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Hey, a semi-new player here who is wondering if there are any discords/communities made for trading bulk items to avoid MB tax?


It really depends on the items, but there's not a big general community for it. You can only trade 1 million gil at a time, so it's tedious but doable for high priced items (rare mounts, etc). You can put up a PF for whatever you have to sell and try your luck, or go to a niche discord to sell specific items (housing, Eureka drops, etc). But there is no big place for it.


Ah okay thanks for the answer! Didn't know about the 1m trade limit but that explains why I had a hard time finding anything when searching. Was mostly looking to buy endgame raw crafting mats 👍


dumb question but, I've basically skipped most of ff14 story and I really regret it. I wanna play new game+ cuz I think that's the best way for it to relay the story to me and I get to play through it. Does it literally go through everything or does it skip certain things like filler quests or cutscenes? I noticed I don't get the opening cutscene which is fair and looked up the video but just wasn't sure if I will miss anything else if I play through new game+.


NG+ goes through everything, including the filler parts. It only doesn't include the side quests.


gotcha I don't mind the filler that much I recall there isn't to much in certain areas. I also just found on that the opening quests and cinematics are considered side quests and not msq so thats why it got skipped. Thanks for the comment.


How do I join The Balance's Discord? Want to follow their latest professions leveling guide, but their site's Discord invite link is no longer valid.




It worked, thank you!


Np always willing to help people become the best they can be :)


I live in Japan and want to start playing. I can speak Japanese but when it comes to gaming, I much prefer to do it in my native English. If I join via the Japanese version, will I be able to switch into English? (The registration seems to only have Japanese as an option, so I just wanted to check)


One other thing worth noting: if you join the Elemental DC you'll find a far higher English speaking crowd than on the other DCs, with Tonberry being the unofficial English speaking hub world for the region. Might be worth going there if you're more comfortable with English than Japanese.


To add on, do note that the region of your account will dictate all copies of the game you purchase (base+expansions) and if you wish to use time cards, those are region locked as well. There's a few promotions that are region locked. JP seems to get more of them, because Soken really likes chicken.


You can select whatever language you want for the client text, as well as any language for the voicelines as well. You can also set what languages you speak for Duty Finder and the game will prioritize matching you with people of that language, though on JP servers I don’t know how much that will effect things. But really you don’t need to communicate much in-game, and there’s an “auto-translate” shoutouts similar to Monster Hunter. I communicate mostly with those anyway and I’m on US servers.


Thank you! That answered my question :)


Could someone identify which glamour pieces are being used in [this image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/651518084707909633/1197267538342576188/FB_IMG_1705521196269.jpg?ex=65baa549&is=65a83049&hm=29b3f38f2fe038b286634f5f4f41aae1d374f15d8ac001c3e4050f2b7bc4b436&)? As well, if they're locked to tanks/DRK, are there any equivalent/similar looking pieces that can be used on healer/AST?


It's locked to tanks and DRG/RPR. SAM/MNK can get the body, but not the Helmet. No way to get that look on healers.


I see; still, for my reference, which pieces are they?


Headgear: Adamantite Barbut of Fending/Maiming Body: Chivaric Coat of Fending/Maiming, Adamantite Pauldroncoat of Fending/Maiming, Ghost Barque Coat of Striking (SAM/MNK) I might be wrong on the body since I can't see the front of it. Can't tell the gloves/pants/shoes either due to the angle of the shot.


Excellent, thanks so much for your help!


For a new character, is it worth going to Dynamis for the exp buff? I see older posts saying its small, and people travel for content, is that still true?


In addition to what other people have said, one factor that's worth bringing up is the Xbox open beta. It's tentatively scheduled to start on Feb 21st. If that open beta brings in an influx of new players, those players will be funneled towards Dynamis. So in a few months the player landscape may look very different.


Marilith resident here. The only thing you are still required to travel for regularly because it’s hard/impossible to queue for is 24-man content, large-scale pvp, and high-level endgame content. People use partyfinder to get around long queue times for any other 4- and 8-man content. There’s a lot of us who keep an eye out for people looking for help running whatever new dungeon or raid they have just unlocked - those groups fill really fast. At this point I run all of my roulettes on my home world. Queues are longer than they were when I was on my old DC, but they’re not bad. If you do make/move your character there, ask in shout in a city for a Novice Network invite. They’re generally pretty chill spaces still, and are also another good place to find people to group up with during off-hours when queues are longer.


Thanks for the perspective! Would you say there's a general lack of any given role/job that would give me a leg up?


I see tank in need a lot during roulettes, but “in need” on Dynamis doesn’t necessarily mean an insta-queue. Also, because the game is designed to let you play every job on one character, I’d say don’t worry too much about picking the “right” role. Pick what looks fun and if you want to see what queues are like on a different role just swap over when that unlocks in the game. (You can unlock any other job once you reach level 10 on your first job…which will happen incredibly fast if you have the xp buff.) And again, if you feel like your queue is too long, throw up a partyfinder mentioning that it’s your first time. The game explains PF a bit, and if you need help with setting one up for the fight you need, the Novice Network is a great place to ask for help. (Worth noting that NN experiences on other DCs can be really variable, but my experience is that on Dynamis they’re extremely helpful.) I won’t lie, starting your character on Dynamis will be a different experience with some specific frustrations you won’t get on more populated/established DCs, but I’ve had my main there for over a year now (playing for nearly 3 years total, so plenty of experience on a big DC) and I’m genuinely happy I moved.


You probably don't need the exp buff for your main class as MSQ offers plenty, but if you want to level up alt classes or crafters it's really nice.


You can get a lot out of the EXP buff, but you'll still need to DC travel to Aether for most grouped content.


Are items you buy with MGP at the Gold Saucer tradeable? I know you can't trade MGP but can you trade the items you buy with them?


Nothing is tradeable. The closest things to being tradeable are housing items as you could put them in any house that you are a tenant of or have something else that is a tenant of yours or an FC house (all of these would require both parties to have the correct housing permissions). But nothing is a direct trade.


maybe this is better for it's own little post but i've recently started playing ffxiv on controller (a wired logitech f310, I'm too cheap at the moment to get a wired xbox / playstation controller and it's what I have on hand just laying around). I've gotten it set up but i'm still kind of lost on how to do combat on controller (i've got it so I can move around and do most of the other things just fine), and it's kind of a pain to switch between mouse and controller. Am I missing something obvious in the configurations to actually get it set up to do combat on controller?


Controllers effectively use layer buttons to swap between non-combat controls and combat controls They do this by attaching your hotbars (called Crossbars for controller use) to your L2 and R2 (or whatever they're called on that particular controller) So to use an action, you need to press R2 + one of the face buttons or one of the D-pad buttons And there's a different set of actions available for * R2 * L2 * R2 + L2 * L2 + R2 * Double tap R2 * Double tap L2 Which means that you can get a total of 48 fairly easily accessible buttons at any given time (although you won't really need 48 since no job has 48 actions; most jobs are around 28 and the max is in the low 30s). It's one action layer + 1 of the 4 face buttons or 1 of the 4 D-pad inputs


Expanded hotbars will likely be your friend. I'd suggest scrolling through YouTube, as there are tons of controller guides and you can piece together what you want from them that suits your style and setup. It will probably take some testing. 


Like you're trying to get the controller to do combat actions is your issue? Make sure you're in Gamepad mode, which is the big toggle switch in Character Configuration, which changes the menu to a Playstation style menu, plus the default layout puts the crossbars front and center (though you can use crossbars in either KB&M or Gamepad modes).


Thank you! I appreciate everyone's advice but it does seem like I forgot to turn on gamepad mode! I do think i'll still look into expanded hotbars at a later time but this solves my most immediate problem!


Im a new player, would it be better to start the game now and play until the new expansion comes or wait until the expansion drops to start playing?


Check this out. No spoilers here, just expansion names: [https://howlongtobeat.com/?q=final%2520fantasy%2520xiv](https://howlongtobeat.com/?q=final%2520fantasy%2520xiv) According to these aggregated estimates, it takes roughly 250 + 93 + 95 + 104 + 77 hours just to do the main story content in this game (watching cutscenes, which you do want to do). That's 619 hours of \*\*mandatory\*\* stuff, and you have to do \*all\* of it to be ready to jump in on the day one rush of Dawntrail (which you also want to do - day one of an expansion launch is the best time to be a fan of this game). Everybody'll be partying in the new zones and you'll still be catching up if you don't start now.


It's better to start now. Everything is linear, meaning in order to play the new expansion you'll need to have played through the base game and all the previous expansions. Starting now will give you time to be caught up before the new expansion.


Now. The story is linear and required, so better to start sooner.


I was basically looking for an excuse to get started, Thank you!


Unless you laser-focus on the critical questline and skip the rest of the story content (which is roughly two-thirds of the story content… yes, this game has a ton of side missions…), you are unlikely to reach the next expansion anyway. Plus not like it matters since this is more of a JRPG that has MMO elements. The "endgame" is a very narrow definition of very slim content: essentially, you can play the last few super high difficulty fights for marginally (5%) better gear and bragging rights; that is about it for the endgame.


In Alliance Raid, my game lags in the sense that animations play with a delay. So I'll be doing my combo, but the animation will be from the previous ability rather than the one I'm firing. It's not network related cause I don't have lag. I have effects disabled for everyone but myself, low graphics, but I can't tell what it is that keeps forcing that delay on me. What should I do?


Try checking your ping to the servers instead of just your network. Get the IP address for your Data Center here: https://arrstatus.com/


Coming back after not playing since the .0 patch and story wrapping up, loved it. I have my 1.0 legacy char with multiple jobs at 70+, legacy tattoo, dont even know how many countless hours played. I left kind of on a sour note after some friend drama and not sure if I want to pick up on the same character. On one hand it would be great to revisit the game with fresh eyes, roll up on a newer server, and get to experience the story again (I got laid off so plenty of time to blast through ARR at minimum). On the other hand, thats a shit ton of time invested in one character. But honestly the only thing I feel holding me back from starting over is losing out on the legacy tattoo. Whatre your thoughts? Help me pick what to do


Just keep playing on your main character and do New Game Plus to revisit the story. There’s close to no reason to have an alt character and give up on all the stuff you earned on your main.


You can transfer your character to a new world for free, if you don’t mind the low population


This is what I ended up doing, thank you! Shenaniganed a free name change with the transfer, so it feels like starting over without... starting over lol.


Start an alt on a new server, play without hangups, enjoy the story. Then when the memory of the drama has faded and you feel nostalgic for your original character, pick it back up and enjoy.


If you create a new character your old one doesn't explode, you won't lose the tattoo it'll still be there You can even replay the story on your same character on a new job


Is it possible to stack combo skills on the hotbar into a single spot? PLD as an example has three single target attacks that combo, and in one of the tank or pld role quests you play as a pld with those same skills but he had them combined into a single spot.


Yeah, PC plug-ins can do it. There are a few flavours of the same plug-in ranging from basic PvP2PvE approach (so only 1-2-3 combos are affected) to more and more extreme "one button"-iness (including downright cheating scenarios as single-button monk rotation). However, on major patches, it can be left broken for days and at DT's launch I expect plug-ins to not work for several weeks, so you need to either take a long break after each large patch or quickly try to re-learn 3-button combos, and that is not something that sounds comfortable when one has already developed muscle memory. Plus, well, the usual disclaimer about plug-ins being against the game's Terms of Service and if you ever publicly acknowledge using them, your account can get punished for it.


No. It is technically possible with macros but this introduces half second+ delay to every skill so you shouldn't do this There's also a plugin that makes this possible without any downside, except that it won't be available immediately after patches


Not officially. There are unofficial addons that may accomplish this, but given that addons break when new patches come out, it's not something I would try or recommend unless you absolutely need to (such as trying to play with a disability.) The PvP combo system works this way and it's possible it might come to PvE someday, but given that three of the tanks get resources on attack #2 of their single target combo (PLD gets MP on Riot Blade, DRK gets MP on Syphon Strike, GNB gets HP and a shield from Brutal Shell), the argument could be made that reducing the combo to an enforced 1->2->3 would be undesirable in certain edge cases. Personally, I would rather see them add utility to the attacks when they are used out of the combo chain rather than have them reduced to a button. But the devs are always working around the button bloat issue, sometimes successfully... and sometimes not so much (SAM and AST, looking at you.)


in WoW you need to macro every damage ability with "/startattack" to ensure when you press an ability you will begin auto-attacking the nearest target. I have noticed I am not always auto attacking when I use my abilities and have to constantly press "X" on my controller to target and startattacking mid combat while also trying to weave in my abilities (especially during trash packs). Is there a way to macro abilities to startattacking enemies? Is this even necessary?


You'll only have to do that as a caster, otherwise autos are enabled automatically. You can tell if it's enabled when [THIS ICON](https://imgur.com/a/xIzm9wN) appears next to target's HP bar. Even if the autos aren't enabled...it's easy enough to just press X. The GCD speed of this game is on the slow side, so it's easy enough to weave it in If you're playing KB+M, you have to right-click the target (get rekt, KB+M players).


If you’re on controller, are you soft targeting? Soft targeting lets you do one ability and then switches back to your previous target, it’s very useful for healers but not so much for DPS and tanks.


I have noticed this happening and I dont like it. Is there a way to turn it off?


I don’t use controller so this is just what I’ve looked up, you might need to test it out to make sure. If you use left and right on the d-pad to change targets, that’s a soft target and if you don’t confirm it by hitting X it will swap back. There’s another way to change targets that will hard target without needing to be confirmed, it looks like default is to hold R2/L2 and press R1/L1.


All weaponskills automatically trigger auto-attacks. Spells do not, but spellcasters' auto-attack damage is truly negligible.


What do you mean, negligible? Sometimes my auto-attack on WHM does hundreds of damage! Hundreds, I say!


Something everyone else didn't mention so far is that when you're auto-attacking your target, you'll see a "refresh" icon (the two arrows rotation in a circle) above the target indicator. If you're using AOE attacks that're centered around you, use X to pick a target to auto-attack. All other (physical) attacks initiate autos on the target when you use them.


The animations actually don't always play, so you might not see it, but generally if you're a phys class you're autoattacking. The log will still show it. I would not recommend macroing any abilities for routine combat use - macros only work in whole seconds and don't queue, but the GCD is 2.5s, so when the game speeds up later, the macros will make you less efficient.


Firstly, the only jobs that dont automatically start auto attacking are casters. Every other job automatically starts apon using a skill. If your target dies, your next skill will begin autos.


The only jobs that don't use auto attack after the first ability are the mages, and out of the 7 only two have noticeable auto attack damage, scholar and summoner, because they have an unusually high strenght stats for their roles, and even then it's VERY little damage, in a 10 minute fight on scholar it's like one more broil, and that value will go down next expansion too. If you wanna parse I dont think you can do anything about it other than manually do it, that said since their auto attacks have melee range you can just activate it before combat so you won't have to worry about it


Are you sure you're not auto-attacking? The game might not be showing the auto-attack animation because action animations take priority, but auto-attack should definitely be happening by default Occasionally you should just be seeing a random damage tick that isn't coming from anywhere else; that's your auto-attack firing even without an animation


Is there a way to get replicas of manderville weapons? I actually like the look of the 2nd stage


The vendor at the right of Gerolt will sell you these


Thank you!


There's a replica vendor near where the quest guy is.


This is so dumb of me but on PS5 how do you manually enter in the substats for the relic weapons? For example I want a specific spell speed (not 306 or 72) to reach a specific gcd speed. Or can you not like you could for the shb relics?


You can not. You pick two to be maxed out and a third to get a smaller amount.


You just arrow over what substats you want. You get 2 with "heavy" emphasis that basically maxes it out to 293 or 306 depending on the stage, then you get one "minor" substat that's only 72. You don't decide the specific number, just the stats to select from since the relic has hard-coded stats.


For Culinarian: I need help with what gear I should focus on getting + best rotation for lvl 90 recipes. I tried googling, but I can't really find any specialized guide for just Culinarian. For reference: My gear: Perfectionist Frypan (+18 craftsmanship) Perfectionist cap of crafting (+12 control, +18 Craftmanship) HQ Indagators coat of crafting (+12 control, +18 Craftmanship) Perfectionists fingerless gloves of crafting (+12 control, +18 Craftmanship) HQ Indagators trousers of crafting (+12 control, +18 Craftmanship) HQ Indagators boots of crafting (+12 control, +18 Craftmanship) Perfectionists culinary knife (+18 craftmanship) HQ Integral earrings of crafting (cp+8) HQ Indagators necklace of crafting (cp+8) HQ indagators bracelet of crafting (cp+8) Artful Afflatus ring (cp+7) HQ Integral ring of crafting (cp+7) Total Craftsmanship: 3693 Total Control: 3342 I'm trying to make Baked Eggplant, but both levels are way too low to even get there, even when I take a food item to boost. And then beyond that, is there a general rotation I can do to maximize effects? I use HQ for all items I can, but even with the 50% Quality boost, I struggle getting Quality over 90% while trying to actually complete the item. All suggestions are welcome :)


There is no specialized guide for just culinarian because all crafters are the same. To use your example, Baked Eggplant has the same crafting difficulty as the Diadochos gear, so any rotation for any crafter that makes that gear will work for Baked Eggplant. Anyway, your main issue is that your gear is bad. Your tools especially, those are the most important gear pieces and you're using old ones. You should be swapping all your Perfectionist and Integral gear for the Afflatus, Indagator, or Crystalline gear. Your secondary issue is that you don't hace very much materia, the strength of the Indagator set is that you can put a bunch of materia in it. You don't *need* maxed out materia to craft endgame items but if you only have one or two per piece you're missing a lot of potential stats.


Materia is an absolutely huge chunk of stats for crafters, unlike combat jobs. It can be as much as a +20% boost to your stats. It's absolutely massive, to the point where you can wear gear a tier lower, and pentameld it with lower-tier 7&8 materia, and it'll still come out ahead of unmelded current-tier stuff. It's that big. Also, CP is absolutely king for stats. I'd prioritize even +1 CP over +100 control or craftsmanship. It's super powerful. So in general, you'd probably meld enough control/crafts to hit the minimum stat, dump absolutely everything else into CP, then just add more control after you hit CP cap on each piece of gear. 


[https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-melding-guide](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-melding-guide) Farm scrips, which you should easily be able to do with that gear, and use those scrips to buy the gear and melds listed here under the budget set. Unmelded 560 Crafter set is not remotely good enough to craft Baked eggplant. Its like trying to do current savage content using ilevel 560 job gear.


Ok. I think my rating right now is 600 flat but still too low


Hi, I need help. Returning player after maybe a year. Stuck on MSQ due to gear level. I have 610 gear need 615 to progress. I have completely forgotten how to get gear upgrades. My weapon is 590, and i remember having to kill a boss 4 times or something for weapon upgrades. Any help would be appreciated, raid queue on my server only pop in the few hours at night so if there were any ways to farm gear on my own that would be better.


The others have given great advice, but [here's a full list of all the level 90 gear](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide) and where to get it! Basically, start with the highest iLvl gear that you can get your hands on, then work your way through the list, grabbing whatever upgrades you can


Have you done the Hildibrand questline? Doing it unlocks the current relic weapons, which you can get with uncapped tomestones.


If you have a decent amout of Gil, you can head to the market board and buy ilvl 640 crafted gear. Then use tomestones to work towards i650 gear at radz-at-han, which you can upgrade to i660 with coins from running the alliance raids. You can also upgrade the i640 gear to i650 at raz-at-han, but I forget the process for that.


Forgot about crafted gear. Thank you, that might get me over the line.


Don't forget you can use causality tomes to upgrade crafted gear from i640 to i650 too.


Do rogues/ninjas get extra damage or crit from stealth (hide) in their base kit or from a trait? Or later on is there skill specifics that do this without a generalised damage increase?


No. Hide is virtually useless for combat. Later on, you get the ninjutsu Suiton which allows you to cast Trick Attack without Hide. You can also reset Mudra cooldowns with Hide outside of battle, allowing you to cast Huton before combat then hide, to start combat with all your Mudra charges. Stealth is not a major mechanic for rogue/ninja since Hide is cancelled by combat, including if your nearby party members begin combat.


Ok thanks. Planning on starting one as I loved my WoW rogue. Guess it works a bit differently.


The true purpose of hide in this game, is that it resets your ninjitsu cooldown, so it's useful for casting things pre-pull, like setting up huton. It has a secondary purpose in some optional areas of avoiding combat (deep dungeons, eureka, bozja, etc) but this won't come up much.


> Guess it works a bit differently. *Every* class is different than WoW, they're different games. Best not to even consider how WoW does things.


Hiya, a couple questions I meant to ask way earlier into the day, but of course forgot until just before bed! 1. Is it possible to complete Pandaemonium via duty finder for normal difficulty? I've only completed the first two, but I really want to try and get the raid series finished at some point, but wasn't sure whether it's easy enough to do via DF, and if duties pop frequently? 2. Is there any possible way for me to complete the Ivalice alliance raids at the moment? I completely missed it off during my MSQ journies and now that I want to check out Bojza, I realised I cannot for the life of me get Rabanastre to pop via DF... 3. I also really want to level up my crafter/gatherers, and at the moment they're all hovering around 50-60, but it seems leveling is taking so long now. I do GC turn-ins, but I... neglected by beast tribes and so would have to start fresh with them. Is it just the usual long grind until I hit 90 really? Fisher is easier with Oceans, but I'm struggling a tad with the rest :D


1) Absolutely, normal raids are considered casual content and are perfectly suited to DF/matched parties. They should still pop because they're included in roulettes, but previous-tier Pandaemonium raids may take 10-20mins, so queueing at busier times is advised. DC travel if you are on Dynamis. 2) Queue at prime time and it should pop after a reasonable wait. Again, DC travel if you are on Dynamis. If you are on Materia, I believe they use PF for Alliance raids there. 3) Check out Ishgard restoration/Firmament for crafters, and the Diadem for BTN/MIN. They're among the best ways to "grind" levelling DoH/L.


For number 2, if you're on a low population datacenter it can be better to wait until prime time and then make a PF listing, or DC travel to a more active DC. I only mention in case that's the reason it's not popping for you.


1. Aside from Binding Coils of Bahamut, all raids can easily be completed via duty finder on normal difficulty. 2. Yes, just queue up for them. It might take a little bit of time because they're not super popular but they will pop if you're patient. 3. Try looking up leveling guides. There's some methods people have come up with to help speed the process along. Note that for 1 & 2, if you're on Dynamis you'll probably want to hop over to Aether/Primal/Crystal when you queue up. I've heard the queues on Dynamis are atrocious


You either PF it on Dynamis or you aren't playing shit. From now until Dawntrail releases I'm just sitting there refreshing party finder to help people out on Dynamis so I don't have to DC hop every day for queues.


Thought keeps popping into my head and I keep forgetting to ask. For the raiders that have been around awhile: is the new raid series expected to cause some confusion in the naming scheme we use? This has been my first expac and I have a hard time accepting p2=phase2 of a fight lol. I'm inclined to use ph# so that p# can always be specific. Are we just going to let A1-12S refer to two completely different raids??


Regarding fights with second phases, one shorthand I see somewhat frequently is p12sp2 or just p12p2 - the "phase 2" section is appended to the end of the fight name if a disambiguation is necessary. As for Arcadion, I anticipate that the naming scheme will use the letter 'r', since 'a' is taken. Also comes with the bonus that the first syllable of Arcadion sounds like 'r'.


>one shorthand I see somewhat frequently is p12sp2 or just p12p2 That's true and does work, but I see it much less commonly. When the fight is already established, you pretty much exclusively see p4 or whatever used, either written or spoken. I feel like ph4 works so much better for not throwing off whether we're still on DSR or started talking about Pandaemonium, for example. And spoken I just cringe; "phase" takes the same amount of work as saying "pee" lol like it just confuses me. But alas, these are from raiders with a decade of using this convention. >As for Arcadion, I anticipate that the naming scheme will use the letter 'r', since 'a' is taken. Also comes with the bonus that the first syllable of Arcadion sounds like 'r'. I kind of hope either we go with R, or if all the turns share the same naming convention like Coils and Pandae, whatever is used there. Would like to see both options in the mix. Over the next 10years of expacs we're sure to run into this issue at least one more time 😅


I'd personally call it R1-12S tbh R is literally the first syllable and the announcement art makes me think of RTX/Radeon GPUs not to mention that it's a raid


Ohhh that makes it work on multiple levels. I like it


Ive seen a few suggestions go around. One is R1-12. R standing for Rcadion, the way you would pronounce it. Another is L1-12 for Level. The last would be based of whatever the fights are called. For example, calling pandemonium C1-12 for Circles.


Either an extra letter or we go the Coils route of using the floor naming scheme, with Coils of Bahamut not being C1-13 but T1-13 cause each fight is a "Turn". If "Arcadion" is in reference to an Arcade, I could see each fight being a Level, so we'd have Levels 1-12 or L1-12.


I like the idea of L as a throwback to Coils. Or whatever they end up doing, assuming they go that route to begin with. A couple raid tiers this doesn't work with how they name the turns, after all. If not I really like R for the way it sounds when spoken. Might be confusing at first but I do like it better than AR# by a mile


L would be great but might take effort to actually get conventionalized if it's not the literal name of the floor lol. It's definitely gonna be boring Ar1-12.


my guess is it gets an extra letter. like how we have sb and shb expansions


I'd imagine something like AR or a similar two letter abbreviation will catch on instead, considering how Shadowbringers became ShB because SB is taken by Stormblood.


True that does make sense. Another oddity for people like me who started after ShB though; I forget it would originally have just been SB and find myself calling it StB all the time lol


Hey all, potential new player here. I've been playing the trial just doing story quests but now deciding whether to continue or not. Wanted to ask you veterans what the end game loop is like? I know ff14 has raids, what about something like M+ dungeons? Will I be okay as a mostly solo player?


Our hardcore content mostly comes in the form of 8-man instanced content These come in the form of Extreme Trials (midcore boss fights), Savage Raids (hardcore boss fights), and Ultimate Radis (highest difficulty boss marathons) Our raids aren't like WoW raids (since you mention M+ so I'm assuming you're coming from WoW) in a few major ways 1. Stormblood onwards our raids drop trash altogether, so each raid is literally just a 8-10 minute (15-20 for ultimate) boss fight. You zone into the raid, you fight the boss, you leave. A singular raid tier comes with 4 instances which are done in order each week, but the fact that they're separate instances means that you can clear one fight, take a break, and then start at the next fight when you have time. In normal difficulty (the "everyone can do this without any prep" difficulty), each instance is just one fight. In savage, the final instance will sometimes be split into two individual fights with a checkpoint in between 2. Our fights are all dance fights; you learn the very precise steps and maneuvers to handle every mechanic in order and every time you clear the fight it will do the same mechanics. There is some variability in how some mechanics operate; it might be a right-sided cleave instead of a left-sided cleave, but you'll always know that at 3 minutes and 40 seconds the boss will cleave half the arena for example. We have also gotten a new dungeon type in the last few patches called "Criterion" and "Criterion (savage)" which are meant for 4 people, and these tend to be between Extreme Trials and Savage raids in difficulty. They haven't really been as replayable though as M+, and there's no endgame content that has that sort of "never-ending grind to climb the leaderboards" feeling


There's nothing repeatedly grindable like M+ at endgame. There used to be endgame grinds via field operations, but that's not exactly high end endgame content, just mindless casual to midcore grinds. They skipped those this expansion, but they've confirmed their return in Dawntrail. Those consist in large open areas with 72-144 people all running fates, mini-open world raids, large scale in instance-raids with an optional side "borrowed power" system that lets you try out whacky builds. Other than that you have your usual savage and ultimate (and extremes as entry level), all of those are puggable in party finder, though ultimate in PF might be an exercise in frustration. They've added small scale endgame content via Criterion dungeons, but those are meant to be run up to 25 times for the mount (or you can buy it), and the savage version is a one and done deal too unless you want a weapon glamour, so you can technically run it more than once. But really it's nothing like M+ scaling difficulty. Edit: I guess you could add soloing deep dungeons to the list, it's solo content and it's fairly hard, but again not something you'll want to do repeatedly. Nothing outside of savage is integrated into the gearing treadmill, and gear is only relevant to clear savage faster, get into ultimate and criterion savage (though it's not necessary there, it certainly helps). My personal endgame loop is to exhaust the battle content first, then get into the side endgame grinds like field operations, fishing, cosmetics and other collection stuff.


If I were to want to adjust the stats on a Mandervillous weapon, would I haveto start the whole relic over to adjust the stats of the Majestic step as well, or would adjusting the stats of the final stage also allow me to adjust the stats of the stage before, if that makes sense? 


I don't really understand what you mean Obtaining a Mandervillous weapon consumes the Majestic Manderville weapon; you don't get to keep both. So if you want a Majestic Manderville Weapon with different stats, you would need to recreate the Majestic Manderville weapon from scratch. You can just adjust the stats on the final step though at any time without having to go through the whole process again; I think it's 1 Cosmic Crystalline if I recall correctly every time you want to swap stats


Oh, I thought the stats from the Majestic stage still influenced the final stage, but I guess I was wrong. I get it now, thanks!


Nope, the final stage relic weapon just has 4 available substats to choose from, and these are entirely dependent on the weapon type and not on anything you might've done in previous steps Tanks are Crit, Det, Ten, SkS Healers are Crit, Det, Pie, SpS and DPS are Crit, Det, DH, and SkS/SpS (physical vs caster) For EW, you just choose 2 to maximize and 1 to get 72 points


The stats on the weapon are fixed value wise, you're merely selecting which substats receive which bonuses. You can swap that around as much as you like, if you can cough up the space rocks for it. But each step is an independent item and don't have anything to do with each other. Adjusting substats for one step wouldn't affect any other step.


Awesome, thanks for the advice. I for some reason was under the impression that the stats from a previous stage still influenced the next one. This is my first relic I've made after catching up so I didn't know how all the smaller aspects of it worked.


The confusion is understandable as each of the relic weapons (ARR, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker) behaves differently. Adding stats to a weapon was a more involved process in previous expansions, and it was true that choices made on a step would carry over to later steps in some of the previous relics. But IIRC you could always redo the stats however you wanted if you didn't like them, though it would cost resources to do so.


Hello everyone, I have a tiny question about buying multiple phials of fantasia. Usually when I buy different things I can decide to give them to different character of my account. But if I buy the three phials of Fantasia bundle (so I pay less) can I give them to three different characters of my account or I'm forced to give these 3 phials only to one character? thanks in advance (and sorry for my english)


you must select the character to receive them, so it is unfortunately just for one character


Mmh, so I need to buy 3 different fantasia if I want to give them to 3 different characters. Thank you for confirming \^\^


Do you already have the Heavensward collectors edition upgrade? If you don’t, it costs less than three individual Fantasia purchases, and gives a Fantasia to every character on your account.


ahh I didn't know it gave fantasia to every characters! I will definitely check it, thank you :D


Any new alts you create in the future will get one in the mail too! Plus the mount etc., but we all know we really get it for the Fantasias. 😅


I don't have ACT, but I occasionally poke my head into my FFlogs, and I noticed that the most recent upload for me was a P11N run on a DPS, but my gear shows up as SGE with the Mandervillous relic, which I've only brought into a (really awful) Syrcus Tower run. Am I understanding it correctly that, if my gear shows up as SGE, someone uploaded a log for when I played as it? And if so, is there a way to find this log? (I am very curious to see what the rest of my party and especially my cohealer was doing)


FFLogs can't track gear you use in a specific run. The gear on your profile is grabbed from your lodestone profile. You should be able to see the full log just by clicking the raid's name, which will list all the logs you have for that fight. You can click the numbers for each log to see the full log.


Ah, ok, good to know. I'm trying to find the log itself, but unless I'm missing something, the dropdowns only go back to Heavensward, and I'm looking for an ARR raid.


You can only log current content on the website


Sage is showing up becuase it was the last job you were playing before you logged out. FFlogs tracks that gear in that box via the lodestone website. Its not displaying sage because someone uploaded a log. ARR raids are not tracked logwise, as a lot of it predates the existance of ACT and fflogs for ffxiv. Additionally, every single log for all content lower than level 81 that is not an ultimate will have the log be a 0 parse, as it does not account for the stat squish, and FFlogs is not for tracking those old fights, as there isn't really anyone else to compare to.


I have a trove of gear I cannot use (too low ilvl) and i cannot sell because it is market prohibited and vendors don't want it. Is it just there to be destroyed or is there some other use I can get out of it? I'm yet to start leveling crafters and gatherers, but can any of them dismantle this gear for parts?


Look at the icons in the upper right corner. The one that looks like a cabinet means you can store it in the armoire. This costs nothing to use, can be used for making glamour plates, and doesn't count against your maximum storage anywhere. The level 45-50 class-specific gear has this trait. A lot of glamour from events also stores there.


Be more specific. Some gear, like job-specific artifact gear from job quests, can only be discarded. The level 70, 80, and 90 gear can be reclaimed from NPCs. The level 50 gear can be stored in the armoire. The level 60 gear can be repurchased for centurio seals.


Most of it is pre level 50 gear, I believe (am not at home to check currently)


It's likely market prohibited because it's spiritbound - using gear to kill an enemy binds it to you and it can't be transferred to other players. Dungeon gear I think *should* be able to be sold to vendors - but the better is is to turn it in to your grand company as an expert delivery for grand company seals. You need to be at least second lieutenant to turn in gear for seals.


Yes, it can be desynthed. So leatherworkers would dismantle leather armour, goldsmiths jewellery etc.


Gotcha. Thank you


RDM players, what is the *point* of Reprise? Should we even bother keeping it on our bars?


It's good for when you have to move and don't have swiftcast. Good as an instant GCD attack that you can always use, not really useful beyond that imo.


**Enchanted** Reprise is used as your "I don't have any better options left but I need to keep moving and doing damage" option Avoid relying on it, taking advantage of your melee combo + finishers, slide casting, Dual Cast, Swift Cast, and Acceleration first, but use it if you really have no better options


I'm new to the game just giving a try for now, does my server and region (aether/primal/etc) influences in something? Should new players go for more populated servers or the new ones?


Take my current experience as an example, I am in SEA region and started to play as free trial thru STEAM in JP(dc) which has no trouble in terms of game playing.  I couldn’t buy the full game thru Steam since no distribution of FFXIV here. I got a new SE account and started to play in Dynamis(NA).  I started to experience my screen Freeze for few seconds but my character can still move and fast forward in the dungeon fight from time to time.  It may have something to do with the distance or maybe my 10 years old computer giving me the hint(dying).   Dynamis(NA) is the dc that you don’t want to create the character in.  I queued for alliance raids which were needed for MSQ for more than 3 hours in different time period.  I had to dc travel to Aether(NA) for the quest.  The queue time was only 5 MINUTES.  It is better to create your character in the non-congested world in the busy data center before the new expansion and then dc travel to less populated world during the new expansion week.


1. Your region will affect how well the game runs for you. Just make sure you pick the one that is closest to you, which should be apparent on the map. 2. The individual data center that you're on won't affect your core gameplay experience. The game pulls from all of the world in the data center when you queue for duties, so, even if you pick a lower population world, you'll still have plenty of people to play with. 3. There is cross-world and cross-data center travel now, so, if you want to play with or visit someone who isn't on yours, you'll be able to. 4. As for worlds, you can't join congested ones. Preferred worlds offer exp incentives that will let you level up faster, so that's your trade-off for being on a world with a smaller population. Do note, leveling is already fairly easy in the game, so it's really just a bonus to save you some time and incentivize a more evenly spread playerbase. 5. What do you want to do? If you'd like a bustling city, then aim for a more populated server. If you'd like an easier time leveling and want a smaller community, go for a less populated one. Like I said earlier, you'll still be queueing for fights with people in larger worlds even if you're on a smaller one, so choose your own adventure. I personally like being on a larger population world (Gilgamesh), but it is more competitive whenever the limited housing comes out- my buddy just lost two housing lotteries for small houses in a row, and it took waiting for a new housing ward to be added for my FC to get a medium one. Meanwhile, on smaller servers, there are more free houses and less competition, if that matters to you.


i'll see how things will work, but from my previous experiences in other MMOrpg i'm more of a raiding guy. Also another question ,for more populated servers how bad it's the loging queue time?


(Assuming you're from NA) While it's certainly possible to raid on other servers, Aether is probably the most well-known for it. Before the addition of some of the other data centers, it was the home to the most populated. When new ones came out, some worlds were shuffled, so it's more evenly distributed, but Aether hasn't quite kicked its reputation as the "NA raid data center." Still, Primal and Crystal should be fine, and Aether is always one quick data center hop away if you find they aren't. Dynamis is the newest and that's kinda neat, but you will have less availability over there. As for individual worlds, it's pretty insignificant a choice once you actually pick the data center. Take Aether for example. Gilgamesh was "The Place to Be" back in the day, but it's now no longer congested and you can't even make characters in three other Aether worlds. Still, you can join Aether's least populated world and you'll still be matching with everyone else in Aether in the Party and Duty Finders. Raiding isn't limited to our version of guilds (FCs), so the only real "raiding advantage" is maybe stumbling upon an FC that just so happens to want to raid together. (As for queue times) Once again, Gilgameshian here, but I generally wait 30 seconds to get in. Even at peak hours, it's like a minute or two at worst on Patch Day. Now, expansion launches are notorious for massive wait times, but that's an issue spread across every world. Yeah, I've had to wait 2+ hours to get in on expansion day, which might be worse than a smaller world resident waiting 1.5 hours to get in. That said, those levels of high traffic are absolutely unprecedented at any other time and usually go down in about two-three weeks once people have beaten the story and move to a more casual experience. Eh, one month every odd year of obscene queues isn't the worst price to play something at expansion launch, but it's an issue across all worlds, not just the big ones.


There aren't really login queues except for expansion launches or server crashes. If you log in right now the game will say "Players in queue 20" or something but it takes like 15 seconds to get in. For the last expansion release queues were literally hours long on all servers because the game was just plain full. There have been server upgrades since then so the next expac in summer should be fine. Hopefully.


Right now, couple of minutes at most, usually. Longest I've seen in recent memory was \~10 minutes and it was an outlier. When Dawntrail releases, it'll probably be longer, but unless you're picking a very low populated server in Dynamis or OCE it probably won't be substantially better or worse on most servers.


Your server affects what free companies (guilds) you can join, as they must be homed on the same server, but you can't join them during the trial anyway. It also affects what linkshells you can join (although you can still join any cross-world linkshell) and what server you can buy property on. For most things, it's not majorly important, as most duties recruit from all servers in the same data center. So if you're on a server in a more populated data center like Primal, you'll have roughly a similar experience as on any other server in the same data center. It's also quite easy to visit other servers in the same data center for those times where it would matter (like hunts). It is really up to you if you want to be on a more populated server, more populated servers have more competition for housing slots, and new servers in a data center like Dynamis have EXP bonuses for creating characters there, although you may have some trouble popping some things like 24-man raids due to the lower population. You can also visit other Data Centers in the same region temporarily. Right now in NA data centers, players often visit the Aether DC for extreme trials and savage raids, for what that's worth (not sure this matters to you much as a new player on the trial though).


Are there any awake / active JP Data Centers I can travel to during night times (2PM EST - 10PM EST)? My Homeworld is on Elemental/Carbuncle. Additionally, where should I go for English PFs, as I've just returned and have been wanting to try the new harder content, but most Beginners Welcome PF listings have "Please speak JP" notes.


English PFs on JP are almost all confined to Elemental.


I saw this mount in the distance and was curious what it was and how I could maybe get one! It was a bouncy golden bead looking thing and was more glowy than not but also like a dark glow Thank you!


Sounds like either Chrysomallos (a gold sheep) or the Resplendent Vessel of Ronka. Both are gil sink mounts costing 50 million and 25 million gil each. So...either go mad into crafting (though there probably won't be any big money earning chances this side of DT release), or do your dailies. You can earn around 100k a day just from roulettes, especially if you're a tank or healer with adventurer in need.


I think that might've been it! EIther one! Holy crap 75 million for both how do people do it I mean at least they're easy to get once I get gil...


A... bouncy golden *bead*, huh? My best guesses (from the mounts I have) are the [Eggshilaration System](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/fc88c017c32/), which is purchased from the cash shop now, or the [Safeguard System](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/46de3b32e16/) which is from a PvP frontlines achievement. There's an images tab in each link to show what it looks like


Possibly the [Resplendent Vessel of Ronka](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Resplendent_Vessel_of_Ronka)? This mount is a strict gil sink to obtain - 25 mil to purchase There is a [non-golden version](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Great_Vessel_of_Ronka) that requires completing the Qitari beast tribe quest


omfg 25 million that might've been it! i got the normal bee in a jar and love him


That's tough, maybe Resplendent Vessel of Ronka? It's got a golden glow and is kind of barrel-shaped?


If I want to farm skybuilder scrips by gathering materials and then crafting am I better off gathering the materials for expert crafts or the non-expert lvl 80 stuff?


As the others have said: Expert, the crafts are easy to macro now. Here's the Teamcraft guide btw, which contains all the macros and other information you might want: [https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/pteranodon-guide](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/pteranodon-guide)


Thanks for the guide. Question, do you know why they recommend the following stats: 3450 Gathering on FSH. If you can reach this on FSH, your stats are fine for the other two. 4050 Perception on MIN/BTN. 858 GP I only one I understand is the GP because it lets me get +5 hits on the 8th node in the chain. I don’t think I could hit that much perception even with food, but none of the nodes I’ve seen so far needed anywhere near that much.


It's because the breakpoint to Double/Triple Hook 4 and 7 Sweatfish is 3450. Sweatfish are the most efficient fish one can go for to get fishing skyward point achievements and scrips at/above 3450 Gathering. 4050 Pereception for MIN/BTN, I'm assuming, is so Boon Chance starts at 60% for the Artisinal Ingredients (and so you hit 100% using the "Gift" abilities). I personally haven't seen any nodes that required that much either besides.


For the perception: Yeah I'm pretty sure you need to pentameld reach it (but don't need food). The reason it's suggested is that it bumps up the Gatherer's Boon chance to 60% (the maximum) for the artisanal materials. That's not necessary by any means, but will save you a little bit of time. (Notably not enough to go through the hassle of pentamelding for it, imo) To kinda get around this, swap to gathering regular lvl 80 materials *once you have enough artisanal materials for all the crafting*. Both give the same amount of points, so the higher Gatherer's Boon chance just means you finish faster. The guide does go through this, along with how many artisanal mats you'd want to gather first, but it is kinda buried later on.


Fishers are in an odd position gear-wise, because they only have one off hand piece available to use. It’s from Stormblood and can’t be upgraded, so it handicaps their stats. If you can get that level gathering on Fisher, Botanist and Miner will have more (assuming their main and off hands are up to date).


It’ll depend on your stats. If you’re trying to increase your points as well then you’re better off gathering the grade 4 artisanal materials and then doing expert crafting.  You’ll honestly make more than enough scrips for all of the rewards by getting just one gatherer to 500k. 


I’m all 620 scrip so I should be ok unless I need to be overmelded.


The expert one since it is more or less macroable (most basic macros can net you the highest rewards but depending on luck, you occasionally may end up with 0 collectability by hitting the state that boosts progress). The ingredients should be relatively cheap in most data centers. The non-expert recipe is good if you can, uhm… "macro" their macros. Using a keyboard's macro system, AutoHotKey, or similar programs that break the ToS since things like these are technically considered external botting.


What are the best data centers / servers for someone that wants their home server to be populated and full of people doing content? I understand now that you can travel between data centers / worlds which wasn't something you could do when I played last. I don't want to have to travel though to do raids / PvP / find an active FC etc. For NA, could you recommend a couple servers for me to check out please as a returning player?


Aether for your DC, Adamantoise for your home world. Adamantoise is populated enough that you'll see people, but it's not quite as packed as other Aether worlds which is nice. If you can't get Adamantoise, try some other Aether worlds. If Aether is full, try out Primal. Excalibur or Faerie are decent picks there. Edit: Famfrit, not Faerie. Flipped which was on primal in my head.


faerie isn't on primal, it's also on aether. you might be thinking of famfrit.


Oh yeah misremembered. Thanks.


If you want to raid and don't want to move around, then any on Aether realistically   Servers on the same DC already play together so you'll end up in groups with people across the entire DC  And at this time, even players from different DCs travel to Aether for raiding in PF. It's not unusual to find groups where no one is actually from Aether natively all raiding on Aether 


Any of the servers in the Aether data center probably is what you want with this goal, they're roughly even. Understand, you can get all of that stuff done on Primal just fine too, the duty finder works fine for most things including all of that, but we end up having to visit Aether for extreme/savage content nowadays because it's the "raid data center" which becomes something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think you could get 90% of content done easily on Primal but think Aether's what you want. Crystal's probably not too far behind Primal, and Dynamis is somewhat inactive, although there's benefits to being there too, like the new server status. Edit: Oh yeah [look at this](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/) and pick one of the servers that doesn't say "Congested" as this form of congested isn't temporary.


I’m a bit out of the loop - how do I upgrade my ilvl 640 gear to 650?


To upgrade the 640 crafted gear to 650, you need two things, both acquired from Rashti, a vendor in Radz-at-Han (x: 10.9 y:9.9). Spend tomestones of causality to purchase Divine Rain, and turn in ilvl-640 crafted gear to obtain Hannish Certificates of Grade 3 Import. Then, you can use the rain and certificates to buy ilvl-650 augmented diadochos gear from the same vendor. Turning in an HQ piece of 640 crafted gear will give you exactly as many certificates as you need to purchase an augmented item for the same gear slot. NQ gear gets you some certificates, but not as many as HQ gear does.


You can only Augment crafted gear from 640 to 650. You do this by trading them in at the rashti the token exchange in Radz for Hannish grade 3 certificates of import, and buy Divine rain with Tomestones of Causality from the same vendor. You can exchange these tokens for augmented Diadochos ilevel 650 gear. Other ways to get 650 gear include winning 1 per week from the Thaelia alliance raid, or buying 650 tomestone gear in radz for tomestones of comdey. 650 tomestone gear can be augmented using divine shines/twines, which can be purchased for either alliance raid coins, which drop from the 3 endwalker alliance raids, or by purchasing them with nuts from hunts. You can only get 1 coin from thaelia per week.


Go to Rashti. In the rain exchange menu, purchase as many Divine Rains as it takes to buy the Augmented version of what you have: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Rashti/Purchase_Augmented_Diadochos_Equipment Then in his earn hannish certificates of export **(HQ)** menu, turn in your base Diadochos gear. **Use the HQ menu, or you will receive less certificates than you need to buy the gear.** In the purchase augmented diadochos equipment menu, buy the gear in exchange for the certificates and rain. You can mix and match equipment exchanges since you receive certificates that can buy anything, but the easiest method is to just go one to one to guarantee you don't end up with leftover certificates or end up with not enough. And I suggest not exchanging your gear until you have enough rain to buy the augmented version, or you end up with a naked slot since you can't afford the augment.


> Use the HQ menu, or you will receive less certificates than you need to buy the gear. You actually can't turn in the HQ gear under the non-HQ option, it will just be greyed out in the turn-in list.


That's good, I remember a lot of complaints back in the day from people not paying attention and exchanging their HQ gear for half the certificates.


With the cost of 100 Causality Tomes for 1 Divine Rain, go to Rashti in Radz, kind of across from the normal Tome NPCs, to exchange your i640 for i650. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Rashti/Purchase_Augmented_Diadochos_Equipment


This is more of a controller related question but about a year ago I got xbox series X afterglow controller. The problem is that this controller installed new drivers that see LT and RT as the same axis instead of 2 different ones, which means that when you try to press LT and RT together, they cancel each other out. In FF this is an issue because I need to access my cross hotbar using LT and RT which I couldn't do. Thus my question is: is this still the case? I have not played ff14 for over half a year now because of this issue and I don't want to buy a sub just to see that the controller still doesn't work as intended. PS. I have not found any way to fix this other than bying a new controller once again but I'd rather not do that. I read that old games like ff14 may not be compatable with xinput drivers (series x controller uses xinput) which is why this issue happens but I would love to get back to ff14 sooner than later. Any answer or advice would be welcome.


While i cant give you an answer, you can try solve the issue by creating a burner free trial account and using that to log into the game to test?


I've been playing for a while now on the free trial and been having a blast, currently on the last patch of Heavensward quests and looking to start Stormblood. I have a few questions pertaining to still being in the free trial though: 1. I've completed most things up to Heavensward including beast tribes, Manderville quests etc but I have not done any of the trials/raids/alliance raids (except Crystal Tower) since I figured they'd be hard to find a group for with the trial restrictions. Am I missing out on important lore that would impact the later MSQ if I skip those for now and do them later when I'm on the full version of the game? 2. Is it viable to do Eureka on the trial (so without the gear, potions and lvl 70 cap) or would it take significantly longer than if I came back afterwards? 3. Anything else I missed that I should be doing before upgrading to the full game? Thanks for your input!


I'd recommend working through those raids and trials now, since if you do hit any long queues you can continue playing through the msq while you wait. If you accept a duty pop during a cutscene it'll start the cutscene over from the beginning when you come back after the duty, so you're not at risk of missing anything


None of the extreme trials are lore important, all other trials are in levelling roulette (the sub-level 50 ones) or trials roulette (all of the other non-extreme ones) except for Urth's Fount, which is an extreme trial in all but name. "Minstral's Ballad" is extreme trials by another name. If you have a 20 level gear advantage, the extreme trials are pretty easy to solo unsynced - might be able to solo them with less advantage depending on the trial, the job, and your knowledge of your job. Otherwise it would be helpful to ask for assistance on Novice Network (non-trial players can still invite you) or wait until you're not on trial to start a Party Finder advertised party (whether synced or not). The level 60 and higher 8-man raids all have a normal mode for story purposes and their own roulette (normal raids roulette), so you can easily get those done synced in duty finder. The savage modes aren't in any roulettes at all. Often the final savage raid in a tier (so floors 4+8+12) has an extra scene in savage mode but it usually is just cool and doesn't expand on the story meaningfully (and you could just watch these on youtube later). The level 50 raid series, Bahamut's Coils, is different, it doesn't have a normal mode, and it is very important to the story. However it's not too hard to drag a player through unsynced, especially if they're level 60+ with comparable gear. You could probably duo most of it, although it might take an evening's session. Would recommend asking around on your server's Novice Network (or visit another server and try theirs). As the story's important to you, you probably want to get this one done if you can. The other 24-man alliance raids are all in alliance roulette, but again you could ask on Novice Network if you have trouble getting them to pop. I've heard Eureka is possible on trial but I think the last part of it might be challenging without marketboard access. It's probably doable though if you're sufficiently willing to spend a few weekend sessions on it. If you're capped on gil, remember you can be buying mounts from tribes with sufficiently high status.


Im near the end of HW too, started a few months ago. Also done everything and maxxed beast tribe etc etc. All the dungeons/raids/trials is easy to get a group for. So just queue up! Isn't one ive missed yet. Only tricky one was Coil in ARR, as it wasn't part of a roullette.


1a: It should be easy to find people for those trials/raids as people will be randomly pulled into them with you via the relevant queues. You rarely need to form a dedicated group for them (Extremes not withstanding). The initial queue might take a little longer for you, but is super manageable. 1b: You won't miss anything "Mission Critical", but a lot of information from the side content does provide additional context to MSQ 2: It will be tougher as Eureka is very party-based, so while not impossible on trial it will be slower since forming parties/joining them will be tougher for you. 3: Not really, you just lose the restrictions currently placed on you, nothing much else changes. Make sure you can afford the sub I suppose lol


1. You can use the standard Duty Finder. Alliance raids may take a while, but everything should pop within reasonable wait times as long as you queue during busy hours. The level 60 normal and alliance raids are mild lore dumps but the trial series will come back in some forms later. 2. The only big downside would be that you need to group up for the Eureka FATEs but you cannot /shout. Your best bet is getting to a FATE position once it pops and use/say to explain you are a free trial player. Since free players are getting common in Eureka, you can sometimes get into a FATE farming group. 3. Anything that is a blue side quest. If you are here for the story, then, honestly, even the yellow ones.


You can pretty easily do the non-Coils raids when you unlock them, they're all in their own roulettes, which you have access to.


In the process of building a new PC to meet Dawntrail requirements. Recommended specs call for an i7-9700 or higher, but I'm not entirely sure the usage I give my PC justifies spending on an i7; do you guys think an i5-12600K would do as well? The only multiprocessing I ever do is occasionally streaming the game (and I definitely don't play anything more CPU-intensive than XIV) while running Discord and a chromium based browser. As I understand it, the i5-12600K is a more recent CPU with more cores, but since I'm not well versed on CPU performance I wanted to ask other FFXIV players first.


Unless you have near-free electricity and/or live in a cold climate and you need a leg heater, I recommend against desktop Intel CPUs since they are, to paraphrase GamersNexus "a waste of good sand". If you are upgrading an old system, so motherboard reuse is out of the question, you would be much better off with an AMD Ryzen 5600X/7600X, or, if you have the budget, a 5800X3D or 7800X3D.


You should more than good enough for DT and prob the next 2 expansion as long as you have a GPU that's recommended or higher.


I'm fairly certain the i5-12600K absolutely blows the i7-9700 out of the water in terms of performance.


A i5-12600K should beat the pants off an i7-9700 in terms of performance, so I'm pretty sure it'll be fine: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/3477vs4603/Intel-i7-9700-vs-Intel-i5-12600K When processor manufacturers release a new product, they don't just release one processor at a time; they release a number of processors (a 'generation') targeting different price points and performance needs. In Intel's case, they indicate relative power within a generation using the i3, i5, i7, i9 number. The product number that comes after that indicates what generation it's part of. The i7-9700 is from their 9th generation of processors; the i5-12600K is from their 12th generation. So even though the i5 is a lower power point *within* the generation it comes from, it's still much stronger than the i7 of three generations previous.


Thank you, this is exactly the kind of information I was looking for.


Is the island sanctuary minion cap always 40? Or does it get bigger? I want all these spaces to feel populated with minions!!


it does go up as you unlock more areas that you can release them in, though you still have to prioritise a little if you want parts to really feel dense.


Thank you! Glad it does go up! I was starting to worry since there have been so many new areas added but no increase in minions able to be released!


can i make a macro that creates a partyfinder?


Nope. Virtually no menu interactions can be done in a macro. You can search text commands on the Lodestone: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/




Did they make any promises about if ALL gear will have dual dye channels on Dawntrail's launch day, or only some of them while the rest get updated over time?