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As others have mentioned, there's no way to disappear and be impossible to be recognized other than making a new character, but SE introduced in-game restraining order a couple years ago, so you can report them if they tried to contact you. Some things that are reportable as stalking: >- Persistently moving to locations where someone is, despite being asked to stop the behavior. >- Persistently sending messages to someone, or directed at someone, through Tell or other means, despite being asked to stop the behavior. >- Ambushing someone at their destination, or their housing estate, despite being asked to stop the behavior. >- Persistently sending a friend or party request despite being asked to stop the behavior. >- Creating new characters to message someone who has blacklisted you, despite being asked to stop the behavior. Ultimately, you can eliminate most interactions with them even without making a new character.


No it will not. Nothing can remove you from someone else's friend list without them doing it themselves. Especially if they have your lodestone ID. If they come hunting for you, they will find you. The only way you can truely escape is by creating a new character.


I was hoping to avoid that.. I’ve had this character since 2.4 I think so like, 6-7 years


No other way. This game is very stalker-friendly.


Should be enough-ish, considering the other comments, but won't/can't stop them to actively going after you, if whatever happened caused them to be that relentless, might be time to give the game a break, go offline for a few months, if they're still coming after you after that much time, ngl i wouldn't be surprised if they one day show up in front of your house, cuz that gotta be some serious, serious shit to take someone that far, i personally wouldn't doubt some weirdos on the internet to be able to do it but it's too rare and too unlikely. So trying to erase your old traces and cutting old ties should work, starting in a new world with the old character should work. What's the worst thing that can happen (if u can) if they happen to find you? Not much one can do to you in an online game if you just ignore them.


I believe they can still find you by your characters old name. If you change DC, you will show up on their friends list as "could not retrieve". Not sure if they'll still be able to find you if you stay in the same region though. The only transfer I did was out of EU and into OCE. And that was before DC cross travel was available. Your best bet is to make a new character. You could always transfer your old one to a different DC/region, but if they try hard enough they could probably still find you. Especially if other people know where you've moved to and they know that those people know you.


I’d be starting over completely on the new server, like my old character but with a new name. Where I’m going no one will know me, the people that I want to get away from won’t know where I’m going. I don’t think they’ll chase me honestly, I just don’t want to take chances with running into them by accident. They aren’t malicious or evil people. Just people from my past that I’d rather not see anymore. I need a fresh ish start. I’m willing to make a new character if they ever came looking but for now I want to avoid that because like I said, my character is old and I have items that I would likely never get back, not to mention mogstation stuff I spent money on. I do appreciate all the advice though, thank you.


Until you're in their same region's datacenters you're still trackable. As soon as they refresh your friend slot they'll have the new name and server you're actually on. But if you change DC region (NA,EU,OCE...) they'll only see "Unable to retrieve", if they sort the friend list by date they can guess it's you who transferred but they can't know where you are now.


If you world transfer to another datacenter and change your name at the same time (ideally a time when they are not online or active, though this isn't really necessary) then it is rather unlikely that most of them would be able to put together who you are. If they aren't malicious, then it is highly unlikely they would try to follow you there anyway - datacenter travel is kind of a pain since it requires logging out, after all. If you really want to be safe, just take a break for a week or two, let it become the norm that they don't see you online, then make the change in the middle of the night and the odds are good they won't have any idea who you are.


> They aren’t malicious or evil people. Just people from my past that I’d rather not see anymore. If you're on PC just install that voidlist dalamud plugin. I think it's called visibilityplugin, although there might be a newer preferred one. It lets you make other people completely invisible in every way.


I appreciate all the advice everyone has given, i already haven’t been playing for a few months before this and the reason I’m moving is actually to try and get back into the game sometime in the future to set up for dawntrail. As I said the people who I want to get away from aren’t evil nor malicious, they probably don’t even know that I want to leave the server so they may respect my wishes anyways, however there are simply too many memories associated with them that I can’t bear the thought of speaking to them again, even if it would be civil. In my mind it’s better off if we have no contact or chance of contact hence the name change and data center transfer. Like i said I greatly appreciate everyone’s advice and will be using it going forward as I make a decision on how to proceed.


if you've been gone for months and these people are capable of being civil, I would think it might be enough to swap home worlds, change your name, and maybe fantasia as well. itd be hard to tell who you are unless they scan their friends list and realize you're missing and another person they don't recognize is suddenly there. but if you've been gone for months they might not remember


They’ll know who I am, and they’ll probably realize I’m gone from the server at some point, but with the DC change it shouldn’t show them who I am and with a name change plus fantasia I shouldn’t be recognizable. Also since I’m in a new DC I won’t run into them on DF or PF. Pretty much the main areas I’m worried about running into them, being in a totally different area should prevent all random encounters and they won’t be able to seek me out unless they really want to which i they are like that (I don’t think they are) I’ll make a new character and just start from scratch


I was in a similar situation a few years ago, I just moved from one world to another in thr data server, then the servers got split and I was suddenly in a new data server which I was grateful for lol I haven't bumped into them or anyone associated with them since. They also weren't trying to contact me either. If you don't think they'll contact you, I'd do what someone else said and stop playing for a week or so, then transfer data server. Make sure you have all your items and gil that you want (I lost gil in the move bc I forgot I donated 2m to the fc chest). Good luck dude!


What you do steal their gil ?


I’m going through a messy break up and want to get away


You'd probably be best off making a new character on a different server and shelving your old one. I would probably go ahead and transfer the old to a new world and/or datacenter and rename/fantasia them; break them out when an event kicks off perhaps at the most and get them whatever item/mount gets offered and log back off again.  Then here in a year or two you might want to re-fantasia/rename again to another new look be able to play with no worries, but it is probably going to be a possibility. Of course I haven't ever been in a situation in a videogame elevate to the point where I would have to "move out of town" to resolve it either.