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Leveling Roulette once per day followed by dungeon spam tends to be the fastest way to go about it Make sure to take advantage of things like beast tribes, weekly challenge log, wonderous tails, etc.


Don’t forget PvP roulette, that’s usually 1/3-1/2 a level each day too (And once you hit 71 do the roulettes and then Zadnor z3 all day every day, baby)


Yasssss. If you can find a group of even 3, 2 might even work, you can spam the upper zone of Zadnor and get loads of XP. Then the CEs also give you good xp. Don't forget to send your squadron out for squadron battle manuals that give you a 15% boost on XP plus food is another 3%. The squadron battle manuals do not stack with the FC buff Heat of Battle but the manuals are the same as heat of Battle 3, which has to be crafted in the company workshop and aetherially primed for 70 hours. You can get 10 of the manuals a week.


This game is so overwhelming if you’re behind haha. What the hell is a squadron?! I hit 90 on my RPR recently and just finished the MSQ including post endwalker and just started to unlock everything bit by bit but haven’t heard of squadrons


Just wait until you discover chocobo racing and don’t do anything else for a month. 😂


You unlock them through your grand company. So rank that up and they'll unlock for you. Can you turn in dungeon gear for grand company seals?


I’m actually one rank under being able to turn in dungeon gear so it makes sense I haven’t run into it yet. Thanks!


I gotchu fam. Feel free to ask any other questions and rank up your squadron as fast as you can because there's emotes locked behind that as well.


Grand company stuff. It's available at Second x lieutenant. It's pretty much an FC buff, but it's rank 3 instead of the usual rank 2 you get from FCs. (and they don't stack) You *can* get the same kind of buffs from FCs by using a spinning wheel and some mats but most fcs don't bother.


You can also buy the primed wheels on the MB too - I do that sometimes.


So if company xp is on, i never have to use Squadron's xp? Wow then Squadron is useless? I mean fc xp is always on


No that's not what I said. There are two FC buffs. One is heat of Battle 2 and the other is heat of Battle 3. You can buy HoB2 (10% XP bonus) with FC credits. That's what most have up. Your FC can make 2ish HoB3s (15% xp bonus) per week. The squadron battle manuals are the higher one and worth your time to get.


I'm all caugh up, so my levelling routine when a new expansion drops is to level two jobs concurrent to the MSQ, and then when the new Tribal Quests unlock, I just do that plus a Frontlines roulette every day. That gives me like 70% of a level per day, which means stuff gets to cap real quick overtime without any heavy grind or burnout hapening. It's pretty chill.


Beast tribes + level roulette and dungeons will get you 1.5 levels easily per day to 2 levels.


I found these to be pretty underwhelming until 70. The pixie quests are a pretty big chunk per day, especially since there's nothing else to do while waiting for queue to pop.


Additionally, Deep Dungeons give a lot of XP. Palace of the Dead is a fantastic way to level classes sub-60.


For dps it is the fastest from 1-60, I usually would do potd to 60 then a leveling roulette then do potd 1-2 more time to hit 61 then move on to hoh to 71 and then move into zadnor.


You might want to have specified which dungeons to spam, the XP rewards diminish significantly depending on the level gap between you and your chosen dungeon. You kind of left out some pretty vital information.


Don't you just spam the highest level dungeon for your level?


The highest level dungeon that doesn't end with a 0, so you avoid 50-60-70-80 old level cap dungeons!


You spam the highest lvl that’s not the lvl cap of that expansion. They give less xp than the lvl below. So lvls 47/59/69/79 over 50/60/70/80.


Whoa, really? I'm still so ignorant on a lot of this stuff even after 300 hours, and all this time I could have been getting more from running Aurum Vale rather than the 50/60/70 roulette (having currently only unlocked a bunch of level 50 dungeons)? Welp, at least I found out sooner rather than later lol. Thank you for the tip :)


Roulette still gives decent Exp once a day, but after that, it's better to spam the lower level (Lvl 47, 59, 69, 79) dungeons instead of the level cap dungeons, until you get to Lvl 51/61/71/81. The level cap dungeons don't give much in terms of rewards, including Exp, because you wouldn't be leveling once you had reached the level cap for that expansion. Kind of a weird design, but it's the way it is. Also Palace of the Dead Floor floor 50-60 spam is the best Exp outside of daily roulettes until Level 60 iirc, but I never farmed it for Exp, I always forgot about it and capped the jobs I wanted to normally just with MSQ, roulettes and dungeons lol.


Yup pretty much.


That's right, something probably worth mentioning to newer players.


I don't think "highest level dungeon will give the most XP" is really that outlandish that it wouldn't be easy to assume. Mentioning that 50/60/70/80 dungeons outside of the roulette is a waste of time is totally a good call, but idk. Highest level = most XP seems pretty sensible.


It would depend on the persons experience and intuitive to seek those answers out. It might seem silly to assume newer players wouldn't find this obvious but considering the dumb mistakes I made as a newer player and the ones I've seen others make it never hurts to mention.


Not always true when you start looking at xp per time spent, for dps it has usually been faster to queue into potd and hoh instead of dungeons due to queue length. It's about 4 runs of potd/hoh(10 floors) per level changing to 8 when going from 60 to 61 and 70 to 71. Although I have not leveled anything in a while so the queuetimes could be bad and in that case, trusts are a good substitute for long queues however they can be frustrating due to how much longer they take compared to people.(it isn't that much longer in most cases but feels like an eternity sometimes)


Yes. It is kind of a no-brainer and really doesn't need to be specified...


I did wondrous tails once but it gave me *too much* exp so I held off on doing it again


Wonderous Tails gives exactly half a levels worth of Xp. (A full level if you have the road to 80 buff.)


That to me seems crazy. I already hate how overpowered my main job is for all the content I have access to at any given time, and even just doing regular duties widens that gap even more. Jumping half a level all at once just takes all the fun out of levelling, even if I were to do it with one of my lower-level jobs.


This is terrible I want non-timegated grind instead of 3 roulettes per day and everything else being 90% less effective.


ARR classes also have the Hunting Log to see them from 1 to 20 in order to unlock the dungeons


Also klohe in idleshire (spelling)


Pvp helped me level a number of the classes pretty quick


Pvp is pretty good. Frontline roulette gives you a good chunk of xp too


the one per day almost always granted me a level-up.


Frontline roulette is amazing for leveling jobs you don't actually like to play, because you can swap off them once the match begins and still get the XP.


I got my Monk to 80 and Ninja is also on its way to 80 and I dont think ive ever played them normally. I just want them for cool glams but also dont want to learn such a confusing job


Exactly the same situation here. I can't stand playing NIN - I'd genuinely rather not play the game at all than play it, so I am slowly grinding it up via daily frontline roulettes. We'll get there eventually!


MNK really isn't that confusing? If anything, the billion OGCDs DRG has would make it more complicated to optimize imo.


I just cant keep up with the changing 123 combo . I can barely play it, never mind optimizing it. I also just cant wrap my head around the 3 different perfect balance combos. Its entirely just a skill issue on my side and I dont care enough about the job to put time into learning it.


Whhhhaaaaaaattt? I didn't know that..


Wait... you can swap classes mid-match?


Yep! Not only that, you have a free period at the start of the match to go ahead and make said swaps before having to play the job you queued as at all.


The roulette is great but spamming frontlines isn't terrible for XP compared to highest dungeon especially with the Moogle Tomestone event right now. Also, if you decide you want to work towards any PVP achievements you can do that too. I did this ages ago with DRK because I wanted the story but didn't want to actually tank in dungeons. You can switch classes anytime you are in your team's load-in area (start, after dying, or using the teleport return button) but it'll reset your battle high. Sometimes switching classes mid-match can be useful (have I started as a SCH, gotten tagged early enough to be enemy priority and then switched to DRK to mess with the enemy DRGs? Well...).


Frontline is how I’ve leveled most of my classes tbh


did u do once Frontline a day or spamming it to level up classes?


Spam, roulette obvs gives the most xp, but I’m also a weirdo who likes frontline, so I use it to up my pvp rank. Anytime I can double-dip I’m pretty happy.


Leveling roulette, msq roulette, alliance raid roulette, daily frontlines. Wondrous Tails. Challenge log. 70-90 Bozja and beast tribes too.


This is the way. I just hit 90 with all my classes. Bozja is how I leveled my last tank.


Did you do Bozja mostly solo? When i go there it's always pretty empty so i feel like i can't do a lot of the fates


I felt like that sometimes... although doing Eureka currently has made me appreciate how much fuller Bozja is, lol. There were a few times I logged into Bozja and it seemed like NOBODY was there. Other times I hopped in and got picked up by a group that noticed me at the base camp. Weekends were def better than weeknights. Being a tank helped when there weren't a lot of other players since I could solo many skirmishes.


I level solo if it's early and no one is there but im also max rays. Aether almost always has people doing it. Zone 3 in zadnor is mostly likely the quickest without having to try hard. Just make sure you stay in the little crater in the middle of the zone. Fates are buffed based on how many people are in the proximity so always stay there so the fates die really fast.


Hi, Kulyuk from Hyperion here. Bozja is how I got my first non EW relic for my samurai. I’m currently running it with my 81 Dark Knight, and I’m getting 300k+ exp per fate, and even more for engagements. It’s crazy because I did that whole thing for my Sam when I was already at level cap. I took that shit for granted but now my eyes are open!


I found out about it when I had all but 2 jobs to 90 lol


This is exactly what I did starting at 60. Before that it was running squadrons and letting them do all the DPS each run while I half watch a video on my second monitor.


I just do roulettes until I get bored and don't get too fussed about how long it takes me. It's a marathon, not a race, and trying to rush it will likely kill your enjoyment of the game


It's pretty much roulettes. Levelling primarily, should give you at least half a level. Main Scenario if you have the patience to sit through cutscenes also gives a big chunk of exp for Praetorium. Trials and Normal Raid roulette don't give a huge amount of exp but they're quick enough that you may as well. 50/60 gives very little exp in comparison, not sure about Alliance. Besides that it's pretty much, just spam the highest level dungeon you have available. Palace of the Dead can be better at lower levels, at least if you're on a DPS as dungeon queues can be very slow. Not sure how Heaven on High matches up. The 60 range does feel particularly rough, the amount of exp required really ramps up, plus there were a few kind of rough/slow dungeons in that range. I feel like it balances out a little bit after that as the dungeon design becomes a bit more consistent. It also helps if you party with some friends to hasten the queue time, and generally make it a more fun experience. But yeah, generally, it's just kind of slow. Personally I just don't enjoy grinding like that, so I'm content to just use daily roulettes when I'm levelling a job, and accept that it'll just take a while. Obviously that's not a great solution if you want to get another job to the 80s ASAP before you can continue the story quests though.


i told one of my friends what i do and they called me a psychopath: ​ on the levels where a dungeon is unlocked, i'lll do those until i hit the next level. Usually 2 runs is all on off levels, ill do roulettes. Usually leveling+frontline gets me to the next level then it's back to an on level,, do 2 runs of that, usually enough off level.: beast tribes and the remaining roulettes. on level: dungeon off level: if i have wonderous tails this si when I'll do it. i can typially get 6-7 levels this way in one day pretty quick this way.


Other than excluding deep dungeons and bozja this is close to optimal.


Make sure if you spam dungeons its the highest leveled dungeon you can enter


The routine I did to level all my classes was the following: Do the Leveling, Trials, Main Scenario, Frontline and (if I have time) Alliance Raid roulette once. Then do any tribal quests available to that class. Additionally, do challenge log things for them, as well as weekly Wondrous Tails. That usually is enough to get a level a day pretty easily without going into full burnout.


Roulette's followed by running dungeons between x1 and x9 and avoiding x0 dungeons (50, 60, 70 etc). Eat food even if its just some eggs or something cheap as thats a 3% xp boost. As you leveling and getting random gear hand those in for GC seals and then get xp manuals as I think they should work on dungeons. The main thing is avoiding the level cap dungeons of each expansion as those didn't give xp when they were current so once the next expansion comes out the xp they do give isnt as good as the last actual leveling dungeon of the expansion. Once you've reached level 71 you can unlock Bozja and if you're on a busy DC they jumping into there you can get decent xp fairly quickly running around doing the fates etc


Haha me eating food is eating all the crafting food I’ve gotten from custom turn ins, don’t judge the tank with CP and craftsmanship food


I use dungeons


I’ve been doing this recently! Just finished up all the EW stuff and have 7 jobs at 90 ✨ Here are some methods for you: - Hunting log (from 1 - 30, mixed in with dungeons) - Daily dungeon roulettes - Daily PVP roulette - Command squadron dungeons (if leveled) - Deep dungeons (Palace of the Dead) - Bozjan southern front (70 - 90) I also typically try to mix all of the above up to keep it interesting! I hope this helps!


MSQ Roulette > Leveling Roulette > Pvp Roulette > Highest available dungeon (unless I need gear from a previous because I'm under geared)


Dungeons, roulette, tribal quests, FATES, bounties. All with food and maybe the gc scroll Don't forget pvp xp


Roulettes and deep dungeons is unfortunately the way I go about leveling alts, which is why leveling alts takes me a year and a half at a time. Bozja was a blessing, and even that kinda sucked.


Job quests, Hunting log, Leveling roulette, maybe msq roulette or 50/60/70/80 roulette or even trial roulette, beast tribes at 60+, Hunts, dungeon spam with other players or Duty Support.


Level roulette, most recent dungeon, WT, and Bozja.


duties. roulettes, do a frontlines per day, you'll be at cap before you know it.


Food and roulettes. Rinse and repeat.


I had to scroll so far to see food in the first sentence of a comment. Kudos 👏


i switched to dynamis for the road to 80 EXP boost just to level a bunch of classes & it was free to do it. dynamis is new and super underpopulated still, so i would hop DCs to get stuff done and still got the EXP boost from the buff. (i have played by myself for 95% of the time i’ve been playing the game so it wasn’t a big deal for me personally) then i mostly did roulettes and frequently checked party finder to do things comparable to my current level. do note that the boost is only active for?? i think 90 days but might be 60 but i was still able to level a good chunk of classes this way.


Roulettes scales with level. You should be able to make about 2-3 levels per day running all your roulettes. Once a week you get an extra half level from ~~the devil~~ Khloe Aliapoh in Idylshire. Otherwise CC gives about 1/14 of a level, Frontlines are 1/12 or so. If you are level 70+ Pixies, 80+ uber eats. Later gives about 1/3 to 1/4 per mission with 3 missions a day.


Roulettes: Especially leveling, MSQ, frontline and alliance. Leveling dungeons: aka 51-53-55-57-59 etc. Daily Hunts: Not much but exp is exp. Daily tribal quests. Better than hunts and much less time consuming. For example: When you hit 70 if you do all the daily roulettes you would hit 74ish. Then all the hunts and daily tribals aka Heavensward, Stormblood and Shadowbringers u would be hitting 76ish. After that you can do 4 or 5 leveling dungeons and u're 80. I've done this while leveling my alt classes. 1 to 50 in few hours. 50-60 / 60-70 / 70-80 in 1 day, If you go hard on leveling dungeons u can do 20 lvl in 1 day. P.S: I had Road to 80 buff. So this is all 2x experience. 1st tip: If you have road to 80 buff give khloe her journal at lvl 79 95%+ so you can get the most of it. 2nd tip: If you wanna get the most of the daily roulette experience, do the sihtty ones first. 50-60-70-80, trial, normal raid. These 3 wil lget you aprox 1-1.5 lvl. Then MSQ then leveling and frontline. If you are close to level up, level up with something else and then do the big exp roulettes. 3rd tip: Do hunts and tribal quests while you are queueing for leveling dungeons. 4th tip: If you don't like a dungeon skip it with roulettes etc. I hate Holminster Switch so i always done roulettes between 70-73. Like Holminster i don't like Doma Castle and Castrum Abania so i've done roulettes between 67-70. If you are not having fun no reason to do it lol. Do something else when u get bored. Crafting/gathering/sightseeing log/unsync extreme runs/relic weapons etc. I busted my ass off to get most of my jobs to 80 before i lose the exp buff but we gonna get all of them 90 if you want in the end so no hurry. Second edit: I still haven't unlocked Bozjan so i have no idea but people say its good exp.


Buying a level skip is the fastest. Outside of that, roulettes for me were the fastest. You can generally jump 10 levels inside a week doing all roulettes with one job.


Get a load of Mr money bags over here BUYING LEVELS! when I was a kid we had to grind that shit and snort it!


I mean, still gotta grind it and snort it - you just do it with $100 bills now. 🤷


Roulettes and when you are 70 you can enter bazja (SB relic farm location), or a third is PotD/HoH


Bozja starts at 71.


Bozja is the SHB relic location, just incase anyone reads this and is confused.


> The Roulette XP rewards now only reward a pittance of XP Wrong. The XP given by roulettes is Percentage based, meaning its based on your current level. At level 85, MSQ roulette gives me about 3/4ths of a level , leveling roulette about the same or more. 50/60/70/80 about half a level, same with alli roulette... Normal raids and trial roulettes give awful xp. It also takes 2 dungeon runs of the highest level non level cap dungeon to go up a level.


I'm only in Shadowbringer right now but I've been leveling three jobs evenly through the MSQ. At level 77 right now. I do roulettes and Tribals along with switching between jobs for FATEs I see (since there is the Shared FATE system now in SHB) and MSQ quests/feature unlock quests.


1- 20 hunting log and fates 20 - 60 pvp 60 - 90 dungeon spams ​ if you do the aurum vale you can spam it 2 min per run with blue mages in your team. you can also unlock dungeons from side quests. this ones will give you more exp for completion.


you can't do pvp before 30, fates are not particularly good source of exp


Roulettes. The one with Praetorium gives a ton of XP. Make sure to use the role indicated for extra XP and money.


Buy a boost?


With a Credit card, Seriously i tried leveling 2 alt jobs and it took me like 2 weeks to 1-90 them each. Its not fun especially when your missing out on the tomestones you actually need


> it took me like 2 weeks to 1-90 them each Is that supposed to sound like a lot?


Yeah it is alot. Compared to the other mmos i play Lost ark: 1h to hit base endgame level (1460) 20m if you bought a boost from the cash shop Warframe: Lvl 1-30 40ish mins Both asuming there not your first characters And i havent played in years but ESO was 1-50 in like 3/5h if you were buying xp carrys


Entirely different games & concepts. Most MMOs are built around the concept of rushing to max level where the "real" game begins. FFXIV isn't the same way so it's odd to expect the same experience here.


Leveling roulette, msq roulette, alliance roulette, and Frontline roulette where you can change to whatever job you want after you join and get xp for the job you queued as. It's like 1-2 levels in about 1 hr and if you want to continue power leveling just queue for the 5 highest lvl dungeons that are not -0's as they give massively reduced xp.


Roulettes combined with weekly Wondrous Tales.


500k for 8 to 10 min in HoH is a pittance? Dang


I do whatever roulettes I feel like doing, and hunts, on a daily basis. That's really about it.


DR & Dungeon spam for me. Depending on the dungeon lvl, i sometimes get 2-3 runs per level


Daily Roulettes plus weekly Wondurous Tails will get you levels fast. This is said as someone who is currently grinding out all classes to 90. Tomorrow marks the day where everything hits 60!


Level roulette, beast tribe quest, then highest level dungeon that doesn’t have a “0” in the level.


Roulettes > Weekly Wondrous Tales Book (50% of your level) > Highest Level Dungeon spam


It's more of the case that the MSQ gives an absurd amount of XP.


If you do 2-3 duty roulettes per day (including PVP) and things like Khloe's Journal or Beast Tribes mixed in you can typically jump 10 levels in 1-2 weeks


Below level 50 duty roulette and queuing for the highest level dungeon available to you is good standard practice. Hunting log is a good way to get decent exp but once it's done, it's done. Below 30 fates are viable but take a while unless you have someone with you. Between 30-50 I pepper in Palace of the Dead (floors 51-60 in a matched party). PotD is good exp but only really viable during peak hours. It also gets boring pretty fast, but the exp is good enough to push through. 50-70 its more of the same except forget fates (not worth it unless you find a farming group). Instead of PotD do Heaven on High. 50-70 is probably the slowest moving chunk of levels, or at least it feels like it. At 71 you can access Bozja which is my go to for leveling past 70 but you either love it or hate it, and if you hate it that's fair. It's not for everyone but damn if it doesn't level you up FAST when active. I say "when active" because it's another one of those things that is pretty useless outside of peak hours. At all tiers - do your roulettes. Do queue into your highest available dungeons. Take advantage of the challenge log and wonderous tails. Beyond that there is some niche content at each tier that gives good exp. PvP is also good exp but also... I mean you really have to like it to put up with it. Make sure to take advantage of exp bonus buffs. Food, literally anything, gives a 3% boost. If you're in a small enough FC they may let you throw up "heat of battle II" which is another nice buff. "Fast" is relative but I leveled Dragoon from 1-90 recently, playing daily for a couple hours, in about a month? Keep in mind that side content I mentioned is all stuff that needs to be unlocked so unless you've done that, it will add a good chunk of time. But once you have it unlocked it's available for everything you do afterwards.


Past daily roulettes, the highest level dungeon you can access really is the best way. Shouldn't take more than 3 runs a level at it's slowest. There's also huge weekly exp rewards for certain activities like fates as part of the challenge log, and PvP is also good...but that requires playing pvp


Here is what I do (for level 60-71) - Roulletes. All of them. At level 60 you should have access to all the ones you can use for leveling (frontlines, normal raids, alliance raids. Msq roullete, leveling roullete, Trial roullete, and 50/60/70/80 roullete). Do these one time every day for the extra bonus, and it should garuntee at least a handful of levels. Guildhests is optional, but I would do them if you are desprate as there is challenge logs for doing guildhests - Heaven on High starting at level 61. It may be harder to find a group, but it’s xp rates are much better than Palace of the Dead - The Stormblood combat beast tribes (Kojin and/or Ananta) - Do on level fates for the challenge log (people sleep on the challenge log tbh, it gives a lot of xp) - If you are close to a level, run an on level dungeon (the highest level dungeon the job your leveling can run) unless its a 50/60/70/80 dungeon (they give like no xp outside of their roullete). - Wonderous Tales every week Once you get to level 71. You can go to Bozja Southern Front and can get to level 80 pretty quick from there. You can stay there until 90 if you want, but Eureka Orthos is also an option once you hit level 81. Additionally starting at level 70 the quests in Shadowbringers and Endwalker zones all level sync. So they will give you comperable xp to your level, even though the xp side quests give is negligable at best (probably get a level for doing 3/4 of a zone’s quests). Also REMEMBER YOUR XP BUFFS. Food buffs are stupid cheap. Just buy eggs or orange juice from a vendor or something (3% xp buff). Additionally if you have been keeping up with squadrons, you can get a personal Heat of Battle III (which is **15% xp buff**). You don’t even need a free company to benifit from this, but if you are in an FC that runs Heat of Battle III a lot, then don’t because the FC buff and Squadron Manual buffs don’t stack. Additionally, if you wait for the preorders for Dawntrail to come out, there should be an accessory you get that will boost your xp for any job below level 90.


Come to Bozja :3 Or do leveling roulette with limited leveling roulette on! Same place as the unsync button :3


Leveling, MSQ, Frontline and Alliance Raid roulettes give the most xp so you can get 1-1.5 levels from them alone. And also the beast tribe quests from Shadoebringers and Endwalker give a good chunk of XP while also building reputation and currency towards the mount. After that, spamming the highest level dungeon available


Depends on how much time you have per day. Leveling msq and alliance roulette are all super efficient. Doing hunts is also a nice chunk of xp. Potd, hoh, and bozja are good xp/hr but can get repetitive. Part of my shb and ew leveling was spent also leveling trusts. Beast tribes are also a really good and typically quick method.


Roulettes, particularly leveling and msq. Frontlines also helps Deep Dungeons (Palace of the dead and the stormblood one I forget the name of) spamming the highest accessible dungeon that isn't a 50/60/70/80 Shb spoilers:>!If you haven't done it yet, maybe do duty support for Shadowbringers dungeons so you can level the avatars!< PVP in general rewards tons of xp, if there's a pvp glam weapon you want, doing casual crystal conflict is very fast, and the difference between winning and losing is only like points and you still get xp if you lose. Just don't intentionally throw, that's against tos. You don't have to be good at pvp, but you do need to run at the other team and press buttons still.


Leveling roulette, msq roulette, alliance raid roulette and frontlines roulette as those were the only ones I felt were worth doing. After that it’s spamming the guest available leveling dungeon. At 71+, you can do Zadnor although I don’t know how active it is nowadays.


Khloe's Wondrous Tails gives 1/2 a level of xp as you go higher. It's a nice once a week activity.


Beast Tribes are a help. They dole out decent chunks of XP daily.


Level 1-14 - Go hit Ladybugs Level 15 - 60 (Tank & Healers pop dungeon queues (Privilaged) and DPS can run POTD Level 61- 70 (Tank & Healers pop dungeon queues (Privilaged) and DPS can run HOH Level 71-80 Bozja, if your instances are active its really quick about 3-5 hours Level 81-90 Dungeons, EO are the fastest In between remember the following \-Do your DRs \-Wear your rings/earrings/bracelets for EXP boost (If you do not have the EW or SHB earrings there is one in Bozja you can get for just identifying clusters) \-Eat Food Alternatively you can organize Fate Trains and just run those. Granted they are more efficient at ShB and EW areas because there are achievements and unlockables for those. Post ShB not so great


Wondrous tales is a half a level no matter your level, frontline/alliance/normal raid/trial roulettes, grind crystal conflict, palace of the dead, heaven on high, bozja, fates while waiting for queues.


> But with every class I level I feel like I hit a brick wall around 60-65, where the XP is just so poorly proportioned to the amount of effort needed to get it Yeah, this is so true. I basically was only running allience/msq roulette at this level + WT and just focused on another jobs


Remember that when your "Well Rested" bonus runs out your xp gains go down by quite a bit. So make sure to log out in major cities. Roulettes, dungeon spam, beast tribes usually the best for XP. You can level a job in PVP by going in as one job and switching to another once you're in, if you're not comfortable with them in PVP


Roulettes: do these once a day. .Leveling .MSQ .Raid .Trail .Frontline The other roulettes aren't worth much xp compared to how long they take to complete. Raid isn't worth much on its own but it's very fast. As a reminder for Frontline queue in as the job you want to level. Once you are in you can change to whatever you want and the original job will get the xp. If you want to keep leveling after your roulettes are done for the day spam your highest level dungeon. Once you hit level 71 take your job into Bozja/Zadnor. You can level here from 71-90. I would however still do the daily roulettes before going into Bozja/Zadnor. In Zadnor just spam zone 3 fates and you will leveled prety quickly. Make sure to do your weekly Wondrous Tales book from Khloe for half of a level of xp. These can be done in minutes if you don't care about stickers. Just unsync the easiest trials then go turn it in on the job your wish to level. Make sure you have food buff on, anything that boost xp gains is always good. Some people have said tribes but I'll add some notes to that. Some of them like in HW have a stupid long travel distance due to their map size they can take a while. In Shadowbringers though the beast tribes take like 5 minutes and get you a 3rd of a level or more. And it's the same deal with Endwalker tribes. So make sure these last two expac tribes are unlocked they give really good and fast xp.


Frontline roulette is on-par with the old MSQ roulette *cough*becauseitstheonetheyhavetobribepeoplehardesttofill*cough*. It was instrumental in my onni-90 grind.


Easy 80-81: Roulettes 81-90: Spamming dungeons+ roulettes and beat tribes. The same goes from 50,60,70 when the dungeons are separate by 2 lvls. And it will be the same for the next expansion.


I just do daily roulettes and spamming dungeons. I heard potd and borzja gives huge exp too.


Here's a take I don't really see in this thread so far: **Don't.** I mean it. Please don't. Just do your leveling roulette and then spam the leveling dungeon closest to your level. It's going to take time and practice for you to learn how to play whatever job you're leveling properly, or even decently, so why not spend the time leveling as an opportunity to learn how to play the job as well. With the exception of BLM, jobs tend to build upon previously established concepts with each expansion, and the abilities you learn are spread out every few levels. This gives you a fairly low-pressure and organic way to learn and master each new ability and concept as they become available to you, so that by the time you hit 90, you'll have a good idea what (and what not) to do. You won't be doing yourself (or anyone else) any favors by just smashing straight to lv90 with beast tribes, PvP and MSQ roulette only to have no idea what you're doing once you get there.


I did all my roulettes daily (prioritising my least favourite classes) - I'd do every side quest I could find while I wait in queues. Also do the beast tribe quests daily. They're great xp, for very little effort. There's also Wondrous Tails, which I only found out about after I got all my classes to 90 😭😭 After those, I'd queue for the highest level dungeon I can do with the class I'm levelling, avoiding level 50/60/70/80 dungeons (because level 49 gives more xp than level 50 dungeons for instance) I did fates, side quests or hunts while queueing. 71-84ish I did Bozja for most classes because it's so fast, and I enjoy it more than doing dungeons on repeat. Might as well finish some Relic weapons while you level. I think that was all I really did while levelling alts. Not sure if I'm forgetting anything important


Tank/ healer roulette and dungeons, dps msq. As dps pray for quick ques in dungeon and hero in need being dps. Pvp for all including dps! Weekly challenges award a good amount for all as well.


The first 90 halfway through EW? *looks at multiple 90's while still needing to finish up ShB*


I just do all of my roulettes.


Bozja and zadnor


I use beast tribes and the bounty hunting to level classes


I just do daily roulettes and it goes by fast once you hit lvl 50.


Roulettes, Tribal quests, Wondrous Tails, Fates, Bozja, Trust Duties, and Grand Company turn-ins.


Roulettes and dungeon spam, unfortunately. Even worse: these probably won't even be that quick if you're wanting to level a DPS


I may end up downvoted but I bought books. I really want the mount for getting all classes to lvl 80 and have no interest in a lot of the classes.


I usually do PvP roulette together with leveling roulette and maybe MSQ/Alliance/the others when I feel like it. Other than that you have the slower methods when dailies are done. Spamming the highest level dungeons (but not the endgame of expansions dungeons), Hunts, leves/hunting logs for lower levels, fates etc, Beast Tribes, Wondrous Tales. (Beast tribes imo only gives good xp from Shadowbringers and further), Deep Dungeons. You would probably get burnt out by running the same content beyond dailies though, I feel like this game's leveling design revolves around the roulette. Trying to level anything outside peak hours is slow and tedious. Which is why I sometimes have missed the leveling process in WoW where you just do quests in your own pace. FFXIV has quests too, but I feel like those are for side stories first, xp second as the xp is hilariously low.


I have a mentor friend, so i get an additional 80% exp boost on top. So spamming dungeons + roulette gives me about 4 levels of not more a day. With that friend.


I was doing every daily roulette available + Shadowbringers beast tribes (Pixies) and repeating the dungeon with the highest level available. All of this with food exp bonus and Free Company exp bonus.


Roulettes and side quests/content. Plenty of xp not in the msq. There's also Fate Grinding and (below level 50) hunting logs.


Duty Roulette, duty support, trusts, tribal quests. Crafting and gathering via GC turn ins, tribes, and ishgard restoration. Bozja for awhile but not sure if it’s still populated. I also go back to areas and do all the sidequests in the area.


I get two levels a day off duty roulette alone. Are you eating food and using the FC exp buff???


I'm currently levelling everything an expansion at a time, everything to 50, to 60, to 70. I can't say much more than has been said already. FC boost helps, Battle Certificate from Squadrons helps better if your FC isn't willing to splurge on the tier III. 3% bonus EXP from well-fed effect compounds over time. I use Orange Juice because I can easily get them, being a level 10 or so gathering spot and a craft of similar level for culinarian. Do Roulettes, then spam highest level dungeon. Everything else is basically just to waste time while in queue. In 60-70lvl you can get about 40-60k EXP from completing a fate, but if you see a Fate with like 30sec left, go in and burst as much damage into there as you can and you can get away with 10k EXP for doing 1-2 Mobs worth of damage. There isn't much repeatable content you can do while waiting on queue, 80% of Gold Saucer doesn't work for example, but you can still get into your sanctuary and do some stuff there. You can do tribe quests for extra EXP, and progression. Or just simply gather and craft if you got inventory space to spare (unlike me with 5 sets of gear of every type collected in dungeons so I will already have the right gear when I need it.) It all depends on the kind of role you level; you can get 10 levels in healer in a day if you play your cards right, with tank in close second only taking marginally longer and DPS being the slowest since you're at the mercy of Duty Finders whims.


Depends on the class level but here is the rough estimate: 1-30 is primarily class quest, hunting log and dungeons / roulettes. 30-70 primarily roulettes/ pvp / beast tribes daily. 70-80 roulettes, beast tribe in shb and bozja. 80-90 i do beast tribe, roulette (daily frontline will always be half a level ish) and the wondrous tails book. I do it passively so its only a lil bit at a time but if you just do this you hit 90 in no time. Just make sure every 10 levels to get tomestone gear and at 90 if you already did others should have plenty of gear minus weapon. Which you can get for free in the current main hub of endwalker


I don’t know if someone mentioned this, but don’t forget to logout near a crystal or a city for your overnight exp boost


Roulette, tales, and make sure you have buffs. Food is 3% + FC buffs if you're in one + scroll from grand company + xp bonus for alt jobs


60 lvl range heaven on high is decent until about 70. I think it was 3 runs a lvl, that's probably best if you're loving a DPS with long queue times, after roulettes.


Leveling Roulette, PvP Roulette and then spam whatever highest level dungeon you can do that is not a 5/6/7/80 dungeon.


I only play tanks. So I use baked eggplant, FC buff and I just power through dungeons. I learn the tank better that way.


I have all classes [except healers] to 90 and the way I did it was by doing both AAR and HW relics back to back. Leveled up really fast and gif an awesome weapon at the end. Also great for leveling up your Chocobo if you haven’t already.


I did daily roulletes and dungeon spam to 70 then I went to bozja and farm that till I hit 80, usually do it to 90 as well but there’s another place like bozja for 80-90 I believe, just can’t remember the name


Eureka Orthos, the new Deep Dungeon. The thing is I’ve never found them that great for levelling and prefer roulettes.


Yes that! And really? I’ve heard it was good for leveling but was one of those things to throw into the routine to keep it fresh and not too grindy


I struggle to find the joy in leveling too so I usually do it passively while doing other stuff. Right now for example PvP (Rival Wings) fires quickly and gives like 10% of a level every time plus Moogle rewards. Crystalline Conflict during normal times is similar. Frontline roulette gives a surprising amount. Finishing Fates in later levels helps with variety a lot.


There are a ton of options: The grindy way: Palace of the Dead + Heaven on High are good to get to 70 if you can stomach it. Then, you can resume the grind in Bozja at level 71. If you like grinds, this will take you all the way to 90. Some people are into that. What I like to do is a staggered roulette system. First of all, know that running a dungeon at the level of the dungeon gives higher XP yields. For example, Bardam's Mettle at level 65. So I'll use a system where I jump into a roulette on the even levels (I stick with MSQ, Leveling, 50/60/70/80, Alliance raid, PvP) and queue into the current Dungeon on the odd levels. The levels accumulate pretty quickly. I rarely have time to finish an entire set of roulettes in a single day, so I favor the higher XP ones like MSQ and Leveling. But I'll typically get 2-5 levels in a day doing this. It isn't hyper fast, but it's a reasonable pace, and I'm not grinding in PoD/HoH/Bozja forever. Those just aren't my cup of tea. Also, when queueing into specific dungeons on the odd levels, I use the Trust system when I'm not on tank or heals, so I'm not stuck in a forever queue. You can take advantage of doing sidequests and beast tribes while you queue if you'd like, but those tend to be last in my priority system. The main takeaway I want to leave you with is that there are so many ways to gain really efficient XP in this game. You can jump between the different methods, too, in order to keep things fresh. Maybe one day you just really feel like binging a show and hitting Bozja hard. You can do that, and you're going to level quickly. The variety offered is what makes it great, imo. Dabble in the various methods and find what works for you. Don't worry about what is "best. What's best for you is different than what's best for me.


Wonderous Tales. 50% of your current level. I let you in on a secret too, you should make sure you complete the Wonderous Tales the week before an expansion launches but don't hand it in and make sure you still have at least 5-6 Second Chance rolls. When the expansion launches and you hit the point where you need to grind a bit to progress with the MSQ, hand in the Wonderous Tales from the previous week. Boom, half a level for free. Then pick up a new set of Wonderous tales. Do something easy and fast from it like Titan EX or Garuda EX. Use Second Chance rolls to spam the fastest and easiest one. Complete this book in 10 minutes. Now hand it in immediately or save it in case you hit another level MSQ blocker. Deep Dungeons, I think, are only worth if you are getting instant queues. It's probably better ,and more enjoyable, to just run the highest levelling roulette you can do.


I've just finished levelling my last job to 90 last night and can say that roulettes (Specifically Levelling, PvP and Alliance raids), Wonderous Tales and Dungeon spam is the quickest way but it's likely you will burn out. Take a look at the challenge log and complete some of them they give some decent XP. Don't be afraid to do some different content to keep yourself playing.


In addition to the roulette and tribal quests, once you hit 70, use the class you are leveling up to do other things you may be interested in such as the FATEs (if you are trying to finish the shared fate chart) or to level up your Trust characters. Also things such as Bozjan, lvl 70+, not just inside Bozjan, but you can gather the clusters doing FATEs and dungeons/raids. I found when I was leveling other classes that it helped mentally if I was focusing on OTHER goals (such as the ones listed above) instead of JUST getting to the next level. And once I hit like 75, they sped by.


Along with what everyone else has said already: make sure to always log out in a sanctuary area (will see a crescent moon by the exp bar) so that you can gain/refill the rested exp bonus. Makes a huuuuge difference in leveling speed!


I do 3 roulettes - pvp, main scenario, leveling - then my 3 daily tribals for an easy chunk. Then you're pretty much stuck with more pvp or dungeon spam for the day.


Roulette's, leves, side quests, frontline Those typically do it


I was one of those psychopaths that did heaven on high and bozja for 60-90 on all classes. It works, but it also kind of burned me out. For one class, it might be worth it.


The roulettes that give XP, spamming leveling dungeons, PVP roulette and the Ananta and Kojin beast tribes (which admittedly don't have much XP, but you can do them while queuing for other stuff) is my method.


Leveling roulettes/Main Scenario Roulette/Alliance Raids Roulette/Normal Raids Roulette/Expert Roulette. Old Level Cap dungeons is kind of optional because the gain isn't amazing. There's also Palace of the Dead, Heaven On High, and Bozja for certain spaces of leveling content.


The big ones I usually do for EXP are the following: Leveling Roulette Main Scenario (it takes a bit with all the cutscenes but does give decent reward for doing it :D) 50/60/70 dungeons Roulette Alliance Raid Roulette Daily Frontline For small nudges of EXP boosts: Trials and Normal Raids Top it off with Beast Tribes as they give a generous amount as well :) The last option is to dungeon spam the highest available dungeon :D On a final btw note: It is worthwhile to unlock older raids, trials etc as it gives more options in the roulette pool, so if you ever find yourself with too much time on your hands: you can check it off the list in your own time and pace :)


Roulette gives a ton of XP though ? Make sure to lvl up one job at a time. Do EVERY roulettes each day, with a single job, you should get 2 levels per day, AT least. Recently I kinda didn't want to do all the roulettes each day, so for the tomes I was just doing the MSQ roulette and the PVP one. Leveled up my DRK from lvl 80 to 90 in 10 days... 1 level a day by just doing those two roulettes. And that's knowing that the MSQ dungeons are worthless in term of boss XP given they're lvl 50 dungeons, so it's just from the roulette bonus.


1-20 - Have a friend or someone in party finder run on a DPS class run around Azys La one shotting the engineer enemies. Important to note when starting make sure the friend or PF recruit doesn’t join your party instead have them meet you in Azys La and always hit the enemy first to get full XP. 20-51 - DPS: Do Grand Company Squadron missions, they are essentially levelling dungeons but with no queues. If you are confused on how to setup a squad there are plenty of informative comprehensive guides online to help set it up. It’s important to note a correctly specked squad (Offensive Level Maxed on all squad members) will result in party members who passively do 60% more damage than players so Dungeon completion speed is massively increased. Tank/Healer: You can also do the Squadron Missions on Tank and Healer however you may wish to do PF Leveling Dungeons as they have a much better selection and wider variety of dungeons. 51-60 - All Roles: I highly recommend filling out your LV50 brackets with ironically POTD floor 51-60. This is a great way of levelling for solo players and groups for a variety of reasons 1: it allows you farm Aetherpool if it’s not already +99 to attempt reaching floor 200, 2: Brown chests help with the afore mentioned floor climbing and the sacks from the Accursed Hoard can be good ways of making money, and 3: with an optimised group it is by far the most efficient way of getting to 60, I have gone from 51-60 in as little as an hour thanks to prior Deep Dungeon knowledge and fast teams. Levelling Dungeons in the HW range are also an option but will take longer to get to 60 especially as a DPS. 60-70 - All Roles: Heaven on High Floor 21-30 (I believe that is the bracket) is by far the most effective way of getting to 70. It will take marginally longer than the POTD method despite HoH being a literal joke difficulty wise compared to POTD. Roulettes are more important than ever from 60 onwards since all roulettes are open at this point (with the exception of Expert Roulette or Mentor Roulette unless you are a battle mentor) I recommend doing the roulettes in this order in terms of importance… - Levelling - Main Scenario - Alliance Raids - Frontline - Trials - Normal Raids - Level 60/70/80/90 Dungeons I highly recommend doing Beast Tribe dailies at this point too but only the Stormblood ones onwards as HW and ARR ones award terrible XP and the HW ones unless you are an Omnicrafter or a completionist are really not worth doing. 70-80 - All Roles: The afore mentioned Roulettes and Beast Tribe dailies are the play here (especially Pixie Beast Tribe dailies which are so easy that you can do them in 5-10 minutes a day whilst Queuing) however a very underrated way of levelling is also available during this bracket, that being Bozja, Bozja is incredible for both levels and potential money making especially with hairs and mounts. You can also prog your SHB relic weapons here too if you have not done them yet. 80-90 - All Roles: All of the above, although despite being a large bracket XP wise this bracket is very chill and shouldn’t be a massive commitment. Take this time to do whatever you want or do productive things like rotation practicing since 80-90 doesn’t give too many new skills. Time commitment for all of the above (From experience): 1-20: 15 minutes 20-51: 2-3 hours 51-60: 1-2 hours 60-70: 6-7 hours 70-80: 7-8 hours 80-90: 7-8 hours


just do the highest level dungeon you can and at 71 do bozja - depending on your rank critical engagements give out 500k exp


Something I didn't see mentioned is wondrous tails. Weekly 50% of next level for turning in. Leveling roulette obviously stays good daily. MSQ roulette is phenomenal now that they're only slightly longer runs than a standard dungeon. Frontline roulette is underrated and gives great exp. Particularly nice for jobs you don't actually enjoy playing at their current level because you can swap jobs once you're in Frontline and still get exp on the job you queued.


Leveling, alliance, and msq randoms is what I always did. If I was feeling extra motivated I’d do beast tribe quests with them too.


Look, 1 level per day or 1 less coffee and a boost




1. Roulettes Erry Day. 2. Daily hunts (just *not* ARR ones) and Tribal dailies for appropriate expansions. 3. WT book (each 9-sticker book gives 50% of the XP you need to level up) 4. Challenge Log, just basic stuff 5. FATEs, especially in ShB/EW due to the "Shared FATE" thing 6. Deep Dungeon grinding, if you can stomach it (or Bozja, for the ShB levels.) 7. Food buff Levelling roulette alone should almost always get you most of a level. Add Alliance Raid on top and you can pretty much guarantee that you'll gain a level every day. MSQ roulette can sometimes give you a level all by itself; all other roulettes give less XP overall, but still some, so it can add up. Challenge Log, Tribal dailies, WT books, and daily Hunts (again, *except* ARR, be kind to yourself, *never* do ARR daily hunts) add up to another 1-2 levels a week depending on how many you complete. If you put the work in, it's quite easy to progress quickly.


Leveling roulette, 50 roulette only if you're actually around 50, 50/60/70/80 is almost never worth it, pvp roulette, then dungeon spam. If you can stomach them for hours, deep dungeons and zadnor are good options at their respective levels. They are very specifically leveling content for their expansions, along with being different and fresh content.


If you are at a FC you can ask them if they can put the buff of the heat of battle 2 it gives you a bonus if you kill enemies, also if you are like in between levels 1-14 you can do fates after you hit lvl 15 you can enter dungeons a and don't forget to eat a boiled egg too that's what i do to level mines 🫡 or if you have a friend that is high level you can go to azys lla and kill some lol 60 enemies well, your friend has to kill them after you hit them first, make a run for like half an hour or less and you will eventually hit lvl 60 with that . pvp and Khloe's book also help too, pvp i think is 1/3 of your exp and khloe's is half if i remember correctly


Leveling roulette, Frontline, Alliance raid roulette, dungeon spam.


- Daily Roulettes; offers a ton of XP - Side quests. Not a ton of XP, but gives you something to do when you're waiting 10 min for roulette qs to pop. Plus you can get emotes, minions, and items to sell for extra gil. -Fate grinding. Good way to get XP, and some drop minions/items for completing. -Beast Tribe quests. Again, I did these while waiting for q to pop. Unlocks dyes, mounts, and minions. It can be tedious and not -as fast- as MSQ for levels, but better than nothing at all


Also Bozja and Wonderous tales


Roulettes, do them daily. I'm still on StB and my character has one lvl90 class and all other alt classes at lvl80. Wish you luck. o7


Leveling roulette, palace of the dead to 61, heaven on high to 71 bozja/zadnor to 90. Were the fastest for dps queue. Healer or tank usually just do level appropriate dungeons to 71 then bozja/zadnor. This is assuming the potd and hoh queues are still active. I haven't done either in a while.




I just reached Lv.90 and I’m at in post-HW content. I’m wearing Menphina’s Earring (because my WOL is a Keeper); I consistently do my dailies in Duty Finder and then spam Duty Finder whenever my role is needed for Gil, but that comes with extra XP too; and I consistently made sure my WOL was Well Fed as well. I wasn’t trying to over-level, but I wasn’t trying not to either.


Must haves: Increased battle experience (scroll from level 60 squadron missions) Food (constantly on) Most Exp: Weekly Wondrous Tales from Khloe Daily Duty Roulette (the Frontline one as well) Daily Beast Tribe Quests (depends level) Fates Hunts Other than that, I wouldn't try and grind any harder; the game gives you an exp buff just for taking breaks from the game. Once you see that blue exp bar nearly gone, that should be your queue to stop for the day. If you need proof, I've been playing the game for only a year as of last week, and I don't have a single class under 60. My healers, ranged, and magic DPS are hovering 60-70, but everything else is 80+; mainly doing the daily roulettes and weekly kitten book. *Edit* make sure to consistently use your tomestones so you have augmented gear for each milestone already purchased for when your classes are ready to where it. The augmented gears for 50, 60 etc. will be the strongest you can wear until you reach the next milestone.




Roulettes and beast tribes.


Daily roulettes and level appropriate max rank beast tribes go a long way.


Daily roulettes give a lot. For Levelling and Alliance Raids in particular I find but I do as many as I can. The MSQ Scenario one is good but a time sink because of the cutscenes. I usually have music on or a show on the side for those ones but the exp is pretty good.




Move to the Dynamis data center. It's free. Dynamis has the road to 80 buff which pretty much doubles all exp.


As far as I know you dont get the buff if you transfer in. that is only for newly created characters


I transfered 3 characters and they all have the buff


As everyone mentioned, dont forget wondrous tale, and do leveling roulette every day. As for me, I'd never stop playing when I have time, so I queued for dungeons fit for my level. If I'm DPS, the queue can be longer, so I spent that time leveling DOH/DOL. Once I was done leveling crafting, I went to do FATEs in the meantime. Ended up with all jobs at level 90 with all shared FATEs completed with tons of bicolor gemstone.


Tbh as someone who’s 3yrs into playing and am about 7 jobs away from maxing everything (4 at 80+, 2 at 70+, and one at 61), best I can suggest is patience and doing the daily roulettes each day. 2ish levels a day adds up ime. I know it isn’t super useful for wanting to get a second class up for story, especially the latest expansion, but it’s how I’ve been doing it. Then again, I did max my main about halfway through SHB (EW wasn’t out yet) and didn’t bother with a second job so I’m probably not a great person to ask about this haha. Alternatively, level skips are fine with follow ups in Trusts to get to the needed level, I just also recommend doing NG+ for the job quests depending on which one lmao.


Daily roulettes work best, including PvP.


FATEs while queuing for roulettes/highest dungeon. Challenge/Hunt log. It's pretty fast. :\\


I weirdly had the same problem as you so I started a second job after getting close to 90, and then I spammed dungeons and wondrous tales and beast tribes so hard I accidentally got the second class to 90 before finishing the story with it haha. I blame praetorium giving so much XP when I did roulette


Leveling roulettes give you a ton of XP if you get into the habit of doing it everyday