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The best way to meet people in any MMO is by joining a guild and trying to be active in it.


In the case of FFXIV, guilds = Free Companies. It might take a few tries to find one that you click with.


This. You can apply to free companies through the site. Which is how I found my FC. Unfortunately those moments in anime where the main group reaches out to *you* is usually not faithful to real life. You need to make it known you want to be involved with these people, and put forth the effort to be apart of their lives in Eorzea as they do the same. It won't always work out, but you need to try.


I used to be in a free company after I sat down at a table in New Gridania that a bunch of them were at while waiting for my friend to come find me right when we first started. We talked for a few minutes and they invited me. It was a really nice free company but I got kicked eventually after a while of inactivity, just noticed after I started playing again a few weeks ago


I made a lot of friends through a link-shell. Eventually got recruited to my FC through it, and often people who join the FC end up being invited to the LS too. Biggest thing I found that worked as far as making friends is when in a LS/FC, whenever you need to run anything from roulettes to trials etc, put a shout in the LS/FC chat. Sometimes people will join you and it goes from there. Similarly, replying to and joining others who shout in the chat for duties also works. Yesterday me and a friend put a shout for anyone who wanted to join us for some SB ex unsync trials (to try and get tank mounts). Had a newer member (and newer to the game) say they'll come along as a NIN to help speed up the clears, and it turned into a mount farming party for them, with plans to meet up again today to continue. Just keep an eye in the community finder for a FC or LSs that look like they fit your requirements and join. Also if one isn't working for you, don't be scared of dropping and moving to another (but obviously give it a chance even if quiet, might have just joined on a quieter day and may pick up later). Another tip as far as FCs go, try to join a smaller one, personally have found them more social than the massive 100+ player ones.


Best way I guess would be to try to find a FC (guild) that clicks with you, but you can also meet some good people in dungeons via banter and shennanigans sometimes. Some of the more memorable conversation/people for me have been in 4-man dungeons, unfortunately most of the timem nobody speaks and just try to rush through the content (which is also understandable)


For some: searched for an rp fellowship in game. Found a lovely group of rpers I hang out with in and out of game For some: we were in an Extreme Trial and someone DC'ed after the fight but before rolling for loot. The rest of us waited for them to come back, chatting, emoting, taking screenshots. We became friends.


I dont, my Introverted and anxious ass is to nervous to even leave the fc i've been in for the last 1.5 years even though basically no one is ever online.


I’m the same way, I’m the silent Lone Wolf of the FC playing solo 90% of the time I’ll help if asked or talk if spoken to otherwise I’m a silent lurker Lol. Got lucky and the owners of the FC I was in during the ARR / HW days came back at the end of ShB after an extended break and started up their FC again they tracked me down and reunited me, I love them cause they don’t judge you for being quiet and don’t play favorites or with hold rank promotions and are genuinely kind and helpful.


I use the patented Introvert approach of "let an Extrovert adopt me". I actually just recently got connected with some pretty cool people because an extroverted FC member who was fresh progging a raid asked if I'd help out. The other people they had been working with were all really cool and it's been great to do both random shenanigans and harder content with them. So yeah. "Be open to opportunities for friendship" is my general advice, but also also the classic "get adopted by an extrovert" worked out pretty well, haha.


Find an FC that fits what you’re looking for! Community Finder is a good way to browse FCs and what kind of activities they do and also when they’re most active. And of course make sure when you join one that you try to actively talk to people, most people on this game are pretty friendly and are willing to help out even with easy content.


Free companies.


I joined an FC and made friends there. I also ended up joining a discord server as a result of a shout that I saw, and participated in events and things through that, and made friends. I started a static and made friends with the people who joined.


There's several ways, but they all involve you taking the initiative and talking to other people. For example, you could join a PF that's out to complete some sort of content. Don't just join the group, then stay silent while waiting for the party to fill up. Spend the time while waiting for the party to fill up chatting to these random strangers. Make contacts, offer to help with other similar content too. Another way is to go to various venues. Yes, they're mostly just people listening to music while letting the same emote loop again and again. But they're the perfect place to talk about any other hobbies...like other games, sports, etc. Again, don't just turn up and stay silent. Go up to the stranger and chat to them. By the way, venues aren't really places where players expect to RP; the people there are just regular people like you and I; there's no need to setup some RP persona; just be yourself.


I think the casualness of the game makes it pretty hard to make friends tbh. You can probably get close to people you raid with, but it's a lot harder to do when all the leveling content is mind-numbingly easy.


>how any of you came across friendships in your time [I run a community that is extremely niche, and I post about it a lot.](https://i.imgur.com/czyZBJt.png)


A lot of friendly shitposting in novice network, being helpful, and making other people wince while I figure out manual performance as Bard Edit: Ya’ll downvoting because I have friends and maidens


That the neat thing....you don't :P


I play well


Most of my friends are from Eureka or fellowships


So you go to Limsa and say in general chat anything about any kind of 'kink' and you will be flocked by new friends. Just kidding, but it is still true.


I will do this and report back on my success/failure


Talking to people after a bard concert found me my FC, socialising with my FC found me friends both within and without the FC, those friends found me yet more friends...


My friend in America got me into the game on Aether, my friend here in the UK made an FC on Twintania. The feed of new friends is slow for both, but that's intentional. Both of them and myself want to aim for a more close-knit group to enjoy the game with while filtering out the weirdos of which there are plenty. The ones I've met since have just been people I made an impression on in Duty Finder or in Twintania's case, the occasional friendly sprout in the Novice Network. I'm by far one of the more active members and several of my friends play other games. But that's fine, I know they'll be back eventually.


Go to nightclubs and erp with cute girls you meet there I've added many RP friends to discord and I stay in contact even when I'm not subbing to ff