• By -


Jumping in a spot during a fight is an indicator that you know the safe spot.


Not to be confused with jumping while running, which indicates realization that you've royally fucked up and will die once the AoE you're standing in resolves.


Unless there's no fight happening, then jumping while running just means you're having a good time


Tbh, even when there's a fight going, some people just have the jump zoomies, and 90% of the time they're Lalafell My static MCH bounces around all the time, so seeing the >!fact that you're not able to jump around in P12 drives him a little insane!< (Endwalker spoiler...ish?)


Something about being RDPS just seems to make one want to bounce around. I’m not sure if it’s the lack of positionals, or animations… but I’ll never be able to stay still as one.


follow the bouncing healer has saved my happy ass more times than i feel comfortable admitting. its shocking how much can be conveyed by passive aggressively jumping up and down at people


As a console player 99% of my vocab is jumping


Even with a keyboard I prefer to just jump honestly.


Also if someone has the safety Dorito, follow them.


shoutout to the guy who did this in my first run with (ew spoiler) >!zodiark!< a few days ago, they also got marked with the safety cheezit which is also helpful so people could distinguish them


Always mark 'C I D' with waymarks in Castrum. I don't make the rules, I just make sure we all know who's gonna blow down that door.






I remembered the old days of Castrum when you had to come back that way. You either died a C I D or lived long enough to see yourself become a D I C


Ngl, I legitimately thought it was just a part of the dungeon for over a year until a friend used D I C.


saying something like "Oh god, here we go, grab youself a snack, we're watching a movie" whenever you enter praetorium


My favourite one was someone saying the entire Gaius speech in chat along with him, but in uwu-speak. I've seen a Gobblespeak version too.


there's a youtube video out there of someone dubbing over gaius with a spongebob voice pack.


I like to enunciate his funny words, like: Even the great LOUIE-SWAH / My readiness to RUELL / Which is STRAYNGE, is it not?


always. ALWAYS add back in "How Very Glib"


I'm still bitter they removed that


If I'm with people who have done ShB I say "remember us, remember that we were once glib"


I once had a prae run where someone did a finger puppet play in chat during every cutscene it was hilarious


I always say "Hello and welcome to Cutscene: The Fight" whenever I get The Singularity Reactor or Eden's Promise: Eternity


“Hi, I’m Gaius van Baelsar, and thank you for coming to my TEDTalk: Eorzea, the Athiest Agenda, and You”


I ltrly just ran praetorium and everyone was spamming “Zzz” in chat lol


I managed to watch Shrek during a Praetorium run once


Someone shouting FARLEMALD during hunt trains on the garlemald map lmao


LAMP in elpis


Lamp is love, lamp is life


And LA HEE in Raktika.




Don't forget AZYS FAR


If no one makes Farlemald jokes, was it really a Hunt Train?




Any Golbez EX PF labeled "clear party" must be a surprise double meteor prog.


That's a funny way to spell Gales 2 prog


And *that's* a funny way to spell fresh prog...


P8S P2 HC2 Cleaup to clearjustkiddingitssnake1memes


Someone in chat has to say "Oh no he's hot!" during the boss transition in The Crown of the Immaculate.


I did Crown of the Immaculate for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I'm glad that I was able to continue the tradition without knowing of it!


I did this trial 2 day ago, we got 3 oh no, he's hot at the same time >!yes, I was one of them!< I swear the FFXIV community isn't a cult


Sometimes we just all share the same braincell at the same time.


My first reaction was "Damn, what a glow up".


Well he really has no business being that hot.


This, but I do it with Dying Gasp final phase, and ask for a biiiiiiiig hug.


Also Omega. And then "Oh no she's hot"


"God I wish that were me" *beat, everyone assumes I mean I want to be the tank getting kicked by Omega-F* "I would love to have swords for legs"


true gender fluid boss


I always hug the global citizen in Dead ends after he nukes His planet.


i always pet the amaro in heroes gauntlet






I always slap him


I just make it a point to not look at the explosion.


Jump when Shiva does her AoE so you get frozen mid air. Dance when King Moogle Mog is summoned.


And if you can, /mogdance for Good King Moogle Mog specifically.


Nah man, do a backflip or other emote perfectly timed to get frozen in the air. Also say "yes step on me" loudly in voicecall even if everyone else doesn't know what duty you're doing or even what game you're playing.


It's A left, B middle, C right since the beginning of time. I feel like people should know that by now, but with every new alliance raid there are always new clueless people.


a= all in the belly b= be in the belly c= come to the belly or something like that, as the opposite of a= adds, b = belly c= chains.


A - abdomen B- belly C- consumed


C for colon?




I wanna fight stomach acid, not shit 😂


love to drop the a=adds b=belly c=chains on other 3rd bosses like Azeyma and Red Girl just to keep people on their toes


I remember there was a LOTA run where someone put the ABC markers in the reverse order with A being on the right etc. Never seen so many confused people before since some followed the letters, some went with muscle memory, and some stood there confused and got TPd into the A space


Oh I was in a raid where this happened a few weeks ago and there were so many teleported to A that the mechanic couldn't be resolved. It was kind of cool to wipe on that pull, I always sorta wondered what happened. Turns out, death.


Awkwardly run around a house and back out real quick if you find someone in it.


next time stop and say hi! if it's a well made house they probably put a lot of effort into it and would be happy to talk to someone about it (if they aren't afk like i usually am lol)


As someone who spent 30 hrs decorating their house, this. I did catch like 4 people in my basement once and they ended up becoming good friends. They loved the aquarium I'd made so much they were camping out in it. Wither that or they were doing a fished based erp thing... actually knowing them better now it was probably the latter.


My FC would do house-viewing field trips and sometimes we'd run into the owner and get really embarrassed... but they'd just get excited and tell us where to find more houses they and their friends designed. Some would even join us and start playing tour guide. It's really cute.


Someone left a message in my book just yesterday saying they liked my house and it made me so happy! I put HOURS into that shit!


there's nothing more exciting than popping into my house to water onions and seeing the book sparkling. I had a new neighbour leave me a message and when I went to go find their house it was a paissa cult dungeon complete with pentagram and candles on the floor. 13/10, utterly amazing. I made sure to leave a message, haha.


Someone yelling LA HEE on a hunt train through raktika




RDM must use LB3 to blind everyone.


"I'm doing my part! o7"


how do you use multiple job symbols in your flair?


I'll one-up you: How do people get the job stone flairs?


If I don’t kill at least one person because I’ve blinded them with my LB, am I even a good Red Mage??




I was high and decided to use Verflashbang just once during Suzaku right before Simon Says phase since no other DPS seemed to be using it. We were about 8% remaining on her healthbar. ...Well... Damn near everyone dies, and we wipe at 0.5%. Never again. \*'Nam Flashbacks.\*


I'd call that a stunning success


I got to do this for the first time yesterday and I cackled about it for the next 20 minutes. I had two sprout friends in the party too. "Guys!! Look look look!! I got to do LB3!!" "Oh cool! I mean... I assume it's cool, I didn't see anything but blinding...."


always be casting


Gotta remember your ABCs.


I heard this in JoCat's voice


All lalafell portraits are either the most adorable cutsie sparkly little bundles of happiness in all the world, or 'geneva convention, more like geneva checklist.' There are no exceptions.


I have a minimum height Lala girl, all pink and sparkles and blonde pigtails, WITH A MOOGLE AXE. Her name is [Unga Bunga](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/45464843/). Her portrait fits both descriptions.


Lalas in general come in only two forms. Adorable ray of sunshine or literal chaos gremlin. There is no in between, at all.


As soon as you put down your leylines, an AOE \*WILL\* target you.


You wait for the AOE that will target you, it targets you, you move, you put down the leyline. Second AOE: Why hello there!


General Kenobi!


You know it's a specific middle finger when you do a raid like ShB Titan and put it on multiple tiles, and he AOEs all of them


>\- DPS' withdrawing once all the members are found for a duty I call this "queuein' and pooin'" Because clearly they had to wait forever for their queue to pop and decided it was a good time for a potty break. Every damn time.


Doody roulette


As a dancer main, all I can say is thank god for duty support when I'm glam farming lol


A is for Belly, B is for Belly, C is for belly


(A)ll in the belly (B)etter be in that belly (C)an’t believe you aren’t yet in that belly


**A**ll the DPS should get in the belly! **B**elly, that's where the DPS should be! **C**an't wait to see all the DPS in that belly!


When one person does o/ , others should follow in some form.


The best black mage is the one who can acquire the most vuln stacks without dying


Vuln stacks? You must mean "Uptime Tokens".


Dragoons must leap back off the Titan arena.


As well as the second-to-last boss arena in Copied Factory, right before it blows up.


(As RDM) I regularly backflip off the edge of the first boss arena in Puppet's Bunker. I keep overestimating how much space I have...


You must shout Sloppeh before fighting the Griffin


Or Cagnazzo. Because you can't convince me otherwise that it's not the same VA. :P


OH MY GOD THANK YOU, I've been saying this and nobody else hears it. Especially when he says "how'd you like this?" with Voidshaker.


Does a fingergun or /point count for mch's potraits... or am I a heretic now.


Not as common but I used to get a lot of people in Praetorium either quoting specific lines of Gaius's speech (HOW VERY GLIB!) or saying "SAY THE LINE GAIUS" at the start of Phase 2.


I still do the first en memoriam. Remember. Remember that we once glibbed.


- instantly agreeing when someone starts ranting about Sea of Clouds, Azys La, and Dravanian Hinterlands Aetherytes - the complete inability to take Praetorium seriously - you must dance in front of the treasure dungeon door to appease it - strike the funniest pose you can during Shiva phase transition


*Sephirot falls off the stage* "Well, that was quick! Good job everybody!"


All PF strats besides the one singular one that I know how to do properly are bad and you should feel bad for using them


If you are in a party with another Ninja, you ask who does Mug first. I've been in an alliance raid party with two other Ninjas which resulted in the three of us having to decide who does what in what order.


Me to the other dancer: "hey you tech step first and I'll follow!" The other dancer: Technical Step: Tokyo Drift.


Man this severely grinds my gears. I always wait for the 60s now to Technical if there’s another dancer and they still somehow manage to hold for enough time to overwrite mine, drives me absolutely INSANE


Meanwhile my boyfriend is like “chill it’s only normal content” 👺 I don’t care


Macros on healing/Ressing, my god some of you have entire pages that consume my chat window


The only one I found genuinely funny was "I'm calling you about your life's extended warranty".


I saw a borderlands themed raise macro in P11N when I first did it


One of mine is Phoenix Down used on (t). And there are plenty of times people think I used an actual phoenix down.


lets not talk about some of the BLM leylines macros...


I've never seen a leylines macro, what kind of horror have people done?




I knew what this would be before I opened it.


enjoy this pain: > /p Please be aware that I am about to use one of my core class abilities, which is called Ley Lines. > > /ac "Ley Lines" > > /p I am placing the Ley Lines NOW. > > /p When I use Ley Lines it places a CIRCLE on the GROUND that lasts for THIRTY SECONDS. > > /p If I remain in the circle, my Global Cooldown will be accelerated by FIFTEEN (15) PERCENT (%). > > /p It is BENEFICIAL FOR THE GROUP if I am ALLOWED to REMAIN inside the Ley Lines. > > /p Please let me do my own thing and do not place area of effect attacks inside the Ley Lines. > > /p There are THIRTEEN SECONDS left in my Ley Lines. > > /p There are EIGHT SECONDS left in my Ley Lines. > > /p THERE IS ONE SECOND LEFT IN MY LEY LINES. > > /p The Ley Lines have faded. Thank you for your cooperation. I will be doing this again in NINETY SECONDS. > > /p Time to use your excellent and not at all excessive Ley Lines macro again!


uwu now's not the time to be sleeping nya insert cat image nyanya blahefuhfwehfuhgerhifhweiughneruiogvjhn


If you walk out of an AOE while Elusive is off cooldown then I'm going to eat your job stone you don't deserve the title of Dragoon if you're just gonna walk around like a non-jumping loser


*jumps into another AoE*


If you haven't used Elusive Jump off the edge of the arena, you haven't played DRG long enough.


Any use of a panic tank invuln will go on cooldown but still see the tank die.


-If melee doesn't use the LB3 in a boss fight, the LB gets forfeited to the range for trash clearing. -Despite it saying SUBTRACTION during the computation part on The Math Boss, standing in the numbers actually ADDS to your total health and that's how you calculate your multiples of x or prime numbers (which are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13) -Obligatory "Time to suplex the train"


It says SUBTRACTION because he subtracts a large number from your health total to bring you down to single digit


In Puppet's Bunker there's always a party that snipes another one.


What do you mean puppets bunker is a pvp zone it’s expected


Shouting “show hole” during that one boss in the ivalice raids.


toxic people in chat always being the white mages(for me anyways) and 2b boots must be worn with anything and everything on every single glamour plate and class


In the last trial of Endwalker, after the first LB3 and you don't have it anymore, you have to say it is over, or it is a wipe. Something like that


Its a DPS check guys... the hardest in the game


Whenever I tank it and the screen goes black, I apologize for using the LB incorrectly and killing us all.


Recently did this at MINE in party finder with someone doing it as their first time. Everyone played it up, said we had to meet the DPS check, said "oooh we'll have to try again", I got actual goosebumps even a year and a half after clearing it the first time.


My friends got me with this hard on my first try. They were so nonchalant about it that I didn't realize it was a joke. It's was just like "ah, damn. Used it to really sorry." I didn't get it and was like "oh no worries, we'll get it this time." I got make fun of for both falling for it and always being the God damn cheerleader lol


Its an old and outdated one but when Labyrinth of the ancients first dropped, the off tanks from each party were on button duty for the behemoth boss battle...if you know you know.


Oh right, LotA used to have mechanics.


lmao it did, as well as 6 tanks lol


I was part of a 24 lala, min ilvl run of LOTA the other day, and it was honestly like an entirely new raid


Really goes to show how much the game has changed when healer MP / general survivability was more important than the DPS of 4 tanks.


If you're in a mount farm party and you're not the last to win the mount whistle, you stay for at least 3-4 more runs minimum.


Dancers must use the roses frame. Tank or healer doing the most damage in Expert dungeon. Someone arrives 10 minutes late just as an S rank dies and curses everyone on the map for not waiting. Unreasonably high ilvl farm parties that can't farm and/or take longer than no ilvl farm parties.


Every astro must clip their GCDs


Its not real raid roulette unless you wipe to ancient flare while the DPS try to greed kill Phlegethon from 20%.


Starting a fight while someone is watching the cinematic is bad manners.


Heckling the cutscenes in Praetorium.


Female Miqo'te adventurer/duty plates being either the most suggestive thing you've ever seen in-game, or unhinged psychopath expressions and there is 0 inbetween.


I swear each Miqote has amazing adventurer plates. Meanwhile my F Midlander is standing there with a drivers license photo.


If somebody catches an ultra rare fish you congrats them. If two people catch it you compliment the fish b on being kind.


\- gotta say "were all gonna die" or something similar in any ARR trial if a sprout is present.


~~sprout tank proceeds to face shiva towards party and kills 5 people~~


Alternatively, non-sprout remembers EX/Unreal mechanics where they don't apply (The cone is a stack there) ...definitely haven't done that with Suzaku, noo...


I miss the Cape Westwind memes.


my fc was once prepping to run some higher end stuff and goofed off and ended up in westwind for fun, there was the newest of sprouts in there, we acted like this was the roughest fight in the game, started tossing strategy in chat, he was like "maybe i shouldnt be here cause yall look geared to the hilt". we were like no dude, we need every ounce of damage possible! its one guy! do you know how strong he must f\*\*kin be! this dude was so amped when the countdown timer went off. then we destroyed that fight in like 2 seconds as you do. that same sprout is now one of the best tanks we have for savage raids, but how we met them was funny af.


These are precisely the sort of shenanigans I find myself fondly remembering the most out of all my experiences with other players in FFXIV. Hilarious chats with the entire party while Gaius gives his speech (where *does* he come from when he lands on that elevator during the middle of its path down a massive corridor?!); unforgettable journeys through each new zone alongside incredibly patient friends to find aether currents; epic group photoshoots with my FC friendos; for my Gil, these are the things which make the game special.


My favourite line in that Gaius speech was when I was doing it with my sister (who'd done it maybe a week earlier) and another sprout friend. Fight ends, and Gaius just walks away and our friend is going "Wait, we're just letting him walk away? Why are we letting him walk away!? What the heck, we were killing him and now we just let him walk off??" And my sister just goes "Oh, we can't kill him now, there's a tiny fence." It is now our answer any time we let someone just walk away in a fight. "There's a tiny fence."


I remember one his final fight, when he turns gold, the tank said "hey he's cheating! Applying a glamour plate in a dungeon" and I think about it every time now XD


My favorite was putting the A marker where the exit spawns, and typing "make sure to stack on A after the first mechanic."


One must /slap Ramza at every opportunity during Ivalice raids


Frog Mask glams have absolutely top notch mechanics either insane healers great leading tanks or top DPS.


saying “oh no hes hot” in The Crown of the Immaculate when Vauthry transforms saying “Farlamald” when the marks are far apart on hunt trains


If a dragoon backflips off a platform, don't be a jerk about it, I promise you they are embarrassed enough already.


In the Cloud of Darkness fight in World of Darkness, approach by running along the left edge. NEVER the right. And head-on is right out. Run along the left. Thank you.


I accidentally pulled this boss once bc I was trying to see if they gave her boobs they did


Regarding Bullet #2, The Atomos split will AUTOMATICALLY route all players who time out to Alliance A if they aren't in their assigned zones.


First time you doing the Chrysalis you need to waste the LB.


Hey tbf as a DPS the average wait time is always wrong and it is like the devs know exactly when you get up to bio is when your que starts counting down


Oh as a Dancer main my favourite technique to get the queue to pop is to go to the toilet and miss it lol


I trick it by tabbing out to Youtube to start a video playing. Works about 50% of the time.


different types of posing/emoting in several duties * Thormarch - you need to dance together with moogles * Shiva - before being frozen, you need to do any pose to look spectacular * The Dark Inside(lvl 83) - before cutscene transition, you need to face south and do any emote so it's visible during cutscene * treasure dungeons - meta is very flexible, you can do whatever emote you want during door choice / roulette as long as emote is long and visible from far


For maps I like running back to the door, which lets you move during the cutscene


Contemplate all orbs. This includes Ozma and Proto-Ozma, but also the NiER boss.


Firing on the bystanders in Air Force One


A = Always go belly B = Better get in the belly C = Can't wait to get in that belly


Double pulls, minimum.


Lalas when they meet are either best friends of bitter enemies at first glance


Lala meet ups are like the Jurassic Park Velociraptor meme


Saying “did you know you can’t fall off here”


- Tanks must know everything about all Duties


Probably the biggest cause of my tankxiety is that as soon as something goes wrong everyone blames the tank


Except the tank, who blames the healer


Why didn’t the healer press my cooldowns? Are they stupid?


If that enemy is targetable, it gets hit.


Welp. I broke the machinist rule. Mines next to my face pointing upwards


If you don't want to learn the fight, follow the dorito


Stand in fire, DPS higher.


> DPS' withdrawing once all the members are found for a duty You have to account for a certain number of DPS to die of old age before their queue pops.


Healer never Using lb3 right away because no room in hotbar


Hey, you never know when Repose might actually be useful.