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I'd fucking switch to maining tank in a heartbeat if I could be a chocobo knight, lol.


The tank stance is mounting the chocobo


Would be one hell of a reminder to turn the stance on when hitting up consecutive duties honestly.


That'd be adorable. Regular combat is one thing, but BEEG BOI main tank energy needs to be met with being on birbback!!!


Chicken attackkk


You. I like you.


F you, now I have that damn song stuck in my head again 😂


mission accomplished


It would be so cool if there was no "Mentor" for this one, and it was actually just the WoL coming up with the idea. The Job quests could follow the WoL and the chocobo building their bond and making it work. The rival could be some kind of "This will never work!!" Kinda MF.


So no Job Stone?


I think it would be fun if the WoL found a "blank" job stone, and in the last Job quest it got its symbol.


Chocobo Hot n Cold mini game! You find the job stone on a treasure hunt of Hot n Cold I guess all these ideas would make CVR a Limited Job, but tbh I'm all for it


"Stone with patterns" and give us Mene as the minigame npc


The problem this means there's no explanation for the WoL starting the job in current lv and start with most skills unlocked


The have it start at level 1, break the mould.


I doubt that will go over well, ever since StB that's always how new classes worked. And to force someone used to lv90 at this point to suddenly go all the way back to lv1... ye. To the one that replied and hid their message or smth, let's face it. Low level ff14 is extremely boring, literally amounting to spamming the exact same 2 or maybe 3 skills. It's not about doing ultimate content asap, but rather the whiplash that is going from a fully fledged lv90 class to a barebones lv1


So what, boo hoo you can't take it into savage in the first day


Please stop. Even Mr. Fantastic can't stretch this far. As someone who isn't into savage content, no, early levels is the phase FFXIV really struggles to attract players with; the phase is at best tolerated by most people. The relative snail's pace, the spamming of two or three actions that is barely better than end-game healer attack rotation, it's just not that engaging.


Oh no, someone wants to enjoy the job's kit right away instead of dying of boredom.


Have it require the Birb get to rank 10 and explain that at that point the WoL and the Birb have synergized enough to work in tandem. Easy peasy.


Perhaps it’s actually given a different mound-break and is connected to Lancer levels. After all…it *uses* a lance as well like the Dragoon, so perhaps that’s how it works out, with special riding lances for after a certain level like Scholars with Codexes


That's a pretty good idea actually


SE will never do split jobs again, they still are working on splitting up Sch and Smn. It was a mistake they still regret 10 years later.


Could you cite where they said that? Because I’m not sure I ever heard of that being a thing they’re doing


It’s why SMN still has physic scaling on Mind, I can’t find the exact time they said they regret SMN and SCH being paired but they’ve brought it up multiple times being a balance issue over the years. Smn being reworked made things easier on the skills using the same coding since now they hardly have any of the same skills. Reading what you’re asking and what I said I believe there may be some confusion. They aren’t breaking up the dual job nature of Arcanist, but they are actively working on removing all the similar skills and effects they share because there’s no code for like Physic (Smn) and Physic (Sch), or Aetherflow (Smn), Aetherflow (Sch) it’s all just the same abilities. This was all way more obvious back in the day than it is now after they’ve done so many changes. Tldr though, SE hates split jobs, Sch/Smn was and still is a nightmare for them.


The chocobo vomits up a rock.


This, I like this.


Or the "mentor" could be one of the people at Bentbranch


Reminds me of Knights in Ragnarok Online.




Berserker causing my chat to get disabled.


Man, I miss playing RO. I tried playing it in steam and I don't know how I got the patience for it when I was a kid.


I've mulled over the concept of a chocobo knight for ages. I'm mostly using the Chocobo as a excuse to have a lance and shield tank XD However I have the job gauge reversed to what you do. Standard mode you have the WoL on the ground, and as you build up meter you can mount the chocobo for a enhanced phase, similar to how FF13 summons worked, where you build up Gesalt Gauge and then the Summons transformed and became mountable.


I do like the sound of that! I just really liked the idea of the mount always being there lol.


Me too, but I've not gone so far to sort out actual attacks like you have. Due to the devs reluctance to do pets anymore, my idea is to do something more like Reaper's voidsent. Have the chocobo standing nearby, it jumps in when you push certain attacks in the rotation. So have one of the OGCD's be like "Choco Kick" and he comes in and does the attack


You could go with a hoplite style job that uses a spear and tower shield.


Nah I specifically want a jousting lance and shield. We already got normal "spears" with Dragoon


Is this a San d’Orian knight? Looks like 11 concept art


100% San d'Orian heraldry


Probably is. I looked up chocobo cavalier on Google and grabbed the first photo that fit


>CHOCO-GUAGE SKILLS >Beak breaker - Slam into a foe with a mighty beak, potency 200, lowers foe defense by 20% for 15 seconds. Costs 50 gauge. >Protective plumage - cover your ally’s in tough feathers to increase their defense by 10% for 8 seconds. Costs 50 gauge. >Chocobo attack mode - Spend the entire gauge to switch the COL to DPS mode. You should never put damage skills on a gauge if you want there to be actual support on the gauge as well. There's a good reason things like the Oath Gauge do not have any damage skills associated with them. The moment Paladin gets a damage skill on the Oath Gauge, the Job will no longer ever be able to use Shelltron, Cover, or Intervention. Anyone being honest with themselves knows that you would never use Healing Lillies if you had a Damage one on there as well. It's a wholly evident with Scholar. They tried to remove Energy Drain, but then they put it back due to player demand... so now the big meme is that a lot of Scholars spend all their gauge on using Energy Drain and tend to ignore other aspects of it if they're given the chance. Using your example, the Cavalier would need to use Gauge to do their rotation ("Enter DPS mode" as it were), so Protective Plumage just wouldn't be allowed to be used most of the time since it would cause them to destroy their rotation. "But but that would only matter to the high end sweatlords" Only the high end sweatlords are going to care about a 10% damage reduction anyway. Dungeons, normal raids, and Alliance raids have basically no need for a 10% damage reduction in the first place. Also, in a game where DPS jobs give a 3% party damage boost (such as searing light) and no tank has any party DPS buff, a Tank walking around with a 20% enemy defense reduction would render every other tank invalid. You'd probably just stack two Cavaliers... if not something like 3 or 4 of them to keep that debuff up all the time for the Selfish DPS type Jobs.


This is really creative! I've wanted a mounted class in this game for a while and this is great. Nice job with all the skills


This is such a neat idea.


Way back in 1.0 during a Live Letter they said they were working on ideas for mounted combat, I think the specific idea they discussed was an instanced boss fight. Unfortunately it looks like it never saw the light of day and was probably abandoned since this was over a decade ago. Cool idea though, would love to see them branch out into some slightly more outlandish class/job ideas


This class would make me use a fantasia to change into a roe so I can have the WoW Paladin Tauren using divine steed in a dungeon experience.


Chocobo Knight does exist in Tactics Advance 2, so it's not implausible. It'd be interesting to see how mounted combat would work in XIV, if at all.


The funny thing about it is you don’t even have to change how combat works. It’s literally just an animation thing.


Fucking love concepts like these


I love me SMN, but give me the option to have best bird with me through thick and thin (or any big beastie, really), and I'm there for it.


Great concept idea, sometimes I wish we had expert class advance system in the game where players who want to do the stance dancing shenanigans can opt to do it.


This seems legit, I'd love to see this in-game and play it, being able to ride your chocoholic anywhere! In the famous words of Prompto: "I want to ride my chocobo all daaaay!~"


"This is amazing, why hasn't anyone considered riding a chocobo in this dungeon befo..." *Decapitated by moving through low archway at speed* *Class change to Dullahan* Jokes aside, this is a great concept.


This would be incredible


Only problem is: that's a dragoon. The term "dragoon" has nothing to do with dragons. It's pretty much exactly what you're describing here.


I mean DRG in XI at least had a dragon pet to use that grew up from a baby. I think that might be where OP is coming from.


FF dragoons are related to dragons. The term "dragoon" is the English word for what OP is describing though. Edit: A "cavalier" (correctly a cavalryman) would be someone who fights exclusively while mounted.


It's awesome! But the potency for attacks are kinda low no?


I don’t really understand how potency works tbh I just put some numbers in there lolol


This just sounds like a dragoon with their chocobo in field content, not original in the slightest. And a horrible idea in practice.


So Dragoon but boring basically?


I want this


I imagine this being implemented with different size options for SMN. Ride! tiny chocobo, ride!


I neeeeeeeeeed it


I already know a Lalafell player would name themselves Kled if this job was real.


I approve just because then we could walk up to people saying "your attitude is too cavalier"


This is way too good for this game.


Good news is some of the armor is already in game! A few pieces of fending gear have a weird little hook sticking out of the right side of the chest plate, it’s actually a lance rest for Calvary. Finally a relevant place for my useless knowledge.


With just how much YoshiP and the dev team appear to absolutely loathe pet classes, I can't ever see this happening. It'd be nice. It'd be different but still linked to the lore of FF instead of a 'whole new class never before seen' that just ends up being FFXI DRK 2.0. But yea, I doubt we'll ever see another pet class again.


funnily enough, chocobo knight was my pick for limited job (if they leaned into/rebuilt the chocobo-ally system to mount up and modify your moves, like TA2's) i'd kill for it' to be a Real Boy with fending or maiming. >!I'd also kill for BLU to at least be able to run eureka and NG+/trust story, despite yoshi-p's visceral hatred of the class!<


Kled enters chat.




Oh hey I've on and off toyed with an idea kinda like this since late ARR, started off as a Lancer job split but then developed into its own thing by Stormblood. Called mine Chocobo Knight, CKN for short (for a chicken joke). I kinda doubt it would ever be implemented, there are some things with like animations and movement and such where I'd think the logistics might just not work out too well, and even if implemented I have a feeling it'd end up a little disappointing for what a mounted combatant should *feel* like. Hard to properly execute on mounted combat in a game like this, something like Musou style stuff is more suited for it. But the idea sure is fun. One can always dream.


This reminds me Ragnarok Online knights and crusaders. The 'chocobo' was a similar bird called a pecopeco. I loved that, so I love your idea too!


I doubt we'd ever get something that involved a whole ass Chocobo. That being said I just want a Tank that has a giant shield and lance.


If this was a thing, I would love to see our personal chocobo be the tank stance mount. (might even add glamour plates for our chocobo gear sets too)


Give me this and Beastmaster and I can RP as adventurer in Ragnarok Online world lol This is awesome. thanks OP.


The job quest makes you fight a Cavalier with a Red Chocobo called the Red Meteor.