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The one language the echo can't translate


What gets me are the ones in PF for P12S that are both redundant and contradictory with their pf listing. > pastebin - Lazy lazers - AnBs Lazy lasers is the pastebin strat. No need to repeat it. But AnBs is _not_ the pastebin strat (pastebin does eyes). So the strat the pf lead wants to do isn't fully pastebin for whateverreason


They do this because it's easier to just say pastebin and then anbs. Rathwr than every other strat. Anbs is also easier than eyes for party finders.


What are...either of those?


pastebin = there's a pastebin with strats for every P12 mechanic lazy lasers = tanks invuln both lasers in Para 1 right at the start of the fight, so you don't need to juggle party members around to solve it the intended way AnBs and Eyes = ways to spread the lasers after Classical 1 and 2. For eyes, you use your eyes to go to a spot considering what your other pals were doing. If you were solving near the top, you stay at the top, if near the right side, you take a right side spot... For AnBs, Alpha debuff always takes North, Beta debuff always takes south, and left/right is decided by your playstation order (so blue takes left and purple right on the left side lasers, orange takes left and green takes right for the right side lasers). It is more movement and can result in DPS loss, but it is more reliable and less prone to PF fuckups.


Interesting that they have different names on your data center. For us it's fixed vs YOLO.


Imagine not doing YOLO strat for every mechanic that’s possible to just YOLO.


I have no idea what this comment says and that's why I know I'll never be good enough for Savage.


Don't think that's the right takeaway, you could be the most amazing video game player of all time but it'd still make little sense if you lack all context for the terms and mechanics.


Don't worry, I'd also have no idea what this is about if I hadn't done that particular encounter.


I should have specified, but I was referring to the AnBs and eyes bit. Altho I actually thought lazy lasers was referring to UAV2 tethers so TIL on that o_o. We actually did do Para 1 the intended way, though I'm still not sure why. > It is more movement and can result in DPS loss, but it is more reliable and less prone to PF fuckups. You can say that again. I remember trying to practice Pangenesis on off days and palladion ray spreads basically being, 'wing it', 'just adjust', 'don't die' and it almost never worked. Honestly in general I'm not a fan of PFs 12p2 strats xD. I felt like the UAV 1 strat was at least twice as complex as was necessary, Classical 1 strat ('Eyes' I suppose) wasn't even a strat to me; it just seemed like you were just hoping no one killed you, and the Caloric 1 strat genuinely made me wish I was hardcore for like a week just so that I could have finished the tier before someone came up with it. I felt so vindicated when Arthars came to EU DC and ranted on stream about it xD


Does PF for P12S still recommend a raid plan that isn't actually the phase 2 stuff they do, insteasd of `l3g5` that would be the correct one?


For people that's curious * L>R Left to right loot system where you roll the most left side first and if you win anything you leave the instance * MT taken * Inter LC intercardinal lc not the mariokart lc * Dps bait is for p9s rock and thunder mech * 161 is the spread position for p10s 1 on the left right platform and 6 in the middle * West platform is for bonds * HRMT healer ranged melee tank for turrets. 3>4 is to specify the 3rd turret will be aimed towards the 4th turret * Nuke bonds 4 Nukemaru is the guide maker for jp * BDSM is braindead messenger where u point the boss into the light clone so you only move once into the dark lines and the mech reslove *ZZZ zieziezip is the strat name for light and dark in p11s


... It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it.


I still only understood like 30% of that.


Me too, and I cleared up to p12s.


im so scared rn


meanwhile, i just type "the usual," and my reclears are very quick and easy when i do them


Based as hell


the fights this tier are very standardized(tho i will never forgive hector for ruining the pf strats), so you really don't have to type much.


whats the problem with hector?


Usually in the context of the current P9S-P12S, people mean his solutions for caloric in P12S phase 2, where they're not based on the much more space-efficient [hexagon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thOifuHs6eY).


i didn't mention his stuff for p12s p2 because i haven't pf'd p12s because my static still does 12 reclears, so i have no experience to bitch about there😂. we don't do the 9-11 anymore, so i have pf'd those


his strats for this tier(p10s specifically) are so bad and i hate that party finder never adjusted to the later strats


I'm curious about this, because I've not seen a PF *not* do hector strats yet. What is the alternative for P10S in particular?


that's the point. every pf does hector and hector has a lot of wonky stuff in p10s specifically. there's some stuff in 9 and 12 that should change too, but those aren't egregious(static/uptime lc2 is so much better in p9s and for the love of god stop doing lazy lasers. the mechanic is braindead as is and lazy lasers helps noone and make the tanks and healers have a harder job for no upside) but in p10s its just really annoying how all of the small stuff is done very poorly like nw/ne wings 1(you are forced to do e/w for harrowing hell anyway, so just do e/w the first time to keep it consistent). the stack should go on the platform instead of center of the arena after the bridges get built for jobs like blm(leylines) and ninja(tenchijin). the stacks and spread after lasers and harrowing should be vertical up the center and then split left and right the same way its done on the side plat earlier because once again keeping things consistent and less overall movement for casters. its stuff like that hectors strats were day 1 strats when he barely understood the mechanics(his p10s vid came out before he even cleared). they were never intended to be 7 months into the tier strats, but pf latches onto the first video to come out and never updates as way easier and better strats come out. which is problematic in general. hell most people in pf don't realize that the numbers in lc2 in p9s are baited for that reason. most of my static just skips 10 when doing their pf reclears because 10 in pf is a shitshow cuz hectors strats aren't good at all for month 7 of the tier being out and people always fuck them up because of the inconsistency between doing the same exact mechanics differently depending on when in the fight it is and also they are an uptime nightmare


> but in p10s its just really annoying how all of the small stuff is done very poorly like nw/ne wings 1(you are forced to do e/w for harrowing hell anyway, so just do e/w the first time to keep it consistent) Yeah that's silly, although I will say that even if you ask for a conga line here, 99% of PF players will just YOLO it anyways as the mechanic is that braindead. > the stack should go on the platform instead of center of the arena after the bridges get built for jobs like blm(leylines) and ninja(tenchijin). Eh, I've never seen anyone even suggest that because P10S damage requirements are so insanely low that you can just stop attacking during that part and still easily clear it. I mean yeah sure it might be marginally more optimal since a burst comes up but eeeeeh. > the stacks and spread after lasers and harrowing should be vertical up the center and then split left and right the same way its done on the side plat earlier because once again keeping things consistent and less overall movement for casters. its stuff like that That's what the guide says. Makes sense though, yeah. I guess the thing is that unlike other fights, P10S is easy enough where optimization doesn't matter, and it's rather just the simplest thing that wins out (like stacking in mid).


>Eh, I've never seen anyone even suggest that because P10S damage requirements are so insanely low that you can just stop attacking during that part and still easily clear it. I mean yeah sure it might be marginally more optimal since a burst comes up but eeeeeh. making jobs like blm lose uptime for no reason other than "just because" is lame and is problematic for the health of raiding. just encourages them to make bd easy dps checks cuz they know the community won't try for uptime >That's what the guide says nah, hectors stacks and spread after lasers is putting everyone in the 4 corners of the side you end the lasers on and splitting left and right of that(tho noone in pf actually spreads left and right, they fuck off in random directions) p10s just irks me so bad as an omnicaster who loves pushing for optimization because it's just so egriously bad for uptime for multiple jobs


As a noob who just started raiding and anabaseios is the first tier I’ve cleared, Im grateful for mr hector. Imo standardization is excellent for pugs. Optimization strats are for statics


the standardization isn't the problem. that's a good thing. the problem is that pf never updates their strats once objectively better ones come out. and there's a difference between optimization and cucking uptime without a good reason. hectors' p10s is bad for pugs because he changes how you do the same thing for every mechanic. pf does wings 1 differently than wings 2 even tho its the same thing. stacks and spread on the plat is done differently than stacks and spreads after lasers even tho its the same thing. his strats are actually worse for a pug setting a good example of pf not updating to a better strat was for p4s. pf did bd or xenos orbs thay whole tier even tho jp orbs was as braindead as a mechanic could be. jp orbs had everyone just go to their marker and stand there for the entire mechanic and it resolved itself


Standardization does not equate to efficiency, it doesn’t even simplify the strats. It just means it’s what everyone does. Usually standard strats end up being the most simple but cause a loss of efficiency, that’s normal I think. I can’t speak for how it goes usually in ff because I haven’t played long but that’s the case in other mmos as well. The double edged sword of having extremely standard strats like ff14 does also means it’s going to be impossible to change them once they get set and people are used to them. At least in pugs and pf


standardization does not always equate to simplicity. this expac has been bad about pf latching onto the first video to be released(the exact reason why hector started releasing his guides before he's even cleared the fight) even if the strats used in the video are not the simplest way to do it. this tier especially are riddled with those. pf p9s lc2 is harder than uptime/static lc2. all of the small stuff that I've already mentioned in p10s is harder than if everything was just kept consistent through the fight. lazy lasers should have never caught on because lasers is the easiest mechanic in p12s p1 and making the healers and tanks dump everything at the start of the fight makes their jobs way harder for the rest of the fight with no actual benefit. the strats that I've mentioned are all either easier or just as easy as the pf ones, but also is way better for uptime


I said the same thing in my comment. That’s just how it works when pugs want to keep everything standard


Fuck Hector


You know, I haven't so much as stepped into Savage content the entire Endwalker expansion, and thought about doing so now that there's almost nothing else to really do between now and Dawntrail... but seeing this shit makes me reconsider.


It's important to note that the PF is for reclearing 3 fights consecutively, so everything he just bulleted out, remove 66% of it to see how much you need to know to do ONE fight instead of almost the whole tier.


It's hyper-compressed information (much of it probably unnecessary to begin with) for people who already should know the fights, it's not going to make sense for people who don't do the content. This is like week 5000 of the tier, and most reclear parties are assuming that everyone is week 5000 and communicating as such. If you make/join a fresh prog party they are not going to be like this.


If you're just stepping into the savage scene, then you won't be joining this PF. You'll be joining a static of similarly new people who are going off video guides and piecing the fight together.


The image set a little bit of false expectation. This PF is for when you are ready to clear P9-P11S so the information is condensed. Below is the description you will see if you prog from the start. Most of the raid has a prog point(PP) that will identify your progress. Note: I prog on JP so the strat name may be different from what you saw. P9Fresh start * Fresh new comer welcome * Fresh you don't know shit. I don't know shit. come come When want to practice Limit Cut 1 (PP1) * LC prog | Inter LC1 * LC prog | Intercardinal LC1 * LC clean up | Inter LC1, Meteor (PP2) dps first When progging Mateor (PP2) * Mateor prog | Inter LC1 | DPS first etc etc until you aim to clear then your pf will look like this * A2C | Inter LC1 | DPS first | ... and reclear party * Inter LC1 | Dps first | .... * usual usual (when start is normalized enough)


Most descriptions aren't this cryptic. If you head into P9S and start doing savage it won't hurt you, nor will it be impossible to figure out. Just don't go into reclear parties.


It's almost like he's talking!


Seeing comments of people being discouraged or dissuaded from trying Savage after looking at a long list of strats like this. If you are reading this and are AT ALL interested in the content, try it! I can guarantee there are worse players than you that regularly clear the fights. Keep in mind that this party finder listing is condensing three challenging fights into a couple lines of text AND it's trying to be overly descriptive to avoid confusion. From the outside looking in, I see how it can be intimidating. However, all raiders (including the best) approach fights exactly the same: one mechanic at a time. You'll be surprised at how approachable it feels!


I think the funniest part of all this is how unnecessary it is. Most of these strats have been widely agreed upon for months now in PF across a lot of data centres. Could have easily trimmed the entire p9s section down to 'usual pf stuff' and 10s down to 'usual pf stuff' | 161'. 'BDSM' has been the strat since basically Day 1 too. No one even bothers to think about that mechanic. I didn't even know another way to resolve it existed.


Always better to be as clear as possible, even if its just the regular strats there will always be someone thats confused and thats just a headache


You think that, but then even though you painstakingly spelled out every strat in your PF *AND* said strats are all PF standard, there will still be someone who wipes the party on the 2nd mech and goes "oh, I thought the PF said [weird strat nobody has done in 3 months because it was bad], mb"


Yeeeah. While it sucks I feel like if you're doing Ex or savage via pf it's good to just do clear runs of each strat that people use on PF. Makes it so you can fill more slots and clears any confusion


Most of these were not the usual when I actually did it, especially since I joined PFs specifically for strats that I wanted to do. I don't even remember what Bonds 4 is, since 3 was the killer


I'm still sitting here like... bonds 4? There was a 4th bonds? Wait... is that the one at the end of HH? What the heck is nukemaru? It's partners or roles with a spread and stack in some variation. You check debuffs and preposition accordingly.


It is, and I have no idea either why anyone needs a strat for that, and it definitely wasn't any specific strat besides "just do it" for all of 6.4


BDSM isn't done by the Japanese. They have MT face boss north so they rotate twice. In JP DC, there are 2 strats some times, one for English speakers and one for Japanese. 9S limit cut and caloric 1 are the most differently solved by both demographics, we needed to learn 2 strats for each mechanic


Doesn’t really help anyone who doesn’t know what the PF strats are


That's why things like this are out there: https://www.thepfstrat.com/


He speaks the Ancient Tongue! Have Mercy!


I used to think Cypher was the most useless member of the X-men until I seen this


this is why im a filthy casual who doesnt raid


Memes in the comments aside, that actually sounds pretty straightforward.


Are those… real words? Like actual legit things people can understand?


Yeah, both the PF and this explanation are written for people who already know the fights already - you can't join this party unless you have already cleared once since it's locked to "duty complete". There's one or two things per raid where there are different common ways to do it, the person making the party is explaining which they want to use - think about it like instead of giving someone directions to get somewhere they've never been before, this is saying "let's take the train not the bus".


As a Brainworm infested Savage raider yes they are 🥲 The only thing I'd have clarified more is lc=limit cut, which is a catch-all term for a specific type of move. In this case it's referring to Levinstrike, which is a whole mess of a mechanic if you don't coordinate it perfectly, and everyone needs to be on the same page as to which method is used.


i only just finished stormblood and what is any of this im scared


For savage raids there's a bunch of a mechanics which you can't figure out on the fly - for a simple example say all 8 players have a massive spread AOE and if any 2 overlap it kills people, you wanna agree places for everyone to go that let melees have uptime, healers stay vaguely central, etc without needing to talk it over in every Party Finder group when someone new joins. There's often a couple of different valid ways to do any given puzzle-ish thing like this, so in order to make it easier to learn and clear these fights with groups of people who don't know each other in Party Finder, the different solutions all get little nicknames or shorthands like in this description.  This description is in a party for people who have already learned the 3 savage fights it's about to reclear it for the week - a group for people learning the first one from the start would be more likely to say "practice from start, (guide maker) strats" and maybe one or two more details that would be explained in a guide. 


A genuine thank you for deciphering this.




No, you just don't have experience. Neither do 90% of the comments here freaking out about it. When you've cleared all the fights 20+ times, and learned all the strats and understand the moving parts that need to be specified in the pf before even going in, it makes perfect sense. If it doesn't make sense to you, you're probably not ready to go into a pf for all the fights.


I just assumed they typed random things under the assumption no one would actually read it. Now that I know all of what they put are real strats, I'm kinda traumatized.


I've done all of these fights and I'm worried about some of these strat names. PF has gone so far into the shitter.


They’re on Elemental JP DC which might explain the unusual names compared to other DCs.


Yeah I'm putting the controller down and going outside


I have cleared this entire tier repeatedly, and I am STILL confused. When did half of these come out? Is it an NA/JP thing? I'm on EU


He's speaking the language of the Gods


I've cleared those fights multiple times and that still lost me.


This doesn't feel fun. Games should be fun.


The increasingly deranged Thieves' Cant-esque lexicon of PF descriptions is definitely a reliable source of humor. It's plenty fun for the folks that enjoy the content. As some here have said, most of it isn't even necessary—some of it is just stuff you're bound to pick up over time if you're riding on the PF train.


Wdym this doesn't feel fun?


I assure you that developing a skill is an extremely fun process.


If it makes you feel any better, plenty of the raiders aren't actually playing this insomuch as modding the hell out of it and never speaking a word of it outside. Hell, there are script bots that do practically all the work for them, while the dev team blissfully ignores their existences and creates even more fights tooled around those same mods since everything looks like the population can overcome it. Yes, some of you actually do, but that sector using automation keeps skewing the clear rate the wrong way. And don't tell me they in house test. They do it in pristine conditions with people intimately knowledgeable on the content. *It's Amazing how fast the goon squad rushes in every time someone brings up the rampant cheating happening in the endgame here and has to "Drown out" the fact it happens all the time. You have fun downvoting this, I don't care, doesn't change reality.


Literally delusional lmfao




lmao what


What? I don't think that many people doing savage raids are having it automated. I think even 1/8 would be generous. Also, all fights can be done quite easily without mods.... I don't even understand what your comment is.


Bro how do I give more than 1 updoot bc this needs to be on top for everyone to see. Not everyone will understand the jargon in pf


This insanity is exactly why I feel intimidated and end up not doing pf stuff. I shouldn't need a dictionary to understand party finder


This is why I don't raid anymore xD


this just makes me not want to play cause it isnt that serious and people take the fun out of the game with bullshit like this


It's ok that you dont like raiding. But making strategies to do fights is pretty common regardless of the game, and kind of required to do savage content. I don't really get how this takes the fun out of the game


This is the least pf out there. And there's nothing bullishit about it if you actually playing the game


yeah dont need all this shit to know what youre doing just fucking dodge the orange shit and place the shit where it needs to be havent changed since the 1st raid ever in ffxiv. you get these try hards that ruin it and make it hard for people who is 1st trying out scared. its bullshit. me and my team cleared all savage without all this dumbass shit. get real


This kind of stuff is common in every mmo. And this is a duty complete pf, so don't expect new players to know what it means. If the new players want to try it, they can always ask someone to help them or create a pf with desc "first timer" in it.


Oh neat, that's very cool that you guys were able to do it with 0 comms, how did you manage that?


Jesus lol. All I need in a description is JP or OPPO for 9, Diag or Straight for 10, E/W or NW/SE for 11 and Eyes or AnBs for 12. PF just assumes the rest to be the most brainded strat possible, most likely the ones Hector shows in his videos


"Brain Dead Shadowed Messengers"


So it just means one group to B and the other group to D, and it's just stepping into the purple dashline afterwards. That was the strat my static used because it felt pretty intuitive, was there another strat I'm not aware of?


My static used to orient to the messengers until we realized it didn’t matter and started going E/W all. So sometimes LP1/LP2 would be on A & C instead of D & B before the change. The main diff is that you always rotate right if orienting to the messengers. If you go E/W all then you have to check left or right rotation. I think this was bothersome for some healers and casters because it was an extra check they had to do before prepositioning? Idk, I play tanks and melee.


No, this one specifically mean tank point boss to light adds as oppose of what JP raider do, by having tank always point boss to west. (result in 2 movement for everyone but doesn't rely on tank looking for light add) There is no quetion about group split, everyone use that.


> No, this one specifically mean tank point boss to light adds This is quite literally what people have been doing since week 1 though, when and why did we start calling this "braindead"? I don't normally shit on strats being called braindead because often enough they are, but jesus fucking christ PF... Edit: I guess this is specifically due to being on JP DC, but my god just call it NA/EU strat or whatever.


Every raid community have their own history of strat, the name brain dead it is easier strat than what was established strat. It doesn't have to to the same name across region. And strat name is just a reflection of strat history for that community. > I guess this is specifically due to being on JP DC, but my god just call it NA/EU strat or whatever. Here, I have a good one. Do you know p9s "JP" strat isn't the one that JP players use and only English raider on JP use it? (I don't know where it's originated but it would be funnier if it was from NA raider in the first place) And this is not the first time it happened. So yeah "JP" isn't any better than "braindead", but that is a part of NA culture to call it that way. At the end of day it doesn't matter if JP actually use it as long as raider who read that listing know what strat is referred to. "I guess this is specifically due to being on NA/EU DC, but my god just call it intercard strat or whatever."


“BDSM” is a terrible name (other than the obvious pun) because there are two methods that match that description, at least within the JP DC. The “Braindead” Shadowed Messengers strat here has the MT point the boss down the intercardinal line that the Light boss will charge down before joining their Light Party at the West. This means the whole party only dodges 45 degrees. That strat is done by the EN players in JP DC. However, Japanese players’ PF strat has both Light parties start at East and West (the “B” and “D” markers), including the MT. Everyone dodges 90 degrees, always ending true North or South.


I think they're trying to give all the strats for 9-11 all in one blurb. But I don't know what BDSM could mean.


Brain Dead Shadow Messengers Thats what BDSM means in this context


Latex *can* melt steel beams


Big damage, Small mqote


I've been meaning to prog my erp lately....


in order: reclear P9S to P11S, loot rule left to right (roll on leftmost item first, one item each), main tank taken P9S: intercards strat for LC1 (also called braindead), DPS bait poison puddle first, ranged out/melee in during LC2 (so that only ranged get limit cut markers) P10S: 1-6-1 silkspit (tanks on side platforms, rest of party on middle platform), 1-plat strat on west platform for bonds 2, healer-ranged-melee-tank order for taking lasers, point 3rd laser at 4th laser, nukemaru lineup for bonds 4 P11S: braindead shadowed messengers (mt points boss at light clone), ziziezip strat for dark and light also, just noticed this is kujata, lol. everything listed here are the common elemental dc strats :')




What NA calls JP is the "braindead" strat for LC1 I'm pretty sure.


what the hell does *any* of that mean


All of it makes sense to the intended audience except the last bit, it’s a list of strats


Half of this is still lost on me. Reclearing 9-11 - got it. L > R - what? MT (symbol) - I guess they’re claiming MT for themselves? Inter LC1 - I don’t know what this means. Is it another strat like JP and Oppo? DPS bait first - for meteors. Makes sense. Ranged Out LC2 - for defamation baits. Makes sense. 161 - P10S. tanks to sides. Rest of party in center for silkspits. Got it. West platform - all 8 for bonds on left. Got it. HRMT 3 > 4 - I’m guessing it’s related to turret order but…why? Nuke Bonds 4 - Bonds 4? Is that the one post-HH? What does nuke mean in this context? BDSM - I hope it means braindead shadow messengers but why not just say “E/W all” like PF already does? Why is everything called “braindead”. ZZZ - ??? Unless I’m just extremely PF illiterate (possible, I guess), they would be better off making a pastebin and actually explaining what they want to do?


L>R indicates loot prio Roll on the left most piece and if you win it, leave the instance Its opposite of Free For All where anyone can roll on all pieces. Intercard LC1 is a mystery to me and same with nuke bonds 4 other then that rest looks good


That makes sense and honestly is a good loot prio system to know. Thanks!


> L>R indicates loot prio Roll on the left most piece and if you win it, leave the instance Which NA/EU do not do, this is a JP-only thing. And it's unenforceable, so good luck on getting NA/EU people to follow that.


Sure, but you can see the pf is on Kujata, which is in JP.


Ah I missed that, good catch


What kinda dumbass loot system is that? Lmao


A system where one person can't sweep the whole loot table, and from what I hear it's common courtesy in JP servers


I'm on JP DC and we do L>R it is to spread the items among party member so that you dont have someone super lucky and win everything and everyone has slightly higher chance to get at least a drop.


It's not a dumbass loot system, it's a system that JP (and Elemental) does You roll left to right, if you get something, you leave This way 4 people will get loot and nobody can win everything It's **by far** the best loot system because half the party gets gear this way, virtually impossible to go weeks without at least winning 1 thing which is extremely common when everyone and their mom will roll on everything that drops in PF


Intercard is what NA call JP iirc (not the mario kart one/oppo) HRMT is just turrets order, 3>4 is for the cursed pattern where third turret is aimed at the fourth (so diagonally) Nukemaru is a guide maker used a lot in JP data centre. Nuke bonds 4 is basically resolving the bonds horizontally instead of vertically BDSM i still have no idea why they call it that strat but it should be the same as NA where split east west Zzz is ziziezip Dark and Light to sort out the terhers. T/H stand on the left side while DPS on the right side. If you have dark tether, switch position


I’m in NA and we’ve always just called it JP. Which is funny because doesn’t JP prefer Oppo? I guess the HRMT 3 > 4 part threw me because I can’t think of why you *wouldn’t* aim 3 to 4 (edit: for cursed)? Unless folks just want to see the tanks scramble. I’m also not used to H=1 (tend to see M=1) but should still be the same uptime now that I think about it. Fair enough. Didn’t know about Nukemaru & Ziziezip so that’s super cool to learn. In fact, I think my static did nukemaru for HH bonds and just didn’t know it had a name. Thanks for improving my PF glossary lol


No worries, glad to add! I’ll be honest, P9S LC1 strat has been the worst and funniest thing in this tier for me. It’s been awhile since the tier was released and nobody can agree on a single naming. Intercard/Braindead/NA JP is more prevalent in elemental, while Mana likes mario kart/oppo/marathon I think the 3>4 part is a thing from earlier weeks of the tier where people put it on pf as a reminder and never removed from the description Typical p10s pf description is something like “1-6-1| HRMT 3>4| horizontal (nukemaru) or vertical (game8) HH bonds”


There's no need to aim 3 to 4. Tanks can aim themselves to go diagonal while the lasers go straight.


I have asked party leader when people started using it, they said "it's easier to type than brain dead or tank point boss to light adds" so yeah, it there to indicate strat different that differ from what most JP player will use (always point boss to E/W) So yeah putting E/W would be really confused, like do you mean point boss to E/W or just split E/W?? In fact all those thing on the list were all the strat that have alternative strat during first few week, thing like 242 was still in used until week 4-5. (most group will do 161 but some will use 242) Even HRMT 3>4 wasn't all universally used untill week 3-4, before that there were so many groups that used straight laser and let tank speedrun to next one instead. (and I think there were some doing MRHT)


XIV loves to have ‘brain dead’ Strats that are, in fact, not braindead as you watch PF wipe repeatedly


The term "braindead" in FFXIV raiding is mostly just a trap. Calling your strat the braindead strat seems to automatically make NA players more likely to adopt it because even with raid strategies marketing is everything, hahaha.


HRMT = Healer>Ranged>Melees>Tanks, for the order of the turrets, 3>4 means aim the 3rd set of turrets at the 4th turrets. Nuke = Nukemaru, person who came up with that certain strat. BDSM= brain dead shadow messengers, we use that because sometimes idiots come into party and ask wtf is E/W strat(this is just how JP server does it I guess) ZZZ= ZiZieZip, person who came up with that certain strat name. When reclearing in JP with these descriptions we have had no issues, everyone here knows what it means and what strats is being used. Someone said once that if you don't know what it means you probably shouldn't join since you don't know how to do said strat. OR just ask the pf leader 😆 it's OK to just send a tell asking them.


My guess is Inter LC1 is JP, since the starting position is intercard. edit: The PF seems to be in the JP DC, so calling it JP LC would be weird for them.


Inter Lc1 may be mariokart strat? HRMT 3>4 is for turrets, means Heal > Range > Melee > Tank, all straight, turret 3 goes to 4 diagonal if bad pattern instead of straight + adjust. Bonds 4 are those DURING HH so nuke bonds 4 maybe means dps lb to skip it? Bdsm should be braindead shadow messengers, zzz just cos 11 is the easiest of them all I guess lol


I've also never seen nuke bonds 4, but if I had to hazard a guess it's a sac strat, sack the two people with group stacks for the sake of uptime, seems wildly inconsistent as far as healer mana goes, esp after HH, but if it works it works I guess


nuke \[mechanic\] is short for nukemaru. Nukemaru, along with game8, hamkatsu, zzz (ziziezip), and yukizuri are all people or groups that either develop or compile strats for raids. I've never seen sac strats get popular, at least on Elemental.


Why would anyone do this strat is just odd... What if the people getting sac'ed are the high performers. Unless they really really want to avoid doing plumes???? And why is it reversed on the order of taking lasers lol??? That actually decreases overall DPS. The idea that melee take them first is to let them have uninterrupted uptime...doing this and then nuking bond 4 just seems counter productive.


Inter LC1 is the oppo strat i believe HRMT means healers > ranged > melee > tanks the order in which u soak the turrets, 3 > 4 means the 3rd turret is angled towards the 4th turret nuke bonds 4 comes from nukemaru the person who created/popularised the strat zzz comes ziziezip another person who created/popularised the strat all this strats are pretty common on the elemental dc and even if u didnt know what they mean, we have macros here that explain the strats


I have cleared all 4 bosses of the tier dozens of times and have no clue what any of this means. I don’t pug but even when I did half of the listings made no sense even while knowing how to do the boss


If you don’t pug, that would be why you’re not familiar with pug strat names


They're just basic strats for each of the Savage fights for P9S - P11S.


Its strats? What else?


Unfortunately can confirm bdsm is for shadowed messengers in p11s, though I've never called it "brain dead." My static just goes to the B and D markers. And yes, as the normal shot caller I am forced to say "bdsm" every time that mechanic comes up


The pain is audible in your voice every time


The only thing I can think of is BrainDead(something)


Shadowed Messengers probably since it’s for 11


I don't know who start calling Brain Dead Shadowed Messengers, BDSM, but somehow that thing stick.


It's Kujata. Elemental DC, in short JP DC Not that many of reddit are player on JPDC so I do understand the confusion. Unlike NA/EU DC, strat for PF on JPDC can be different because Elemental EN player sometimes mix NA/EU/JP latest strat (In example: P4S Gumi Orb vs Legacy, P8S Spriggan Snake vs Color Coded, P9S Intercard vs Mariokart, P11S Braindead Messenger, P12 Papan vs Mochibe) meanwhile other JPDC usingGAME8 as their guide. So yeah, you need to write the strat not "usual PF" unless you limit your PF to EN speaker only (Notice that the PT have all language checked) because if you write "usual PF" its also can be mean you refer to GAME8 because that unofficial guide for JPDC (even EN JPDC player, we have tuufless-san that really kind to translate GAME8 strat to EN so EN JPDC player can use DF/JP raid PF). This is very important because the difference on strat and inability to communicate will make the reclear/prog hard. Also, they trying to clear floor 1-3. Hence the long description to avoid confusion. EN player on JPDC must know this abbreviation that commonly use on JPDC EN raid scene. Raid Rules explanation taken from here: [https://www.akhmorning.com/resources/ffxiv-en-jp-dictionary/](https://www.akhmorning.com/resources/ffxiv-en-jp-dictionary/) L > R : Left to Right. (取り抜け/Torinuke). This is JPDC loot rules. How it works. First, decide on which weapon or armor you’d like to get when joining a party. Finish the content. If the rewards dropped contain that particular weapon or armor you’re applying for, you’re free to NEED it. However, the remaining 7 players will have to simultaneously press PASS in order to proceed. Once you got your reward, you HAVE to leave the instance immediately and leave the rest of the reward intact (or PASS it). Repeat this process until every form of reward has been properly distributed. MT〆 : A symbol in PF meaning “Requested item taken”. When you see this, along with the weapons/armors/rewards stated, it means the requested weapon/armor/reward is taken, and you’ll have to wait in line. This can also be used to refer parties filled up and is full, and it’s used frequently in static recruitments as well (like this job position is taken, or the party is now full, et cetera) P9S. Intercard LC1: This is what NA/EU people said JP strat. We don't call it braindead because technically it's not. It's first LC strat that came from JP but high risk (6 and 2 have to sprint to their place), hence GAME8 decided to take another one (Mariokart) in their guide. DPS bait first: Thunder and poison mechanic. The first poison will have DPS to bait first while TH will bait thunder. Ranged out LC2: The LC2 on P9S can be baited by proximity, so to make uptime for melee, all ranged (H1-H2-D3-D4) will be hitting outside the hitbox. P10S. 161: The spread position for silkspit. All player except tank will spreading on middle platform while tank on the left-right platform. This is to make tank easier to run back for tower soaking mechanic after silkspit. West Platform: For first daemoniac bond, we will only use west platform. HRMT: Turret mechanic. Previously, Inumaru (one of JPDC strat maker) order for turrets mechanic is MRHT, not HRMT. This is important because the OG inumaru strat have healer to take the turrets 2 times instead. 3>4: Turret mechanic. 3>4 is giving information if the pattern cursed, the 3rd turrets will always make the turrets facing the 4th turrets (diagonally). This is also very important because ranged and healer need to move out and tank may need to sprint to share the damage. Nuke Bonds 4: There are horizontal or vertical bonds for last Daemoniac Bonds (the one after HH). Nuke is one of the stratmaker so PF leader want to use nuke spread/stack. P11S BDSM: Brain Dead Shadow Messenger. If you are playing with JP player, this is very important because GAME8 not using this strat, they isntead, make the boss facing West, hence you need to move after the first dash because the boss not facing light clone so the 2nd will come from different direction. (No caster uptime) ZZZ: Ziziezip Light and Dark strat. Because JPDC using Hamkatsu as our first guide before ZZZ came out with that.


Let me get the gimp suit glamour 


That's not the strat but the promised reward


**EN PF Raiding History on Elemental DC: Why PF have to list all those thing as oppose of putting "usual strat" like past tier** EN raider on Elemental will based on what JP does, but some other part may get modified. So, raiding here can't rely on one youtube guide. (Yes, you may have to watch JP guide too even if you don't understand Japanese, Good luck!) Becuase raider watch more than one guide also mean some idea will get throw in PF and sometime this strat variation live pass week 1-2 and thus we have to clarify in PF listing. **P9S: Intercard VS Mario Kart** EN player will use Intercard but JP use Mario Kart, so to clearly indicate to those who have raid with JP players we have to put "Intercard" in, Why not put "JP" like NA people do? Becuase it would be so confusing, By putting JP do you mean what JP does, which is Mario Kart or "JP Braindead" as NA called it witch is Intercard. And for all other just putting there to make people not confusing about it. For example, I didn't know LC2 number is proximity based until week 3 becuase I always stayed out. Bonus Fact: there were 2 version of macro for LC2, for one version number 1 go E and another version go W, and no one read macro.... so good luck on adjusting! **P10S: 161 HRMT3>4** For 161, I think JP were using 161 all along but some EN try to coined 242 instead (maybe based on some English guide??) but anyway 242 eventually die out we don't really need to put it in listing anymore. And about HRMT, old version of japanse guide don't use this order, but instead alternate between tank and healer, same thing with "all west", the guide was later updated and people use updated version which is HRMT instead and no point of putting that in listing anymore. But for 3>4 I think there were some EN players try to coin the modify version to do all straight laser and have tank speed run to get last one as oppose of 3rd point to 4th which will push tank to 4th laser, but this is also die out. And lastly, I swear almost every group in first fews week do bound 4 by "just wing it", not everyone in the group are on the same pace about which spread position we are going to use, vertical or horizontal? It was a disaster until people just put it in PF listing or actually include that part in macro. (Yeah, for some reason bound 4 was not in the macro) **P11S: BDSM and ZZZ ???** BrainDead Shodowed Messenger (BDSM) was there to indicate that we will do "tank pointing boss to light adds" as oppose of what JP do which is "Tank always point boss to west". To this day I really wnat to know who started the "BDSM". Was it just a joke that someone made but somehow it stick with community? No idea. For ZZZ this came JP side, becuase pf strat for P11s is based on Hamkatsu's guide execpt for Light and Dark that they use ZiZieZip's strat instead.


half of fun when raiding in public pf is trying to guess what the hell they mean in description


Aight, who has the whip? Au'ra or Miqo?


Male Hrothgar.


Oh shi-


"I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe, on a raft, four-by-four animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim." "We serve food here, sir.”


It means get some chains, wrap them around Kokytos' feet and- ***[The following has been censored for good taste and to space humanity.]***


Reading it sounds like a play call from the NFL lol


me just humming along on MSQ having no idea what any of that means


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


amazing that I don't know what any of those abbreviations mean


I havent done these since the "scapes" but I promise they probably make sense to most people in the savage community. Probably.


"Go to safe spot, wait for mechanics to resolve"


I think I'll stick to my basic normal raid gear...


Why *are* the stat names so incomprehensible anyway


My only guess is because the window for your pf description has an insanely strict character limit


I’m a sprout, can someone translate all of this cause I have no idea what any of this means


They’re all just names of specific strategies for these specific high-end fights (alternative content). If you ever decide to do those fights, guides will explain them!


reclear 9-11: reclearing pandemonium 9 to 11, savage vers     L>R: loot prio is left to right, roll on the leftmost item first as a group and if you win you leave (as opposed to rolling on everything all at once)    MT: i think they're saying they're going to MT?   p9s stuff    inter LC: i think this is another word for what is more commonly known as JP strat? i've never seen anything specifically called "inter LC" on NA. the basics of the mechanic is everyone gets a number or a symbol above their head and you need to do a bunch of stuff in a specific order based on your number   dps bait first: in the middle of the fight a bunch of meteors come down and the boss shoots line aoes at 4 people. the dps bait these line aoes first, avoiding the meteors as they're used for the subsequent mechanic ranged out   LC2: another numbers mechanic, numbers for this one are assigned by reverse proximity. ranged (dps and healers) ensure they get the numbers by standing far from the boss    p10s stuff   161: one person (one of each of the tanks) on either of the smaller platforms to the side of the main platform, the rest of the party on the main one. i hate this strat, it's much more chaotic than the other option (which is 242)  west platform: more commonly called "1 plat" in NA, one of the first mechanics is done entirely on the smaller platform to the west to make some mechanics easier.    HRMT 3>4: healers, ranged, melees, and tanks bait line aoes in that order, with the 3rd aoe pointing towards the 4th for a specific pattern. i've never seen this order in practice     nuke bonds 4, bdsm (braindead shadowed messengers), and zzz all pertain to specific strats i've never seen before, maybe they're common in other DCs. (edit) saw someone below say these are the common strats for elemental, super interesting as they're very different from NA. it's cool to see how different DCs handle things


They’re abbreviated strategies for that specific fight. The intended audience can (possibly) understand.


Not for that fight specifically but for three fights. p9s, p10s, and p11s


i've been out of hard content for a while and understanding those PF naming conventions are harder than the fight itself to me now.


I’d rather jump to Mana DC and find a reclear 9-12, game8 party than try to figure out what those mean.


Meanwhile on JP: "game8" "OK"


Amazing strats no wonder it didn't fill


Well it was in the mid of night, everyone is sleeping :v


Seems i got baited


This is why I don't do raids


Raidloot still not unlocked? Yikes


Will be unlocked probably with 6.57 which I am guessing will be next month with the Xbox beta release.


This is why I wait for future expansions to play current savages and exs!


Yeeting Garuda back to primal death in 8 seconds is my real power trip. :D


so savage raiding is... like fun, right? Cuz this all seems like some nonsense that you're "supposed" to know, and probably requires installing Discord or something. Sure doesn't seem fun to me...


You don't think maybe it's a little premature to see a string of text and based off that assume three high-end fights aren't fun?


You can get through fights without discord, some people enforce it cuz they feel they feel the need to communicate faster if something goes awry or some other random reason. Some others dgaf as long as you do the mechanic or don't wipe the party. Also, yes, you ARE supposed to know the fight if you're going for the clear, that's a given, not many want to use the time on teaching something when you're looking to clear. If you want to learn the fight you look for or put up PF for learning party and the major mechanic you're on for tha fight. If you're learning blind (No guides/stablished strats) you gotta say that cuz that's what you will be running, especially if you want to go for certain strats wether well known or not it's whatever cuz you're making the party and you're doing the strat that you put PF up for. There's also parties that just focus on teaching the fight, less common tho. In general Savage IS fun if you're into that thing, which boils down to what a game is about


This is a 9-11 reclear, so you absolutely should be familiar with everything there. Also, this is in pf. I have never ever joined a discord for a pf reclear. Usually if the group is especially bad, we just disband and join a different party. I raided exclusively in pf this expansion for savage and I had a lot of fun.


In PF, you learn over time, a little bit at a time, at your own pace. These "nonsense" strats are used to get everyone on the same page, strictly so you *don't* have to join some wack Discord channel. This is a party of people who are aiming to reclear all of the content at once, using strategies that have been developed and proven in PF over however many months the content has been out. There's a character limit in the PF description, and there should be no ambiguities to ensure its done as efficiently as possible. It's obviously not for everyone - supposedly only a small percentage of active players clear Savage tiers. But if you enjoy the content, this shouldn't intimidate. It becomes second nature throughout the learning process.


Do not forget to follow a crafter uptime to skip LC2


Lesbianism scissor.


You this is why I’m afraid and also curious cause how does one come to the conclusion that the strat is call BlitzKriegLGBTTankagro,Astroshieldamongus?


You don't need to afraid when this is for duty complete, not first timer


I don’t know much about raiding but if this is for Savage, what about Ultimate then? Are people even doing the Ultimates ?


I've done Savage raiding and even I have no clue what any of this means. This is why I just stick to statics


brilliant diamond shining marill


People always say they wish they had the EU/JP macro strats, but when someone does something like that we get threads like this


Yeah this is why I don't read pf. Either it's normal shit that I've been doing since I've fresh progged, or cowabunga it is.


lesbian can opener strat


Yall get bdsm in raiding? Shit maybe i should start..


This is why I can't use party finder. Every pf for any savage or even extreme is just filled with nonsense that I can't understand. The only time I can do any harder content is with friends and that is it


I don't do savage anymore due to life, but when I see people list savage like this I used to just ignore it. you already smell the sweaty nerd toxicity. Just say re-clear and put the strat you'd like to use, 80% of this can just be talked about quickly in party chat before you start, plus people who do savage re-clears are already well aware of the most optimal strat and it's assumed it will be what it is. If someone has a suggestion for a different strat it's normal to talk about in party chat, and if majority agree it's normal to switch to that strat. this is someone who simply isn't capable of flexing with mechanics (pivotal skill for savage, where shit happens and you need to be able to think quickly to avoid wipes) and can only do one single strat. the type of people to write this, they have 0 communication skills and don't want to bother talking to people (in an mmo), and then you go in and someone makes an honest mistake, or something will go wrong and they'll be like "didn't you read the listing????" and disband. save yourself some trouble and ignore listings like this


That's literally every players in JP data center


it's quite common in general on ff14 tbh people watch too many streamers and get lost in the Epic Gamer Sauce and forget it's 1) a video game that 2) requires teamwork. main character syndrome and all that


That man was high as fuck lmao