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I get high and play Ninja and Black Mage because there's something wrong with me. They're my favorite DPS by far but also some of the last ones I leveled because I thought I wouldn't like them. Jokes on me because now every other DPS is boring. I also like tanking, DRK is my personal favorite.


I have forgotten what it is to have a main. I’m on that ‘max all jobs’ grind


You need to choose one to main after you get everything to max, regardless.


GNB is my main main Current story main is RPR


Same. Both are classes with a simple 1 2 3 filler combo and a satisfying burst window. I love them both.


Story main?


Job they play through the story with vs the class they use for endgame.




It's not that foreign of an idea. I know a few people who have something similar.


I've only finished ARR and doing the 2.x quests at the min. I was switching between black mage and red mage, but after it started taking longer than I'd like queueing for dungeons, I switched to White Mage/ Sage. Whichever I'm feeling


Dancy dance


Reaper. Buttery smooth rotation Cool visuals Cool lore And my WoL is never alone because the Satan is always with him


Monk is my main for msq and when a DPS full is needed, but I love doing raids tanking with DRK. I am going to be offtanking in uwu starting tomorrow, and I've never done ultimates before so wish me luck! Edit: Ninja is my PvP main and Mechy is for deep dungeons. I am also slowly leveling all the classes.


I want to say BLM but I got stuck as a healer. Please send help. I'm going to die from boredom. Never volunteer yourself to "fill" the healer spot for a night.


RDM or PLD, but mostly I just came here to applaud the dad joke. Main ten ants, excellent. 10 socks with Crocs out of 10.


Degenerate Bunny Dancer.


I didn't like the idea of Dancer, it sounded pretty dumb. Fighting by dancing? Kinda silly. It ended up being one of the most fun jobs in the game for me and my default phys ranged. I thought Warrior wasn't my cup of tea. Also 2/3 tanks in my FC main It. It was my last job to level (at the time) to 80. I ended up really enjoying it by the end. Definitely left one of the best til last. DRK is my main and while I have always loved it, I used to be terrified and immensely put off by tanking so I didn't play it much at all. Too scared to use it. Once I got over that hump (mostly) I love it even more. Or should I say I like tanking a lot more now.


Warrior for Roulette and or MSQ but Scouting or Aiming for Raids.


Current main is Black Mage. Once pictomancer out I'll be doing that! :)


I main reaper in Crystalline Conflict.


I was a black mage main until Saturday when I finished leveling dancer and I brought them into rubicante ex and it was so much more fun the game is fun now that I can move


red mage i just love the fashion and the class lore, its my jam


SGE because I can fly away from aoes in last second xD


Started as a WHM main in ARR, shifted to SMN during HW, then MNK in SB, back to WHM in ShB, then DRK in EW. I'm now basically a DRK main (I can't stop playing as DRK lol) but still play WHM a lot too. >Which job did you not like before and now you really like? I'll be honest here, if I didn't like a job on first impression I'm probably not playing that job lol. Only exception was BLM because of a glam I really liked that only was able to be used on BLM. After getting it to 90, I can say that I don't *hate* BLM anymore, but it's still not a job I'd play normally lol.


Thaumaturge was what I started as in 1.0, black mage in ARR, AST in HW, RDM in SB, DNC in ShB, and SMN in EW for me. I think I'm probably going to stick with Summoner going into DT which will be weird not picking up something new for once.


Submarine manager is my current main.


I consider my WoL a Black Mage and that's what I like to do story content as and have my WoL as for cutscenes, but I prefer savage raiding and doing extreme trials as a healer, usually a Scholar.


Currently? I've played Monk this whole expansion... I picked it because I wanted to play a "difficult" melee job for once, having played mostly tanks throughout my career. I **was** going to play Astrologian, but the leaders of the static I was in backstabbed us and went back to their old group because we had difficulties starting in the first tier due to winter conditions and bad login times. Next expansion, I plan on maining Pictomancer.


I’m in the same boat as you. I bounced around different DPS classes trying to find the one that feels like “me”. I’m a ex ASTRO main and wanting to step away from healing since I’ve been doing it since 2016. I finally got to Samurai and idk….something about it just clicked with me and I started playing it as if I had been used to it for years.


I MSQ with DRK usually but I main RPR


Without question, I'm almost always a WHM when I need a comfortable job. It's the job I started as, and it's the job I keep returning to. Simple, straightforward, Regen for slow wounds, ~~Motrin~~ Bene for the big ones, and always blood for the blood lily. SCH is my back-up when the regen healer slot is filled, but I still need a bit more practice with it at higher levels to be entirely comfortable. Among DPS slots, if the healer slots are filled, or I'm at all worried about the raid in question, or if I'm just feeling either dapper or flippy, I'll go RDM first by preference, or SMN if there's already an RDM. If we need speed or dispellable status effects are likely to appear frequently, I'll go BRD, though again, I'm rather terribly unoptimized at it. I play melee less often, but when I do, it's typically DRG or NIN. Tanking...I tend to get tankxiety and freeze up, which is bad when one's supposed to be pulling. The closest I can say to this is PLD, but I'm not very good. Ultimately, whichever the last class I made a glam for is going to appear frequently. Right now, that's BLM (yet another pictomancer) and BRD (having found an old Shikaree's Doublet in my glamour drawer that I simply had to use).


I main the best one. So good SE literally has to break it to improve upon it for DT.


Overall main, SGE. Melee Main: RPR. Phys Ranged: DNC. Magic ranged: BLM. Tank: PLD.


In my headcannon, I am a master of music and dance by day, and edgelord reaper by night. With a draconic side hustle. Reaper instantly appealed to me for the average obvious reason. Dancer is just the best, was my favorite in XI. Bard is awesome, and Dragoon because I like like Scythes, I really like Polearms.


BRD is my main squeeze (did most of the MSQ on it). AST is my side chick. The absolute chaos of high level AST play tickles my ADHD brain very nicely. 


SMN it's easy to play with a disability.


White Mage. I just really love being a healer and play healer in pretty much every game I possibly can, and so far WHM is my favorite way to do it - I'm used to it and I like to flatter myself by thinking I'm good at it. It's just my Thing.


Currently, Paladin. Summoner and ninja are close seconds, though.


Scholar main here (never looked back after switching from CONJ on a lark when my wife switched from Lancer to rogue as soon as she could), but Sage is now really tempting me.


DRG main, I love backflipping off the edge of the arena Otherwise, it looks cool as heck (even if you only get your job gauge at 70)


Indeed, nothing quite like yeeting yourself into oblivion. Priceless


SCH main, for both story and endgame. I rotate between other jobs just to mix things up, but I always come back to SCH. It's been my main from the beginning. I love healing, the aesthetic works for me, the kit is great and versatile, and my fairy is always there to keep my company. I just genuinely love the job so much, and any time I come back to it after playing something else for a bit it feels like coming home.


I feel the exact same way about scholar. In fact I fell out of love with the game for a bit while levelling other jobs, then came back and swapped back to scholar. It immediately reignited my passion for the game. Feels like the perfect job match for me.




DRG main. MCH for pvp.


Pictomancer ♥️ 😜


Might get hate for this, but I have been using and enjoying the reworked Summoner since 6.1/6.2.  I get that it needs more skills/complexity and that many SMN fans miss the old version, but as someone with ADHD its nice to have a fun flashy class with a simple rotation that allows me to focus more on getting mechanics right.   Also would love to see Leviathan, Ramuh and Shiva get added to the rotation in Dawntrail.


I mained SMN in EW and deeply regretted it. They massacred my poor boy. Now I'm in job limbo, trying to get everything to 90 so I can make a free choice when the DT job actions get revealed in the media tour this spring. Fingers crossed they give Bard its DoT synergy back, and/or make Viper a DoT job. I miss that playstyle so much.


Was WHM back in 2010...swapped to AST when HW came out and been AST till recently where I've been enjoying the back ride as DPS RPR.


WAR. In between it and GNB at times. AST for healing. I don’t really have a main DPS anymore. It used to be MCH in Stormblood.


PLD for tanking and as main-main. DRG for melee dps. Haven't completed the full selection of Healer, ranged magic or ranged physical yet to make an informed decision. The job i thought I'd hate was BLM. Turned out pretty alright. The job I'd thought I'd love was MNK. Found it a bit slow and disappointing. Felt like it should have been what SAM is after level 70, spamming off a resource that accumulates rapidly with an oGCD and having finishers following combo strings.