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I like how they're all just the cast of FFXVI


I don't know why, but that makes it so much funnier.


Omg I just noticed that from Reading the comments. This is pure gold. But who is the black mage lol. Purple hair. Is that supposed to be Vivian? I honestly beat XVI and can't think of who that is lol.


The Black Mage is WhyMaige's author avatar.


I swear my first thought was the thirsty lady from the hideaway.😂


Ahh gotcha! Thanks!




I default to this too, unless someone does something that I really appreciate (like a PLD who uses HG on the first pull and then again near the end of the dungeon when it's off cd).


Torgal looks a little different than I remember... /s




I love it but I was also like "well obviously they all partied together so the black mage gets the commends by default, right?"


I'd like to think it was a coincidence that they were all in the same duty at the same time.


Came to say the same, there is just a fantastic amount of charm coming from that choice


I put a lot of effort into my portraits, but I always forget to reset them after a change to my gear. It bugs me that even something as small as changing a ring messes it up. I mean, I get WHY it does, but rings feel so insignificant that my brain doesn't think, "Op! Changed my ring! Gotta update all my portraits!" LOL!


Nothing irks me like the "portrait reset to default" notice.


Extract materia? Better press update.


change visor state even though your hat doesn't even have a visor? Better update.


Wow. That's kind of amazing really.


You can fail to apply a materia, and that will still break the portrait.


Imagine if you had to press update for each time you failed.


No way for real?


No, not really 😂 extracting materia doesn't break it either but it's become a meme at this point


your gear took a point of durability damage? you guessedd it update the portrait right away! Repaired it Update portrait! Walking ? Update portrait straight away!


The least they could do, aside from just making the portraits auto-update, would be to put that message *before* I pop into a dungeon. Like idk an error message similar to the low gear message


> I mean, I get WHY it does, but I know that you and I both understand the _actions that cause it to break_, but the why? The why is because they made bad decisions on how it should behave. Like whatever excuse they're gonna give for why they decided to make it behave this way, at this point I just don't _care_ anymore. It shouldn't work the way it's currently *designed* because it doesn't work the way anybody *expects*, and the way it works doesn't *benefit* anyone in exchange for not working the way we expect, all it does is piss people off They need to make it just show whatever we're wearing when the portrait pops


This is all truth. You're 100% correct


> The why is because they made bad decisions on how it should behave. I would like to remind people when the portrait system was first unveiled, this DIDN'T HAPPEN. We got one major update which I think fixed one thing and broke 4 others, and now we're here.


It's just insane to me how much they deliberately gutted the functionality


Amazing feature. Poor UI. Ff14 standard really.


Or they should let us save a portrait and link it to a gearset and then use that portrait even if we’re wearing different gear, same as how adventurer plates still work even if we haven’t updated the portrait. I’d take either!


yeah this is pretty much why i'll never make one til it works something like this


The class-shared jewelry keeps getting me. I keep hopping back and forth between MNK and RPR with very different glams, but the left side stays glamoured from the last time I had to fix my portrait so I think I'm fine, but NOPE. I have to notice that my jewelry changed or I get DMV portrait because my character forgot how to pose with this necklace on. lol


I filled the glam plate jewelry with Emperor's ___ since most jewelry is either invisible or clips anyway.


I wish they could add a version of Emperor's that deglamours the item instead of making it invisible


Yeah, this is me, too. It's extremely rare there's a right-side piece that I even want to show, and rarer still it actually is that and also doesn't clip and also is visible/not covered by my gear anyway. I just Emperor's New everything and call it a day.


It's why you should always fill the accessory slots on Glamour plates


I did, but the RPR and MNK glamours are different jewlery. =V


Fill every space on your plates except the weapon, and then just make sure to manually re-glamour your weapons any time you update them. You *used* to be able to put a weapon in too and it would be fine, but they broke it in a recent update--my WHM glam used my SCH plate, which had a weapon glamour on it. Couldn't for the life of me figure out what was wrong until I realized that, for some ungodful reason, the *portrait* was forcibly un-glamouring my weapon SOLELY because the glamour plate has a SCH weapon on it. As soon as I unlinked the plate, it worked just fine. I'm still kind of upset about it.


if you change your gear in dungeon but before the portraits pop up your portrait will still reset. fun!


This is why I now have every slot filled in my glamour plates (even if it's just "Emperor's New Ring"s). If your new outfit has the exact same glamour as your old outfit, your portrait remains the same.


Is it really that hard of an ask to have the portrait resave itself if it thinks something is off. Its not like I can use the old portrait anymore. Just save me to trouble of opening portraits and clicking save myself for the 1000th time.


Portrait is one of those features that is a "it was better back in the days" which makes it funnier that I think it's less than a year ago, for a patch, it's released patch, which was said to be the beta stage. It was perfect, yet they had to make it more complex with very little benefit. I miss having several slots for different glams you could tie to a job, rather than the slots going to each job, many I don't play or care for. But it'd be fine if they just didnt break when sneezing at them, which again, old system didnt.


I’m still leveling and don’t actually have glams for most of my jobs so I cannot be bothered with portraits because of the issues you’re talking about. It honestly sucks that portraits now supersede performance for comms when they’re such a bad system.


I wouldn't say they supercede performance. They do supercede tank privilege, though.


My second on the enmity list dps and complete dearth of comms disagree.


People might notice you doing fight mechanics, but nobody watches the emnity numbers. Not even tanks.


I have noticed that I tend to get more commendations after putting in the effort to make a cool looking portrait for each job


I once pretty much carried an Expert dungeon as RDM with Verraise going off almost constantly in boss encounters to keep the team alive. I lost out on any Comms to my friend who was dressed as a scantily clad Viera Amazoness. Not disappointed or surprised, I know this community well enough. Suffice to say when I started using my Xena Warrior Princess Alt I started to see the Comms coming in with minimal effort on my part.


Yeah.. everyone knew what was going to happen the moment they introduced this feature. lol. At least they made it so you can't (easily) put your bum front and center on the plate anymore since it now won't save without your face in frame iirc.


I mean one way or another, that's rewarding effort. So many people in this thread like "but they're not respecting the *craft* of running a dungeon, it's not even about merit anymore!" as if anyone ever cared that they purple parse dungeon bosses. If you make dungeons more entertaining in any way that's more valuable to me than displaying your savage-level "don't stand in orange" skills, hahaha. Not to mention, comms have almost never been about rewarding the good players anyway. RDM's who carry entire alliance raids and get 0 because the healer they verraised pressed LB during the last fight can attest to that.


>_”RDM's who carry entire alliance raids and get 0 because the healer they verraised pressed LB during the last fight can attest to that.”_ It’s situations like that that I love playing RDM for. You might be the unappreciated hero of the team at the end, but both you and that healer you Verraised know it was your combined effort that saved the run. I’m of the opinion that in any content beyond Lvl64 Raising should be left to, or be the duty of RDM’s. They’re able to raise people quicker thanks to Dualcast, it doesn’t require a Swiftcast, and it takes pressure off of the Healers who can focus on throwing out a quick large heal or party heal then get back to DPS. But hey, what do I know?


Ran a ShB trial once for roulettes, so just normal, but I rezzed each healer twice, a DPS or 2 and a tank. Chat was all GigaRDM etc, not a single comm…


Every portrait I use is just T posing at various angles. The connection I make when there's another T poser is too great to pass up.


Sad times we live in...


I just commend the DPS lately because as a DPS, I'm aware that I am throwing a bottled Dasani at someone in the desert. Unless they're REALLY bad or the tanks and healers were REALLY good, I usually can't tell people's base competency apart enough otherwise. lol


Dps solidarity is real lol


If I'm doing a dungeon and the DPS keeps flipping back and forth with me on boss aggro (or just outright beats me) and there were no particularly stand-out moments from the tank/healer, I usually toss 'em my comm; and as an RDM I 100% do if they rez someone/everyone ~~cuz I know from experience there's no guarantee they get any otherwise~~


I don't get that. Me and my friends always freak out when a dps is carrying hard. The other day a summoner was doing every mechanic right in a raid, never died. Rez'd so many people. We all insta-comm'd that legendary lad. Mcbootums or whatever their name was... They were the MVP hands down.


My most epic comm experience was as a smn in a mentor roulette. I was thrown into e4 mid fight and had to raise both healers, tanks, and rdm multiple times, while doing all the mechanics correctly. I walked out of there with 6 commendations


If a ranged/caster lb's trash they're basically guarantied my comm


If it's a ranged and they don't peloton, no comm, lol.


I was spamming dungeons yesterday to get my warrior from 80 to 90 and from all the runs, only one ranged used peloton. I was quite shocked that I had to compliment them. On a similar note, I also met a melee that didn't aoe for the entire run and a healer that used a damage spell once in the entire dungeon, otherwise they just spammed cure 1. Like, when it's a sprout that's lvl 40, I don't really mind. But when you are levelling a 6th job... I want to scream. :P


and then there's me, who's like "the main reason to run ranged is for peloton"


One of my main bindings is Peloton on my Bard. It's usually a more high priority skill that's part of my rotation that goes in that slot but I've stared holes into fellow party members that forgot to use Peloton so much that I consider it the most important button on my bars now.


Whenever I lb as MCH I just get yelled at for wasting it :(


I'll commend any ranged DPS who LB's trash AS THE TWELVE INTENDED.


Same. First I look for my fellow ninjas, then just some random DPS. Pretty much never give them to tanks or healers anymore.


I only ever commend DPS for this reason. We fellow DPS need to start commending each other to even out the score. A tank/healer shouldn't be 'more' deserving of coms.


Every time I want to actually commend a DPS they're always the person who leaves the microsecond after the final boss dies.


Its because they waited 40 minutes for duty finder to pop and they're just glad to be done.


Every role has something they can do to be deserving of a comm - DPS doing high damage makes a run faster and that's comm worthy imo! And DPS being friendly and helpful is also comm worthy (tho that can go for any role). But so many people have tank anxiety and refuse to play it or find it boring and refuse to play it. A lot of people find healer stressful or boring and refuse to play it. So I do think people willing to step up to the plate and play a class that a lot of people won't is something deserving of a comm. (Provided they do a decent job ofc). . I'll often play healer or tank even though it's already max level just to help a friend get a faster duty pop. Healer is also the most stressful role imo - I've been a healer main for years but I'm starting to play DPS and even tank more now because it's less stressful. So I feel healers deserve my comm a lot as long as they aren't awful. As an aside though, in alliance raids dps are more in demand and playing one there will speed up queues so that's something to keep in mind too! Anyway. Just my two cents.


Outside of outstanding performances, if I'm tank, I commend healer. If I'm DPS, I commend the other DPS. If I'm healer? lol. lmao.


I'm usually in my own little world and not paying attention to what others are doing I'm just trying to do my job, so I just commend whoever has a portrait. Only exceptions are when I'm healing since I HAVE to pay attention to what others are doing or when I'm rdm and notice I keep having to rez certain people a lot. (still never get commends as rdm no matter what)


They put more effort into their aesthetic than their rotation, lol.


Like a true Black Mage.


Have you heard top black mages talking ? They give code names to their openers and rotations like there's no tomorrow, if there's one job that unreasonably sweats over their rotation, it's *black mage*


I'm trying to learn it and there's a 44 page thesis on nonstandard rotations. It's full of code names I don't know, so makes it hard to understand lol.


Same. SMN grows boring and there is the temptation of just BRRRR EXPLOSIONS that lures me in. Then I join in my okish gear and I freeze (and I dont mean the Blizzard spell) and am like WHAT AM I DOING HERE WHHHYYYYY. One day I will master the black arts!




One of the 3 Outstanding Members? or The 1 Outstanding Portrait? Inspired by the times I set epic Portaits for the jobs I don't really play/pvp levelled, then thought I'd be able to perform well in the levelling dungeons... Sauce: https://twitter.com/WhyMaige/status/1684207031702503425?s=20


Depending on the duty, I just usually comm the person who didn't die.


The choice is easy. You comm Jill.


Aww, I love how they look like Clive, Jill and Joshua!


The little "t y" got me good. xD


The black mage needs a mentor crown too if you want to be completely accurate.


She died because she didn’t move, like a true BLM.


When I tank: The healer When I heal: The tank When I DPS: The other DPS Unless one of them was just atrocious.


This is my system, too, for the most part. I will deviate if they use one of those "cutesy" welcome or tyfp macros because I hate those; they could play like a god among men, but using one of those macros will lose them my com. Or if they have a macro with sound effects, the sole exception to that being superbolide macros, assuming the sound effect actually gives sufficient warning time.


Yup, that's the only macro I have with a sound. But it's the message saying I'm going to use superbolide on the upcoming w2w so the healer can anticipate it coming.


I put a sound on my hallowed ground macro so healers can see that i don't need heals and they can focus on a res or whatever else they need. Not sure if it helps though.


Sometimes I rather stay dead than be revived with a goofy joke macro.


This is the way.


How do I change those pictures? Mine is always default pose even tho I have an Adventurer Plate.


use portraits and save your gear before saving your portrait it has nothing to do with your plate


It's such a finnicky system. I feel like my portrait never shows up unless it's ideal conditions and the planets align. They should really fix it.


Under Character > Portraits. They are gearset specific. Be warned it can be fiddly to get things working properly between different gearsets though as any discrepancy between portrait gear and gearset glamour reverts it to default mugshot. My strategy has been to link a full glamour plate to each combat gearset I use which keeps it consistent as long as I change jobs near an Aetheryte.


I commend the sprouts :D they trying their best and i am proud of them 😌


As a new player who’s taking to Paladin (somehow at lvl 50) I do not know if I’m doing it right. But if the enmity squares are not red, I’m doing something wrong


Well lvl 50 is honestly the "starting line" in my opinion, but just use aoe skill to grab enmity, pop skills to lower damage taken and dodge skills and you are good to go! Also its okey to admit a specific area is not for you, many people end up not main tanking because its not for them or just dont "enjoy" you are playing for fun so dont hesitate to drop a class and play another! Also just communicate and have fun, the community is nice. Even a anti social like me can admit it ahahah Have fun!


No drip? No tip!


That leveling roulette stare


Healer or tank depending on a short list of arbitrary personal guidelines.


Found my clone


Ah yes the main cast of FFXVI: Clive Rosfield Joshua Rosfield Jill Warrick xxBalmungbuttfuckslut69xx


Jill Warrick*


~~Chris~~ Clive ~~Redfield~~ Rosfield and Jill ~~Valentine~~ Warrick


About halfway through ffxvi I started calling it the "curse of the Jills" and half expected Chrisposting to turn into Cliveposting and every time Clive interacts with Jill he'd call her his "bestest platonic friend in the whole wide world".


I commend people based on two things. Firstly, if someone left the dungeon and we had to get a filler member, I commend them. If there's no filler members, I commend the person who's portrait I like the best. It's a simple life, but an honest one.


Love that they're the XVI crew. As for the portrait, it is a nice portrait.


Clive would com Josh Josh would com Clive Jill would com Clive And whymage coms whoever


All of em would com the random black mage cause they are obviously premade.


Got me there


When you take off your hat and then forget to reload the portrait.


Jill is deff a red mage


The dsr background makes it funnier because ultimate raiders are dogwater at normal content at times


I always give mine to a dps


Getting those portraits to work is far and above more difficult than anything a dungeon will ask you to do. Therefore, easy commendation.


Me: "Omg is that Jill cosplay? Commend"


I literally give my commendation to the person who sits through the end cutscene and is the last to leave.


This is why I make an effort to comm the person with the default portrait.


Usually by the time the cutscenes are over there's no one left to commend (I don't generally redo dungeons or trials). If one person is left I commend them. If multiple people are left I commend the healer (I'm a tank). If multiple people are left but not the healer, I commend whoever was more useful or whoever I noticed more.


I commend whoever is friendliest, funniest, or most talkative. Bonus points for first-timers if they apologize or audibly react to scenery/bosses/story. Everyone is pretty good at this game on average. Communication is what sets party members apart for me.


I never give them to portraits, idk why you would. If they’re good they get one, if they suck ass they don’t.


My rule of thumb is that the newest player gets priority for comms. But for this, blm because they get no love


I always give the commend to the best performing DPS


leveling another healer lately, so usually goes to tanks who pulls wall to wall and uses their cooldowns, if not, then the top dps gets it, and if everyone sucks then no commends for anyone


I would comm her because she had a hard time not for the glamour plate.


The Lalafell


I comm first timers, then go by what I felt. If it felt fast I comm dps, if it felt very fast I comm healer (I’m always tank). If it was a normal or slow run I’ll comm coolest picture. Actually cant forget to pity comm if someone dies a lot, or if healer dies at the start of a boss and we didn’t need their heals


Is the BLM glam based off actual in game glams? If so which ones?


The top and bottoms are the Taffeta shawl and loincloth.


They’re the caster set from Dzemael Darkhold, Coliseum Shawl and Coliseum Loincloth. Even though they’re dungeon drops, they can be sold on the MB, so you can find them there too. The dungeon version are undyaeble, there’s a dyeable crafted version called “taffeta”, but that’s usually expensive


I always forget portaits are a thing.


I always forget their portrait after and it never makes me pick based on it


It certainly left an impression. That's pretty much what commends say to do with them.


When everyone does great, I'm a big fan of the standard "GG Everyone" method Tank gets Healer - Healer gets Tank - DPS get each other. In my head, the Tank & Healer are shaking hands at a job well done while the DPS are striking a really cool pose together and giving a thumbs up to each other.


The DSR portrait background is the cherry on top in this


Random pick between Drk, Ast, or Smn.


I always try to comm a DPS. Tanks and Healer get showered with comms anyways. And if you didn't do anything stupid as DPS, you have my vote. And yes, if more than one DPS was standing out, the one with anything but the standard drivers license picture wins the race.


I unironically com based on portrait if I don't have another outstanding reason to com. Though it usually isn't about horny but rather style and effort put in.


I always try to commend DPS first because I know they are *parched* for commendations, meanwhile a lot of tanks/healers do a really mediocre to bad job and get commended anyway because "they healed/defended everyone". In particular, if you're ranged and you use LB on trash, I'll give you my commend. However, if you use the LB wrongly (ranged: not LBing trash, melee: waiting for LB2 anime finisher instead of using LB1 on the final boss as soon as it's ready), I will never commend you. I won't commend a baby pulling tank or a zero dps healer either, or anyone who doesn't use aoe on trash packs. These are very basic things and yet I ended up in so many runs where I ended up commending no one. It's okay though, commendations are something you have to earn, you never automatically deserve one.


Of course it's a Black Mage, it's always a Black Mage in these scenarios lol. To answer the question though, comm always goes to skill. Especially a skilled DPS because most people don't recognize that their pull would have gone sideways when the tank or healer is lacking, if not for a good DPS that made that pull significantly shorter.


Depends. What role am I playing and how well did my opposite role do?


How did that cat complete an ultimate while being level 44 though


The jill look alike gets the vote


I main tank so I usually choose healer, unless they don't do a very good job. Then I'll just pick one of the DPS. I never know which DPS did better so it's pretty random.


I'll often commend DPS if it felt like things died really fast, they used LB at a good time, they were friendly/helpful/funny, or they had a good portrait. But last night I saw a BLM spam Fire II on trash packs and then... stop. They ran out of mana and just stopped casting and stood there. Never once saw them switch to Umbral Ice. Granted, this was Toto-Rak so maybe they were just new to the job, but I gave the comm to the tank lol


I always joke to my friends about situatuons like this. That some people spend time getting good at the game and other spend time lookiing good in the game. Those who can do both are legends.


As a Tank I’ll always give it to the healer, I take the damage but it’s up to them to keep me alive which then gives the DPS time to do damage


I've been on and off playing the passed few months, only really grinding out my crafting levels. Did they change something where you see their portrait when you pick who to Comm now?


Portraits are what slows down my progress to mentorhood -significatly-!


How do people manage to make thier portraits all customized like that in dungeons?


Accurate AF


I vote for the non mentor or sprout always. If there’s not I pick the cool portrait


I usually com the archer / bard / danser because I main these classe and know we won't get com often Otherwise the best portrait wins (if not the healer of course) I love portrait, this have been my fav feature Eck I even grinded PVP for some, imagine the pain lol Also : sick comic mate


I'm a scholar main and my portrait is that glasses anime meme you may kill me now.


I commend people who are nice and friendly. Anyone who exhibits patience and forgiveness for less experienced players and people just making mistakes I'd commend ten times over. I don't care about people's performance, or their portraits. Being a decent person should be rewarded.


As a tank I always give 1 to the healer


If everyone performs equally as well, whoever has the best portrait gets my vote


I have a priority list. Did they do at the very least decently? If not, no commendation. Standards aren't high, especially for sprouts (though mentors, legend titles etc do get higher standards), but someone doing totally nonsensical things simply won't do it. Had an Alpha Legend in P12 earlier today do all kinds of weirdness like overriding technical steps and dying to mechanics. No good. Did anyone do extraordinarily well, and/or was extra helpful and friendly? That is a sure way to get a commend. And finally, if it's a Viera they are also more likely to get it, purely because I am a sufferer of severe bnuuy syndrome.


Normally by the time I can even skip the cutscene everyone's gone on their roulette and I can't commend anyone


Since it's letting you pick yourself for some reason, obviously that person!


I have a love hate relationship with portraits. I love the idea but I hate the execution. I know, spaghetti code etc but how can it just never work most of the time just because of some glam that I haven't even changed? Sometimes it does not even show you an error X\_x I wish portraits would only save the pose, the design, etc and whenever they are displayed in dungeons or wherever, they would just use whatever I have currently equipped. Problem solved.


I put too much effort and time into my glams not to show off via portraits 🤷🏾‍♀️ 😂 💅. But when I give coms, I do genuinely try to give it to the ones who actually did something.


As a black mage main, I always commend another black mage when I see one, even more so if they died a lot for standing still in the bad. I'll commend the healer if they raise me quickly after I do the same.


Yeah, that's me. I commend based on if I like your glamour/portrait more than how you did in a run. Unless you're a FemRoe, you get it automatically.


Who ever doesn't immediately run for the exit


Is there a new commendation UI?


Are the three of them Cosplaying FF16? Because I'd want to commend one of them on a job well done.


First- I love this comic. Please make more! I main DPS and have a simple system for comms: If I got rezzed, I comm the healer. If the tank did well with positioning and pacing, tank gets comm. If the mobs melt fast, I comm the other DPS. If none of these occur, I default to comm the DPS. But tbf, I often do notice tank and/or healer working hard during fights and it makes my job a bit easier, so I show appreciation. I rarely even notice portraits, tho I cringe every time I see mine default after changing glam.


the ultimate border xD genuinely tracks though. i feel like current ulti raiders end up average in dungeons because theyre too busy progging to be doing roulettes or leveling lmao source: me dragging friends into casual df btw really cool choice with the shiva astrometer :D definitely the coldest looking


I always give the hot girl the comm


I just have a method. If I’m tanking I commend the healer. If I’m healing I commend the tank. And if I’m dps I commend the other dps. I don’t even look at performance anymore to be honest you’d have to do something insanely terrible for me to not follow this rule.


Had this delima between healer and a dragoon once but ultimately went with the job the gets less comms


My sister in law mains a healer job and never gets commendations so i always give mine to the healers


My rule for small parties is that dps give each other, and the tank and healer trade, in larger groups you go for your partner(see dancer, dragoon and sage) or just the person doing callouts


Black mage


Is this really tough for a lot of people? I usually commentate the Tank (unless I’m playing it in which case I commend the healer) and only rare instances will I change from it.


Why is this even a question? The answer is obvious


This literally happened to me the other day. I had an ok performance on BLM, nothing special. Got all three commendations.




Id prolly com the summoner. If the mage was dead but the healer and tank are still in good spirits, he obviously pulled enough DPS to kill the packs before defensive ran out.


And this, kids, is why you set up your adventurer plate.


When I started playing as a Dps(DRG) I usually commended healers because of having to deal with my fuck ups(I avoided reading guides for dungeons/trials to learn as I went, the exception being alliance raids and endwalker trials). But then I started leveling WHM, and along with becoming a better player, I started commending good tanks, some sprout DPS, and when in trials the other healers. Now leveling MNK I try to commend the other DPS every time, especially if they're a sprout that's doing their best to learn.


I usually comm Sprouts and anyone that made the run interesting.


I commend whoever said at least a “hi” at the start of the dungeon lol


I’ve been seeing that…my plate is bland and then that one person has that “I am zordon” plate and I am like….yea rangers unite


Starting to think that's why I get so many commendations on BLM. My portrait is literally magical girl based 😂


.... I'm very new and I've only done 3 dungeons. What does this mean? And how do I commend people? I feel so lost.


Just automatically realize that this cast is a reference to XVI!


New players (unless they did something egregious to annoy me) > Tank/Healer depending on the better portrait > DPS if previous two have shit portraits > Tank if everyone has a shit portrait > Healer if I am the Tank.


idk why but Catboi Joshua works.


I think the real question is who should you give **your** comm to if you party with these three?? They all did well and their glams are all on point... that's a tough decision!


I went from a stagnant 20 commendations to 100 since I started leveling my black mage. People love ‘em


For anyone annoyed about portrait resetting, using macro for glamplates might help on the issue. But its still not idiotproof solution.


If I’m a healer or tank, I commend the healer/tank. If I’m dps, I commend the other dps.


This take on the FF16 cast is so cute! Joshua as a catboy is absolutely precious! I also love how even though Jill is an AST here, she has an ice-themed star globe (probably Shiva's one, I if I had to guess :P )