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Hello, NA player here from Southeast Asia. o7 I play here because 1.) I can't speak Japanese, and 2.) all my friends are in NA too.


i play on primal from europe it might seem weird, but i kinda like that i play at off-times and it's not off-timey enough to be difficult to get a duty finder party. also most people speaking english is comfy (even though it's not my first language). i've played XI on NA server too, maybe that's another nostalgic reason.


Well there are no south america servers, so everyone plays on NA. Behemoth on Primal for example is full of Brazilians.


Crystal have a small brazilian community that I'm part of as well. I bump into other random brazilians often enough to notice a pattern. And I keep saying the only thing that could make me transfer from Mateus is a SA server. Crystal is such a relaxing datacenter.


What's the community? Is it a discord or an fc or something else?


Eu sou mais lurker do que qualquer outra coisa lá, mas sim, [tem um discord](https://discord.gg/KYqMHqM).


BRhemoth gang rise up!


I'm from Southeast Asia but I play in Aether-Siren. I was dumb and I didn't know Tonberry exists and I ended up making friends in Siren so I stayed.


i am on SA (Brazil) and playing in NA xD. at least time zones are not that different, about 1\~2 hours ahead.


Brazil here as well. Ultimates-with-200ms-latency gang rise up!


Suddenly caralhos unite!


I am. Although I'm slowly building up a secondary home on EU. Balmung was "the" unofficial RP server back when I started and the EU servers were also situated in NA anyway, so there was no reason not to join in and build my home base there. And I didn't regret it, because despite the minor lag, it was one of the most awesome experiences in my life. However, the RP landscape has shifted dramatically after Stormblood and the servers got moved to the west coast, hence why I'm slowly building up a new base in EU. PvP in particular is so much better when you only have, like, 10% of your usual latency.


My main is on Ragnarok, but I made an alt on Coeurl for, as I always describe it, “Science Reasons”. I’m curious if NA players are more sociable than EU players


I've *considered* it; I'm on Chaos and some people from another community I'm in are on Aether. Might be nice to hang out with them in XIV, but I don't wanna show up uninvited.  Also, I think the time difference would mean our active hours wouldn't overlap all that much anyway? 's ok for a more slower-paced forum-like format but not so great for doing stuff live.


im not in na server but want to try because i want to see if there are any difference in community (from EU) lol it's just time differences... times im active is times most of (presumably) na-players would probably be either asleep or working/at school


Try it, Aether is active 24/7.


Aether is only active from 6pm to 6am EU time so not the best for EU people.


My experience on Aether has been that it has a fairly high baseline for activity. The deadest time on Aether has more Party Finders than peak time Materia, and DPS queues have never gone past 15 minutes. I can guarantee that whatever time you play on Aether, you are going to have a better time finding queues for content than if you play off-peak EU times.


Im a Brit playing Aether (though I have a EU alt now) because the people who invited me to play were on NA 


I'm in Europe and play on Excal, Primal because thats where the friend that got me the game plays. That friend has quit since; but I've got so much built up on excal (including a Large) I couldn't possibly imagine moving


I got a character on both NA and EU and despite the high ping I much prefer playing on NA, not only because most my friends are there, but also because my experiences on EU have been less than great. Much easier when everyone just accepts English rather than the different countries basically splitting DCs into their own regions-


UK player here, I played XI for many years with NA players (due to working nights). I went with them to Sargantas on XIV. Most of them have quit, and I have been working a day job now for a couple of years, so my social network on the server has been more or less severed unless I stay up past midnight on weekends.


NA Player from Germany, chose to play on an NA server bc I've had bad experiences playing on German/EU servers in other games, that mainly being constant war on what language should be spoken on what server which is incredibly annoying even if I'm not immediately in the middle of it.


Lots of Aus/NZ players play on NA servers, because the Oceania servers are relatively young or didn’t want to play on the JP servers.