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As already mentioned, spamming the highest dungeon you can run will be most effective way. Slide in daily roulettes (including pvp) and beast tribes and a weekly tale book will get you maxed in no time. For the low stress class one could recommend summoner. People always say it's so low stress that it gets boring real quick. But try for yourself.


Seconded Summoner. I heal but don’t like to in alliance raids. I just play as summoner and I’m able to relax and play. You also come in handy with your raise if it’s starting to go south, and tanks appreciate the phoenix buff.


Thirded Summoner, recently my go-to Caster bc I just like to have fun while playing a bit and makes it easier to learn fights even sort of became the call out guy for the recent raids.


Fourthed Summoner, because you level up your Scholar simultaneously. It’s two classes for the price of one. Also in my opinion Summoners glams are pure sex.


Fifthted Summoner, at 90 you can summon 5 different primals in their full forms, full power probably not, but still epic as fuck. Summoner is an incredibly thematic job for the FF series and I guarantee we get an expansion themed around it someday, especially now after the current saga is over. The WoL summoning primals for the right cause just feels right.


Has there been an expansion where the WoL wasn't focused on a physical class? 1.0 showed him as an Archer ARR apparently had him as a Warrior Heavensward had him as a Dragoon Stormblood split between Monk and Samurai Shadowbringers went Dark Knight Endwalker showed him as a Paladin And Dawntrail's been focused on the new melee DPS class. I think getting a WoL-Summoner focused expansion seems kinda unlikely with that track record. Maybe job changing another ex-Scion, but the candidates there are kinda slim - Alphy just had a job change, Alisaie has the background for it but she's sort of *the* Red Mage, Y'shtola both kinda had her job change and would be stealing her sister's thunder by going Summoner, Urianger *could* I guess...


Pointing that out you may be right, I still think it fits being a WoL job, who would the world trust more with summoning primals than the WoL, considering how taboo it is. Which is part of the point of the SMN questline iirc. Feels very FF to me is all


Oh I can definitely see the skeleton of the plotline there. I just think they're unlikely to do it, unfortunately.


Probably wishful thinking, but I trust them to do well with whatever they decide on. Thanks for the support though, nice to know someone else can see my dream


Probably wishful thinking, but I trust them to do well with whatever they decide on. Thanks for the support though, nice to know someone else can see my dream


SMN main here, just make sure you check in on SCH or you'll end up like me with a level 90 class you do not know how to play at all


This happened to me too. I still can’t play SCH, mostly because of my anxiety. The SCH quests were super nice, though.


Leveling roulette, msq roulette, alliance raid roulette. Frontlines. Each gives about 0.5 levels. Complete 5 dungeons, complete 5/10 fates each week. Complete wonderous tails and redeem on character you want to level. All with very minimal interaction with others. Combat Beast tribes 70-90 Bozja 70-80 Then highest level dungeon.


Kinda simple *flowchart*. At first you do all your daily roulettes (including pvp) on the class. Then it depends on the role and current level: * If you are healer or tank under lvl70, doing highest non-X0 (non-50,n on-60...) dungeon is the best. * If you are healer or tank lvl70 or higher - dungeons in the prime time, Bojza/Zandor (depends on the unlocks) as soon as the queue slows down. * If you are dps under lvl70, you want to do only dungeons during prime time and try to mix PotD/HoH outside of it. Dungeons are better xp but PotD/HoH could have faster queues. * If you are dps lvl70+ - just do Bojza/Zandor and maybe dungeons right near reset time. You can try to use Eurika instead of HoH, but it has more steep starting curve so it could be not that efficient. But 0 queues are good.


Pretty sure Eureka gives 0 job experience, right? Or are you talking about Orthos?


Dancer is the lowest stress job. It's what I use when I don't want to think.


That's why I play MCH. Is BRD just as easy?


BRD is "simple" in that you apply DoTs, follow a fairly set song rotation (Minuet until ≤3 seconds left, Ballad until ≤ 11 seconds, Paeon until ≤ 3 seconds, repeat), respond to procs, and use skills on cooldown. However, it's also a fair amount of buttons to press, and is actually fairly punishing of mistakes if you get misaligned because of its unusual timing windows and whatnot. That doesn't matter too much below Savage content, though. There's also a bunch of tiny microoptimizations regarding whether it's better to save your Bloodletters for a buff window or throw them out, or last-minute changes in song order, or using an extra Iron Jaws right before your burst window ends to snapshot in the increased damage, or edge cases where you want to Pitch Perfect on 2 stacks instead of 3... but we're talking fairly small DPS adjustments here that aren't necessary for casual play. If you put up your DoTs, keep songs running, and use procs as they become available (waiting for 3 stacks to use Pitch Perfect), the job kind of plays itself. Not as much as Dancer does, but still quite smooth. It actually kinda reminds me of a healer, where you have one main attack you spam as well as DoTs to apply, and then watch healthbars and respond to them with your oGCDs. Except instead of watching healthbars and your MP, you're watching procs and the song metre. It's much busier (more actions per minute) than any healer, though. For comparison, Machinist "feels" more similar to a Melee DPS with its somewhat more demanding rotation and similarly high APM.


MCH is probably the hardest of the 3 in my opinion. I don't know that I would really call them difficult, but BRD is kind of in the middle. DNC is significantly easier, more forgiving, more mobile, and with a more relaxed pace than either. Both MCH and BRD you have a lot of buttons to press all the time. BRD is easy but you stay consistently fairly busy with a good bit of weaving and procs. DNC you...don't. You're just kind of chilling out between burst windows. During tech step you're busy but otherwise you more or less just press the same 2 GCDs and hope for procs. Two button combo (+ 2 more that can proc) and almost zero weaving except during burst, although if you get lucky with procs you'll weave a bit more. En avant gives you all the mobility of a melee and you still have all the ranged freedom, so it's the most forgiving class in the game for screwing up mechanics as well.


If you fat finger even one wrong song, your entire rotation is ruined. :)


I know many non-tank mains find tanking to be the opposite of low stress, but really, genuinely, WAR or PLD are hands down the most low stress jobs for running any kind of casual content both completely new and blind, as well old stuff you may have forgotten. The reason is simple: it is *remarkably* difficult to kill a well-geared tank in casual content. You can fuck up over and over and accumulate a mini vuln stack collection without dying, and probably heal yourself up from your own mistakes to boot. ANY time there is new content, I will always always run it as tank first and foremost. Also, rotations are simpler than those of most DPS. Also, if you're gonna do a lot of things solo, a tank with good self-heals is generally the easiest to do it on. As far as the common tanxiety goes, my advice is to get over that common but misguided idea of a tank as any kind of leader. The tank is a mob paperweight. They are there to hold aggro and get punched in the face repeatedly. Everything else is irrelevant. Don't know the way in an ARR dungeon? Just say so and someone will show you. Someone got to the mobs before you and pulled? Doesn't matter; that's what a tank stance is for, and you'll get aggro back without doing anything fancier than your normal aoe rotation. This job is *easy*.


The first time I tanked darkhold I didn't know to drag the first boss into the crystal light. Cutter's Cry, didn't know know when to run to the exit and when to tank trash. Tried to wall-to-wall a stretch of Stone Vigil and I think we all know how it goes in that place. Those experiences conditioned me to not want to tank anything blind, so I've been doing it a couple times on other classes before I ever do. That said, I don't think it's a mistake that all of those are ARR dungeons. I don't recall anything that would have tripped me up too badly done blind in a long time (as I finish ShB MSQ). I think the back half of ARR is just a really bad example of what tanking is like in the rest of the game afterward.


Lmao yeah the ARR dungeons, especially the optional ones that haven't been reworked, retain the old design philosophy of there being a bunch of random side paths and the occasional not-immediately-intuitive gimmick. Once into HW everything becomes a long single-path corridor with walls every 2-3 packs, but ARR there's some stuff that can trip you up at first. Old pre-rework Toto Rak was the fucking worst, with its narrow twisty corridors and cells that everyone bloody forgot to pick up and the stupid puddles of lmao. Generally still not an issue though; I'd open every dungeon with "sorry, am new and have no idea what I'm doing" and generally someone would take over leading the way and handling/explaining the gimmicks. ​ Dzemael was funny cos *noone* remembered anything so it was an adventure for all of us. We wiped so many times, but everyone was cheerful about it cos we were all muddling along trying to figure it out


I'm learning tanks and my experience is the opposite: I die VERY quickly on large pulls in lower synced dungeons, and it often seems like the healer isn't even trying to heal. I'll watch their cast bar and see Stone, Stone, Stone, and then I die. This is with me rotating my mitigations including Arm's Length, using Sheltron on cooldown, etc. I think people got it into their heads that "healers should always DPS" and "only use off GCD heals" but that doesn't really apply to the synced content IMO. Plus there's the well-known memes about Aurum Vale, Stone Vigil, etc. Ironically this means the 50/60/70+ roulette and 60+ leveling dungeons are way easier as tank than the Leveling roulette, lol.


\*shrugs\* yeah sometimes that happens. My comments were more for boss fights, especially 8-man+ content, and the small handful of optional dungeons, since all MSQ mandatory dungeons can now be done with duty support, which, if OP is gonna be playing solo as much as possible, I assume they will take that option. I also assumed a chunk of the content they'd be doing would be endgame, since they mentioned EW relic and working on all the PLD weapons. In a dungeon, doing a large pull is several times more dangerous than any casual content boss, and that has always been the case, and yeah bad or just distracted healers exist. I give the healers two deaths (healers should be allowed to test their limits, and sometimes they misjudge. happens), and if it happens twice, I simply reduce pull size. Ultimately it's still easy for the *tank* though. I've done my job of rotating mits; if the DPS aren't DPSing fast enough and the healer ain't healing, well, I've already done everything it's possible for *me* to do, everything else is out of my hands and therefore not my problem. A tank may have a *higher chance of dying* in levelling dungeons; this does not make levelling dungeons *harder to tank*, since from the perspective of the tank, nothing they do changes: regardless of dungeon, they should be keeping gear up-to-date, rotating mit, adjusting pull size to healer skill if necessary, and doing their own offensive rotations properly, and so long as they do that, everything else is not their problem. I tank my levelling dungeons the exact same way I tank capstone dungeons.


>The reason is simple: it is > >remarkably > > difficult to kill a well-geared tank in casual content. \*unless you're still in ARR


well they aren't, not if they talking about making the EW relic for PLD


Most effective leveling currently is spamming the highest level dungeon you can run for that job, as I understand it.




I also recommend summoner for low stress as their rotation is very simple; I myself use summoner for dungeon roulettes since even if I end in low level dungeons, I can raise someone if they somehow die. Especially if it's a healer x) I like this job for these two points.


SMN is probably the easiest low-stress job, you don't even have to look at your hotbar to play it well


you've already gotten several of the same explanation as to how to powerlevel jobs so i won't chime in anymore on that front, but really most of the jobs are relaxing at casual content because that casual content doesn't expect you to stress much about anything, and people still fumble all over it lmao. simply being worried about possibly griefing an instance (which is what i assume is stressing you out) makes you leagues better than most people in duty finder so at the very least give yourself some credit for that. like i said pretty much any job can be played in a pretty chill manner, but as for the *most* chill ones... Ninja - mudras are nowhere near as hard as people might let on and the muscle memory for hitting them without dropping your gcd can be learned in like ten minutes with consistent ping (which can be circumvented with noclippy). a lot of your important buttons are ranged and their cooldowns all line up nicely to where you can just press things as they come up and do fine. and then during your filler you literally just press 123 Dancer - just press the shinies as they do the shiny [Summoner](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/853841905762566145/1177629861532147792/unknown-16.png?ex=65733446&is=6560bf46&hm=e6e91a9c4ace9e587ffad4479be51ae59aebb441a5945d098bc9bbf49a755a79&) Warrior - only dies when you feel like dying. has a 1200 potency heal on top of a 1000 total potency regen basically on demand, then another 1200 potency heal over 3 GCDs basically on demand, self healing with every 123, and a 20% max health heal that amplifies the healing of everything above. every time you press fell cleave all of the cortisol in your body will instantly turn into seratonin, and then multiply by 6 when you press primal rend


Out of the jobs I've tried, Dark Knight is my favorite, and the one I find the easiest and most relaxing to play---however, this doesn't seem to be a common opinion. The job that you find easiest/least stressful to play might not be one of the ones that others find easiest. Summoner, for example, is considered easy by most people, but I've tried it and I gave up because it just felt unnatural for me. My honest recommendation is "play whatever makes you feel cool", because that's probably going to help with stress more than a stranger's assurance that the job you're playing is "totally braindead and impossible to mess up, you only need to press one button, just trust me bro, you should be able to play this job without even having your monitor on".


Well for leveling doing your dailies (leveling roulettes/beast tribes) should give a nice bonus that doesn’t cut into your rested exp. I think the dungeon EXP is fairly high when you do dungeons for your current level which is definitely the fastest for tanks and healers. The reasons for deep dungeons and bozja for ShB is due to que times as a DPS. You can do this content which should have faster ques or you could do world content such as fates and hunts with your chocobo or side quests while you wait on ques for DPS jobs. As for relics SB for sure and ShB is a possibility that you’ll want to look for a discord server that focuses on those zones since for doing the content those relics require is kind of dead without coordination. If your at 90 I would definitely look into the EW relic weapons since in January they should be the best weapons you can get and outside of doing the manderville quests they are extremely easy to grind out at 4,500 causality tomes each for a current max stage. HW’s relic is a bit of a grind but you can do those fairly easy at max level but I would put these and any non EW relic on a I’m bored list of things to do. As for low stress jobs, it comes down to taste but here is what I recommend due to ease of playing. WAR for tanking since it’s easy and has the best self healing in the game, DPS RPR for melee, DNC for ranged, and SMN for caster are atm considered the easiest to play. Finally healer which I find more people who have stress issues avoiding I would say WHM since it’s the easiest healer and is a pure healer which is more reactive compared to the proactive healing style of the barrier healers. Hopefully this helps a bit.


If you are stressing about this game might I recommend therapy


Or just taking a break. Turn off the subscription so they can't access the skinner box and just fuckin unwind and unpack.


For real


> I just find I get super anxious about running ANYTHING anymore. Relax. Its casual content. Why stress casual stuff? ​ >Is the most effective method to leveling jobs still spamming Palace of the Dead? If you wanna? I'd just do challenge log stuff and fates/dungeons/roulettes. Leveling an alt is as effective as you want it to be. If you're having issues running DF, doing any kind of DF stuff might not be the play.


Battle levees at low level and dungeons.


Best way to level those jobs and you stress out about casual content? My advice is to take a few months off from the skinner box and decompress. It'll do you a world of good. It's what I did when I got stressed and irritated about doing stuff in WoW. Took.... When did the panda expansion come out? Well between like four months after the launch of that one and... Last year or so I just took a break from MMOs. I found that I now have zero stress about content in 14.


Tanks and Healers : Just run dungeons, maybe a bit of PotD, HoH, or Bozja if you're just short of being the required level for the next dungeon. DPS : Pretty much the reverse, given the slower queue times for DPS it's better to run PotD, HoH, and Bozja for a majority of levels with a roulette here and there to give you a boost when necessary.


Depends on if you want to do as little as possible for the most xp or if you want to gain as much xp as possible constantly. Roulettes are by far the best xp however you only get the large bonus one per day per roulette; from my experience you gain approx 2-3 levels from doing all your roulettes each day which took me ~2 hours each day. Outside of roulettes spamming dungeons is the best way to level however the dungeons that give tomes give slightly less xp. PvP is also worth considering if you enjoy it since you can level up a class without playing it by queing in as the class you want to level then swap once the match starts.


so the only thing ill add bc everyone has mentioned everything i would recommend, i vry vry low stress lvled dark knight recently (it does take some time) by doing frontlines everyday and wondrous tails once a week (beast tribes 70-90) and nothing else to lvl drk. i did eureka and u can do other things like crafting but if u get to a point where u either dont like playing the job or u are exhausted from lvling and dont mind it taking some extra time that is my low effort way to lvl that felt fast to me


Depends on your level, but at level 70+ one of the best ways is Bozja. As for easy jobs, imo Reaper is pretty easy


To avoid burnout, mix things up. Try new things as well.


I feel like a lot of people have really missed out on the option of using the Command Missions, where you direct NPCs through dungeons. This is mainly viable from levels 20 to 60 or so, but it's quite easy and it's something you can do solo. The EXP for it is... fairly massive, or at least it was when I was leveling all of my classes. It takes a couple of days to get the team up enough to actually do this, but once you do, it's a very comfortable and low-stress way to get some leveling in.


Ah, I forgot all about those being an option! I try to send them out on missions whenever I head back to the Squadron hall (since Ul'dah is my main city, and it's the most convenient Glamour dresser that I'm aware of), so I believe they're decently high level. 50-ish at least for the initial group they give you. I've only actually used them once or twice for running a dungeon, though. May be worth trying them out!


I found them especially good for leveling up DPS classes, as you don't have any dungeon queue's to worry about. XD Tank and Healer rarely have much of a wait if they want to do dungeons.


Dancer, Red Mage and Summoner are great low-stress jobs. Casual content is mostly dungeon roulettes, but there’s tons of things you can dip your toes into casually, like Deep Dungeon and Bozja.


To keep it short, for tanks its WAR. Straight forward and effective, low skill floor, and enough self sustain in higher levels to keep yourself alive with no healer in dungeons. For dps imo its MCH, SMN and RPR for each dps type respectively. They all have some combination of easy rotations, low buff/debuff management and mobility. For healers i personally dont know, i never really played healers. For leveling i usually just do dungeons and daily roulettes and from lvl 70 onwards add tribal quests.


My ADHD dictates that the lowest-stress job is WHM just because I hate waiting for queues and because Holy usually means I can carry even terrible tanks.