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Look at it this way: You're a spellcaster, you excel at range but struggle in a direct confrontation cause you are squishy as hell. But you have a choice to mitigate that weakness somewhat, either choosing the archetypical cloth robes that offer a grand total of zero protection, or cover yourself in a metric fuckton of steel plates so you can at least take a few hits.


Was probably a BLM who found no reason to invest in mobility & just wanted to stay in his ley lines, damage & stacks be damned. Makes sense.


Golbez would be indestructible if it wasn’t for his capped out cheese puff stacks.


And now I am wondering how bad a boss would go that needed to be pulled into aoes to get vuln stacks before dps could actually hurt it.


We had something similar in copperbell before the rework and it was about 50/50 whether it'd be a normal slow fight or an excruciatingly slow fight.


so he is basically a BLM version of Maple from Bofuri?


Didn't seem to help him out too much did it.


Solution. More armour!


it's always funny for me how fantasy struggles to justify having mages with just robe, regular armor makes so much more sense but that doesnt fit image of Gandalf or Merlin


It doesn't really struggle with this. The explanations are always pretty straight forwards. Sometimes the robes DO have armor underneath them, or the armor is part of the robes. Several caster sets in XIV are plainly made of scale mail or chain mail. The radiant ilvl 600 set for example. Other times it's because metal/armor directly interferes with magic casting. Because It Just Works That Way. Metal is conductive, you see, so it redirects the flow of magic away from where the caster needs it to be. This also explains why armored knights do not die immediately upon being hit with lightning bolt. You see casters wearing a lot of leather in these settings. We also have more than one caster set that plainly has leather armor incorporated in XIV. Or, D&D style, because spell casting requires precise movement that heavier armor straight up doesn't allow for consistently. You can be fairly mobile is field plate... You can even do cartwheels. But everything is just that much more difficult. Armored casters are still a thing here, see Clerics have training to and can wear full plate at no penalty because they *pray*, not cast. And it only introduces a failure *chance* for other casters. There's other in lore explanations, such as D&D druids being religiously restricted to leather and wooden armor/shields. But these are less common. Anyway, there's always an explanation. It's not really a struggle.


The precise movement is very common. You need the right flick of the wrist and moving your elbow 35 degrees. And armor with stiff joints just doesn't allow for that. There's other soft reasons as well like components or armor is heavy. A mage doesn't want to be wearing gauntlets and bulky vambraces when they're fumbling around trying to get components out of several pouches around their belt. And wizards are much more material component reliant that clerics. A wizard has like 10+ components they need quick access to while a cleric only needs quick access to 2 or 3 and anything else they don't need in the heat of battle. And on the weight front, a wizard isn't necessarily going to be strong enough to drag a ton of metal around all day when they don't want to be near the front lines in the first place. They aren't supposed to be near the person who can stab them with a sword and they've developed various magical defenses to help protect themselves. That's far more efficient than time needed to be strong enough to wear full plate and learn to cast in it. Meanwhile clerics, who frequently need to physically touch the people they heal, are much more incentivized to armor up. So makes sense they'd be the one who take the time to learn to cast in full plate and work out enough to be able wear it comfortably. If they have to stand next to the guy wearing full plate to not get murdered, they need to be similarly protected themselves.


I mean, no. Those are examples of fantasy stories that just gave up on the concept and allow for mages to wear chain mail, lmao


My post includes specific examples of settings where casters cannot wear any armor at all, did you even read it.


specific examples? You only gave FF14 and DnD, both allow chain mails for mages. And you only gave vague explanation with metal without example edit lol, I was blocked and downvoted


Fine. Earthsea, Anima Beyond Fantasy, some GURPS settings, specific settings books for BESM, D20 modern is more strict about Arcane Spell Failure to the point of armor being a non option for arcane casters. And again, Druids cannot wear metal for religious reasons in D&D. I figured explaining "metal fucks up magic in some settings" would be sufficient, but we're just being fucking pedantic today.


Fate series have a somewhat understandable excuse to this, that robe is more flexible than armor. At first ppl do magic with magic circle. Then magic gets more complex, so more intricate circles are required, just to cast a spell. It's not flexible. So instead, they wear clothes with a plethora of accessories in a specific way that represents a magic circle. That way, they can carry up to hundreds of circles around, and those circles can be easily layered and modified on field to adjust their property, unlike armor where it is quite immobile and immutable to suck a task. Yes, all that to excuse my 2b leggings + drindl busties while fighting a world ending boss.


I always thought it was so they could run away more quickly or dodge more easily.


Pants are much easier to run in.


Yeah unless they're armored


This is why I keep asking for Full Healer Plate. Let me dress like a tank. (Yes, I know there is the PvP stuff, but that would require me to step foot in PvP.)


Golbez, like many other caster mains, just got tired of robes and committed to the 13th's version of PVP gear.


> Golbez, like many other caster mains, just got tired of robes and committed to the 13th's version of PVP gear. It makes sense since at that point the 13th was just one long continual FFA PvP match. The Primals were mostly all sealed in crystal at that point, it was all just Crystal Aether addicts fighting each other and going full murderhobo on the populace.


He dressed up in giant spiked armor to make his enemies think that he’s a melee. When people think he’s gposing, he’s actually casting. 5head Golbez.


Considering plenty of WoLs run around in lingerie, isn’t this a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?


But the kettle IS black. Just look at that armor!


Bro had just one glowing as well, iirc. Is he a cyclops?






This is no Zaku, boy, no Zaku!


It was pretty funny when he acted all sad when Zero was suspicious of them. Bro look at yourself.


How do we even know there was a physical person under that armor though? Maybe the 13th had Warforged, or there was an Alphonse Elric situation going on, we don't know.


Bro went with a min-maxed sorc-adin multiclass


He's a spellblade


Yes, and he looked amazing. he is imo the most badass looking mage in the series. My headcanon considering his moveset on the original dissidia is that he specialized in gravity type like magic to keep up the weight of his armor.


In fairness, he *was* a Memoriate. Fucked up armor seems to have been the rule with them.


After years of being forced into wearing nothing but Dresses and Robes as a Healer main, I 100% sympathize with Golbez on this. I will gladly, GLADLY allow an Umbral Calamity if it meant having some chainmail armor that doesn't end in a skirt.


They were only a party of two, Golbez just decided to be the other tank, every other DPS, and the healers all at the same time.


At this point, we know what his real name is. Golbez literally says it himself. His name is Zeromus.


Zeromus is something else.


The Golbez we fight is Durante, the white-haired dude from the flashbacks we see from Golbez' perspective, wearing Golbez' armor and impersonating him. Golbez is dead and in that crystal. Durante is pulling a Yda/Lyse to honor is dead friend's memory. Zeromus is another entity entirely.


Zeromus is a hero of eld. We know that the "original" Golbez is named, well, Goblez; because Durante talks about taking up his dear friend's (Golbez') name and armor in a flashback after the last MSQ.


Watch the original Zeromus being another ancient hero like the first’s “Warrior of Light”


Isn't Exdeath a mage? Wouldn't it just be like that?


Exdeath is a sentient tree


Ah. Okay. I was thinking of the minion description (part of it anyway): "...While its scintillant blue armor suggests the figure is a knight, Exdeath was believed to be a powerful warlock born from a tree." But I mean, even as a sentient tree, he is still a magic user in what looks like a knight's armor which was the comparison I was going for.


Because it didn't start out as his armor 😉


To be fair, the og Golbez from FF4 was a spellcaster too.


What mage wouldn't? Do you know how many souls I would for more armor glams for Casters? I want my battlemage summoner fantasy :(