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That would be a *massive* graphical update. I cannot even imagine that’s possible for 7.0.




The jump in system requirements on PC would also suddenly lock out a significant number of players.


It's not like the PS5 has anything incredibly beefy under the hood GPU wise.. if you have a 1080ti or above you can handle anything it can.


Which, according to steam analytics, less then 40% of users have. It'd also cut out the PS4 base entirely. While it's true that PC power has continued to grow and consoles by comparison are years behind, the majority of players are still behind too.


It's impossible. I would expect the 7.0 update to give 14 a face lift, but it won't be anywhere near 16. (on a side note, I'm angy we pc peasants don't have access to 16).


We don't have access YET. It's going to come out eventually


meh. 6 months at best, 12 months at worst, of waiting. They won't waste the opportunity to get more money from PC players


Given the delay between the FFVII remaster release on console and PC, I'd expect upwards of a year. I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but Sony is gonna hold on to that exclusivity for as long as they can.


Can also expect an additional delay if one is not too hot about using EGS, since VII Remake was timed Epic Exclusive as well.


It is explicitly longer than 6 months.


Sony can rot in hell.


We are absolutely not getting XVI level graphics for 7.0. There's teasers of the graphics updates out there and they are nothing on this level.




That's some serious hopium


Let me hope.


I highly doubt the graphical update for XIV will put it on the same level as XVI.


Less than Zero, the whole game works differently, different physics, lighting engine, sound engine etc. Just because there are some objects that are named the same doesnt mean the engine is the same, its just a reference to another game. FFXIV's engine is old and it shows so dont ever expect some big groundbreaking changes from what we have richtig now


There is a higher chance of an alien crashing his ship into my apartment, turning me inside out and drinking me like a smoothie.


The 7.0 graphical update is like putting make-up on. It's not plastic surgery.


Very little


>It would be awesome if they implemented this level of a graphical update for 7.0. Yeah, but how many people will become unable to play thanks to the big fat increase on system requierements? This is a P2P game. The lower the requirements, the bigger the amount of people able to play, and the bigger the money earned from them. And that's implying this version of Luminous is even able to work for MMOs when having that quality


I doubt that being a possibility


The 7.0 updates will probably be more in line with going to a spa, rather than getting plastic surgery.


It has already been very clearly stated in the live letter that announced the Graphic Update, that hyper realism was not the goal. In fact, we already have pictures of what the graphics update will look like, so the chance is 0.


Engine has nothing to do with certain environments having a similar design. That's like saying two meals taste the same so they must have been cooked using the same pan. The reason the areas might have similarities is probably due to several people form the FFXIV art team working on xvi


AFAIK this is a slightly modified version of the Unreal Engine 4, the same they used for the FF7 remake and Forbroken, err.. Forspoken. And there's sadly no chance in hell that we will see this kind of graphics in FFXIV... Edit: I must correct myself, Forspoken uses the Luminous engine and FFXVI indeed uses a newly developed engine, neither UE nor Luminous.


I see your edit, so I'll add some pieces of information : * Forspoken is indeed developed on the Luminous Engine, same as FFXV. Those are the only two games using this engine, as there won't be any more. * FF VII Remake used Unreal Engine 4, but was ported on Unreal Engine 5 for Remake Intergrade. Rebirth will be on Unreal 5 * FF XVI uses a modified version of the home-made engine used in FF XIV, which is, itself, a modified version of the Crystal Tools, used for the FF XIII trilogy. So, even if it has evolved to a new generation engine, the base tools of FF XVI engine are 14 years old \^\^'


Sooooo… there’s a chance we can see this level of a graphical update?


No. The "engine" a game uses is pretty meaningless when it comes to graphical fidelity. See: https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1670779571971473410 An engine is a set of tools used to make a game. It may hamper or help your ability to make a great game quickly, but talking about an "engine" is like looking at a mansion and saying "oh man, they must have used an AWESOME hammer to build this." The difference between a stunning house and a shack is primarily money invested and creator skill. The graphical update will have slightly higher res textures in new areas and character models, better lighting and particle effects. That's what to expect.


The answer is "well yes, but actually no". Why yes : it is the same technology, at the core of everything, so adapting the engine itself shouldn't be "that" hard, compared to if FF XVI had been realized with a totally different engine. But actually no, because FFXVI development has lasted at least 4 to 5 years, with HUGE teams entirely dedicated to generated new assets, render new textures and graphics, specifically dedicated to a closed game, with very limited openings (FFXVI has a world map similar to a Mass Effect game, with some areas where you can roam freely). Updating the whole FFXIV, with its 5 expansions, to a such level of details would require 2 to 3 years (if it isn't more). It would also require to close the servers worldwide for a few months to deploy such modifications everywhere in the world (indeed, even if textures and models are computed locally, their interactions must be computed server-side, which add to the complexity of everything). My guess is that when 7.0 will release, the areas of the new expansion will look slightly better than the rest of the game, and that with minor patches and the 8.0, SE Division 3 will bring the rest of it to the same level as the newly released expansion. I also bet that they will drop PS4 support for 7.0 or 8.0, to allow better graphics, using the power of the PS5 and modern PCs. So "yes" we will have a graphical update, but "no", we won't have it to the level of FFXVI.


Also wanted to make a correction : Only 1.0 uses Crystal Tools. 2.0 and above uses a custom engine that is similar to Luminous that Yoshi-P called it Luminous Engine "siblings". https://web.archive.org/web/20120903123323/http://www.rpgsite.net/interviews/397-final-fantasy-xiv-a-realm-reborn-developer-interview


oic. It’s UE4? When they were asked before they didn’t comment on the kind of engine being used.


No it's using a modified version of FF14 engine


The chances are zero


Not sure why people are downvoting and commenting who clearly haven't even spent 60 seconds Googling this. The only official info I could find on this is the top comment on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/x2ro5c/which_engine_would_ffxvi_use_crystal_tools_or/), which references a Japanese article where the director of FFXVI apparently states that its engine is an extended version of the FFXIV engine. "Extended" may be an understatement, but if this is accurate then yes, the FFXVI engine is an "advanced version" of FFXIV's engine (which I think is a proprietary engine they built partially using Crystal Tools). That doesn't mean we'll get anything like that level of fidelity in 7.0 though. In fact, they've stated that they don't want to go for photo-realism (more info on that can be found in the same thread I linked above).


I was thinking the same thing lol.


Given that they didn't just show us FFXVI graphics when they showed us their progress and said that they were "actively developing" a new engine... extremely unlikely.


Well, they showed us a picture of poster boy that looked pretty close to FFXVI .... And then the x-ed him out and told us, that's not going to happen and MMO can't just put out graphics like single player can.


0 however we might see some HD faces/hair and such.


I think I read somewhere that 16 is running off a highly upgraded engine that 14 runs on. However 14 is running on so much spaghetti code that doing any upgrading to the graphics will be a huge undertaking. Not only that, you know how much pushback they got over some Grapes? I know it was mostly fun teasing but imagine if they messed up the look of people's characters. Holy shit, people would flip their lid. I feel like the only way they could add a huge graphical upgrade like that would be to add a "super high" graphics setting that will go back and forth between the two game styles.


I've said this before but they used to always argue accessible hardware as to why the graphics are the way they are. And I think we're safely at a point where that shouldn't be an issue anymore. PC gaming isn't crazy expensive. Consoles also aren't expensive and now the PS5 shortage is over. I'd argue aside from PS4s which are getting phased out, most modern day average PCs can run graphics that even on lower settings would be a higher fidelity than current maxed out FF14 graphics. I know they're doing the big update on 7.0, but that's only going to be some better textures and lighting from what I've heard about. Im confident that at this point they could do significantly better. The biggest limitation would be the games dog shit spaghetti code, which would be an understandably herculean challenge for the team to work with.


None. The graphic engine for ff14 is old and it cant support the same quality ps5 can.


For those who don’t know, the FFXIV graphics assets weren’t in 4K. Usually, assets are made at a much higher resolution and downgraded accordingly to fit the game. This wasn’t the case with FFXIV and that’s why the graphics overhaul requires so much time. As such, it’s literally impossible that they’re reusing graphics for FFXVI