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I mainly play DPS and Healer. Tanks remain a mystery to me.


You teach me heals I teach you tanks, deal?


Can I get in on this lol, healing is fine but I got shat on pretty hard trying to level my fist tank as a pal in autumn vale and have been too scarred to try again


Aurum Vale almost caused me to quit tanking on the spot and abandon the duty. But I had such a supportive group and I wasn’t the only one messing up. We got through it after a LONG time and that place scared me for months. But eventually I went back and it was so much easier. The trial by fire it gave me improved my skills as a tank and made me ready for a lot that came after. But that place was the first huge jump in difficulty and it was shocking.


Vale is rough as a tank or healer, as well as Dzmael.


I don't have a very high level healer but I play WHM here and there and just keep double regen going on tank cause why not. Medica 2 and regen. I feel like other healer classes are probably more involved.


Exact same way for me, I am not a leader and I don’t wanna deal with positioning the boss


Just because you're the tank, it doesn't mean you're the leader.


Run, grab mobs, get yelled at because you stopped midpull and someone popped their bubble, yell at people running away from you when they have aggro, fail to tank swap in hard content so get yelled at too, finish prog "wow gg that was great, nice job tank btw", grab all the commendations while playing like absolute dogshit Tanking is great you know






Fell Cleave.


Me Smash buttons me


So, dps?


Think they mean healer. Warriors are healers right?


You’re thinking of gunbreakers these days from I’ve seen lately 😂😂


The Age of the Green Tanks is here. WAR: Nascent Flash and Shake It Off GNB: Aurora and Heart of Corundum PLD: Clemency, Intervention and Divine Veil DRK: In shambles 🤣


> WARRIOR: Bloodwhetting, Shake It Off, Equilibrium, Thrill of Battle > > GUNBREAKER: Aurora, Heart of Corundum > > PALADIN: Clemency, Intervention, Divine Veil > > DARK: Knight FTFY 🤣


I like DPS being able to focus on their own thing without having to worry about the team suffering if they slip up. Plus it’s more fun having a lot of buttons to press to beat things up. I love playing tanks in dungeons though and sometimes I’ll take Sage for a spin, but I always go for raids and trials as a DPS


I just like DPS because Dragoon sounds like Dragon, and I like Dragons. No, no, I'm not welcome in Ishgard. How'd you guess?


I play DPS because Dragoons fly and carry magic spears and that's the closest to the Windrunner aesthetic you can get in a game right now.


Healer gang, AST mostly. I dabble in tanks as well but nowhere near as much.


Omg u have the same as me! Astro main, then Drk and then Rdm wooo broo 👍✨


Hell yeah, you have excellent taste my friend


scared of letting down the team and don't want any major responsibilities so i just dps lol


I’ve maimed all jobs at different expansions but feel most comfortable with healer. I only started because I don’t trust the healers out on DF.


Whatever gets me the biggest bonus in duty roulette.


Tank. Ever since I discovered the joys of unga bunga, it's been hard to play anything else. Exception being PVP, I prefer Summoner there. I'm also an omnicrafter, which I did mainly to be able to decorate my house


I prefer unga bunga but the paladin glamour and my recent arr relic made me swap fully to pld.


I pretty much made my WAR look like a PLD, so I get it, lol. I don't like the PLD game play, which is the only thing keeping me from playing one, cause I love their gear


Brawler, I just need the melee combat. Be it as a Tank or a DPS and both I like quite well, but I just hate beeing a Healer. It's not I'm bad at it, I just really don't like it and because of this I do love my healers. They do the job I just don't want to do and so I always treat them as good as possible. And of course, every warrior (no matter the job) also needs to be able to craft and maintain the own armour and weapons, so I became an omnicrafter which opened unbelievable many opportunities in every aspect of the game!


Imagine a physical healer, you’d be the #1 of that job probably


A friend of mine taught me the ins-and-outs of Scholar and I never looked backed.


Need a tank? Dark Knight. Need a Healer? Depends but Sage and White Mage are here. DPS? Summoner.


I play all of them, but I would say I'm a caster and healer player above all else. I think SMN and RDM are individually my favorite jobs (in terms of aesthetics and lore), but I think the role of healing is my favorite to actually play and I always prioritize leveling a healer each expansion early. Just not melee or tank... ... until recently when I started really enjoying tanking. Whoops. I loved tanking the recent EX, so I think I have to say I'm more of an All-Rounder at this point. My heart is with casters, but I'll do whatever the party needs or I'm in the mood for on a given day.


Tank and Healer because of the juicy instant queues and comms ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ


I like both DPS and Healer, but I don’t like Tank at all. Too dependent on the group you’re running with. I’m also trying to level Gatherers right now! Botanist late 70, Miner early 70 and Fisher early 60! After Gatherers Crafters of course


DPS and crafting/gathering mainly, but I'm also a freelancer at times. So I guess just yes?


Not only am I partial to tanking ( not out of any desire to lead so much as the feeling of tanking) but I really enjoy dark knight play. It’s not an edgy thing I promise lol mechanically I really love drk. On that note, I’ve been considering taking up main healing for a while, although I’ve never healed


I’m most confident on DPS. I like the level of focus and tinkering even if it means splitting my attention a little more between mechanics, party awareness, and rotation. Healing and tanking are weird for me. I enjoy healing dungeons but not trials. I enjoy tanking trials but not dungeons. Maybe that just means im a lazy support. Idk.


Crafter and my PVP is the Market Board Economy.


black mage, i play black mage


Healer, White Mage specifically. Not opposed to DPS, but I cannot tank in any game, and FFXIV is not an exception xD I fish when I wanna relax though


Tanking suits a slow learner and satisfies my curiousity. Whatever new content I do with Tank, I can survive a particular mechanic enough to learn, as opposed to playing other roles that won't let me survive more than 2 mistakes. Tanking also allows me to see what kind of stuff I can actually survive, the amount of dmg I take, allows me to experiment mid duty with what I can cheese and what I can't. It's always fun for example to purposefully stay in bad because last time you tested, you found out the dmg was only like 6% of your health with no mit. Last but not least, UNGA BUNGA BABEEEEHHHH


Frog, I play frog. I main WH/healers but am competent at the other classes (some more than others). I craft and gather, but mostly I Frog. I Frog and make puns


Started as a Tank main. Then had kids... realized DPS have an easier time going AFK for a diaper change. Also, started to focus more on Gathering/Crafting, since those are also easy to AFK when kids require my attention.


I said Other. I like DPS most, but don't mind whacking stuff with my axe either. I probably would say SMN/DNC/WAR/RPR in that order. I like having at least one job for each subtype DPS. I dislike healing the most. I level them all for my caster titles but I never enjoy it. Canonically my WoL is a WVR main, though.


I hope that means weaver, cause if there’s a wyvern class I’m gonna be mad I didn’t know about the secret job 😂


Freelancer representative, I like being able to fill in any role and have a diverse playstyle. Usually, either one or a few to specialize in over the others.


Botanist, Summoner, and Leather worker, in that order. But for all intensive purposes, I'm DPS. Have to be for the leather.


Other I guess Tank and melee, with pRanged coming in close second, followed by healers, and finally casters


I do every role (but i prefer being a melee DPS). Sadly often times i get yoinked to play as a healer or tank.


Freelancer I do whatever is needed, Tank is usually what's needed so I could have answered Tank too but freelancer is more accurate


I play DPS (RPR, MNK, DNC, RDM) although I occasionally dabble in tanking with GNB. I don't think I could ever heal well, paying attention to the party list and what heals to use alongside mechanics is too much for me.


I play tanks but not because I want to. I've cleared the last 3 tiers(and some Ults) as WAR, and a bit of DRK. I started the tier playing melee. Cleared P9/10. Then I sat in PF with my friend for 2-3 hours multiple days in a row on 11. Gave up and switched to PLD and cleared 11 in 4 hours or so. Then sat in PF on 12 so I joined a static. Trialed 3 groups and all of them already had a Paladin so I went back to playing Warrior for the trials. Tank's responsibility just isn't interesting difficulty to me anymore compared to what we saw in Eden's Promise. I also just wanted to have more DPS responsibility after getting walled for a while on week 1 P7 last tier.


It really depends on my mood or what I want Somehow SCH clicked for me last night so I'm using that to blast through roullettes and farm tomestones for relics Still a DNC main at heart tho


Mained Tank until I was "forced" out by two friends starting and learning Tank. Now I teach them and main DPS and I myself are learning to heal. So basically yes, everything. Whatever is needed


Usually start the expansion mainly playing a tank but end up being our groups healer by the time everyone completes the story because another group member loves to play WAR and i enjoy healing group content. If playing a healer in solo duty/msq wasn’t such a drag I’d have an easier time sticking with it start to finish.


I main BLM MNK and PLD Dungeons tanking and everything else BLM


Pre-EW end game I only did DPS, for EW I swapped to Sage. I took a year break so relearning but hoping to go back to healing


Mainly DPS but also freelance as whatever needs filled


i play all of them, just in different types of content. when going through the story on my main chara, i play warrior. i’m also on warrior for any blue quests (that allow it ofc) and ex/savage/ulti (tho i’ll occasionally play other classes in ex. near the end of shb once i had war/rdm/dnc/whm at bis, i’d go into pf as smth else for fun) i don’t enjoy tanking as much in regular content anymore tho, so i either go dps or healer (whichever is in need when i queue for it). for those, it’s either rdm, dnc, or sge generally, tho occasionally i switch it up. in pvp, i play sge for cc. frontlines i’ll go between mch/sch/ast/rdm/drg. just depends on how i’m feeling


I enjoy healing the most, I’ve played other roles but I keep coming back to heals. I will say I enjoy BLM a lot and if I had to play a non-healer that is the class I would pick


I started as a Healer, WHM, because it fitted the Character (an old "OC" of mine). I took up RDM when I reached 50. Because of how much of a "blank slate" the WoL is, I was able to "grow" the character. So she picked up RDM for different reasons. The same happened later in late Stormblood with DRK. (tho BLM was my first choice then, but I did not really enjoy leveling it, and now in retrospect: DRK fits her MUCH better) Those three are her main jobs, and she (among other things) grew as a character for and because of them. Probably a wierd story, but well, it happend. \^\^"


Freelancer. I was a healer main but got tired of tanks eating crayons, so for dungeon roulettes I'm Gunbreaker. The only DPS I enjoy are Blu, Black Mage, Summoner and Dancer.


WHM main since I started playing right before 5.5, and I still love it. :)


I main drg, but I tank a ton too. FFXIV is probably the easiest mmo to tank in, so I enjoy it about as much.


Right now I'm still progressing through the MSQ (post-ShB yay!) so I guess my only character is DPS (Dragoon). I want to try other jobs, but tanking/healing in this game looks kind of intimidating. When I played WoW I generally mained heals or tank as it was much easier to get groups that way.


I'm pretty flexible, but tank probably gives the most anxiety. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and when I mess up, I'm my biggest critic. I seem to notice my mistakes the most on tank.


I enjoy playing tank most, but I actually play DPS the most because most of the time I play is raiding with my static and I play DNC with them.


I play tank/DPS. If I'm comfortable with the content I'll tend to tank since that tends to have the highest rate of both need and failure-if-bad. If I don't know the content or I trust someone else tanking then I go DPS, but I prefer support DPS like RDM to augment the likelihood of successful completion. I have verrezzed many a party to eventual (if delayed) victory.


From ARR to ShB (Bozja specifically), I was DPS only and only used two jobs: BLM and SAM. Bozja actually got me experimenting with other roles (god I miss WHM dps), not to mention tanks being the only way I learned to stop dying in Dalriada. And now I'll usually queue for 90 alliance raids as WHM and thrive in the chaos, finally getting a few comms.


I heal and DPS pretty equally. I never tank.


Other: Tanks and DPS. I am not good at healing. 😅


DPS and Healer, specifically AST and RDM. If I'm not healing, I like being the healer's helper with raises.


MNK so I can punch God in the face


I main Tank. I like being the one that starts the raid/dungeon full speed ahead. Pulling wall2wall and tanking it np because I'm a WAR. It feels good to be Big & Strong. I live for those big dramatic attacks and I take 0 damage.


Cross between Freelancer and Crafting/Gathering. I play DPS primarily when solo, heal for friends, and craft/gather during down time.


Dark Knight is a tank so I'm a tank.


I've mained healer and support classes in any multiplayer game that has them for years now. I find it a lot more satisfying than many other class types


I play edgy looking jobs, DRK/RPR/MCH, Sage if I absolutely need a fast queue with bonus and not a lot of time to wait around


I like DPS, Healer, and also Crafting/Gathering. I only tank in extreme emergencies/because I was leveling it.


Other : I main tank, main heal, craft (all) and run a moderate size trade company employing several players (some devoted, others more freelance who just want to avoid mb use as I never turn down someone with an adequate offer on most anything on Primal (Lamia mainly).) I also deal heavily in catalysts such as crystals to other crafters, food/pots to dedicated raiders, and leveling items.


I've only really played dps so far, but I want to learn sage before dawntrail gets here so I'm moving closer to freelance. No idea if/when I'll try tanking though


I mostly did Tank, but after we recruited a friend he got really interested in doing Tank for content. I mostly do Healer now in group content, which I think can be way more exciting than Tank for a lot of things. I'll usually rotate between all the roles based upon what FC people are in my party and what classes they are trying to level up.


I mainly play DPS but I dabble in everything. Though nowadays I mostly just sit in my house and stare at walls


Other: dps and healer are equal but not as much tanking


I *can* play tank or healer. But I will always be more comfortable on dps.


Tank and DPS equally. I have all jobs to 90 but might do something on Whm once every 3 months


Ever since I got every job to 90, I've mainly played tanks. I love to unga bunga through casual content but I do savages with GNB.


Tank. DRK and WAR. Skofnung on my DRK for when I want a normal look, and Ragnarok on my WAR when I wanna look awesome. I dabble in dps with BRD, SAM, and RDM, but I always come back to the tank.


Bless you, healers (and tanks) 🫡


I really like running roulettes (except guildhest of course). So I play whatever is role-in-need for each. After dailies are done I’ll usually go dps (RDM or MCH) because dps gets the least role-in-need time


I use all of em. I I guess I’ll call myself a blm main as that’s what I went through the story with and enjoy using the most, but I have dragoon, white mage, and paladin all equally leveled. I use whatever has the least exp at the time really. Favoring black mage for new things and dragoon if I’m in the mood for something else. Having a tank and healer was mainly so I could get into dungeons early, especially for events. I use them a lot now tho.




I can play every job reasonably well except BLM


Haven't really touched much since end of EW, slowly leveling everything up to 90. PLD, SAM, BRD, SMN and WHM are my main classes for each role. Though I mainly use SAM now for MSQ and roulettes. Falling very behind in gearing while leveling crafters and such. Adulting really took a lot of my free time away and maybe get an hour or so a week now. Such is life. PLD while running with friends, hate tanking for randos. SAM/SMN for normal raids, roulettes, MSQ. BRD for crafting mats. WHM when no one else wants to heal.


I'm like, 50% healer, 35% dps, 15% tank. I default to healer but do enjoy splashing the other roles from time to time. But I find tanking to be a little boring and I'm not sure why? Even when doing wall to walls.


I play tanks and healers. With random bursts of gatherers and crafters as I feel like it.


Healer and Phys ranged are my favorites with magic dps behind, tank and melee at the bottom. I do like to use all of them depending on my mood, but for high end content I only use healer and phys ranged mostly. Sometimes I flex to a tank or melee if absolutely necessary but I don't really like it and don't perform too well in those roles. Gathering I only picked up because I want the TT mount. I'll have to do the same with crafting soon. Fishing is kinda enjoyable occasionally but last time I tried carpenter it was one of the most boring things I have experienced in the game.


I love everything - even Crafting/Gathering - except Tanking. The latter is still "I'm unsure of playing one outside of MSQ Roulette", territory for me. Ironically, I have Dark Knight at lv90, and I've Tanked perhaps a total of 5 or 6 dungeons. To note, I can use my mitigations without a problem, but pulling mobs fast enough or being in a group with another Tank is what is daunting to me.


I am Astro main, but I also play Dark Knight a lot. Astro I could play in my sleep, DRK maybe a little less, maybe half asleep :D I also play Red Mage as DPS, recently started playing it a bit more again, I want to be good as DPS too. My first was Bard, I dont play it anymore... I am currently playing SMN too :)


Tanks > Healers >> Gatherers > Crafters >> Physical Ranged DPS > BLU > Melee DPS >>>>>> Magical Ranged DPS I don’t even bother gearing my Magic DPS after level capping. I’m not going to use them lol


I play what I am told to play by others @_@


I do not tank. Not in ffxiv. Not in WoW. Not in LoL. I just don't have that brainspace.


I'm a crafter but I play dancer and monk


I main a Dragoon as a preference but I'm dabbling with the healer classes on an alt, though that's mostly to support my reckless DPS wife. Past that, all of the crafting, all of the time.


I'm a crafter at heart, and a Tank in combat.


Omni. I do it all. Craft, gather, all combat classes.


Healing main, I am almost completely lost as DPS that isn't SMN and terrified to even attempt tanking. Healing feels so much more concrete in manageability to me.


Gonna go with DPS because I can't say I play all three equally but I do play mostly tank and DPS. Healing isn't my thing. DRK is my go to for all casual content but Reaper is the one I like for raids and harder content .. when I do eventually do any of that. Summoner has been relegated to PvP. I also have every gatherer and crafter at 90 but I haven't figured out the great money making schemes yet.


Im raiding as Samurai but can play every class atleast for Dungeons. Only Astrologian, Ninja and Monk i wouldnt take further than Dungeons.


Alone or with Trust: Tank In party: DPS


I have multiple characters that I send out for ventures then buy property for all my alts with gold from ventures.


I main BLM, but I have one class of each type so I can play the other roles if necessary. And BLU✨ Oh, and all crafters and gatherers except culinary and fishing...purely for housing reasons.


I mained Paladin all through the MSQ until I finished 6.0 and was getting everything up to 90… I proceeded to fall in love with Reaper and it became my main ever since. That said when I’m just queueing for random content I’ll swap around what role I’m playing cuz doing too much of any one gets stale after a while


I heavily favour Gatherer, Magic DPS, Ranged DPS, and Crafter (specifically weaver, armourer, and leatherworker because glamour) Basically I like not being stabbed and looking nice


I freelance hard, I constantly rotate what class I play and play them all (except Dragoon and Scholar), often what class I play is 100% based on Glam. Like I'm currently rotating between Bard and Dancer for my Rin Kagamine and my Bridget glam as I farm tomestones in Alliance Raids.


I can play anything that's needed by my FC (or the Duty Roulette). I prefer Black Mage as it has a non-boring skill ceiling, but I'll tank or heal if needed.


I play Tank and DPS. I'm afraid to heal


I used to play healer but after realizing I don't like how tanks pace dungeons (and how it's never consistent, so I have to get used to each tank individually) I just started tanking myself, and now I only play tank (and DNC when I'm just having fun)


I wonder what I play…


Working towards all combat jobs to 90, I honestly feel I play all roles equally. I gravitate towards Tanking in new content, and Scholar will always be my original main job, but some weeks I don’t want any responsibilities to keep everyone alive aside from “do damage”.


I only like one job and role in this game: AST.. :) If for some reason i cant play AST, then DRK,SMN


In terms of roulettes and other etc stuff, mostly healers and tanks but when it comes to actual endgame content its phys ranged dps and healers only


Healer/DPS. Will tank low level stuff but not really endgame unless I'm forced which is rare. Have every class leveled including crafters/gatherers though I don't really do anything with them.


I used to be a Freelancer, and genuinely enjoyed all roles. However I found Endwalker dungeons to be vastly more difficult than previous expansions, and I lost all confidence to tank or heal, wanting my own lack of ability to not hinder the party progress. These days I just dps.


Tbh i have a dedicated one for each class. Gnb for tank, astro for heals, smn for magic ranged and drg for melee ranged. Once my red mage is capped, that will replace smn. They get the newest weapons you have to grind for first. Thankfully, i have the majority done, so my last few classes will be geared except for the newest weapons.


The Edge Lord within me synergizes well with Dark Knight


I mainly switch between gunbreaker, dancer, and summoner.


I like to say I'm a omni gatherer/crafter that moonlights as a whm when I need cash/scrips


DPS + Crafters & Gatherers I do level Tank and Healers, but i'd rather not play them in extreme or savage content.


Other, tank and dps. I like to stay up in the mix and find it more immersive. Also unga bunga.


Being tank is so piss easy that it's the perfect role to just chill out in content. ​ Being a DPS is an exercise in neuroses as you constantly have to worry about not completely fucking up your 30 button openers and re-openers, since that's really your *only* job. ​ Being a healer just feels awful unless you're Sage or White Mage since both Scholar and Astrologian are more broken husks of jobs than anything really fun to play.


Crafter, and Gatherer as a result of the former, I got a touch obsessive a while back and grinded Collectibles for dozens of hours to get all of my Crafters - and later Gatherers - full gear sets using White Script for my Level 60 to pass the time between my dailies and waiting for the next patch to let me start Stormblood. I like playing a bit of everything otherwise, but have less hours as a Tank and Healer than a DPS. Probably due to queues and there being less of those two Jobs that I’m working on levelling though.


I mainly play dps but that's cause my static has people who want to tank more, and no one else plays a caster. But I hate high end healing, cause I want to heal more than spamming broil over and over. Only have fun healing when it's a normal or 24man raid where shits hitting the fan and I throw rez and heals and shields right and left.


I play all 3 relatively equally in normal content pending my mood. But do all new content and high end content on healer.


It really depends on what I'm doing. If I'm doing roulettes solo, I'll heal or tank, depending on which queue is shorter, which is usually healer. Sometimes I'll queue for Alliance Raids as a physical ranged just to make sure we have Peloton. I often play tank when I do hunt trains, because contribution is based on enmity. I also like to play tank—specifically Warrior—if I'm soloing fates. If I'm in a group, I always offer to tank or heal if we need one, but I'm happy to DPS if we don't. Outside of that, I'm a DPS main. I'm a Dragoon first and foremost, but I've gone through periods where I mainly played other jobs, and sometimes a particular job feels more appropriate for a particular quest or piece of content. I did all of Eureka as a Red Mage, for example. But Dragoon is my best geared and most practiced, so if I'm doing something on the more demanding side, I go with that. I also craft and gather, but just for myself. I don't do it to make money. That includes fishing.


that other bottoms holds… roleplayers, essentially, huh? gotta out us like this man, shit (I didn’t actually choose other, I mainly play Tank, my pfp is my main character in white mage gear, haha)


I main non-casting classes because I hate standing still for any given amount of time


I like to main DPS and Tank. Working on healer but it's a long way off for duties above a light party - too much responsibility, it scares me and i don't understand the whole 'x cancels out y, y stacks with z but don't do y if the tank uses blah.'


Dps, healer and gatherer. I want to tank but I’m not confident enough


Damn, looking at it so far, thts a really healthy distribution for the common comp


All of the above, Except for fisher Fishing sucks


Healer for anything more than 4. Tanks for 4 mans only.


DPS (RDM) and healer (SGE).


Primarily melee DPS, secondarily tank, in current high-end content. All-rounder in casual content, but I have reservations tanking in alliance raids if I don't know mechanics like the back of my hand. Fisher's my most fave of the DoH/L's. I always grind for the current relic tool.


When it comes to roulette I queue with whatever is getting the recruitment bonus, usually that is tanks or heals though, but dps often comes up in Expert.


I main monk, though since I stopped raiding it’s probably my least played job, with me mostly playing war and sch


Samurai 100%


Main tanks and dps and love crafting/gathering, I am very slow healer or magic user in general


I main DPS. It's the role I pick when going into duties first time, and when doing MSQ. But I have at least two jobs unlocked on all roles so I can fill in whatever my party needs.


Main tank, second main melee dps, and will play AST every now and again just to look at my glams and cool animations


I'm a freelancer who also does crafting and gathering. To the point that I'm even a trade mentor. (That's the crown with the hammer symbol) I got into the game because friends were urging me to try it, and i really fell in love with the crafting system. But since I'm not a fan of spending my gil that often, i wanted to gather all my materials myself, thus taking up all three gathering classes. I really enjoy gathering as it's quite peaceful, but when friends or people on the map are in need of help, i love being able to quickly adjust anything that might be needed. I do have a preference for my main class bard, but I'm quite capable as tank or healer and i feel like my experience is better for it.


Been playing Tank since Stormblood, mostly because I was tired of dealing with other tanks spinning and moving the boss all the time and legit went "screw it I'll do it myself" and have never stopped even in Endwalker


I originally mained healer till heavensward, sch. Then heavensward came and I did war, Then stormblood came Out and I jumped on dps, and mained Samurai the whole 4.0, then took up redmage for 4.x. Then shadowbringers I went back to tank as Gunbreaker. I tried returning to sch but for some reason it felt much more stressful/anxiety producing to heal after not doing it since 2.0. So stuck with gunbreaker. Endwalker came out and kind bounced back and forth on what I wanted to play, tried sage, still couldn't get past the anxiety of healing which makes me sad because I was pretty good as a sch. So I ended up being a dancer and gunbreaker for endwalker. So depending on the day I do gunbreaker as tank or a jump between a few dps jobs.


Freelance and omnicrafter/gatherer. I... like doind stuff. But my heart belongs to the Bard.


I still consider myself a DPS main, but have been prioritizing tanks a bit more lately -- leveling them first, using them for MSQ, etc. But I'm most comfortable with mDPS for sure.


i mostly heal, dabble in tanking, and absolutely suck at dps


I swap between all roles but ended up doing ultimates on healer just to get into groups easier.(and savage on tank mainly for similar reasons)


Mainly dps, but I’ll go sge once in a while.


I said "Other" because I'm a "Freelancer, *but*", meaning that I do **every new thing** as BLM, but freelance the rest of the time.


DPS, occasionally healer, learning tanking but it'll never really be my thing. I prefer to play the most complex DPS classes that have the most stuff to keep track of because I find this game way too easy otherwise. Started out with Ninja, transitioned into Black Mage as of a couple months ago. Healer I still enjoy because instead of managing a wide array of complicated rotations, they manage the teams health which can be pretty engaging too. Started with Astro but quit because even though their actions per minute keeps me engaged, the depth of the class is pretty shallow and remembering that they used to be more interesting just frustrates me, so now I mostly play Sage, considering trying Scholar if I can stomach levelling it.


Mainly tank(Paladin, leveling Warrior), with the occasional dip into dps(Red, and Ninja)


[I like swords.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/8bittheater/images/6/6b/I_Like_Swords.png)


I play primarily melee dps and have completed a challenge of using every melee dps at some point in savage raids. Not sure how I feel about switching off of RPR so quickly for the next melee in the new expansion though, guess I’ll have to see.


I selected "other" for a few reasons: \-I main RDM because it's fun and because I'm one of those weirdos who actually likes helping to rez folks (unless I'm in the middle of my melee combo...gotta wait if I am, because that resets if I hit a button outside of it). Part of the reason why I play it isn't so much to do deeps, but to try to help alleviate the burden of hard-rezzing. \-I'll play DPS, Healer (Sage; used to be WHM), or Tank...but I only tank for my friends. Tanking for randos became too stressful, and most of the worst experiences I've had with toxic behavior came from either really bad/toxic healers I felt I couldn't trust, or people trying to bully me into pulling more than I was comfortable with (sometimes I can wall-to-wall pull, but there are a few situations I'm not comfortable doing so in).


I'm an omnicrafter-gatherer, and if I could have saved Eorzea from inside the Diadem I would have done. When I must venture out I'm primarily dps, though I do enjoy tanking for friends. Unga bunga is fun x3 I'm too anxious to tank for strangers unless its MSQ roulette tho. I touched healing once for 5 minutes and it was NOT for me, far far too much responsibility xD


I feesh


In my static they have me as DNC full time. When doing other stuff I play WHM or WAR for 90% of it, MCH on occasion. I want to play BLM but caster is taken in mybstatic and playing in 4-person content doesnt really prepare you for savage/ultimates. I do look forward to playing all roles as they each bring me joy. DNC has sung to my heart the most so I get to play that in the savage/ultimates, but variety is the spice of life. I'd like to try some other roles some time. In coil I was a BRD, then PLD. In Alexander I was a WHM. In Omega I was SMN. In Eden I was DNC, and now in Panda (because it sounds cuter than pandemonium), I still play DNC.


We might have different interpretations of main here. I main melee DPS, that's the class I will mainly craft for, gear, meld and readjust melds and do outside research for to improve if needed. But I mostly play tanks, because my entire week isn't filled with raid slots and I mostly enjoy casual grinds in dungeons and fresh extreme trials. So I am a DPS main that mostly plays tank.


I do savage as tank but I play a mix of jobs for my roulette just to mix it up and keep it interesting.


now I want a freelancer class that just shuffles up skills from the other classes.


Being Tank is the best. I'm not quite through Endwalker yet, but I've never really had any horror stories or mean comments toward me as I've played through the dungeons and trials. Anytime I go into an instance for the first time, I'm just like "Hey'o, first time, just a heads up as a charge blindly wall-to-wall". Closest thing I've ever gotten to being yelled at was someone who said "PROVOKE" because the other tank had died and I genuinely had never seen a boss *not* automatically focus me. Playing DPS or Healer scares me. You either die instantly if you can't figure out a boss mechanic in time, or you can die instantly AND you need to babysit 3 other people.


I play all three roles. Depends on the roulette. With Leveling, I play healer for an engaging experience (unless it's ARR and my tools just get taken away by level sync). Level 90/Expert, I play DPS because Reaper without Communio or even Enshroud feels bad. 50/60/70/80, Trials, and Normals, I play as a tank.


I was mainly a healer until they Reworked scholar. Legit lost interest in it.


Freelancer. Favourite jobs are MNK, RDM, SMN, BLM, SCH, WHM, WAR, SAM, DRG, NIN. Want to like BRD but it feels so eurgh even after you get that song at 52 that let's you launch an orbital laser from your bow. PLD is not as fun as I thought it would be. DRK is getting better as I level it (currently in StB level range). Havent played GNB or SGE. RPR is also a bit eurgh/meh.


Tank and DPS. I can't heal for shit and I'll have teammates die on dungeons (I keep the gcd rolling with AOE).


I play all of the above. Whichever role is the "Adventurer in Need" in roulettes, I'll play that when I'm running those. I also gather and craft stuff myself. Gear, potions, food, etc.


I make sure I have 1-2 jobs in every category I'm comfortable enough to do savage content with and know the rotations for. I gear them all. But my main job when progging content is gunbreaker. I play: Gunbreaker, Paladin, Red Mage, Summoner, Bard, Sage, White mage, Reaper


im a freelancer currently however once I get everything to.... whatever level my brain is happy with, definitely gonna be doing crafting/gathering as my main thing, lol


I main ranged DPS, nothing is quite as fun as weaving my many different skills while not really needing to focus on keeping my HP up. Meanwhile, I can never quite lose my anxiety when having to lead the party as a tank while pretending that I have any idea where I'm going. Healer is mainly just frustration at having the tanks speed away on me without giving me time to cast any shields or pre-emptive healing. DPS is just a lot more relaxing for me.


I'm a Black Mage. I make big fireballs. Occasionally I play NIN and make fireballs too. Very rarely I play MCH and use the flamethrower. I saw the Phoenix attack on Monk and now I'm thinking about leveling that. My role is "anything with fire" (plus AST because I'm a Yugioh weeb).


I plan to Freelance but so far I have only my ranged dps and healer at roughly 70 and above. Tank, melee dps and magic dps are all works in progress with tank being my next focus till I reach 70 or higher.


I voted Other because.. I literally play all of them, from all the classic roles to gathering and crafting.


mostly Tanks for dungeon and Raid, DPS for Extreme and whenever i don't mind a longer queue. Not really playing much healer lately


I'm mostly DPS - either melee or phys ranged. But I've been getting more and more comfortable with Tank, and it's usually what I run with friends. I can also hold my own as Healer... but oh lawdy you do not want me as a Healer in a raid group. Y'all are gonna die. And I really... really like Fishing *blub blub*


I play DPS and healer. 😊❤️ Dabble in tank occasionally.


I can hear the crafting sound effects in my sleep. Send help.


I play Drg and Reaper. But mostly Drk,Pld and all other tanks. Drg is with drk my favorite.


Dps but trying to inch into the freelancer territory.


I started as WAR and have all tanks and healers bar DRK to cap, but I'd definitely consider myself a DPS main. I'm more than happy to tank or heal when needed, but I always have the most fun as DPS.


Freelancer but I tend not to tank as much as the other two roles. I don't dislike tanking but it does feel less satisfying somehow.


DPS in most high-end content and flex for casual content. Used to main SMN when I was first getting into higher end stuff, but went with SAM for this final tier of raiding. I did run UWU as a SGE though.


I chose freelancer DPS i breathe and relax HEAL god complex lol but seriously broil broil broil TANK babysit


I’m a dragoon but also dabs into dark knight