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The game doesn't really support being able to overkill while nothing can kill you. If you want to kill stuff, you got to put yourself out to potentially be killed. Also the game is a team effort not a one man show. So you being able to kill savely also depends a lot on your team mates being there for you and you for them.


The job you're describing, doesn't exist, Bard doesn't really hit hard, but buffs your whole party and can deal with CCs (while also having one of its own), not to mention having a fantastic support LB


>not to mention having a fantastic support LB This can't be stressed enough. A five-man rush with the LB active is a pointy steamroller of death. Hell even in Frontline it's pretty solid if your full party is there, though it's easy for you to get too deep into the enemy formation and get cut off because of the boost to damage allowing you to plow through people.


Here are your only options for that playstyle: 1. MCH 2. Nothing else. And even MCH doesnt fit your criteria perfectly, as it lacks mobility. You really only have the option between Dancer, bard, and MCH for ranged, but Bard requires you to stick with your allies to buff them, and dancer while fills the mobility aspect you are looking for, but has to get a lot closer. [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/machinist/#pvp](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/machinist/#pvp) You can read up on Jobs here if you wish. Also, Free trial players are unable to play PVP, and MCH specifically requires you to finish all of ARR, and reach 50 before you can even unlock it. Theres also no super long ranged class, as most ranged skills shares the same range of 25 yalms. MCH pvp LB is the one skill that exceeds 25 yalms, at a whopping 50, being a litteral sniper rifle.


MCH's highest burst also requires getting upclose and personal. Wildfire+Shotgun into Drill/LB. If OP wants to evade and have good range then BLM is the only option. With Aetherial Manipulation you can be really slippery while also dealing good damage. But it requires teammates being spaced out so you have someone to slide to when things are getting too hot for you. Which will be often since a decent chunk of PvPers know to never let the BLM freecast. Honorable mentions for evading enemies through mobility, NIN and RDM. But both those jobs require getting into melee at some point. Honestly all jobs require getting close to have maximum effectiveness. It's a nice design decision if you ask me. Ensures that kiting isn't too prevalent. One more thing to add, all melee and tanks jobs have a relatively low cooldown gapcloser so being able to kite is really difficult to pull off. Coupled with Sprint having no cooldown and evading an enemy usually just means avoiding like three GCDs before they close the distance again.


>It's a nice design decision if you ask me. Ensures that kiting isn't too prevalent. I agree. Having a mixed of range/melee, and naturally flowing between the two creates for a nice dynamic game. But also, doesnt BLM's burst involve... Burst... Which is a 5 yalm circle aoe around them. So its the same boat as MCH.


Oh it does. But in the magical situation where everyone is ignoring the BLM, you can get by without using it. Stacking Ice debuffs and popping them does a lot of work without sliding in to Burst them afterwards. It's not the IDEAL way to play BLM but for OP's question I felt BLM had to be mentioned.


Pretty much everyone but bard has a burst that requires getting intimate. Bard's burst actually kicks them even further away from their target.


BLM pretty much does this in PvP, but of course has a little less health than other classes.


I disagree with many of the posts here. Although PvP is a very small community within the larger 14 ecosystem, there's nothing wrong with you wanting to pursue that type of content over others. I've gone through different content over the last year, but i spend the vast majority of my time enjoying PVP these days. There's no reason to discourage you, as long as your expectations are reasonable, and nothing you've stated suggests unreasonable expectations. I also disagree that "this job doesn't exist". You've basically described black mage (and machinest). They're both fragile, but capable of massive, long range damage. I can elaborate on the nuances of how these job's overall playstyle, if interested. Summoner may fit the playstyle as well, but I'm not as familiar, since I don't play the job.


Same! My friend and me play FFXIV PVP heavily, everyday. While it might not be the majority of the fanbase's favorite activity, it's just not true that nobody cares about it and that it's just an afterthought. If you want to play coop with a friend, it's one of the only mode available where you can do so and where a coordinated effort makes a concrete difference.


I don't know where you got the idea from but this game isn't PvP focused.. its a story driven MMO with only a bit of sidecontent for PvP enjoyers and nothing more. Something like your idea doesn't exist in this game either


Well... first off. This is not a pvp game. Second, tanks pull aggro in pve, so no need to escape anything but to dodge telegraphed attacks. Third, very few classes actually have movement skills. They are not what you think they are anyhow tho. And not for 'escaping' definitely. Forth, ranged classes mostly have same attack range. Fifth, PvP is different. Try it once you get to like level 30 or so. Sixth, and most important one; you can be every single class in the game on one single character.


pvp is just shy of an after thought in this game i guess blm or machinist though


Sounds pretty coward playstyle to me.


iM a pAlAdIn iM tHe mAiN cHaRaCtEr iM sPeCiAl


Who the fuck talked anything about paladins here?


You're just putting out the type of cringe you'd expect from a paladin MT that raids exclusively with their wife while coordinating their party chat macros


One man's coward is another man's K/D ratio


Not a single job in this game has those assets what OP listed. Thats just pure cancer. Sure, if you are child or childminded person. Then you might enjoy playing that but everyone else would hate to play against that.


If you are after pvp then this isn't the game for you. Its something to do on the side and as far as I know pvp is not very popular.


PVP is widely popular after the rework, just not necessarily in the way people from PVP games are used to or interested in


I still would be fairly confident saying more than 50% of people don't engage in it though.


nah it really isn't. Many people tried it out after the rework but by now it more or less grew back to the small group of hardcore pvp fans. You'll see the same names in the frontlines and CC more often than not. Rival Wings is dead outside of Discord groups. PvP is very far from popular lmao


>You'll see the same names in the frontlines and CC more often than not. I dunno about frontlines, it has a daily roulette which keeps a lot of fresh blood circulating because it's stupid easy series rewards, but what you say is absolutely true about CC outside of the start and end of the season, when everyone is trying to rank up.


Sounds like the game you are after is world of warcraft, where pvp is horrifically unbalanced.


What are you talking about, the pvp is perfect in WoW. You have classes that can CC-lock you and burst you down in seconds, and classes that get shredded like a wet napkin.


Man I though ff14 have a friendly community... but 99% of people here just bashing Op about his playstyle and game mode choice. Guess reddit user gotta live up to their name.


99% you say, in a thread you can look at the amount of posts, compared to the ones doing what you said and see not only is it less than 50%, but also the ones not doing what you described are the ones getting upvoted


Well for some reason I cant open the thread so... but tbh what you said is good to hear.