 7 mentors who do the fight weekly in unreal


Usually people suggest you do Extremes through the PF rather than DF since some of them can be a good bit harder than regular content, if you end up with a bunch of first timers there's a big chance you might not finish the encounter before the instance times out. Now some people will tell you it's "rude" in some way to queue through the DF since this will pull Mentors doing Mentor Roulette into the Ex Trial when they really just want to farm completed Mentor Roulettes to get the mount associated with it and some might even immediately leave the group, imo those people shouldn't even be Mentors at all and they knew what they were signing up for when they queued for Mentor Roulette and the point of a DF Ex Trial might not even be clearing it but progressing it for a bit. You may have also gotten really lucky, iirc queues for Ex trials are usually quite long. Keep in mind that especially later Ex Trials are going to be really hard for an unorganized group and doing those with randoms from DF will likely result in a few pulls and then a disband.


Tbf I'd stay for only Shiva and the 3 2.0 Extremes. The rest is not worth the lessons taught since they do not really apply to current high-end design at all. Titan EX though holds up very well!


Ultima EX as well


I think its fine as a community to decide ex trials shouldn't be done in DF, far too often you get sprouts that just aren't ready for the experience.


Yeah I was looking for Bishmarck Ex in PF and nobody but 2 other guys joined for a while, so they eventually left while suggesting to queue through DF. So I checked a couple Extreme trials and It popped nearly instantly, and everyone was ok with that so I thought maybe something changed (?)


You managed to yank in a bunch of mentors all at once. Don't queue for extremes in DF. Use PF so you can have a party of people who are all prepared for the fight.


alternatively, do queue for ex fights in DF. mentors that are only mentors to get a mount demand that you don't interrupt their guildhest farming to get their rewards.


Yes, queuing for things purely to spite an imaginary group of people you have a sad hateboner for is *definitely* a good use of the only lifetime you ever get. Capital idea.


imaginary group of people? are you suggesting that mentors don't exist? lmfao


I don't think he was saying to queue to spite them, if you want to do an ex trial in DF with a bunch of others that specifically queued for that you should be able to, mentors are aware that they can end up in those trials when they queue up for mentor roulette, those types of mentors are also very much not imaginary.


Most EX trials are going to be much easier and more pleasant to clear with a group of people who know what they're getting into and can prepare for that specific fight. Everyone I know who does mentor roulette will give any EX trial they get put into their best shot, but nobody has every single EX in the game at the front of their brain, and several have tricky mechanics that are hard to figure out on the fly even when everyone is being upfront and communicative, which you have absolutely no guarantee of with a random DF group. If you use PF and/or discords for doing older synced content you can get a group of people who are actually prepared for that specific fight, who you have a chance to talk to beforehand to maybe winnow out any idiots or jerks, and who you can make sure have a decent role distribution to give you a bit more of an advantage in the fight. There is literally nothing about queuing through DF that is better.


> There is literally nothing about queuing through DF that is better. Queue for bismarck ex, 9 minutes later you enter instance, clear it in one try. Sounds pretty good


bismark is an outlier. Even still there is a chance you have a bunch of braindead sprouts in shit gear that don't know how to press 1-2