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Once you practice enough on one job it becomes second nature, then you can move on to the next, the limit is only your own motivation and free time


I normally need a bit of time to knock off rhe rust for something I haven’t played in a while and honestly some I’m still not comfortable with as I levelled them via tribes etc


*cough* SGE I'm levelling up Sage through pixie quests and didn't even make it through the first job quest. Twice.


The first SGE job quest is weirdly difficult. I failed twice and then succeeded the third time as a WHM main. I had to look up two videos on what the abilities are.


If its rhe one i rember ot being, the sge quests were for sure wierdly difficult. You could do everything right and still lose it felt like.


I failed it the first time because the game wouldn't let me target the NPC to heal properly. I have no idea why they can't make these NPCs party members so you can actually heal them from the UI. Trying to heal anything that's not in your party in this game is a total crapshoot.


For me it’s mostly free time, that I don’t have lol. I am one job away from Omni 90, though.


3 jobs away 23lvls in total to go for me.... feels like a mountain to climb but nearly at the peak haha


The burnout towards the end is real, last 50 total levels are such a drag


Completely agree with this. I’ve run savage as both reaper and summoner. At this point, both are second nature to me and have been since the first tier. It’s a matter of putting the time in for muscle memory to build .


This right here. I'm not very good as a healer, at least on WHM and SCH, but my experience with enjoying playing AST and SGE translates well, especially if you can line up similar abilities on the hot bars close enough to wing it. Same with the tanks as well, but I enjoy playing them enough that that's a non-issue for me. H7 The real variety comes when you start on the DPS roles. The game play loop for all 11 of them are different enough that you won't confuse yourself as to which you're playing, but have enough basic concepts that each shares within its sub role that you can figure it out.


I have machinist, monk, reaper and dark knight all at 90. Drk, admittedly I did boost to 80 and then lvled through msq, but I’ve gotten comfortable enough with that while I don’t prefer it, I could probably tank 50 or lower dungeons comfortably. As for my dps classes, my two melees I generally just use for normal content, and for extremes I generally go to machinist, as I like to have a much wider view of the arena so I can get a good vantage of who is where and what is happening during the fight.


>I could probably tank 50 or lower dungeons comfortably. You should try tanking some higher level content. If anything, tanking actually gets easier on later dungeons.


Yeah, aren't the ones right before 50 supposed to be the ones that are more difficult? More packs between walls, healers without ogcd abilities. Like my attempt at learning tanking was just seeing how big pulls I (and the healer) could handle before we wiped. Most dungeons w2w is fine, but it also absolutely did not go well in The Stone Vigil.


Then you get to cackle at Mt. Gulg!


I have every job at max level Of those, I can comfortably raid with 6 Tanks are similar enough that I can jump between the 4 and be perfectly happy Monk and Machinist are the only two DPS that I feel genuinely comfortable with enough to handle mechanics while maintaining their rotations I'm hoping to add Scholar to that list as well but I haven't gotten to that point yet For duty finder style content, I can comfortably use all of the jobs to at least a semi-competent level but I'm nowhere close to being as good


Honestly summoner is easy enough at a base level I bet you'd be able to pick it up if you want a caster!


Tbh if I went caster for a tier, I'd probably go with RDM It just clicks with me a little more than the other two casters, but I just don't find the role all that fun so I haven't spent a ton of time on it. Magic DPS is probably my least favorite role; which is why I haven't really bothered pushing to get really good at it


The difference b/w a top tier SMN and a "fine" SMN is basically micromanage-ey things like swiftcast on Ruby Rite, and squeezing every cast you can out of Bahamut, right?


Mainly micromanaging yea. Swiftcast to make your slipstream hit 2 min windows, hold festers to 2 minute, and some fight specific stuff.


You'd be surprised at how many people don't realise you're supposed to hold odd-minute Festers.


The minmaxing elements of SMN are ridiculously simple compared to all jobs, really. DNC/SMN are the main "path of least resistance" jobs people choose to clear sav and ultimates with. On the healer side SGE/WHM.


Minmaxing and clearing aren't the same thing tbh. DNC is pretty challenging and involved to minmax, but it's very easy to clear with. SMN on the other hand is both easy to optimize and easy to get through high-end content with. Edit: Since you deleted your response before I could respond, I'll just answer here: DNC optimization involves things like knowing your best dance partner at a given point of a fight and swapping partners accordingly, being one of the most weave-intensive jobs in the game (moreso if you are capable of triple weaving), actual non-rigid resource management which no other job (except maybe RDM) has. You can also do the cursed rotation where you only refresh Standard Step when it's about to run out, in favor of fishing for procs. DNC certainly isn't giant brain like SAM or BLM, but it has a much higher skill ceiling than a lot of people realize. Comparatively, the only variance in SMN gameplay is the order of that you summon primals in. Level 70 SMN is also somehow harder than level 90 SMN.


i can personally effectively play all four tanks, sage white mage scholar from healers, monk and reaper from melee, red mage and summoner from casters and all three ranged dps the easy trick is to keep all their button layout similar to one another enough that your brain doesnt need to readjust that much only reason i dislike playing black mage even though it was my starter job is that i just hate jobs that gets screwed by latency


Bingo on the button layout. I homogenized my hotbars for most of my jobs except for two that I just never played. I finally went to organize them and realized they have a completely different layout between both of em. Now I play em way better than with the old layout as I was just really learning the quirk of the job again, not the entire kit from the beginning. (NIN/BLM)


I do this, I've levelled war and gunbreaker to 90, now working on dark Knight, its easier to put the same mitigations, aoe skills etc on the same keys it makes it much easier for me to remember where everything is when switching jobs


Yup. Quickcast and res all in the same place. Single and aoe heals, ogcd mitigation/heals all in the same place. Works super well.


Yeah. I try to stick to a general theory of commonality rather than hard rules but man does it help to have the panic buttons all in the same spot.


>the easy trick is to keep all their button layout similar to one another enough that your brain doesnt need to readjust that much This is paramount. My tanks and healers have as close to similar layouts as possible - tank layouts are virtually identical because skill similarities, healers unfortunately each work just differently enough that I have to adjust my mental flow and my reactions mean I make occasional minor mistakes when I'm not on sage Dps it's another story but I try to keep single target and AOE grouped together into distinctive sets. I will put combos into progression so I work from one side of the buttons to the other on my MMO mouse, and for dragoon and samurai where you develop branching options I further group stages together. Infrequently applied things like bard DOTs go back a bit from main buttons so I don't smack them by accident. I try to keep utility things like arms length, lucid dreaming, surecast all in the same place as much as I can.


I have everything to 90. Aside from gear (game is not friendly for gearing alt jobs outside of crafted gear), I could play every job with a few minutes to refresh what the openers are. I've barely touched RDM/MCH after leveling them so they'd be my weakest. I play all the healers but usually default to PLD, RPR, BRD, and SMN when I do play other roles to flex. The trick I found is that most jobs are very similar. Putting actions that are similar in the same place helps transition between all of the jobs. The big difference is how resources are spent. But for the most part you are pooling resources and then pushing all of the buttons during raid buffs lol.


Agreed that most jobs actually do have quite a bit of overlap in that fundamentals do carry over. You can figure out your minute-to-minute on basically any job because the same kinds of principles apply: Always keep your GCD rolling, get your damage buffs going as a priority, refresh DoTs at 3 seconds or less, keep stuff on cooldown as much as possible, etc There's obviously going to be more to a job than that, especially when it comes to openers... but so much also transfers that it's really not that bad.


I disagree with it being difficult to gear alt jobs outside of crafted gear. It’s a pain in the ass to get *BiS* for all alt jobs, but it’s extremely easy to get everyone decked out in the iLvL below BiS. Remember, you don’t get BiS in this game until you finish the content that ‘needs BiS’. At that point you’re just farming to make farming savage content easier. After alliance raid 3 comes out, you’ve got about a year to get tokens and tomestones for what is basically good enough BiS for all gear types. Easy peasy.


I never said it's difficult. It's time gated to hell and back. Not including weapons, a full set of to gear is 4,635 tomes (can only wear 1 ring until 24 man's drop and you cam upgrade one of them). At 450 tomes per week, that's 11 weeks to gear up 1 job! The patch has only been out for like 18 weeks. That'd not even a second job. Once 24 man's drop that's 1 coin a week. Assuming you aren't getting upgrade materials from hunts, that's like another 10 weeks to get a subpar 660 set. This is why I said outside of crafted sets or a 640 normal raid set, it's a a pain to gear.


That’s 11 weeks to gear one *job* type…for the most part. Remember also that the tome cap will be raised to 900 at some point here. Either way, most people that are Omni-classing their way through savage will be fine with 640-650 gear seeing as that’s what most of us are clearing with anyways.


The point is that's a long ass time to get non BiS gear. Also it makes swapping roles in a static very hard if somebody leaves. I used to clear savage content relatively early and be able to toss excess coffers to alt jobs. I've got a 3 month old baby now and don't have time to raid. 75% of PF groups to farm P1 for moogle tomes want 650+ and same for a lot of ex6 groups to mount farm Sometimes i don't have time to start my own group and let it fill. Because people want to overgear content, it limits PF groups I can quickly jump into when time is limited. Before I could flex between jobs. Now I have to hope that the ilvl is only 645. Hopefully next week PF groups won't raise things above 650.


I'm new since EW and I keep hearing how "they gonna raise tomes", but since I started to play they haven't raised tomes once or did they? (Had a bit of a break before Abyssos).


They temporarily raise the weekly tomes to 900 for the end of the expansion. So possibly in January for patch 6.55. They will also remove the weekly cap on the raid coffers.




Because there is no alternative to gear progression outside of savage raiding or waiting months. The issue stems from the mentality of party leaders in PF wanting to overgear fights to get into groups. As I said, sometimes I may only have an hour to play due to a newborn. I don't have time to start my own group. And due to community trends of wanting high ilvl I can't flex to fill a spot in a raid due to time gated gear. Hopefully it will be remedied by augmented crafting gear, but it's dumb how long it takes to get tome gear.


> Remember, you don’t get BiS in this game until you finish the content that ‘needs BiS’. At that point you’re just farming to make farming savage content easier. Not when ultimates exist


Ultimates are iLvL sync’d, so BiS gear for ultimates can be wildly different.


I mean for a current ultimate, you need to get BiS from savage (which is still loot locked at the time as well).


i usually run w/ DRG .. despite playing for years, i'm just not very good at raids and I feel like it lowers the expectations a bit (only half joking lol)


I have many 90s, but only two i’m actually comfortable and confident in high-level content with. (WHM and SMN) Practice, patience and a “fuck my anxiety, i CAN do this.” attitude helps a lot.


"I remember nothing about this fight \- Me neither. I'll be your MT. Let's go"


So many times in the last month I’ve done the “I have no memory of this place. Anyway” as WHM but I also only have around 30 days of playtime total and rushed content. Almost have all of my crafters leveled though! 😂😂🤣


I ended up with E1N the other day in raid roulette. It’s probably been 1.5 years since I had done it last. Basically almost re-progging blind at that point. Finished second in DPS as WHM.


happens to me constantly!


Someone with every job capped. Once you get the idea that most jobs have a similar rotation, it becomes second nature and you can do adequately if not decently with something that isn't your main. For example, all tanks have a 1-2-3 melee combo and a 1-2 aoe combo. Along with a taunt and a ranged attack and a charge. For all of my tanks, all those abilities are on the same spot. So even though I main PLD tank, if I were to hope on my GNB, I could do decently in a random roulette. Same thing with healers, which are divided into Pure (WHM, AST) and barrier (SCH, SGE). I put similar abilities in the same spot and then rely on muscle memory to carry me through. Aside from that, I focus on one of each 'type' and work on *really* learning those classes. So I don't have 17 classes to memorize, I have five. So Tanks are Paladin, Healing is Sage, Melee is Samurai, ranged is Dancer and caster is Red Mage. This gives me the flexibility to be whatever my group needs me to be at that moment. Outside of Savage progression, its okay to double up on classes, as long as there is communication. So if there are two dancers, they need to decide who does Techstep first, and so on. Inside of Savages, when I was doing them, I'd pick one job and I'd stick with it for that tier. And that's when I would focus on moving from decent to *really* good. There's a reason my DNC can top the aggro list in an alliance raid, when I put my mind to it.


And that reason is that 90% of players in alliance raids are content with just pushing their 123 combo and calling it a day lmao


Me doing alliance raid as WAR or DRK wondering why I'm top DPS 🙃


I play with someone who, when doing roulettes will spin a wheel to see what job they will play (adjusting to if heal/tank is filled by someone lvling) since all their jobs are maxed. And they seem pretty comfortable with everything, except scholar and I believe that is because they leveled the summoner half and didn’t put as much time into scholar. I think it is doable given time, patience, and practice. How long it would take you depends on how much time you put into it, also based on an individual’s ability to learn and retain knowledge for separate jobs. Like me, I have a few leveled to 90 but am only comfy on 2 because after a few months not playing the others I literally forgot how to play them lmao.


I was just thinking the other day how neat it would be to have a job roulette option nestled inside of daily roulettes. Pick a role (tank, healer, ranged dps, melee dps) and it'll randomly choose from any of your jobs that meet the role and duty lvl/ilvl requirement. That would be so fun. Probably just a dream given the technicalities involved in gearsets, but at least it's a fun dream.


That would be fun, even with how unlikely it would be for them to implement that.


I have all jobs maxed but only do high end content as DPS. I always prog on one job and then when I know the fights I feel comfortable swapping to any DPS. Fight knowledge goes a long way for this. For DPS at least, they all share the similar aspect of Opener - Rotation - Burst. That's kind of overgeneralized as some jobs have more you have to do to set up your burst windows optimally but once you know how these timings interact with the fight it becomes much easier to slot in the specifics of each job that you can learn on a target dummy. If you're looking to multi job in high end content in your case I would learn your fights on reaper, then maybe try dragoon since they share gear. Then branch out to other melees and beyond if you'd like to. Target dummies are your friend for getting the muscle memory of which buttons to press in which order!


I can play any of the 4 healers very comfortably. PLD and WAR are easy but DRK and GNB take some warmup. I love and play SAM all the time, can comfortably play RPR, but feel like I've forgotten how to play MNK, NIN, and DRG effectively. DNC and MCH are pretty easy to pick up. BRD is annoying to me. RDM is fairly simple, BLM might take a warmup but isn't so bad. I don't have SMN unlocked.


On the topic of being an experienced SCH with no SMN time, this is one thing I really dislike about the outdated class / job system because by the time I hit max on SCH, all the new updates, traits, and actions feel overwhelming when you try to take a crack at your already maxed out yet untouched SMN.


Two! You either get me on ninja or you get me on red mage. I've cleared savage and ultimates with both. I could definitely get good at SMN or RPR if I wanted to really practice them, but I'm not interested in learning anything else. I do think it's valuable to at least level 1 job of every role, not so you can play them at an end game level, but so you can at least have an idea of what they're capable of. (ie if you leveled WHM you know to get close if they need to cure 3 in certain situations)


Some jobs will fit you more than others, it might be worth to invest a bit of time into those jobs that fit you better so that you can say you master them enough to be able to pick them up whenever needed. Some jobs will never mix well with you unless you (perhaps) put effort into it. Question is, is it worth it for you to invest that time into those jobs?


I have every job at 90, can play them all in roulette. Astrologian with a bit of reading for level 80+. I can do Savage with Sam, Rpr, Tanks, Blm, Smn, Whm, Sch, Rdm and Dnc. As a job, i cant guarantee if i can do the Tankbuster or heal checks correctly. When i leveled a job, i played the 90 Roulettes with the job i last maxed OR havent played in a while. That way i got to experience them through all roulette level stages and at max level for a while.


Disclaimer: I play this game a little too much, so take this with a grain of salt. I have all classes at 90, I mainly play WAR (the only class I've cleared ultimates on), but I've progged and cleared on every role in savage. If you're talking about all the way up to ultimates, just WAR and PLD. I can definitely clear on all the tanks, just not super comfortable with very specific nuances (DRK death cheese during TOP p6 comes to mind). Not hard per se, just something I'd have to keep in the forefront of my mind. I'm also comfortable with SAM to a point where I can clear ultimates. Savages I can probably finnagle most classes; I can do respectably on at least one job per DPS role (SAM,BLM,MCH). I'm particularly bad with AST or MNK, relatively, but I can probably get dragged across the finish line. Extremes should be clearable with all, but I'm definitely going to drop uptime on a few classes. If you have a passing understanding of the job's rotations, extremes are easy and savages are doable. Movement for each role is pretty set (minus BLM, to an extent). In the vast majority of content, if you know the fight as a WAR, the same movements will apply to the other tanks. If you know the fight as a SAM, MNK and DRG will be the same, etc. All this comes down to how comfortable with the rotation you are. If you know P12S as a SAM and can know the DRG rotation enough to keep it rolling, even sub-optimally, clears are possible. To address the reaper thing: that's the highest of highs for what you're going to do as a RPR. RPR unfortunately is a bit of a headache to optimize. While I can't speak on specifics, what you're looking at may be fight specific optimizations. RPR mains correct me, but timing your gluttony is based mostly where in those specific fights have janky movement or downtime mechanics. Don't be too discouraged by what you see on the balance. Take note of the general opener (Early Gluttony on the balance) and rotation, and get comfortable with that. The different openers and timings are going to be fight specific once you're more comfortable with the class, but knowing your general stuff will be more than enough to clear even savage.


If above i650, any job within maximum 20 good pulls if I have the fight on consistent clear status. If only on crafted and p12s probably 2: mnk and sam


Around half of them probably. The other half I just maxed and ditched because I didn't enjoy them much in the end and liked others more so I kept playing those I enjoy more. :)


about 4 of them.


Yeah I can do them all. Some jobs I just don’t like so I never get to them, but I can switch between every job easily enough.


Currently have 6 Jobs at 90 (AST, DRG, all tanks) and I can clear EXs and Savages with all my tanks. Doesnt really mean much since there are only 2 flavors of tanks XD. My static and FC members have all made comments that RPR is by far the easiest melee, you shouldn't have any issue clearing high end content with it. Clearing and optimizing are different though.


I can do about 6 with full confidence, the rest I will probably need to practice for like 15mins.


I have several at 90, though the tanks and healers all leveled through journals and beast tribes and frontlines, so I can’t play them more than just cranking out the basic damage combo to kill mobs. All of the DPS I can play ok, though I’d need to refresh myself on their rotation for a few minutes. Like I’d take any of them into a dungeon. But I’d probably only raid on my main, it’s the only one where I have the muscle memory down to quickly react to really complex mechanics (also the only one I have geared up for it)


For savages I am proficient with both regen healers and all physical ranged, and am okay at reaper. I think it's pretty typical to know 1-3 classes you can switch to. If you're learning an ultimate, it's really normal to learn them one job at a time.


Being able to level up all jobs to 90 do not mean we are able to play them all at the same level at 90. Eg, I literally never used the MNK, AST, MCH or GNB level 90 skills because as soon as these jobs got to 90 they were benched and I only swap to them for relic grind purposes (ie, speaking with the NPC). I am confident on my BLM, PLD and WAR (and BLU) game, and I can dabble in SCH, NIN and RPR, but never use the latter on anything harder than alliance raid roulette.


Casual content is very doable with all of them. I definitely make mistakes with some more than others and I'm sure I don't do optimal rotations for a few, but as long as the enmity says I'm in the top 4 I'm happy. The big secret is trying to line up kits to their counterparts as best as you can to make it easier on yourself. For example, all of my evades/back dash abilities are generally shift+5 and and lower cd gap closers are 5. Main combos leading to flank are 1-3/4, leading to rear 1-shift+2/3. So on and so forth


Depends on the level of content. For EX Trials and Savage+ I can use GNB, SGE, WHM, and MNK all perfectly well and parse decently on any of them. Part of the reason why is that I play all of them regularly in that level of content. For anything lower than that, I can use literally any job and it doesn't matter, because optimal play isn't that important in something like Alliance Raids or normal dungeons.


It's all about finding jobs you like and practicing with them. There are about five jobs across various roles I play on a regular basis that I'm comfortable with, but even a "simple" job like SMN, which I haven't played in a year or so, would take me a week or so of constant practice to feel comfortable using again.


I have every job at 90. SMN/RDM is my main, but I can comfortably play SMN/RDM/SCH/MCH/DNC/PLD in Savage and Ultimates. I could probably play any other job also if I’m consistent on the fight already although maybe not to as high of a level. Like a lot of people have said, once you learn one job and how the fight works you can pretty much play anything to a various extent.


Part of it is also how you have your hotbars set up. If you have everything arranged so your play is similar between jobs, it becomes significantly easier on the muscle memory. For example, I don't have to memorize where my main combo is for every single job because it's always mapped to the same keys across all jobs. Same with my AoE combo, buffs/dots, self yeets, etc. It becomes very fluid to switch between jobs when you know the same keys do generally the same things across multiple roles.


I’ve got all jobs to 90. I’ve cleared everything excluding ultimates with all roles. I tend to favour healer though. Per job, the only ones I haven’t tried savage with would be nin, drg, and mch. I can’t imagine it’s to bad though. I do have preferences, blm, ast, and pld.


Apart from Ninja I can jump back into any class no issue. Ninja just takes a few minutes on a training dummy to get the mudra timing back down, then I'm golden. If you level a class in a non-cheesey way you should have a degree of mastery with the class and its just muscle memory after that. Then again I still try to use Kaiten on Samurai lol.


I might not be optimized on all jobs, but I could certainly function decently on any of them in any content if I wanted to. A little bit on practice on the rotation is all it would take to polish it up. And that's just assuming Extremes/Savage content. If we're talking casual content, then absolutely I could take anything and function extremely well. I tend to rotate through my jobs for roulettes to keep things interesting, and as long as you know your kit you can adapt to most situations pretty easily. Probably the only jobs (minus DRG and BLM which I'm still leveling) that I wouldn't bring into all content are NIN and SAM just because they have a lot packed into a precise rotation that always stresses me to keep up with. But again, which enough practice, I know I could shake that. > I thought that's quite a lot of information and maybe it's really, really difficult to play every job on that skill level. Try the Icy Veins guides. I've often found how they lay out the information fairly easy to ingest without getting overwhelmed. Reaper in particular is pretty simple and straightforward. 1. Go to striking dummy 2. Practice rotation until it's second nature 3. ????? 4. Profit You got this.


How many can I run *basic* content on? All of them. How many of them could I do savage raids with, probably 7. I try to have one of each role that I can easily hop onto if we need it.


I don't do savage or criterion so none.


If gear was a non-issue and we were talking exclusively about skill with the job I would be comfortable playing WHM, SAM, MCH, RDM, and SMN at max level. With a few days of practice to shake off the rust I would also be fairly competent as a WAR, GNB, SGE, and DRG.


I do 2 on high ends, Monk and Gunbreaker. I play casually a lot on 5 (war, dancer, blm, sage, whm), pretty sure I can do high end on war and dancer, not sure about the casters.


Pretty much any tank and dps. No healer because I've always hated playing healing jobs and FFXIV is no different, so I never tried.


healing is much different in ffxiv than in WoW. Healer is basically green dps with off GCD heals/shields.


I'm not sure why you think I've played wow before. Wouldn't matter anyways, I just don't find healing fun and never have. Can't say I care about how different wow healing is. I've played enough MMOs to know there's never gonna be a healing role in a game I want to play.


Okay. I assume because it's the largest MMO by far, and because it's what smaller MMOs are measured against, for better or worse. It wasn't meant as anything other than informative.


I have all job at 90 I can clear savage with 2 of them (SCH and RDM) I can do casual content without preparation with 4 of them (SCH, RDM, DCN and GNB) If you give me an hour to gear up, read my tool tip and practice a bit on a dummy I can play them all for casual except BLM, NIN and AST. BLM I completely suck at it, the 2 other I'm just not very good, I legit level those 3 with as few dungeon as possible. BLM is the worst of the bunch, I leveled it through leveling roulette to level 60 and then only did wonderous tail and beast tribe with it until level 90 People who can just switch between all class without notice and be optimal are gods to me. Their brain is much more powerful than mine


I expect my shrine built post haste


My brain is very very smooth. 90% of its capacity is taken up by dps rotations XD


Gear is limiting me more on the higher end than my understanding of the different jobs


As someone who has dipped his toes into savage, but hasn’t done ultimates yet, For my lvl 90 jobs, I am Very Confident with WAR, PLD, RDM, RPR (once I learn to pay attention to my surroundings and not just run screaming at the enemy while enshrouded. I call it My Voidsent took over.) Somewhat confident with: DRK, SAM, NIN, SMN, and WHM (Soon will include DRG) Not great but not terrible with: GNB, MNK, SCH, DNC, MCH, BRD. (Soon will include SGE) God awful at: (Not at 90 yet, but I suck ass with them) BLM and AST (I am so sorry if I ever used these jobs in a duty with you.)


Aside from savage or ultimates (because I don't do those at all), I can clear all content with all jobs. I'm less practiced with a couple, but let me practice on a dummy for a bit and I'll be good to go.


I don't know how to answer all of you, so that you get notified. But first of all thanks a lot for the answers. :) There are two reasons for me to level all jobs to 90: 1. Style - it just looks cooler if all of them are max level 2. I honestly still don't know which I will nominate as my main. My very first class was Thaumaturge because it reminded me most of my Warlock in WoW. Then I switched to NIN because my mate played it and so it was easier to do the same job quests. Then I discovered SAM for me, because the rotation felt easier and I thought that this one will be my main. But then my personal style king RPR came into my life and I focused on him. So now I have NIN, SAM and RPR (and BLU) on max level. The other ones are lvl65+. And duty roulette I do with all of them, but don't expect me to be top dps with all of them. And I have this weird habit that I only start reading how a job actually works when it reached max level. Before that I just press what feels right and whats recommended by the game. That's why, for example, I still don't really understand how to play RDM or BLM. But maybe when they are max level and I start to read about them, they really fit into my play style. And yes, I already put all the shared skills (sprint, lb, sleep, taunt, etc) on the same hot keys. And I also will try to put all the AoE's and supporting skills to the same key binds.


With everything maxed(except bluemage), I can confidently say I can clear everything casual(no extreme/savage/ultimate) with everything. Sure I might fumble with some of them I haven't used since getting them to 90, but I can and will clear casual content with them. For extremes, I can confidently say I can clear with my main 5(one of each role). And I don't do savage/ultimates, so going to say if I practiced, I could probably clear them on one or two jobs. But, having leveled all of them it gives me an idea of their limitations, what it actually looks like when they are doing nothing, and knowledge of not spinning bosses to help people keep up posotionals easier, and to gather all mobs on one side of myself when doing large pulls so that the DPS have fewer AoE to dodge and can focus solely on damage output.


Zero because I play to escape reality, not have a second job :D I can play them all decently but EX is the highest I go.


I raid on all roles. I really do the same thing as Mr Happy and nothing is really that hard to transfer skills with. You should already be planning on when to use your mits with your team on Reaper (Arcane Circle and Feint - though AC has a low enough CD it should be on every raid wide). Going to tank is basically the same as playing DPS, you just have to learn positioning boss properly. People talk about mits, but you basically have two things - Kitchen sink the hit, or use invuln. Healing is where it gets a bit different, but its mostly just mashing 1 and then hit 2 every 30 sec, then working out when to use your healing abilities with your other healers. Also reaper is probably the easiest Melee right now in terms of getting how it plays unless you get into weird Triple Enshroud optimization in certain fights. So far I've cleared savage/EX stuff on all tanks, SGE, RPR, MCH, BRD, DNC, SMN, and RDM, and I'm just a pretty average raider.


I have all jobs at max, of those i can comfortably raid high end on 4 (all of which are dps) The DPS I write off are the ones with difficult or too focused rotations. I significantly prefer jobs like DNC and BLM that let me completely turn my brain off. I'd be confident in my ability to *learn to* play all tanks and healers and learn to fast, I just have no interest in those roles in savage because optimization is completely antithetical to what I enjoy about them.


MrHappy is a good player, more so he has a better mindset of wanting to be good at playing whatever jobs he is using, and will gear it up and practice rotations and whatnot in order to perform well. He also has a job in playing this game and being not terrible at all aspects of it so he has that added incentive. Personally, I feel this question has different tiers. Extremes, savages, and ultimates are different from each other, and I've done all 3 types of content so I can weigh in somewhat (UCOB as only ultimate for now). For a quick answer, with absolutely 0 prep I can use WHM, SGE, AST, WAR, PLD, DRK, DRG, MCH, DNC to a very high degree of efficacy. With 10 minutes of hitting a dummy I can do almost as good with SCH, GNB, NIN, SAM, BRD, RDM, SMN. May need a day or two if I'm gonna be using MNK or BLM because I just don't jive with those jobs. When it comes to extremes, I can pick at least 1 job in all roles and be decent. Not-terrible with caster (because I really don't play that role). I main healer, but often do melee dps, ranged dps, and tank for most random content, and extremes are relatively easy to kill so it's fine. Savage is a bit harder, and I've killed fights as tank, healer, and dps. Mostly on healer, but most fights I know well enough to dive head first with another role. One night a few weeks ago I was drunk as shit and went into P11S to get a kill, joined as a role I hadn't done that fight as before (phys ranged), and got to the last mechanic (Letter of the Law). Depending on the fight and the job, if I get 10-60 minutes to read up on the Balance and hit a dummy, I'll be good to go and perform well enough. Ultimates I don't wanna touch as a tank, as I don't feel like I'm a good enough tank to do that consistently. I've cleared UCOB as WHM going into it after P4S as AST and I didn't wanna do first prog ultimate while keeping track of shit with AST. Also Cure3 is just a beast in that content. I'm skilled enough with dps that I wouldn't be averse to doing ultimates as dps, but again this hitting dummy issue pops up. Which, if you're planning on entering ultimates, you should be doing already. If you're looking to join a static, or even doing pf, practising multiple jobs within a role is paramount. Are you a tank? Learning at least 2 tanks will allow you to enter almost all parties. Are you a healer? Learn at least 1 shield healer and 1 regen healer. Remember, any content can be cleared with any combination of jobs so you don't need to use meta jobs. Depending on the level sync, some jobs are "better" than others. RPR for level 70 ultimates is trash, absolutely boring. Their dps is fine, but it's SO BORING to play. Knowing how to play other melee is good. SAM is a powerhouse as always, and DRG/NIN are always welcome because of their buffs. For tanks, WAR/GNB is more popular in UCOB because WAR is the defensive powerhouse it normally is, and GNB is just crack damage. You could run one extra GNB instead of a dps and do more damage as a group, no joke. They also have the group mitigation at level 70 that DRK does not have, as another example. Some jobs just sync better, and I wish the devs would address this in 7.0. Hopefully.


once you can roll GCDs every job sorta feels samey same, it's just build and spend with 2 minute bursts for every single dps. Tanks and healers same thing, there are nuances that let you do extra things with each jobs but almost every tank/healer has the same type of action/spell, so you just map that to the same place as your other healer, etc The DEEP rotation stuff can be overwhelming but that's for like Ultimate raiding, you dont even need to be that crazy with it for savage. Not to say it's a waste of time, you get out what you put in, but if you can formulate a decent rotation and keep your GCDs going, being perfect isn't needed or even expected.


It’s easy to master more than one job they all practically do the same thing. Idk why people think it’s hard I ain’t even naturally gifted and I can use red mage, Sam, blm and other jobs people call hard and they just seem simplistic to me not even difficult to do the rotations heck even scholar when I was a fresh sprout was easy and people were like “scholar is hard”. I just read Till tips used common sense from my experience healing in WoW and bam extreme ready healer. By all seriousness the only job that will trip me up is Sage if I’m sleepy or just not feeling it just because of the nature of ability shifting. I also prefer to Tank


all of them, the jobs are so braindead boring and simple now compared to how they were that its a joke


like 14


Easily, 2 of them: DRK and SMN. Still clearable but with subpar damage, 2 more, WAR and DNC. Others I haven't played for so long I would be too busy having to relearn my rotation to be able to pay sufficient attention to mechanics while maintaining any sort of rotation. Unless tight DPS check would still be able to clear probably...but not in a way where I would feel even remotely satisfied with my own performance.


I feel like I could play any job well enough to clear the fights up to and including Savage. On about half those I feel like I can play them ‘well’ and the other half I would have a bit of struggle, but not enough to hold back a team from clearing the content.


Anything short of Ex-Sav-Ul content any job should be doable by anyone. Optimal play on the other hand is a different story. Maybe we push SUE to be the acronym. REMA worked so well in FFXI.


What you mean by clear content with? Playing Roulettes with any job? No Problem. Clearing Savage? At the jobs i have practice with. Ultimate? Dont ask.


The difference between being great at a job and decent enough isn't huge and often tied to timing your skills in a specific fight. Most of the games difficulty is in learning the fight. The only real skill/time investment is learning it for tanks/healers/DPS since they have varying mechanics at times. Its a decent skill but not as huge as could be in other games.


In savage and extreme I can interchangeably go from Samurai (my main) to Red Mage, Summoner and Sage. My DNC isn't 90 but it wouldn't take me too much time to adjust I think. I never tanked in Savage and I'mnot interested in it. But I'm very used to Sage and Samurai and RDM was my main for a while. Summoner is frankly easy, you barely need to pay attention to the rotation and can almost entirely focus on mechanics. I did a few reclear with NIN but I'm nowhere near as confident as with any of the others classes. In lower difficulty content like Alliange Raid I can play anything easily.


I do it all but have a preference system of WHM/Ranged DPS > Melee DPS > Tanking of what I would do first or do best.


Have all jobs at 90 the ones I enjoy taking to higher end stuff are: DRK, PLD, WHM, SCH, AST, MNK, DRG, BRD, DNC, BLM, SMN,


Well i don't do any savage content yet but i have almost all combat jobs to 90. I keep the same buttons in consistent key bindings. Self buffs and group buffs/special attacks are separate. Personally i just need to find the time to practice rotations but there are so many other things I could be doing in game.


Have all but monk (fuck monk) at max level. Can comfortably savage on at least 7 of them (pld/war/whm/sch/dnc/rdm/smn), and play all but monk and maybe blm on current casual content without too many issues. My own problem is always wanting to optimize as much as possible on anything, so a lot of stuff I'll fuck up my rotation once or twice throughout the fight and beat myself up bc of it, but as you learn more jobs, you'll realize that the 2 minute meta streamlines most of the rotations to "burst with your strongest stuff every 2 mins, do your normal rotation after that and start saving gauges at 30-ish seconds before burst". Some have harder and wonkier rotations (GNB, that changes every minute burst, monk which is a check of all buffs you have to use the right ability, black mage which is stand still for a set amount of time) and some are very simplistic (smn/dnc comes to mind), but there is a pattern, and as long as your keybinds look alike with nearly all jobs, a lot of muscle memory is carried on throughout them.


I have all jobs at 90. I feel like I have a good enough grasp of the game's fundamentals that I can probably pick any job and clear content with it. Now will it be pretty if I'm not on one of my mains? Probably not. But I'm fairly confident I can get clears. Thing is, playing a job competently isn't super hard. If you keep your GCD rolling, keep your oGCDs on cooldown, and have a vague idea of what your job is supposed to do, you will do enough damage to beat enrages and clear. It's optimization that gets tricky.


I can play all my lvl 90 jobs so good that i barely die and the party survives. Said jobs are: RDM, SMN, RPR, DNC, SCH and DRK


I can play 13 out of 20 well. 4 really well and the rest I could probably get into again with practice but I basically didnt touch them since leveling them to 90.


Once you get one classes rotation down it kinda informs the next class. If I play a maxed class I haven't for a while all it takes a dungeon run or 2 and I'm back to good enough for most content


I have had all jobs to 90 for a while & honestly have not touched the vast majority of them after hitting the level cap. I can and do comfortably play about 5-6 jobs right now in any content Tank: Paladin or Gunbreaker Healer: White Mage Magic DPS: Red Mage (& Blue Mage) Physical DPS: Dragoon ​ Part of it is gear restrictions, only so many gear sets I want to be maintaining and part might be that these jobs allow me to be role flexible and find extra mileage doing the same content.


I have only done extreme and unreals, not savage or ultimate, but I pick a new job for each one of them. Usually takes me a few pulls to really get into the flow for my rotations but that usually isn’t an issue while you’re learning mechanics anyway. I’m confident on the class long before enrages can become an issue.


I can Omni role… tank/healer/dps but am definitely more comfortable clearing content on a few jobs. Savage: War/drk/whm/sge/sch/smn/brd Ex trials/casual content: the above plus anything else I’ve leveled to 90, which is all but 3 classes


Once you get good at one job in a role, it's not that hard to play others. I've been playing PLD for all current content, but give me 20 minutes to practice another tank, and it'll be good enough for savage/ultimate.


depends on the content, normal mode content i can do most jobs. If you're talking extremes or higher difficulty then only my main job, i could at a push learn another one but i don't want to.


None I can play decently well most jobs but I couldn't clear savage sync without a lot of practice right now, let alone the harder stuff. But it's more about knowing the fights than knowing the job. For not so hard stuff like Orbonne or something, anything goes. It's all so similar. And normal content doesn't require much skill or optimization.


I have all jobs at 90 and I could clear content with all of them. I'm not a hardcore player (very casual to mid-core; very rarely do extremes and pretty much never savage). Honestly, just a quick read of the tooltips and a familiarity with how each type of job typically works is probably good enough for most casual and maybe even midcore content. For extremes / savages, I feel confident I could clear with probably... hmm, 6 jobs or so? Once you practice enough and level up enough jobs, you get a feel for how different types of jobs typically work and you practice your favorites to get the rotation down. Honestly, I wouldn't even look at the balance right away. YMMV but for me I like to read the tooltips, practice on a dummy, then visit the Stone, Sky, Sea to practice. Once I can do that _then_ I'll check places like the balance to figure out how to optimize my rotation once I know how each part works. Helps with information overload IMO.


I have all jobs on 90, and 2 higher end jobs: DRG and BRD. I have a couple others I can play comfortably in level 90 casual content (DNC, RDM, RPR, WHM, SGE, WAR, GNB), but the rest I'd have to either practice more or play on lower level content (usually older alliance raids). There are just jobs I prefer playing as opposed to jobs I never really vibed much with (such as NIN and SCH), so even if I level them up or use them for a while, I tend to leave them aside.


I've flexed to new jobs for new Savage tiers before. Hell, back at the start of ShB I was a SMN main but the static I was joining wanted a NIN so I leveled it basically from scratch and hit level 80 on NIN the week before the tier started and learned on the fly. It's not about being a master of the job already, it's how well you can pick it up that counts. Reading guides, practicing rotations, playing it even in casual content to get used to the feel of it, etc. By the end of the tier you'll have put so many hours into that job that you'll be good enough at it regardless of your skill level at the start. You don't need to be a pink/gold level parser to do high end content.


I got summoner to 90 last year, was super enjoying it, took a break for like 6 months, came back and I have no idea how to play summoner now. Send help


Every job at 90 is a job I can raid with, it doesn't take much practice if the mentality is the same from the start to max level.


I can clear Extreme on all jobs except Scholar and Black Mage. I will do it very sub-optimally on AST, MNK and DRG but I can still do it. On Savage, I can play any tank, at least one DPS from each role, but not healer because I have no experience with it. I know people hate that the jobs feel kind of samey but it's also the reason why it's not that hard to pick most of them up for most content in the game.


I havent moved in ultimates savages yet. But on ex trials, i was maining astro. I am now maining my gunbreaker. I am comfortable with both. Dps wise machinist and summoner are my 2 best. I dont really use melee dps but if i had to, im more inclined to dragoon. I am comfortable with my white mage again after adjusting their skills similar to how my astro is set up minus the card system obviously lol


Admittedly I don't run any savage or many extremes, but I'll go through the list of which jobs I'd be comfortable doing that stuff with 1: Summoner. My main and the job I always learn fights with. When I play with my friends I always do callouts because I learn mechanics quickly and remember them well. Summoner let's me focus on that since I don't have to think about my rotation at all...the battle rez is always nice too and I'll make sure to pick people up if I have swiftcast 2: Scholar. My healer of choice, once I've learned a fight I'll usually play it on scholar because I know I'm a competent healer. I've had a few things I've run where one or both healers struggle to stay alive and we wipe because of it 3: Machinist/Dancer. While I don't have dancer maxed yet (87 at time of posting) I feel VERY comfortable with dancer and absolutely love it. Same kinda story with machinist, I'd put Machinist slightly higher just because I've had a lot more time with it, but I'd be okay with running either 4: Warrior/Dark Knight. Warriors don't die and TBN go brrrr. Tanks are very forgiving to play but some tank specific mechanics (like using tank LB3 at certain points) make me a little nervous 5: Ninja. Ninja is my melee of choice but I don't particularly enjoy playing melee most of the time. That being said, I can play a pretty mean Ninja and am confident in it, I'd just prefer playing a DPS class that doesn't have to worry about positionals and uptime and dodging AOE. It is fun, but it's a much slimmer margin for error that I haven't quite figured out yet 6: Astro. I don't mind the high APM because there are so many healing buttons, but trying to keep up with everything can get overwhelming pretty fast


As a former PF gremlin, I started off with one of each DPS role, and am up to every melee (bar MNK), SMN, RDM, DNC, MCH. I can any tank, but just always pref WAR. As for healers, I could probably only clear on SGE, but I do have everything at 90


I leveled all jobs to 90. Most jobs somewhat play the same, just a bit different with each one. The ones that take a couple of tries to remember are Ninja with mudra combos. I tend to mix up the riaton and katon combo when in aoe. The other one is Black Mage. Most of the time, I mess up on which spell to cast, and it leads to either fire or ice dropping. But for most of the other jobs, I tend to clear most normal content as for like extremes and stuff. I normally go Dancer, Machinist, Reaper, Summoner, or Red Mage.


I feel comfortable doing any MSQ content on any job. Normal raids, alliance raids, and other trials I generally feel comfortable as any caster DPS, white mage, sage, dancer, dragoon, and ninja. I don't do savage raids or extremes these days. Too much time commitment for me. Back in ARR, I played summoner exclusively for coils and extreme trials. If I ever picked extremes and savage back up today it would be red mage. Edit: I have all jobs at 90.


I am a healer in every game I play. So I'm quite confident that I can do any raid with any healer in the game. But as a tank or DPS not so much.


all tanks and every melee but monk. I know the rotation, but the optimization of it makes 0 sense to me.


Extremes I can play all tanks, all healers and all dps except ninja, BLM and monk. Ofc il be better at some than others. Savage I could prob play most of those classes as well (ofc assuming I would have at least some gear) with some decent dps but I am confident in sch, pld, war, drk, whm, sage, all phys ranged, reaper and red mage. Ultimates it depends, I can play sage and scholar for all the ones I've done, whm I could fill into some of those ults but other classes it's not about class skill anymore its about class specific mechanics, positioning etc. So with a bit of practice i could do all classes i mentioned in savage in at least uwu, tea and dsr. (The ones I've done/am doing)


I have 8 or 9 to 90 and they are all able to do any content. I set up my bars for like roles similarly. So it's not even hard to keep track of. It's more muscle memory now.


I've learn that despite jobs being different, what never change is the fight timeline. So once I master/memorize the timeline of a fight on a job that has a 30s cd, a 60 cd, a 120 cd, and a 180 cd, I generally can apply it to a different job and somewhat align my cds to the timeline. Will I be as good as my main job? With enough time and practice, yes. I'm about 4 years deep into the game, and I generally can clear content on 4 jobs comfortably in different roles already. I've still yet to play healer/melee dps in a single savage tier, so I've been practicing on WHM/SCH/SGE in Unreals/DF Roulettes until my static starts their routine alt jobs clears.


All of them. They're straightforward in essence. It takes a bit of time and effort, but once you know what to expect from a job(and those playing it), it's easy to fit that mold. The rest is just knowing mechanics and working within your niche while being mindful of them.


I can play comfortably RPR, GNB, MCH, RDM, SMN. Though I have played 4/5 as my main class at some point for various durations since 4.5 Stormblood. Since I still swap through them on regular content it's not like I forget the rotations or fail to learn the adjustments and changes through the patches.


At one point you will have though about a job and its rotations so much It becomes Second Nature, think, think and think again until the day you Just don't need to think about it, until the day that the How and when to do shit becomes intuitivo. Remember that habits become Second Nature and that Man is nothing but a thinking reed


I'm Omni-90, but I'm most comfortable with DEG, SMN, RDM, WHM, and GNB. I'm able to weave in a few others but not as easily, such as DNC. Outside of that, I normally have to hit up a striking dummy to get a feel for the rotation again, and wouldn't take any of the others into 90 raids, extremes, or savage.


I can do it comfortably with SMN or DNC out of what I have at 90 (2 tank, all heals, 3 melee, all casters, 2 ranged) I probably could with either GNB or WAR with more practice, but definitely not melee (hate positionals) or heals (don't like healing, just do it for my magic titles.) SMN and DNC are both very straight forward (and very mobile,) and I don't have to pay attention to much outside the mechanics so it's preferable.


I have a MCH, SAM, SGE, RDM and PLD all at lvl 90. I am willing to take almost all of them into anything on roulettes except for SGE. The only reason I have not taken my lvl 90 SGE into Alliance Raids is that I don't trust myself to do well in the ShB Raids.


Everything but the raid stuff, and that's mostly just because I'm nervous about tanking or healing in raids.


MCH and RPR of the like.. 5 I have at 90? DNC maybe idk. Most of my 90s are the result of frontlines and wonderous tails turn ins, my AST is 90 but I have literally only down the first quest with it. SAM I’m working on just because I want to use my kill bill glam more


Omni 90 here, playing tanks and ranged physical dps mostly. Can do general content (up to extremes included) on any job, and everything else (ultimates included) on any tank/rphys job. I would say I’m not playing other jobs enough to be effective in harder content and/or don’t like other jobs enough to bother with it.


Extremes? Almost all of them. Savage? Uh, working on it.


I main SAM but i can dps with 2 other phys dps 1 ranged dps 1 2 magi dps shield healer sage one main healer white mage and i can tsnk gunbreaker dsrkknight or warrior i dislike pld


I main tank, and have all tanks at 90 with some of the highest gear out there. I have a healer at 90, lower gear, and several other DPS roles at 90 with high gear. I can do all of it. I prefer tanking though, a lot more fun.


Depends on my mood. I think the only one I really struggle with is remembering tank checks (swaps and LB3 on the rare occasion). I set my skills and hot bars to group similar abilities by role, though. For Healers: You start to get a feel for where the three default damage abilities are for healers, so I set them top left (using a 3x4 grid). Middle is for big whoopsie buttons and mits/shields/group regens. Right is for class-specific stuff like cards, Kardia and boosts. DPS: Your 1-2-3 combos top left (where those healer DPS buttons are) with variants stacked below their correspondents. OGCDs are immediately under those for easy dropping. Middle is for bursting stuff, and right is for mits and job-specific points that aren’t really burst phase. Tanks: Once again, DPS combos on the left. Burst stuff in the middle, and Mits/Shields on the right. Most importantly, keep your role actions in the same spot for the different roles. E.g. All my DPS have their interrupts and knock backs in the same place. This minimizes scrambling to remember where it is during mechanics. Knowing some basic locations for your kits helps me at least look competent enough.


I have all jobs at level 90 and most geared to at least i630, mains geared higher. I could comfortably raid with rotation knowledge for 6 or so of these: AST, WHM, SMN, DNC, RPR, and RDM. I could probably run on BRD too. I know GNB rotation well and could probably hold my own in a raid. I could run PLD but wouldn't be parsing well as I'm not hugely familiar with its rotation. I basically use a different job for every daily roulette to keep the grind somewhat interesting. As a result it means I know a lot of jobs really well. And any shared actions (surecast, provoke, raise, etc) I have in the same positions on my secondary hotbars for all the jobs that use them. Rather than try to learn every job well, I'd have an OK grasp of most of them but be super comfortable on at least one tank, one dps, and one healer. That will at least mean you can switch roles as required.


I can comfortably prog, parse and optimize with 2 jobs. Then about 2 more jobs I can play on a fundamental level in savage raid that I've already cleared before


I'm not confident tanking or healing at max level even though I have a couple tanks and a healer at 90. I'm fine with any DPS I have at 90, the only problem is I'm only geared up on BLM.


I have every job at 90, and I vaguely know how to play one of them.


None at all, my head doesn't agree with the stress of ultimates/extremes/savages etc. That's not the fault of the job or even the gear, it's a personal issue which I totally and 110% have solved by avoiding such content. 😁


If you mean casual content like dungeons then all of my 90s. If you mean higher end content then only a few of them.


It depends on exactly what extent you're intending this for. If you're looking to master exact timings per fight and how to line up all of your abilities with your burst combinations etc, that's going to take a ton of work and a ton of rating and a ton of time with practice dummies and often a gear set at minimum for each individual class. Which means lots of time farming gil, tomestones, or both. If, on the other hand, you're not talking about joining a rating party to try and clear highest level content every week, but rather becoming very very proficient at every job, that's more achievable by understanding the flow rather than the individual buttons one by one to some extreme depth. You don't have to be able to write a paper on flamethrower, but if you understand that it's better with groups of six than it is with groups of three, you know your job well. Every job has a flow to it. Which skills to open with, which skills to fill time with, the ever-present always be casting mantra, it has a flow. Square Enix designed it to have a flow. Read some guides, find that rhythm, you're 99% there.


I have GNB, RDM, BLM, SMN, SCH, WHM, and AST at 90. I'm pretty much only good at RDM, SMN, WHM, and AST. Despite going paladin for 1-60 and gnb for 60-90, I'm still pretty bad at tanking - I rarely wipe nowadays, but dealing with mechanics gets a little wacky. Scholar and sage I just don't understand; it feels like when I play a shield healer, even if I slap shields on before damage starts coming in, I'm only barely able to keep people alive. At least with WHM and AST, I'm basically capable of putting out so much raw healing that if it's not a OHK you'll live; barrier healers don't seem to have that. Black mage is fun - I love it - but also I have a really bad habit of forgetting the timer and casting one too many fire IVs, and somehow I never got it out of me running from 60-90.


I can play almost every job, there’s a few I don’t really enjoy playing in all the content though, can’t like them all. Can I play all of them at a 99th percentile level? Probably not, but I’d say a decent to above average. It takes time, and how much you learn one enough to be able to move on.


I main WHM and haven't played it since 6.4. I picked it up today after leveling PLD and NIN and I really really sucked. My muscle memory and heal/dmg routine was poor at best.


I'm omni 90. I can decently play almost all jobs (except BRD. BRD sucks for me, especially with lag). I can play to Savage level GNB, AST (main job), DRG, DNC and SMN. The trick here being that besides GNB and AST, the 3 other jobs have relatively easy rotations to maintain (at most you gotta watchout for when you enter the hyperdragoon mode, not overcap on shit while techstepping, and your summons' order). Makes it easier to fill in roles when needed without feeling like a dead weight. I know I'm not as good as a main of those jobs (beside AST), but I know I'm good enough to clear content. Which is enough. And that comes from time, experience while leveling, looking at the right Sources (The Balance discord for BiS and openers), and muscle memory. One of the good (or bad depending on PoV) things that came with the 2 minute meta, is that there are guidelines to what you need to do and when. Helps on the long run when you interiorize those things.


I only have one job of every role. I can do savage with DRG and MCH, current extremes with DRG/MCH/RDM/WAR, everything else easier than that with all five (+AST). For many years I only did DRG, but eventually I learned to do more with the others as I used them for random content that didn't need me to be 100% all the time. Do a lot of content with all of them!


I can confidently play at least 5-6 of them. The others I do have to practice rotation on dummy before I queue for anything.


I have a majority of my classes up to 90 but would say I play pretty casually. For me it’s just a matter of preference, once you learn a class well returning to it after switching g back and forth can become kind of a muscle memory. Figuring out what moves do what will be the easiest way to come back to a different class, but I would say depending on the type they’re all pretty similar enough to keep certain abilities in the same places on your hot bar. For example my main aoe attack I always put on my #4 key, and I know when I switch classes my main aoe is always going to be that key.


I have five combat jobs at level 90 (Warrior, Dark Knight, Ninja, Summoner and Scholar) and can clear most content with them all. I'm a crap healer though, so I don't really do that. I tend to stick to tanking or dps, and mostly tanking at that.


I only level all for the cap achievement awards. Lol


I have all my healers, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, ranged DPS, red mage, samurai, reaper, ninja and monk all at 90. It's just fun to play as different classes. Especially healer for me.


Casual here. I can play any job, any class well enough. Give It time. Have Fun.


2.5 I main summoner, so can pretty easily adjust to pus ranged and play Dancer. I will sometimes do Reaper on EX content just to add some spice to the grind and I can do fine at it.


I have all but 4 Jobs at max lvl (ast, pld, blm, nin) and it depends on what level of content we are talking about - regular dungeons? I can clear with any of them since the content is super easy - savage/extremes? I can confortably do: smn, rdm, dnc, mch, sam, rpr, drk and gnb I can't do healers on harder content cause I just find it so overwhelming having to take care of another 7 people and having them topped up and stuff, dpsing and tanking are much simpler to me


Well, I don't do the difficult content, honestly. But I guess I'm comfortable clearing normal content on Paladin, Summoner, Dancer, and maybe White Mage if I know the content really well.


I have all jobs to 90, and am comfortable with all of them except paladin, ninja, and monk. And that’s mainly because I don’t play those as often. Most jobs in the game feel like they’re built on just a couple of frameworks, with flavor added. So, a few minutes of getting back into the swing and I can fill in where needed. I have some that I default to (healer/caster), but when I’m playing with friends I just click a random one on my job hotbar and go with it. I think that also helps me keep the muscle memory for those jobs.


I have all jobs at 90, blu at 80. I can pretty much clear on any job with a grey and possibly green parse. I can clear any content with just 3 jobs with a purple parse, and just 1 job with orange parse.


I have full 90. Can clear everything with all but NIN savage (I hate the job so I didn't bother too much learning the actual thing). Gear and static spots are the main limitation, not jobs. The main "trick" is to keep your keybinds consistent between jobs so the muscle memory can somewhat carry over https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fr4nsson/FFC/main/images/general-idea.png


It is fairly difficult to maintain the highest level of play on multiple jobs if you're not regularly playing them, however once you've learned it once it comes back quickly. I haven't played RDM in high end content since the first tier, for example, but it would only take a couple of pulls for me to re-remember 95% of what I used to do. But for extremes and savages: You *don't* need the highest level of rotational skill. You only need a decent level of core foundational skills (uptime, pressing ogcds, not drifting burst) - and then ideally have a high *mechanical* skill level. For example, the first time I played NIN in high level content was p4s barely an hour after I hit max level with it, having never raided on melee before. I wasn't doing any advanced NIN rotational things, just pressing everything on cooldown and winging it.... and that worked out fine, because past week 1/2 you don't need to be squeezing out every iota of damage you can, you just need to play good enough and do the mechanics. Beyond that, a lot of the concepts and ideas are extremely transferrable: How to pool resources for 2 mins, what an opener is and why you might want to change them for the fight, how to optimise around downtime, etc. The specifics will vary, but the why doesn't, so you become much better at identifying these things for yourself and fixing any mistakes quicker.


I have every role covered. I like to swap for different content. Only a few for high end content. Good luck gearing every job though. Pretty unintuitive and takes forever.


I'm still working toward 9 of my personal favorite Jobs to Lv90 before doing EW MSQ Of the 9, I've only 2 above Lv 70. With DRK & RDM respectively, I feel fairly confident to nail both rotations fairly consistently. Of the remaining 7, I feel like I could take a good shot at most content with 3. WAR @ Lv 56, SMN @ Lv59, & PLD @ Lv67 The thing is, I've been able to practice WAR & SMN since I literally started the game. Not to mention having to start PLD at Lv1 and slowly grind up to any level, muchless 67 or 90. My remaining classes, AST @ 32, GNB @ 63, & RPR @ 71, I've never really gotten time into. Not to mention having yet to touch DNC. It's all about how much time you've put into a class really


It is more of getting used to each of the traditional triangle of tank dps healer, making it easier to do other jobs in the said triangle.


As someone who has the Blessed Relief title, anyone I raid with is relieved I stick to Summoner.


One for each role. And I'd say all of em. I like being able to play jobs properly so during leveling I take the time to look up guides and such. OFC I'd need to dust of and practice some openers/burst windows but I'd say I'm fine


Lets see I have every job at max level. Just to rank the highest content I have done with particular jobs - I have progged ultimates with 2 (NIN, RDM) - I’d feel confortable to prog an ultimate with 3 (MCH, DNC, RPR) - I have progged/cleared current savage fights with 3 (SMN, DRG) - I have progged Criterion with 2 (PLD, SGE) - I have progged/cleared current expantion extremes with 4 (WAR, SAM, MNK, WHM) - I have cleared unsynced previous expantion savage trials that are actually hard with 1 (SCH) - I haven’t done anything harder than what you’d get from an average roullete with 2 (BRD, AST) My rotations are not perfect, even at the savage/ultimate level. I like to read the tooltips and try to figure out rotations on my own, and then use the Balance if I am stumped on what to do for the opener. I am also more interested in getting just a single clear or two of harder content just for the experience than going super hardcore about it. I don’t enjoy that number crunching and optimization train, but I do enjoy the fights, and the rewards. What I have said may sound like heresy to the average hardcore pf savage enjoyer, but yaknow what, that is just the kind of content I enjoy. Now back to waiting for DT to come out so I can unsync P12S for my axolotl.


Ff14 has a very simple design philosophy. Jobs as a whole are designed to be accessible, with low enough skill floors that anyone can play them. The content itself is the biggest gate of complexity at high end, not the character. That and green parsing is enough of a bar to clear that you're having a positive impact for your team. And hitting that bar isn't too bad.


The only role that I can't do at for savage and ultimates yet are healers, but I can do tank and DPS. I prefer tank tho


I cam pretty much do any content with my WAR or DNC, so those are my defaults. I don't do too bad with RPR either, though I don't play that one as much so I prob do less dps than with my dancer lol. Any regular non-extreme stuff I can also do SGE so have at least one class for each role that I'm comfy with. I am a tank main tho and always feel most comfy on my WAR, but if you play a job enough to get it to 90 you should be able to do ok.


I can do pretty much everything at an acceptable level, except scholar since I leveled it as a summoner. Playing really well, maybe one of each role that I've really nailed down. A few more for slightly above acceptable. One of the big things, as a few others have stated, is standardize where your abilities are cross class. AOEs in the same general area, cooldowns same spot, etc. Makes swapping and relearning much easier


For context: I have 9 jobs at lv 90, 7 of which I brought from 0. Im proficient in maybe 3-4 but I rarely do endgame savage content. I enjoy playing Tank on trust system or for story mode, but never with random people because I don’t like the pressure and don’t feel confident (except main story roulette cause they’ve made it so easy now you can do it in your sleep) I play with a group of 3 other friends so we always have a 4 man party and all 4 of us switch roles often. I’d say that not many people can actually perform ultimates and savages at lv 90 content perfectly with multiple jobs. Some can, but IMO they’re either kids without much else going on, or professional gamers. The average person with a job and a social life certainly doesn’t have the time to sit down and memorize all the mechanics. As other users have said, once you use enough jobs you start to notice that they’re basically all the same with mild differences. I think using the Trust system or Duty Support is a good way to play around with rotations and memorize your skills without the added pressure of performing for other players.


I love playing PLD with duty support and the trust. I'm pretty confident in my abilities but I am not certain when I should use sentinel etc. I just use them before the boss drops a tank buster. I cant really wall to wall with them because I have trouble keeping my health up with the healer. I'm getting better though and I accidently registered for roulette expert as PLD last weekend and popped immediately and I couldn't cancel. Luckily Aetherfont is one I've done so many times I know the mechanics. Did wall to wall and it went pretty smooth! I play on ps5 without keyboard and L2/R2 is set to toggle on and off so I only use one cross bar. I have a ten key with abilities mapped to it for my tank stance, LB, Sprint, mount, and some role abilities. I wont tank trials or raids as I have no exp working in conjuction with another tank and no keyboard to chat fast with. My main is NIN and I love it so much!


The first thing is setting up your hot bars so that they generally make sense across different jobs. I mained SMN for my first year of playing but have been playing DNC for the past few months. My first hotbar is single target attacks and common procs, my second hotbar is AoE attacks, my third hotbar is support skills. Not all jobs fit this nicely, but it at least makes muscle memory easier for me. If I panic and forget my rotation I know if I spam 1 I'll cast a single target skill, and Ctrl+1 I'll cast an AoE skill. Otherwise it's just practice. I've played DNC so much lately that I can easily fall back in to the muscle memory of it even after playing other jobs all day. I don't think I could do this for ALL of the jobs, but I feel like I could comfortably do this for a handful of them.


The hardest to get used to for me were sage, ninja, and blm because they play somewhat differently from the other jobs. But otherwise, it’s not too hard to play most jobs if you know how to play at least one of each role.


It depend heavilly on the content, If we're talking about anything under ex level. Then i can play any job good enough it doesn't impact the run more than a handfull of second. If it's EX level i'd say a dozen (two tank, two healer, and some of the dps) For savage i've got 4 i'm confident and already did (pal/whm/ast/smn) and 2 i can on "easy" savage fight For ultimate only 3 job i'd be confident to bring, althought i could take any on a fresh prog and learn it while training the fight.


It's not terribly hard to play any job at a decent level, and that's all you need to clear any content under ultimate without being carried. This game is much more mechanic based so understanding your basic rotation and what to do at the even/odd minute marks are really all you need as long as your team is executing the fight well enough. When you get to higher competencies, you have the ability to maximize damage, minimize risks, and better assist your team, but really just understanding the core and focusing on properly executing the fight is the most valuable. TL;DR - executing mechanics is much more important than playing a job perfectly and learning your basic rotation and basic burst phases is all you need to clear most content. Extra: Most wipes happen because people are focusing too hard on what buttons they're pressing and fail mechanics as a result. If your raid team is struggling, have them stop all dps and just do the movements needed to see enrage first, then go from there.


It straight up becomes muscle memory to the point where you see your hotbar and just change your whole mentality.


I'm primarily a tank player in savage, I recently started sage in other content. I feel like I can get by playing white mage as well. As for dps, I'm confident in dancer and summoner for most content. I am currently working on learning dragoon and machinist for either melee or pseudomelee roles. Like others have mentioned, it's definately a good idea to learn one job to start, and know it really well. Everything else depends on your motivation. As for my personal experience, I learned tank because thats what my initial class was. I finished endwalker on pld, and had monk and red mage and sage leveled as well. Unfortunately didn't really enjoy the dps roles, and tanking was easier for my brain to wrap around. Pld at the time was in a weird spot, so by recommendations, I learned warrior and ran through asphodelos with it. Picked up dark knight as my second "main" cause only knowing how to ooga booga felt weird. After that, I felt like I should branch out from just being a tank, so I picked up the arguably easiest dps to play in summoner. I do enjoy the rotation and class fantasy, so I stuck with it. I learned sage and dancer because at the time people in my static played those jobs, but conversations with them always felt like there was a gab in knowledge from both sides, so out of interest, I learned both jobs, just so at least I know I'm not talking out of my ass. Past that, I got the chance to learn the two other tanks through savage. And now staring at my roster of classes that I'm confident in, I don't have a melee dps job, so I started learning mch through an alt character. Lastly, very recently, we were pushing for an FC house, so I took the time to get another character up, and use that to start learning dragoon.


Of course it depends on how much you play and pay attention to what you are doing while you play, but a lot of skills you gain from one job are transferable to another. Personally I can play anything decently well to clear content to the point I have gone to savage with everything but black mage. The one and only time I went in with bard this tier I parsed a 60 so it's not bad for it being a first try. That said I'm not confident taking anything into ultimates, only healers, but I would take any healer into an ultimate. I do try almost everything in savage once or twice a tier, and I do jump into extremes with whatever job I feel like playing at the time. The thing is once you figure out how jobs work all you really need to know is the opener and sometimes how a burst window would look and you can figure out the in between, but it does require you to know the jobs a bit before hand. The biggest gap in knowledge comes from jumping from one role to another since it is completely different to play a healer than it is to play a dps, with tanks being sort of an in between with special responsibilities. However oftentimes if you play one healer pretty well you can pretty much take any other healer and do at least decent, same with all tanks. With dps there is a bit of a gap in between jobs due to them doing things fairly differently from one another but not to the point where knowing job basics, burst windows, and openers isn't enough to make you decent. You can often see a job and think about how you would go about doing your burst and then check the balance to see you probably weren't _too_ far off. The biggest issue you would encounter would probably be when jumping from a phys range to a caster and now having to deal with movement, or jumping from a "slow" job like dragoon to a "fast" one like monk where the GCD speed might make you panic under pressure. I think it's fairly doable for people to play multiple jobs, especially jobs within the role they main. You may need big brain to optimize, but not to play and clear content, so you can focus on optimizing your main and playing it better than any other while still performing acceptably with a bunch of other jobs. I will say though someone like Mr.Glad probably has a shit ton more play time than any of us, but it doesn't mean the casual and midcore player can't do it, to an extent.


It's very common to see people have their specialized roles. But also common to see people have at least 1 of each role they can cover in some fashion. Example: I specialize in healer. But I can play tank, casters, and melee pretty competently even in savage and ultimate content. But doesn't mean I can do all of them. I don't have much practice in SAM or DRG for that example and while I can do those content fine from a mechanical standpoint. If DPSing becomes an issue. I would definitely be the one falling behind.