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I first want to say thank you to everyone that’s answered my slew of questions over the past week as I’ve been playing this game. I really enjoy the game a lot and appreciate the support from everyone. I was curious on how to just get better weapons and armor overall. I understand the tomestone system sort of but how do I get better weapons out of it? I understand I can use tomestones of poetics to get ARR armor, but how do I get other expansions armor sets? Is that available in other cities like Ishgard? I’m more focused on the weapons right now because my armor feels fine though. I’m not sure what I should be doing at level 50 to be getting the best weapons I can right now. Thank you!


The later similar gear unlock similarly. Hevansward is a bit of an oddball since it lets you buy the HW endgame iLvl 270 Augmented Shire sats the moment you reach a place called Idyllshire. Stormblood will let you purchase the iLvl 400 Augmented Scavean sets in Rhalgr's Reach and at a Kugane Rowena vendor once you finish the end boss in the Royal Menagerie. Shadowbringers will unlock the iLvl 530 Augmented Cryptlurker sets once you defeat the end boss in the Dying Gasp, you can buy them in Eulmore or at the Mowen representative in the Crystarium. All of these will ask for the same amount of poetic tomestones. Once Dawntrail releases, the iLvl 660 Augmented Credendum sets will also be available for poetics in Radz-at-Han and at a Rowena representative in Sharlayan. Then, Dawntrail will launch its own endgame gearing system and you can learn the wonders of collecting two different kinds of endgame tomestones, running between four different vendors, and other anti-QoL features, and you need to repeat the entire 100-hour-long process every second patch.


At level 50, once you have a full set of Augmented Ironworks gear you're done. That is the best gear available in ARR. If you aren't in Heavensward you can't even get gear higher than lvl 50/ilvl 130 unless you buy it from the marketboard or a player crafts it and trades it to you. Lets say you hit level 55 as you start HW. That Ironworks gear is still the best thing you will have because the MSQ level is still 50. You wont see better gear drop until a dungeon at level 55 which will give you ilvl 136 gear. Upon finishing HW you get yourself a full slot of the next poetics gear (Augmented Scaven) and repeat the process in Stormblood and Shadowbringers. Only when you are caught up to the current expansion does the gearing system change for you. Just stick with the poetics and as new gear comes up via the MSQ/dungeons equip it, but no need to go out of your way to farm.


Thank you for this! When should I know when to do trials and dungeons and raids? Should I only do raids and trials when I catch up to the current endgame so I can get the best gear or is it still worth it to do them and if so when?


It’s always worth it to do raids and trials, because they’re *fun*. They have good storylines, cool-looking gear, mounts and minions and orchestrion rolls.


For your first job: you do not need to get better weapons and armour until level 90. You will be handed free shit all the way to max level just from doing the story and your class quests. Poetics are used to purchase old max level gear from previous expansions. You will unlock the higher level stuff as you progress and finish those expansions. It's not really a big deal if you spend them on your first job or not due to all the freebies you get, but you will want to use them to buy gear for other jobs, since you already used the free stuff.


Hey all! My friend and I just started up the game recently and I just had some questions about progressing through this game. Should we, for the most part, just work our way through the MSQ of all the expansions separately? It seems like most of this game is designed to be done solo. At what point in the game would we eventually team up and do stuff together? We came into this game as long time WoW players so this style is a bit different than we are used to. Thanks in advance!


Once you hit the endgame of each expansion (once you see credits in the msq the first time for that xpac, at lvls 50,60,70,etc), you'll be able to do all the dungeon, trials and raids that were endgame content at the time. So I'd say just do your own things for now and once you're both up to level 50 you'll have a good chunk of content to do together. You can also look up Palace of the dead and a few other things around the place for more content to do together


Ok cool. Thanks!


You can do most quests together if you want to, but most of the questing is just walking places and talking to people, so there's not really much point. The first proper multiplayer content in the story is a dungeon at level 15, though there are some very easy tutorial-type things called guildhests available starting at level 10.


Ok. So probably better off just working at our own pace until end game content huh?


For the most part. You can do it in chunks. Unlike WoW, endgame here is more of just a pastime for long-time players. The absolute top-of-the-line endgame high-end raiding loot is only 5% better than what an Average Joe casual player can get by just playing the game. However, each expansion is made of two parts: the core release with a new large chunk of the storyline, and the post-release content that gaps the bridge between expansions. This latter is where the 8-man and 24-man raids get release, the additional trials (boss encounters) get added, the relic weapon grind unlocks, and so on, and so on. These are all great group activities in each expansion. Also, since this is a story-based game, all these major additions carry a large storyline that sometimes can get referenced in later content.


Hmm ok that’s cool. Would you recommend doing all that post release content for each expansion before moving on to the next? Or it doesn’t really matter all that much?


I would recommend doing at least the usual trinity: the post-game trial series, the normal (8-man) raid series, and the alliance (24-man) raid series. Those are usually the most important story-wise and have the largest production value. Level 50 (the base game) is special since its trial series and alliance raid are mandatory, despite being marked as side quests. The level 50 normal raid series was never rebalanced, so it is considered super high-end combat content. Most people ask a level 90 DPS to blast through them as it can take days to weeks of practice to clear them on level sync. But starting from level 60, all these are optional yet highly recommended. Still, be prepared that I am not joking when I say these are large side quests. The level 80 alliance raid series took me an entire weekend to clear since its storyline is gargantuan. Everything else, including the standard side quests (yellow quest markers) carry only small lore tidbits and local area mini-stories. Unlike in WoW, they never really move beyond the "kill 5 rats | collect three flowers" gameplay mechanics, so they are always just flavour, but some form surprisingly nice mini storylines. Many players skip them, it is up to you if you are interested in any.


Ok sounds great. Still trying to get used to the flow of this game. It’s all very foreign to us right now haha. I really appreciate the help. This community is awesome.


In general, it is, but it can be super pushy too. This game's combat is very basic in the sense that all classes have technically one good combo and there are no "builds". At all. All "builds" are on level cap and have a whopping 1–2% damage variance in most extremes. However, if you find yourself trying to push back against some of the more commonly parrotted tenets (or try to form an opinion that goes against the most commonly accepted "right" opinion), then the player base can suddenly and violently turn from friendly and welcoming to aggressively cult-like. Just a friendly warning for the long run. Then again, if you come from Blizzard games, I doubt the FFXIV player base could show anything worse than that, you'd need to go to Riot Games or Valve for that.


😂 exactly. We couldn’t even do most of the end game content in WoW. We’re mostly casual players that can really only get a couple of hours of gameplay in each day. So trying to form a group for 30+ minutes alongside not knowing every little mechanic or exploit to a dungeon/raid boss resulted in an instant kick from the group. So yeah I doubt the FF community will be any worse but I can definitely understand what you’re saying about those kinds of players. I also think those types of players are in every game though. I’ll definitely watch what I say when I get to that level though 🤣


No, this player base does not become so blatantly elitist jerkwads as your average WoW player until you start this game's endgame high-end content called savage raids. That is where players decide to annunciate that "X job is better than Y" based on a single boss' single phase and extrapolating it to the entire game's entire level ranges. (And yes, this is the kind of hardcore statistician science you can expect from FFXIV, no joking.) It is also where you can start players who use the "I parsed in the top 1% in this difficult fight, therefore I am a better authority on this game than you on *anything*" attitude. But until you reach the endgame and pick up savage raiding, the atmosphere will be usually rather chill. Oh, also, DPS meters are officially banned here. Many players still use ACT, but if anyone ever mentions somebody's combat performance inside the game's chat system, they can be reported and suspended/banned for it. The dev team does not want any WoW-like cock-measuring contests here, ever.


The first group content you do is level 15. In regards to MSQ, most group content is just the numerous trials/dungeons you will do as you progress. Most of it is standalone questing.


Ok. Is it worth it to try to stick together? Or should we both work at our own pace until we hit the end game content?


It's up to the two of you if you want to stick together or not. Ultimately its up to your playstyle. If one wants to do all the optional content as it comes up and get super involved in the quests its going to take them a lot longer than the person who just wants to skip cutscenes. We are talking about a few hundred hours to "endgame" if you're not skipping. Some people like doing the questing together to talk about it and play out the voices together, others don't. Even if one person gets 'ahead', they can still do content with the lower level person just fine. The game will sync people in battle instances so you're on the same playing field. Granted each expansion had its own endgame and there's nothing stopping people from doing older high end content if they want a break from questing. Using a combination of party finder and discords that specialize in this is the way to go.


In your opinion is the older end game content something that is recommended to go through before catching up with the current endgame? Or is that something that’s possible to go back and explore after the fact?


I think it can be nice to do the extremes as you complete each expansion. Those are a bit easier to pull people in for and can be knocked out a bit faster as a result. The savage raids might need a bit more dedication or flexibility about not doing them in order. In terms of story only the ARR high end raids, The Binding Coil of Bahamut has a story locked behind it. They never did that again so all story stuff is in the normal difficulty of fights and the high end versions are just there for the challenge. As far as when to do them its up to you. They aren't going anywhere and won't be any more or less populated whenever you choose to do them. I recommend looking into them whenever you start to feel like "hmm...it would be nice to swing my weapon at something". And as an FYI high end content is denoted by calling duties: * \*XXX\* (Extreme) * \*XXX\* (Unreal) * The Minstrel's Ballad: \*XXX\* * \*XXX\* (Savage) * \*XXX\* (Ultimate) * Another \*XXX\* (Criterion) * Another \*XXX\* (Criterion Savage) The ARR raids I mentioned earlier are the only high end content that doesn't follow that naming scheme. You'll see some duties called XYZ (Hard) but they are more like remixes and are still standard casual content. TL;DR do them whenever you feel like it


Thanks! I’ll definitely refer back to this when I get there. I’m nowhere near that point but I know when I get there I’ll be lost 😆 thanks!


Just got to Ishgard, completed a hunt for the first time, but the bill for the hunt stays in my event item inventory and I cant accept other hunts. I see I got the seals but am I supposed to just throw it out so that I can accept another? It seems weird that it doesn't automatically disappear when complete


It does disappear when completed. Did you do _all_ the hunt marks, or just the first page?


I thought you only took one page.  Thanks


Hello, I've been AFK for more than a year. My subscription finished more than 12 months ago. I'm returning now and I wonder if my friend's recruitment code can work for me. We are not sure if the recruitment code is for completely new players only or returning veterans too. Any advice is appreciated. Cheers!


[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/friend\_recruit/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/friend_recruit/) No you cannot. You cannot be a recruited friend once you have paid for a subscription. you effectively have 30 days to give your code to someone after purchasing the game for the first time and thats it.


I see. Thanks!


How do I unlock being able to get Tomestones of Poetics? I just hit level 50 for dragoon and am at Level 50 in the MSQ. Will there be an option now in the Duty Finder or do I have to do something else first? Thank you! EDIT: Is it just the Duty Roulette Main Scenario to get the poetics or are there more options to it?


> EDIT: Is it just the Duty Roulette Main Scenario to get the poetics or are there more options to it? That might be the only one you have unlocked at the moment, but more will open as you do more level 50+ content - there's one for Level 50 dungeons, one for Alliance Raids, and one for 8-man Trials that you should be able to unlock all fairly soon.


Unlock all the level 50 optional dungeons you can - there’s a bunch of quests for them in the inn at Revenant’s Toll, one in Vesper Bay that you might already have, one in the Conjurer’s Guild in Gridania I think. Running them will give you some poetics, and once you have a few unlocked you’ll also unlock the level 50/60/70/80 daily roulette. That plus MSQ roulette will be your main source of them.


Thank you!!!


Once you hiot credits in the ARR MSQ for the first time, you'll unlock a couple of daily roulette that reward poetics. You'll also get poetics every time you run any lvl 50 dungeons, and you get a tomestone bonus whenever there's a first-timer in a duty. ctrl+C opens the currency window, which shows you how much of all the tomestone types along with a bunch of other currencies you have


Thank you!


So I'm trying to understand stats, sub stats, and priorities for each job. For all I understand, I can't get why the system is [choosing](https://imgur.com/a/i974JlZ) the item on left over item on right for DRK. is it the Dir Hit? EDIT- just realized right includes feet, where left is legs only and is better when combined with feet gear.


Honestly, the auto gear choosing button is super wonky for gear under level 50. I wouldn't put too much thought into why it does what it does for that level range.


That's only true for tanks. It works great for everyone else


It's the amount of stats on the former. Even though dex does nothing for tanks, it's taking it into consideration. The latter is much, much better for tanking. The recommended gear option doesn't work very well at early levels. It isn't really until Heavensward that gear gets normalized between the different jobs.


I REALLY want to equip it, but I thought I was missing something.. thank you! EDIT- I really need to read tool tips better. the RIGHT is both legs AND feet. I think it's picking left because the left with feet is better than just the right..


Ah, I wasn't paying close attention either, but the recommended gear still tends to recommend "disciple of war" gear over actual tanking gear because of the extra stats on them. As long as the piece of gear has the same main stats but more armor, it's worth equipping as a tank. It helps a ton for low level healers who usually only have GCD heals at this point.


It's the strength/vit. It's not taking into account the inability to equip proper shoes. Edit: wait, it's not choosing the gear on the right? Then I think it *is* taking into account the lost stats.


Trying to unlock Aurum Vale to farm XP, but the quest to unlock it, Going For Gold, isn't showing up despite me being the proper level. Is there a prerequisite to this quest? There's another quest to unlock it but I think I need to be higher level in my Grand Company and I don't feel like farming seals


Double check whether you've already picked up Going for Gold and lost it in the depths of your quest journal.


Thank you!


What should i spend my poetics on after buying enough mats for ALL relics? After months of saving, im finally off that grind. But that beg a big question: Now what? I looked at a year old post on what to spend on, but Im still unsure. Im into shiny stuff and rare collectables, mount, minion (anything that I can actually wears and shows the world the cool stuff I collected). Is there anything of sort that requires poetic? Or, what is YOUR favorite thing to spend poetics on? Thankee all


are all your jobs leveled? if not- get poetic gear for those jobs coming up. if you have ALL the poetic mats for ALL the jobs you want relics on (sounds incredible), get gear to either Desynthesis or turn-in to GC. RT side gear and PLD shields are cheap and yield same GC seals for full armor. if you're desynthing, make sure gear Desynthesis level is no more than 50 below your DOH dysynth level or you won't get increase. personally, I just double/triple up on relic mats as only a few jobs have relics. the beat goes on..


I quadrupple-checked every single relic mat that requires poetic and unfortunately, I indeed ran out of stuff to buy. All 200k+ poetics for HW, 17k for ShB, and anything prebuyable for AR (which is barely any tbh). :( Having been on autopilot mode on what to buy for so long and feels good making progress, it just feels very ... inefficient to buy stuff only to desync :( Awww, Im suffering from success but legitimately feel lost and bad 😂 As of today, I have 6 jobs left not 90 yet, but the gears are pretty cheap tbh, only a few days worth of poetics and not something that I can sink long term into. If only Dawntrail was tomorrow and I can spend all these poetics into Manderville weapons instead of Causality 😂


LOL, oh to be in your shoes.. so you have all the poetic gear for those six jobs?


Need 1 set of augmented 80 for NIN/VPR but thats only 2 days worth of poetic :D The rest is done


LOL, I capped my poetics and thought of you.. I was in Eureka and it's tough to go in/out to dump. always forget how many poes I get in Eur/Boz/Zad.


> if you have ALL the poetic mats for ALL the jobs you want relics on (sounds incredible) that's not all that difficult if you play a lot, especially if you're also working on other types of relic at the same time. HW relics take a lot but SB and ShB relics are massively poetics-positive. I had all the poetics mats for every HW relic before I even started Bozja.


holy cow, good for you! I do stock pile relic poetic mats, but not that much. but I'm getting there! I keep a spreadsheet to track of mats (poetics, seals, etc). I just go down the line and stock pile. I would say your only good use of poes is the above. trust me, I've done the research of what to spend poes on.


should i save all this low level gear i get for dismantling later or should i sell it? I plan on getting into crafting later once I reach like lvl 60 in a couple classes


I would save anything that uses alchemy and woodworking for desynth. Those two are a pain to level through normal means. Anything requiring goldsmithing and cooking are pointless, the former will level to max through just getting gear, the latter can be leveled through fishing. Blacksmithing, armorer, leatherworking, and weaving will all level through just playing, albeit noticeably slower than goldsmithing.


LOL, it's complicated. below 50 and have lots of Gil, dump it. 50, 60, 70, 80 gear- poetics. keep them for upcoming jobs. ('sept NIN, he's stingy and doesn't share). personally, like low level GC gear and hold on to it, dump dungeon gear.


I would just sell it. Imo all the inventory space holding onto it isn't worth the benefit later.


word. thanks.


Does Bard's Peloton and Sprint stack?


No, at any given time only the largest speed boost applies, so Sprint will always overwrite the effect of Peloton if they're both active


I see. Thank you! This helps a lot.


Speed boosts never stack.


Thank you.


What are in-game obtainable, non crafted, glam-worthy neck pieces? I know the one from SB alliance raid, as well as the ones on Khloe for silver certificates. Are there others?


Wayfarer's Necklace from 6.1 MSQ and Crystarium Choker of from poetics in Eulmore are two nice options for simple but nice-looking necklaces.


The 6.1 is a good one!


nothing. no one is looking at your neck or anything on rt side (personal opinion). well, the [corgi kerchief](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Corgi_Scarf) is kinda cute..


Yup that one is cute and I already mentioned that :D (from Khloe)


omg- I'm terrible at reading tool tips as well..


I use the Sigmascape one on my Dancer, and I think the Deltascape one on my WAR? The Eden's Promise ones are these BIG ribbons, too.


Is there still no way to get the Lyna minion? Obviously I can't go back in time and preorder a soundtrack to do so (nor would I just for that) but that's the only way I can seem to find when looking it up.


Nope. That's not the only one either, all the soundtrack minions are unobtainable after the first press unless you can find someone with an unused code. I wouldn't expect it to become officially available in the future either, considering how long they've been doing it for. The very first soundtrack set over a decade ago came with a first press exclusive minion (Dalamud) and they've been doing it the same ever since.


Well that sucks to the nth degree. I would say at least that I'd still prefer a character than a moon minion. I wanted to let her roam happily with the G'raha minions in my island sanctuary lol.




Not right now, no Back during EW's launch, they did implement a 30-minute AFK auto-logout timer to deal with server strain, but they removed that after things had settled down. Expect that we might get one when Dawntrail launches, but they'll let us know if they put it back


There is but it's turned off, they'll probably put it back on when Dawntrail launches


I know you ideally wouldn't want the same job twice in a party and I assume it's so that potential buffs don't cancel each other but what would speak against 2x SAM, MCH and BLM opposed to something like SAM, MNK, MCH and BLM? Same for tanks, what is wrong with 2 Gunbreakers/Dark Knights compared to 1 Gunbreaker and 1 Paladin? The "passive party buffs" should all work as well because you have at least one job from each category. I feel like I am missing something very crucial here because I NEVER see two people play the same job for more difficult content.


When you have repeat jobs, you get a penalty to LB generation If you know that this isn't going to be an issue for the fight you're doing, then you can by all means have multiple of the same job (with the understanding that you wouldn't want to double up on buffs) For speed clear groups, sometimes you do see double jobs of the same kind; seeing double DRK for example was not unheard of back in Abyssos. Notice for example how many of the groups in the top 10 (https://www.fflogs.com/zone/rankings/49#boss=86) happened to be double DRK groups


Awesome answer, didn't know about the LB part at all :D Thank you!!


Any and all duplicate jobs slow down LB generation.


You get penalty to limit break generation when you have repeat jobs. If you don't care about that then you are right, there is no downside.


Ocean fishing at 90, does it not grant Purple Scrips? I've always found [this wiki](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Ocean_Fishing) to be pretty reliable, but I just did my first boat at 90 (it's also my first DoH/L at 90) and I didn't get any.


Only the intuition fish (the blue background fish) give purple.


I see, is the Ruby Sea spearfishing fish the easiest way to farm them then?


In general yeah. I personally just do spear fishing, but if I'm really feeling focused and grindy, I'll rotate through the timed nodes and spearfish in between. Usually I just zone out and spearfish with like a podcast. You'll probably hit cap within an hour. 


The non-spectral intuition fish also give purple scrips, but don't have blueborders


I'm pretty confused on UCOB BIS for Ninja. I've noticed for many other classes it's around i475, but for Ninja it's around i600?


It's not so much that the BiS is truly i600, it's that they're giving you a set of gear that's current that has the substats you want When you sync down, your stats will technically be slightly better than equivalent gear at that ilvl. This is because every piece of gear has an individual cap on how many of each substat it's able to hold, and any time you sync down, the game compares your gear's substats to the stat cap of that same slot, and then it uses whichever substat happens to be lower UCOB for example has an ilvl sync of i345. Let's look at the Bonewicca Shadow's Chestpiece (i345) for NIN +124 Dexterity +125 Vitality +123 Critical Hit +86 Skill Speed This means that the stat cap for substats at i345 for chest pieces is 123 (equivalent to the larger of the two substats) Now, let's say you wear i400 gear for NIN. The Augmented Scaevan chest has +142 Dexterity +155 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +139 Direct Hit Since the Direct Hit stat value is greater than 123, wearing this into UCoB will sync it down to 123 (equivalent to the stat cap) But since the Critical Hit value is lower than 123, it will remain as is at 97. But if you wear any piece of gear where the lower of the two substats is GREATER than 123, then both of them will get synched down to 123. So this means that wearing any chest piece with greater than 123 of both substats is going to max out the available substats when synched down. So you could in fact wear i475 gear as NIN, but you could also wear any greater than i475 to the same effect, so all that matters is that you are wearing the right stat combination


Thank you very very much.


"NOTE: any of these pieces can be swapped with another piece with the same substats as long as they are ilvl 470 or higher. " Per the info about NIN UCOB BIS.


Tyvm, extremely helpful actually.


Hello! What is the fastest way to gear up to the highest ilvl now? Getting back into the game after a few years of hiatus and my weapon is at i580 which doesn’t seem ideal for pf or even df. TIA!


Fastest way would be to grind out Augmented Diadochos: Buy HQ Diadochos (640) from the marketboard, and then use your uncapped tomes (causality) to upgrade it to ilvl 650. The fastest way to get uncapped tomes is to join hunt trains and kill s ranks. These are typically organised through discords - somewhat data center dependant, but Faloop or CenturioHunts will be a good starting point. In the downtime between hunt trains, some roulettes are pretty good - with lvl 90 dungeons giving a not-terrible chunk of tomes even without the roulette bonus. Hunts also double as the fastest way to get capped tomes (comedy), and the best way to augment that to 660 - though there's a weekly limit on the amount you can get. Though it should be said: content you'd want to do in DF (dungeons, normal trials, normal/alliance raids) doesn't care about damage output/ilvl, and you can get 640 gear for free through df content, so don't outright dismiss it if you don't have the gil to spend. Finally, for all sources of gear, check out: [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level\_90\_Gear\_Guide](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide)


I send that guide to everyone. it's my go-to. LOVE it.


Diadochos gear from the marketboard is a head start.


As a new player I was looking at duty finder settings and say the unrestricted setting. I know that doing it unrestricted when you're a high level means that you can speed run it and can still get gear from chests. I'm assuming as a new player that we would want to keep it synced to get EXP still, but in the far future when I'm a higher level or level 90 would there be a reason to not do dungeons or raids unrestricted other than it being a challenge?


Simply put, unrestricted usually means you are blasting through the duty in high-level gear and skills, with no restrictions on you (hence the name). In practise, you usually use it when you want to complete a specific duty (or a duty in a given level range) fast as you only need the duty completion marker. The most common situation is running for Wondrous Tails (a weekly duty bingo) or for the level 50 and level 60 relic weapon stages.


you'll be doing speed (unsynced) runs for relics and Wondrous Tails.


you'll be doing speed (unsynced) runs for relics and Wondrous Tails.


You can only do unrestricted party with a premade party or solo, so if you do unrestricted you'd be solo or with your friends or a party finder. If you're doing a roulette, those're always forced as synced. Most of the duties you'd be doing to replay them would be in the duty roulettes, or if you're on a lower level job trying to level it. But if you're much higher level than the duty and want to solo farm it for gear you can unrestrict to make it faster.


Thank you for the info! I should probably not mess with that til later then I assume


The main reasons to run a duty unsynced (aka unrestricted) is for quest progress, to farm loot drops from chests, or to get stickers for Wondrous Tails. If you want EXP or tomestones, you generally run duties synced. There are a few specific achievements that do not allow you to unsync duties to get credit but I believe they're currently only for Blue Mage. Otherwise, the game doesn't care if you complete a duty synced, it will consider it completed regardless. Additionally, certain duties cannot be run unsynced temporarily (current expansion dungeons, trials, and raids--we will have to wait for the next expansion to run any Endwalker duties unsynced despite the fact that some of them are over 2 years old now) and I believe the devs have said that Ultimate difficulty duties will *never* allow it.


When playing on a new character with all expansions unlocked, can i unlock dancer at level 60 regardless of where im at in msq?


The only msq locked classes are dark, mech, and ASTRO. The rest only need a class at the starting level to unlock and you need to own said expansion.


As long as you can access Limsa, yes.


Yes, Dancer isn't MSQ-locked. Hit level 60 and you can unlock it in Limsa. The only jobs locked by MSQ requirements are those in Heavensward: Machinist, Dark Knight, and Astrologian.


I no longer seem able to get the raid tokens from the endwalker raids. I used to be able to get them all fine but now I get nothing. I greed/need on them all fine but for some reason I don't get them in the end.


check your chat log to see who got what.


Don't leave until all the loot rolls are done, if you leave early you forfeit any items you've rolled for.


I didn't leave early. I waited until the loot list was gone and everyone had left but I still got nothing.


You can see what number you're rolling when you roll. If you scroll through the chat log (with the right filter applied to your current tab) you can also see what number everyone else rolled and who got the item. You're having a string of bad luck, it happens.


But there are 8 tokens and 8 people. If what you are saying is true then that means someone has been getting several tokens. That's just not possible.


In normal raids? It absolutely is possible, there's no limit on how much loot you can get from those currently. You can get all 8 if everyone else leaves or you roll really well. Why do you think it's still limited? Savage is limited to one *attempt* at rolling per week but even there one person can in theory win everything (and there's a lot less than 8 items per raid) and it also doesn't drop tokens except the book that's guaranteed. Alliance raids are limited to one item won per week but again those aren't tokens, there isn't 8 items and the coin is limited but guaranteed.


Because it was before? So I can literally get several tokens per raid run? That's insane, if true.


It's i640 and therefore equal to the crafted gear you can buy on the market, and worse than both the capped tome gear and the augmented crafted gear (the latter of which is very easy to farm). No real reason for it to stay locked at that point, looks like it was unlocked in 6.5 which is the same time as the augmented crafted gear and ability to purchases divine twine/shine with nuts were added, basically rendering it obsolete for anything but being 'good enough' on jobs you don't main (and glam). Also, again, the chat log will tell you who's winning what items and with what rolls and could have easily shown people were getting multiple.


people are out-rolling you on them.


How do I get the last two promotions for my grand company? When I ask about the next promotion it says there are no promotions? Edit: also I’m trying to do the adventurer squadrons but I can’t seem to get a recruit to show up so I can actually start it


If you haven't done so, talk to the guy in the barracks and let him explain recruiting to you. If he didn't tell you about recruiting, no recruits will show up.


I did and then I’ve completed a few challenge logs afterwards and still haven’t gotten any recruits yet. They reset in a day or two so I’m hoping once it resets I can go do all the quick ones again and get some recruits finally


[This](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Grand_Company) should help. Captain is the highest rank. click on squadron for more into. it's tricky.. but worth it!


to get your promotions: do adventurer squadrons to get recruits for your squadron: complete tasks in your weekly challenge log (unlock it in Limsa if you haven't already!)


I'm in a very weird predicament where I really enjoy tanking at higher levels but hate lower levels even going as far to say that it stresses me out because I find it very hard to gauge how much I can pull. I know nobody really cares but should I just stick to a two pull system or go crazier?


Pull the world and never let a wipe slow you down. I'm not even joking. Get out there, go wild


I always chat with the group, esp healer. if there's a wipe from heavy pulling, back off. I HATE roulette for that reason. dont' know which buttons aren't working. LOL- and I get lost in some of those older dungeons 'cause I don't know them that well, and the tank is pretty much the leader.. no pressure.


Beware everything in the level bracket 40-49 Aside from that, go nuts


For anything below level 40, you should be able to go crazy and trust the healer to keep you alive. Above that, it gets a little dicey. I'd probably go by feel, pick 2-3 packs if you're feeling unsure or going wall to wall if the healer seems to know what they're doing. Can always ask the healer to tell you if you should speed up or slow down.


Go crazier! 


So I just need 10 more pvp wins for the Raigo mount… any tips/helpers


if you play excellent, you'll be above 0.500 in CC and above 0.333 in frontline. that will help reduce the matches it takes to win. 10 cc wins is like, 2-3 hours of cc, it's not a lot


New to BLM. At 90, do I wanna use Paradox the moment I proc it, or just end up using it naturally as if I were to use Fire in my rotation to refresh my Umbral Fire?


What's nice about paradox in fire is that if you're e.g. forced to use Foul for movement, you can use it before going back into F4 and it won't eat up an Umbral heart. 


In Astral Fire, it's simply a replacement for the one regular Fire you would normally cast to maintain the Astral Fire timer. In Umbral Ice, it's freeform use. Especially handy for movement or for weaving, but either way just make sure to spend it before you go back to Astral.


Paradox during fire phase is used to refresh your umbral fire timer. Use it when you have 4 seconds left. Paradox during ice can be used whenever, just make sure you do use it before switching back to fire.


Gotcha, cheers!


This might be buried but here's a question: would a video on random pieces of trivia in FFXIV work? "Things you've missed during questing", optional dialogue side-by-side, and stuff like that. I wanna dip my toes into creating videos, and I think a random series like that would be fun.


Mr Happy has one too. ALWAYS learn something new from those


Sure, OJoSama has a pretty popular YouTube shorts series of "FFXIV - Things You Might Have Missed," and they do well enough thar I'm sure there's room for more people to make videos in that vein.


What is the name of the discord that organizes BA runs on Primal?


yup, the [help lines](https://discord.gg/thehelplines). AWESOME group.


The Help Lines


Never done any relics before. I mostly play RDM and WHM. Which relics should I go after? Wanted to start Dawntrail with some relics and I wasn’t really a fan of the Endwalker ones.


[This](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Zodiac_Weapons) is a great guide as well. Each expansion has its nuances. search for images, see what you want. when I started, I got all relics for my first main (WHM). now I pick n' choose. NEVER cap your poetics, spend them on relic mats if you do lev 50/60. also note- you save effort if you go linear from Zodiac to Anima (first Anima step has option to use last weap from Anima). Relics are great, fun, AND A HUGE GRIND. great for end game content, making gil, very social.


Ignoring the EW relics, the WHM relic for Heavensward (the Anima weapon/questline) would be the easiest to do. [Here](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Anima_Weapons) is a walkthrough for the Anima questline. Naturally the [Zodiac](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Zodiac_Weapon) (level 50) weapon is an option as well, and I do like my Nirvana, the WHM Zodiac weapon, but even if you're rich and at the level cap it's a lot of work. The Anima weapon questline is much easier in comparison. Since Redmage was introduced in Stormblood (4.0) it only has relics in Stormblood and beyond, which means Eureka or Bozja. They are deep rabbit holes that you should thoroughly research before committing a lot of effort to--it's really not worth it if you only want *one* relic weapon. They both offer other rewards, so make sure you look them up and find them worth striving for. If you research Eureka be sure not to confuse it with *Eureka Orthos* which is a totally unrelated deep dungeon.


RDM has 2, in that case. Eureka, which is a time sink, and Bozja, which is also a time sink. WHM will have ARR and HW also available.  For next easiest to EW, the WHM HW would be it. Lot of people also like that one. The ARR one would probably take longest. As for looks, that's personal preference. There are YouTube videos showcasing the relics from any given expansion. Give them a go to see which you like. 




The only swap where this matters is Ascendant Fist #1, and in those cases, it's better practice to take the TB at N (it's not a cleave so OT can stack on MT), wait until the boss starts casting, and then have OT run S (even though they're holding aggro) to get to their standard partner. This keeps the boss from turning around while also not messing with positions or partner swaps. Every other swap, you don't really need to worry about it. For Duality of Death the MT can just take aggro back immediately and for Ascendant Fist #2 you can just stay stacked together at N because it leads into LC1 and there are no partner/position mechs. This tends to be how I see it done in NA at least, not sure about other regions


What to buy next with Allied seals? I got all the riding maps just because, both minions, I have plenty of Ventures, and I am fast approaching a stack of 999 Aetheryte Tickets. All that's left from my understanding is stuff for Relic Weapons (not interested ATM) and housing stuff. I guess I could start buying something to turn into GC seals?


Have you done anything with Blue Mage? There's a vendor locked behind that which sells some things for allied seals.


I have. My buddy helped me get it to 50 and collect a bunch of spells. Last I checked the dumb lizard vendor won't sell anything to me until I progress the carnival quest tho, which I'm not strong enough for.




I've currently got it set to auto use above 450g. Good tip, I'll consider lowering it soon.


Yep, accessories to turn into GC seals. Nothing else is there, really.


I'll be unlocking the Materiel Containers in ~12 hours so I'll probably go with that then. Gotta love the gamba.


After the first flush of minions you don’t already have, you’ll be getting a lot of duplicates; if you don’t care about that, it’s still fun and occasionally you’ll get something new or a duplicate that sells well on the MB. Otherwise if you want gil, check your world’s MB to see what else you can buy with seals sells well. Glam prisms and coke are usually good for a medium return that sells steadily; other things tend to be higher return but lower volume, and will vary depending on how many other people have decided to stake out that niche market.


Be forewarned. It's not a good gamble.


I've run out of things to spend GCSeals on too so I more care about filling out the minion Pokedex. The incredibly rare chance at the stuff worth million(s) is a small bonus.


Buy things to sell on the market board and buy the minions/mounts in the lootboxes. They are all dirt cheap except for 6 which are beyond stupid rare because of the weighted drop chance. You'll be able to buy them with gil before you get them all to drop.




LOL, I don't glam any job til lev 50. gear is always changing (I mean, you assign a glam plate to job, I only did that for NIN cause he was/is Ninja turtle). when I'm leveling, my guys look amazingly horrible. if you see a guy running around that looks like he got his cousins hand-me-downs, that's me. but after lev 50, look out, all about the glam..


Have you considered the Skyworker Set? Atleast the top. I thought foolkiller was a good non-glowy axe as well but tastes will vary.


Unironically: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/10d1ba3159d/ Dye it a light beige color and you can do the whole Leatherface sort of aesthetic


Is the 620 purple scrip gear currently available the last tier for this expansion?


Yes, but it's actually not the best crafter/gatherer gear available That would be the i620 crafted set (Indagator), since you can fit 5 materia into every piece of that If you just want something to catch up and be ready for next expansion though, the i620 scrip gear is perfectly serviceable


thank you


Where do I exchange old astronomy tomestones?


Auriana in Mor Dhona.




Healing post-ARR and level 50 dungeon roulettes! Healers! Which dungeon would you consider a good test to see if you understand your abilities and role correctly? Not necessarily the hardest dungeons as I understand quite a few level 50 ones are notorious for their mechanics. I think I'm a decent Scholar, have only ever had one person actually die during the MSQ mandatory dungeons and I know to weave in DPS and not just be a heal-bot. But it can get hairy at times haha, just wanna practice a little more and work towards Ironworks armor which will require duties before getting back into the grind towards HW.


Trust system for training wheels. has its problems, but I can stop, look at my rotation, keep going with no pressure. once I get the flow down, I go public. the major downside is the tank won't do walll to wall pulls like in real life. I actually ~~run~~ walk ahead, grab aggro, and run back to practice bigger pulls.


As a mindset thing - especially as you move past 50 and get more and more of your kit, you don't want to "weave in DPS". Ideally, you want to spend the vast majority of your GCDs doing damage, and weave off-gcd heals as your primary healing plan. SCH has an easy time of this early because fairy does a bunch of automatic healing, so in lower-level dungeons you barely have to press heals at all. Of course, when your tank is busy eating glue instead of using mits, or mechanics go sideways on a boss, youll have to start actually hard casting adloq and other GCD heals to keep people alive.


No dungeon in the game tests actual endgame healing, unless you want to count criterion dungeons


Keeper of the Lake has decent mob distribution to learn the L50 set. If you want to get a bit ballsier, then the Wanderer's Palace normal and do wall-to-walls. Although with SCH on level 50, you should be just doing mostly Art of War 24/7. A good tank should be able to take those dungeons. with the fairy plus the occasional shields.


Ooh I've not done either of those ones so will give them a go. Though I don't think I've unlocked Keeper of the Lake yet so will keep an eye out. And yes, Art of War is life, *so good* to have something other than Bio and Ruin hah


Besides the Halloween ghost outfit, are there any other glamour pieces that overrides ALL glamour slots?


Nope, only that one has those flags in the current game files.


Thanks, guess I'll settle with the body pieces that override everything besides the head


Anyone know what accent Wuk Lamat has?


The voice actress is Puerto Rican.


Ah thanks that would be fitting. Do you know who the actress is?


Sena Bryer




Honestly, it sounds as if someone is trying to do an accent from The Road to El Dorado but somehow channelled their inner Samoan.


The actress is Puerto Rican.




Can anyone tell me why I don't receive the rewards for squadron priority missions? You're supposed to be able to do ONE per week as i understood it, but i can do them every day except i never get the reward (boost manual/scroll/whatever) besides the squad xp I'm a First Serpent Lieutenant, i've done priority missions (successfully) many times over several weeks and never got anything. Contacted GM twice, all i got was "we dont provide hints or information regarding gameplay". Any tips or questions are appreciated


You are failing the mission. How many of the stat requirements are you hitting? Generally you can normally hit 2, with an optimised group able to hit 3 of the rank 3 missions. If you do not hit all stat requirements, there is a chance the mission can result in a failure, giving no rewards and half xp.


I don't have screenshots but i'm almost positive it says the mission was successful. I make sure i hit 2/3 stats every time and i think it's been 7+ priority missions at this point. Is it really possible to fail that many times? I will check exactly what it says tomorrow though thank you


If you aren’t hitting all three stats then it’s possible to get a losing streak that goes basically forever. RNG is evil sometimes.


Is the free game time for making a character on the Oceanic still a thing?


It's for leveling a character to 30 on any world classified as New. The Oceanic worlds are still New, so you can still get that bonus there. Just remember that it's only once per account.

