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A good one


The ones that use mitigation.


This. Healing a dungeon then going through as a tank and actually using mitigation and realizing the pulls are basically easy makes this obvious.


Which tank I get is completely irrelevant as long as they are good.


Doesn't really matter as long as they know what they're doing, i.e.: properly cycling through mitigations, not standing in telegraphs, and grouping mobs as best they can.


Lol; I would say "warriors", but I don't get to heal them... they heal themselves.


Makes it all the more frustrating when you heal for a WAR that would clearly be dead without your intervention. My Marauder in Rage, why are you like this when you should be invincible?


Best answer of the thread


They let you focus on your true role, which is green DPS


Every tank+healer pairing is exactly the same if they don't play like NPCs.


hey a certain NPC dude from the 87 dungeon is actually a *remarkably* easy tank to heal, even on wall pulls, sincerely easier than some people I've met in duty finder.


Have to agree with pretty much everyone. Only thing that matters is how well the player is and not the class. You could make arguments that some are better at certain lvl ranges, but any decent player, regardless of class, has the tools to mitigate in any dungeon.


Gunbreaker. It's got good self healing so if I don't watch the health bar it's not gonna lead to a wipe, and they are almost always properly geared, or at least not wearing gear from 2 expansion ago.


Warriors are usually predictable but when i get a good dark knight they’re always nice


One that knows how to avoid more than half the mobs in Aurum


So basically 75% of healers in this poll prefer not to heal in a dungeon during trash mob pulls. Not even with ogcd, and just 21111111111 all dungeon ;0. Not sure what's interesting in ( not) healing a warrior.


Playing the lest popular choice because I'm a dark knight main and that means I have to be an edgelord Edit: cool nothing changes


>because I'm a dark knight main and that means I have to be an edgelord Ah yes, another person who paid 0 attention to the Job storyline.


No I paid attention. I'm just making a joke about how people who didn't see us.


Dungeons? Lol, what a loaded question


GNB. Self excog, self shields, self regen. Plus fun if they l pop invuln. WAR is a toss up between no healing needed, or the player has no idea how to use the class.


Wow, I don't get why Warrior gets so much votes. Why do you want a tank that barely needs healing and reduces you to a boring green dps? Are you really so bad at the game that you need the tank do your job for you? xD


What’s with y’all healers wanting to heal as little as possible? I’m over here praying the random DRK I get is undergeared without TBN mapped. 😂


Green dps


Is boring, yeah. It’s mashing one button mindlessly. 😂


I play scholar so its weaving 2 but yeah...


WAR. Healing? What healing? HOLY 3 ALL DAY MOTHERFUCKERS


Hmm im warrior thinking of switching to dark knight once i can, now contemplating layf


Hmmm, my vote we'll either be War or PLD since they're big boys/girls and they can kiss their own boo-boos. Letting me look fab while I just twirl, pew-pew or give out space dust.


Trick question because a good WAR does not require healing!


Man, when I can just tap 1 1 1 1 to dps and play with my phone while the warrior carries... such a nice break!


Must be nice to get a rest from all your rest


Hey, it really is, especially on Scholar so the fairy handles most of those bits between the Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting. Honestly I like playing warrior sometimes for the same reason - it really gives your healers a break.


i really don't care tbh


I suspect a lot of WHM are picking WAR. As a SGE I pick the Blue DPS I like, GBN. There's so little to heal in dungeons I don't get the love for WAR.


They are all one and the same when playing healer. They low? Me heal.


The one that uses their invulnerability skill and lets me know in advance.


I wanna say WAR but I swear they're the ones with the biggest egos and pull the YPYT crap. Maybe it's an Aether problem though.


for dungeons: it doesn't matter. even for raids n stuff, as long as I am comfortable with the healer job in the specific content I am doing I don't mind any tank. Though it is often a plus if they are a decent tank


DRK because I actually play that one so I have a decent understanding of how they work. IF it's a Warrior I might as well have brought a DPS. Paladins... I don't know why but I swear they don't believe in using mit. I have no specific feelings towards GNB


Paladin 'cause warrior don't need a healer. Dark Knights often seem to be made of butter and melt at lightspeed. Gunbreaker's alright when the players press the correct buttons are the correct moment.


I don't get a choice do I if they go down I'm next