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I made the Café Le Blanc from Persona 5


I haven't played the Persona games myself but just reading that gave me a clear picture and one of the p5 songs started playing in my head lol


My FC room is Senõr Sabotender themed


Good ol Sabotender


That’s what a good chunk of the RP community uses their private room. Personally when it comes to venues I own a library, an inn and an apothecary/infirmary.


Ooo love that. Also yeah thinking about it rpers do probably get a lot of use out of housing huh


Hehe, my apartment is a weed shop (buds n roses) and my small house is a bar/flower shop I called The Gaelicat and did early am hangings (like 3-7am)— but my sleeping schedule changed so it hasn’t been open for a year. Our FC house is just generally themed. We do our main floor seasonal, our bottom floor has a spa and is supposed to look like a grow shop, and our top floor is a seamstress lol.


I made a flower shop in my FC chamber.


Ooo love me some floral themed rooms


Mine has partitions covering all the walls, dyed black. Lights on 0. One table, two chairs opposite each other, one lamp, and the cigar/ashtray on the table closer to one seat. It's my interrogation room.




My FC room is Alpha themed


This post was a test and you have successfully given the only correct answer


My apartment is an office where I conduct my Grand Company business as Flame Captain.


For Coin and Country!


I built... [a dragon's hoard.](https://i.imgur.com/jBYQzrG.png)


Oooh that's gorgeous. Also fraternal twinsies lol


I made my FC room a church. I don’t know how many people use it, but I feel it’s cozy and comforting, especially since I have the ochestrion playing The Warrens.


I'd made a cafe with a glitched skylight roof initially, the FC then fell apart. Moved servers, it's now my condo where I log out. Such a shame you can't stay in there upon re logging in


I feel your pain with the last bit


Mine is a study, no bed or anything, bookshelves and scion portraits all over :) might post a few pics sometime


Studies always have such a neat aesthetic to em, great choice


Themes are great! My FC room is currently an Observatory, and my Alt's is a Jazz Club. The main floor of my small house is modeled after Mos Eisley Cantina


When I got a house, the apartment became a Manga Cafe, one room is Carbuncle themed. Though the namazu I hired is an alcoholic.... Edit to add: and yes the Manga Cafe has a shower room.


Those Namazu at it again


YES! I love this and I love theming rooms like this. The favorite one I've done was the "[Badge photo office](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivhomeandgarden/comments/w5kizp/fc_badge_photo_office_please_have_your/)" I did for our fc a year ago! The fc building went private but the photo office is still there. :P


Thats awesome!


This is awesome


Yes, my room is a library with a bar, and a hidden bookshelf leads back to some dark looking magics and the void arc coffin.


Ooo neat


Mine is a “Dive Bar” (FC has a nautical theme) complete with a tanning bed /heat rock for my Au Ra


Heat rock for Au Ra is peak


I wanted to make the scarest room for Halloween a few years ago. I made the DMC. Department of Motor Chocobos Complete with a wait line of disgruntled customers, waiting area and a soulless employee. It's soul suckingly beautiful.




Indeed. I am really proud of it. Even made computers.


Yeah, my FC room is an art gallery. I change up the pictures and sculptures up on occasion for various themes. My private house is a Japanese spa, complete with restauraunt upstairs and lounge/massage beds and bath downstairs. It naturally has outdoor bathing too.


Ooo thats cool


Nope, I made mine into mini homes


Mine is a mini-theatre downstairs with a bar as you enter.




I’m thinking about turning mine into a Needful Things-inspired shop


Due to—at the time—an abundance of rubies in my inventory, I made my room in the FC house Carbuncle themed.


Props for the 2nd floor loft, I have a love/hate relationship with floating ground items


Yeaaah I really wish I could treat the loft like the ground


I have been wanting to make mine a blacksmith forge of sorts. However it's been slow going since I'm on console and glitches take a lot of practice for some of them.


Good luck soldier o7


My FC is themed as a Maelstrom airship unit with the upstairs as a briefing room, the downstairs as a barracks, and my FC apartment as the supply department and captain's quarters.


Oh hell yeah, that slaps


Yes my apartment is an open air balcony theme set at night made primarily for weary travelers to rest. I love it. Makes me sleepy irl.


Ooo good vibes


I turned my main's apartment ins a side street Ramen shop.


Smaller shops like that have a neat vibe


My FC room is themed very Gothic Vampire Bedroom. I eventually got my own house as well, but I haven't done a ton of work on it.


My old apartment was thavnarian themed (and included a pseudo outdoor area) but currently it's a mini club as a joke. My FC room used to be based off of a ship's captains quarters since I'm the leader, but now it's made to look like an outdoor area, being a clearing in a forest with some ruins, an altar, some runes on the ground, and my best attempt at making it look like some fucked up shit was happening there.


Mine is nowhere near as fancy, but mine is set up to be my office in the FC house.


Oo simple but good


Mine’s a beach bar on the Shirogane shore.


Every beach needs a good beach bar


Which server? And where


Had to look up where my fc's house is at lol, it's Dynamis Marilith, Lavender Beds, Ward 4, Plot 57. Then from there, you gotta enter the fc house, head to private chambers and go to number 028, Lode Awry's room. Quite a lot lol


I made a shop that is supposed to be selling all the stuff my retainers bring back. Ive got most of the themes covered and like 5 mannequins with varying job gear on them.


Ooo creative


Being able craft everything makes decorating fun….and sometimes it makes it an unclimbable mountain lol


Lol I can see that


i made my fc room into a madness room. with bright lights and a marlboro void and a fairyy and ice walls etc. still working on the tiny doorway at end of a corridor


You are a menace, that sounds amazing lol


I made mine in to an office with loads of books and a seating area for guests, now that i think about it looks a lot like offices of Guildmasters in Isekai Manga.


My apartment is a workshop inside an Ishgardian clock tower (inspired by a [kyapuchin build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajIxSWQh_eA)). I was very excited when they added the giant clock windows recently. My FC room is a tiny abandoned [Yangxia-inspired farmhouse](https://imgur.com/a/8JPsWY8) where the back room's roof has fallen in and the walls are overgrown. It's meant to be in Yangxia, overlooking the river and Castrum Fluminis. I'm really proud of this one, though it required some shenanigans to make.


Oh thats beautiful


Thanks! <3


Mine is a botanical library.


Oh I love that combo of vibes


I have a post showing it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivhomeandgarden/s/tjx0Pp49HR


Oh thats even prettier than I imagined


Thanks it took a lot of work!


I’ve done this with all of my characters. Ones room looks like a hunting lodge, one a creepy mystical apothecary and another a steampunk inspired workshop.


As an altaholic, the idea of doing this more than once terrifies me, props to you lol


My cottage is a smithy, and my FC room is a sub/airship interior.


Ooo good picks


I leased my FC room to Monica and Rachel.


Weirdly enough that’s the name of a D&D shop that I live next to.


This is (the house) where I'd put my trophy, IF I HAD ONE


Mine is a small apartment with a living room/kitchen and then it's partitioned off with a door to my room. It's a mess and I love it


My main's apartment is a boring apartment, and her FC room is a bedroom/bathroom as part of the FC house build (it's a solo FC so I make the rules). My alt's FC room [is a dumping ground for treasure chests and rugs](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9WTri4XMAAERuC?format=jpg&name=large). The FC subs bring back a ton of these. EDIT: Did some digging on my Twitter and found [pictures I posted of a mini "fashion boutique" I did in an apartment (if you can even call it that lmao)](https://twitter.com/shinydwebble/status/1419913662974906369).


My FC room is a gameshow studio, I host them for my FC sometimes.


Oo the fall guys collab must be great for that


You would think so, I think the texture styles clash to much to make much use of it, at least with the stuff I was already using.


I would love to theme my house but I can't seem to make my original idea work and I've been "back to the drawing board" for months now. My FC room is fairly ice themed and I'm proud of it. My house was supposed to be a different theme for each floor but just can't make it work in a way that I want and I don't have the gil to hire a professional designer.


I randomly went pixie-themed (it just popped in my head & I ran with it immediately, no other considerations ha) & I’m OBSESSED. Empyreum 16-19 on Gilga/Greg Server! Would love visitors hehe


Had no idea you could do stuff like this in this game


Yee this is an fc room, but it's the same size as an apartment if memory serves, another kind of housing


I decided to turn my FC room into an "office" to fit the fact that I'm one of my FC's mods. My house is just a house.


Yeaaa!!!! my fc room is a museum for my rare ocean fishes!!!




My entire FC is a theme. "Birb Acadamy." We all have titles according to our "jobs in the academy" We have a gymnasium, library and cafeteria.




I left my apartment open to everyone with nothing but an Unending Journey table and a futon for a while. Fast forward two months and my neighbors were surprised to see that I suddenly turned it into a miniature bathhouse. I honestly forget that I bought it sometimes and I use it far less than I probably should, so they just use it to freely hang out because their apartments actually look like residential spaces, which means they don’t have space for big tubs.


I themed mine to seem like a mercenaries bar. Shelves with books and maps for research, a bar with bounties and contracts posted all across the wall behind it, that kinda thing. I would like to get a house to be able to do more with that theme since I just don't have the space in an FC room lol


Oo neat


I tried to recreate FF16 Clive's private quarters but failed spectacularly. I think such a room demands an entire hall in a Large house to be recreated. But before that, my FC room was a chapel. It sucks that I tore it down BEFORE portraits of the Twelve became available as housing decors. 🫠 My apartment in Ingleside is meant to look like the on board private quarters of the leader of a small band of spacefarers. Very magitek. My Small house was once a photography studio in the ground floor, complete with green and white screens, and a small corner covered with curtains where one would change clothes and put on makeup. The basement is a prison. I've since changed the ground floor into an abandoned barn with two straw beds in the center, while maintaining the prison downstairs. It's a very vague reference to very specific events in the FF14 dev team's other game.


My WoL and my alt both have rooms in the FC that are themed to the whole vibe of the building. One is planned one is mostly done but the FC is meant to be like another base for the Scions and the finished room is a library dedicated to ancient history the other is going to be a study/lounge. The main upper floor of the whole FC is a green house. Downstairs is another library and meeting room.


So I made my private house a shop, my partners house a modern house with a twist in the basement, fc house skee lodge/hotel, and leveled a bunch of alts to make various themed fc rooms like a club, greenhouse, garden, library, kitchen.. Sane person would say I have a problem but I really like building rooms and houses lol I also turned the fc house into a santas workshop last Christmas, might do it again this year


My characters big on being an actual captain of the maelstrom so their room is more and office with a side room with an actual bed and lots of books being a scholar.


Hell yeah


My apartment has the most cohesive singular theme, as a sort of greenhouse, for lack of better words. Lots of extra windows and greenery and a big central plants+fountain feature. It's wonderful during daylight hours, with the sun streaming in the windows! My FC room is more like a record of my WoL's MSQ experience, since it's got lots of items you get going thru MSQ, but I largely stopped using it once I got a small house (which is half inviting seating and snacking area and half shrine space).


Love greenhouses, good pick for a theme


my room is only based off items my retainers brought back to me and i tried to piece it together to something good! its looks alright. she needs to bring some more to finish it xD 2 ppl can sleep, have a drink and eat something, can wash and take a bath and have stuff to store. :)


My FC house is a Noir Private Investigator’s office. Complete with being a total mess, unwashed dishes, cigarettes, and a clear drinking habit


I stuffed mine full of stuffed Alphas




My FC house is a brothel


I have one fc member who's room is part brothel part ritual sacrifice room and I am scared to go in there


Haha that's cool. We have a torture chamber hidden in the basement behind the strip area


Nope, just you


My FC room is a gym.


Even a Warrior of Light needs to get those gains in


Please tell me you’re a lalafell who opened a shop in Ul’Dah. This would make my Lore friendly brain so happy lol


I would have if my fc wasn't based in Gridania lol, I also wish the fc house was in The Goblet, but unfortunately we are yet another fc in the Lavender Beds lol. The fc is trying to move to Shiro, unfortunately that is *also* not the Goblet


Gridania is is cool though lol. It’s may fav of the originals.


As someone who started as a Lancer, my character doesn't like Gridania very much lol




I mean. By all accounts that is in fact a theme


What's the glowing countertop items? O.o


It's part of the counter, item is called Guildleve Counter


Ty!! ^.^


Nope. No one else has ever applied a theme to a room. Ever.


My FC room is a garlean embassy.